Logical-sensory introvert (LSI) is one of the socionic types, also known as “inspector”. A typical representative of this type is Maxim Gorky. His dual is the ethical-intuitive extrovert (mentor) Hamlet.

Description of the psychotype according to Weisband

Consistent follower. He knows how to very sensibly and accurately choose the best of the available systems and dogmas, and with uncompromisingness, reaching the point of stubbornness, fight for its implementation. She categorically rejects everything that cannot enter into it. Brings this system to an ideal state. Very reliable in implementing his system, even if this system is impermanent. Thus, Talleyrand managed to occupy the position he needed under the Bourbons, the Commune, the Directory, Napoleon and again under the Bourbons, and died in the wealth and luxury that he aspired to.

Sober realist. Never falls into despair and does not succumb to illusions. Always equally even, calm, logical. He himself is not prone to fantasies and does not like “manilovism” in others.

Researcher. Has a penchant for deep research into narrow problems. Painstakingly establishes their connections with what has been previously studied. Knows how to listen to the interlocutor. Often able to hear two speakers at once. High rate of loneliness. He reads little, thinks a lot - this is his favorite state. Knowledge is always brought to a state of practical application. To those who do not have his thorough understanding of the situation, his actions seem paradoxical and unpredictable. Sees a way out where others do not see it.

A mixture of delicacy and adventurism. Quite closed and secretive. Doesn't like to be the center of attention. In communication he is sensitive and unobtrusive. At the same time, he needs listeners. He attracts people with his determination to implement his own system. If he sees something accurately, but others not accurately, he becomes aggressive. Stubborn and uncompromising (Martin Luther). As a leader, he tends to “tighten the screws.” He is tactful, feels people, but treats them as tools. Personal feelings, likes and dislikes do not distract him - the results are important. Ethics is subordinated to logic (Stalin). He does not tolerate people touching his things - this is a deep grudge for him. He has a hard time with aggressive people, although he does not enter into arguments with them.

Stoic. Hardy and picky, does not waste time on everyday life. Prefers to hide his feelings: hunger, fatigue, pain, fear. A sick child does not moan so as not to injure the mother.

Close ones. Doesn't hide attractions; sometimes it even seems like he’s showing them off on purpose. Does not let a single person of the opposite sex go unnoticed and unappreciated. He judges the feelings of others only by their external manifestations: how he looks, how his partner talks to him. Therefore, it is relatively easy to make a mistake and mistake your desire to be loved for the feeling of a partner. He knows about this, therefore he is distrustful and suspicious.

© 1986 Vaisband I. D. “Working material on socionics.”

Description of the psychotype according to Panchenko

The first function is the logic of relationships. Gorky is an unsurpassed “implementer” of abstract logical ideas with deep and precise elaboration.

The second function – volitional sensory – allows him to create an “iron” framework of discipline, the observance of which he demands with all rigidity. Loves beauty and order around him.

The role function – the ethics of relationships – determines the indomitable need of this type to divide everyone into “us” and “strangers”. There are friends and there are enemies to whom you need to be vigilant. “If the enemy does not surrender, he is destroyed.”

The pain point - the intuition of possibilities - makes Gorky very suspicious of people who push forward their true or imaginary merits or abilities.

We instill emotions according to ethics. Due to own feelings driven “underground”, I am very grateful to people who demonstrate a fireworks display of strong, colorful (preferably with elements of tragedy) emotions.

The sixth function is the intuition of time. Being, like all sensorics, human today, gratefully accepts advice on the timeliness and untimeliness of actions and actions. Needs strict regulation of work completion dates.

The seventh function is the logic of action. He happily relies and trusts various instructions, circulars, and technologies, as long as this does not conflict with his ideas about discipline and order. In these cases, it will intervene harshly and sharply.

The eighth function is sensory perception. It is unpretentious in terms of comfort and food. Can get by with a minimum of hedonistic manifestations.

© 1992 Panchenko A. L. “Algorithm for developing valeological reframing.”

Description of the psychotype according to Stratievskaya

Ego block. 1st position. Software function. System logic

Maxim internally strives for stability, for a world that does not change, for relationships that do not change - logically harmonious, calculated, thoughtful. That is why of all types of intelligence Maxim is the most socially oriented. Since his social orientation is presupposed by the very program of his intellect - the logic of specific systems (as well as the method of implementation towards which such a program can be oriented - strong-willed administrative pressure).

Maxim’s logical program, in its social essence, is intended to be an alternative to any kind of destabilization of his environment, the structures surrounding him - social, political, physical, biological, etc.

That is why Maxim’s idea of ​​logic, reasonableness, and rationality is associated primarily with the organization of structural order (“the order of things”) within the framework of a specifically existing system.

Maxim never considers anything outside the system - such is the nature of his intellect. He views any phenomenon as part of a certain existing system in which certain patterns and a certain logical order operate, which Maxim considers himself obligated to understand.

Perceiving the reality around him from the point of view of its systematicity, logical thoughtfulness, Maxim constantly analyzes the systems that exist around him - systems of logical and ethical relationships, systems of social structures, systems of views, systems of life values.

Maxim understands the meaning of any phenomenon through awareness of its “systematic nature,” as if asking himself the question: is this an isolated fact, or is it attributed to some kind of system? Is this a private act, or is it a pattern of behavior? If this is a private act, then what are the motives behind it? Are these isolated, random motives, or is there some kind of system of views and relationships behind them?

Understand the deep essence of phenomena, establish cause-and-effect relationships between phenomena of a very different order, analyze the observed phenomenon, systematize conclusions, derive some more general definition and fit it into an already existing system of views, choose from all existing systems the most suitable for specific goals and objectives and improve it, adapt it to specific social conditions, having thought through and worked it out in the smallest detail - all this is the sphere of the most active intellectual activity of any of the representatives of this type.

Due to a certain type of intelligence, it is easier for a representative of this type to perceive the reality around him as a kind of centralized system. (“One sun illuminates us, one God in heaven, one church on earth and the Pope is its vicar!”) But even if such a perception significantly limits the way and form of his thinking, it at the same time expresses the specific orientation of the intellect of his type , namely social orientation, the balance of power in the social system.

Maxim never exists outside the system social relations, since the circle and the nature of his personal relationships are already systematized in themselves and presuppose a clear hierarchical division, since this most easily fits into his idea of ​​logical harmony and the original “order of things.” It is generally difficult for a representative of this type to imagine another point of view - it simply does not fit into his own mental structure, into his belief system.

Under no circumstances can Maxim be “on his own”, “on his own with a mustache”, “on his own only for himself” - this too deeply contradicts the program of his intellect (which, just like the program of his dual Hamlet, sets as its task survive troubled times, organize it, survive in extreme conditions). And that is why Maxim is always very conformist and loyal to the existing regime, sincerely trying to find a use for himself in the conditions of the dominant social system. Even if we imagine a representative of this type as an “antisocial” element, he still cannot be “on his own.” It is difficult for Maxim to be a “lone wolf”; his intuition is not strong enough for this, so he will definitely be organized within the framework of some other social structure, where he will fulfill all the duties assigned to him and bear responsibility for his actions - there is simply no other form of behavior for Maxim.

