What is the Moon like today, 10/12/2017 - waxing or waning, what is the phase of the Moon today, how to make the Moon your ally and good helper in different areas life? How do we find out what lunar day it is today, and what does it promise us? Let's find out all these questions in this article.

October 12, what is the Moon now: waning

Moonrise 22:42

Moonset 14:28

22.23 Lunar day.

The influence of the waning moon on a person.

During this period, it is favorable to analyze your actions. Is everything going right in your life? Find and get rid of everything unnecessary and incorrect. Make it at home general cleaning. Along with the dust, the negativity will leave your apartment. Along with the apartment, it will be good to cleanse your body. Go on a diet - remove toxins and waste from the body.

The waning moon is an unfavorable time for starting new things, but for restructuring existing ones, it’s the best time! Analyze what and why you are not succeeding; this is the best time to correct it. You can even look for a new job. In general, this is a time for improving and restructuring what already exists. Good luck! What we all miss so much.


Twenty-second lunar day.

Moon in third quarter.

Gaining knowledge will be favorable on this day. Day of Scientists and Sages. It is clear that on such a day you need to replenish your knowledge base and satisfy your cognitive interest. On this day, you may be able to find the answer to a question that has been bothering you for a long time.

1. Forecast: The day is unlucky for many endeavors. A child born on this day will be good, active person and will live to a ripe old age. For someone who gets sick on this day, the illness can become dangerous. Dreams will come true.

2. Forecast: Wisdom and firmness are advisable to be guided by. A day to achieve goals, knowledge. You need to be generous, altruistic. You don't have to limit yourself to food. There is no need to be conservative.

22 Lunar birthday.

Character traits inherent in these people: the ability to lead and organize people on the basis of ideas and socio-political concepts, the desire to resolve issues during crises, change people’s beliefs,

Start 23 Lunar day at 22:42


Twenty-third lunar day.

Moon in third quarter.

The day is filled with the energy of aggression and violence. Know how to restrain your anger and aggression, and protect yourself from someone else’s. In addition, the Moon is waning, and with it, as astrology teaches, activity. Don't let chaos start to win.

1.Forecast: The day is favorable for completing any task. However, there is no need to start new activity, because it will be pointless and useless. A child born on this day will not be particularly beautiful, so much of his life will depend on his ability to study and hard work. The illnesses of this day are long and dreams are false.

2.Forecast: A period of fasting, abstinence, thoughtfulness, repentance, forgiveness and self-sacrifice. This day is associated with persecution, search, exile, and encounters with a mad crowd. You need to protect the house: clean it, sprinkle it with holy water, clean the thresholds with fire, fumigate it. It is recommended to eat dairy products; it is not advisable to get a haircut.

23rd Lunar birthday.

If you were born between 22 and 25 Lunar days, then you are a person of the Last Quarter.

Character traits inherent in these people: the ability to lead and organize people on the basis of ideas and socio-political concepts, the desire to solve issues during crises, change people’s beliefs,

Negative points: poor attitude to criticism and tendency towards dictatorship.

It is clear that politicians should have such traits. But look closely at their faces and listen to what they say. Maybe you shouldn't become like this?

Moon in Cancer

Astrological forecast for the lunar day

This is the natural position of the Moon, it is “at home”. On this day, the mood of protection and care prevails. Take care of household chores, create comfort in your home.

“Moon in Cancer” - the period is favorable for relaxation or travel around rivers, lakes, and also for bringing the family together. Don't eat suspicious foods and don't overload digestive system. Although cancer eats a lot without problems.
Forecast for people born when the Moon was in the sign of Cancer.

Your purpose is to shine, heal and support people. Plus, you'll be on "seventh heaven" when you see the results of your hard work pay off. Doing for other people gives you the highest joy. Although you don’t need to consider yourself a great mentor.

