Identification of aromorphoses and idioadaptations in plants and animals  Educational: to develop the ability to identify aromorphoses and idioadaptations in plants and animals, explain their significance; Goals:  Developmental: continue to develop the skills to think logically, generalize, draw conclusions, draw analogies; promote the development of independence, promote the intensification of the educational process, increase the motivation of learning, and awaken their creative abilities.  Educational: assist during the lesson environmental education students 1. Give a comparative description of biological progress and biological regression. Fill out the table: Biological progress Biological regression Traits (properties) Change in the intensity of reproduction Change in group size Change in the size of the area Change in the intensity of competition with related organisms Change in the intensity of selection pressure Change in the number of subordinate systematic groups 2. Emphasize the main properties of aromorphoses. A) Aromorphoses (increase, decrease) the structural and functional organization of organisms. B) Aromorphoses (are or are not) adaptations to specific environmental conditions. C) Aromorphoses (allow, do not allow) to make fuller use of environmental conditions. D) Aromorphoses (increase, decrease) the intensity of vital activity of organisms. D) Aromorphoses (reduce, increase) the dependence of organisms on living conditions. E) Aromorphoses (preserved, not preserved) in the course of further evolution. G) Aromorphoses lead to the emergence of new (small, large) systematic groups. 3. During the Archean era, major aromorphoses occurred in the organic world; what biological significance did they have for evolution? Fill in the table" Aromorphosis Meaning 1) Emergence of: 2) Cell nucleus 3) Photosynthesis 4) Sexual process 5) Multicellular organism 4. Evolution followed the path of a gradual increase in the level of their body. Write down in the table the names of plant taxa that appeared as a result of aromorphosis. Expand the meaning of each aromorphosis Aromorphosis Taxon Meaning 1. Appearance of integumentary, mechanical and conductive tissues 2. Appearance of stem and leaves 3. Appearance of root and leaf 4. Appearance of seeds 5. Emergence of flower and fruit 5. Enter the name of taxa (types, classes) in the table , reveal the meaning of aromorphoses Aromorphoses Taxa Meaning 1. The appearance of a bony jaw 2. The appearance of a notochord 3. The appearance of pulmonary respiration 4. The appearance of a five-fingered limb 5. The appearance of a protective shell in the egg 6. The appearance of horny integuments 7. Internal fertilization 8. The appearance of a four-chambered heart, warm-bloodedness 9 The appearance of feathers 10. The appearance of hair, feeding the young with milk 6. Enter the aromorphoses that cause the appearance of groups of animals in the table: A - the appearance of a notochord B - the appearance of bilateral symmetry D - the appearance of dismembered limbs E - the appearance of a trachea E - the appearance of a chitinous cover G - dismemberment bodies into segments Organisms 1. Flatworms 2. Annelids Aromorphoses 3. Insects 4. Chordates 7. Look at the pictures of insects. Determine the idioadaptations of each insect to its habitat and fill out the table: Order and representative Sections and body shape, wings Type of mouthparts Coloration Limbs Order Lepidoptera (cabbage white butterfly) Order Diptera (squeaker mosquito) Order Coleoptera (ladybug) Order Hymenoptera (honey bee) Expand evolutionary significance of these idioadaptations. 8. Look at the pictures of fruits and seeds of plants. Determine the idioadaptations of each plant for seed dispersal. Name of the plant Adaptability traits Value Appendix To task 7 To task 8

Laboratory work

Option #1






Snow leopard (irbis)

Baikal omul


What is expressed in



The color of the leopard's fur is a grayish-smoky shade, but the contrast with the black spots creates the impression of white fur. Black spots are characterized by a rosette shape. Sometimes in the center of the spot you can see another, darker one, but smaller in size. In terms of the characteristics of its spots, the snow leopard is somewhat reminiscent of a jaguar. In certain places (neck, limbs) the spots look more like smears. The color of the animal plays an important role; it helps it camouflage itself natural environment habitat during hunting. After all, a predator often looks for prey among white snow or ice. On the lower part of the body, the fur is mostly spotless, white, slightly with a yellowish tint.