Precisely because representatives of this type consider themselves (as well as each individual) as part of the existing system of relations. They consider any manifestation of individualism to be unacceptable in principle, as a phenomenon that goes beyond the boundaries of what is permissible, undermines social foundations and brings chaos and anarchy to the existing way of life. Therefore, they see special social significance in activities such as drawing up rules, regulations, methods, instructions, social and legal laws, and establishing benchmarks and standards. Maxims approach work in this field with great responsibility and therefore are particularly successful at it.

The balance of power in the system, according to Maxim, should be harmonious, logical, thoughtful, and fair. It should include a clear distribution of responsibilities and corresponding measures of responsibility.

Maxim considers the interchangeability of all its parts to be an indicator of the quality and viability of any system, as well as a guarantee of its stability. A person, as a part of a social system, must also be interchangeable - under such conditions everyone will be able to find their place in an already existing social system. And the system itself will be good because it will provide full employment to every person. (The last position is especially convenient for Maxim due to his weak intuition of possibilities.)

According to Maxim, a perfect system should not have unique, irreplaceable elements. (This once again demonstrates Maxim’s critical attitude towards an openly individualistic position: a person can be as bright an individual as he likes, but this does not yet give him the right to consider himself in principle irreplaceable.) In work collective There should not be irreplaceable specialists, as well as pronounced individuals, since this creates inequality in relationships, introduces confusion and uncertainty into them, and that is why in a critical situation it becomes dangerous for the life of the team.

Maxim's thinking is very systematized. He tries to explain everything that happens only from a logical point of view. (In matters of logic, he is not easily convinced and cannot be confused.)

Maxim knows how to assess the intellectual potential of his interlocutor, although his assessments often have a critical tendency. In disputes he tries to seize the initiative - the last argument must certainly be behind him. (Sensory!)

Excellent at developing methods, calculating tables, graphs, compiling textbooks, etc.

Good speaker; presents the material step by step so that the entire logical chain of its conclusion can be traced. Speaking in front of an audience, he poses questions and answers them himself.

He is extremely pedantic in expressing his point of view. He defends his belief system, speaking with extreme maximalism. It is not enough to say that Maxim respects hierarchical social systems, where everyone is obliged to know his place - he simply does not accept other systems.

According to Maxim, a person’s behavior must correspond to his position - otherwise the public consciousness will be disoriented by patterns of “inappropriate” behavior, which, again, will lead to destabilization of the social system. Respect for authority is one of the most important values ​​of his intellectual structure. Orientation towards authority is an important motive for many of his actions, which largely determines the nature of his relationships and behavior.

By nature, endowed with phenomenal powers of observation, Maxim carefully collects and scrupulously processes facts, being able to find exactly what he needs in the flow of information. He is very pedantic: he does not approve when supposedly “insignificant” minor facts are ignored and even minor logical mistakes are made - in this Maxim is very scrupulous and picky.

A representative of this type is irritated by people who do not know how to logically express their thoughts, who get lost in particulars and are distracted from the main topic. They are irritated by the careless attitude to the presentation of formulations, confusion in terms and definitions; and the worst thing is confusion in the presentation of thoughts.

Ego block. 2nd position. Creative function. Volitional sensory

A specific logical program must be implemented using specific methods, and what could be more specific than the method of volitional influence?

Having appointed Maxim as a theorist of specific systems, nature armed him with such a powerful tool as flexible and manipulative volitional influence - purposeful influence on others through a sense of his strength, significance, through a sense of the legitimacy of his volitional pressure.

Belonging to real-life social structures gives Maxim a sense of his own social significance, which he sees in serving the ideals of his system: he creates a theoretical basis for it, builds strong administrative structures that are unshakable for all time. (The dominant system can collapse, but its administrative structure can quickly reform and continue to function under a different flag and a different slogan.)

Maxim is distinguished by high demands both on himself and on others; intolerance to all kinds of manifestations of disorder within the framework of his system, to the imposition of anarchy and chaos in it.

Maxim sincerely admires such quality as efficiency. Selfless work for the good of society, for the good of the collective, is the norm of human activity, which alone can be acceptable in a healthy and viable social system. And vice versa, any slackness, irresponsibility and sloppiness undermine social foundations, lead society to destruction, social disasters and catastrophes; Therefore, he believes that these phenomena must be fought with all our might, without pity or condescension.

Maxim is always ready to fight manifestations of disorder in society. (He can spend his vacation time combating shortcomings in the system of sanatorium services and public catering and return home tired but happy - another source of sloppiness has been eliminated through his efforts, and now vacationers will be able to receive full service.)

Within the “Maksimov” system there cannot be just a group of people - there is a collective united by a common interest and hierarchically organized; Regardless of the number and age of its members, someone is always appointed who is responsible for leadership in the “entrusted area” (“star commander”, “responsible for the corridor”, etc.). (Maxim’s volitional sensory, in contrast to Dreiser’s militant-moralizing sensory and Zhukov’s administrative-“mafia” sensory, is of a “military-administrative” nature - due to social specifics dyad "Hamlet - Maxim". This partly explains why, within the framework of the “Maksimov” social system, a group of children turns into a “star”, into a “link” or into a “team of October kids.”)

Maxim can sit comfortably at any level social hierarchy. The main thing for him is to take a place in this system. He can carry out any official work with equal zeal and builds his business relationships according to his position - he demands from his subordinates and tries not to argue with his superiors. “The authorities know best” is the most “Maksimov” saying, and the argument “I only obeyed orders” is the most convincing. And he doesn’t understand how this can be challenged. According to his logic, in his system the inferior is subordinate to the superior, the junior to the senior.

He is politely strict in his manners, always disciplined, smart, neat, efficient, obligatory, punctual - all these qualities ideally correspond to Maxim’s social function - working for the benefit of the social system.

He also views his house as a section of the system entrusted to him. Therefore, everything there is subject to its laws and rules. The distribution of the family budget, the behavior of family members - everything must be subject to strict control and accounting. The “order of things” in the “Maksimov” house acquires special significance, both directly and indirectly. figuratively- this is not only a specific place for each thing, but also a specific place for each family member in the family hierarchy.

The instrument of volitional influence for Maxim is the system of reward and punishment he creatively uses (the “carrot and stick” system). Within the section of the system entrusted to him, Maxim will not tolerate even the slightest resistance to his will. The closer the distance of his relationship, the more stringent measures of volitional influence he applies.

To its credit, Maxim, before punishing, has the habit of explaining what he is punishing for and why (it is necessary to instill consciousness in a member of society), but if the “misdemeanor” is repeated too often, Maxim punishes without warning. Moreover, the suddenness of his punishment is unexpected and therefore frightening: “Music lessons were real torture for me. They began with the father tuning the violin himself, carefully laying out the notes and, most importantly, hanging the strap on the back of the chair. As soon as I was distracted or missed a false note, I immediately got hit with a belt... But then, after such classes, my father was especially affectionate, putting sweets under my pillow... He liked to tell me that many great musicians studied using the same system...”

Maxim likes to use proven techniques, especially if they coincide with his own point of view and are known for their positive results.

