Today, vitamin E (tocopherol) is especially popular. It is often produced as a separate drug, but often in combination with other vitamins. Some believe that taking vitamin supplements is beneficial in any case, while others, on the contrary, complain about the dangers of using them, especially without doctor’s prescription. But, one way or another, the benefits of vitamin E are obvious. And this is due, first of all, to his antioxidant, cosmetic and restorative properties.
At the same time, its deficiency significantly reduces the absorption of vitamin E, negatively affects well-being and health, as described on the website:.

Vitamin E: instructions for use

Many people know that vitamin E has a beneficial effect on reproductive function, promotes fertilization and bearing a healthy baby. In addition, this vitamin increases the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, prevents the formation of blood clots, and accelerates growth. muscle mass, has a positive effect on metabolism.

Based on the positive characteristics of vitamin E, it is prescribed for jaundice, biliary atresia, myopathy, peripheral neuropathy, and bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Quite often, the instructions for the use of vitamin E determine its purpose in combination with other drugs for various diseases. Namely, with increased dry skin, irregular menstrual cycle, decreased libido, depression, excessive sweating, threat of miscarriage, eye diseases, and during periods of increased physical activity.

How to take vitamin E correctly

In order for tocopherol to have a positive effect on the body as a whole and bring it special benefits, you need to know how to take vitamin E correctly. Today there are certain rules his reception.

It is important to emphasize that tocopherol is best absorbed, which is present in legumes and seeds, almonds and milk, liver and cabbage, also egg yolk, and oils. For better absorption, take vitamin E is best combined with vitamin A(carotene).

Due to the positive effects of vitamins A and E on the human body, pharmaceutical companies have developed vitamin supplements that contain both vitamins. They will be an excellent replacement for chemicals

The properties and effects of tocopherol are enhanced significantly when interacting with vitamin C, which is found in almost every product: citrus fruits, herbs, berries. A detailed list of vegetables and fruits can be viewed.

It is best to consume vitamin E with foods rich in fat. At the same time It is not recommended to take vitamin E with iron supplements, since they cancel the properties of the first. Minerals also do not promote the absorption of vitamin E, therefore, you need to drink them separately.

If the doctor has prescribed you to drink an increased dose of tocopherol, it should be taken in parts at certain intervals. Also It is not advisable to take vitamin E along with anticonvulsants: They block its absorption.

Release of vitamin E capsules

Synthetic vitamin E, adapted to human needs, is produced in different dosage forms. These include oil solutions for intramuscular injections, chewable lozenges, tablets, and capsules.

Tocopherol is now released in in different forms, individually and in combination with other additives. However, vitamin E is most often found on pharmacy shelves in capsules. The instructions for the drug describe in detail the indications for the use of the vitamin in capsules. The dosage depends on age, body weight, physiological characteristics, and concomitant diseases. Thus, a gelatin capsule dissolves faster than, say, a tablet, since under the influence of bile it is almost completely absorbed by the walls of the gastrointestinal tract.

Vitamin E tablets

A less common option is vitamin E tablets. This form is more suitable for people who do not have chronic intestinal and stomach diseases. Since once inside, the tablet takes longer to digest than, for example, a capsule or chewable pastille. Although in rehabilitation period The doctor usually prescribes vitamin E in this form. It has more effect and less negativity.

One way or another, daily use of vitamin E in capsules, tablets or injections minimizes the rate of tocopherol deficiency in the blood, and therefore prevents the onset of serious illnesses. Indeed, due to a lack of vitamin E, destruction and deformation of red blood cells are often observed, which inevitably leads to oxygen starvation of organs and tissues and provokes anemia. Degenerative changes in muscle tissue also occur, neurological diseases occur, reproductive ability is canceled, and the conductivity of nerve impulses decreases.

What are the risks of an overdose of vitamin E?

Along with a lack of tocopherol, serious consequences are caused by an overdose of vitamin E. The main symptoms - apathy, blurred vision, increased fatigue, weakness, digestive problems - appear after two to three days of intensive intake of a vitamin-containing drug. Besides, An increased level of tocopherol interferes with the absorption of other vitamins.

