Maria Vladimirovna Zakharova. Born December 24, 1975. Russian statesman, diplomat. Envoy Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary II class (2015). Director of the Department of Information and Press of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Russian Federation. Candidate of Historical Sciences.

Father - Vladimir Yuryevich Zakharov. Orientalist, specialist in Chinese language and literature, diplomat. He worked for many years at the USSR and then Russian embassy in Beijing. Until 2014 he was an adviser to the secretariat Shanghai organization cooperation (SCO). Now he works as a senior lecturer at the Faculty of World Economy and World Politics at the Higher School of Economics, and also teaches at the School of Oriental Studies.

Mother - Irina Zakharova. Works as a senior research fellow Moscow Museum fine arts them. A.S. Pushkin, candidate of art history.

Recently, Maria Zakharova’s parents published a children’s book “We wish you happiness from year to year” - an illustrated retelling of Chinese folk tales 12-year calendar cycle associated with animals - symbols of the zodiac.

Maria spent her childhood in Beijing, where her parents worked.

“When I was little, I loved playing with dolls, like all girls, but I also loved making doll houses. Then the hobby changed, it became more serious - I started making miniature interiors,” she said. She became interested in miniatures when she leafed through a book about an elegant copy of the St. Petersburg apartment of Pushkin’s friend Pavel Nashchokin.

However, even then she was drawn to politics and diplomacy. And while other children loved cartoons or “Visiting a Fairy Tale,” Maria was attracted to the program “International Panorama.”

The love for China and Chinese culture was passed on from her parents to her.

In 1998, she graduated from the Faculty of International Journalism at MGIMO. And in 2003, already an employee of the Department of Information and Press of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, she defended her thesis on the topic “Transformation of understanding the symbolism of the celebration of the traditional New Year in modern China. The last quarter of the twentieth century."

Since 1998 - an employee of the editorial office of the Diplomatic Bulletin magazine of the Russian Foreign Ministry, then in the Department of Information and Press of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

From 2003 to 2005 - head of department in the Department of Information and Press of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

From 2005 to 2008 - press secretary of the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations in New York.

From 2008 to 2011 - head of department in the Department of Information and Press of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

From 2011 to August 10, 2015 - Deputy Head of the Department of Information and Press of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Her responsibilities included organizing and conducting briefings official representative Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, organization of the work of official accounts of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia in social networks and information support for foreign visits of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

She gained fame by participating in television political talk shows on Russian state television channels and commenting on political issues on social networks. He is one of the most quoted Russian diplomats. She is often compared to Jen Psaki (former official representative of the US State Department until March 31, 2015), noting that the Russian diplomat looks much higher intellectually.

TV presenter Vladimir Solovyov once called Zakharova “anti-Psaki.”

On August 10, 2015, by order of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Zakharova was appointed director of the Department of Information and Press. In this position, they replaced Alexander Lukashevich, in connection with his appointment to the post of Russia's permanent representative to the OSCE. She became the first woman in the history of the department to hold this post.

In this position, he conducts weekly briefings for journalists. With the arrival of Maria Zakharova as director of the Department of Information and Press, the Russian Foreign Ministry began to speak a different language - the usual officialdom now coexists with informal and often controversial statements on social networks and is one of the main newsmakers in Russia and abroad. Zakharova herself says that the Russian Foreign Ministry keeps up with the times and takes into account foreign experience.

Speaks English and Chinese. Diplomatic rank: Envoy Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, 2nd class (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 653 of December 22, 2015). Member of the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy of Russia. Academic degree- Candidate of Historical Sciences.

Writes poetry. So, on November 24, 2015, she wrote a poem in memory of the Russian pilot and marine who died in Syria as a result of an incident with:

Let us remember, brothers, those
Who closed the world with himself,
About personal, your success
For us I forgot it forever.

Let us remember them with prayer,
So that those who would forgive
Who didn't take us with him,
Left on the ground.

Let's remember them a hundred times
And a glass and a tear,
And the bitterness of rewards
For their farewell fight.

Let's remember everything while standing,
Bent over the grass.
They went where
The light is hidden behind the darkness.

Let's stretch out our hands to those
whose eyes are full of tears,
Whose house was orphaned
From the horror of Trouble.

Let's remember them, please
Let us remember them in peace,
Those who died for the country,
For honor and for our own.