The leopard has beautiful, thick fur, quite long (it can even reach a length of 12 cm). There is also a thick undercoat that warms the graceful animal in the coldest season. The wool that grows even between the fingers saves both from cold stones in winter and from those heated by the sun in hot summer. As you can see, there is nothing random in the details of the snow leopard’s fur; everything has its purpose.

The animal has a squat body up to 130 cm long. anatomical structure helps him stay low to the ground during an ambush on his next victim. The leopard easily hides even behind small hills. Compared to the very strong leopard, the snow leopard is less muscular. Like almost all animals, the female leopard is slightly smaller in size than the male. An adult usually weighs up to 45 kg (if it lives in wildlife) or up to 75 kg (if it eats regularly and moves little in the zoo).

The leopard's paws are not very long, they are soft and do not sink into the snow, which is very important for successful hunting. But it is worth noting the strength of the limbs, especially often used for jumping. And one of the main advantages of the animal’s appearance is its long tail; in terms of this parameter, the predator is a leader among felines.

Average lifespan. Under favorable conditions Snow leopards can live up to 20 years. And in zoos, where they are less susceptible to injury and disease and eat regularly, snow leopards live up to 28 years.

2. Having filled out the table, based on knowledge about driving forces evolution, explain the mechanism of adaptation and write down the general conclusion.

Laboratory work

“Identification of adaptations in organisms to their environment.”

Option No. 2

Target: learn to identify features of organisms’ adaptation to their environment and establish its relative nature.

Equipment: animal photos various places habitats of the Irkutsk region.


1. After looking at the photographs and reading the text, determine the habitat of the animals offered to you for study. Identify the features of animal adaptation to their environment. Identify the relative nature of fitness. Enter the obtained data into the table “Adaptability of organisms and its relativity.”

Adaptation of organisms and its relativity.



bighorn sheep

Siberian chipmunk


Traits of adaptation to the environment

What is expressed in



A ram is a mammal belonging to the order Artiodactyls, the family Bovids, and the genus Sheep.The size of the ram ranges from 1.4 to 1.8 meters. Depending on the species, the weight of the ram ranges from 25 to 220 kg, and the height at the withers is from 65 to 125 cm.

Characteristic distinctive feature, inherent in the genus of rams, are massive spirally curled horns directed to the sides with small transverse notches, sitting on a small elongated head. Ram horns can reach 180 cm, although there are species with small horns or without them at all. Quite tall and strong legs are perfectly suited for walking, both on flat fields and on mountain slopes.

Thanks to the lateral location of the eyes with horizontal pupils, rams have the ability to see the environment behind them without turning their heads. Zoologists suggest that the eyes of a ram can perceive color picture. This, along with a developed sense of smell and hearing, helps rams find food or hide from the enemy.A female ram is a sheep . Sexual differences between males and females are manifested in body size (rams are almost 2 times larger than sheep) and horns (males have much better developed horns than females). But the color of the fur does not depend on sexual characteristics. All individuals within the species have almost identical coloration. The color of rams and sheep can be brownish-brown, yellow-brown, gray-red, white, light gray, dark brown and even black. Almost all types of rams have a belly and lower legs that are light, almost white. All members of the genus, except domestic species, exhibit seasonal molting.A ram is an animal that leads a herd lifestyle. Members of the herd communicate with each other using bleating or a kind of snorting. The ram's voice is a bleating sound of varying tones. Members of a herd often distinguish each other by their voices.

Average duration ram's life natural conditions ranges from 7 to 12 years, although some individuals live up to 15 years. In captivity, rams live 10-15 years, and when good care can live up to 20 years.

Laboratory work

“Identification of adaptations in organisms to their environment.”

Option No. 3

Target: learn to identify features of organisms’ adaptation to their environment and establish its relative nature.

Equipment: photographs of animals in various habitats of the Irkutsk region.


1. After looking at the photographs and reading the text, determine the habitat of the animals offered to you for study. Identify the features of animal adaptation to their environment. Identify the relative nature of fitness. Enter the obtained data into the table “Adaptability of organisms and its relativity.”

