On the modern pharmaceutical market you can find enough drugs that make up for the lack of useful components in the body. is one of the most important biologically active substances that support full functioning.

The pharmaceutical industry produces solutions for local and internal use, powders, dragees, and tablets containing retinol acetate. Vitamin A capsules are often prescribed. One of the drugs in this group is Retinol Acetate capsules, it also exists in (oil solution)

The role of vitamin A

Takes part in vital important processes, occurring in the body. It ensures the maintenance of visual acuity, activates cell growth and division.

Antioxidant properties explain the ability to resist the effects of harmful free radicals. Vitamin A controls metabolic processes, regulates hormone synthesis, participates in cell renewal.

Retinol has been proven to increase the amount of protein produced in bone and cartilage tissue. The compound prevents keratinization of the outer epithelium and increases the body's defenses.


TO Like other vitamins, retinol enters the body with food. The main source is animal products. Chicken eggs, cream, cheeses, butter. Vitamin A is found in meat and fish by-products.

Part of retinol is synthesized from provitamin A, its precursor. It's in products plant origin. The beneficial properties of products containing the component are lost under the influence of light and oxidation. Therefore, it is not recommended to use metal containers for storing them.

If there is insufficient intake of vitamin A, retinol acetate is prescribed in capsules. The drug comes with instructions for your reference.

A dosed product containing retinol has maximum effectiveness. The active substance, enclosed in a shell, does not come into contact with oxygen contained in the atmospheric air. Protects against retinol oxidation in the body.

Therefore, if its content in the body is insufficient, the absorption of vitamin A is impaired. The effectiveness of using retinol in capsules can also be negatively affected by a deficiency. This is due to deterioration of vitamin absorption in the small intestine.

When taken orally, the substance is absorbed almost completely. A small portion of retinol is released with feces when it enters the body in excess. The component is distributed unevenly throughout the body. Most of it is concentrated in the liver and retina.

When is retinol capsules prescribed?

Preparations containing retinol in capsules are prescribed for the treatment and prevention of vitamin deficiencies and various diseases. The dosage is selected individually for each patient.

Symptoms of hypovitaminosis A:

  • impaired spatial orientation in poor lighting conditions;
  • frequent headaches;
  • loss of strength, fatigue even with minor exertion;
  • lack of appetite.

If there is insufficient retinol content in the body, the process of hormone production is disrupted. Vitamin A deficiency in women can cause infertility.

The instructions attached to the drug in capsules also tell about other indications for use:

  • various infectious diseases, including measles, dysentery, acute respiratory infections, upper respiratory tract diseases;
  • skin diseases: wounds, burns, psoriasis, eczema;
  • ophthalmological pathologies;
  • rickets;
  • diseases of the bronchi, lungs, organs gastrointestinal tract;
  • mastopathy.

For diabetes mellitus, retinol capsules help maintain normal level glucose. Vitamin A in the form of capsules and other pharmacological forms is best taken under the supervision of a physician.

Retinol Acetate in the photo:


Prophylactic doses are selected depending on age, daily requirement and physiological characteristics of the body. One capsule with a yellow tint may contain 33,000, 50,000, 100,000 IU. The dosage differs among different manufacturers.

The therapeutic dose for an adult is 33,000 – 50,000 IU per day. In some cases, the body must receive 100,000 IU of the active substance per day daily. For children, the daily dose is 1000-20000 IU. It depends on the child's weight.

Side effects

If you follow the instructions contained in the instructions for use, there is a risk of side effects minimum.

The pharmaceutical market produces many products to replenish the lack of nutrients in the human body. Vitamin A, available in capsule form, is very popular among the population. Retinol is actively used for cosmetic purposes, normalization of functioning human body. Find out more about it.

Vitamin A capsules - instructions for use

The described substance significantly improves appearance human, strengthens the immune system, promotes the prevention and treatment of certain diseases, therefore it is widely used in cosmetic and medical practice. To get the maximum effect and avoid negative consequences, it is important to know how to take the product. will help youinstructions for use of vitamin A capsules. Hypervitaminosis is dangerous for people - it leads to poisoning and problems during pregnancy.

A popular drug containing retinol is Aevit capsules. They are widely used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, thyroid gland, intestines, and skin problems. Vitamin A in the preparation is contained directly inside the tablet and is not oxidized. Optimal dose for healthy people– about 1-1.5 mg per day. In case of illness, the dosage may be increased.

