At the very beginning, God created man in his own image and likeness and gave him the command to take control of the earth and rule over all living creatures.

Gen.1:28 And God blessed them, and God said to them, Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.

* possess - to conquer, enslave, subjugate (means to conquer and take under one's power)

To further understand the meaning of this word in Hebrew, look at a couple of other places where it is used with the same meaning.

Numbers 32:29 And Moses said unto them, If the children of Gad and the children of Reuben cross over the Jordan with you, all armed for war before the Lord, and the land is subdued before you, then give them the land of Gilead for their possession;
Joshua 18:1 All the congregation of the children of Israel gathered together at Shiloh, and they pitched there the tabernacle of meeting, for the land had been subdued by them.

I wonder if Adam and Eve were the first people on earth, from whom should they conquer the earth and take power over it? Moreover, God gave a clear division; to take possession of the earth and have dominion over the animals.

Most theologians agree that Satan was cast out of Heaven just before the creation of man. Therefore, immediately after the creation of man and the first command of God, Satan tempts people, and they disobey God and fall into sin.

Thus, sin and death entered into man (Rom. 5:12) and he lost his likeness to God and his given authority over the earth. But now the earth has also become cursed because of this (Gen. 3:17) In connection with this:

2. Dominion over the earth has now been transferred to Satan.

According to the Gospel of Luke, power over the entire earth was given to Satan. That is, he did not take it himself, but it was given to him.

Luke 4:5 And lifting Him up high mountain, the devil showed Him all the kingdoms of the universe in a moment of time, and the devil said to Him: I will give you power over all these [kingdoms] and their glory, for it is given to me, and I give it to whomever I want; So, if You worship me, then everything will be Yours.

It is interesting that this word is devoted and is used most often in the New Testament. with meaning; betray, traitor. Adam betrayed the earth and it became the devil.

Then the devil approached Cain and tempted him to murder. Thus now Cain and his descendants were cursed from the earth (Gen. 4:11). And in scripture we are told that the devil is involved in this murder.

1 John 3:12 not like Cain, [who] was of the evil one and killed his brother.
John 8:44 ... He (the devil) was a murderer from the beginning and did not stand in the truth, for there is no truth in him.

Under the deception of the devil, people on earth are quickly corrupted, enslaved to evil and destroying themselves. God then sends and destroys all those who have sinned, leaving only one righteous man, Noah, with his family. But very soon people begin to sin again and fill the earth with evil. Under the deception of the devil, they make gods for themselves, worship idols, spirits, the dead, and do other abominations and become corrupt, destroying themselves.

3. God chooses His people and gives the power to seize part of the best land

God chooses His people to be His people and He to be their God. God brings the people who suffered from Egyptian slavery to freedom with great miracles and signs, showing them that He is one God. In the desert, God gives them commandments, thanks to which they will have to live by different rules and laws and be different from all other wicked nations. After God made a Covenant with Israel, He led the people to the Promised Land. God commands Israel to seize the Promised Land, just as He once gave Adam the opportunity to do so.

Lev.20:24 And I said to you, Possess* their land, and I will give you a land flowing with milk and honey as an inheritance. I am the Lord your God, who separated you from all nations.

* possess - drive away, expel, dispossess, take possession.

The fearful spies were afraid of the people who inhabited the land and spread evil rumors throughout all Israel (Numbers 13:33). As a result, the people of Israel did not listen to God and did not go and take possession of the land. For this disobedience and rebellion, God left them to wander for forty years in the desert until all the people who did not obey then died out. Then the two remaining leaders, Joshua and Caleb, again led the people of Israel to take possession of the land of promise. And they succeeded - God helped them. But they again did not listen to God in that it was necessary to completely destroy everyone living on that land.

Numbers 33:52-53 then drive away from you all the inhabitants of the earth and destroy all their images, and destroy all their molten idols and destroy all their high places; and take possession of the land and settle in it, for I have given this land to you to possess;
Numbers 33:55-56 But if you do not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you, then those who remain will be thorns in your eyes and thorns in your sides and will oppress you in the land in which you will live, and then that is what I intend do it to them, I will do it to you.

Since Israel did not obey God, they very quickly began to imitate the customs of those nations whom they had not expelled. As a result, Israel broke the Covenant with God, they fell into idolatry, witchcraft, sexual and other sins, for which God had to send punishments on them. They repented - He had mercy on them. Then Israel began to sin again and again God punished them, and this continued for hundreds of years. And so, through the prophets, God promises to give Israel a King, a Messiah, who will bring peace and His Kingdom will have no end.

4. God sends His Son Jesus Christ to take possession of the whole earth

The Son of God descends from Heaven and is born on earth in order to take possession of it, take away power from the devil and redeem God the Father from the power of sin and death. At the very beginning of Jesus’ ministry, the devil approaches him and tempts Him with an offer to give him power over the whole earth. The devil reminds Jesus that all power still belongs to him and he gives it to whomever he wants.

Luke 4:5 ... I will give you the power over all these [kingdoms] and the glory of them, for it has been given to me, and I give it to whomever I want; So, if You worship me, then everything will be Yours.

On the eve of the crucifixion, Jesus reveals the secret that the time has come for judgment on the prince of this world - the devil and he will be cast out from his throne. Also, after the resurrection of Christ, the Holy Spirit will tell the world the truth about judgment, that the devil is now condemned.

John 12:31 Now is the judgment of this world; now the prince of this world will be cast out. And when I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw everyone to Me.
John 16:8 And He (the Holy Spirit), having come, will convict the world about sin and about righteousness and about judgment: about sin, because they do not believe in Me; about the truth that I go to My Father, and you will no longer see Me; about judgment, that the prince of this world is condemned.