Selected quotes from Maria Zakharova:

"There are countries that are ahead of many other states in terms of their level of economic development, military potential, financial power. They got ahead, they became leaders in many industries. Of course, there is a desire to rewrite the rules of the game in one’s favor, and this is natural for any society. But the question is how the rest of society reacts to this. You can give up your positions and submit to the rule of the strong, or you can fight to defend your rights. And it seems to me that the moment of truth is coming right now. Either we really defend our rights, defend the right to independent life, or we don't do it"

“Washington’s actions are the implementation of a policy of containment, but in this case the containment is not only of Russia, it is the containment of Europe as well.”

“Where has interference in internal affairs under a plausible pretext led to the existence of a sustainable, stable, prosperous state? Nowhere! A natural political process is the only way for a state to become stable and prosperous. The example of the collapse of Ukraine is no less indicative.”

"I had a better opinion of European politics, believed that she was stronger. It is clear that the United States was putting pressure on them, but they are putting pressure on them - don’t bend."

“I believe that any propaganda and any disinformation spread is powerless in the face of a thinking person.”

“No matter how or what they said, in Crimea it was democracy, because for the first time in their lives people were allowed to speak out”

“Leaders who destroyed their own people burn in hell twice as brightly as those who destroyed someone else’s.”

“Life is so much more diverse and unreal than any science fiction films and action films that those people who are not initiated cannot even imagine what it really is.”

“For me, everything that was connected with the Second World War is sacred, not subject to any changes. This is what I stand on, what my family stands on. I think this is a great feat Soviet people and the Russian people"

"We must be honest and truthful with our own history. And if I, as an official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, demand respect from countries in relation to monuments Soviet soldiers, then I must first of all be honest with them and with myself, saying that there have been different moments in our history: there are things that we are proud of, and there are things that are mistakes, big and tragic mistakes."

"We are in peacetime We don’t always know how to get together. But when they woke up this bear, it didn’t seem like much anymore.”

Maria Zakharova: I hate it when people are bullied, and I always advocate objectivity

Maria Zakharova's height: 170 centimeters.

Personal life of Maria Zakharova:

Married. My wife's name is Andrey. However, Maria categorically refuses to provide details of her personal life, in particular, to talk about her husband.

It is known that the couple got married on November 7, 2005 in New York, when Maria worked there. “I worked in New York. My husband is domestic. He came, got married, left,” - .

In August 2010, she gave birth to a daughter, Marianna.

As Maria said, her daughter had already been to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: “I took her to work a couple of times when there was absolutely no one to leave her with.”

Maria has retained her childhood hobby to this day.

The first exhibit in Zakharova’s collection was a microscopic straw hat with a flower. Maria bought it when she lived with her parents in Beijing. When Zakharova grew up and began to travel around the world on her own, she continued to chase rare and unusual objects of miniature size. She purchased her exhibits everywhere: in England - a porcelain bathtub, in Canada - a pincushion chair, and in Kaliningrad - an amber iron, etc. Later she ordered the making of a house, which cost her $200.

Maria always looks great and, despite the strictness of dress required for a diplomat, she manages to appear stylish, beautiful and feminine to the public.

“There is no stylist, I dress myself, I buy things myself. They don’t give money for this, unfortunately, they don’t sew anything. Except for the dress uniform - the same uniform that was presented to everyone on Diplomatic Worker’s Day, that’s what it’s really supposed to be, they sew it,” - she says.

IN everyday life, she, of course, allows liberties and experiments with the image.

Maria Zakharova is a charming woman who attracts the attention of many residents of the country, even those who are not interested in politics. She's for short term became very popular and famous. Sergei Lavrov appointed her as a personal assistant, whom he takes with him on trips to other countries. The woman then meticulously and accurately describes everything that happened during the trip, allowing those reading the information to form their own opinion about the politics of the Russian Federation.

It was her first in all Russian history the woman was entrusted to become a representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry. She is respected not only in our country, but also in other countries. Her speech is literally divided into quotes. The woman is distinguished by her objectivity and simplicity, which is why she is valued by many politicians around the world.

Height, weight, age of Maria Zakharova

Maria Zakharova is distinguished by her rigidity and even some harshness in her statements. But many people not only of the Russian Federation, but also foreign countries interested in all the information about her, including height, weight, age of Maria Zakharova. During the speeches of this representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, men look at her appraisingly, amazed at the perfection of her forms and the luxury of her body. Women look at her figure with envy, although she almost always appears in public dressed as a diplomat. But it emphasizes the perfection of the body lines.

