The weather station in the village of Kon-Kolodez is one of the oldest in the Lipetsk region. They started observing the weather here more than 120 years ago in an agricultural school opened by the Voronezh zemstvo together with the department of agriculture and rural industry.

2. The weather station changed its location several times, and this house on Lenin Street has been occupied since 1957.

3. Meteorologists here monitor the weather conditions, temperature, wind direction and speed, atmospheric pressure, visibility, humidity, and precipitation. Employees transmit the information received 8 times a day to the interregional hydrometeorology center of the Central Black Sea Region in Kursk.

4. According to its characteristics, the station in Kon-Kolodez belongs to the reference, that is, base stations. Observation is carried out in a small fenced area where meteorological instruments are installed.

Let's take a closer look at some of them.

5. Extractive soil-depth thermometers - for measuring soil temperature at different depths. These are mercury thermometers placed in special tubes. They are visible in the foreground, and there are 8 of them in total. The longest thermometer measures the temperature at a depth of as much as 3.20 meters.

6. Meteorological booth designed to protect instruments from exposure atmospheric precipitation, wind, solar radiation.

The booth is made of wood and painted White color so that it reflects as much as possible Sun rays and heated up as little as possible. For ventilation, the walls of the booth are made in the form of blinds, consisting of separate slats: air must pass through without stagnating. In addition, the installation height of the booth from the surface of the ground matters - it is taken to be 2 meters.
In such a booth they place, for example, a psychrometer, a hygrometer - instruments for measuring air humidity, as well as a thermograph - a recorder that records changes in air temperature.

7. Thermometers for measuring soil surface temperature; for this, an area without vegetation cover is used. There are several thermometers here: maximum, minimum and urgent. The maximum is mercury, where there is a capillary with a narrowing that prevents reverse flow mercury as the temperature drops. Thus, it is measured highest temperature during the observation period.

The minimum is alcohol, also with a special design that allows you to measure the lowest temperature over a period.
Urgent - no tricks, it shows the current soil surface temperature.

8. Tretyakov precipitation gauge - a device for measuring precipitation. The design is a vessel that is protected from the wind by metal petal strips. And the amount is expressed by the thickness of the layer of sediment trapped in the vessel, in millimeters.

9. On high masts there are devices that monitor the wind.

10. Wild weather vane is an indispensable attribute of any weather station.

From bottom to top here: horizontal pins oriented along the main sides of the horizon, the letter “C”, respectively, points to the north; a weather vane that rotates freely under the influence of the wind, its counterweight ball shows the direction of the wind; on the top there is a metal plate that deviates from the vertical under the influence of the wind - the angle of deflection determines the wind speed.

Currently, such a device is usually used as a backup, for example, in the event of a failure of a more modern anemorummeter.

11. Anemorumbometer is used for remote measurement of wind speed and direction. There is a wind sensor at the match, and a remote control on the meteorologist’s desk. Reliable and accurate device that works in any weather.

12. Propeller anemometer - measures wind speed, which is determined by the number of revolutions of the turntable.

13. The most interesting device is the heliograph, for recording the intensity and duration of sunshine during the day.

14. A glass lens ball collects the sun's rays, focuses them and directs them onto a concave strip. If the sun is not covered by clouds, then as a result of the daily movement of the sun, a clear straight stripe is burned on the tape. When the sun is covered by clouds, the burn becomes weaker or stops altogether. The total length of the burn on the tape is used to determine the duration of sunshine in hours per day.

15. Ice machine - an installation for measuring ice, frost and wet snow deposits on wires; consists of wires stretched on poles in two mutually perpendicular directions. As soon as any deposits appear, the observer periodically measures their thickness and even weight.

16. This appears to be a pyranometer for measuring solar radiation.

17. Gate of the weather site.

A meteorological station is a special institution created to continuously monitor the state of the atmosphere and processes occurring in the atmosphere.

These measurements are made using special meteorological instruments that are capable of determining:

  • level of solar radiation;
  • air temperature;
  • air and soil humidity;
  • atmospheric pressure;
  • wind direction and speed;
  • amount of precipitation;
  • snow cover level;
  • cloudiness;
  • other data.

