Liquorice (licorice glabra) is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Legume family. Used in the medical and food industries as a foaming agent. Grows wild in North Africa, France, Italy, Western and Central Asia, South-East Europe. Cultivated in areas with temperate climate. Licorice prefers brackish, sandy soil and thrives on chernozem clay soils. Licorice grows in steppes, semi-deserts, along irrigation canals, roads, on sand and shell ramparts, in the valleys of steppe rivers, forming dense thickets.

Liquorice is a medicinal plant, on the basis of which expectorants, diuretics, and laxatives are produced. In addition, the herb contains saponins, which have an enveloping effect. According to experimental data, it has been proven that medicines produced from licorice accelerate the healing of ulcers.

In Tibet, it is believed that licorice root “improves the functioning of the six senses and promotes longevity.”

In addition to its medical uses, licorice is used in metallurgy as a foaming agent for filling fire extinguishers. It is used in the production of shoe polish, ink, ink, in the textile industry for fixing paints, and in the tobacco industry for the purpose of flavoring and improving the taste of snuff, smoking, and chewing tobacco.

Botanical description

The root is woody, multi-headed, thick: vertical and penetrating 2-5 meters. In addition, a complex network of 5-30 stolon roots emanates from it, lying at a depth of 35 centimeters, up to 2 meters long. The shoots are brown on the outside, yellowish at the break.

The leaves consist of 3-10 pairs of entire, oblong-ovate, oval leaflets, 5-20 centimeters long, with a point at the apex. Regular imparipinnate. Their surface is covered with sticky dotted glands. At the bottom of the leaf there are small, awl-shaped paired appendages that fall off at the time of flowering.

Liquorice stems are erect, short-fluffy, simple or slightly branched, from 0.5 to 2 meters high.

The flowers are arranged in loose 5-8-axillary racemes, reaching 8-12 millimeters in diameter. The length of the peduncle is 3-5 centimeters. On the surface of the calyx there are narrow lanceolate teeth, equal in size to the tube. The corolla is irregular, moth-like, whitish-violet.

The fruit is a bean with seeds (from 2 to 6 pieces), straight or curved, leathery, rich brown in color, 4-6 millimeters wide, 2-3 centimeters long, covered with glandular spines (sometimes bare). The seeds are greenish-gray, kidney-shaped, shiny.

Flowering period is June-August, fruit harvesting period is August-September.

Licorice is bred vegetatively or from seeds.

Chemical composition

The energy ratio of licorice B:F:U is 0%:0%:100%. 100 grams of the plant contains 375.

Licorice roots contain:

  • polysaccharides, fatty acids (3-4%);
  • and disaccharides (up to 20%);
  • , tannins (8.3-14.2%);
  • (4-6 %);
  • resinous and bitter agents (2-4% each);
  • (3-4 %);
  • essential oils (and their derivatives, aldehydes, ketones, terpenoids, aromatic compounds);
  • (fumaric, );
  • phenolcarboxylic acids (salicylic, sinomic, ferulic);
  • triterpene saponins;
  • coumarins;
  • alkaloids;
  • steroids
  • minerals (,).

In the ground part of licorice the following are concentrated:

  • tanning compounds (5.5%);
  • (2%);
  • (6%);
  • coumarins (1.9-2.4%);
  • essential oils (0.02%);
  • organic acids (up to 2.5%);
  • flavonoids (kaempferol, isoquercitrin, quercetin);
  • betaine;
  • saponins;
  • triterpenoids;
  • vitamins A, C, E;
  • minerals (,).

Medicinal properties

Since ancient times, licorice has gained fame as an indispensable healer of protracted bronchitis. The properties of the plant to expectorate and separate sputum are widely used in official, folk medicine to this day. Based on licorice, tablets and syrups are made for coughs, ulcers, constipation, gout, rheumatism, skin diseases, intoxication of the body with toxic substances, including chemical drugs. A decoction of licorice root is a means of combating nicotine addiction; it has secretolytic, diuretic, and antibacterial effects. Fights chronic colic.