Vitamin A - indications for use

Gelatin capsules are the most convenient form for independent use. You should drink them during meals or after - this way they are absorbed much better.Indications for use of vitamin A:

  • skin diseases (acne, dermatitis, purulent wounds);
  • infectious diseases, ORZ;
  • intestinal diseases;
  • burns, frostbite;
  • pregnancy;
  • diarrhea;
  • avitaminosis;
  • nail diseases;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • baldness, hair loss;
  • blurred vision;
  • respiratory diseases (bronchitis, tracheitis);
  • pathologies of ENT organs;
  • lack of appetite;
  • diabetes;
  • rickets;
  • lactation period;
  • mastopathy;
  • ophthalmological pathologies;
  • dysentery;
  • prostration;
  • causeless migraines.

Vitamin A – dosage

To find out how much retinol your body needs, you should consult a doctor. The specialist will determine whether there is a need, prescribe a dosage, and give recommendations for use. It is important to know that uncontrolled use can be harmful and cause side effects. StandardVitamin A dosage:0.5-1 mg for children and 1.5 mg for adults. Pregnant women are recommended to take a larger amount – up to 2.5 mg.

If we talk about vitamin Aevit, the treatment regimen depends on the characteristics of the problem. For example, to improve skin condition, it is recommended to take 1 capsule per day for 2 weeks. How to take vitamin A tablets? It is advisable to drink 10 minutes after eating. As a rule, the course of treatment lasts 1-2 months. Retinol has the ability to accumulate and be consumed when necessary - there will be no shortage due to a break.

Vitamin A - side effects

If you follow the instructions and the correct dosage, the product will only bring benefits.Side effects of vitamin A capsulespossible with uncontrolled and long-term ingestion. In this case, a person experiences:

  • vomiting, nausea;
  • increased fatigue;
  • hair loss;
  • the appearance of eye pain, blurred vision;
  • violation menstrual cycle among women;
  • loss of appetite;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • strong headache;
  • bleeding gums;
  • allergy;
  • brittle nails;
  • bone pain;
  • feeling of double vision;
  • hemolytic anemia;
  • photosensitivity.

Vitamin A for face

If the required amount of the substance is supplied, a person’s skin looks healthy, toned, and fresh. If there is a deficiency of this component, you can use ampoules at home or creams containing retinol.Vitamin A for facial skinperforms following functions:

  • fights inflammatory processes;
  • eliminates pimples, blackheads, blackheads;
  • warns premature aging skin, reduces the number of wrinkles;
  • improves complexion;
  • has a leveling effect;
  • accelerates blood circulation;
  • strengthens the structure;
  • increases elasticity;
  • moisturizes dry skin;
  • protects against negative impact surrounding factors.

Vitamin A for hair

Without a certain amount of the substance, the hair will never be shiny and healthy.Vitamin A capsules for hair helps:

  • protect from negative influences;
  • make hair soft, strong, elastic, strong;
  • moisturize the strands;
  • saturate with useful substances;
  • prevent baldness;
  • increase skin immunity;
  • support the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • increase the formation of keratin - the building material of hair.

If your hair is damaged, brittle, worn out, it is recommended to take, for example, Aevit tablets. For external use, you should use capsules, applying the active substance directly to the roots and skin. In addition, you can use the product only on the ends to restore their structure. Also, the contents of the capsules can be used for therapeutic and health-improving hair masks.

Vitamin A during pregnancy

Retinol is very important for pregnant women. It regulates metabolism, redox processes, protein synthesis. Thanks to the beneficial substance, the female body fights various infections and recovers faster after childbirth. Retin is necessary for the proper development of the fetus - it is involved in the development of the respiratory, nervous, circulatory systems, formation of eyes, heart, kidneys.

If there is a deficiency, congenital deformities of the child and developmental delays are possible.Vitamin A capsules during pregnancyrecommended at a dosage of at least 2500 IU per day. It should be taken after consultation with a doctor, who, if necessary, may prescribe multivitamins. If for some reason there is too much retinol, it can have a toxic effect.

Vitamin A for children

If a child experiences blurred vision, anemia, poor appetite, or frequent infectious diseases, this may be due to a lack of retinol. To improve his condition, he needs to eat more food of plant origin, yellow and dark green foods, chicken and beef liver, drink fish fat. In addition, the doctor may prescribevitamin A capsules for children. The norm of retinol for children 1-3 years old is 450 mcg, 3-6 years old – 500 mcg.