Before ascending into heaven, Jesus told his disciples that he had now been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Once upon a time, the first Adam made a mistake and handed over the rule of the earth to the devil, but now the second Adam - Jesus (1 Cor. 15:45) has put everything in order again.

Matthew 28:18 And Jesus came near and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.”

* given - given, transferred

But unlike the devil, Jesus receives power not only over the territory of heaven and earth, but also over all living beings in the universe that was created by God.

Phil.2:9-11 Therefore God has highly exalted Him and given Him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

The dominance of the devil over the earth has ended. Jesus was appointed King of kings and Lord of lords forever and His kingdom will have no end.

Luke 1:33 (The angel spoke to Mary about Jesus) ... and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end.

5. Jesus gives His church the Kingdom of God and authority in it.

The Kingdom of God has come to earth. Jesus ascended into heaven and sat down next to the Father (Mark 16:19) and entrusted His Kingdom to His people - his church (Luke 22:29, Col. 1:13). From the moment the Holy Spirit descended on earth, the formation and construction of His Church began. The Church of Jesus Christ received authority and power to carry the Gospel and spread this Kingdom of God. The church is called to be His kings and priests, to reign on earth with Jesus and carry out God's will and His plans.

Rev. 5:9-10 ... and with his blood he redeemed us to God from every tribe and tongue and people and nation, and made us kings and priests to our God; and we will reign on the earth.
Matthew 18:18 Truly I say to you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven; and whatever you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven.
John 20:23 Whose sins you forgive, their sins are forgiven; On whomever you leave it, it will stay on it.

Jesus gave us all the power and all the powers of kings and priests, but in order for the Kingdom of God to advance and expand, the Church will have to do certain things. And He promised us that we would do even more than what He did while He was on earth (John 14:12).

What should the church do?

1. We must pray that His Kingdom will continue to come and spread throughout the whole earth.

Matthew 6:9 Pray like this: Our Father who art in heaven! hallowed be your name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven;

2. We must seek and strive to be in His Kingdom and know His righteousness and truth.

Matthew 6:33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

3. We must go and tell the whole world the good news (gospel) that the devil is condemned, Jesus reigns and in His Blood there is forgiveness of all sins. Those who believe and accept Him as their Lord will have eternal life, those who do not accept Him will go with the devil and his angels into eternal torment.

Mark 16:15-16 And he said to them, Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved; and whoever does not believe will be condemned.
Matthew 28:19-20 Go ye therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Amen.

4. Jesus gave us all power over all the forces of evil and therefore we must destroy the works of the devil both on earth and in the lives of people. We have an important mission to save lost and deceived souls.

Mark 16:17-18 And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will take snakes; and if they drink anything deadly, it will not harm them; They will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.

5. The church accepts Jesus' commission and begins to preach to the world the good news of the Kingdom of God and the Name of Jesus by which salvation can be achieved.

Acts 8:12 But when they believed Philip preaching the good news of the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ, both men and women were baptized.
Acts 19:8 Having come to the synagogue, he fearlessly preached for three months, talking and confirming about the Kingdom of God.

Results: who rules over this world?

God created man in his own image and likeness and gave him the command to take control of the earth and rule over everything. Satan tempts people and they fall into sin. Thus, sin and death entered into man and he lost his likeness to God and his given authority over the earth. Power has passed to Satan. Under the deception of the “leadership” of Satan, people quickly become corrupted, enslave to evil and destroy themselves. God then sends and destroys all those who have sinned, leaving only one righteous man, Noah, with his family. But very soon people begin to sin again and the earth is filled with evil.

God chooses His people to be His people and He to be their God. He brings them to freedom with great signs and wonders, showing them that He is one God. God gives them commandments thanks to which they will have to live by different rules and laws and be different from all other wicked peoples. After God made a Covenant with Israel, He led them to the Promised Land. God again commands to seize the earth, as He once commanded Adam.

Joshua and Caleb led the people of Israel to take possession of the Promised Land. And they succeeded - God helped them. But they did not listen to Him in that it was necessary to completely destroy everyone living on that land. Israel violated the Covenant with God, they fell into idolatry, witchcraft, sexual and other sins, for which they were punished. They repented and He had mercy on them. Then Israel started all over again and again God punished them and this continued for hundreds of years.

God the Father sends His Son to take possession of the earth and take away power from the devil and redeem all people from the power of sin and death. At the very beginning of Jesus’ ministry, the devil approaches him and tempts him by offering him power over the whole earth, in exchange for bowing. The devil reminds Jesus that all power still belongs to him and he gives it to whomever he wants. On the eve of the crucifixion, Jesus reveals the secret that the time has come for the judgment of the prince of this world and he will be cast out from his throne.

Before ascending into heaven, Jesus told his disciples that he had now been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Once upon a time, the first Adam made a mistake and handed over the rule of the earth to the devil, but now the second Adam - Jesus - has put everything in order again. The dominance of the devil over the earth has ended. Jesus was declared King of kings and Lord of lords forever. The Kingdom of God has come to earth.

Jesus ascended into heaven and sat next to the Father and entrusted His Kingdom to the church. From the moment the Holy Spirit descended on earth, the formation and construction of His Church began. The Church of Jesus Christ received authority and power to carry the Gospel and spread the Kingdom of God. The church was called to be His kings and priests, to reign on earth with Jesus and carry out the will of God and His plans.

Jesus gave us (the church) all the power and all the powers of kings and priests, but in order for the Kingdom of God to advance and expand, the Church must do certain things.