Healing properties:

  1. Has an anti-inflammatory effect. Helps with fever, enhances the therapeutic effect of drugs. Eliminates inflammatory reactions in the bladder and kidneys.
  2. Has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system. Stimulates secretion, promotes the removal of phlegm and microbes from the bronchi. Licorice is used for laryngitis to restore the voice and protracted, prolonged cough that has developed against the background of tuberculosis, tonsillitis, and pneumonia.
  3. Has an antispasmodic effect. Supports heart function, eliminates smooth muscle spasms, helps with thyroid diseases and low blood pressure.
  4. Normalizes water-salt metabolism, increases the body's resistance to lack of oxygen, normalizes the cycle and relieves painful premenstrual sensations in women.
  5. Licorice root is an antidote. The plant contains glycyrrhizin, a substance that neutralizes the effects of toxins.
  6. Restores the functioning of the pancreas, increases the body's production of its own insulin. Glycyrrhizic acid is obtained from licorice, which is used as a natural sweetener for diabetes. In addition, licorice prevents atherosclerosis, normalizes blood levels and the functioning of the adrenal glands.
  7. Suppresses the growth of malignant cells. Used in the treatment of prostate adenoma and cancer.
  8. Has wound-healing, enveloping effects. It is used as a mild laxative and a remedy for the treatment of stomach ulcers and gastritis.
  9. Improves the condition of the skin. Used to treat allergies accompanied by peeling of the dermis: bronchial asthma, urticaria, dermatitis, psoriasis, lupus.
  10. It exhibits antidepressant properties, reduces fatigue, and increases the tone of the central nervous system.
  11. Used to restore joint mobility in the treatment of arthritis and rheumatism.
  12. Improves the condition of the body after radiation damage.
  13. Prevents heartburn, improves food digestion, regulates the secretion of gastric juice.
  14. Prevents liver cirrhosis.
  15. Strengthens the immune system.

To avoid caries and inflammation in the mouth, it is recommended to chew a piece of licorice root after each meal. In Japan and the USA, the plant is used to combat tobacco addiction.

Indications for use

  1. Predisposition to diabetes mellitus or progression of the disease.
  2. Problems with digestion and joints.
  3. Wounds after injuries, ulcers, inflammation in the oral cavity.
  4. Caries.
  5. Violation of water-salt metabolism.
  6. Weak immunity, tendency to frequent viral and colds.
  7. Problems with the menstrual cycle.
  8. Irregular bowel movements.
  9. Diseases of the upper respiratory tract, thyroid gland, heart, liver, bladder, kidneys.
  10. Neuralgia.


  1. Hypertension.
  2. Individual intolerance, tendency to allergies.
  3. Pregnancy and lactation.
  4. When taken simultaneously with diuretics. Otherwise, licorice can cause myopathy, hypokalemia, and muscle atrophy.
  5. When using drugs against heart failure. The simultaneous use of these drugs and licorice contributes to the development of arrhythmia, and in severe conditions can be fatal.
  6. Children under 3 years old.
  7. Renal dysfunction.
  8. Overweight, obesity.

Liquorice is taken only as prescribed by a doctor in strictly prescribed quantities. Abuse leads to a decrease in male libido, the appearance of edema, hair loss, and impaired menstrual cycle in women, the development of a feeling of chronic fatigue.

  1. This is a natural foaming agent used in baking bakery products, making kvass (soft drinks). Liquorice is used to treat meat and fish to prevent spoilage. It is a natural sweetener in confectionery products. Additionally, licorice leaves can be brewed as a substitute or added to enhance the taste of the drink.
  2. Licorice extract is used to impart viscosity to cement mortars, in the production of glue, soap making, for pickling metals, in fire extinguisher mixtures, and in oil and gas production using drilling technology.
  3. To improve the taste of tobacco products, production chewing gum and surrogate cigarettes with minimum quantity harmful substances.
  4. For dyeing fabrics (wool and silk), creating watercolors.
  5. For the production of ropes, burlap (from fibers of plant stems).
  6. For feeding bees, as livestock feed (from the green part of licorice).