On the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website you can find out that the year of birth of our heroine was 1975. Having made some simple mental calculations, we can say that Maria Zakharova is 42 years old. The diplomat's height is 170 centimeters and his weight is 58 kilograms.

A woman has stubbornness and perseverance, which is important for career advancement.
On her Instagram page, Maria Zakharova recently posted photos in her youth and now. Many subscribers put class under the pictures.

Biography of Maria Zakharova

Father - Vladimir Yuryevich Zakharov and mother - Irina Vladislavovna influenced her daughter. It was thanks to their attention that the girl became so purposeful, brave and open.

Maria has been interested in politics since childhood. She watched the International Panorama with interest. The girl did well at school, wrote poetry, studied Chinese and English languages which he now knows perfectly. Having graduated from school with excellent marks, Maria Zakharova entered MGIMO on her first try. The girl chooses journalism. After receiving his diploma, the young diplomat goes to practice in the East. She chose Chinese Beijing.

After working at the Chinese embassy, ​​the girl becomes an employee of the Russian Foreign Ministry. In 2003 The girl wrote a dissertation, which was soon brilliantly defended at RUDN University. She became a candidate of historical sciences. At first, Maria Zakharova did not serve in responsible positions; she became an editor in a special magazine for diplomatic figures - “Diplomatic Bulletin”.

After a short period of time, the young diplomatic worker began working on monitoring funds mass media. Rapid advancement up the career ladder was ensured due to the fact that Maria performed her duties well. After 2-3 years, the woman begins to serve in the Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations as a press secretary. In 2008, Zakharova was transferred to the central office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, where she served for three years.

At the beginning of 2011, she began serving in the Department in charge of information and press affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. At this time, she becomes a public person, communicating with journalists from various newspaper and magazine publishing houses and television and radio services.

Sergei Lavrov, during his trips outside the country, took a woman with him as his personal assistant. She carried out her tasks with great responsibility, and then she posted reports on the results of the trip on Instagram, Odnoklassniki and VKontakte.
It was thanks to Maria and her scrupulousness that the articles became emotional and also sometimes humorous. It was she who became the political figure who helped defend the honor of Russia in various television show programs.

Since 2015, Zakharova began to represent the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, working as an official representative of this institution.
Maria Zakharova herself, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, reports how she came to the profession. Biography (Wikipedia provides only the most meager information about the young diplomat) of Zakharova is revealed to the audience in more detail.

Personal life of Maria Zakharova

The young woman does not talk about her personal life at all. For the broad masses of Russian residents this is a secret. All questions about this matter are ignored. She only answers: “No comment,” and smiles mysteriously.

The personal life of Maria Zakharova is not advertised on social networks and blogs. No one has any idea when she started dating members of the opposite sex, or whether she has a husband. This is hidden, since Maria works in an organization where frankness is not expected. Only recently it became known that Zakharova has an official husband who surrounds his wife with attention and care.

Family of Maria Zakharova

Maria Zakharova's family was distinguished by its education and intelligence. Our heroine's dad was a diplomat who specialized in Chinese and other oriental languages. But in the 80s he was sent to work in the Chinese people's republic, where he moved with his family - his wife and daughter Masha. After returning to the Russian Federation, he worked in High school Economics and the School of Oriental Studies. Mommy famous representative The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation did not work anywhere in her youth; she took care of her home.

After returning from China, she began working at the Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts. During her years in China, she perfectly studied the culture, history and traditions of this eastern country. The couple recently published a book of Chinese folk tales; among the main characters you can recognize their daughter and granddaughter.

Recently, Zakharova said in her interview that she received her sense of purpose thanks to her grandmother, but she did not give her last name, first name, or patronymic.

Children of Maria Zakharova

Until recently, it was unknown whether Maria Zakharova has children. You cannot find out about them either from official sources or on the global web. Social networks also do not provide any information on this issue. This generated large number rumors They said that Zakharova’s children study in elite schools abroad. But how many children, what age and what they like to do was hidden. They said that such secrecy was due to the fact that children could be kidnapped or killed.