  • We must pray that His Kingdom will continue to come and spread throughout the earth.
  • We must seek and strive to be in His Kingdom and know His truth.
  • We must go and tell the whole world the good news (gospel) that the devil is condemned, Jesus reigns and in His Blood there is forgiveness of all sins. Those who believe and accept Him as their Lord will have eternal life, those who do not accept Him will go with the devil and his angels into eternal torment.
  • Jesus gave us all power over all the forces of evil and therefore we must destroy them both on earth and in people. We have an important mission to save lost and deceived souls.

Conclusion: Who rules the world?

Jesus is the King of kings and the Lord of all lords and His Kingdom will never end. His Name and power are above every name in the universe. His Kingdom has come to this earth and has been expanding for over two thousand years. His people, kings and priests are His church, through whom the will and purposes of God are accomplished on earth. The Church has all powers and authority in His name and it must reign and expand this Kingdom until the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. And He promised:

Matthew 28:20 ... I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Amen.

What's in the next parts of this teaching?

Next we will talk about the War of the Three Kingdoms. Let's find out what power remains with the devil and his angels. We will find out what demons do and to whom they obey, to what extent they have power, etc. How exactly each kingdom fights and what methods it uses for this. What power does the church have over what? If there are restrictions or areas where the church cannot intervene and change something, etc.

Let's talk about the actions of the Jews in strategic terms. As already mentioned, the Jews, after their dispersion throughout the world, could not have the material and technical base, the real strength of weapons, and the number of Jews in comparison with all the peoples of the world is simply incomparable. Simply put, the Jews could not enter into a fight with all of humanity with swords and spears. We have already said in the words of the Apostle Paul: “What is the advantage of being a Jew, or what is the benefit of circumcision? A great advantage in all respects, but especially in the fact that they have been entrusted with the word of God.” Therefore, always and first of all, Jews could only fight at the level of words. And they know well from the beginning that consciousness is controllable, and if consciousness is controllable, then the environment is controllable.

Therefore, the main activity of the Jews was aimed at creating and introducing into humanity ideas (anti-words), which, being instilled into the consciousness of people, would chain them into certain models of existence, as a result of which this would lead them to decay, corruption, impoverishment, enslavement, discontent, rebellion, hostility, anarchy and, ultimately, self-destruction. That is, the creation and introduction into humanity of ideas that lead humanity to deposition, to a base state at the level of lower sensuality, instincts, passions, consumerism, slave labor, etc., as a result of which for the Jews there appeared real opportunity domination over peoples. Ideas of democracy, economic ideas of Marx, ideas of communism, ideas of revolutionary transformation of the world, etc. worked well for the Jews.

And above all, the ideological sphere was important for Jews. And therefore, most of all, Jews worked in theology, philosophy, lawmaking, literature and poetry. The “Judaizing heresy” was introduced from century to century into all Christian religions. The Jews successfully engaged in profaning Christianity, leading people away from faith to reason, and successfully tilted religions towards a distortion of the Gospel truth. “Planting religions” and reorienting them towards Kabbalah was the main task of Jews in all nations. Jews have always made great efforts to initiate legislation, to create laws pursuing the narrow goals of Jewish hegemony and introduced them into all societies, and have always fought for amendments to existing legislation and constitutions. This has always been and is to this day the first and “holiest” thing for Jews in all nations. Since Jewish lobbyism (“to act secretly, to intrigue, to engage in fraud, as well as to influence and manipulate”), as a means for the adoption of laws pursuing the selfish goals of the legislator, has always been strong.

The Jews managed to exalt and introduce into humanity the goals of lower physical existence: science and art (the Renaissance) and, accordingly, managed to introduce into the consciousness of people a scientific materialistic rethinking of the world, up to a return to paganism ( pagan holidays And folk traditions, demonstrations, carnivals, absurd idolatry), which made it possible to introduce atheism into humanity, as a result of which humanity was thrown away from faith in God and was actively led to decay.

The Jews managed to return humanity to the Hellenic idea of ​​democracy, they managed to create a “conventional unit of the majority” (democracy), which they used well for their own purposes. That is, the creation of democracies and the principles of separation of powers allowed Jews to fight monarchies in a civilized manner and make their way to the thrones, and then again, on the basis of the “crisis of parliamentarism,” delegate legislative initiative to their presidents. The Jews managed to divide the peoples into the aristocracy and the plebs, into masters and slaves and contrast them with each other (“divide and conquer”), through which huge masses of people in riots and revolutions exterminated their monarchs and their aristocracy, and the Jews skillfully taking advantage of this came to power over peoples.

The Jews managed to create and introduce into the people the ideas of patriotism and the superiority of one nation over another, to fence off nations from each other with sovereignties and borders and, alternately pitting one people against another, to incite wars. The exhausting wars of peoples mutually weakened each other, which served to strengthen the Jews. And the achievement of “pre-revolutionary conditions” through ideological, economic and political sabotage, as the achievement of overstrain for the people, when the upper classes cannot govern in the old way, and the lower classes cannot live in the old way, has always been a panacea for Jews for all ills. And also, the creation of overvoltage and the improvement of rights as an illusory liberation. It was through this that peoples were led to riots and revolutions. The achievement of a “pre-revolutionary situation” today for the whole world, when all governments of peoples cannot govern in the old way, and all peoples cannot live in the old way and the formation of a social worldview towards a new world order is the last step in the historical struggle of the Jews for dominance over everything humanity, for the reign of a super-king of Jewish blood over the earth. And all this is “sanctified” by their “holy” purpose.

