Despite the fact that Lyudmila Maksakova answers calls from media correspondents quite harshly, her friend, actor Stanislav Sadalsky, has repeatedly written on his blog about how hard she is experiencing the situation surrounding her daughter Maria Maksakova.

Let us remind you that Maria Maksakova and her husband Denis Voronenkov emigrated to Ukraine in October last year. This became known in January–February. Moreover, both spouses are former deputies of the State Duma, whose powers ended only at the end of last year.

Maksakova was sent a summons in connection with the actions of her husband. In addition, Maksakova has contracts to perform in performances at two opera houses in the Russian Federation, at the Helikon Opera in Moscow and at the Mariinsky Theater, where at the end of January she was replaced by another soloist in the play The Queen of Spades. Maksakova is a senior teacher at the Gnessin Academy in the department of solo singing.

Row public figures spoke rather harshly not only against Voronenkov, but also against Maksakova. Maria Maksakova, who apparently planned to live in Kyiv and go to work in the Russian Federation, said that she is now afraid to come home.

At the same time, the singer still has her mother in Moscow, a Soviet theater star, actress of the Theater named after. Vakhtangov Lyudmila Maksakova, brother, whose son recently married the daughter of fashion designer Valentin Yudashkin Galina, and Maria’s father is a German citizen.

Lyudmila Maksakova is 76 years old.

In response to the first calls regarding the whereabouts of her daughter in Lyudmila Maksakova’s apartment, the housekeeper answered the phone and said that they had no information about Maria. Then the journalists got through to the actress herself, who, when asked about her daughter, replied, “You know, something has gone wrong with my memory.” Subsequently, she responded in the same spirit, and commentators got the impression that Lyudmila Maksakova survived her daughter’s emigration quite easily.
But everything turned out to be completely different.

Kirill Krok, director of the Vakhtangov Theater, where Maksakova Sr. serves, just wrote a meaningful message to Maria: “I would feel sorry for the parents and children!”

As it became known, Maria Maksakova’s two eldest children from her first marriage remained in Russia, and she took only the newborn Ivan to Kyiv.

“The older children are with their father, I have a completely normal relationship with him,” said Maria Maksakova. Friends of the family say that their grandmother, Lyudmila Vasilyevna, will have to take care of the children - 12-year-old Ilya and 6-year-old Lyudmila. How the mother herself plans to see them, who, according to her, will not return to her homeland in the near future, is unclear. Ilya is a cadet at the Suvorov Military School.

Stanislav Sadalsky, a friend of the actress, has already complained several times about how difficult it is for Lyudmila Vasilievna now. He wrote on his blog:

“Parents are no longer responsible for their daughter, of course. Masha has long been cut off from the umbilical cord, she has her own head on her shoulders. But her father is very worried, he’s just going crazy about this situation. He is seriously ill, he does not feel well, and all this is not good towards him.

Lyudmila Maksakova is famous for her harsh temper. Her own fate has repeatedly demonstrated sharp turns.

On the Internet there are memories of Lyudmila Maksakova about her childhood:
“In the summer of the first post-war years, we lived in a hut that resembled a birdhouse. Our “terem-teremok” was hastily knocked together from boxes in which aid was brought from America under the so-called Lend-Lease.
We lived, like everyone else, very difficult. I remember my grandmother got up early in the morning to get in line for flour. They wrote a number on her hand with a chemical pencil, and she was very afraid to erase it... “

Lyudmila's mother was a famous opera singer, soloist of the Kirov and Bolshoi theaters. Stalin was moved by the singing of Maria Petrovna Maksakova on the stage of the Bolshoi, and idle gossips attributed him to Lyudmila as his father.

Illustration – Lyudmila Maksakova in the television version of I. Kalman’s operetta “The Bat”

Meeting the love of your life is probably the most... great luck. And all lovers dream of living together hand in hand, helping each other and overcoming all obstacles together. This is what Maria Maksakova thought, who in 2015 tied the knot with Denis Voronenkov.

On March 27, they would have celebrated a paper wedding, but fate decreed otherwise - on March 23, former State Duma deputy Denis Voronenkov was shot dead in the center of Kyiv. In an instant, the life of opera singer Maria Maksakova turned upside down - she was left alone with her little son in her arms.

Fate brought the future spouses together State Duma Russian Federation. Maria Maksakova was a deputy from political party"United Russia", and Denis Voronenkov represented the "Communist Party of the Russian Federation". Despite the fact that they met at meetings, the future spouses for a long time looked at each other only as colleagues. A little later, Maksakova admitted that her friends had repeatedly hinted to the man that she and Maria could become a wonderful couple.