Maxim’s system of “reward and punishment” is really built on the difference in sensory sensations, and he, like any sensory person, has an excellent understanding of sensations - he knows what real pain is, and what real pleasure is (and if he doesn’t know, then he may want it purely cognitive considerations to experience it on yourself or on others). It should be noted that this form of volitional influence is designed, first of all, to activate and discipline Hamlet, as well as his weak and sometimes rather inert sensory system, which will not be included in the work without an appropriate (“Maksimov”) impulse. Without the confidence that there is a strong and tough hand next to him, without the consciousness that there is a limit to his permissiveness, without changes in sensory sensations, Hamlet feels very bad - he seems to lose his core, tone, support and guidelines, begins to mope, becomes irritated, mischievous, begins to provoke the partner into a quarrel, as if demanding that he prove what he is capable of. Hamlet respects strength and despises weaklings and slobs, so he quickly finds a common language with Maxim, feeling in him a partner worthy of him in all respects.

In addition, at this stage, the aspect of sensory sensations is already included in the work, which Maxim realizes subconsciously - in accordance with the swings of his own mood. Therefore, Maxim himself cannot always understand why he suddenly wanted to hurt someone, and what prompted him to do this, since this desire arises in him quite often, and at the slightest irritation, almost instinctively. But then he can provide a logical basis for his action and explain that he did it for educational purposes. If Maxim considers that he has been too overzealous in his measures of influence, he will definitely find a way to make up for his guilt with some kind deed.

Superego block. 3rd position. Normative function. Ethics of relationships

Maxim usually easily wins the sympathy and affection of those around him: disciplined with his superiors, strict with his subordinates, good-natured and helpful with his comrades, cruel and uncompromising with the enemies of “his camp,” sweet and courteous with the ladies (whose favor he achieves through the tactics of “siege and storming of an impregnable fortress "), a devoted and caring family man.

He also builds his system of ethical relationships on the principles of socially fair, socially justified ethics, which is expressed in the following ratio: the degree of responsibility determines the extent of rights. Maxim considers the ethics of behavior primarily from the point of view of the legality of human actions.

Therefore, for Maxim, the nature of all forms of relationships is determined by the degree of mutual obligations.

Within the framework of Maximov's ethics, personal desire and personal right are given the very last place. Only the relationship between rights and responsibilities is considered: only if you fulfill your responsibilities do you have the right to satisfy your desires and needs. The measure of satisfaction of needs is determined, again, by the measure of distribution of responsibilities and the degree of assigned responsibility: “What is allowed to Jupiter is not allowed to the bull.”

Maxim's principle of ethical justice (as well as Robespierre's), first of all, comes from the principle of fair distribution of material wealth within the social system - the distribution of rights based on work, on personal contribution to the common cause.

Since Maxim's ethics are based on the principle of mutual obligations, he considers the distribution of privileges according to the degree of responsibility to be completely ethical and fair. As a result, Maximus' ethics is deeply hierarchical in nature. It has a logical order centralized system relationships. The head of the social structure - the head of the family - should be vested with the greatest powers and privileges, and this is not discussed. Unquestioning submission to recognized authority, “majority” and “seniority” is the cornerstone of Maximov’s ethics.

The principle of mutual obligations is transferred by Maxim to the area of ​​his personal relationships, but is fulfilled under one condition: the person with whom Maxim forms his relationship must be involved in his social system. He must be someone in relation to Maxim - otherwise there is no basis for ethical equality. If Maxim meets a girl who is at least considered his friend, this already imposes certain obligations on her: she must be faithful and devoted to him (and the ideals of his system), she does not have the right to frivolously break off relations with him, she does not have the right behave the way “she wants.” In a word, she has no right to compromise Maxim in front of the rest of his system: his relatives, friends, colleagues. Otherwise it will be unfair to him. And in this case, Maxim may have completely fair, from his point of view, claims towards her: he introduced her into his circle (maybe even “raised” her to himself in some way), she could use the help and support of him environment, and this imposes some responsibility on him for her actions. That's why the gap family relations Maxim views it as a stain on his reputation. (You never know, what if people say: “Where can he lead a team if he can’t get along with his wife!”)

In addition, a break in relations with Maxim is, in his understanding, also a break with his system, which in his eyes is precisely the worst thing, since a person’s non-involvement in his social system gives Maxim sufficient reason to allow himself in relation to him everything that whatever, since in this case the person in his eyes has no social significance. And in this category, Maxim considers himself entitled to include a social criminal, and a wife who cheated on him, and a colleague who negligently fulfills his duties, and, most importantly, a representative of a camp hostile to him. Being himself a wonderful and loving family man, Maxim can be merciless and cruel to the families of the enemies of his system. In this case, his ethics are based on the principle “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.”

In his personal relationships, Maxim, like any sensory person, often takes the initiative at the very initial stage of their formation. But if he does not receive timely support from his partner, he quickly faces ethical issues, which usually does not happen in partnership with his dual Hamlet. (Maxim’s ethical guidelines are completely shared only by his dual, since both of them are focused on the same ethical values ​​and the same logical principles. Outside of these ethical guidelines, Maxim finds it difficult to find people close to himself in spirit, it is difficult to be correctly understood. For all his initial optimism and sociability, Maxim withdraws from society every time he does not find mutual understanding and proper moral support. That is why representatives of this type are more comfortable forming their personal relationships within a group of like-minded people, where everyone around him shares his views, and he can be more confident in the devotion of his friends.)

In terms of ethics, Maxim himself understands most clearly the area of ​​business relationships. It is more convenient for him (and he often does this) to transfer the stereotype of business relationships into the sphere of purely personal relationships. This, as it sometimes seems to him, is the only opportunity to restore order to what he perceives as something initially incomprehensible and, essentially, illogical, since it is based on such subjective concepts as feelings and emotions.

Maxim usually does not understand what logic there can be when it comes to the area of ​​emotions and feelings. He tries to understand the motivation of actions from the observed external emotional manifestations, he knows how to very accurately and figuratively describe them (or act them out on stage), but it is difficult for him to understand. Maxim believes (and quite rightly) that this cannot be understood at all by the means of his intellect, because so many times he had to observe the absence of any logic in the actions of the people around him. Due to this reasoning, as well as due to weak intuition, the principle of ethical justice is precisely what is convenient for Maxim, as a kind of rational ethical standard. Maxim evaluates any deviation from this standard extremely negatively, and in all forms of relationships, which, in his opinion, do not develop according to the rules.

Due to his vulnerable ethics and problematic intuition, Maxim is most often inclined to assume the worst motives in people’s actions. (“He deliberately took my bicycle without asking in order to break it.”) It can be quite difficult to convince Maxim, sometimes almost impossible, since ethical categories are not logically calculated, Maxim does not always consider it possible for himself to understand them.

It happens that Maxim sometimes allows himself to believe that, for example, now relationships are developing “according to the rules,” but he still does not understand something about them. If Maxim is not logically convinced that the relationship is “honest,” he considers himself entitled not to believe it. Because he is convinced that the degree of responsibility entrusted to him obliges him to be vigilant. Due to his weak intuition, Maxim is afraid to be gullible. He considers gullibility an unaffordable luxury for himself, for which he will later have to pay too dearly. Therefore, he often considers his distrust (suspicion) justified and legitimate. Once he has formed a negative opinion about a person, Maxim usually does not change it.