Interestingly, an overdose of vitamin E is especially dangerous for people addicted to nicotine. There is evidence that smoking and increased amounts of vitamin E are fraught with stroke. It is striking that tocopherol is often attributed to heart disease. But it is the use of vitamin E that causes problems with the cardiovascular system.
Also, people who are not only prone to allergies, but also absolutely healthy in this regard, should be wary of tocopherol. Vitamin E is often a strong allergen.

Contraindications to the use of vitamin E

Many people know how useful vitamin E is; however, there are contraindications for taking it. The drug is especially harmful for people suffering from hypersensitivity to its components. Also, tocopherol will not bring any benefit to those who absolutely cannot tolerate it. Contraindications are allergies to the vitamin, chronic tendency to hypertension, myocardial infarction. It is not recommended to drink tocopherol with drugs that lower cholesterol in the blood, as this may cancel their positive effect on the body.

The main rule for increased absorption of vitamin E is to take it only on a full stomach. The optimal way to use vitamin E is to eat some nuts and fruits an hour before meals, drink the drug, and start eating an hour later.

What is the dosage of tocopherol? The body needs 400-600 IU per day to prevent cell deformation. Doctors advise children to drink 5 mg of vitamin E, adults - 10 mg per day, pregnant and nursing mothers - 10-14 mg. For various diseases, an individual course of taking a vitamin-containing drug is determined. What's interesting is natural balanced diet completely covers the daily tocopherol requirement. Although, with the modern rhythm of life, vitamin E deficiency is not at all uncommon.

The benefits of vitamin E in cosmetology

The widespread use of vitamin E in cosmetology is due to its restorative properties and the ability to stop aging. For this reason, tocopherol is often called “ elixir of youth».

Vitamin E helps maintain skin elasticity, heals and saturates its cells with oxygen. In addition, it activates circulatory system scalp, helps to increase capillaries, thanks to which more oxygen and nutrients enter the hair, as a result of which hair grows faster. Due to these properties, tocopherol is often included in various cosmetics - shampoos, lipsticks, creams, lotions.

Thus, with proper intake of vitamin E, the dosage prescribed by the doctor, taking into account the method of use and possible contraindications, tocopherol preparations can bring only benefit to the body and no harm.

It is customary to talk about the benefits of vitamin E in connection with the rejuvenation of the body and the beauty of the skin. But recently negative information has also appeared: scientists stated that tocopherol can cause the development cancer diseases. Who to believe and is vitamin E really useful?

What is vitamin E responsible for and in what dosage?

Conflicting information about tocopherol is alarming. However, you shouldn’t rush from one extreme to another: let’s figure out why the body needs this substance.

Vitamin E (another name for tocopherol) is one of the most important substances, without which normal functioning of the body is impossible. If the concentration of tocopherol is low, problems begin in all major systems and internal organs.

This vitamin is especially important for women:

Along with folic acid it promotes both successful conception and successful bearing of a child;

The benefit of vitamin E is to normalize menstrual cycle, increased libido;

The normal content of the substance contributes to the overall health of the entire body.

However, for men, the importance of tocopherol is great. This substance promotes normal sperm production and, in case of sperm deficiency, increases the number of viable sperm. With tocopherol deficiency in the male half of the world, interest in sex decreases and sperm production decreases.

If a woman experiences vitamin E deficiency, she complains of increased menopausal syndrome (emotional instability, Bad mood or its sudden jumps, sweating), vaginal dryness, cycle disruption. A pregnant woman may experience complications, as vitamin E protects the unborn baby from the negative environment.

There are also common consequences of tocopherol deficiency for men and women:

Destruction of muscle tissue up to the development of skeletal muscle dystrophy;

Reduced nominal protection, frequent colds and illnesses.

