Could a third one break out in 2018? World War?

If so, here are five risk areas where this could happen, as identified by Aftonbladet.

“There is an increased risk,” says Isak Svensson, professor of peace and conflict studies at Uppsala University.

Republican Senator Bob Corker has warned that Donald Trump could lead the US "on the path to World War III."
There is a risk that he is not entirely wrong.

According to Isak Svensson, professor of peace and conflict studies, three factors are more likely to prevent war than others.

All of them are now collapsing, largely due to Trump and growing nationalism.

1. International organizations

“One of the goals of the UN, OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe), the EU and similar organizations is to reduce the risk of armed conflict. But due to the fact that Trump is constantly trying to dismantle the international cooperation, these organizations may weaken. This will affect the risk of war,” says Isak Svensson.

2. International trade

During his election campaign, Trump accused China of “raping” the American economy. Therefore, many experts expected that he would introduce customs duties on Chinese goods, which would result in a full-fledged trade war.

“That hasn't happened yet, but at least he has signaled that he is not particularly interested in promoting free trade,” said Isak Svensson.

3. Democracy

The two democracies have never fought each other. But the wave of nationalism that is sweeping the world could rock democracies.

“Populist nationalism targets democratic institutions: universities, courts, media, electoral bodies and so on. This is noticeable in the US under Trump, in Hungary, Poland and Russia, for example,” says Isak Svensson.

The threat from nationalism

Svensson sees how nationalism threatens all three factors that prevent war.

India has a policy of not being the first to use nuclear weapons. Instead, an attempt was made to increase the ability to respond to provocations by rapidly sending armored columns deep into Pakistani territory.


Russians are going to the “West”

Reuters 09/19/2017

"Death to American bastards!"

The Guardian 08/22/2017

Five main fleets in the Indian and Pacific Oceans

The Diplomat 01/24/2013 Militarily weaker Pakistan responded by introducing short-range Nasr missiles, which can be equipped with nuclear warheads.

Many experts fear that such a development, in which Pakistan feels forced to use tactical nuclear weapons to defend itself, could quickly turn a small conflict into a full-scale nuclear war.

Niklas Svanström, however, believes that the likelihood of a world war is low.

“Other countries there have no interests related to security policy. Pakistan has close relations with China, and India has close relations with Russia. But neither Russia nor China will risk starting a large-scale military confrontation. I also find it difficult to imagine that the United States would intervene in such a conflict.”

India - China

Indian Army General Bipin Rawat said in early September that the country must prepare for a two-front war against Pakistan and China.

Shortly before this, a ten-week confrontation between China and India over the definition of the border ended in the Himalayas. Chinese road construction workers, accompanied by military personnel, were stopped by Indian troops. The Chinese claimed that they were in China, the Indians claimed that they were in Bhutan, an ally of India.

According to Bipin Rawat, similar situation could easily escalate into conflict, and Pakistan could then take advantage of this situation to its advantage.

“We must be prepared. In the context of our situation, war is very real,” Rawat said, as reported by the Press Trust of India.

The border between China and India has long been a point of contention, but the atmosphere is now quite relaxed. But even as China and Pakistan have moved closer economically, aggressive nationalism suggests that may be changing.

“It is difficult to see any hints as to why conflict might break out there, but there is an increased risk of this happening. Both countries' economies are growing rapidly, and both countries are fueled by rather aggressive nationalism. The unresolved territorial issue is of course a clear risk factor,” says Isak Svensson.

Niklas Svanström does not think that China will gain much from this conflict, and India simply cannot win a war against China. Conflicts will continue, but on a limited scale.

“The only situation that could lead to a full-scale war is if India recognizes Tibet as an independent country and starts supporting the Tibetan military movement that is fighting against China. I regard this as extremely unlikely,” says Niklas Svanström.


States: Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, NATO military alliance.

One of the biggest risks that could now lead to conflict is Russia's growing ambitions against Europe, believes Niklas Granholm, director of research at the Total Defense Institute, FOI.

“Russia has thrown out the rulebook that has been in place since the early 1990s to define European security,” says Niklas Granholm. — The main milestone in this matter was the war against Ukraine, when in 2014 there was an invasion of this country and Crimea was annexed, which marked the beginning of the conflict in eastern Ukraine. Russia has demonstrated great faith in military means. The Baltic region once again found itself on the line of confrontation between East and West, which seemed completely implausible to many just a few years ago.”

The cause of the conflict may be ethnic Russian minorities in the Baltic countries, says Isak Svensson.