The weather station includes a special site on which meteorological instruments are installed, as well as a room in which automatic instruments are installed that record ongoing processes, and where the data obtained during the observation process is processed.

How does the weather station service work?

Each of the modern states creates subordinate meteorological services, which include meteorological institutions and a network of specially created stations.

Their tasks include:

All data received from meteorological instruments (thermograph, psychometer, hygrograph, barograph) are recorded continuously and taken every 180 minutes.

In the same way, information is collected all over the world. After this, she goes to the main center. On the territory of the Russian Federation, information flows to the Meteorological Bureau of Moscow and the Moscow region. After this, all data is processed and entered into the computer. At the last stage, daily forecast weather maps are created. To calculate what is happening atmospheric fronts ground and altitude data are used. The resulting data from all regions goes to the Hydrometeorological Center of the Russian Federation, where they are processed. Using satellite data, information is transmitted to the World Meteorological Organization, which includes 185 countries.

The existing capacities in Russia for the work of meteorologists are no longer enough. In this regard, the Hydrometeorological Center is taking part in bidding for the purchase of a more powerful PC.

Types of weather stations

There are three categories of meteorological stations.

Rank 1

Stations for monitoring, processing received data and managing work.

Rank 2

A station through which organizations and enterprises receive the necessary data on weather conditions and climate. It is capable of observing, processing and transmitting data.

Rank 3

Designed for observation according to a shortened program.

Depending on the nature of the work being carried out, they are used the following types stations:

  • meteorological;
  • household;
  • hydrological;
  • agrometeorological;
  • forest;
  • swamp;
  • aeronautical meteorological;
  • lacustrine

Distant weather stations in Russia

Meteorological stations are often located in areas remote from cities, where it is possible to observe the atmosphere and weather phenomena as accurately as possible. Often, employees go to such places on season-long business trips, working and living in virtually deserted areas tens and hundreds of kilometers from the nearest populated areas.

Currently, in Russia there are quite remote weather stations, which are located in the Republic of Buryatia, Irkutsk region, Khabarovsk, Vladivostok, in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug

Without a weather station it is impossible to develop the Arctic. On the territory of the farthest point of Russia in the archipelago New Earth An autonomous meteorological station has been installed, which can only be reached by helicopter. Its main task is to conduct research on ice and hydrometeorological conditions in the waters of the East Siberian and Kara Seas, as well as the Laptev Sea.

Meteorological day is celebrated all over the world on March 23. correspondents visited one of the main weather stations in Siberia and found out why machines will never replace people in this area, and how many types of clouds you need to know by heart if you work for 7 thousand rubles a month.

There are dozens of small weather stations in the Novosibirsk region, but there is one multidisciplinary one, four times larger than the others. It is located in the village of Elite, which, despite beautiful name, in fact, is just a small village just outside the city limits. The settlement is so called because elite seeds intended for propagation are grown there.

From a distance, the weather station is indistinguishable from the rest of the Elite buildings. You can recognize it only through proximity to the site, filled with various unusual devices. Most of them have been standing in this field since Soviet times - the station appeared in 1956.

The station in the village of Elitny appeared in 1956, but it is called “Ogurtsovo Agrometstation”, as it was moved several times.

“Since the natural environment changes in time and space, observations must be carried out constantly. Meteorologists make observations every three hours at any time of the day, at the same time all over the world,” says station chief Pyotr Nechiporenko.

Hundreds of clouds

It is no coincidence that the station is located in a field outside the city - for accuracy, nothing should block the view or interfere with the movement of the wind. At the weather site, connected by narrow paths where it is easy to trip and end up knee-deep in snow, there are wooden booths on legs. They contain recorders that record temperature, humidity and other indicators.

The sun is “observed” by a heliograph - it monitors the duration sunny day. Using a lens, the sun burns holes in the tape, which can be used to determine how long and how strongly it shone.

The amount of rain is measured using a special rain gauge bucket, the depth of snow cover is measured using slats. There are also thermometers that are located in the ground - this data is needed by agriculture and the energy sector, since heating networks lie at a depth of 1.6 meters.