Adaptation of organisms and its relativity.




Baikal seal


Traits of adaptation to the environment

What is expressed in



The seal, like all representatives of pinnipeds, has a spindle-shaped body, the body is an extension of the neck. The color of the animal is brownish-gray with a silver tint becoming lighter towards the bottom. The seal's hair is thick, up to two centimeters long, covering almost the entire body, except for the edge of the auditory coat, a narrow ring around the eyes and nostrils. The seal's flippers also have hairline. The animal's fingers are connected to each other by membranes. The front paws have powerful claws, the hind paws are somewhat weaker. There are translucent vibrissae on the upper lips and above the eyes of seals. The animal's nostrils look like two slits located vertically, the edges of which form folds of skin on the outside - valves. When the seal is in water, its ear openings and nostrils are tightly closed. When air is released from the lungs, pressure is generated, under the influence of which the nostrils open.Seals have well-developed hearing, vision and sense of smell. The eyes of the seal have a third eyelid. Being, long time in the air, the animal's eyes begin to water.The absolute volume of the lungs of an adult seal is 3500-4000 cubic cm. When an animal is immersed in water, the lungs can contain no more than 2000 cubic meters of air. cm.

The seal has a fatty layer, the thickness of which is 1.5 - 14 cm. The fatty layer serves as thermal insulation and allows it to withstand changes in water pressure during immersion and ascent. is also a reservoir of nutrients.The seal moves in water at a speed of 10-15 km/h. Can reach speeds of up to 20-25 km/h. The body weight of the Baikal seal is 50 kg. Individual individuals can weigh up to 150 kg. The body length of the animal is 1.7-1.8 meters. Puberty of the seal occurs at 3-4 years. Gestation lasts 11 months, after which, as a rule, one cub is born. To give birth, the seal builds a lair of snow and ice. It is a large chamber that is connected to water by an vent. The seal has a developed sense of motherhood. In case of danger, she carries the cubs in her teeth to additional holes located not far from the main one. Males do not take part in raising offspring.

Seals feed on fish: golomyanka, omul, yellowwing, Baikal goby, salmon and others. In addition to fish, seals feed on crustaceans.

2. Having studied all the proposed organisms and filled out the table, based on knowledge about the driving forces of evolution, explain the mechanism of adaptation and write down the general conclusion.

Laboratory work

“Identification of adaptations in organisms to their environment.”

Option No. 4

Target: learn to identify features of organisms’ adaptation to their environment and establish its relative nature.

Equipment: photographs of animals in various habitats of the Irkutsk region.


1. After looking at the photographs and reading the text, determine the habitat of the animals offered to you for study. Identify the features of animal adaptation to their environment. Identify the relative nature of fitness. Enter the obtained data into the table “Adaptability of organisms and its relativity.”

Adaptation of organisms and its relativity.



Redbug wingless

Siberian chipmunk


Traits of adaptation to the environment

What is expressed in



Chipmunk is a small rodent of the squirrel family. Its length is up to 15 centimeters, and its tail is up to 12. It weighs up to 150 grams.Their fur is gray-red in color, and on the abdomen it is light grayish to white. They shed once a year in early autumn, changing their fur to dense and warm. Their pulse rate reaches 500 beats per minute, and their breathing rate can reach 200. Normal body temperature is 39 degrees. They are partly similar to a squirrel: the front legs are longer than the hind legs, large ears, smallclaws Aalso chipmunks are similar to gophers in some ways external signs and behavior: 1. They dig holes and live in them. 2. They have cheek pouches. 3. There are no tassels on the ears. 4. Stands on its hind legs and monitors the situation. Most chipmunks live in North America in deciduous forests. The Siberian chipmunk ranges from Europe to Far East, and south to China. Animals of the taiga, chipmunks, climb trees well, but their home is in a hole. The entrance to it is carefully disguised with leaves, branches, maybe in an old rotten stump, in dense bushes. The animals' burrow is up to three meters long with several dead-end compartments for storage, toilets, living and feeding the cubs of females. The living room is covered with dry grass. Chipmunks have large bags behind their cheeks, in which they carry food supplies for the winter, and also drag the earth when digging a hole away from it for purposes ofcamouflage.Each chipmunk has its own territory, and it is not customary for them to violate its boundaries. The exception is the spring mating of a male and female for procreation. During this period, the female calls the males with a specific signal. They come running and start fighting.