Liquorice candies - good or bad?

These are confectionery products with a specific, memorable taste that comes from licorice root. Properly prepared licorice candies are a delicacy and medicine for the human body. As a rule, they are viscous and visually resemble chewing marmalade. Production technology: the roots of the plant are soaked, peeled from the outer shell, and boiled. Received useful extract poured into molds to harden. It contains a sweet component (glycerrosin). Next, the extract is processed, and the resulting product is licorice caramel, which can be sweet or salty, hard or sticky like chewing gum.

Interestingly, the consumption of licorice sweets is a national trait of the Danes.

Licorice candies strengthen the immune system, protect people from colds and viral diseases. In addition, they stimulate blood circulation (glycerin), have diuretic and laxative effects, and supply the body with pectin substances and ascorbic acid.

According to the traditional recipe, licorice sweets include:

  • liquorice root;
  • sugar;
  • syrup;
  • gloss mixture (anise oil or beeswax);
  • or agar-agar, gum arabic.

100 grams of licorice candies contain 385 calories, the B:F:Y ratio is 4%:23%:72%. People with overweight body should avoid eating high-calorie sweets.

Procurement rules

The roots of the plant are collected in the fall, when the green part of the licorice has begun to die, or in early spring while he is at rest. The raw materials are chosen to be no shorter than 25 centimeters long and no less than 1 centimeter thick. Only such plant roots have powerful healing properties. The raw materials are washed under water, cut and smoothed to dry.

Under no circumstances should the roots be subjected to heat treatment in the oven, since heat destroys beneficial substances. The dried raw materials are placed in a linen bag or glass container and tightly closed with a lid.

Shelf life – up to 5 years.

Folk recipes

  1. From prostate adenoma. Method for preparing the decoction: grind dried licorice root (15 grams), pour in (400 milliliters), cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Cool the resulting drug and strain. Take 150 milliliters 3 times a day, half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 21 days. Then you should take a break for 3 weeks. During this period, take a decoction of burdock roots. Alternate courses until the condition improves.
  2. For bronchial asthma. For cooking medicinal infusion Boil 30 grams of licorice root in 500 milliliters of water for 10 minutes. Cool and strain. Take 15 milliliters 4 times a day.
  3. Against cough. Licorice has a softening effect on the respiratory tract and accelerates the removal of mucus. The syrup is taken for whooping cough, pneumonia, tracheitis, bronchitis, allergic cough, asthma. To prepare the product sugar syrup(100 milliliters), licorice root extract (5 grams), medical alcohol (10 grams) are thoroughly mixed, poured into a glass container, covered with a lid and placed in the refrigerator. Take licorice syrup 3 times a day after meals, 5-10 milliliters (depending on the age and body weight of the patient), diluted with water.

Remember, to enhance the antitussive effect, preparations containing licorice rhizomes should be washed down with plenty of water.

  1. For weight loss. Licorice speeds up metabolic processes, helps eliminate toxins and cleanse the body, reduces the production of gastric juice, suppresses appetite. Thus, licorice reduces cravings for sweet, fatty foods. To prepare a weight loss product, add 5 grams of dry licorice roots to 200 milliliters of water, leave for 1 hour, and filter. Take 15 milliliters before meals.
  2. For ulcers, gastritis. Has anti-inflammatory properties. The principle of preparing a water tincture: fry 10 grams of licorice roots in a dry frying pan, pour 500 milliliters of boiling water, leave for 8 hours. After the specified time, filter the drink and take 35 drops three times a day.

If, after consuming drugs containing licorice root, itching, diarrhea, skin rashes, swelling, nausea or vomiting occur, stop taking them immediately. Children are not recommended to take licorice for longer than 10 days, and adults - 6 weeks.


Licorice – unique plant, known for its enveloping, expectorant, laxative, antiallergic, antispasmodic and antimicrobial properties. It treats and prevents the development of diseases of the respiratory tract and heart. Licorice contains substances that are similar in effect to steroid hormones, which have powerful anti-inflammatory properties. They prevent pathogenic bacteria from entering the body.