How much vitamin E is required for the normal functioning of physiological processes in the body? Scientists have calculated the following rates of daily intake of the substance into the human body:

Children under 14 years of age - from 6 to 12 mg;

Adult women and men - 12 mg;

Pregnant and breastfeeding women - 16 mg.

The body needs to receive the vitamin daily. Otherwise there will be a shortage. So, carefully read the ingredients of the vitamin-mineral complexes you take.

Where is it contained?

Chemical vitamins from the pharmacy are a mysterious thing. Many scientists believe that their value is low, since only natural substances are perceived by the body as they should, and artificially created ones are of no benefit (and this is at best). So, it is necessary to compensate for the deficiency of vitamin E with benefit for the body in a more familiar way - with food.

The main source of vitamin E is edible vegetable oils, but only unrefined ones. This can be not only sunflower or olive oil, but also soybean, sesame, and flax oil. By eating just a spoon a day, we prevent total cell destruction. True, the entire value of the oil is preserved only if it has not been subjected to heat treatment. Therefore, they need to season porridge and salads cold.

The good news is that tocopherol is also found in many foods that can be easily found in our kitchen. The list is as follows:

Whole milk;


Beef liver;


Fresh herbs;

Spinach, radish, lettuce;

Potatoes, carrots;



Sardines, salmon and other fatty fish.

Vitamin E is easily absorbed from natural products. Therefore, you need to properly plan your daily diet with an eye to enriching the body with tocopherol. Harm from vitamin E can occur in extremely rare cases, and only when the diet is artificially supplemented with synthetic vitamins.

Benefits of Vitamin E

The main function of tocopherol is to enrich the blood with oxygen by protecting red blood cells - blood cells containing hemoglobin. Vitamin E, among other things, thins the blood, preventing the development of atherosclerosis and the formation of blood clots.

As a powerful antioxidant, tocopherol reduces the likelihood of heart attack, stroke and other cardiovascular diseases. However, the benefits of vitamin E are not limited to its ability to delay the onset of old age. A wonderful substance that helps a person cope with other ailments:

Reduces the development of Alzheimer's disease by more than 30 percent;

Protects the lungs;

Reduces the risk of prostate cancer;

Normalizes the functioning of the reproductive system;

Positively affects the endocrine system, which makes it possible to more effectively fight diabetes and asthma;

Reduces the level of bad cholesterol, prevents the degeneration of normal cells into cancer cells.

Tocopherol is prescribed for disturbances in the production of hormones, with increased physical activity, after chemotherapy and abdominal surgery, for disruption of the pancreas, gall bladder and liver, in the treatment of alcoholism and diseases nervous system, for the treatment of cataracts.

Tocopherol is also indispensable for preserving the beauty of the skin. It prevents the appearance of age spots, deep skin creases and fine wrinkles, maintains nail strength and gives vibrant shine to hair. In addition, vitamin E protects against ultraviolet radiation.

Can vitamin E harm you?

If you do not exceed the dose of tocopherol recommended by doctors, vitamin E will not cause any harm. This substance is completely non-toxic. However, you should always remember that any medicine can turn into poison if the dosage is exceeded.

Symptoms of excess tocopherol:



Increased pressure;

Internal bleeding;

Enlarged liver;

Blood clotting disorder;

Skin allergic manifestations (rash, itching, urticaria).

It is dangerous to exceed the dose in the first weeks of pregnancy, since the harm of vitamin E to the fetus can be fatal: it can cause congenital heart pathologies.

With the simultaneous use of tocopherol and steroids, as well as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (aspirin, ibuprofen, diclofenac), the effect of the latter is enhanced. Vitamin E can also be harmful if it is used together with iron supplements (anticoagulants). In addition, tocopherol tablets are incompatible with blood pressure medications.

You should be extremely careful when taking tocopherol if you have the following diseases:

Myocardial infarction;



Scientists have found that smoking and frequent consumption of fatty foods negatively affects the condition of the cardiovascular system. However, taking tocopherol in tablet form did not improve the condition of these people. Therefore, there is no point in hoping that vitamin E will reduce the harm of fat and nicotine for the lungs, liver, and stomach.