The female mates with the winner. After this, they disperse to their own territories until next spring. The animals lead a diurnal lifestyle. At dawn they come out of their holes, climb trees, feed, bask in the sun, and play. When darkness falls, they hide in holes. In the fall, I prepare up to two kilograms of food for the winter, dragging it by the cheeks.

From mid-October to April, chipmunks sleep curled up in a ball, with their noses tucked into their bellies. The tail covers the head. But in winter they wake up several times to eat and go to the toilet. In spring sunny days The animals begin to crawl out of their holes, climb a tree and warm themselves.

2. Having studied all the proposed organisms and filled out the table, based on knowledge about the driving forces of evolution, explain the mechanism of adaptation and write down the general conclusion.

Laboratory work

“Identification of adaptations in organisms to their environment.”

Option No. 5

Target: learn to identify features of organisms’ adaptation to their environment and establish its relative nature.

Equipment: photographs of animals in various habitats of the Irkutsk region.


1. After looking at the photographs and reading the text, determine the habitat of the animals offered to you for study. Identify the features of animal adaptation to their environment. Identify the relative nature of fitness. Enter the obtained data into the table “Adaptability of organisms and its relativity.”

Adaptation of organisms and its relativity.



Baikal omul



Traits of adaptation to the environment

What is expressed in



Omul is a semi-anadromous fish that can live even in brackish water. The body of the omul is elongated, covered with firmly seated scales. This fish has a small mouth with jaws. equal length. The omul has an adipose fin. The general color of the body is silver, the color of the back is brownish-green, the belly is light, and the fins and sides are silver. During the period of sexual dimorphism, epithelial tubercles become more pronounced in males.

Individual omul specimens can even reach 47 cm in length and weigh more than 1.5 kg, but usually the omul does not weigh more than 800 g. This fish lives no more than 18 years.

Omul chooses to live in places with clean and cold water, he prefers water rich in oxygen. This fish lives in the Arctic Ocean basin, Lake Baikal, and is known in tundra rivers that flow into the Yenisei Bay. The Baikal omul has the following populations: Posolskaya, Selenga, Chivyrkuiskaya, Severobaikalskaya and Barguzinskaya, depending on the spawning sites. The spawning migration of omul usually begins in the 2-3rd decade of August. As it approaches the spawning grounds, the omul changes its gregarious pattern of movement to moving in small schools. Moving up the river, the omul does not come close to the banks and avoids shallow areas, sticking to the middle of the channel. Basically, the spawning grounds of this fish are located 1.5 thousand kilometers from the mouth of the river.

Puberty in omul occurs at 7-8 years, when its length exceeds 30 cm. It is interesting that males can become sexually mature a year earlier than females; the period of puberty in omul can last for 2-3 years. Reproduction of omul occurs annually. The spawning time for omul is the end of September - October, when the water temperature does not exceed 4°C and a place with a sand and pebble bottom, at least 2 m deep, is selected. The diameter of omul eggs is 1.6-2.4 mm, the eggs are not sticky, bottom-based. After spawning, the omul migrates to feeding areas. The larvae also do not stay in the spawning grounds, sliding down to the lower reaches of the river. The fertility of omul can be up to 67 thousand eggs, than bigger fish, the more caviar.

During spawning, the omul does not feed, but begins to feed intensively after it. The omul is a fish with a wide range of nutrition; its diet includes zooplankton, benthic invertebrates, juvenile fish such as the Arctic horned fish, polar cod, etc. In the autumn-summer period, the omul fattens in the shallow coastal zone, where it eats mysids, gammarus and crustacean plankton.

2. Having studied all the proposed organisms and filled out the table, based on knowledge about the driving forces of evolution, explain the mechanism of adaptation and write down the general conclusion.