And all this is the implementation of the Kabbalistic laws of the Tetragrammaton, such as the Law of Self-Assertion of Substance in Creativity, the Law of Transmission Quaternary and other laws of Kabbalah, relying on which the Jews historically turned all peoples into a passive environment for insemination with their active principle. The theoretical power of the Jews over the world, being initially comprehended and confirmed by the promises of God, given by God Himself to their fathers, and knowledge through the occultism of the objective laws of the universe, and then throughout history being wisely translated into practical volitional and strong implementation of this theory into real existence, leads the Jews to magical power over all humanity to this day.
In making such statements, we do not have the slightest need to go deeper into this global theme. It is not suitable for people and is not conclusive on a human level. But this will be proven to all humanity by the appearance on earth of the Great Tribulation, the rise of the Antichrist and the revelation of the Great Judgment of the Lord by the Second Coming of Christ.

Spiritual Basics

Good day, dear readers! It's been spinning in my head for a long time this topic, especially after analyzing the fate, actions and views of some people who are “sick” with the idea of ​​world domination and want to gain power over the entire world and humanity.

To such people, as a rule suffering from, it convincingly seems that the idea of ​​world domination belongs to them, and it is they, due to their uniqueness and superiority over all other people, who, as they themselves believe, are unconditionally worthy of receiving this power in their hands in order to rule the fate of humanity and each individual person.

Many tyrants thought so, believing in themselves as “the king of the whole world.” Many self-proclaimed messiahs—incarnate gods, as they called themselves—believed in the same thing. But not every faith leads to Light and Truth! False faith does not lead to God, but to His opposite.

And all these contenders for the throne of the emperor of the world are convinced that it was they who came up with this idea, because it is they and no one else who have the right to gain power over the world. It is especially sad when the desire for such power is covered up in the name of God, when a false messiah or tyrant says “God entrusted power over this world to me... and there is no one more developed and worthy than me...”. The worst thing is when such people say that their power is “from God,” and simple people who have succumbed to the charm believe them, following false guides into the abyss of darkness.

But let’s take a closer look at “from whom” does “such” power come from and “who” instills “such” ideas in a person.

Who owns the idea of ​​world domination and the desire to gain power over the whole world?

To begin with, let us recall some famous historical and spiritual examples. There are messiahs recognized throughout the world for hundreds and even thousands of years, first of all, these are the founders of world religions. And nowhere is there even a mention that Christ, Buddha, Krishna or the Prophet Muhammad thirsted for power over the world. On the contrary, everyone knows well famous story, how the Devil tempted Jesus, offering him the throne of the emperor of the world and power over all humanity, over Heaven and Earth. Christ did not succumb to temptation and answered the Prince of Darkness that Power over the world is always in the hands of the One God - the Creator of Earth and Heaven, and He did not give or offer this power to anyone.

At all times, real Messiahs, Bright Spiritual Teachers, true Saints taught people to Serve God, love the world and our Heavenly Father, bowing their heads before Him, taught them to develop spiritually, to increase Good. And they themselves sought to serve God, and not to share with Him power over Earth and Heaven.

For all true saints, the main value has always been Love for and following His Will, and not the power that they theoretically could receive from Him. You cannot get closer to God based on power, as any good believer knows.

Question: What do you think, will God, the Creator of the whole world, the Ruler of Earth and Heaven, thirst for world domination, if He already has it? :) Or will God strive to develop and improve the world and creatures that He has already created?!

Next question: will the incarnate god (messiah) be “sick” with the idea of ​​world domination if he is really a real incarnate God? :) Why should he be “sick” for if living Faith and clear Knowledge live in him, if he knows exactly who has been ruling for billions of years world, and this order is unchanged, as it were Dark forces didn't try.

But, it is logical to assume that those who do not have it want to gain power over the world?! Is not it?

Everyone remembers that there is someone who, from time immemorial, has been striving for world domination, who, more than anything else, would like to take power over the world into their own hands, overthrowing the Creator. Can you guess who I'm talking about? This is the Devil - fallen Angel, who has been fighting with God for thousands of years for power over Earth and Heaven, over the souls and destinies of people. It is he who is “sick” with the idea of ​​world domination. It is he who sells the idea of ​​power over the world, tempting the most vain and ambitious. And there are always those who buy into it, who have no limit to how outrageously inflated they are.

But the fact is that the Devil has no power over the world and humanity. He reigns temporarily only where he is allowed by God and, and exactly until the moment it is needed for the development of society and people. Therefore, he is not able to give this power (you can’t give what you don’t have, right?), but he can sell the illusion of world domination, sell the fake throne of the emperor of the world to the most thirsty and sophisticated, blinded by vanity - he can do this better than anyone whatever it was. He will sell a soap bubble, and take the real payment - the soul of a person, his mind and his whole life.

It is common knowledge in both religions that any idea, goal, quality, desire, emotion is patronized by someone from above, or “below.” That is, there is always a Power, either divine or not, that stands behind every idea and even thought that comes into a person’s head.

Question:How do you think,What is the Power behind the idea of ​​world domination? who fuels a person’s desire to gain absolute power over the world and humanity?

God?! Let us remember that all the truly bright, great people who loved this world and Man, and served God, set their highest goal to make this world better with the help of Love, Kindness, Knowledge and the Laws of God, and not to receive the throne of the emperor of the world. As far as we know, neither Christ nor the Saints suffered from a thirst for power over the world and people, but on the contrary, recognizing the absolute Power of the Heavenly Father over all living and inanimate things, they knelt before Him, always accepting their smallness before His Face and Will - they prayed To God, not to yourself.

The desire to gain power over the world, the thirst for world domination is a desire and attempt to appropriate “someone else’s”, something that does not originally belong to you, but belongs to the Creator. And this, on such and such a scale, never ends well. People who pursue power over the world, selling themselves wholeheartedly, often end up with schizophrenia and the further fate of their souls is unenviable.