Only in lately it became known that our heroine has a little daughter whom she loves incredibly. The girl is raised by Maria's parents, who try to do everything for the girl.

Daughter of Maria Zakharova - Maryana

A few months ago it became known that Zakharova has a little daughter, who was named Maryana. But sometimes another name is mentioned - Marianne. On Wikipedia you can read that Maria Zakharova’s daughter, Maryana, was born in mid-2010. Recently the girl celebrated her 7th birthday.

Next year Marianna - Maryana will go to one of the Moscow schools. But now she can speak Chinese and English. The girl is interested in the East, especially China, about which she loves to listen to fairy tales and stories.

Recently, information appeared on the World Wide Web that Maryana was bitten by a dog while on vacation in Sochi. The bites were minor, but the baby has now fully recovered.

Maria Zakharova's husband - Andrei Makarov

Until recently, it was impossible to find on the World Wide Web whether Maria Zakharova had a husband. There is no information on this issue on the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

But in June 2017, Zakharova herself posted a joint photo of herself and young man. She captioned the photo: “Me and my beloved man.” At the beginning of autumn, she posted another photo depicting a wedding ceremony. So it became known that the husband of the young representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is Andrei Makarov. But the wedding took place back in 2005. Maria Zakharova's husband, Andrei Makarov, is engaged in business. He is successful in this field.

Photo of Maria Zakharova in Maxim magazine

The young woman is not at all shy; she often posts candid pictures of herself on social networks. Men look at her photographs with interest, and girls are amazed by the beauty and sophistication of her forms.

At the beginning of 2017, you could view a photo of Maria Zakharova in Maxim magazine. In some photographs, the young Foreign Ministry representative poses naked. She amazes with her flawless body lines, without the presence of any flaws.
Maria Zakharova also starred for Playboy magazine; the woman posted a photo in a swimsuit on her Instagram page.

Instagram and Wikipedia Maria Zakharova

The young diplomat has pages on many social networks. On the Instagram page you can see photographs that illustrate information about where Zakharova went, how she plays sports, and runs a household.

But Instagram and Wikipedia of Maria Zakharova provide absolutely no information about the children and wife of the young diplomat. But you can find out how a young woman spends her free time. On pages on social networks you can read Zakharova’s poems and a fairy tale written by her parents. Posts to photographs are written in a humorous manner, which attracts the attention of many subscribers to the page.

Biography of diplomat Maria Zakharova: how did she realize her talent? Does she have a husband and who is he?

Maria Zakharova is a true professional, diplomat and candidate of science. She works at the Russian Foreign Ministry and does her job brilliantly, protecting the interests of Russian state. Beautiful appearance, intelligence, status attract great attention; The woman has many fans all over the world. Who is she, how did she become the face of “Russian propaganda”, who are her husband and children – we will answer all these questions in this article.

Success story of Maria Vladimirovna Zakharova

The future star of the diplomatic front was born in Moscow on December 24, 1975, but Maria spent her first years of life in the capital of China, Beijing, since her parents were associated with oriental studies and often visited this Asian country. Father Vladimir, being an orientalist, had an excellent command of the Chinese language and understood the culture of this country. Mother Irina also specializes in the history and culture of China, and is a candidate of art history. The couple released a collection at one time Chinese fairy tales for children.

The parents instilled in their daughter an interest in Chinese civilization; As a girl, Maria visited monasteries and other important places in China, and walked a lot along the streets of Beijing. She did well at school and learned Chinese. Even simple game into her dolls creative nature transformed into a hobby - creating various interiors in miniature size.

Since childhood, the future celebrity wanted to live an active life, travel a lot, and do serious work. Maria was interested in the socio-political situation on the world stage, so she began to understand politics from childhood. Zakharova was responsible, performed any work efficiently and to the end.

Life in China was also reflected in the higher education she received after returning with her family to Moscow. The girl studied at MGIMO majoring in Journalism and Oriental Studies. The talented Maria, after receiving her diploma, returned to China to do an internship at the Russian Embassy in Beijing. In 2003, in Moscow, she defended her dissertation and became a candidate of historical sciences: the future diplomat used her life experience to do research current state China.

Soon Maria began working for the Diplomatic Bulletin, a magazine published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Working in the editorial office, the girl proved herself well, performing her duties efficiently. This was noticed by the future Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Alexander Yakovenko. With his help, Maria began her work at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. A good team was important to Alexander, and in the girl he found a like-minded person, for whom the first place was not personal interests, but collective work.