The passion between the opera singer and the politician flared up during a trip to Japan. Denis later recalled that it was love at first sight. The couple was very comfortable together. Soon the lovers realized that they were made for each other.

“We were supposed to meet, probably 20 years ago. And indeed, we were always close. We worked in the State Duma and met in Japan, but I think it was love at first sight for us,” Denis said in an interview with the TV channel. TV Center".

The lovers had to sacrifice a lot in order to be together. The fact is that the man was married at that time. But love for Maksakova turned out to be stronger than family ties - in spite of everything, the man divorced in order to be close to the opera singer.

Maria admitted that she did not strive for marriage. She felt quite comfortable without support male shoulder– she herself raised two children, Ilya and Lyudmila, whom she gave birth to in civil marriage. However, the meeting with Voronenkov completely changed her views on marriage.

The opera singer appreciated the bold step of the chosen one, who risked changing his life because of his love for her. Maria admitted that after his divorce she considered herself obligated to make him happy. Voronenkov was not embarrassed that he would have to participate in raising his beloved’s children.

The couple had a gorgeous wedding on March 27, 2015. The wedding was attended by numerous celebrities, colleagues and friends of the couple. According to Denis, it was Maksakova who insisted on the magnificent celebration. It was a special holiday for her - she believed that she was getting married for the only time, and therefore wanted everything to go perfectly.

“He’s probably the best thing that ever happened to me. It’s very important to feel behind my husband, safe, protected... For the first time I feel like a fragile woman, I’m happy...” Maria shared her emotions.

After the wedding, Maksakova and Voronenkov seriously thought about children. Maria was 37 years old at that time, but she passionately dreamed of giving birth to a child for her adored husband. At the end of April 2015, the singer admitted that she would soon become a mother. She was expecting twins. However, fate decreed otherwise. Due to the criminal prosecution and accusations of fraud against her husband, the opera diva was very worried. This could not but affect the artist’s health - she suffered a miscarriage.

Nevertheless, Maria and Denis did not give in to despair. A year later, fate gave Maksakova another chance - and in April 2016 she became the mother of a charming baby. The couple were overjoyed and could not get enough of their son. Immediately after giving birth, the opera singer decided on a name. The boy was named Vanya.

“I am grateful to God that he gave me the opportunity to become a mother again, and I don’t need anything more,” Maria admitted in an interview.

After the birth of the child, Denis and Maria became even more united. There was real harmony in their relationship. The couple did not hide the fact that they value each other very much and are grateful for the opportunity to meet. Voronenkov admired his wife and more than once told reporters how much he appreciated Maksakova.

“What captivated me about Masha at the beginning of the relationship is that she is subtle, kind, not vindictive, soulful person. She is the best wife in the world. You constantly feel that a person loves you. She is my internal motivator and atomic battery,” Denis said in an interview with reporters.

Maria, in turn, experienced similar feelings. She was glad that she had met her soul mate - a man who understood and appreciated her perfectly. Next to him she felt absolutely happy. Maria only regretted that she had not met Denis earlier. After a while, Maksakova realized that throughout her life she had been looking for the same qualities in men that she found in Voronenkov.

“This is my first love. Conscious and unconditional, in which I don’t want to change anything,” said Maria.

The opera diva was ready to make any sacrifice for the sake of her beloved husband. Not long ago, a man decided to move to Kyiv. Maksakova unconditionally followed Voronenkov to support her husband. She left two children in Russia, and took little Vanya with her to Ukraine. After this, the couple was hit with a barrage of criticism from the public.

“I left because I have a child who is eleven months old and who really needs me. When I left, I didn’t know what would await me upon arrival... Unfortunately, now I can’t come to Moscow and I can’t see my mother , dad and two beloved children... Leaving was initially Denis’s choice, because he is half Ukrainian. When a husband and wife become, as ordered, one flesh, we should not think about other people and their actions. For our part, we must behave as the Lord God pleases. This is marriage..." the artist explained the situation in the "Live" program.

“A person is free to choose where to live,” Voronenkov explained. “I left because I simply don’t want to live in lies and hypocrisy anymore. Sometimes you have to make a decision: do you want to change something or are you ready to live quietly as an opportunist?”

In mid-February, it became known that Voronenkov was put on the wanted list on charges of raider takeover.