Licorice root fights disease digestive system, stimulates the dissolution of plaques in blood vessels, reduces the level, helps with fatigue, eliminates the manifestations of allergic dermatitis. A decoction or infusion of licorice copes with chronic constipation and is effective for arthritis and poisoning. In addition, it is a natural remedy for strengthening the immune system, preventing influenza and ARVI diseases.

To preserve beneficial properties, licorice roots are dug up late autumn, cleaned of soil, dried in the sun. Store in a dark, dry, cool place. The product is contraindicated for people with a high degree of allergenicity and during pregnancy and lactation.


Medicinal herbs and roots have long been in demand in herbal medicine. Their use provides a therapeutic effect that is no weaker than pharmaceutical drugs. Among the valuable gifts of nature is licorice root, which is used for poisoning and ailments of the bronchopulmonary system. This useful product, the properties of which are worth discussing in more detail.

What is licorice

Before buying any medicine, it is recommended to first consult with your local physician. However, there are drugs that do not require additional introduction. Among these, licorice is a natural product that has found its application in all spheres of life. modern man, in demand every day.

Licorice is a herbaceous perennial plant of the legume family, which is also popularly known as licorice. It is actively used in alternative medicine, homeopathy, and cosmetology. In addition, licorice is often added to food recipes, giving them a subtle aroma. Licorice is also involved in the natural process of losing weight, when you want to speed up the desired result.

What are the benefits of licorice?

Not everyone knows what licorice looks like, but almost every person has heard well about its beneficial properties. In this case we're talking about about sweets, medicinal syrup and even marmalade with the addition of a useful ingredient called licorice. These are not only delicious sweets, but also harmless medicines. The benefits of licorice are invaluable as an organic resource and are in demand in almost all areas. modern medicine and not only. It is necessary to highlight the following unique properties:

  • productive suppression of signs of intoxication of the body;
  • effective restoration of the body with licorice after chemical poisoning;
  • productive separation of sputum in diseases of the bronchopulmonary system;
  • suppression of signs of inflammation, antiviral effect;
  • strengthening weakened immunity, accelerating the natural healing process;
  • successful treatment of dermatological diseases;
  • mild diuretic and laxative effect.

Where is licorice used?

Photos of licorice can be found on thematic Internet sites, but in practice, crushed licorice root is more often used. It is essentially a powder with a slight fennel flavor. Liquorice is used to treat, it is added to dishes and is actively used as part of natural cosmetic masks. Licorice helps you lose weight quickly and noticeably. So the use of licorice has become widespread, and attention needs to be focused on the following areas:

  1. Liquorice powder is used as a specific spice in modern cooking.
  2. Licorice root is involved in the complex therapy of pneumonia and bronchitis.
  3. Cough lozenges with licorice with an expectorant effect have proven themselves well.
  4. The use of a decoction is appropriate for symptoms of intoxication, as an antiemetic.
  5. Liquorice syrup and lollipops effectively treat gastritis and stomach ulcers.
  6. Licorice root strengthens the immune system and is effective after a long illness.
  7. Successfully relieves allergy symptoms.
  8. Licorice helps treat Addison's disease and relieves symptoms of adrenal damage.

Licorice cough drops

If the cough reflex is aggravated, you can use syrup and licorice-based lozenges. For example, warm drinks are more suitable for adults, while bronchitis in a child can be treated with candies with a specific taste. There are almost no contraindications for licorice, however, before starting intensive therapy, in any case, you should consult with your doctor. The active component of licorice candies suppresses the cough reflex, promotes the separation of viscous sputum, clears the oropharynx cavity of accumulated mucus, and at the same time strengthens the immune system.

Licorice sticks

Liquorice is an excellent product for those with a sweet tooth, which has a therapeutic and preventive effect with a minimal list of contraindications. Special attention deserve licorice sticks, pleasant in taste and satisfying in texture. Children eat them for pleasure, and parents have no doubt that at this moment there is a strengthening of weakened immunity and more. Preparing such a sweet from licorice according to the instructions will not be particularly difficult, but the harm of such treatment and prevention is minimal.