“In Ukraine, Russia has shown that it is ready to use military force, in order, from her point of view, to protect Russian-speaking minorities. Thus, there is a hidden risk of Russian intervention in the Baltics if an internal crisis begins in any of the countries. Such a scenario is quite imaginable. It’s quite unlikely today, but possible in the future.”

InoSMI materials contain assessments exclusively of foreign media and do not reflect the position of the InoSMI editorial staff.

Could World War III break out in 2018?

If so, here are five risk areas where this could happen, as identified by Aftonbladet.

“There is an increased risk,” says Isak Svensson, professor of peace and conflict studies at Uppsala University.

Republican Senator Bob Corker has warned that Donald Trump could lead the US "on the path to World War III."
There is a risk that he is not entirely wrong.

According to Isak Svensson, professor of peace and conflict studies, three factors are more likely to prevent war than others.

All of them are now collapsing, largely due to Trump and growing nationalism.

1. International organizations

“One of the goals of the UN, OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe), the EU and similar organizations is to reduce the risk of armed conflict. But with Trump continually trying to dismantle international cooperation, these organizations may be weakened. This will affect the risk of war,” says Isak Svensson.

2. International trade

During his election campaign, Trump accused China of “raping” the American economy. Therefore, many experts expected that he would introduce customs duties on Chinese goods, which would result in a full-fledged trade war.

“That hasn't happened yet, but at least he has signaled that he is not particularly interested in promoting free trade,” said Isak Svensson.

3. Democracy

The two democracies have never fought each other. But the wave of nationalism that is sweeping the world could rock democracies.

“Populist nationalism targets democratic institutions: universities, courts, media, electoral bodies and so on. This is noticeable in the US under Trump, in Hungary, Poland and Russia, for example,” says Isak Svensson.

The threat from nationalism

Svensson sees how nationalism threatens all three factors that prevent war.

“Nationalism is not only present in peripheral countries, it is now spreading among the main players in the international arena: in the USA, in the UK in the form of Brexit, in the EU with its Poland and Hungary, which can weaken European cooperation. India and China are very much influenced by nationalist ideologies, as are Türkiye and Russia. All this, together with Trump, negatively affects these three factors. There is a considerable risk of interstate conflicts,” says Isak Svensson.

However, he does not believe that a major global war is likely.

“The likelihood of this is low. In general, interstate conflicts are very unusual, and they are becoming less common over time. But if this happens, then events unfold very intensely,” says Isak Svensson.

Here are the hottest spots of tension.

North Korea

States: North Korea, USA, Japan, China.

North Korea conducts test explosions of nuclear weapons and is constantly developing new missiles. One of the newest missiles tested this summer is capable of striking the United States, but it is unclear whether North Korea could equip it with a nuclear warhead.

North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un and US President Donald Trump exchanged hateful verbal provocations, including Trump promising to meet North Korea with “fire and fury.”

The US is allied with South Korea and Japan, which also feel threatened by North Korea. And this closed dictatorship, in turn, receives support from China.

"In the short term, the most problem area“This is the Korean Peninsula,” says Niklas Swanström, head of the Institute for Security and Development Policy.

“At the same time, the likelihood that China will defend North Korea is very low. This will only happen if there is a threat to China's direct interests, that is, if the US sends troops to the Chinese borders or something like that."

Isak Svensson agrees that Korea is the most worrying place because the situation there is unpredictable.

“It’s not very likely, but it’s possible that something will happen there. Everyone is on edge, there are various exercises and demonstrations of strength to each other, there is a high risk that something will go wrong. This can start the process even if no one actually wants it. No one is interested in bringing things to a full-scale war, but there is still a risk of this,” says Isak Svensson.

The biggest problem is poor communication, says Niklas Svanström.

“There are no security structures in Northeast Asia. Military confrontation can escalate very sharply.”

South China Sea

Countries: USA, China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei.

Here is one of the most serious areas of tension, according to Isak Svensson.

“There is incredibly great military potential there. The likelihood of something happening is small, but if it does, the consequences will be catastrophic. There are nuclear weapons, and between different countries alliances are formed so that they can drag each other into all sorts of complications in the relationship.”

At first glance, the conflict is centered around hundreds of small islands and cays near China, Vietnam, Malaysia and the Philippines. About half of the islands are under the control of one of the four countries.

China, Taiwan and Vietnam all lay claim to the entire Spratly archipelago, and the Philippines, Malaysia and Brunei also have their own claims.

In early 2014, China began clearing seven reefs between the islands under its control and establishing bases on them.

The situation is marked by ever-increasing tensions between China and the US, as a rising Chinese power increasingly challenges the US as the world's sole superpower.