Main conclusions:

  1. The true messengers of God on Earth, the Bright Teachers, the Saints, have never set and will not set as their goal “to become the emperor of the whole world.” Christ said “The will of our Father is to build the Kingdom of God on Earth.” The saints prayed for the whole world and all people, but did not claim power over them. They always had Faith that the Creator Himself would cope perfectly with His divine Power.
  2. Idea and desire world domination is protected only by the Devil, and this idea he puts it into the heads of those whom he wants to put into his service. AND thirsty He also kindles and fuels the power within them.
  3. The person who sets one of his main goals to gain personal power over people and over the world does not have the blessing and protection of God! He is led by the Devil, although he himself may sacredly believe that his power and thirst to rule the world “from God.” And it doesn’t matter who this person is - a teacher or a politician - he himself goes into the clutches and leads all those who follow him there.
  4. Such people, even if they do not purposefully practice magic, automatically attract dark occultism (). These forces, even without a person’s consent, begin to act through him, as if through a portal, bringing darkness and destruction into the world. But often people who thirst for world domination themselves, purposefully, call upon the forces of Evil to achieve their goal (power over the world).

Who usually “buys into” the idea of ​​world domination and is most predisposed to a thirst for power over the world, and why?

Such people who easily succumb to the temptation of the Devil usually have certain similar character traits and common characteristics:

  1. As a rule, such people do not have real strength in their hearts, in His indestructible authority and omnipotence; they do not have Faith that God, even without them “great” ones, will perfectly cope with his responsibility both in Heaven and on Earth. Therefore, at a certain moment, they begin to believe in themselves (in their inflated Ego and greatness) more than in God, forgetting about Him.
  2. Hypertrophied narcissism, hidden or obvious - the internal absolute conviction that they are better than others in everything, more valuable and more important than all the people in this world, and by birth they are entitled to more than everyone else. Hence their self-given right to evaluate and condemn everyone, the desire to decide destinies and pass sentences. All this is called in one word -.
  3. For such people, their personal power and strength is always higher and more important than such spiritual virtues as Love, Kindness, Forgiveness, the unconditional desire for Good to the divine soul of another person. Therefore, most often, they are quite cruel to other people, touchy due to their inflated and vulnerable self-esteem, and vindictive (they easily give themselves the right to commit violence against others). Violence towards others, of course, is justified in every possible way - “they deserve it, they are unworthy, etc.” They have little divine love and kindness in their hearts, due to their great pride before God, so they cannot forgive, they do not know how to let go, they do not feel sympathy, for the weaker is the norm for them. and the pain of other people does not interest them, because... they are occupied exclusively with the interests of their own person.
  4. But at the same time, such people themselves need others, because they really want everyone to love them (they need recharge). They themselves have little love and bright feelings inside, but the need to receive feelings (love, gratitude, recognition, flattery) and energy from others is simply enormous! All this “love” and “praises” from those around them goes towards nurturing them and feeding delusions of grandeur (“that’s how great I am, everyone worships me,” another confirmation that I should gain power over the world). And those who do not worship and do not recognize their greatness are immediately transferred to the category of “enemies”.

Of course, there are other signs, too many to list in just one article.

It remains to wish us all to be extremely careful with our desires, and not to forget that Kindness and Love will save the world, and not vanity and delusions of grandeur!))

Also read

The world is ruled by a small number richest people, descendants of wealthy families from Europe and the United States who own most of the world's wealth. This power is concentrated in London, at the center of the world banking system. Power is passed on from generation to generation. They are highly organized, working in secret, through a network of “private” organizations. This group is known as the "global elite".

Their wealth accumulates. They determine the course of history through virtual control of the world economy. They are working in accordance with the “big plan”, which has now been largely completed.

The usual reaction of people at the first mention of the world elite and its activities is distrust. But within a few recent years There has been an increase in the number of books, articles and essays on this topic. All of them are based on well-documented research. Information matches events well modern history, leaving no room for doubt. We see how the “new world order” is emerging - the strategy of the global elite.

The concentration of control over financial resources began with the Industrial Revolution. The 18th century saw the emergence and rapid growth of the House of Rothschild, a powerful financial empire built with money given to Mayer Amschel Bauer (later Rothschild) by William IV, who stole it from soldiers hired to fight Napoleon's army. Rothschild sent money to England, bought huge amounts of gold from the East India Company and used it to finance the activities of the Duke of Wellington. Operating through the Brotherhood's network, he manipulated governments and caused wars and revolutions. He invested money on both sides of the conflict, which became standard practice among the banking elite. Rothschild's influence can hardly be overestimated, for he was the forerunner of the huge multinational corporations and banking empires that extended their control over the entire earth, in accordance with the long-term plans of the Brotherhood.

As historian John Reeves wrote:

It is unlikely that Mayer Amschel could have foreseen that his descendants would receive such unlimited power, that the world would depend on their whim, that the management of European money markets would allow them to pose as arbiters of war and peace, since they would be able to withhold or issue funds at will. necessary for military campaigns. It may seem incredible, but their enormous influence, combined with their enormous wealth, allowed them to ensure that there were no firms left strong enough to resist the elite for a long time.. To achieve this position, Mayer Amschel and his sons needed the cooperation of the states, but when once they had reached the height of their ambition, they were no longer dependent on them, while the states found themselves in the position of suppliants at their feet.

Mayer Amschel himself explained Rothschild’s position: “Give me control over the country’s currency and I won’t care who rules there.” When Rothschild's son Nathan died, his eldest grandson, Lionel, took over financial management. He allocated huge loans to the British and to the American government, including 80 million UK dollars for financing Crimean War. Lionel was succeeded by the second Nathan, 1st Baron Rothschild, who took his seat in the House of Lords in 1885. He became the head of the Bank of England with unlimited power over the financial system of the entire world. This power was expanded by new financial empires such as the Morgan and Rockefeller banking systems, so that last decade By the 19th century, power and control of the global financial system was entirely in the hands of the global elite.

