This material will provide the basic commands that need to be used in a server game. The article will be especially useful for inexperienced Minecraft players.

You need to enter commands into the chat; you can display it by pressing “T” or “/”.

/register [password] [password] - Registers you in the server. Applicable when logging into the server for the first time.

/changepassword [ Old Password] [new password] - Changes your password.

Core server team

/spawn - Teleports to where you spawned.

/sethome - Saves the coordinates of the house.

/home - Quickly teleports home.

/kit start -Allows you to get a kit for starting.

Teleporting using commands

/tpa [player nickname] - Requests teleportation to the specified player.

/tpaccept - Agrees to move to the specified player.

/tpdeny - Deny movement.

/tpahere - Transfers the selected player to you.

Other teams

/list - Display a list of those playing on the server.

/suicide - Your player dies.

/msg [name] [text] - Sends a text message.

/balance - Display your game points.

/pay [Your nickname] [Amount] - Transfer funds from your account to your account.

Commands for using private rights

/cprivate [names of other players] - Locks your items. The specified names allow them to use your property.

/cpassword [password] - Sets passwords for chests, doors, and more.

/cunlock - Opens chests, doors, hatches, etc. that are locked to others.

/cpublic - Opens public access to your property and other things (all users can use it, but only you can manage it).

/cremove - Removes locks from doors, chests, hatches and more.

/cmodify [Friends' names with spaces] - Gives permission to use chests, doors, furnaces, hatches to your friends.

Creating a private zone using the command

//wand - Gives out a wooden ax for a private area.

//expand [number, direction (you need to look in a certain direction)] - Reduces or increases the size of the territory.

/region claim [Region] - The selected zone is created.

/region addowner [Region] [nickname] - Indicates who owns this zone.

/region addmember [Region] [nickname] - Indicates who is the user of the land plot.

/region removeowner [Region] [nickname] - The owner of the region will be removed.

/region removemember [Region] [nickname] - The user will be removed.

/region setparent [Region] - Applies the parent value for the region.

/region delete [Region] - The zone is deleted.

/region flag [Region] [flag] - The region receives the selected flag.

Using these command codes will come in handy in Minecraft. We hope that this material will be useful.

Not a single server can function without these people. They are the Admins, the holders of any minecraft server. And like any activity, this one also has its tools. This minecraft admin commands. If you have your own minecraft server or you want to open one of them, but don’t know these commands - it’s time to bridge this gap. Just like in any other game, admin commands in minecraft allow you to effectively manage your server, both from the game and using the console.

Here I will give a list admin commands for minecraft, which can be used on an SMP or Bukkit server. All commands are entered in the server console, or directly into the game chat (in this case, the command must be preceded by a ‘/’ sign). The commands contain and [optional parameters].

List of commands for minecraft admin:

ban – blocks a player's access to the server.
ban-ip – blocks access for an IP address.
banlist – shows a list of blocked users; when used with the ips parameter, shows a list of blocked IP addresses.
deop – takes away the rights of the server operator (administrator).
gamemode – sets the game mode for the specified player (1 – survival, 0 – creative).
give [quantity] [additional parameter] – gives the player resources, an additional parameter allows you to set, for example, the color of the coat.
kick – disconnects the specified player from the server.
list – shows a list of connected players.
op – gives the user the rights of an operator (administrator) of the server.
pardon – unblocks a player.
pardon-ip – unblocks an IP address
save-all – forced saving of the world.
save-off – disables autosaving of the world.
save-on – enables auto-saving of the world.
say – sends a message (announcement).
stop – saves the world and stops the server.
time adds a number to the current time or sets it to a given value.
toggledownfall – stops precipitation.
tp – transports player 1 to player 2.
whitelist – enables or disables White list on server.
whitelist add – adds a player to the server whitelist.
whitelist remove – removes a player from the whitelist.
whitelist list – shows the white list of your server.
whitelist reload – reloads the whitelist from the whitelist.txt file.
xp – adds a specified number of experience spheres to the player (no more than 5000 for one team).

Commands are also available to ordinary players.

help or? – displays a list of available commands.
kill – kill yourself by dealing 1000 damage.
me – sends messages in IRC style, so you can write about yourself in the third person.
tell – sends a private message to the player.

As you can see admin commands in minecraft allow you to change many key game parameters. They can also be used for testing various features servers, and simplify the work of administrators several times. However, when using them, you should remember that by abusing commands and using them unnecessarily, you undermine interest in the game among ordinary players, which, of course, is unacceptable for any serious project. However admin commands for minecraft it is necessary to know at least in order to quickly respond to emerging problems and solve them as quickly as possible and unnoticed by the players.