“This century will be marked by the relationship between the US and China,” says Niklas Granholm, research director at the Total Defense Institute, FOI.

"IN international system There is a shift in power and means of influence. In relative terms, China's power is growing and the US's is declining. It is the conflicts that may arise around this division of power that will become most important. We can talk about China's position in relation to Taiwan, China in relation to Japan, relations with North Korea. There are a lot of things that can make a difference,” adds Niklas Granholm.

Niklas Svanström also believes that the relationship between China and the United States is the most dangerous in the long term.

“The only option for a third world war that can be imagined obviously involves China and the United States. I can’t say that this worries me, in my opinion, indirect conflicts may arise, that is, the war will be fought in a third country,” says Niklas Svanström.

India - Pakistan

States: India, Pakistan, USA, China, Russia.

The disputed northern province of Kashmir is effectively divided between India and Pakistan. There have been several wars between countries over the rights to this area, and new conflicts are constantly breaking out.

After 18 Indian soldiers were killed in a terrorist attack on a military base in September 2016, India's Home Minister tweeted:

“Pakistan is a terrorist state that should be labeled as such and isolated.”

Pakistan vehemently denied any involvement in the incident.

“Relations between India and Pakistan are always turbulent. Right now it doesn’t look like there will be a strong escalation, but nothing points to any big moves towards their rapprochement in the future,” says Isak Svensson.

Both countries - nuclear powers, and each is believed to have more than 100 nuclear warheads.

“It’s easy to imagine an inadvertent escalation to a full-blown nuclear war that no one wants but could be provoked by terrorism,” Matthew Bunn, a nuclear weapons analyst at Harvard’s Belfer Center, told the Huffington Post.

India has a policy of not being the first to use nuclear weapons. Instead, an attempt was made to increase the ability to respond to provocations by rapidly sending armored columns deep into Pakistani territory.

Militarily weaker Pakistan responded by introducing short-range Nasr missiles that can be equipped with nuclear warheads.

Many experts fear that such a development, in which Pakistan feels forced to use tactical nuclear weapons to defend itself, could quickly turn a small conflict into a full-scale nuclear war.

Niklas Svanström, however, believes that the likelihood of a world war is low.

“Other countries there have no interests related to security policy. Pakistan has close relations with China, and India has close relations with Russia. But neither Russia nor China will risk starting a large-scale military confrontation. I also find it difficult to imagine that the United States would intervene in such a conflict.”

India - China

Indian Army General Bipin Rawat said in early September that the country must prepare for a two-front war against Pakistan and China.

Shortly before this, a ten-week confrontation between China and India over the definition of the border ended in the Himalayas. Chinese road construction workers, accompanied by military personnel, were stopped by Indian troops. The Chinese claimed that they were in China, the Indians claimed that they were in Bhutan, an ally of India.

According to Bipin Rawat, such a situation could easily escalate into a conflict, and Pakistan could then take advantage of this situation to its advantage.

“We must be prepared. In the context of our situation, war is very real,” Rawat said, as reported by the Press Trust of India.

The border between China and India has long been a point of contention, but the atmosphere is now quite relaxed. But even as China and Pakistan have moved closer economically, aggressive nationalism suggests that may be changing.

“It is difficult to see any hints as to why conflict might break out there, but there is an increased risk of this happening. Both countries' economies are growing rapidly, and both countries are fueled by rather aggressive nationalism. The unresolved territorial issue is of course a clear risk factor,” says Isak Svensson.

Niklas Svanström does not think that China will gain much from this conflict, and India simply cannot win a war against China. Conflicts will continue, but on a limited scale.

“The only situation that could lead to a full-scale war is if India recognizes Tibet as an independent country and starts supporting the Tibetan military movement that is fighting against China. I regard this as extremely unlikely,” says Niklas Svanström.


States: Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, NATO military alliance.

One of the biggest risks that could now lead to conflict is Russia's growing ambitions against Europe, believes Niklas Granholm, director of research at the Total Defense Institute, FOI.

“Russia has thrown out the rulebook that has been in place since the early 1990s to define European security,” says Niklas Granholm. — The main milestone in this matter was the war against Ukraine, when in 2014 there was an invasion of this country and Crimea was annexed, which marked the beginning of the conflict in eastern Ukraine. Russia has demonstrated great faith in military means. The Baltic region once again found itself on the line of confrontation between East and West, which seemed completely implausible to many just a few years ago.”

The cause of the conflict may be ethnic Russian minorities in the Baltic countries, says Isak Svensson.