Therefore, even in the most awkward situation, it is much more convenient for Maxim to refer to some generally accepted position, to some objective information, for the reliability of which someone else will be responsible, than to lie and take full responsibility for the consequences. (Maxim prefers to trust the facts that are provided to him, but, in his opinion, the one who provided them should be responsible for their reliability. If the manipulation of facts is beneficial to his system and is done with the approval of his superiors, Maxim may consider this quite acceptable for himself - The main thing is that he is not responsible for the accuracy of the facts.)

Maxim gets into a lot of trouble because of his habit of speaking very specifically, constantly explaining his thoughts. If in an official report he sometimes manages to get away with general phrases, then in a private conversation he sometimes blurts out too much unnecessary stuff. But, fortunately, he has such a dual as Hamlet, who alone is able to wean Maxim from this dangerous habit. Usually, after such “revelations,” Hamlet paints Maxim the darkest prospects, the most terrible consequences of his rash words. Moreover, such warnings, although they are not always pleasant for him, Maxim perceives with gratitude, because he understands that his partner does this not out of a desire to simply scare him, but precisely out of fear for his life, his fate, his position in the system.

Maxims do not consider themselves gullible people and are very surprised that, despite all their efforts to be far-sighted and prudent, they are of all possible options for some reason they choose the most losing one. For some reason, even with the most careful analysis of their own and others’ mistakes, they manage to “get into any trap the fastest.” Sometimes it is in the “trap” that Maxim sees a way out of the dead end - such a cruel joke is played on him by his “problematic” intuition.

That is why Maxim is very afraid of being defrauded, but often (especially in his youth) becomes a victim of his own indiscretion. That is why it is very important for him to be confident in the fidelity, honesty and devotion of his immediate circle. It is very important for Maxim that there is a person next to him whom he can completely trust and on whom he can rely as on himself (and in the extreme conditions to which his social activities, this is vital). Therefore, by nature itself, Maxim is destined for such a partner in the person of his dual Hamlet.

Sincerity in the expression of feelings is one of the most important values ​​of this dyad. Therefore, Maxim imagines his real feelings precisely in Hamlet’s interpretation. True feelings, according to the members of this dyad, must be tested by pain and suffering, which ennobles them even more, makes them strong, truly beautiful and resilient. (Moreover, not only love, but also friendship, loyalty to duty, and patriotism should be subjected to such tests.)

Maxim, with his sensitive and critical observation, is convinced by Hamlet’s emotions - sincere, subtle. Their touchingness, their sadness greatly appeals to him, gives food to his intellect; through them he receives the most precise ethical orientation. (“I was immediately struck by her eyes, I was looking for a girl with just such eyes...” - Gleb Panfilov about Inna Churikova.)

No other partner, except Hamlet, is able to convince Maxim of the sincerity and depth of his experiences. Hamlet is the only one whom Maxim trusts completely.

Superid block. 6th position. Activation function. Intuition of time

Maxim, like all rational sensory people, is characterized by oversaturation with the affairs of the current moment in time. The phrase “current moment” is in itself already a “Maksimov” term. Maxim constantly observes and analyzes the “current moment” (draws graphs, compiles reports, holds meetings on the state of affairs “at the moment”).

The over-significance of the “current moment” keeps him in constant tension, in constant readiness to give all his strength in the name of the importance of the “current moment”.

It seems that in Maxim’s life there are no other temporal categories other than the “current moment” - and this is actually so. Formally, he also has an abstract concept of a distant “bright future”, into which, if he is within the framework of the system, he looks relatively confidently, but about which, in fact, he thinks no more than about afterlife. There is a “recent past”, which quite recently was the “current moment” and it differs from today’s “current moment” only in statistical indicators. And there is also the concept of the “distant past,” which he knows about by hearsay and is even ready to believe it, but he cannot judge for himself, because this concept means everything that happened before his birth; and from the moment of birth for him, again, there is only the “current moment.”

Maxim’s time belongs to his work in the system, therefore his time categories are directly related to the “time indicators” of this system. His own time guidelines are replaced by the guidelines of the system in which he works: the end of the quarter - the beginning of the quarter, summer vacation time, the beginning of a shift, working hours...

“Working time” does not belong to him, but to his affairs and duties; he believes that there is always something to fill the working day, and will not allow either himself or his subordinates to leave work before the appointed hour (you never know, maybe someone else’s services will be needed). Maxim knows how and loves to check on his subordinates: when they started working, when they left. If his workers fulfill the quota too quickly, he can organize a commission to check, make timekeeping, change the plan, and reduce prices.

Being chronically incapable of waiting within one's limits privacy, within the framework of working hours, Maxim is ready to wait as long as necessary - he has nowhere to rush, he is already at work.

Maxim's time relations within the system are determined by his position in it. He will not rush his superiors to make a decision, but he will force his subordinates to implement this decision in a “short time” (of course, demanding high quality of work performed, although it is precisely this that will suffer). Maxim, in his own way, ignores the time factor - he replaces it with the factor of “enthusiasm of the working masses.”

Maxim himself connects to the rhythm that production sets for him. He works most productively under tight deadlines, which makes him indispensable in emergency situations.

For Maxim, it is important to indicate the deadlines for completing the work. If, for example, there is an instruction according to which he is obliged to respond to a request within a 2-week period, this will be complied with, but if he does not have a controlled deadline for implementation, then what is called “bureaucratic chaos” occurs.

Maxim's time is static, it does not change for him, and it does not change him. No matter how historical eras change, as long as administration systems exist in them, Maxim will live and work within the framework of these systems. And when the era of the dominant hierarchies passes, and Maxim falls out of the system, he lives outside of time - he does not see himself in the future and yearns for the past. In this case, he reanimates the remnants of collapsed systems, restores their structural connections and works within the framework of these connections, no matter how fragile they may be, until his dual Hamlet fills them with a new idea that corresponds to the spirit of the times. And then Maxim will, with full dedication, strengthen and improve this system in order not only to introduce it into society, but also to make it predominant in it. (Example: the victory of the communists in the elections to the State Duma and their attempt to revive the USSR.) Maxim sees global time guidelines from the “suggestion” of his dual Hamlet.

Block "id". 7th position. Observational function. Business logic

The aspect of Maxim’s business logic can be considered in two ways: in relation to his position in the social system and in relation to his position outside it, that is, in the sphere of private initiative.

Working in the public system is certainly preferable for Maxim. And it is in this direction that he tries to make every effort, while in conditions of private initiative it is very difficult for him to work, and not only because by nature he is endowed with a weak intuition of possibilities, but also because private initiative contradicts his logical program, puts him outside the system altogether. An initiative outside the system is antisocial, it is a “criminal” initiative (which is what happens when Maxim falls out of the dominant social system; by opposing himself to society, he automatically forms an “antisystem”).

Therefore, in social terms, Maxim’s business activity is aimed at improving his closed and static system, and consists in a painful search for a solution to a constantly pressing problem - how to make this system self-sufficient. Maxim sees its solution in a reasonable, fair and socially justified distribution of material wealth across all levels of the system hierarchy. In order to strengthen those levels that control and manage distribution, and stimulate those that produce these benefits.

In this matter, Maxim is an unsurpassed virtuoso. What is the value of just one trick like “artificially creating a commodity shortage”! Where can you escape from the system and how can you manage without rations if “beer is only for union members”?