Conservative treatment with licorice is considered more auxiliary, but doctors are confident that the presence of such a component in the intensive care regimen can ensure the rapid disappearance of alarming symptoms and complete recovery. Licorice, in the absence of contraindications, does not harm children's health; on the contrary, it rapidly strengthens the immune system.

Liquorice candy

Licorice root has taken its strong position in cooking. Sweets with licorice have long been considered a national Finnish delicacy; they can be combined with berry and fruit fillings. This confectionery product made from licorice root is dense in consistency, does not get stuck between the teeth, and has a pleasant taste with a slight sourness. In Finland, all children love licorice candies, but in other countries this natural product is rather an acquired taste.

Licorice marmalade

Another hearty delicacy, recognized all over the world. Licorice marmalade can be made from licorice roots. If you first grind the licorice and then brew it according to the recipe, the result is a black mass of dense consistency. The confectioner can only pour the prepared viscous mixture into molds and wait for it to cool completely. Some people with a sweet tooth are somewhat confused by the color of the licorice product, but the taste of licorice is still unforgettable.

This natural component goes well with other food ingredients, such as sweeteners and flavorings, but when reproducing the recipe, it is important not to forget that it itself has a sweetish taste with a subtle sourness. However, licorice can be safely mixed with sugar, flour, or added to yeast dough and any confectionery products. The use of licorice makes a dish unforgettable, and we're not just talking about sweets.

Licorice extract

If the word licorice caught your eye, not everyone knows what it is. However, all women have heard about the medicinal and cosmetic properties of licorice root extract, for example, with the problem of thinning and dull hair. In addition, this drug has found its use in pediatrics in the treatment of coughs, colds, and ARVI symptoms. Among the indications for the use of licorice root, other pathological conditions of the body can be identified:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • food poisoning;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • impaired gastric acidity and pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • tuberculosis, bronchitis, pneumonia;
  • all types of dermatitis, eczema, allergic reaction;
  • ARI, flu.

You can brew the decoction yourself or drink ready-made syrup, which in the pharmacy has a trade name similar to the active ingredient. Glycyrrhiza is included in many dietary supplements, but it can be a classic cough decoction for home use. Any medicine involving this healing root should be discussed with your doctor, and not engage in superficial self-medication.

Liquorice in the form of medicinal syrup has its contraindications and can cause unwanted side effects. For example, it is important to be especially careful when using this medication breastfeeding, and if there is a violation of blood pressure and swelling of the legs, immediately stop taking the indicated syrup orally. In the latter case, we are talking about intolerance of the active components by a weakened body.

Hi all. Today we'll talk about a sweet topic. And if you love different goodies like me, then this article is for you.

In fact, I don't know any people who don't like sweets. Personally, I eat dessert for breakfast, lunch and dinner. And sometimes my lunch consists only of all sorts of donuts, sweets and cakes. Yes, I'm a regular at candy stores.

Confectionery products have many advantages. Among them, the most important are, of course, carbohydrates and glucose.

Carbohydrates and glucose are good for consumption. Glucose helps the brain function especially in the learning of children and students, however, with excessive consumption of confectionery products, problems such as tooth decay and excess weight may arise. So remember that everything is good in moderation.

And now I’ll tell you about my favorite treat - licorice candies!

Salted licorice is a licorice-based confectionery product with the addition of ammonium chloride. This product is popular in the Scandinavian and Baltic countries, the Netherlands and Northern Germany. Ammonium chloride gives licorice an astringent, salty taste and causes an impression described as a loss of feeling on the tongue or an almost burning sensation. The taste of salty licorice is quite unusual and that’s why I love it!

When I want to pamper myself with something and buy licorice candies, I invariably go to the website and order different types licorice candies. Usually they are delivered to me within 2-3 days and then I feel truly happy! So, if you want to find quality sweets from a Spanish manufacturer, I recommend Lux ​​Candy International!