It is certainly impossible to be treated with tocopherol. But as a prophylactic agent prescribed by a doctor, this substance will provide serious support to the immune system.

Vitamin E is very popular now. It is mainly produced in the form of a separate medicinal product. But sometimes they are included in multifunctional complexes. Most of us often believe that taking various supplements that include vitamins is beneficial for the body. Others, on the contrary, are confident that their use can be harmful. But despite different opinions, the benefits of tocopherol are obvious. It is primarily due to its irreplaceable properties. Vitamin E - what is it good for for women?

Instructions for use. Indications

Tocopherol has a beneficial effect on the reproductive function of the body, while promoting fertilization, a smooth pregnancy and the birth of a healthy and strong child. In addition, the supplement strengthens the walls of all blood vessels, preventing the formation of blood clots and accelerating the increase in muscle mass.

Based on such irreplaceable characteristics, the vitamin is prescribed for the complex treatment of biliary atresia, jaundice, peripheral nerve neuropathy, and myopathy. In addition, it is widely used in cosmetology, neuropathology and gynecology. It is recommended if a woman experiences menstrual irregularities, increased dry skin, decreased libido, increased sweating, constant depression, or the threat of miscarriage. It is also useful during periods of increased physical activity.

Taking tocopherol correctly

In order for a vitamin supplement to have a positive effect on the body and truly benefit it, you need to know some recommendations for its use. Vitamin E, present in seeds and all legumes, dairy products and almonds, fresh cabbage and, of course, liver, oils and egg yolk, is well absorbed. In order for tocopherol to “work” to its full potential, it is better to take it together with carotene. However, it is not recommended to use it together with iron supplements, anticonvulsants and minerals, as they cancel the effect of the substance.

If your doctor has prescribed an increased dose of the drug, it must be divided into several doses. useful for women? 400-600 IU is the daily dose of the drug. After taking it regularly, the result will not be long in coming. What will it be like? This will be discussed further.

The benefits of vitamin E for women

Tocopherol is a real “fertility vitamin”, as it improves the functioning of the reproductive system. Also widely used for toxicosis during pregnancy. When there are problems with the endocrine system, first of all, you should pay attention to the presence of the required amount of the element in your body.

We have heard many times about vitamin E. How is it useful for women? Representatives of the fair sex, who constantly suffer from PMS, begin to notice the disappearance of some symptoms when using this drug. Their increased sensitivity of the mammary glands noticeably decreases. They also get rid of accumulation excess liquid, constant fatigue, nervousness and poor sleep.

Useful and main properties of vitamin E for women

When talking about vitamin E and how it is beneficial for women, we pay attention to its positive qualities. One of the main advantages of tocopherol is its antioxidant properties. It removes toxins from the body well, freeing it from free radicals, thereby protecting the cells, preserving the necessary

Tocopherol and facial skin

How is vitamin E beneficial for women? An additive of this type is widely used in cosmetology today. Vitamin E is often included in various masks for rejuvenation. It returns lost beauty to aging skin. Its use at home is explained by the positive effect it has on cells.

Now you understand how vitamin E is beneficial for women. Tocopherol moisturizes the skin well, while perfectly regulating the functioning of the internal secretion of glands, brightens the surface of the face, and makes age spots and freckles less pronounced. Its constant and correct use slows down the aging process, gives pleasant elasticity and firmness to the epidermis, smoothes wrinkles, improves blood circulation, which has a positive effect on complexion. The only drawback of excessive and thoughtless consumption of vitamins is hypervitaminosis. And it’s quite difficult to get rid of it. Therefore, before using any additives, allergic reactions should be completely eliminated.

Vitamin E and hair health

What other ones are known? beneficial features vitamin E for women? Every lady's dream is lush, shiny, beautiful hair without dry ends. This type of supplement promotes the strengthening and growth of healthy hair, truly having a positive effect on its condition. This the best remedy from split ends and hair loss. Tocopherol is included in a huge number of products intended for professional hair care. But you can find such an indispensable drug in liquid form. And carry out procedures to restore your excellent hair at home.