“In Ukraine, Russia has shown that it is willing to use military force to, in its view, protect Russian-speaking minorities. Thus, there is a hidden risk of Russian intervention in the Baltics if an internal crisis begins in any of the countries. Such a scenario is quite imaginable. It’s quite unlikely today, but possible in the future.”

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Socio-political tension is constantly growing in the world. And some experts predict that everything could result in a global conflict. How realistic is it in the near future?

Risk remains

It is unlikely that anyone today is pursuing the goal of starting a world war. Previously, if a large-scale conflict was brewing, the instigator always expected to end it as quickly as possible and with minimal losses. However, as history shows, almost all “blitzkriegs” resulted in a protracted confrontation involving a huge amount of human and material resources. Such wars caused damage to both the loser and the winner.

Nevertheless, wars have always existed and, unfortunately, will arise, because someone wants to have more resources, and someone protects their borders, including from mass illegal migration, fights terrorism or demands the restoration of their rights in accordance with with previously concluded agreements.

If countries still decide to get involved in a global war, then, according to many experts, they will certainly be divided into different camps, which will be approximately equal in strength. The combined military, primarily nuclear, potential of the powers that will hypothetically take part in the clash is capable of destroying all life on the planet dozens of times. How likely is it that the coalitions will start this suicidal war? Analysts say that it is not great, but the danger remains.

Political poles

The modern world order is far from what it was after the Second World War. However, formally it continues to exist on the basis of the Yalta and Bretton Woods agreements of the states of the anti-Hitler coalition. The only thing that has changed is the balance of power that was formed during the Cold War. The two poles of world geopolitics today, as half a century ago, are determined by Russia and the United States.

Russia crossed the Rubicon, and it did not pass without a trace and painlessly for it: it temporarily lost its superpower status and lost its traditional allies. However, our country managed to maintain its integrity, maintain influence in the post-Soviet space, revive the military-industrial complex and acquire new strategic partners.

The US financial and political elite, as in the old days good times, under democratic slogans, continues to carry out military expansion far from its borders, while simultaneously successfully imposing on the leading countries a beneficial “anti-crisis” and “anti-terrorist” policy.

IN last years China is persistently wedging its way into the confrontation between Russia and the United States. Eastern dragon supporting a good relationship with Russia, nevertheless does not take sides. Possessing the largest army and carrying out rearmament on an unprecedented scale, he has every reason to do so.

A united Europe also remains an influential player on the world stage. Despite the dependence on the North Atlantic Alliance, certain forces in the Old World advocate an independent political course. Reconstruction is just around the corner armed forces European Union, which will be held by Germany and France. In the face of energy shortages, Europe will act decisively, analysts say.

One cannot but pay attention to the growing threat posed by radical Islam in the Middle East. This is not only the increasing extremist nature of the actions of Islamic groups in the region every year, but also the expansion of the geography and tools of terrorism.


IN Lately We are increasingly observing the consolidation of various union associations. This is evidenced, on the one hand, by the summits of Donald Trump and Israeli leaders, South Korea, Japan, Britain and other leading European countries, and on the other – meetings of heads of state within the framework of the activities of the BRICS bloc, which attracts new international partners. During the negotiations, not only trade, economic and political issues, but also all kinds of aspects of military cooperation.

The famous military analyst Joachim Hagopian emphasized back in 2015 that the “recruitment of friends” by America and Russia is not accidental. China and India, in his opinion, will be drawn into Russia's orbit, and the European Union will inevitably follow the United States. This is supported by the intensified exercises of NATO countries in Eastern Europe and the military parade with the participation of Indian and Chinese units on Red Square.

Adviser to the President of Russia Sergei Glazyev states that it will be beneficial and even fundamentally important for our country to create a coalition of any countries that do not support bellicose rhetoric directed against Russian state. Then, according to him, the United States will be forced to moderate its ardor.

Wherein great importance will have what position Türkiye takes, which is almost key figure, capable of acting as a catalyst for relations between Europe and the Middle East, and more broadly, between the West and the countries of the Asian region. What we are seeing now is Istanbul’s cunning play on the differences between the United States and Russia.


Foreign and domestic analysts are inclined to conclude that a global war could be provoked by the global financial crisis. The most serious problem of the world's leading countries lies in the close intertwining of their economies: the collapse of one of them will have dire consequences for the others.

The war that may follow a devastating crisis will be fought not so much over territory as over resources. For example, analysts Alexander Sobyanin and Marat Shibutov build the following hierarchy of resources that the beneficiary will receive: people, uranium, gas, oil, coal, mining raw materials, drinking water, agricultural land.