At the beginning of spring of this year, rumors appeared that the opera singer was pregnant. IN close surroundings the performers told reporters: “Maria is very worried about the upcoming birth. She has no plans to contact Russian doctors, although the investigation has no complaints against her. Most likely, she will not give birth in Kiev, where she is now, but in Germany - after all, she also has a German citizenship".

A murder investigation is currently underway, and different versions reasons for the brutal massacre in the center of Kyiv.

A year ago, ex-deputy Denis Voronenkov was shot dead in the center of Kyiv. The scandalous emigration of the Voronenkov family and Maria Maksakova created a real sensation. In Moscow, influential politicians and ordinary citizens were outraged by the unprincipled betrayal, and in Kyiv the couple was in great demand until the shocking murder. For a month and a half, Maria Maksakova mourned her murdered husband, and then she began to look for a place in the sun and even acquired influential patrons. What's going on in her life now? And is it true that she has a new lover?

Maria Maksakova got in touch with the “Live Broadcast” program. She said that she was pleased with the progress of the investigation into her husband's murder. Maria is sure that her previous husband, Vladimir Tyurin, is involved in this case. “The fact that he was involved has obviously been proven by the investigation. The arguments are very convincing. Of course, the death of Denis is the most monstrous thing that ever happened. But the fact that the father of my first children, a man who owes me his freedom, had a hand in this - "I didn't expect such a stab in the back. For me personally, this version is the most tragic, the hardest, the most bitter," Maksakova admitted. She added that Tyurin could soon be on the international wanted list.

Yanina Sokolovskaya, a journalist from Ukraine, came to the program studio. This is how the woman commented on Maksakova’s life after the death of her husband: “In this situation, Ukraine managed to prove that it is not a foreign land to Mary. Because after her tragedy, the most people began to sympathize with her.” tall people Ukraine, including the president’s family and his wife. As a result, Mrs. Maksakova got from us what she probably couldn’t get in Russia. For example, in Russia she could not become an assistant professor at Gnesinka. With us, she immediately became a government official, a teacher at the National Academy of Singing, an associate professor, and now she will be given professorships. She was allowed to perform the main oratorio at a concert in honor of Ukraine's Independence Day. She lives at public expense because she is a refugee from your regime."

Maksakova herself responded to this that she is not personally acquainted with the family of President Poroshenko, but she is glad for such sympathy on their part. The state provided her with security, but she earns her own money and pays taxes.

Regarding rumors about the singer’s new lover, Yanina Sokolovskaya said that in Ukraine they believe that Maksakova is very sympathetic to Armen Kaloyan, the main director opera house. Maria herself noted that she considered him a talented person, but did not notice any interest on his part in her as a woman, except perhaps as a singer or artist.

What is the main evidence of the investigation in the Voronenkov murder case? What is the relationship between Maria Maksakova and her mother, with Ekaterina, the daughter of her murdered husband, and with Mikheil Saakashvili? Does the singer plan to return to Russia? Answers are in the program

More than once there has been information in the press that Maria Maksakova renounced her parental rights. Sources supposedly close to the singer also stated this on television. Such information was preceded by the news that the mastermind behind the murder of fugitive State Duma deputy Denis Voronenkov was the father of Maksakova’s eldest children, Vladimir Tyurin.

Maria Maksakova: News

Contrary to the prevailing opinion about Maksakova’s poor relationship with her older children, the singer continues to keep in touch with them. Moreover, the opera diva did not even think of giving them up.

When Denis and I left for Ukraine, he (Vladimir Tyurin) forcibly took his son Ilya from the Suvorov Military School. Although my son liked studying there. He (Tyurin) took Ilya even before Denis was killed. It is quite possible that he was already planning to eliminate my husband. He took the child from school, and then, citing the fact that he had two criminal cases, because of which he could go to a pre-trial detention center, he asked me to write that I agreed with the children temporarily living with their father. Allegedly, the children could be taken away from him, he will sit in a pre-trial detention center, and the children will be given to guardians. I did not give up parental rights to my children! All these statements by journalists are complete nonsense. This was a document about determining the place of residence of the children. I wrote that I don’t mind that the children will temporarily live with their father. Moreover, I signed this paper unilaterally. My signature was certified by a notary. But still, this agreement is void and has no legal force, since there is no signature of the father of my older children. Children will grow up, come to their senses and do right choice, - Maria Maksakova told Komsomolskaya Pravda.

More recently, Maria experienced another grief - her father Peter Andreas Igenbergs died. According to media reports, the funeral was postponed because the family was waiting for Maksakova to arrive in Moscow. But it turned out that things are more complicated than they seem.