For each type of observation, the station regularly provides information to Novosibirsk using the AMK (automated meteorological complex). But sometimes there are problems with electricity.

“The lights were turned off, which means everything was done the old fashioned way, in the booth. Interruptions happen often, it is not up to us. Especially when strong wind“It happens once, and the lights go out in the entire village,” says meteorologist Lyudmila Kuzmenko.

Constant observation requires not only the weather, but also the instruments themselves that measure it. For example, thermometers on the snow or ground must lie strictly in a certain position, but in bad weather they constantly move and have to be adjusted regularly.

But there are also data that the AMK will never determine, meteorologists are sure. This, for example, is visibility, type and amount of clouds - all this is established “by eye”. In a cramped room at a weather station, Pyotr Nechiporenko is leafing through special “cloud atlases.”

“Imagine how many clouds you need to know - there are more than a hundred of them... And everything is in Latin in order to transmit data around the world,” explains the station chief. This year, Meteorologist Day is held under the motto “Understanding the Clouds,” adds Nechiporenko.

Salary of two thermometers

About a dozen people work at the station. The personnel issue is very acute, meteorologists admit. Now in Novosibirsk, specialists in this field are trained only in technical schools, and even then only in one group.

“We didn’t take it from schools before, but now we’re ready to take it even from the street, after high school- if only they knew mathematics and physics more or less,” admits Nechiporenko.

Young people appear at the station, but do not stay long. Why? The issue is salary. A technician earns just over 7 thousand, a specialist’s salary is higher education- like, for example, Lyudmila Kuzmenko, who has been working in this place for more than 30 years - 9 thousand 800 rubles.

“I live nearby, and I’m not far from retirement, so where can I run to…” explains the interlocutor.

The meteorological technicians have a daily schedule - observations must be carried out even at night, regardless of the conditions.

“The meteorologist doesn’t care what the weather is like, when it’s time to go to the site - rain, snow, hail, stones from the sky - he got ready and went at the same time, it’s impossible to reschedule,” says Kuzmenko.

The station located in the village is not guarded in any way. “We will protect anyone ourselves,” the meteorologist smiles.

There are also problems with the equipment. For example, one special thermometer costs more than 3 thousand rubles. It happens that only one per station is allocated per year, but sometimes up to two dozen are split. This happens especially often with young professionals.

“A man broke two thermometers and was left without a salary,” summarizes Pyotr Nechiporenko.

Will the plants have any luck?

The station also performs agrometeorological tasks - it works for the needs of the Agricultural Academy, located very nearby, in Krasnoobsk.

“All observations should be tied to the growth and development of plants - height, density, and how the crop is formed depend on the weather,” explains agrometeorologist Lyudmila Nechiporenko.

“And the station master’s wife!” - Having heard the position, Pyotr Nechiporenko comes from the next office. Immediately after college, young specialists came to Novosibirsk from Ukraine 45 years ago - only here they began to communicate, and since then they have lived and worked together.

According to Lyudmila Nechiporenko, this year’s agronomic forecasts are disappointing. "Because of large quantity Snow temperatures in the soil are not low enough to preserve plants. There is a high probability that the crops will become damp and wet,” the interlocutor comments.

Abnormal snow

As for the general weather situation, it completely shocks the specialists who have been working at the weather station for decades.

“This year, since about 1950, is the snowiest. This has never happened before. According to the station, this year the water reserves in the snow are 193 millimeters, and the norm is about 100,” says Pyotr Nechiporenko.

According to him, last time similar situation was only in 2001, but the figure was 7 millimeters less, this is quite significant. It happens that the annual figure is 40 millimeters. How soon will Novosibirsk flood?

"Take square meter snow, weigh it, it will be 193 kilograms. And in the city, count how much snow there is? Why do our roofs break? Because the snow is dense, there is a lot of weight in it. It would seem that the snow is light, but…” the interlocutor argues.

According to him, despite complaints from local residents, weather forecasters' forecasts are quite accurate - short-term ones are justified in more than 90% of cases.