It is curious that, from the point of view of some experts, the status of a generally recognized world leader does not guarantee the United States victory in such a war. In the past, NATO commander-in-chief Richard Schieffer, in his book “2017: War with Russia,” predicted defeat for the United States, which would be caused by financial collapse and the collapse of the American army.

Who is first?

Today, the trigger that could launch the mechanism, if not a world war, then a global collision, could be the crisis on the Korean Peninsula. Joachim Hagopian, however, predicts that it is fraught with the use of nuclear charges and at first Russia and the United States will not get involved in it.

Glazyev does not see serious grounds for a global war, but notes that its risk will persist until the United States abandons its claims to world domination. Most dangerous period, according to Glazyev, this is the beginning of the 2020s, when the West will emerge from depression, and developed countries, including China and the United States, will begin the next round of rearmament. At the peak of a new technological leap, there will be a threat of global conflict.

It is characteristic that the famous Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga never decided to predict the start date of the Third World War, indicating only that its cause would most likely be religious strife around the world.

"Hybrid Wars"

Not everyone believes in the reality of World War III. Why commit mass casualties and destruction if there is a long-tested and more effective means - “hybrid war”. The “White Book”, intended for commanders of special forces of the American army, in the section “Winning in a Complex World” contains all the comprehensive information on this matter.

It says that any military operations against the authorities primarily involve covert and secret actions. Their essence is an attack by rebel forces or terrorist organizations (which are supplied with money and weapons from abroad) on government structures. Sooner or later, the existing regime loses control over the situation and hands over its country to the sponsors of the coup.

The Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, General Valery Gerasimov, considers “hybrid war” a means that is many times superior in results to any open military clashes.

Capital can do anything

Nowadays, not only conspiracy theorists are confident that both world wars were largely provoked by Anglo-American financial corporations, which made fabulous profits from militarization. And their ultimate goal is the establishment of the so-called “American peace.”

“Today we stand on the threshold of a grandiose reformatting of the world order, the instrument of which will again be war,” says writer Alexei Kungurov. This will be a financial war of world capitalism, directed mainly against developing countries.

The goal of such a war is to not give the periphery any chance of any independence. In underdeveloped or dependent countries, a system of external exchange control is established, which forces them to exchange their output, resources and other material assets for dollars. The more transactions there are, the more American machines will print currencies.

But the main objective world capital is the “Heartland”: the territory of the Eurasian continent, most of which is controlled by Russia. Whoever owns the Heartland with its colossal resource base will own the world - this is what the English geopolitician Halford Mackinder said.

World wars, in which many states and a colossal number of people are drawn, still excite the thoughts of civilians to this day. The political mood is becoming more and more tense, and every now and then all sorts of conflicts arise between countries. Of course, people are haunted by the idea that the start of World War III is just around the corner. And such worries are not groundless. History shows us many examples when a war began because of one, at first glance, small conflict or because of the fault of a state that wanted to gain more power. Let's get acquainted with the opinions of experts, as well as on this issue.

What experts say

Understand the political actions of various countries today, as well as understand the overall picture of interaction foreign countries It's hard enough.

Many of them are economic and trading partners and have close relationships. Other states are in constant opposition to each other. In order to understand at least a little the situation in the world today, it is necessary to turn to the opinion of experts in this issue.

If you ask experts the question of whether there will be a Third World War, you can hardly expect a definite answer. There are a lot of opinions. However, the world's leading experts have quite a lot of common ground in their vision of the situation today. Almost all of them believe that the situation is now extremely tense. Constant military conflicts between countries, the prolonged division of spheres of influence, the desire of subjects for political and economic independence, as well as the very precarious financial condition of many states undermine general peace. In addition, recently there has been more and more news about popular discontent and even the revolutionary spirit of people. This is also negative factor on the issue of World War III.

Experts say that such a massive confrontation in this moment is not beneficial to any of the countries. However, the behavior of individual states still worries experts. America is a striking example.

The USA and the influence of the state on the general political situation in the world

Today, the question of whether there will be a Third World War increasingly haunts the minds of government officials. And there are quite understandable reasons for this. Recently, the most economically developed state has already been mentioned several times in the context when it comes to military conflicts of other countries. There is an opinion that the United States has taken on the role of sponsor of many wars. Of course, in this case, the country is interested in the end result, which should be beneficial for America. But this state should not be considered solely in the role of an aggressor. In fact, the relationship between countries is much more complex than it seems to civilians. And no one can place positive and negative accents on the political map of the world with complete confidence. With all this, the fact of economic and political interference on the part of America has been recorded more than once. And this country’s participation in conflicts of other states was not always approved.