Laboratory work No. 2

“Identification and description of signs of similarity between human embryos and other vertebrates as evidence of their evolutionary relationship”

Target: continue studying the topic “Reproduction and individual development of organisms”, identify and describe signs of similarity between human embryos and other vertebrates.

Ontogenesis– individual development of the body from the formation of the zygote after fertilization of the egg until death. Ontogenesis includes growth, development, formation of body parts, and their differentiation. Science studies the embryonic stage of development of a multicellular organism. embryology.

“Ontogenesis is a brief repetition of phylogeny”
Haeckel–Müller biogenetic law. 1874:

Remember the main stages of development organic world: the origin of life in water, the emergence of living creatures onto land, etc.

The human embryo in the early stages of development resembles a fish embryo: it has gill slits, aortic arches (blood vessels crossing the gill septa), a heart with one atrium and one ventricle, like a fish, a primitive kidney (pronephros) characteristic of fish, and a tail, equipped with all the muscles necessary for its movement. At later stages of development, the human embryo becomes similar to the reptile embryo: the gill slits become overgrown; the bones forming the vertebrae, which were previously separate, like in a fish embryo, are fused; a new kidney is formed - mesonephros, and pronephros disappears; the atrium is divided into two parts - right and left. Later, the human embryo develops a four-chambered heart and metanephros characteristic of mammals - a completely new kidney, the notochord disappears, etc. In the seventh month of intrauterine development, the human fetus is more like a baby monkey than an adult: it is all covered with hair and has a characteristic appearance. monkeys the ratio of body and limb sizes.

Homologous organs are __________________________________________________________________________

Check yourself!

Called homologous organs that are similar in general structural plan, in their relationships with surrounding organs and tissues, in embryonic development and, finally, by innervation and blood supply (they can perform different functions). The front flipper of a seal, the wing of a bat, the front paw of a cat, the front leg of a horse and the human hand are homologous to each other, although at first glance they are dissimilar and adapted to perform completely different functions. All these organs have almost the same number of bones, muscles, nerves and blood vessels, located on the same plan, and the paths of their development are very similar. The presence of homologous organs, even if adapted to perform completely dissimilar functions, serves as a strong argument in favor of the common origin of the organisms possessing them.

Analogous organs are ________________________________________________________________

Check yourself!

Analogous organs are organs that perform the same function, but sometimes have different structures. For example, the wing of a butterfly and a bird.

Instruction card for laboratory work
“Identification of adaptations in plants and animals to their environment.”

Target: - identify on specific examples adaptations to the environment in plants and animals;
- prove that adaptations are relative.


    Determine the habitat of the plant and animal proposed for your research.

    Identify features of adaptation to the environment.

    Identify the relative nature of fitness (think about whether the adaptations you noted always ensure the survival of the organism).

    Based on your knowledge of the driving forces of evolution, explain the mechanism by which adaptations arise (make a note after the table).

    Fill out the table based on the results of your work. Select 2-3 species of animals to describe and find their features of adaptation to a given habitat. (You can take the species proposed in the appendix for description, you can choose your own species of plants and animals)

“Adaptations in living organisms to their environment. Relative nature of adaptations"


3. …


Flounder fish


    Based on the results of the work done, formulate a conclusion.

    1. Pay attention to the purpose of the work.

      Answer the questions:
      - What is fitness?

What is the relativity of fitness?

Appendix No. 1. Medvedka.

Medvedka - an insect belonging to the cricket family. The body is thick, 5-6 cm long, grayish-brown above, dark yellow below, densely covered with very short hairs, so that it seems velvety. The front legs are shortened and thick, designed for digging the ground. The elytra are shortened, with the help of which males can chirp (sing); The wings are large, very thin, and fan-shaped when at rest. The mole cricket is distributed throughout Europe with the exception of the Far North; Under natural conditions, the mole cricket settles on moist, loose, organic-rich soils. Especially loves manured soil. Often found in vegetable gardens and orchards, where it causes great harm, damaging the root system of many cultivated plants. They dig numerous, rather superficial passages. During the day, mole crickets stay underground, and in the evening, with the onset of darkness, they come to the surface of the earth, and sometimes fly into the light. Mole crickets especially like to settle on high and warm compost beds, where they spend the winter and where in the spring they make their nests in the ground and lay eggs. And in order to provide warmth for their offspring, they destroy plants that shade the soil from the sun's rays near their nests. They gnaw the roots and stems of plants, devastate the garden bed so much that you have to additionally sow seeds or replant seedlings.