But it happens that general data for a city and region do not coincide with the situation at a specific point.

“It happens that they broadcast precipitation, and some grandmother calls and says - we didn’t have any. You need to think a little creatively about the forecast. A weather forecaster cannot give a forecast for every point; he does not have such an opportunity,” explains the head of the weather station.

Contrary to popular belief, meteorology is an exact science. Weather forecasts are made based on measurements and calculations using special formulas. Specialists are responsible for each forecast. RIA Voronezh correspondents found out who is responsible for weather forecasts in the region and how their daily work is structured.

Who “makes the weather” in the Voronezh region?

The weather service of the Voronezh region employs about 150 specialists. There are 10 stations in the region that are part of the state meteorological network, and 15 water-measuring posts for monitoring the condition of water bodies. The weather service collects data on the condition environment so that weather forecasters can formulate a forecast based on them.

How does the forecast of the state weather service differ from the forecasts of private companies?

Only specialists from the state meteorological service have an observation network. Private companies make forecasts based on data they've already collected. Only the forecast of the State Meteorological Service is considered an official forecast.

How is the forecast prepared?

We work on the weather forecast in three stages. This is the collection of data on weather changes at weather stations, the compilation of a world weather map and direct forecasts for individual territories.

All weather stations in the world carry out observations several times a day. The collected information is sent to data centers in Moscow, Washington and Melbourne. To observe processes in the atmosphere, meteorologists launch balloons that automatically send information every three hours. The world's data centers exchange information with each other. Based on this data, weather maps are created for the whole world. Meteorologists make observations at the same time, using the same methodology, with the same instruments installed at the same altitude. This is important so that results obtained in different places can be compared correctly.

The advent of the Internet has greatly simplified the work of meteorologists. But even when information was transmitted via telegraph, meteorologists were not forgiven for unpunctuality.

– When automatic weather stations appeared, work became a little easier. But it is impossible to completely exclude a person from the process of observing the weather, because, in addition to meteorological characteristics, we record the time of the onset of rain. Technology cannot do this. There is always a person next to the automatic weather station who also watches the weather,” explained the head of the Voronezh Hydrometeorological Center, Alexander Sushkov.

What does an observation meteorologist do?

The stationary weather station in Voronezh employs four observers, an agrometeorologist and a station manager. The weather observer's shift lasts a day and begins with the receipt of information and documents from the previous duty officer. He reports on the serviceability of the devices, emergency situations, if any occurred during the shift, and the number of telegrams sent.

The working day is scheduled minute by minute. In a busy schedule, there is often no time for a break or lunch.

– Measurements are carried out strictly according to regulations. Thus, the temperature must be measured 10 minutes before sending the information, 15 minutes before the due date the temperature is recorded using exhaust thermometers, 2 minutes before the date the temperature is recorded Atmosphere pressure. A walk through all weather instruments takes an experienced observer about 10 minutes. A telegram with the results of the inspection must be sent within a strictly established time frame – not a minute later,” emphasized Valery Shtondin, head of the Voronezhagro weather station.

Measurements are recorded in special journals with a pencil, because it does not fade over the years, does not spread when wet, and does not fade in the sun.

There is a lot of work between the three-hour data recordings. The weather changes and this needs to be recorded. When it starts to rain, the observer must place an empty container at the weather site. The sediment is collected in a vessel to determine the acidity level. At least eight ozone observations. Another four times a day you need to determine the level of evaporation. And wet a strip of cambric cloth attached to a wet thermometer, which determines air humidity, eight times.

What instruments do meteorologists use?

Using dry and wet thermometers, meteorologists determine the level of air humidity in warm time year at an air temperature of at least -10 degrees. In winter, this indicator is measured using a hygrometer. In the hygrometer, a woman's hair is stretched, connected to an arrow. When stretched or compressed, the device displays the humidity value. When humidity is high, hair stretches, and when humidity is low it contracts.

There is an area at the weather site that imitates arable land. The station employees “plow up” it. Three thermometers were installed on the site, measuring soil temperature (maximum, minimum and current) and a thermometer that shows the temperature in the arable layer. The most great depth, at which temperature is measured - 3.5 m. Temperature all year round at this depth it changes slightly - in winter it drops to +4.5 degrees, in summer it rises to +6.