How is vitamin E beneficial for women, in particular for their hair? The positive qualities of tocopherol can be judged by its positive properties:

  • protection from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, especially during hot periods;
  • acceleration of blood circulation, which promotes supply nutrients and oxygen of hair follicles;
  • giving hair silkiness and natural shine;
  • elimination of skin itching and inflammatory processes;
  • prevention and hair loss;
  • restoration of damaged and weakened hair.

The main function of a hair supplement is to transport oxygen to the skin on the head. As a result of regular use of tocopherol, curls acquire thickness and strength. If you systematically rub the liquid preparation into the scalp, then after a while you will notice an acceleration of their growth.

The benefits of vitamin E for women after 40 years

This is not surprising when you see a mother and daughter on the street who look like sisters. In the age of enormous progress in the field of cosmetology, maintaining your youth for many years is not so difficult. Of course, this can be done with the help of fitness, proper nutrition and taking various medications that contain minerals and vitamins, so necessary to maintain beauty and youth.

At the same time, the main substance for prolonging youth is tocopherol, which, thanks to its antioxidant effect, protects cells from destructive effects and prevents their death and aging. If it is deficient, they are not protected from toxic substances and die much faster. The life-giving supplement prevents the formation of blood clots and has a beneficial effect on blood clotting, improving oxygen exchange in blood vessels.

Why vitamin E?

How is vitamin E beneficial for women over 40? Lack of tocopherol has a detrimental effect on the nervous and reproductive systems, as well as on the skin. A woman may experience lack of mood, irritability, nervousness, depression, weakness, loss of skin elasticity, pigmentation, menstrual irregularities. Cosmetologists and pharmacists have long come to the conclusion that this type of supplement can be widely used for consumer purposes. That is why “E” is included in nourishing creams, shampoos and lotions that strengthen hair follicles, promoting healthy hair growth. But the vitamin must also participate in the metabolic process itself. Therefore, its local use will not bring significant benefits.

Such a useful component is contained in vegetable oil: olive, sunflower, pumpkin and corn. But the undoubted leader is wheat germ oil. For various reasons, it is not always possible to supply the body with the required amount of tocopherol from food. Here multivitamin preparations, which contain the necessary substance, will come to the rescue. They are especially recommended for use during periods of vitamin deficiency, for example, in spring.

How is vitamin E beneficial for women over 40? Their main complaints at this age:

  • Loss of skin elasticity.
  • The appearance of wrinkles.
  • Changes and severe deformation of the face.
  • Dryness and severe dehydration of the skin.
  • Painful, very unpleasant sensations during sexual intercourse.
  • Decreased sexual desire.

The lack of such an important hormone as estrogen results in a significant deterioration of the hair structure. Therefore, young ladies with all these signs are recommended to take the supplement. The principles of tocopherol functioning in a woman’s body are as follows:

  • Restore
  • Reduce the number of wrinkles and prevent their further formation.
  • Support optimal water balance in the body and retain slim figure, normalizing weight.
  • Slows down the formation of pigmentation.
  • Maintains optimal estrogen levels and maintains sexuality.

Vitamin E and disease prevention

What is useful for women after 40 years? He has a very positive effect on young ladies at that age:

  • After 40, high doses of the drug (600 IU) help reduce the risk of death due to cardiovascular diseases.
  • Tocopherol reduces the mortality rate from diseases such as biliary tract cancer when taken systematically.
  • Constant use of the supplement reduces the risk of chronic bronchitis and emphysema in women over 45 years of age by 10%.
  • The use of tocopherol together with beta-carotene and copper significantly reduces the development of age-related changes in the retina.

Don’t forget to support your body after 40 years, because this is the age that can bring you true happiness. The children have grown up, their careers are already taking off, that is, life has its own way. And there are still vast horizons ahead, so many interesting and new things.