Maria Zakharova is fond of sports. In the photo she is after the marathon.

The diplomat began working in the Department of Information and Press, where she worked until 2005, after receiving a promotion: Maria became press secretary of the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the UN in an office located in the USA, New York.

Three years later, she returned to her previous position, and in 2011 she received a promotion: first she became deputy head of this service, and then replaced him in the post. The girl actively participated in various television programs, she was known in the media sphere: Maria was remembered for her tough and straightforward statements, for which she received recognition among the people.

For her merits and diplomatic skills, she became an adviser on foreign policy Russia. During trips, the woman often accompanies Minister Sergei Lavrov and supports him in business. Maria became a laureate of the Order of Friendship in 2017.

A woman watches her figure, goes to the gym, and actively plays sports. There is another talent - she loves to write poetry.

Who is Zakharova's husband?

Very little is known about the diplomat's personal life, since she does not talk about what she considers confidential information, and also because she is concerned about the safety of her family. She has a husband, Andrei Makarov, who is engaged in business. They got married in the fall of 2005 in the United States, where the girl worked.

In 2010, a daughter, Marianna, was born, whom she raises in her free time. In general, when she manages to relax, a woman prefers to be with her family.

Popular and beautiful girl, a successful diplomat, Maria Zakharova is tough and sometimes aggressive at work, but loving and tender in the family. She is passionate about her work, making Russia stronger in the information space, creating a worthy image. Loving mother surrounded by care from her family and husband.

Name: Zakharova Maria Vladimirovna. Date of birth: December 24, 1975. Place of birth: Moscow, USSR.

Childhood and education

The Russian politician was born in December 1975 into a family of diplomats. Father - Vladimir Yuryevich Zakharov - orientalist, specialist in Chinese language and literature, diplomat. He worked for many years at the USSR Embassy, ​​and then at the Russian Embassy in the capital of the People's Republic of China. Since 2014, he has been a senior lecturer at the National Research University Higher School of Economics. Maria Zakharova's mother, upon returning from China, became a researcher at the capital's Museum of Fine Arts. A.S. Pushkin. The Zakharovs have published a series of children's books.

The girl spent her entire childhood in China, where her love for history and the East began. A long stay in Beijing left its indelible mark and influenced Maria's character. “I remember my childhood memories - it was a challenge. This definitely did not apply to the life of the “golden youth,” Zakharova shared in one of her interviews.

I studied diligently at school and studied Chinese. On at the moment Fluent in Chinese and English.

ABOUT school years Zakharova only knows that she was a diligent student, and since childhood she dreamed of doing the same hectic and serious work as her father. According to Zakharova herself, her favorite program in her youth was “International Panorama,” where events taking place abroad were discussed.

After Maria graduated from school, the Zakharov family returned to their homeland. In the capital, Maria, without hesitation, entered the Faculty of International Journalism at MGIMO (specialization in Oriental Studies and Journalism). As a fifth-year student, she was sent to practice at Russian embassy in China, which she had known since childhood.

In 2003, Maria defended her dissertation at RUDN University and received a Candidate of Historical Sciences degree.

Political career

At the diplomatic mission of the Russian Federation in China, the diligent and talented Maria was noticed and invited to work at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Her first place of work in 1998 was the editorial office of the Russian Foreign Ministry magazine “Diplomatic Messenger,” although the girl herself was counting on a different outcome. According to her, she was preparing to become a sinologist and orientalist. But it turned out that when she came to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, there were no places for this direction, and she was taken to the press service. This was a serious blow for her, since all her life she had been setting herself up for a different career path.

At her appointed post, the girl gained many useful connections, including meeting Alexander Yakovenko, who later became the First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

The young employee quickly got used to the work environment, and after some time she was transferred to the press and information department. And in 2003 she became the head of a department specializing in media monitoring. Zakharova worked in this position for a couple of years, after which another promotion awaited her. This time Zakharova was transferred to New York. There she became head of Russia's permanent mission to the United Nations in New York.

After three years, Maria Vladimirovna returned to her previous place of work in Moscow.

In 2011, she was appointed deputy head of the department in the Department of Information and Press of the Russian Foreign Ministry. In 2015, she received a new appointment and headed this structural unit of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, replacing Yakovenko. Zakharova became the first woman in the history of the department to hold this post.