Here is a list of all available commands to players on our servers. All parameters (arguments) of the command are indicated in parentheses (there is no need to specify parentheses when entering the command). So: - a required parameter is specified, and [parameter]- optional.

Chat message tags

[A]– the person who sent the message is the server administrator.
[M]– the person who sent the message is a server moderator.


Team Description
/spawn Return to spawn
/kit [kit_name] Get a set of items.
If the name of the set is not specified, a list of sets available to you will be displayed.
/mail Send a message by mail
/rules Look brief rules server. Full Rules behavior on game servers are posted on the website.
Send a request to teleport to another player. Teleportation will occur as soon as the player accepts your request.
/tpaccept [nickname] Accept a request to teleport another player to you.
If a nickname is not specified, the last received request will be accepted.
/ignore [nickname] Add/remove a player from the ignored list. This option allows you to disable receiving DMs, displaying messages in the general chat, and teleportation requests from a specific player.
To view the list of ignored players, enter this command without specifying a nickname.
Send a private message to the player.
/time Find out the current game time on the server. If you don't have access to this command, use RMB with vanilla gold clock
/me Write a message from the 3rd person (status).
/workbench Portable workbench (opens the interface of a regular workbench).
/back Teleports you to the place where you last time teleported.
/hat Place any block (held in your hand) on your head. To withdraw, enter: /hat 0
/scvroff Disables the function of saving inventory in case of death (things will drop out as usual).
/scvron Re-enables the function of saving inventory in case of death.


Allocation of territory

Below are the commands with which you can select a territory in order to later privatize it.
Team Description
//wand Get a wooden ax and a tag to mark out the area and check it.

On our servers, we have added a special ax and a tag for checking privateness so that players do not use them as free fuel.

Select the block on which you are standing (selection without an axe).
Select the block you are looking at (selection without an axe).
//expand [direction] Expand selection by N(number) of blocks in the specified direction. (if the parameter is not specified, the selection will expand in the direction where you are looking).
  • u, up- up
  • d, down- down
  • n, north- north
  • s, south- south
  • w, west- west
  • e, east- East
//expand vert Expands the selection vertically as much as possible possible meaning(from bedrock to sky). It is recommended to use it so that your private cannot be poured on top or filled with liquids.
//contract [direction] Narrow selection to N blocks in the specified direction (if the parameter is not specified, the selection will be narrowed in the direction where you are looking).
//outset [-h/-v] Expand the selection (increase the volume) in all directions by N blocks.
  • -h- expansion of the selection only horizontally (north, south, west and east)
  • -v- expand selection only vertically (up and down)
//inset [-h/-v] Narrow the selection in all directions. The rest is similar to the above command //outset
//shift [direction] Move selection to N blocks in the specified direction (if the parameter is not specified, the direction in which you are looking is selected).
//size View information about the allocation (number of blocks, etc.).
Deselect (remove red grid).

Private territory

Instead of a command /region You can use a shortened analogue: /rg
Team Description
/region claim Create a region (private the territory). From now on, your territory is protected.
/region info [-s] [region_name] View information about the region (participants, flags, etc.). If you do not specify a region name, information about the region in which you are currently located will be displayed. When specifying a flag -s The region will be highlighted (the private grid will be shown).
/region list [page]
/region list -p [page]
Will display a list of your privates. The “+” sign indicates private spaces where you are the owner, and “-” respectively indicates a participant.
/region flag [value] Set a flag (option) to a region. Leave the parameter [meaning] to reset the flag.

Access: Owner

/region addmember Add players as participants in private (player nicknames are listed separated by a space). This will give them the ability to only build and use machinery in private.

Attention! You add participants at your own peril and risk. No one will return stolen items or restore destroyed buildings to you.

Access: Owner

/region removemember [-a] Remove participants from private (nicknames are listed separated by a space). Flag -a deletes ALL participants, in this case there is no need to list nicknames.

Access: Owner

/region addowner Adds players as owners in private. They get full access (like you) to private.

Access: Owner

/region removeowner [-a] Delete private owners (nicknames are listed separated by a space). Flag -a removes ALL owners; in this case, player nicknames do not need to be listed.

Access: Owner

/region setpriority Set region priority. A priority- any integer. By default, all regions have priority 0. Priorities are needed to resolve conflicts where regions intersect. Using them, you can determine which region will be dominant at the intersection.