Vitamin E: instructions for use


gelatin, glycerin, purified water, sodium benzoate.


Soft gelatin capsules, spherical, light yellow in color.

Indications for use

Vitamin E is used for hypovitaminosis, convalescence after diseases occurring with febrile syndrome, asthenic and neurasthenic syndrome, degenerative and proliferative changes in joints, diseases of the ligamentous apparatus and muscles; dysfunction of the gonads in men; in women - with various disorders of the menstrual cycle, with worsening conditions of intrauterine development of the fetus.

The drug is indicated for newborns, premature or low birth weight children younger age with insufficient intake of vitamin E from food. Newborns with low body weight: to prevent the development of hemolytic anemia, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, complications of retrolental fibroplasia.

Vitamin E is used for lesions of peripheral vessels (endarteritis, Raynaud's disease), spasms of peripheral vessels.

Vitamin E is also prescribed for seborrhea, atrophic skin changes (scleroderma, etc.), trophic leg ulcers, photodermatoses, psoriasis, dermatomyositis and other collagenoses.

Alpha tocopheryl acetate is also indicated for necrotizing myopathy, abetalipoproteinemia, gastrectomy, chronic cholestasis, liver cirrhosis, biliary atresia, obstructive jaundice, celiac disease, tropical sprue, Crohn's disease, malabsorption, parenteral nutrition, pregnancy (especially multiple pregnancy), menopause, nicotine addiction, drug addiction, during lactation, when taking cholestyramine, colestipol, mineral oils and iron-containing products, when prescribing a diet with a high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids.


Contraindications for use are:
. hypersensitivity;
myocardial infarction.

Directions for use and doses

If spermatogenesis is impaired, men are prescribed 100-300 mg (100 - 300 IU) of alpha tocopheryl acetate per day (in combination with hormonal therapy) for a month; if the conditions of intrauterine development of the fetus worsen - 100-200 mg (100 - 200 IU) during the first 2-3 months of pregnancy daily or every other day. At muscular dystrophies, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, dermatomyositis and other collagen diseases, vitamin E is used 100 mg (100 IU) per day for 1-2 months; repeat courses are prescribed after 2-3 months; for peripheral vascular diseases - 100 mg (100 IU) per day (in combination with vitamin A) for 20 - 40 days, after 3-6 months the course of treatment can be repeated.

For skin diseases, the drug is prescribed at a dose of 100 mg (100 IU) per day for 20-40 days.

The duration of treatment for hypovitaminosis E is individual and depends on the severity of the condition. If necessary, the dose can be increased to 1 g (1000 IU) per day.

Side effect

Allergic reactions. When taking large doses - diarrhea, epigastric pain, creatinuria. If side effects occur, the dose of the drug should be reduced or the drug discontinued.


Symptoms: when taken for a long period in doses

400 - 800 IU/day - vagueness visual perception, dizziness, headache, nausea, unusual fatigue, diarrhea, gastralgia, asthenia; when taking more than 800 IU/day for a long period - an increased risk of bleeding in patients with hypovitaminosis K, impaired metabolism of thyroid hormones, disorders of sexual function, thrombophlebitis, thromboembolism, necrotizing colitis, sepsis, hepatomegaly, hyperbilirubinemia, renal failure, hemorrhage into the retina of the eye, hemorrhagic stroke, ascites, hemolysis.

Treatment: drug withdrawal; glucocorticoids are prescribed to accelerate the metabolism of vitamin E in the liver; Vikasol is prescribed to reduce the risk of hemorrhages.

Interaction with other drugs

Increases the effectiveness of anticonvulsants in patients with epilepsy who have increased levels of lipid peroxidation products in the blood.

Enhances the effect of steroidal and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and antioxidants. Increases the effectiveness and reduces the toxicity of cardiac glycosides, as well as vitamins A and D. The administration of vitamin E in high doses can cause vitamin A deficiency in the body.

Simultaneous use of vitamin E in a dose of more than 400 IU/day with anticoagulants (coumarin and indanedione derivatives) increases the risk of developing hypoprothrombinemia and bleeding.