But let's go back to the beginning of the industrial revolution. At this time, the authorities in Great Britain began one of the most powerful efforts ever undertaken to destroy public property. From 1770 to 1830, more than 25,000 square kilometers of public land were transferred to private hands for personal gain. By 1830, no more than three percent of the country remained open to public use.

By 1901, Morgan and Rockefeller, who headed the two major financial groups in America, had combined 112 companies, amassing $22.2 billion in assets - a huge sum at that time. In 1910, eight financiers met in absolute secrecy at Morgan's private club, the Jekyll Island Club in Georgia, to shoot ducks. The details of this meeting were not known for six years, but then fragments of information were made public. For example, on January 18, 1920, the New York Times made the most damning statement about the Federal Reserve System, which these bankers began designing in 1910: “The Federal Reserve System is a source of credit, not capital.” This meant that the notes issued by the system, rather than being backed by precious metals or other valuables, were backed by papers lent out at interest.

On July 25, 1921, Senator Owen stated in the same newspaper: “The Federal Reserve System is the most gigantic financial power in the world. Instead of using this great power, as the law suggests, it delegated this power... to the banks." In 1931, on May 3, commenting on the death of one of J.P. Morgan's closest associates, the New York Times noted: "One-sixth of all the wealth of the world belongs to the members of the Jekyll Island Club." This only applied to Morgan's group. At the same time, Rockefeller and European financiers were not taken into account. Among the duck hunters in November 1910 were Benjamin Strong, head of the JP Morgan Bankers Trust (and from 1914 until his death in 1928, head of the Federal Reserve Bank), and Paul Warburg, who had exceptionally powerful banking connections in New York. York, England, France, Germany and the Netherlands. They were the real power behind the throne of the Federal Reserve System. Warburg's brother, Max, was the head of the German secret service during World War II. Morgan and his "duck hunters" began to draft a basic plan for the Federal Reserve System:

Stop growing competition from new banks;

Gain the right to print money for lending purposes;

Gain control over the reserves of all banks;

Make taxpayers pay for inevitable losses;

Convince Congress that the Fed's purpose is to protect the public.

All this was accomplished brilliantly. As Anthony Sutton says of one of the most egregious deceptions in history: “The Federal Reserve is a private monopoly on the money supply. She works for the benefit of a few people under the guise of protecting the public interest.”

The format of the article does not allow for a detailed examination of the secret machinations and abuses of the elite, including the crisis of 1929 and Great Depression, organized by Montague Norman, governor of the Bank of England from 1916 to 1944, and Benjamin Strong, with a little help from friends. Nor will we now examine the consequences of many of the actions of these robber barons, such as their support of Germany in World War I and ensuring Hitler's rise to power.

When Montague Norman had a nervous breakdown in 1912, he, as was fashionable, went to Switzerland to be treated by Jung.

Sometimes people of this class suddenly begin to suffer from a sense of guilt for world wars and economic depressions that bring suffering and death to millions of people on the planet. These " nervous breakdowns"are cured by psychiatrists, and they return to their work with the same pleasure, without pity for the "little people" who must become their victims.

As Eustace Mullins says, the same people who are responsible for the Federal Reserve System manage the world's finances with profit for themselves, but with disastrous consequences for everyone else.

Next we move on to Bretton Woods, New Hampshire. 1944, first United Nations International Monetary Conference. It forged a final agreement on a new world order in the post-war period, in which the transfer of power from nation states and democratic governments to banks and multinational corporations would continue. William Pitt described what happened more than two centuries ago: “Unlimited power tends to corrupt the minds of those who wield it.” This saying is best known from Lord Acton's statement in 1887: “Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

The Bretton Woods Conference also established Anglo-American hegemony in control of the world's oil reserves and led to the creation of the all-powerful International currency board(IMF) and the World Bank (WB). These organizations, under the control of the US Federal Reserve, have deliberately and ruthlessly placed most of the so-called Third World countries in a debtor position. They say that the WB and IMF caused more harm people than any other non-military organization in history. Jesse Jackson said in 1993: “They don't use bullets and ropes anymore. They use the World Bank and the IMF." Between 1982 and 1990, debtor countries paid more than $1,300 billion but ended up owing 61 percent more than they did in 1982. In 1993, for every pound of aid, rich countries took back 3 pounds in debt payments. As Nigerian writer and environmentalist Ken Saro-Wiwa said:

The World Bank must accept that the real instrument of torture is its pursuit of economic growth at the expense of human well-being... The sooner indebted nations realize the political nature of the World Bank, the sooner they will be able to resist bogus economic theories.

Saro-Wiwa and eight other Ogoni activists were hanged on November 10, 1995 by Nigeria's dictator, General Abacha. In 1988, a statement was published by former IMF senior economist Davison Badhu. Badhu resigned, hoping, in his words, that he could “wash his hands of the blood of millions of poor and starving people.”

In 1993, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) was signed, and the new World War II trade Organization(WTO) was created in 1995. The elite are now able to implement the doctrine of corporate libertarianism worldwide - the bill of rights of multinational corporations - and God help any country that stands in its way.

Secret plan

David Icke, in And Truth Shall Set You Free, summarizes the elite's post-World War II plans:

Continue to cause conflict around the world and exploit fear of Soviet Union to increase spending on nuclear and conventional weapons and create a US-European defense alliance (North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)) and peacekeeping forces the United Nations, which will eventually fuse together to form a world army;

Create three “free trade” regions in Europe, America and Asia, initially as purely economic entities. Gradually, however, they should evolve into centralized political unions with one central bank and a single currency. They would be stepping stones to the introduction of similar zones on a global scale. European Economic Community ( European Union), was the first of these, but the other two are currently in the process of creation;

Develop means of controlling public opinion and research in the field of manipulation of the human psyche, individually and collectively;

Create a welfare state by eliminating alternatives economic system and, when the desired thing is achieved, to remove the support of this state, to create a numerous underclass without rights or hope;

Create fantastic amounts of money during the implementation of all these plans through elite-controlled companies and banks;

Constantly increase the debt burden of the population, business and states, thereby increasing control over them.