Maxim not only knows how to creatively “drive” people into the system, he knows how to make people work in it. (All his strong-willed sensory skills, and at the same time all his constructive-instructive logic, would be worthless if he didn’t know how to do this!) All the “methods of economic stimulation” and “material incentives”, all these “honor boards” and “windows of satire” ", all these "rallies" and "congresses" with a "special buffet" - this whole celebration of labor enthusiasm, honor to the "leading producers" and "innovators" (by the way, only problematic intuition, unable to see beyond the "current moment", can explain the implementation “rationalization proposals” that provide dubious immediate benefits, but turn into environmental disasters) - all these are nothing more than ways to maximize the use of internal reserves in a closed hierarchical social system, by the method of redistributing material goods.

The question arises: where is the introduction of advanced technologies, where is the encouragement of private entrepreneurship? In such social conditions“business logic” falls into the realm of repressed values ​​and is presented as a sphere of personal interests opposed to the interests of society, and therefore harmful and dangerous for it.

The social role of Maxim's business logic is expressed in the development and implementation of economic incentive systems and control over the distribution of material goods.

(Maxim treats issues of control with special respect and considers it proper and necessary to apply control methods to himself. Where control is not carried out thoroughly enough, Maxim is inclined to redistribute material wealth taking into account his personal, primary interests, rightly believing: if the authorities negligently exercises control, which means that he doesn’t really need these “benefits”; therefore, there is no big problem if he doesn’t receive any of these benefits. In any case, when dealing with Maxim, it’s worth remembering that the system of strict accounting and control will not offend him in any way.)

In everyday life, representatives of this type are quite practical, they know how to distribute and control family budget, but are not always far-sighted - they do not see possible large losses in the future behind small, momentary gains.

Block "id". 8th position. Demonstrative functions. Sensory sensations

The work created by Maxim always clearly demonstrates both strong and weak sides his sociotype. Logically thought out, highly professionally executed, thoroughly worked out in detail, it must also be clearly ideologically or socially oriented. The last circumstance is especially important for Maxim, who finds it difficult to create for himself personally, but easy for the one who orders him this work.

A similar quality inherent in Dreiser’s demonstrative sensory is explained by the fact that the demonstrative function works more actively not so much for the individual himself, but to support the most painful function of his dual. Maxim can unsuccessfully reflect on the emblem of his own business card, but will quickly and easily do it for the customer on the topic given to him. It is easier for Maxim to design an exhibition pavilion or a holiday square, since there is a specific theme and symbols there, than to develop a standard project for a residential building, where there is no symbolism or theme, but only a given parallelepiped, with which it is difficult to come up with anything interesting - a manifestation of a weak intuition of possibilities. (The architecture of the VDNKh pavilions is a typical example of “Maksimov design”.)

Maxim’s aesthetics are formed under the influence of Dumas’ sensory, but are aimed at “serving” Hamlet’s weak and vulnerable sensory. From Dumas - its festive sophistication, from Hamlet - its ideological fullness and theatrical decorativeness (suffice it to recall the decorative garlands of vegetables and fruits, ears of wheat and ribbons from the times of the “Stalin Empire”); Maxim himself adds “the aesthetics of strength and order” - strict symmetry and monumental forms.

Maxim’s aesthetics is a “social phenomenon”, it is the aesthetics of his system, his era. Which, as already mentioned, has the ability to “mothball” waiting in the wings, which manifests itself in a kind of “Maksimov’s “retro” - a style nostalgic for the eras of totalitarian systems. (In this regard, both the “German Empire” of the 1930s-40s and the “Stalin Empire” of the 1930s-50s, which took the military-totalitarian aesthetics of the ancient Roman Empire as a model, can also be considered as a kind of example “ Maksimovsky "retro.") Nowadays, "Maksimovsky retro" is manifested both in fashion - a sports and business style in the spirit of the 1930s, and in popular music - the group "Doctor Watson" (style of the 1930s - 50s) and the group "Na-Na." One can assume the emergence in the near future of “Maksimov retro,” yearning for the specific military style of the “era of stagnation.”

Maxim is an “art designer” of his era and his system - this is what social role demonstrative function of his intellect.

© 1997 Stratievskaya V. “How to make sure we don’t part.”

Intertype relationships

Gorky establishes the following relationships with representatives of socionic types:

Socionic type Type of relationship with him
Administrator Max Otto von Stirlitz A relationship of complete opposites
Analyst Maximilien Robespierre Family relationships
Humanist Fyodor Dostoevsky Relations of social order (Gorky - receiver)
Entrepreneur Jack London Mirage relationships
Advisor Thomas Huxley Conflict relationships
Guardian Theodore Dreiser Business relationship
Enthusiast Victor Hugo Half-complement relations

Description by function

1. L - structural logic

He thoroughly understands the business he is involved in. Stubbornly and persistently collects information in order to fully control the situation. A collector or book lover, he is especially interested in reference literature. A supporter of strict order and a well-functioning system. Everything that does not fit into it is rejected as illogical. In a matter of interest to him, he regularly checks and monitors its progress. He is balanced and efficient himself, and demands the same from others. Respects subordination. Does not take into account personal sympathies when we're talking about about the matter. Places items in strictly designated places. He does not tolerate it when someone takes or shifts his things without asking.

2. F - force sensory

A sober realist: he sets himself only feasible goals, therefore in most cases he achieves them, even if not immediately. If explanations and warnings do not help, use pressure and other forceful control methods. He knows how to put pressure on the enemy, driving him into a corner. A stoic who knows how to control himself. Endures any adversity. Forces himself to do things that are not interesting, but necessary. Helps those who are weak and defenseless. Takes care of the old and sick. He can be an inconspicuous lone fighter for justice.

3. R ​​- ethics of relationships

In public he behaves politely and correctly. Can force himself to be cheerful and sociable. Easily enters into contacts of a situational, short-term nature. His behavior inspires trust. Patiently listens to people who contact him. He sympathizes with them and demonstrates his affection. Although he moves to a close distance, he rejects familiarity in relationships. At home he behaves sternly with his family. Loves to educate and read morals. Reliable in his affections, although it happens that he is painfully torn between two objects of sympathy at once.

4. I - intuition of possibilities

Very attached to his worldview. There are no concessions or compromises. He chooses his friends based on the coincidence of their views. He judges human abilities by himself. If I can do it, then why can't others? His intuition is replaced by a personal attitude. Can trust a well-wisher, an earpiece, a pseudo-supporter. Appreciates intelligent and creatively gifted people. They can even be forgiven for selfishness and unethicality.

5. E - ethics of emotions

He himself is usually in a gloomy mood. Accumulates negative emotions. Having splashed them out on someone, he feels relieved. For good physical condition, he needs frequent changes in his emotional background. Does not tolerate directed pressure with negative emotions - crying, whims, accusations. It is easier for him to give in than to ignore them. Internally he is quite touchy and vulnerable, although he does not show this, considering it his weakness.

6. T - intuition of time

It’s hard to tolerate unpunctual people who do everything at the wrong time. Lives at a measured pace. He really dislikes unreasonable postponements and schedule disruptions. He is frightened by fate and unpredictability. Although he rejects mysticism, he listens with caution to prophecies, fortune telling, and dreams. He is mobilized and spurred on by an unexpected but important event that needs to be completed in a short time.