When filling out the table, pay attention to the color and structure of the forelimbs (see photo)

Appendix No. 2. Cactus

It is known that wild cacti are more preferable to arid semi-desert regions, as well as to the deserts of Africa, Asia, South and North America. In addition, you can meet them on the coast Mediterranean Sea and in Crimea.

Cacti live in the following natural conditions:

1. With sharp fluctuations in day and nighttemperatures It is no secret that in deserts it can be very hot during the day and too cool at night; there are sudden temperature changes of up to 50 degrees.

2. Smallhumidity level. In the regions where cacti live, up to 300 mm of precipitation falls per year. However, there are some types of cacti that live in tropical forests, where the humidity level is high, about 3500 mm per year.

3. Loose soils . Cacti can also be found on loose soils that contain a large number of sand Moreover, such soils usually have an acidic reaction.

Due to the low rainfall, the cactus family has veryfleshy stemandthick epidermis.It stores all the moisture during drought. In addition, cacti have spines, a waxy coating on the stem, and ribbing of the stem, all of which prevents the evaporation of the cactus’s moisture. In addition, most types of cactus have a very developed root, it goes deep into the soil, or simply spreads to the surface of the earth tomoisture collection.

Laboratory work No. 1

"Description of individuals of the species according to morphological criteria."

Target: ensure that students understand the concept morphological criterion species, consolidate the ability to write descriptive characteristics of plants.

Equipment: living plants or herbarium materials of plants of different species.


1. Consider plants of two species, write down their names, make a morphological characteristic of plants of each species, i.e. describe their features external structure(features of leaves, stems, roots, flowers, fruits).

2. Compare two types of plants, identify similarities and differences. What explains the similarities (differences) between plants?

Laboratory work No. 2

“Identification of variability in individuals of the same species”

Target: form the concept of variability of organisms, continue to develop the skills to observe natural objects, and find signs of variability.

Equipment: handouts illustrating the variability of organisms (plants of 5-6 species, 2-3 specimens of each species, sets of seeds, fruits, leaves, etc.).


1. Compare 2-3 plants of the same species (or their individual organs: leaves, seeds, fruits, etc.), find signs of similarity in their structure. Explain the reasons for the similarity of individuals of the same species.

2. Identify signs of difference in the plants under study. Answer the question: what properties of organisms determine differences between individuals of the same species?

3. Reveal the significance of these properties of organisms for evolution. What differences do you think are due to hereditary variability, which - non-hereditary variability? Explain how differences could arise between individuals of the same species.

Laboratory work No. 3

“Identification of adaptations in organisms to their environment”

Target: learn to identify features of organisms’ adaptation to their environment and establish its relative nature.

Equipment: herbarium specimens of plants, houseplants, stuffed animals or drawings of animals from various habitats.


1. Determine the habitat of the plant or animal proposed for your research. Identify the features of its adaptation to its environment. Identify the relative nature of fitness. Enter the obtained data into the table “Adaptability of organisms and its relativity.”

Adaptability of organisms and its relativity

Table 1 *




Traits of adaptation to the environment

What is relativity expressed in?


2. Having studied all the proposed organisms and filled out the table, based on knowledge about the driving forces of evolution, explain the mechanism of adaptation and write down the general conclusion.

Laboratory work No. 4

“Identification of signs of similarity between human embryos and other mammals as evidence of their relationship.”

Target: get acquainted with embryonic evidence of the evolution of the organic world.