As for the direct influence of the United States and its authority, in fact this country has a not so enviable position in terms of financial stability. The country is too large to allow America to speak of complete economic independence. Therefore, any provocation on the part of the United States can be stopped at the initiative of its trading partners. In particular, we're talking about about China.

Ukrainian conflict

Today, the whole world is watching the development of the situation in Europe. We are talking about the Ukrainian conflict that broke out not so long ago. And immediately, many citizens had a very pressing question about whether the Third World War could break out soon. In a matter of weeks, Ukraine turned from a peaceful state into a real testing ground for civil confrontation. Perhaps the predictions are already coming true, the Third World War is already beginning?

To bring at least some clarity, it is necessary to consider the causes of the conflict that arose between citizens of one country, which, in turn, led to serious unrest throughout the world. Ukraine was invited to join the European Union. However, the conditions proposed for the country were very inconvenient, if not worse. The borders would remain closed. And practice shows that the initial introduction of a single currency (euro) immediately leads to a massive rise in price for all goods in the country.

Many experts support the opinion that Ukraine in such a case would find itself in the European Union solely as a source of cheap labor. However, not all citizens agreed with this opinion. The conflict flared up due to the fact that a large number of people did not support the President in his decision to refuse to join the European Union. Citizens believed that this was a real betrayal of Ukraine and a loss of enormous opportunities in the future. The confrontation became widespread and soon became armed.

So, will there be World War III due to unrest in Ukraine? After all, many countries were involved in the conflict. Russia, as a long-time ally and partner of Ukraine, as well as a state located in close proximity to this country, took an active part in attempts to eliminate the confrontation peacefully. However, these actions were perceived by many countries in Europe and the USA as illegal. At the same time, there are a huge number of Russian citizens on the territory of Ukraine, who in any case must be protected. In general, we have a massive conflict that has already reached the global level. And if one of the countries decides to defend its interests through military action, armed confrontation, alas, cannot be avoided.

Harbingers of World War III

If we consider the global relations of states as a whole recently, we can note a fairly large number of “weak” points. It is they who can ultimately lead to much more serious consequences. The Third World War may receive impetus for its development even in the form of a small confrontation between citizens of one or more states. Today, the main harbingers are considered, according to leading experts in the field of politics, to be the extremely tense situation in Ukraine, possible sanctions against the Russian Federation from Europe and America, as well as dissatisfaction with other fairly large powers that have nuclear weapons and impressive military power. Such drastic negative changes in relations between countries cannot but have a negative impact on trade and world markets. The economy and currency will suffer as a result. Traditional trade routes will be undermined. The result is the weakening of some countries and the strengthening of the positions of others. Such inequality most often becomes the reason for equalizing positions through war.

Vanga's prophecies

The Third World War, the start year of which, according to experts, may already be close, at one time was mentioned in the prophecies of various clairvoyants. A striking example is the world-famous Vanga. Scientists have found that her predictions regarding the world's future come true with an accuracy of 80%. However, the rest, most likely, simply could not be deciphered correctly. After all, all her prophecies are quite vague and consist of veiled images. At the same time, they clearly trace the main high-profile events of the 20th and 21st centuries.

To verify the veracity of the words of this amazing woman, you need to read her predictions several times. The Third World War is mentioned quite often in them. She talked about the “fall of Syria”, the confrontation between Muslims in Europe, and mass bloodshed. However, there is hope for a positive outcome. Vanga, in her predictions, mentioned a special “Teaching of the White Brotherhood” that would come from Rus'. From now on, the world, according to her, will begin to recover.

World War III: Predictions of Nostradamus

Not only Vanga spoke about the upcoming bloody confrontations between the countries. There are no less accurate ones. He also saw quite clearly in his time many modern events that had already occurred. Therefore, many scientists and experts attach great importance to the prophecies of Nostradamus.

And again the dreamer speaks in his quatrains about aggression on the part of Muslims. According to him, chaos will begin in the West (you can think of it as Europe). The rulers will take flight. It is quite possible that we are talking about an armed invasion of Eastern countries into European territory. Nostradamus spoke about the Third World War as an inevitable phenomenon. And many believe his words.

As Mohammed said

Prophecies about the Third World War can be found in the records of many clairvoyants. Mohammed predicted the real Apocalypse. According to him, the Third World War will certainly engulf modern humanity. Mohammed called the obvious signs of a bloody battle the spread of human vices, ignorance, lack of knowledge, free use of drugs and “mind-stupefying” drinks, murder, and breaking of family ties. As can be seen from modern society, all these harbingers already exist. The widespread spread of human cruelty, indifference, and greed will invariably, according to the prophet, lead to another large-scale war.