7. P - business logic

He is very thrifty in his work and purchases. Strives to save even small amounts of money. Just in case, he keeps his used items. Seeks to get rid of unnecessary labor costs. Supporter of mechanization and automation. Controls income rather than expenses. Exercises control over the actions of other people. If they are illogical or inappropriate, he suspects something is wrong.

8. S - sensory sensations

Carefully monitors his appearance. Clothes are always neat. Careful at home and at work. He knows how to work with his hands: repair, make something for the home. Performs fine manual operations well, especially if they are related to design and decoration. Loves simple but healthy food. It is characterized by stability of taste and habits.

External signs

Whether a person belongs to the PWD type is easily determined by external signs on distance. However, this applies to men. Women of this type do not bear any clear signs in their appearance. The first thing that catches your eye in the figure of a person with disabilities is his fundamentality, thoroughness. A person of this type stands firmly on his feet and gives the impression of solidity and firmness. The head sits smoothly on the shoulders, motionless, and practically does not rotate it. The head turns along with the body. He never swings his arms while walking. They are fixed at the elbows, so the hands do not dangle. Sometimes it even seems like he has his hands at his sides. The gait is generally soft, smooth, and gliding. However, it periodically makes sharp turns and deviations away from the straight trajectory. The most notable features of the face are the cheekbones. Because of this, there is often something oriental and Asian in appearance. The tip of the nose, however, is raised upward. The facial expression is static, emotionless, concentrated. Men of this type are characterized by a beautiful, lush mustache like the director Nikita Mikhalkov. In clothing, first of all, neatness and neatness are noted. Clothes, as a rule, are strict, discreet, never dirty or wrinkled. Men of this type always suit military uniform. Violations of dress code, when they show up for duty in an inappropriate manner, are treated very critically.

Communication style

He makes contact quite easily and knows how to establish a close distance. Hurts people with witty remarks or jokes, especially people. of the opposite sex (men). Often behaves like a gallant gentleman, elegant and courteous. Skillfully looks after ladies, plays the role of a “hussar” well (if the sensory component is strengthened). Often becomes the communication center of the company. He tends to perform romantic songs with a guitar in the spirit of the movie "Cruel Romance". At the official level of communication, accuracy is highly valued. Pays great attention to numbers, indicators, factual material, and specific logic. He considers any issue from all sides and thoroughly studies the details. In judgments and assessments - a sober realist. Does not like unsubstantiated assumptions, reckless projects. Believes that any question must be carefully prepared. In speech one can often hear truisms and moral teachings that are close to the conjuncture of the moment. He is characterized by edification. Loves posters, wall prints and other types of visual propaganda. In an informal setting, remaining in a narrow circle of close people, he tends to talk about philosophical and moral topics. There is a certain craving for religion, mysticism, predictions and other forms of manifestation of deep intuition. When approached with a question, he never refuses. He will always advise where to go, who to contact, what the procedure is in this particular case.

Features of behavior

A characteristic feature of behavior that allows one to confidently identify this type of personality is good adaptability to one’s position in the hierarchy of power. As a child, he is almost always an obedient, correct child, always respecting his elders. At school he is often set as an example to others and given important assignments. Very efficient. When he is appointed to a position, he shows obvious administrative inclinations. Good organizer. Harshly asks for performance decisions made. Doesn't give discounts to anyone. Maintains strict discipline. Loves and respects hierarchy - degrees, titles, positions. Maintains subordination. Very trusting in matters of human relationships. Knowing this, he is suspicious of people who violate basic ethical standards of behavior. Sometimes he imagines conspiracies and evil intentions of people. Anyone who does not openly express their attitude towards him falls under suspicion. He loves and collects books, especially reference books, encyclopedias, and dictionaries. Doesn't like to admit that he doesn't know anything in his field. He maintains almost military order in the house: his things are strictly in designated places, even if there are a lot of them. He really doesn’t like it when they are shifted and they are treated carelessly. He constantly creates comfort and order around himself. He knows how to tinker, repair, and generally work with his hands. It is unpretentious in everyday life and does not require gourmet food. The food may be the same, but it is of high quality.

yours strong point is specific logic, i.e. a thorough study of any issue and event. You are a responsible person who does not waste words.

You are characterized by a desire for order, discipline, and adherence to clear norms and rules. You are impatient with any kind of laxity and irresponsibility. You are a person of reason; you are guided in your decisions by logic, not emotions. You are prone to deep study of specific areas of activity.

You are a persistent and purposeful person. There is no doubt that you are a good administrator, always monitoring the correct implementation of decisions made. You are also a supporter of applying disciplinary measures to people who do not fulfill their duties. Don't overdo administrative pressure. Try to first understand the true motives for violation of discipline.

One of your main problems is uncertainty in situations that require breaking established views without clear prospects, distrust of unexpected ideas and proposals that require abandoning the values ​​of the past and alternativeness. In such cases, there may be a feeling of approaching chaos, instability, and loss of direction. Try, after weighing all the pros and cons, to abandon previous stereotypes.

Study everything new, unconventional, so that new ideas do not take you by surprise. Trust people more, don’t look for the reasons for your failures in someone’s deliberate machinations.

Don’t make the same demands on everyone, remember: everyone has different natural abilities. Try to work out individual approach to everyone.

If you are a boss, do not constrain the creative initiative of your subordinates. Don't control their every move. Do not try to prove yourself to your superiors by complying with all, even obsolete, regulations and instructions.

Expand your range of interests and hobbies, don't focus on one thing. Temper your realism in criticizing the new, deviating from the norms and rules. Remember that the most advanced ideas at one time were not recorded in any reference book.

Your other problem is differences and irregularities in communication with people. You experience unnatural, abrupt transitions from demonstrating courtesy and sensitivity to displays of authority and demandingness. Remember that you have a tendency to show intemperance and even rudeness in very close relationships.

Try to maintain smooth, moderately restrained relationships with people, so as not to bring possible misunderstandings and conflicts to a dramatic outcome. Do not lose your sense of proportion in your relationships with people: do not be either overly helpful or too intrusive with your problems. Don't consider others obligated to help you.

Don't bore people with unnecessary teachings and moralizing. Even if you are right, with your edifying tone you risk making yourself ill-wishers.

1 . Consistent follower. He knows how to very sensibly and accurately choose the best of the available systems, dogmas, and with uncompromisingness, reaching the point of stubbornness, fight for its implementation. She categorically rejects everything that cannot enter into it. Brings this system to an ideal state. Very reliable in implementing his system - even if this system is impermanent. Thus, Talleyrand managed to occupy the position he needed under the Bourbons, the Commune, the Directory, Napoleon and again under the Bourbons, and died in the wealth and luxury that he had strived for.

2 . Sober realist. He never falls into despair and does not succumb to illusions; he is always equally even, calm, and logical. He himself is not prone to fantasies and does not like manilovism in others.

3 . Researcher. Has a penchant for deep research into narrow problems. Painstakingly establishes their connections with what has been previously studied. Knows how to listen to the interlocutor. Often able to hear two speakers at once. High rate of loneliness. He reads little, thinks a lot - this is his favorite state. Knowledge is always brought to a state of practical application. To those who do not have his thorough understanding of the situation, his actions seem paradoxical and unpredictable. Sees a way out where others do not see it.