The approach to misleading public thinking was predictable but very effective: discredit nation states in accordance with the works of the German economist Hans Heymann, who created his “Plan for Perpetual Peace” using funds provided by ... the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

Translation from English by Alexander KHOLEV

The race among states to create artificial intelligence (AI) has one unpleasant feature - it begins exactly at the moment when one of the potential participants in this race gets the idea to start it. Other states may not want to take part in it - this no longer matters.

The race has begun. It will definitely have losers and finalists. The winners who will finally take it all. A parallel with the advent of nuclear weapons is quite appropriate: a number of countries managed to create such weapons (by inventing them themselves or borrowing them from a neighbor), and then formed a nuclear club. This club now implores everyone not to spread nuclear weapon under the threat of terrible punishment. And if countries that are decades late are indignant, then in response they receive an offer to join different systems collective security- “our weapons will protect you,” - not forgetting to also conclude free trade agreements. In the case of AI: “Use ours, ready-made. Why would you want to make your own?”

If anyone is afraid that artificial intelligence will enslave the world with the help of steel soldiers, then relax, this will only be a plot of Hollywood producers for a long time. And the enslavement of the world is a complex and troublesome matter: new subjects must be commanded and fed (we mean humanism). It is much easier to force the whole world to buy what benefits the winner. Not because steel monsters with machine guns force you to click on the “BUY” button, but because it’s simply more profitable and convenient for the consumer.

This is precisely the main prize for the winner of the race to create true artificial intelligence - to make the world work on its own principles, on its own software, which will determine for a long time what the remaining hard drive will be like.

China's breakthrough

When the author of these lines first visited Beijing in 1994 (traditionally, with shuttles), it seemed that Beijing was an amazing time machine, returning each guest back to the past of the USSR, to the oddities of the 1970s. Post-perestroika Russia seemed to be the frontier of capitalism, a community of Atlanteans with their shoulders squared, rushing into the unimaginably exciting prospects of a market consumer economy. A small exception seemed to be the clothing markets, where shuttle traders were overstocked, supplying the impoverished but proud Russian intelligentsia with everything they needed.

Who could have imagined that 23 years later, on the site of the former hutongs, ultra-modern office centers would rise, filled to the brim with investment funds and their portfolio companies creating technologies for artificial intelligence and robotics. The Chinese began the race for artificial intelligence not yesterday, but at least five years ago - Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent created AI development centers at that time. The results are significant - more than 8,000 patents in this area for 2010-2015. Private business has been participating in this race for a long time. The difference is that now the athlete was lifted and carried on the shoulders of the Chinese communist state. The communists were not tempted by the “catch-up model” that was so popular in domestic economic discussions. The Chinese simply started the global race themselves, clearly making a bet - we will be the first in artificial intelligence (and much more) - and starting to systematically develop the industry. The rest - as you wish: you can try to catch up with the leader, or you can continue to sleep.

Why do the Chinese communists need AI? The Chinese Communist Party is doing well, the economy is growing, the people are living better and better. In my opinion, there are two fundamental reasons.

First, the new economy of the Fourth Industrial Revolution needs fewer people. Capital (machines, robots, software) replaces labor. This negates China's main advantage as an industrial power - cheap labor. In the new economy, products and services can be produced closer to major consumer markets. Therefore, there is no need for cheap manual production. This is precisely what keeps the Chinese communists awake - in ten years, at the current rate of robotization, there will be no need for those cheap workers. And then goodbye, social stability.

Secondly, China is rapidly entering the community developed countries and thus acquires one of the main problems - the dramatic aging of the population. According to international standards, China is already an “aging” society, and by 2050, 44.5% of China's population will be over 60 years of age. (“Aging” is a society in a country in which at least 10% of the population is over 60 years of age, and 7% of the population is over 65 years of age).

Simple recipes

Let's try to figure out what happened. In fact, the recipes for leadership are simple, one might say, eternal. Actually, this can be used as a program for the development of technology at all times. Firstly, “you need to water your meadow.” With money. I emphasize, my clearing, not someone else’s. The New York Times recently told the story of European mobile robotics scientist Soren Schwertfeger, who received a research grant at Shanghai Technical University that was six times larger than anything he had been offered in the US or Europe. Another example: the Hunan provincial government has developed a program for the development of artificial intelligence and robotics, including support measures for $2 billion. In another province, Suzhou, an organization conducting research in this area can receive subsidies of $800,000. Shenzhen increases the rates and gives up to $1 million for such enterprises.

The numbers that the Chinese allocate to support robotics make domestic development institutions “smoke nervously on the sidelines.” Thus, in Guangdong province, the local administration founded a fund of 16.8 billion yuan, the main goal of which is to replace people in production with robots. Shenzhen spends almost €70 million annually to support innovative businesses in robotics, wearable electronics and industrial equipment. Over 70 local administrations have announced programs to support robotics. Let me emphasize that no one now knows the exact figures for the Chinese’s costs for support in the field of AI and robotics. One thing is clear - they are very, very large.

“Painful holds” as a recipe for industry development

Recipe number two - “with a kind word and a painful hold you can achieve more than just a kind word.” The author has studied for many years the ancient Chinese art of qingna - grabbing an opponent's limbs to control him in a fight. Many, especially novice practitioners, believe that the essence of the technique is to inflict pain on the opponent. Nothing could be more wrong. Zinna techniques are techniques to control the opponent: he cannot do anything, losing the will to resist, but the master can force the opponent to do everything he needs, for example, to behave quietly.