The Voronezh weather station operates the only ozonometer in the central Black Earth Region, which determines the thickness of the ozone layer. Data received in Voronezh are sent to the regions of the Black Earth Region.

Once a day, radioactive impurities in the air are measured using gauze stretched over a frame. It is strictly forbidden to touch or shake the fabric.

Every day at 8:00 the gauze is removed and sent in a sealed bag to a chemical laboratory in Kursk. Laboratory specialists burn gauze and determine the presence of radioactive elements in the air and their quantity in the ashes.

Special containers installed on the site are used to measure precipitation. Each vessel has its own purpose: determining the amount of precipitation, intensity of evaporation, chemical composition water. In winter, meteorologists install a device to monitor the formation of ice.

The direction and speed of the wind is recorded by an anemometer.

Atmospheric pressure at a weather station is measured using a mercury barometer. The device readings are recorded every three hours. Changes in pressure are recorded by a barograph. He “draws” the measurement curve on a special tape.

Insert photo barograph

Who are agrometeorologists?

It is believed that the first meteorologists were agronomists. IN agriculture result . These days, not every weather station can boast of having an agrometeorologist on its staff. The Voronezhagro weather station was once and still is located in the area of ​​the university’s experimental gardens, so the weather station has workplace agrometeorologist. Thanks to the observations carried out by this specialist, the Voronezh Hydrometeorological Center can give official forecasts for the harvest.

The methods that the agrometeorologist uses for his measurements are quite primitive and simple, but more accurate methods have not yet been invented, says Valery Shtondin. For example, a special drying cabinet helps determine the level of soil moisture.

– We are observing three fields: winter wheat and two plow fields. In each field, you need to take soil from a depth of 100 cm. Wells are drilled by hand, and the soil is placed in special numbered aluminum containers. The container with the soil is weighed and placed in a drying cabinet. After the moisture evaporates, it is weighed again, and the resulting difference gives the agrometeorologist an idea of ​​the soil moisture,” explained the head of the meteorological station.

What is a weather balloon?

To observe processes in the atmosphere, meteorologists launch balloons that record changes every three hours. The probe rises to a height of up to 40 km, measures wind speed and direction, humidity and transmits this data to meteorologists on the ground.

Inside the probe there is a receiver, transmitter and humidity sensor. The first probes weighed more than 5 kg, modern devices are much lighter - about 100 g.

To launch into the atmosphere, the probe is tied with a rope to a balloon filled with hydrogen. The diameter of the ball is 1.5 m. The ball is launched twice a day - at 3:00 and at 15:00 in the area of ​​the Voronezh aircraft plant.

At the height to which the ball rises, the temperature drops to -55.7 degrees. The rubber shell of the ball is destroyed at such a low temperature, and the probe falls to the ground.

Before launching the probe, meteorologists will find out if there are any particularly important flights at that time. The balloon is sent only after permission is received. Each probe has its own number and passport, which can be used to determine which station it was launched from. The closest weather stations to Voronezh, where probes are launched, are located in Kalach and Kursk.

Previously, when launching a balloon, the aerologist had to send a signal to the balloon. The probe received the signal and responded. The received signal had to be decoded, the location of the ball calculated with a ruler, the information encoded and transmitted to higher authorities in Kursk. Now what is happening with the probe is visible on the screen, information from it is sent automatically.

Can portable electronic weather stations replace meteorologists?

According to Alexander Sushkov, electronic weather stations from electronics stores have rather low measurement accuracy - they cannot be equated with certified instruments that meteorologists use in their work.

– If I bought a scalpel in medical equipment, this does not give me the right to perform operations. Same with household appliances. They can only be used for private observations, but not for industrial purposes,” emphasized Alexander Sushkov.

Household weather stations are only suitable for personal weather observations. This is the simplest electronics that can only show actual weather data: air humidity, temperature and atmospheric pressure. And by changing the pressure level you can predict the approach of rain.

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