4 . A mixture of delicacy and adventurism. Quite closed and secretive. Doesn't like to be the center of attention. In communication he is sensitive and unobtrusive. At the same time, he needs listeners. He attracts people with his determination to implement his own system. If he sees something accurately, but others not accurately, he becomes aggressive. Stubborn and uncompromising (Martin Luther). As a leader, he tends to tighten the screws. He is tactful, feels people, but treats them as tools. Personal feelings, likes and dislikes do not distract him, the results are important. Ethics is subordinated to logic (Stalin). He does not tolerate people touching his things - this is a deep grudge for him. He has a hard time with aggressive people, although he does not enter into arguments with them.

5 . Stoic. Hardy and unfair, does not waste time on everyday life. Prefers to hide his feelings: hunger, fatigue, pain, fear. A sick child does not moan so as not to injure the mother.

6 . Close ones. He doesn’t hide his attractions, sometimes it even seems like he’s deliberately demonstrating them. Does not let any person of the opposite sex go unnoticed and unappreciated. He judges the feelings of others only by their external manifestations: how he looks, how his partner talks to him. Therefore, it is relatively easy to make a mistake and mistake your desire to be loved for the feeling of a partner. He knows about this, therefore he is distrustful and suspicious.

Descriptions of the type Maxim Gorky according to Weisband

Logical-sensory introvert - "Maxim" (Maxim Gorky)

The world for Maxim Gorky is a set of rules, laws, hierarchies, patterns, i.e. logical connections and systems that cover absolutely all spheres of existence. Each phenomenon, person or object with which Maxim deals, he assigns its place in a suitable system. He rejects everything that does not fit into his ideally working system as superfluous. Maxim easily fits into structures with clear rules, does not like it when they are violated without a good reason, and respects subordination.

Maxim’s main task is to do everything possible to maintain a system that is meaningful to him - he will patiently explain the rules, monitor their implementation, apply pressure and force in case of violations, expel from the system those who threaten its stability. He knows how to control himself, endures difficulties steadfastly, and can force himself to do things that are not interesting, but necessary.

When communicating with people, he does not go beyond the norms of behavior; with strangers he is correct, polite, and patient. In a familiar environment he can be cheerful and sociable. He can be stern with loved ones and likes to read morals.

Unpredictability and uncertainty frighten him. Does not like multi-choice, ambiguous situations, trying out different options and numerous possibilities. Listens to forecasts and prophecies.

He is touchy and vulnerable, but carefully hides it. Gives in to emotional pressure - crying, violent accusations, whims. To relieve tension, it needs emotional recharging. Loves talented artistic people who know how to ignite emotionally.

Does not like unpunctual people, prefers to live at a measured pace. He likes clearly defined deadlines; they mobilize him.

Maxim is thrifty, economical, and does not like unnecessary labor costs. Can meticulously monitor the activities of other people.

He is neat and knows how to work with his hands. Loves simple healthy food. Provides comfort for yourself and your loved ones at a sufficient level, without excesses.

  1. Differs in accuracy and specificity in business relations. Works out details in detail, carefully prepares events. Matters are put above sentiments. Follows laws and regulations and keeps personal belongings in order. You can always rely on him. Endures life's adversities with steadfastness.
  2. A person of strong-willed endurance is assiduous and resilient. Persistent and demanding in carrying out orders, as well as checking them. Takes care of those who are confused, explaining how the work needs to be done. He is a sober realist in his assessments and does not tolerate fruitless fantasies. He proves that he is right by citing numerous facts he has collected.
  3. When communicating with friends and colleagues, he is polite and courteous. Able to give the impression of an intelligent and well-mannered person. However, in close relationships it changes towards greater cruelty. Despite the fact that he can be sociable in a small circle, he needs privacy. Shows a penchant for edification, preaching ethical standards.
  4. What he can do himself, he demands the same from others. Diving deeply into details and numbers risks losing the breadth of your review. Uncompromising in his beliefs. The collapse of the ideals that he followed for a long time turns into a personal tragedy for him. Distrustful of strangers about whom there is no information. Having noticed something negative about a person, he loses trust in him for a long time.



A good organizer and meticulous performer. Intolerant of laxity and irresponsibility. He is consistent in his actions and decisions, and always brings what he starts to the end. He loves order, accuracy and specificity in everything, trusts only official or verified sources of information. Good researcher of narrow problems. He delves into all the details and does not lose sight of the little things. He carefully keeps documentation, likes to clarify facts, and willingly informs those who contact him about any instructions and laws that he usually knows well. Being an administrator, he knows how to establish clear work, discipline and order, and always controls the implementation of his orders. He puts business above personal relationships and moods. He is very efficient, has a developed sense of duty, and is demanding of himself and his subordinates. He prefers to put knowledge into practice. He prepares for everything in advance, does not like impromptu things.


Uncompromising in what he considers important. Periodically assumes an official and... Unapproachable appearance, adheres to subordination. Quite intolerant of other points of view. Not flexible enough in relationships with people, does not take into account their individual abilities. It is almost impossible to force him to change his beliefs. He does not like it when people object to him or impose their will or methods of work. Secretive, does not like to share his impressions with strangers. Afraid of change and instability. Poorly understands the relationships of others to himself. He cannot stand it when someone touches his things and interferes in his affairs without permission.

You cannot demand or expect from him:

  • subtle individual adaptation to people
  • ; constant consideration of people's individual abilities
  • ; quick adjustments according to the situation
  • ; compliance and gentleness in fundamental issues
  • ; generation of conceptual ideas.

The inspector distributes responsibilities well and monitors their implementation, so he can effectively provide specific leadership, especially if the group does not exceed 8-10 people. An excellent department manager. He is also capable of performing high-quality design work and making things with his hands. Works well with technology. Can be an instructor, controller, document preparer, tax inspector, investigator.


Discipline, systematicity, methodology, commitment to accuracy and order - these are the fundamental characteristics of this sociotype, which give him the reputation of a reliable person. He can be trusted to deliver on his promises. He will fulfill them strictly. This is not a very dynamic, but strong-willed and powerful person, who achieves his goal not by attacks, but by patience and consistency.

“Inspector” is a supervisor-instructor.

Briefing involves issuing information about the strict implementation of certain commands, orders, conditions, etc. It is characterized by one-way communication, in which the instructor defines the roles of those being instructed, as well as what, when, where and under what conditions should be carried out. The “inspector”, as a manager, is inclined to precisely this style of activity, inclined to solve problems of a technical nature. Can hardly see the future, take into account new stage in the development of events. For this reason, he is distrustful of bold innovations, especially those associated with risk. At the same time, he has a good grasp of the logic of achieving practical results. This logic is aimed primarily at eliminating conditions of instability that could lead to an imbalance in the functioning of the existing system.

The main tool for understanding the information perceived by a person is concrete logic. He thinks about all the details and details of the business that occupies him, about its clear organization, about the functional responsibilities of the participants, in a word, he tries to take everything into account. Nothing should escape his control. He doesn’t like being in unclear, ambiguous situations; a bad outcome is preferable to him than no outcome at all. In the process of considering the analyzed object, it strives to bring clarity and precision. Good at noticing ill-conceived aspects of an event.