The Chinese government behaves exactly the same way towards American high-tech companies. No pain, no humiliation. But complete control: “do you want to work in our market and do you have technologies in the field of artificial intelligence? Great, then we're coming to you. More precisely, you come to us and open a development center with us.” The New York Times recently gave an excellent overview of what is already well known, estimating that Americans invested more than $7 billion in Chinese development centers from 2014 to 2016. Why do Americans do this? Because the Chinese market is the most significant market in the world: “you can’t just pick up and leave the Chinese market.” Therefore, Americans pay fines (like Qualcomm recently), create development centers - everything in order to stay in this market. As they say, “the mice cried, injected themselves, but continued to eat the cactus.”

This does not seem to be directly related to the development of AI technology in China. But that's not true. The fact is that human resources play a key role in the AI ​​industry. It is national personnel that become the basis of these centers created by Qualcomm, AMD, Intel, VMware, Microsoft, Cisco and others. But personnel do not always work in one place all their lives. More precisely, this rarely happens: after five years, people change jobs, go to competitors or create their own companies. Therefore, the main growth of AI technology will begin in China in five years - when recently hired Chinese engineers from American development centers begin to change jobs. In my opinion, if China manages to make a breakthrough in the development of artificial intelligence, it will be thanks to the control methods of its American partners, who are forced to share technologies due to the effect of “personnel flow” from offshore development centers to local companies.

Celestial Empire in the Fog

Is everything great for China's robotics and artificial intelligence industry? The two (key) recipes for creating an industry described above create a general climate. But this does not mean that they will lead to significant results. With strength comes vulnerability. I really like one of the slogans of Silicon Valley - FAIL FAST - the success of a particular project is not the determining factor in the race for artificial intelligence. What's more important is that Valley innovators fearlessly try new methods and discard them as soon as it becomes clear that it doesn't work as well as it should. The Chinese are much more careful. Failure scares them, and they are not ready to admit it. This gives rise to a tendency to make additions in reporting for the authorities, who so want to see the country as a leader in the race for AI. On paper, there are thousands of AI and robotics startups in China. But in fact, most of them are alive only thanks to massive government intervention. In a market economy, these companies would never exist.

How will we cut corners?

Of course, it is very attractive to say: “Since everything is fake, then we have a chance.” It's not that simple. We have a chance, but, alas, we cannot copy simple recipes our Chinese partners: a huge cash register that we don’t mind spending, and a significant market, the power of which could force the leaders of the race to create thousands of engineering jobs in our development centers. But there are a few recipes worth trying. First, we need to accept the FAIL FAST paradigm and give responsible people in the state and business confidence. It seems that only the lazy did not repeat the words that “the state must stop creating a nightmare for business.”

However, in conditions when the public sector makes up about 70-80% of the Russian economy, it is at least reckless to assign responsibility only to business in relation to breakthrough research. When business “heats up” and understands the importance of investing in research and development, the moment will already be lost - in fact, as I said above, there are five years left. In general, we need any initiative - regardless of where it was born - in the state or in business. That is why we should pay very close attention to the statement of the President of the Skolkovo Foundation V. F. Vekselberg about the creation of the Center for Artificial Intelligence. Such a center could become not only the basis for the development of technologies, but also a center for analyzing trends, coordinating all thematic research work in the country.

We should unite the efforts of the entire artificial intelligence research community to work on the most pressing problems: natural language processing, chatbots, video analytics, gesture, face and action recognition, biometric systems, neural interfaces and deep learning neural networks. Such a center could become the basis for a union of all researchers, providing equal, non-discriminatory access to results research activities to all participants, including private companies. We already have a lot of good solutions for facial recognition. But we are competing for market share that is less than 2% of the global market. Is it worth constantly duplicating technologies, even if they are made by competing companies? We have come to a point where we must either unite all efforts in one center or abandon the race. Such a center could effectively use our last advantage over the Chinese - a good fundamental education in some elite universities: traditional ones, such as ITMO, MISIS, Moscow State University and Moscow State Technical University. Bauman, as well as new ones, such as Skoltech and Innopolis. A single center for the development of artificial intelligence could take on the function of communicating with international partners - it is more convenient for any startup to sit on the shoulders of a giant than to build its own staircase to the door that opens in the corporation.

Another way to “cut the diagonal” is national technology competitions. Our engineers and scientists need the formulation of an ambitious task, and the state needs a Hamburg account of innovators, and not competitions “who can draw the best slides.” The National Technology Initiative program involves the launch of this kind of large-scale competitions that will actually show who is worth what.

Complement the leader

But our chance is not only in creating a single center and holding technology competitions. We must become complementary to the leader of the race, China. What can we offer the Chinese? In my opinion, the answer must be found in our deep national archetypes. Russians are people of sincerity and intuition. The Chinese are people of ritual and knowledge. Daniel Kahneman talked about the complementarity of thinking systems 1 and 2: “System 1 works automatically and very quickly, requiring little or no effort and without giving a sense of intentional control. System 2 allocates the attention needed for conscious mental effort, including complex calculations. System 2 activities are often associated with a subjective sense of agency, choice, and concentration.” Perhaps the talents of the Chinese and Russians should be matched precisely from this point of view. Artificial intelligence one way or another needs the “illusion” of sincerity and humanity of the interface. Perhaps our Russian programmers and roboticists should focus not so much on creating their own units and complexes, but rather new types of interfaces that will be truly humane and ethical. The happiness of a person of the future is when a personal digital assistant sincerely understands him. And such happiness does not cost too much.