From whom should we expect aggression?

There are several opinions on this matter. Some are sure that China poses the greatest danger due to the colossal number of citizens, military forces, as well as incredible patriotism that has survived to this day. Many experts draw a completely understandable analogy between this country and the USSR. In both cases, the powerful

Due to latest events in the world, the United States began to act as an aggressor. Since this state constantly intervenes in all world conflicts, and also regularly uses weapons to resolve certain issues, America is considered to be one of the main threats.

Countries where Islam is practiced are considered no less dangerous. Muslims have always been a rather conflict-ridden people. It is from there that bloody terrorist attacks in developed countries and suicide bombings originate. It is possible that prophecies about the Third World War, based on a massive Muslim invasion of European states, may well come true.

What could World War III lead to?

Today the weapon came out new level. Appeared nuclear bombs. People are destroying each other with increasing zeal. If World War III breaks out in the near future, its consequences will be truly catastrophic. Most likely, one or more will press their advantage and deliver the killing blows. In this case, an incredible number of civilians will die. The earth will be contaminated with radiation. Humanity faces degradation and inevitable destruction.

Lessons from the past

As history shows, many wars began with minor conflicts. There was also a revolutionary spirit among the civilian population of the countries, mass dissatisfaction of people with the situation that had arisen, and global economic upheaval. Today, relations between countries are very closely connected with many complex factors. Based on the sad experience of past generations, we can draw the following conclusion. Under no circumstances should radically minded people be allowed to spread political movements. As Nostradamus said, the Third World War will turn out to be the very Apocalypse that people have been waiting for throughout almost their entire history. Therefore, all countries need to carefully control all movements based on hatred, the superiority of one nation over others. Otherwise, there is a risk of repeating the mistakes of the past.

Is it possible to avoid bloodshed?

Many experts say there is a very real chance of preventing another war. To do this, it is necessary to stabilize the economic condition of the most financially unstable states, localize internal conflicts in the countries and prevent outside interference. In addition, enormous efforts will be required to eliminate the root cause of confrontations in modern world- racial hatred.

World War III: Russia and its role

An increasing number of specialists are devoting Special attention Russia against the backdrop of the current difficult situation in the world. Russia is one of the largest exporters natural resources, has serious political and economic influence on other countries. It is quite logical that many states are afraid of the Russian Federation and see it as a potential threat. However, the Russian government does not carry out any political provocations. Most likely, the country has to mostly defend itself and protect its own interests. The Third World War, prophecies about which often mention Russia as one of the main participants in the conflict, may well begin in the Russian Federation itself. Therefore, the government of the country needs to carefully weigh its every decision and action. It is quite possible that the strengthening of the state will cause a negative reaction from Europe and America, which will lead to war.

Actions of heads of state

Will there be a Third World War? Perhaps, none of the current rulers today can give a specific answer to this question. After all, the situation changes every day. It is extremely difficult to predict anything. Careful and timely decisions made by the heads of various states play a huge role in this issue. In particular, we are talking about European countries, America, China, and Russia. They, according to experts, occupy leading positions when it comes to the risk of military confrontation. Nostradamus spoke of the Third World War as an armed conflict between several countries of the East and West. If these words are interpreted modern style, it turns out that just one careless action on the part of the head of a large state - and bloodshed cannot be avoided.

Photos from open sources

The world has reached a dangerous point, this is obvious to everyone who is interested in news of international politics. The psychic who predicted Trump’s victory also thinks so. He told us when the Third World War would begin.

Portuguese psychic and mystic Horatio Villegas, who predicted Trump's election victory back in 2015, said that there is less than a month left before the outbreak of World War III. In his opinion, a nuclear war cannot be avoided, and the recent American strike on Syria is its harbinger, Express reports.

According to Villegas, nuclear war with the participation of the USA, Russia, North Korea and China may begin on May 13, since on this day a hundred years ago the appearance of the Virgin Mary took place in the Portuguese city of Fatima. The inhabitants of the planet need to “be on alert” until October 2017, says the psychic, this is an “extremely explosive” period.

Villegas is confident that World War III will be short-lived and will end before the end of the year.

According to the medium, the cause of the global cataclysm will be the conflicts arising around Syria and North Korea. Villegas warns that people should be prepared for a war between May 13 and October 13, 2017, which "will end in great devastation, shock and death."