Price for vitamin A capsules

Retinol is sold everywhere in pharmacies: thanks to beneficial properties it is actively used in cosmetology and medicine. The product can be found in the form of ampoules, dragees, capsules. The latter are more convenient to use and much cheaper. For example, a package of Retinol Acetate costs approximately 8-15 rubles. Analogs are more expensive, for example, average price Videstim, which has the same composition - from 200 rubles. Vitamins called Aevit are inexpensive, the approximate cost of which is 15-20 rubles.

Normal human life is unthinkable without regular intake of vitamins into the body. The lack of any of these beneficial substances has an extremely negative impact on health. Today, our food is predominantly carbohydrates, so many people experience vitamin deficiency. One of the most important components of harmonious health is vitamin A, instructions for use of which depend on the form of release of this fat-soluble substance. Vitamin A can be purchased in the form of dragees, tablets and such well-known oil solutions as Retinol acetate, Retinol palmitate, Aevit.

The importance of vitamin A for the human body

The human body receives the main part of vitamin A (retinol) from foods of plant origin - carotenoids, which are rich in vegetables and fruits. It’s not for nothing that in childhood, each of us was heavily fed carrots by our mothers. Vitamin A is essential for the growth and full development of the body, strengthening immune system, formation of bones and healthy teeth, maintaining the normal state of the liver, thyroid gland, heart, gastrointestinal tract and respiratory tract. But most beneficial influence retinol has an effect on the organs of vision, preventing the development of many eye diseases.

With a deficiency of vitamin A, a person becomes lethargic, develops rapid fatigue, apathy, weakness, and performance decreases sharply. The skin begins to peel, becomes dry, pale, and sometimes pustular rashes appear. A lack of vitamin A in the body leads to brittle nails, thinning and hair loss, and digestive disorders. The organs of vision are especially affected: dry eyes develop (xerophthalmia), night blindness, and occur.

Indications for use

Vitamin A is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the organs of vision, as well as hypovitaminosis and vitamin deficiency that arise against the background of many other diseases. These include bronchitis, tracheitis, kidney stones, liver cirrhosis, and epidemic hepatitis. Quite often, retinol deficiency develops with chronic, erosive and ulcerative lesions of the intestine. In dermatological practice, vitamin A is used as a topical remedy for frostbite, burns, psoriasis, furunculosis, neurodermatitis, seborrheic eczema, follicular keratosis, keratoderma, acne, and urticaria.

Methods of application

Vitamin A preparations can be taken orally, but intramuscular administration of retinol solutions is most effective. Tablets and dragees are taken three times a day, 3 to 5 pieces, for 2 to 3 months. By the way, an oil solution is also suitable for internal use. It is best to take a piece of black bread and drop 10 - 20 drops of solution onto it. Take the medicine 3 times a day.

Intramuscular retinol injections are given daily for 20 to 30 days. Dose for children: 5000 – 10000 IU, for adults: 10000 – 100000 IU.

When treating ulcers, frostbite, and burns, the oil solution is applied 5–6 times a day to previously cleansed skin and covered with a sterile gauze bandage.

Side effects

Side effects mainly occur when you overdose on retinol. Symptoms of increased levels of vitamin A in the body are dizziness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, drowsiness, facial flushing, and icteric skin pigmentation. Children may experience loss of appetite, weight, increased cerebrospinal fluid pressure, and protrusion of the fontanel.

Preparations containing vitamin A

It is important that the body properly absorbs vitamin A. The instructions for use note that for better absorption of retinol, a sufficient amount of bile acids and fats must be present in the intestines. In addition to pharmacological drugs (Retinol acetate or palmitate), you can compensate for vitamin A deficiency in the body with the help of vitamin-mineral complexes Complevit, Revit, Decamevit,. They help especially well to overcome the manifestations of seasonal vitamin deficiency in the autumn-winter period. For dermatological problems, ointments based on vitamin A are used - Etretinate, Isotretinoin and others.

Thus, retinol is a reliable protector of the human body. Be healthy!

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The information on our website is informative and educational in nature. However, this information is in no way intended to be a guide to self-medication. Be sure to consult your doctor.