If the Sun was in a water sign at the time of your birth (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), that is, you were born under this zodiac sign, then the Moon in Cancer increases the strength and depth of your feelings; you have excellent intuition and almost supernatural creative abilities. If the Sun was in an earth sign (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) that is, you were born under this sign, the Moon in Cancer makes you very faithful and passionate; this combination gives you the ability to powerfully influence the masses. If the Sun was in an air sign (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), that is, you were born under this sign, the Moon in Cancer enhances the courage of your intellect; you know how to awaken feelings in people's souls. If the Sun was in a fire sign (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), that is, you were born under this zodiac sign, the Moon in Cancer directs your enthusiasm and energy into the channel of creation; you have the soul of an artist.

On Saturday December 14, 2019 An ice hockey match will be held between national teams Russia and Czech Republic.

The meeting between Russia and the Czech Republic will be held as part of the Channel One Cup, an annual tournament that is part of the Euro Hockey Tour. In total, at this tournament (“Russian stage”) in 2019, our hockey team will hold three meetings: with Sweden (December 12), the Czech Republic (December 14) and Finland (December 15).

The venue for the match Russia - Czech Republic has been chosen multifunctional sports complex "CSKA Arena", located in Moscow near the Third Transport Ring and part of sports quarter "Park of Legends".

What time will the match Russia - Czech Republic start on December 14, 2019:

Hockey match start time - 15:00 Moscow time.

On which channel to watch the live broadcast of the meeting:

IN live the Russia-Czech Republic meeting on December 14, 2019 will be shown: "First channel" and TV channel "Match! Game". Start of live broadcast from CSKA Arena - 14:55 Moscow time.

In places where there is no television signal, but where the Internet is available, the game can be watched online on the Channel One website. There, the match will always be available for viewing in the recording.

What time does the Russia-Sweden hockey match start, where to watch it live:

Start time of the match Russia - Sweden - 20:00 Moscow time.

Live broadcast can be seen in mode online on the Channel One website(section "Channel 1 Hockey Cup 2019"). The game will also be available for viewing on the website in recording.

Live broadcast will be available on the channel " Match! A country", included in some cable operator channel packages, starting at 19:55 Moscow time.

On the First television broadcast, the Russia-Sweden meeting will be shown in the recording at 00:00 (midnight), from December 12 to December 13, 2019. The time indicated is Moscow.

List of regions in which orders have been issued to move the day off from Saturday, December 28, 2019 to Tuesday, December 31, 2019 (the list is being updated):
* Tomsk region.
* Kirov region.
* Republic of Crimea (Decree of the Head of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 466-U dated December 5, 2019)
* Pskov region.
* Karachay-Cherkessia.
* Stavropol region.

*Venue: USA, New York, Brooklyn, Barclays Center.

Chronology of failed meetings between Khabib Nurmagomedov and Tony Ferguson:

Since 2015, it was already planned to fight Khabib and Ferguson 4 times, but for various reasons they were all cancelled. The meeting, scheduled for April 18 in 2020, is the fifth attempt.

* For the first time, the fight, scheduled for December 11, 2015, was canceled due to Nurmagomedov’s injury, which he received in training.

* 4 months later (April 16, 2016), the second fight did not take place “due to the fault” of Ferguson, since he was forced to refuse the meeting due to lung problems.

* In 2017, the meeting between the fighters was planned to take place during the UFC 209 tournament (March 4, 2017), but as a result of an unsuccessful weight cut, Khabib ended up in the hospital and the fight was canceled again.

In October 2017, the new moon will be on October 19 at 22 hours 10 minutes 47 seconds, and the full moon will be on October 5 at 21 hours 38 minutes 41 seconds, reports RIA VladNews with a link to Informing.

The waxing Moon in October 2017 is from October 1 to 4 and from October 20 to 31, the waning Moon is from October 6 to 18.

Moon calendar for October 2017: favorable and unfavorable days and their characteristics

October 16, 2017 (25-26 lunar day). A favorable day for active activities, for communicating with nature and building creative ideas. Today fate may present you with unexpected surprises, so you should not make clear plans for this day.