The date of the end of the war is also not accidental - on October 13, 1917, Maria allegedly also appeared in Fatima, warning that “the war is coming to an end, and the soldiers will soon return to their homes.”

On his Twitter he also posted a post about the beginning of TMB:

"Horacio Villegas: I Know the date when World War III will break out

The Prophet had a prophetic dream where he saw many people running while the Earth was engulfed in hail fireballs. The clairvoyant believes that this means that the devastating nuclear war can't be avoided. According to the seer, the date of the beginning of the Third War is May 13, that is, during the hundredth anniversary of the appearance of the Virgin Mary at Fatima; the conflict will last until October 13, 2017. According to the prophet, war will break out due to false information spread between April 13 and May 13 this year to stimulate the outbreak of conflict that will lead to the destruction of many nations. He expressed his complaints that few people believed him, despite evidence of the truth of his visions," Villegas tweeted.

Villegas predicted Trump's victory back in 2015. The mystic claimed that the Republican would become the "King of the Illuminati" who would "bring World War III to the world."

And now, a very alarming message came from a source from the Pentagon. According to this report, the Pentagon launched Plan Wolv yesterday. As the source explained, the semantic basis for the name of the plan is taken from the story: “The Boy Who Cried Wolf.”

The Wolv plan is the most powerful and important stage in preparing the war against Russia. This has never happened before modern history. It involves a strategy of constantly false flagging the “deceptive threat” from the United States.

Explanation of the plan:

an operation is being carried out to “leak” information that on such and such a date the United States is preparing to strike Russia. On this day the activity begins strategic forces USA, as if confirming the information in the “leak”. all ends with false combat alarms, interrupted activation of ground-based strategic nuclear forces components, cancellation of strategic bomber flights and cancellation of orders for SSBNs.


through the creation of false “information leaks” about supposedly impending attacks on Russia by the United States and the actions of US strategic forces leading to nothing (which are actually false flags), to create in Russia a false opinion that all information about the impending attacks in Russia is false and all actions of US strategic forces are just flexing their muscles.

So yesterday, AFGSC took part in the implementation of the first stage of this plan. Command global strikes USA. Unites under a single command the strategic nuclear forces of the Air Force, as well as the 8th Air Army (strategic bombers) and the 20th Air Force (intercontinental ballistic missiles)


Eighth Air Force. 8th Air Army.

From 2nd Bomb Wing - Barksdale Air Force Base, Louisiana (B-52H)

11 Squadron

From 5th Bomb Wing - Minot AFB, North Dakota (B-52H)

23 Squadron

From 7th Bomb Wing - USAF Base, Texas (B-1B)

9 Squadron

Twentieth Air Force. 20th Air Army.

From the 90th Missile Wing - Francis E. Warren Air Force Base, Wyoming.

319th Missile Squadron

From 91st Missile Wing - Minot AFB, North Dakota

742d Missile Squadron

As the source added, such false flags will be repeated periodically so that the Russians get used to it and lose their vigilance. Until the next false flag ends with a real blow. The US is not yet ready for this. Heavy military equipment only this year began to be transferred to Eastern Europe by sea. For this purpose, it is brought to the coast from all over America. (Note: read “America is preparing for Great War. And it will be long")

They no longer hide their plans and we just have to wait for the start of the nuclear apocalypse?

For lovers of all kinds of theories, we note that his prediction is not discordant with A. Novykh’s book “Sensei-IV. Primordial Shambhala”, below is an excerpt:

Perhaps, now I will tell you what millions will soon learn, I will reveal to you the secret plans of the Archons, so that they will not be “bored” of working later... So, the Archons calculate global wars by generation. And, judging by their calculations, this generation should witness the Third World War. The Archons planned three dates for the start of a new global war, depending on the geopolitical situation and the level of preparation of the population for these events. The first date is December 23, 2012, which has already been promoted throughout the world with the help of indirect advertising as a possible date for the end of the world. The second date is 2017. And the third date is 2025. These are the main dates that they focus on and base their calculations on. Although, of course, there may be changes, as in any other plan... In principle, their preparation for these events can be easily seen and traced. The only strong opponent of the Archons who can seriously resist their intentions will be...

Soviet Union?! - Victor asked impatiently.

I would say a little more precisely - Russia... So, this preparation of the Archons for the new global war It will be easy enough to follow the events. I have already told you a lot about how the Archons act, and I will tell you more. Their methods practically do not change and have been highlighted and repeated more than once in the history of mankind. All this will be done according to the old elementary scheme.

Not long to wait...)))