Access: Owner

/region select Select the region (a selection grid will appear). This can be useful for viewing privacy boundaries and changing them. To remove the selection, use the command: //desel

Access: Owner Member

/region remove Delete region (remove private).

Access: Owner


Team Description
/warp Teleport to the warp.
/warp list [-p] [-c creator] [-w world] [page] View the list of warps available to you. Public ones are marked with a “+” sign.
  • -p– sorts the list by popularity (visits).
  • -c– displays a list of warps created by the specified player.
  • -w– filters the list by world.
/warp create
/warp set
Create public warp. All players will be able to teleport to this warp.
/warp pcreate Create private warp. This warp will be available only to you and players invited to it.
/warp update Update warp position (will be set to the place where you are currently standing, the direction of your view is also taken into account).
/warp welcome Set a greeting message. Enter this command, then write a message in the chat that you want to install.
/warp info View information about the warp (creator, coordinates, visits, etc.).
/warp invite Invite a player to private warp. The invited player will receive a notification that you invited him.
/warp uninvite Cancel invitation (remove access) to private warp.
/warp public
/warp private
Make the warp public or private.
/warp delete
/warp remove
Remove warp.


ATTENTION! The administration can make changes to the list of available commands. It is recommended that you review this section periodically.
Last edit date: 01/21/2017

The admin, otherwise known as the server operator in Minecraft, has a number of commands that can be used to manage the server. This basic commands, you do not need to install any plugins/add-ons to use them. Commands must be entered into the chat. Before entering the command, you must write the “/” character (slash). Required command parameters are circled<такими скобками>, additional parameters [such].

  • /ban<никнейм>— Bans a player on the server by removing him from white sheet and blacklisting. Banned players cannot play on the server.
  • /pardon <никнейм>— The opposite team to ban. Unbans a player by removing his name from the blacklist.
  • /ban-ip — Bans an IP address by blacklisting it. Players with an IP address on the blacklist cannot play on the server.
  • /pardon-ip <никнейм>— The opposite of an IP ban. Removes an IP from the blacklist.
  • /banlist— Displays a list of banned players. If the optional ips parameter is used, displays a list of banned IP addresses.
  • /deop<никнейм>— Deprives the player of administrator (operator) rights.
  • /op<никнейм>- Opposite deop command. Gives the player administrator (operator) rights.
  • /gamemode <0/1/2 [никнейм]>— Changes the game mode for players. If the additional nickname parameter is specified, the team will change the game mode for this player. If the parameter is not specified, the mode of the person who entered the command will be changed. In order for the command to work, the player whose mode is being changed must be in the game.
  • /defaultgamemode <2/1/0>- Changes the game mode of the world.
  • /give<никнейм> <номер предмета [количество]>— Gives the player an item with the specified ID in the specified quantity.
  • /help— Output of all available console commands.
  • /kick <никнейм>— Kicks the selected player from the server.
  • /list— Displays a list of players on the server.
  • /me— A command that allows you to send messages from a third party.
  • /save-all— A command that backups (saves) the current state of the server to the hard drive.
  • /save-off— Disables the server's ability to save server state to the hard drive.
  • /save-on— As opposed to the save-off command, allows the server to save the server state to the hard drive.
  • /say <сообщение>- “Says the server.” The message entered using this command is displayed in pink.
  • /stop— Disables the server. Before shutting down, the server is automatically saved.
  • /time <число>— Sets the time, or adds time to the current one.
  • /toggledownfall- Changes the weather.
  • /tp <никнейм1> <никнейм2>— Teleports the player with Nickname1 to the player with Nickname2.
  • /tp <никнейм> — Teleports the player to the specified coordinates.
  • /whitelist <никнейм>— Adds or removes a player from the whitelist.
  • /whitelist list— Displays a list of players on the whitelist.
  • /whitelist— Activates/deactivates the whitelist.
  • /whitelist reload— Reloads the white list.
  • /xp<количество> <никнейм>— Gives the player with the specified nickname the specified number of xp points.
  • /publish— Allows access to the server via LAN.
  • /debug— Starts a new debug mode session.

Here are all the admin commands in Minecraft.

We've compiled a list of some useful console commands and cheats for Minecraft that all players will find useful.

Whether you need to copy an existing build, change a game mode, or just cheat, console commands in Minecraft are an important part of the game that we encounter every day. There are many different commands, all of which vary in difficulty, and we've gone over the must-know ones that you can use to troll your friends. Because what would Minecraft be without friendly griefing?