Salted licorice candies are almost always black or dark brown in color and can range from soft to hard or brittle in texture. There are also white or gray. Salted licorice coloring is commonly used charcoal(E153). Salty licorice is also used as part of other products such as ice cream or drinks. If you have not tried these delicacies yet, then you can buy licorice candies in Kyiv in the online store “LUX Candy International”.

Licorice extract is used in many other places. This is an essential component of chewing gum and the famous drink Coca-Cola; it is used in the production of sweets, kvass and lemonade. It is added to mixtures for fire extinguishers and is used to combat sulfuric acid fog over electrolysis and refined baths of non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises.

The stems and leaves of licorice are nutritious feed for livestock and at the same time a growth stimulant for animals.

Olga Vinogradova

Keywords: Buy licorice candies in Kyiv, buy licorice candies, And what are licorice candies made from, what is licorice, the composition of candies, benefits, harm, is it possible to eat licorice candies

Today, many parents prefer to give up store-bought sweets generously seasoned with synthetic flavors and dyes. Homemade bars, muffins and candies are becoming increasingly popular. And this is understandable, because in this way every mother can easily control what her child eats. And the most surprising thing in this process is that the most widely used recipes are those that were known to our great-grandmothers and then safely forgotten. Take, for example, licorice candies, which were prepared back in the 18th century. So let's talk about them. Are they useful or harmful? And why does the rationality of their use cause so much controversy?

What is licorice and what is it eaten with?

Perhaps this word will seem completely unfamiliar to someone. But have you definitely heard about licorice? So, these words are the names of the same medicinal plant from which medicines are prepared. Licorice root is the first thing most people try to cure a cough.

Liquorice in the history of medicine

This plant has been known to people for quite a long time. Since ancient times, a huge number of beneficial properties have been attributed to it.

In Egypt, it was believed that licorice root could quench thirst and hunger. Moreover, he is able to do this not only in earthly life, but even during the deceased’s journey to afterworld. The ancient Egyptians even provided Pharaoh Tutankhamun with such a snack: archaeologists found small dried roots in his tomb. Did the pyramid builders or their wives know how to make licorice candy? Historians do not know this. In any case, no evidence - neither for nor against - modern science doesn't have it.

This plant was also known Ancient Greece, and in Rome. It was mainly used to sweeten various dishes. Medicines for asthma and bronchitis were also prepared from licorice, quite rightly noting its ability to alleviate the suffering of patients with severe coughs. In addition, licorice was used to treat colds, gastrointestinal disorders, and skin problems. It is noteworthy that modern doctors absolutely agree with their colleagues from past millennia.

Licorice root in modern science

Recent research has revealed the full potential of this plant. Today, drugs are also prepared from it for the treatment of viral and bacterial infections, immunostimulants, and general strengthening medications. In addition, it has been found that licorice can even be used in complex therapy for the treatment of cancer.

The therapeutic effect is due to the high content of glyceric acid in the plant. But this same substance is also a stumbling block - it is because of it that the debate about whether licorice candies are healthy or harmful does not subside.


Doctors say that if you consume sweets from licorice root regularly, you can strengthen your immune system and protect yourself from respiratory diseases.

The benefits of licorice candies are quite comparable to the therapeutic effect of licorice root preparations purchased at the pharmacy. But even the pickiest kids, who cannot be persuaded to take a spoonful of syrup, will like their taste. After all, any baby would be more willing to accept candy from his mother’s hand than a pill.

Everything is good in moderation

Now let’s talk about one more point that is important for all those who love licorice candies. The harm that they can cause to health is associated with the same active ingredients as the benefits. Firstly, excessive consumption of sugar is harmful in itself, and licorice contains a lot of it. Secondly, such treats are contraindicated for patients during periods of exacerbation of cardiovascular diseases.

Liquorice candies should be used with extreme caution during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The substances they contain can seriously disrupt the hormonal levels of the expectant or nursing mother.

However, recommendations for moderate consumption apply to absolutely all foods, sweets, and medications. Therefore, all lovers of licorice candies should adhere to rationality and not abuse these sweets.