From that moment on, the politician often appeared in public, spoke with the press, and spoke at briefings. Zakharova did not miss the opportunity to express her opinion on social networks about the most pressing problems.

The female politician was responsible for overseeing the organization and conduct of briefings by the official representative of the Ministry, entries in Internet resources on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as the formation of information support for Sergei Lavrov during his trips abroad.

At the end of December 2015 Russian politician was awarded the title of Envoy Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Second Class, which is a high-level diplomatic rank.

Personal life

Maria Zakharova got married in 2005 while working in New York. Her chosen one was entrepreneur Andrei Makarov. The wedding took place in America. In one of her interviews, the politician said that there were no guests at the ceremony - only she and her husband. Andrey and Maria are raising a daughter, Maryana, who was born in 2010.

In her free time, Maria writes poetry and enjoys creating miniature interiors. Maria Vladimirovna has already written two songs, one of them is now included in the repertoire of Alexander Kogan. Another, with the participation of Maxim Fadeev, was performed and taken into production by Nargiz Zakirova, a participant in the “Voice” project.

Maria Zakharova is a charming woman who attracts the attention of many residents of the country, even those who are not interested in politics. She became very popular and famous in a short time. Sergei Lavrov appointed her as a personal assistant, whom he takes with him on trips to other countries. She then meticulously and accurately describes everything that happened during the trip, allowing those reading the information to form their own opinion about the policies of the Russian Federation.

She was the first woman in Russian history to be entrusted with becoming a representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry. She is respected not only in our country, but also in other countries. Her speech is literally divided into quotes. It is characterized by objectivity and simplicity, which is why it is valued by many politicians around the world.

Height, weight, age of Maria Zakharova

Maria Zakharova is distinguished by her rigidity and even some harshness in her statements. But many people not only in the Russian Federation, but also in foreign countries are interested in all the information about her, including the height, weight, age of Maria Zakharova. During the speeches of this representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, men look at her appraisingly, amazed at the perfection of her forms and the luxury of her body. Women look at her figure with envy, although she almost always appears in public dressed as a diplomat. But it emphasizes the perfection of the body lines.

On the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website you can find out that the year of birth of our heroine was 1975. Having made some simple mental calculations, we can say that Maria Zakharova is 42 years old. The diplomat's height is 170 centimeters and his weight is 58 kilograms.

Maria Zakharova has stubbornness and perseverance, which is important for moving up the career ladder.
On her Instagram page, Maria Zakharova recently posted photos in her youth and now. Many subscribers put class under the pictures.

Father - Vladimir Yuryevich Zakharov and mother - Irina Vladislavovna influenced her daughter. It was thanks to their attention that the girl became so purposeful, brave and open.

Maria has been interested in politics since childhood. She watched the International Panorama with interest. The girl did well at school, wrote poetry, studied Chinese and English, which she now knows perfectly. Having graduated from school with excellent marks, Maria Zakharova entered MGIMO on her first try. The girl chooses journalism. After receiving his diploma, the young diplomat goes to practice in the East. She chose Chinese Beijing.

After working at the Chinese embassy, ​​the girl becomes an employee of the Russian Foreign Ministry. In 2003 The girl wrote a dissertation, which was soon brilliantly defended at RUDN University. She became a candidate of historical sciences. At first, Maria Zakharova did not serve in responsible positions; she became an editor in a special magazine for diplomatic figures - “Diplomatic Bulletin”.

After a short period of time, the young diplomatic worker began working on media monitoring. Rapid advancement up the career ladder was ensured due to the fact that Maria performed her duties well. After 2-3 years, she begins to serve in the Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations as a press secretary. In 2008, Zakharova was transferred to the central office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, where she served for three years.

At the beginning of 2011, she began serving in the Department in charge of information and press affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. At this time, she becomes a public person, communicating with journalists from various newspaper and magazine publishing houses and television and radio services.

Sergei Lavrov took Maria with him as a personal assistant during his trips outside the country. She carried out her tasks with great responsibility, and then she posted reports on the results of the trip on Instagram, Odnoklassniki and VKontakte.

It was thanks to Maria and her scrupulousness that the articles became emotional and also sometimes humorous. It was she who became the political figure who helped defend the honor of Russia in various television show programs.