Cholestyramine, colestipol, and mineral oils reduce the absorption of alpha tocopheryl acetate.

High doses of iron increase oxidative processes in the body, which increases the need for vitamin E.

With the simultaneous use of alpha tocopheryl acetate with cyclosporine, the absorption of the latter increases.

Features of application

Impact on the ability to drive a car, work with equipment
Does not affect.

Precautionary measures

It should be used with caution in case of severe cardiosclerosis, myocardial infarction, with an increased risk of thromboembolism, as well as with hypoprothrombinemia (against the background of vitamin K deficiency - may increase with a dose of vitamin E more than 400 IU).

Release form

Soft gelatin capsules, 10 capsules in a blister pack, 2 blister packs in a pack.

Storage conditions

Store in a place protected from moisture and light at a temperature of 15°C to
Store out of the reach of children.

Best before date

2 years.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Dispensation is made without a doctor's prescription

Self-medication can be harmful to your health.
You should consult your doctor and read the instructions before use.

01 August 2016 5494

Vitamin E (also called tocopherol) is a fat-soluble compound necessary for the normal functioning of the human body.

Its deficiency can lead to weakened immunity, infertility, and disruption of almost all organ systems.

In addition, it is a powerful antioxidant and a good immunomodulator, especially necessary during the season of infectious diseases.

Indications and contraindications for use

Despite the fact that it is found in many plant products, such as walnuts, almonds, eggs, meat, sunflower, olive, corn oil, its deficiency is quite common.

The main signs of its deficiency in the body: general weakness, apathy, fatigue, degeneration of muscle and fat tissue, deterioration of liver function, decreased visual acuity, infertility, decreased immunity.

Signs of tocopherol deficiency can also be skin diseases - psoriasis, dermatitis.

In addition to the listed symptoms: threat of miscarriage during pregnancy, menstrual irregularities in women, joint pain, problems of the reproductive system in men, disturbances in the functioning of the autonomic nervous system, endocrine pathologies, poor circulation, lack of thyroid hormones, severe physical exercise, rehabilitation period after serious illnesses, increased levels of vitamins A and D in the body.

Contraindications for use are: cardiosclerosis, myocardial infarction, congenital disorders of vitamin E metabolism, childhood.

How to drink vitamin E in capsules: instructions, application features

In capsules, this remedy is usually taken orally after meals without chewing. The duration of treatment and dosage for each are determined individually.

In the case of muscular or fatty degeneration, it is taken in an amount of 200 mg per day, the course of treatment is 1-2 months.

In case of deterioration of heart function associated with vitamin E hypovitaminosis, as well as deterioration of vision, it is recommended to take 100-200 mg per day.

Duration of therapy is 2-3 weeks. Complex therapy in combination with vitamin A is desirable.

For pathologies of fetal development during pregnancy, it is taken in an amount of 100-200 mg per day. The course of treatment is about a month.

For menstrual irregularities, as well as dysfunction of the reproductive system in men - in the amount of 100-300 mg per day and combined with hormone therapy. The duration of treatment is 2-3 weeks.

Tocopherol overdose, side effects

Vitamin E is generally well tolerated if taken as directed. Rarely found by-effect in the form of an allergy.

With long-term use in quantities many times higher than indicated in the instructions, hypervitaminosis may occur. This occurs due to the property of this substance to accumulate in many tissues and organs, especially in adipose tissue, muscles, and liver.

An overdose is manifested by blurred vision, nausea, headache, weakness, diarrhea may begin, and abdominal pain appears.

When used repeatedly in very large doses, liver failure can occur, blood pressure increases, which is especially dangerous for hypertensive patients, immunity decreases, and blood clotting is impaired.

Tocopherol should be taken only as directed by a doctor and only in the amount indicated in the instructions. In case of overdose, stop using the drug.