If you're wondering how to enter the Minecraft console commands listed below, all you have to do is press the forward slash (/) key and a small window will appear. Enter the code and press Enter and your command will be activated.


Below are selectors, that is, abbreviation codes that save you from having to enter the names of different players. These are worth remembering so you don't have to type in nicknames like "Sniper_Kitty_Bruv_91" every time some idiot joins your game.

  • @p – player closest to you
  • @r – random player
  • @a – all players
  • @e – all objects in the world
  • @s – you

Clone command


Clones a series of blocks to another location. Very useful if you are building a city and want to copy several buildings to other locations. " " - starting point. " » – end point. AND " " is the location where you want to move the selected blocks.

Example: /clone 100 234 -10 200 100 0 300 200 100

How to change difficulty


Changes the difficulty of the game. Replace the last part of the code with one of the following values:

  1. peaceful (peaceful)
  2. easy (easy)
  3. normal
  4. hard (difficult)

Example: /difficulty peaceful

Apply an effect to yourself or another player

/effect<эффект>[seconds] [level]

Places an effect on the player. "[seconds]", "[level]" and "" (hide particles) are optional conditions, so feel free to ignore them unless you want to change the duration, effect strength, and particle visibility. If you want to remove an effect from a player, enter "/effect"<имя игрока>clear".

Example: /effect Gamer water_breathing 30

Enchant an item

/enchant<игрок> [level]

Places an enchantment on an item in the player's hands. Celestial Punishment, Arthropod Scourge, Wit - any enchantment you could pull from a book or enchantment table. Here is a list of enchant IDs.

Example: /enchant Gamer minecraft:smite 1

Changing Experience


Gives the player the specified amount of experience points. If you just want to add levels, which is useful for enchanting, try "/xp<количество>L [player].”

Example: /xp 100L Gamer

Changing Game Mode


Changes the game mode for everyone in the game. Add a player's name to the end of the command to change the mode for that player only. Replace "<режим>» one of the following options:

  • Survival
  • Creative
  • Adventure
  • Spectator

Example: /gamemode Survival

Give out an item or items

/give<игрок> <предмет>[quantity]

Adds an item to the player's inventory. Ideal if you want to start the game with a full set of diamond equipment. But keep in mind that the quantity only works for stackable items. You can't give yourself 100 diamond swords at a time, although that would be great. A complete list of item IDs can be found here.

Example: /give Gamer diamond_sword 1

Help if the command doesn't work

/help [command name]

Gives additional information about any console command. If you are trying to run a command and it is not working as expected, type the above command before the name of the command that is not working and it will tell you more details about how it works.

Example: /help kill

Enable Inventory Saving

/gamerule keepInventory true

Changes the rules of the game so that if you die, you will keep all items in your inventory. Replace "true" with "false" to disable this.

Kill everyone or everything

Kills everyone, including the player. But if you want to kill another player, use "/kill"<игрок>" And to kill certain mobs, type "/kill @e".

Audio playback command

/playsound<звук> <игрок>

Plays a specific sound file. Great if you want to use a command block to play a sound when someone opens a door. Who doesn't love a good doorbell? Take a look at all the audio file names here.

Example: /playsound minecraft:entity.elder_guardian.ambient voice @a

How to view the world seed

Shows the seed for the current world so you can duplicate the world or give the seed to a friend.

Set the spawn point


Moves the spawn point to the location where the player is standing. If you don't want to do this, you can also set the spawn point to a given location using "/setworldspawn »

Example: /setworldspawn 100 80 0

Stop time

/gamerule doDaylightCycle false

This command completely stops the day/night cycle, so the world will always have the current time of day. To restart the loop, replace "false" with "true".

Spawn a mob

/summon<имя_сущности>[x] [y] [z]

Summons a mob in a specific location. Remove the part with "[x][y][z]" at the end so the mob will appear right above you. Just remember that if you spawn a Wither, you need to make your feet as quickly as possible.

Example: /summon creeper


/tp [player]

Teleports the player to the specified location. And yes, you can actually teleport a friend high into the sky and laugh as they fly back to earth.

Example: /tp Gamer 100 0 10

Change the in-game time

/time set<значение>

Sets the in-game time. Add one of the following numbers to the end to change the time of day to:

  • 0 – dawn
  • 1000 – morning
  • 6000 – noon
  • 12000 – sunset
  • 18000 – night

Change the weather to something better or worse


Changes the weather in the game. Those. "/weather thunder" will start a thunderstorm. This is simply necessary for hunting charged creepers. No one will sit and wait for a thunderstorm.