Since 2015, Zakharova began to represent the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, working as an official representative of this institution.

Maria Zakharova herself, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, reports how she came to the profession. Biography (Wikipedia provides only the most meager information about the young diplomat) of Zakharova is revealed to the audience in more detail.

Personal life of Maria Zakharova

Young Maria Zakharova does not talk about her personal life at all. For the broad masses of Russian residents this is a secret. All questions about this matter are ignored. She just answers: “No comment,” and smiles mysteriously.

The personal life of Maria Zakharova is not advertised on social networks and blogs. No one has any idea when she started dating members of the opposite sex, or whether she has a husband. This is hidden, since Maria works in an organization where frankness is not expected. Only recently it became known that Zakharova has an official husband who surrounds his wife with attention and care.

Family of Maria Zakharova

Maria Zakharova's family was distinguished by its education and intelligence. Our heroine's dad was a diplomat who specialized in Chinese and other oriental languages. But in the 80s he was sent to work in the People's Republic of China, where he moved with his family - his wife and daughter Masha. After returning to the Russian Federation, he worked at the Higher School of Economics and the School of Oriental Studies. The mother of the famous representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry did not work anywhere in her youth; she took care of the home.

After returning from China, she began working at the Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts. During her years in China, she perfectly studied the culture, history and traditions of this eastern country. The couple recently published a book of Chinese folk tales; among the main characters you can recognize their daughter and granddaughter.

Recently, Zakharova said in her interview that she received her sense of purpose thanks to her grandmother, but she did not give her last name, first name, or patronymic.

Children of Maria Zakharova

Until recently, it was unknown whether Maria Zakharova has children. You cannot find out about them either from official sources or on the global web. Social networks also do not provide any information on this issue. This gave rise to a large number of rumors. They said that Zakharova’s children study in elite schools abroad. But how many children, what age and what they like to do was hidden. They said that such secrecy was due to the fact that children could be kidnapped or killed.

Only recently has it become known that our heroine has a little daughter whom she loves incredibly. The girl is raised by Maria's parents, who try to do everything for the girl.

Daughter of Maria Zakharova - Maryana

A few months ago it became known that Zakharova has a little daughter, who was named Maryana. But sometimes another name is mentioned - Marianne. On Wikipedia you can read that Maria Zakharova’s daughter, Maryana, was born in mid-2010. Recently the girl celebrated her 7th birthday.

Next year Marianna - Maryana will go to one of the Moscow schools. But now she can speak Chinese and English. Maryana is interested in the East, especially China, about which she loves to listen to fairy tales and stories.

Recently, information appeared on the World Wide Web that Maryana was bitten by a dog while on vacation in Sochi. The bites were minor, but the baby has now fully recovered.

Maria Zakharova's husband - Andrei Makarov

Until recently, it was impossible to find on the World Wide Web whether Maria Zakharova had a husband. There is no information on this issue on the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

But in June 2017, Zakharova herself posted a joint photo of herself and a young man. She captioned the photo: “Me and my beloved man.” At the beginning of autumn, she posted another photo depicting a wedding ceremony. So it became known that the husband of the young representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is Andrei Makarov. But the wedding took place back in 2005. Maria Zakharova's husband, Andrei Makarov, is engaged in business. He is successful in this field.

Photo of Maria Zakharova in Maxim magazine

Maria Zakharova is not at all shy; she often posts her candid pictures on social networks. Men look at her photographs with interest, and girls are amazed by the beauty and sophistication of her forms.

At the beginning of 2017, you could view a photo of Maria Zakharova in Maxim magazine. In some photographs, the young Foreign Ministry representative poses naked. She amazes with her flawless body lines, without the presence of any flaws.
Maria Zakharova also starred for Playboy magazine and posted a photo in a swimsuit on her Instagram page.

Instagram and Wikipedia Maria Zakharova

The young diplomat has pages on many social networks. On the Instagram page you can see photographs that illustrate information about where Zakharova went, how she plays sports, and runs a household.

But Instagram and Wikipedia of Maria Zakharova provide absolutely no information about the children and wife of the young diplomat. But you can find out how she spends her free time. On pages on social networks you can read Zakharova’s poems and a fairy tale written by her parents. Posts to photographs are written in a humorous manner, which attracts the attention of many subscribers to the page.