October 17, 2017 (26-27 lunar day). Rest is very important on this day. Relaxation and meditation will help you overcome the troubles of this day. Today the stars will help those who clearly know what they want and know how to plan their actions correctly.

October 18, 2017 (27-28 lunar day). The stars warn that if the day of paperwork or the resolution of important issues falls on the moment lunar eclipse or a few days before or after it, it would be better to abandon your plans. On this day, if possible, do not overexert yourself.

October 19, 2017 (28, 29, 1 lunar day). New moon at 22:10. In general, this day is not very favorable, so you should try to get rid of negative energy.

October 20, 2017 (1-2 lunar day). This is a day of illusions, deceptions and poisoning (and you can even get poisoned by high-quality products). Try not to succumb to suggestion, laziness, or earthly temptations. It’s better to put aside all urgent matters and be alone with yourself.

October 21, 2017 (2-3 lunar day). A smooth and harmonious day, a time of mercy, patience and spiritual transformation. Try to devote the evening to home, family, and loved ones.

October 22, 2017 (3-4 lunar day). This day will be very active, associated with change, victory, triumph, strength and movement. Today you can be decisive in your actions. So, for example, on this day you can part with bad habits.

October 23, 2017 (4-5 lunar day). This is a day of wisdom and generosity. Dare to non-standard solutions and they will bring you good results. On this day it is better not to make any plans, but to follow your desires and intuition.

October 24, 2017 (5-6 lunar day). This is one of the most difficult days in October. Today it is better to limit communication and try to control emotions. Activities that require intellectual effort will not bring success today.

October 25, 2017 (6-7 lunar day). If you have long wanted to change something in your life, then today the time has come!

October 26, 2017 (7-8 lunar day). This is a day of wisdom, solitude and concentration, requiring prudence and rationality. Cleansing, both physical and spiritual, is recommended: light a candle and walk around the room or apartment with it.

October 27, 2017 (8-9 lunar day). Today, mental comfort is very important. The stars will help only those who clearly know what they want and know how to plan their actions correctly.

October 28, 2017 (9-10 lunar day). Rest, relaxation, meditation - this is what will help you overcome the troubles of this day.
October 29, 2017 (10-11 lunar day). The day is quite intense emotionally. The stars do not recommend today meeting with those who are not related to you, no matter how important they may seem - this communication will not bring success.

October 30, 2017 (11-12 lunar day). This day is not favorable for new beginnings. But it’s good to pay off debts and fulfill promises, especially to children. Refrain from visiting places with a lot of people. Forgive the offenders.

October 31, 2017 (12-13 lunar day). On the last day of October, you should not show any destructive emotions. Today it is advisable to light a candle, close your eyes and mentally imagine how November will go for you.

The full moon is always marked as an important day in the lunar calendar. It's not just that this is the culmination of everything lunar month. This day is important because it is fateful in many ways, and its energy is great.

In October we will have an early Full Moon, which will take place on the 5th in Aries. This means that the increased energy of the Moon will be very destructive. Aries is very negative and very provocative in itself, so the upcoming Full Moon will have many more negative aspects than positive ones.

Negative aspects of the Full Moon

On October 5, the main problem for each of us will be the inability to contain our emotions. Only the most persistent people will be able to preserve the peace around them, but for most it will be practically impossible. The symbiosis of Aries and the full moon will cause an increase in impulsiveness in every person.

Don't expect perseverance either. If you want to do something important, the initial impulse may not be enough to even start a serious undertaking. Concentration will be diffuse. Don't make any serious decisions on this day, because the next lunar day you may regret it.

Don't make empty promises to anyone, even your enemies. Avoid contact with people who are too close to you or with those who annoy you. Maintain neutrality in your priorities, without giving the palm to anyone. People on such days become especially jealous and demanding. You too may feel similar impulses, so watch your emotions and thoughts, as negativity will prevail. Problems on this Full Moon will not be the result of dissonance, but a consequence of the combination of two negative forces.