His psyche is focused on a detailed study of a specific problem or branch of knowledge. It moves deeper and deeper, building vertical structures - hierarchies. Compares existing classifications and schemes in the area under study, based on accumulated empirical material. Knows how to choose the most prepared and well-developed system from existing systems. In the future he works within the framework of this system and does not accept major structural breakdowns. Its logic is aimed at supplementing the existing structure with the material at its disposal. The result of the “inspector’s” thinking process is logical conclusions that serve as the basis for instructions, decrees and orders designed to establish order. Supporter of cohesion and organization. Does not like deviations and inconsistency. He seeks to explain unknown phenomena or facts using known laws. Following objective logic, it strives to cover the entire subject or at least part of it entirely and comprehensively. However, it cannot do this quickly. He always needs time to prepare. Does not like fantasies and improvisations, reckless projects. Sober realist. He thinks through everything, calculates it, puts it on the shelves.

This sociotype is characterized by the desire to dominate in a team, obsession with a specific idea, and its implementation. Demanding, intolerant of hesitation, lack of will, and dishonesty. Strives for organization and order, the instrument of which, as a rule, is strong-willed pressure, manifested in various forms (administrative pressure, persuasion, discredit). Occupying a high position in the social and industrial hierarchy, he may display dictatorial tendencies. Being lower in rank, he always feels the limits of volitional pressure on his superiors and recognizes subordination. Establishes order and discipline only on its territory and within its competence.

LSI belongs to the type whose representatives are not emotionally involved in interpersonal relationships. The dominant need is the need to influence people, which, in particular, is expressed in the desire to influence others, to impose on them your desires, your vision of problems and ways to solve them. At the same time, he does not feel the need to be close to people. Representatives of this type try to avoid collective interaction with their subordinates (meetings), where intensive exchange of information is possible and there is no confidence that everything will go according to the planned scenario. They can spend most of their working time (if possible) talking on the phone, etc. They like to spend a lot of time thinking about problems that have arisen in private.

Form business activity characterized by lack of dynamism. Takes action only after careful consideration, especially in situations for which a behavioral stereotype has not been developed. If this sociotype wants to achieve something, it usually does not stop trying until it achieves its goal. Very persistent and consistent. Takes instructions responsibly. In this regard, he is demanding of himself and others.

When establishing business contacts, he is guided by objective criteria. People are assessed based on the specific results of their activities (performance, diligence, attitude towards work) regardless of personal likes and dislikes. Strives for competence and expects the same from others. Otherwise, he prefers to avoid business partnerships. Uncompromising. This deficiency is compensated by focus and perseverance. He does not openly express his disagreement if the situation is not in his favor. Applies the method of dispersing the enemy’s forces, luring them to his side. Achieves goals using the strategy of a shrinking iron hoop.

Key characteristics.

  1. Solve tactical problems well.
  2. Can demonstrate himself adequately only in the role of a hierarchical leader.
  3. When establishing business contacts, he is focused on objective criteria and protects himself from the influence of emotional assessments.
  4. Business activity is expressed in perseverance, focus, and consideration of the smallest details related to the matter.
  5. The system of interaction with subordinates is built according to the “instructor - instructed” scheme. Self-activity and self-initiative are not supported.
  6. Competitive type of behavior.
  7. Achieve big results by creating perfect organizational structures based on control. The human factor is not taken into account.
  8. Demonstrates a commitment to ethical business principles. Often such a demonstration is of a formal nature.
  9. Motives and goal: egoism, profit and success of the organization through systematic and consistent work.
  10. Attitude towards the law: law-abiding
  11. Arms himself with legal knowledge to avoid getting into trouble.
  12. Strategy: maximum attention to production, minimum attention to the human factor.

Working conditions

The incentive for an inspector to work is to achieve high level welfare. He performs the work entrusted to him efficiently and reliably, while expecting that his work will be paid according to his merits. Since the inspector is a concrete-minded type, it is best to encourage his work with some kind of bonuses, valuable gifts, that is, something quite specific. He likes to work at a measured pace; he hates rush jobs, haste, and urgency that disrupt all his plans. When he is rushed or asked to quickly change his course of action, he may flare up. He likes it when he is assigned a specific, not very big task in advance and when he can think through everything in advance. Usually prepares all instruments and keeps them in order. Willingly learn about technical innovations that can make work easier. Emotional warnings about troubles that will follow if timely action is not taken can activate him to work. He doesn’t like it when someone prevents him from doing his part of the job efficiently. Therefore, he strives to work in such a way that he is not distracted or disturbed, calmly and independently of others.

Your strength is specific logic, i.e., careful study of any issue and event. You are a responsible person who does not waste words. You are characterized by a desire for order, discipline, and adherence to clear norms and rules. You are impatient with any kind of laxity and irresponsibility. You are a person of reason, guided in your decisions by logic, not emotions. You are prone to deep study of specific areas of activity.

You are a persistent and purposeful person. There is no doubt that you are a good administrator, always monitoring the correct implementation of decisions made. You are also a supporter of applying disciplinary measures to people who do not fulfill their duties. Don't overdo administrative pressure. Try to first understand the true motives for violation of discipline.

One of your main problems is uncertainty in situations that require breaking established views without clear prospects, distrust of unexpected ideas and proposals that require abandoning the values ​​of the past and alternativeness. In such cases, there may be a feeling of approaching chaos, instability, and loss of direction. Try, after weighing all the pros and cons, to abandon previous stereotypes.

Study everything new, unconventional, so that new ideas do not take you by surprise. Trust people more, don’t look for the reasons for your failures in someone’s deliberate machinations. Don’t make the same demands on everyone, remember: everyone has different natural abilities. Try to develop an individual approach to everyone.

If you are a boss, do not constrain the creative initiative of your subordinates. Don't control their every move. Do not try to prove yourself to your superiors by complying with all, even obsolete, regulations and instructions.

Expand your range of interests and hobbies, don't focus on one thing. Temper your realism in criticizing the new, deviating from the norms and rules. Remember that the most advanced ideas at one time were not recorded in any reference book.

Your other problem is differences and irregularities in communication with people. You have unnatural, abrupt transitions from demonstrations of courtesy and sensitivity to manifestations of authority and demand. Remember that you have a tendency to show intemperance and even rudeness in very close relationships.

Try to maintain smooth, moderately restrained relationships with people, so as not to bring possible misunderstandings and conflicts to a dramatic outcome. Do not lose your sense of proportion in your relationships with people: do not be either overly helpful or too intrusive with your problems. Don't feel obligated to help others.

Don't bore people with unnecessary teachings and moralizing. Even if you are right, with your edifying tone you risk making yourself ill-wishers. "Inspector" in

intergender sexual relations

"Inspector" - male "aggressor"

Has a tendency to violently take possession of a woman. In love play he likes to demonstrate wrestling. He can allow himself to be rude, sometimes causing women pain, both physical and moral. Expects women to submit to force.

"Inspector" - female "aggressor"

He always tries to compete with a man, including in erotic relationships. Prone to irony and ridicule of the opposite sex. Likes to feel more competent than a man in any matter. During a love game, she expects ingratiation, ostentatious weakness, and emotional instability from a man.