September 15, 2018

Today there are many varieties of different sweets. And every sweet tooth can choose what he likes. Liquorice candies are extremely rare on our tables. Whether such a delicacy brings benefit or harm, we will discuss in today’s article.

Liquorice candy - what is it?

Perhaps everyone knows what licorice root is. We associate this herbal remedy with pharmaceutical cough syrup. Licorice candies are made from the juice of licorice root. By the way, its second name is licorice.

The sweets have a dark, rich color and incredible taste. Not everyone liked this delicacy, since the taste of a medicinal plant is clearly felt.

Components of the sweet:

  • liquorice;
  • flavoring agents;
  • table starch;
  • syrup;
  • animal gelatin.

Sweets are most often made in Scandinavian countries and Norway. They are like chewy jelly candies. Their shape can be varied. The most common are tubes.

Today, manufacturers add all sorts of additives to licorice candies. It can be anise, spicy and spicy spices, fillings.

Before you study beneficial features and contraindications to the use of the Norwegian delicacy, it is worth discussing the value of licorice or licorice root for human body. After all, this is the main ingredient that makes up this unusual delicacy.


  • flavonoids;
  • glycyrrhizin;
  • organic acids;
  • resins;
  • essential oil extracts;
  • B vitamins;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • fructose.

Perhaps it’s worth starting with glycyrrhizin. This substance is classified as a sweetener plant origin. It is this component that gives licorice root and sweets a sweetish taste. In addition, glycyrrhizin has anti-inflammatory properties. This substance helps strengthen immune system and resistance to pathogenic microorganisms.

All other components together help normalize the acid-base balance and metabolic processes.

Useful properties of licorice:

  • promoting the removal of phlegm;
  • improving the condition of the heart muscle;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • promoting insulin production;
  • treatment of gastric ulcers and gastritis;
  • prevention of the development of cancer;
  • treatment of dermatological diseases;
  • increased performance;
  • stimulation of brain activity;
  • antiviral effect;
  • relief from symptoms of fever;
  • cleansing the body.

Most often, licorice root is used to treat a number of organ ailments. respiratory system. As already mentioned, licorice has expectorant properties. By the way, smokers can eat licorice candies to get rid of a specific cough.

Liquorice candies are not only good for the respiratory system. Licorice root contains substances that help strengthen the heart muscle and normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system as a whole.

This delicacy is also good for the stomach. The mucous membrane will coat and protect the walls of the stomach. Liquorice also has a mild laxative effect, so candy can be useful for people suffering from constipation.

Liquorice candies will be incredibly useful for people suffering from diabetes mellitus. Licorice root promotes the production of insulin in the body, which is extremely important for this disease.

Not only in medicinal purposes Liquorice is used. You can enjoy the taste of such a delicacy with benefits for your skin. Collagen production increases and skin tone is evened out.

Some experts are convinced that licorice root contains substances that protect the body from the development of malignant processes. In addition, licorice has cleansing properties. Sweets will help remove toxins and waste from the body, as well as cope with the consequences of intoxication.

Like other sweets, licorice candy has a beneficial effect on brain activity. You can eat such sweets to stimulate brain function and improve performance.

Licorice root is also useful for viral and acute respiratory illnesses. Liquorice helps improve well-being and eliminate the symptoms of fever. In Scandinavian countries, licorice candies are regarded not only as a delicacy, but also as a medicine. If you systematically eat such unusual sweets, you can be cured of a number of ailments once and for all.

List of diseases:

  • stomatitis;
  • angina;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • constipation;
  • rheumatism;
  • dermatitis of various etiologies;
  • eczema;
  • bronchial asthma.

Briefly about contraindications

As you understand, the benefits and harms of licorice candies are determined by their component composition. Indeed, the value of licorice root for human health is undeniable. But there are a number of nuances that should be taken into account when consuming such sweetness.


  • increased blood pressure;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • cardiac pathologies.

If you have any acute or chronic diseases, the use of licorice candies must be agreed with your doctor. Experts say that licorice root can interfere with the removal of fluid from the body, which leads to swelling.

For this reason, people suffering from varicose veins and kidney pathologies have to refuse licorice delicacy.