Aries and the Moon will also prevent you from succeeding in your studies, so not everyone will be able to escape through solitude. Collective work will also, for obvious reasons, not help you solve your gaps. We can only hope for chance. Don't get involved in adventures, because the full moon will immediately make sure that you won't turn away from the consequences. Believe in your own principles.

As for physical condition and mood, both will suffer greatly during this Full Moon. Do not overload your body with intellectual and physical work. It is better to postpone going to the gym. If you feel that problems are approaching, go out into the fresh air, take a walk, relax. Avoid drinking alcohol because it will make you feel worse and prevent you from getting enough sleep the next day.

Positive aspects of the Full Moon in October

In this full moon Astrologers note one of the most important positive directions of its impact - it will increase attraction and raise sexual energy. People who are in search of a soulmate may have luck on October 5th. Try to be as diplomatic as possible with everyone, because among those you get to know, there may be potential partners for starting a relationship.

You yourself may be under a pleasant “blow” of fate. On days like these you can see very clearly love compatibility. If you can be nearby for at least an hour, then it will already be good indicator. Love will require special work from each person. Nothing just comes on days like this, but if you find something, then know that it’s not without reason.

Despite the fact that the new moon occurs every month, in astrology it is considered important event. This is the period when the Moon renews its energy, thereby influencing people’s well-being, mood and performance.

The next new moon will take place on October 19 at 22:10 Moscow time and will pass under the sign of Libra. This union between the night luminary and the zodiac constellation will prove favorable for many of us. Energy new month will help in self-improvement, intellectual growth and body care. At the same time, as always on a new moon, many of us will feel nervousness, mood swings and lethargy.

On the 29th lunar day, astrologers advise you to be more attentive to your health and not enter into conflicts and disputes. You need to spend the day with a positive attitude and goodwill towards others. It is recommended to strengthen the immune system on this day, preferably with herbal remedies.

During the new moon, you should be especially careful with finances and business contacts. DO NOT sign important papers without thoroughly reviewing all issues. On this day, you can commit a rash act, wasting your money. You need to try not to plan important things on October 19, so that there is no failure.

New Moon October 19, 2017: when and how to make a wish

1. The most important thing– your desire should be formulated in this form, as if it had already come true and its result is happening to you now, i.e. in present time. Don’t write: “I want to earn 10 thousand dollars, buy an apartment, I dream of going to New York.” Write: “I earn 10 thousand dollars a month, I live in my own apartment, I spend my vacation in New York.” This way you don’t just show your desire, but confirm a fait accompli.

2. Write without the particle “not”. You can’t: “I don’t want to be fat.” You can: “I want to be slim.” Our brain ignores the “not” particle and hears exactly what it hears.

3. Make wishes on your behalf, and not from third parties. It is not in your power to decide for another person what he wants. You can dream, draw plans and build goals only on your own behalf.

4. Deadlines must be specified. necessarily, but not until the day or minute. The world itself knows when and what should happen in your life. Therefore, do not be disappointed if your dream does not come true on the day you planned for yourself, just wait a little.

5. Desire must be positive and not harm another living being. Even if you want justice and know that someone should be punished, it’s still not up to you to decide. Tell yourself this: “let everything be resolved in the best possible way.” Believe me, this is more effective than wishing evil on another person or making decisions about his fate for him.

New Moon in October 2017: when will it be, date, what time is best to make wishes?

It is believed that the most favorable time for making a wish is the first 10-15 minutes of the Moon entering a new phase. It's really perfect time for planning and dreaming, but don't panic if you don't have time to do just that. The entire first lunar day is considered very busy and open to all plans. Therefore, just take a pen, a piece of paper (or better yet, get a special lunar notebook for your dreams) and clearly, based on the above rules, write down everything you want to receive or achieve in the next month.

Tell or remain silent?

It is important not to advertise your desires to loved ones or acquaintances. Let this be your secret, which you will reveal when the event that you planned for yourself actually happens.