Compatibility with other drugs

Vitamin E is not compatible with drugs containing silver, iron ions, indirect anticoagulants (neodicoumarin, acenocoumarol, phenindione), as well as substances that have an alkaline reaction.

It has the property of enhancing the effect of anti-inflammatory substances, increasing the effectiveness of anticonvulsants used for epilepsy.

Review of preparations with vitamin E in capsules

There are a lot of medicines whose active ingredient is tocopherol. They are produced by various pharmacological companies under different names.

This can be pure vitamin E, coated in a soft gelatin shell, or a multivitamin complex containing other active ingredients.

Such drugs can have different purposes - act as immunomodulators, antioxidants, or be part of hormonal therapy. Here are some of them.


Enough inexpensive remedy(a blister with 20 capsules costs about 60 rubles), which is used for atherosclerosis, psoriasis, some autoimmune diseases, visual impairment, angina pectoris, hypertension, skin diseases. 1 capsule contains 0.1 g of vitamin E and approximately the same amount of vitamin A.

"Aevit" is taken once a day after meals. In case of an overdose, blood pressure rises sharply, nausea, lethargy, muscle weakness, double vision, and abdominal pain are observed.

Zentiva (Slovakia)

The Zentiva product contains soft-coated tocopherol and excipients in small quantities (glycerin, dye). Available in three different forms: capsules containing 100 mg of vitamin E, 200 mg, or 400 mg.

The drug is prescribed for menstrual irregularities, for the normal development of the fetus during pregnancy, for the treatment of infertility in men and women, for decreased immunity, psoriasis, dermatitis, and also for heavy physical exertion.

The dosage and duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.

This medicine is sold in pharmacies and is available without a prescription.

Price for 30 100-milligram capsules is 150 rubles, 200-milligram capsules are 250 rubles, 400-milligram capsules are 350-400 rubles.

KVZ (Ukraine)

The medicine is available in two forms: gelatin capsules of 100 and 200 mg. Indications for use: menstrual irregularities, infertility in men, skin diseases, recovery from serious illnesses, skin problems.

The optimal dosage is 1-2 capsules per day. The course of treatment is determined depending on the type and severity of the disease. Sold in pharmacies without a prescription. The price of one 200-milligram blister is about 110 rubles.


This product is available in the form of gelatin capsules containing 300 mg of vitamin E, as well as chewable lozenges and an oral solution.

"Euzovit" is prescribed for a lack of tocopherol, liver cirrhosis, Crohn's disease, complications during pregnancy, and dermatitis. Contraindication for use: myocardial infarction.

"Euzovit" enhances the effectiveness of steroid drugs and increases the effect of anticonvulsants.

Biovital (Germany)

1 capsule contains 100 mg of vitamin E, 1 blister contains 20.

Like all drugs in this series, it is used during pregnancy, recovery from injuries, and heavy physical activity.

Doppelhertz forte (Germany)

The drug effectively combats tocopherol deficiency and is prescribed for atherosclerosis and endocrine disorders autonomic system, heart diseases.

The blister contains 20 capsules coated with a soft gelatin shell. Optimal dosage – 1-3 pcs. per day. The price of this product is 280 rubles.

Vitamiel (Poland)

A multivitamin complex containing vitamins E and A. “Vitaminel” is recommended to be taken once a day after meals. "Vitaminel" is an analogue of "Aevita".

It is used for vision problems, skin diseases, unbalanced nutrition and hypovitaminosis.

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The advantages of this form of tocopherol release

For people with a lack of this substance in the body, doctors usually prescribe drugs in the form of gelatin capsules. There are other forms of release: chewing pads, dragees, solutions for intramuscular administration.

Capsules are usually small, soft, and easy to swallow, and the gelatin shell dissolves quickly in the body.

They are a good replacement for injections, because in this case the components of the drug enter the body naturally, quickly and painlessly.

Thanks to them, the level of vitamin E increases in a sufficiently a short time. The instructions help control the dosage and make treatment at home possible.

For those who for some reason cannot swallow a capsule without chewing, chewable pads are a suitable alternative.