The story about my father is complicated. I don’t know why they took him somewhere for treatment without asking me... They buried him today. The farewell took place in his homeland in Germany. I was there today. Only my mother was not at the funeral... - added Maria Maksakova.

Earlier, the ex-lover of the now deceased State Duma deputy Denis Voronenkov appeared on the air of one of the television programs. 19-year-old Alexandra said that Maria Maksakova and Denis Voronenkov were married not out of love, but according to the calculations of the politician himself. In addition, Alexandra believes that the singer could have ordered the murder of her husband because she could not forgive him for cheating on him.

Prosecutor General of Ukraine Yuriy Lutsenko stated that Vladimir Tyurin, ex-husband Maria Maksakova was notified of suspicion of organizing the murder of Denis Voronenkov. He clarified that a request for extradition will be sent to Russia. Lutsenko also did not rule out the possibility of putting him on the international wanted list and the procedure of conviction in absentia if extradition is refused.

Maria Maksakova leads an active online life. She often publishes photos on Facebook, as well as interviews, which she gives mainly to Ukrainian publications. After the murder of Maksakova’s husband, ex-State Duma deputy Denis Voronenkov, the singer radically changed her image and noticeably lost weight and, it seems, began experimenting with images. Internet users are actively looking for photos of Maria Maksakova before and after plastic surgery. The singer's personal life is discussed quite often.

For several years now, Maria Maksakova has not been able to return to Russia, because after the death of her husband, ex-deputy Denis Voronenkov, she fears for her life. For this reason, she did not see her children, ex-husband, or her own father.

It’s no secret that Maksakova’s relationship with her mother was not the best, although they were friends until they were 17 years old. But then her mother realized that Maria was turning into an “independent creative unit,” and on this basis they had a conflict. The artist's father, diplomat and businessman Peter Igenbergs, tried to solve the problem, but failed.

And although the man madly loved his wife, with whom he lived for many years, on the air of the program the opera singer admitted that due to disagreements with Lyudmila Maksakova, his father had a second family for the last few years, in which he was born illegitimate son Eric. The 16-year-old boy is Maksakova’s half-brother. She spoke about this as part of the “Secret to a Million” program.

“It was such a drama. Dad asked not to tell mom, I spent two days with him, convincing him that he needed to tell her. It will be worse when he is born, someone else will say,” says Maksakova.

Maksakova’s beloved father passed away in January 2018. Initially, he made a will for his wife, Lyudmila Maksakova, but then changed his mind. Now it was written there that all Russian property would go to his wife, and Latvian property to his two children, his son from his first marriage and Eric. But Maria Maksakova was not on the list of heirs.

“He believed that God gave me a voice and the opportunity to earn money; in my youth he paid for my education. Also, during his lifetime, he gave me an apartment in the center of Moscow. That's all. I will now sell these seven-room apartments,” Maria said on the air of the program.

The artist’s relationship with her daughter from her first marriage, Lyusya, whom she has not seen for several years, is also difficult. Lucy grew up at a time when Maria began to actively tour and hardly saw the heiress, which her nanny Zoya, with whom the girl is very close, took advantage of. Denis Voronenkov also mentioned the unhealthy relationship between the nanny and the baby, who proposed firing the woman. But she, having found out about this, went to work for Maksakova’s first husband, Vladimir Tyurin, and when the girl saw the nanny there, she announced that she would now live with her dad.

“She went too far, she wanted to tie her to herself. I think this is good provincial acumen. I didn’t try to talk to her about this topic, it’s better not to provoke me, because she stole my daughter for my money,” Maksakova said.

But Maria can only rejoice for her nephew Peter, who married Valentin Yudashkin’s daughter, Galina. She has been friends with a fashion designer for many years, whom she calls a genius.

Star children are happily married and manage not only to take care of family chores, but also to do business, actively developing the fashion business. And although Maria has long been friends with the famous Yudashkin, in her opinion, the children are not yet ready to outshine their own famous parents. “The fact is that at the heart of Valentin’s empire lies his enormous talent, they still do not live up to the scale of their parents in some respects, I cannot say why this is happening,” Maksakova said about her nephew.

According to Mary, she never saw Peter show a craving for any area of ​​​​knowledge. She recalls that at the age of 12-13 he said that he wanted to be an architect, but then everything faded away. “He didn’t have a calling for someone,” notes the singer.

Now the artist hopes to quickly sort out all her many problems in order to focus on her upbringing. youngest son. Maria did not harbor a grudge against her father, who did not indicate her name in the will, because despite everything, they were truly close.