2. Identify similarities between human embryos and other vertebrates.

3. Answer the question: what do the similarities between embryos indicate?

Laboratory work No. 5

"Analysis and evaluation of various hypotheses for the origin of life"

Target: acquaintance with various hypotheses of the origin of life on Earth.


Theories and hypotheses

The essence of a theory or hypothesis


3. Answer the question: What theory do you personally adhere to? Why?

"The variety of theories of the origin of life on Earth."

1. Creationism.

According to this theory, life arose as a result of some supernatural event in the past. It is adhered to by followers of almost all the most widespread religious teachings. The traditional Judeo-Christian view of creation, as set out in the Book of Genesis, has been and continues to be controversial. Although all Christians accept that the Bible is God's covenant to man, there is disagreement about the length of the "day" mentioned in the Book of Genesis. Some believe that the world and all the organisms that inhabit it were created in 6 days of 24 hours. Other Christians do not view the Bible as a scientific book and believe that the Book of Genesis sets forth in a form understandable to people the theological revelation about the creation of all living things by an omnipotent Creator. The process of divine creation of the world is conceived as having taken place only once and therefore inaccessible to observation. This is enough to take the whole concept of divine creation beyond scientific research. Science deals only with those phenomena that can be observed, and therefore it will never be able to either prove or disprove this concept.

2. Steady state theory.

According to this theory, the Earth never came into being, but existed forever; it is always capable of supporting life, and if it has changed, it has changed very little; species have always existed too. Modern methods dating yields increasingly high estimates of the age of the Earth, allowing proponents of the steady state theory to believe that the Earth and species have always existed. Each species has two possibilities - either a change in numbers or extinction. Proponents of this theory do not recognize that the presence or absence of certain fossil remains may indicate the time of appearance or extinction of a particular species, and cite as an example a representative of lobe-finned fish - coelacanth. According to paleontological data, lobe-finned animals became extinct about 70 million years ago. However, this conclusion had to be reconsidered when living representatives of lobe-fins were found in the Madagascar region. Proponents of the steady-state theory argue that only by studying living species and comparing them with fossil remains can one draw a conclusion about extinction, and even then it may turn out to be incorrect. The sudden appearance of a fossil species in a particular formation is explained by an increase in its population or movement to places favorable for the preservation of remains.

3. The theory of panspermia.

This theory does not offer any mechanism to explain the primary origin of life, but puts forward the idea of ​​​​its extraterrestrial origin. Therefore, it cannot be considered a theory of the origin of life as such; it simply moves the problem to some other place in the universe. The hypothesis was put forward by J. Liebig and G. Richter in the middleXIX century. According to the panspermia hypothesis, life exists forever and is transferred from planet to planet by meteorites. The simplest organisms or their spores (“seeds of life”), arriving on a new planet and finding favorable conditions here, multiply, giving rise to evolution from the simplest forms to complex ones. It is possible that life on Earth originated from a single colony of microorganisms dropped from space. To substantiate this theory, multiple sightings of UFOs, rock paintings of objects resembling rockets and “astronauts,” and reports of alleged encounters with aliens are used. When studying the materials of meteorites and comets, many “precursors of life” were discovered in them - substances such as cyanogens, hydrocyanic acid and organic compounds, which may have played the role of “seeds” that fell on the bare Earth. The supporters of this hypothesis were the laureates Nobel Prize F. Crick, L. Orgel. F. Crick was based on two indirect evidence:

universality of the genetic code;

necessary for the normal metabolism of all living beings, molybdenum, which is now extremely rare on the planet.

But if life did not originate on Earth, then how did it originate outside of it?

4. Physical hypotheses.

The basis of physical hypotheses is the recognition of the fundamental differences between living and nonliving matter. Let's consider the hypothesis of the origin of life put forward in the 30s of the 20th century by V.I. Vernadsky. Views on the essence of life led Vernadsky to the conclusion that it appeared on Earth in the form of a biosphere. The radical, fundamental characteristics of living matter require not chemicals, but physical processes. This must be a kind of catastrophe, a shock to the very foundations of the universe. In accordance with the hypotheses of the formation of the Moon, which were widespread in the 30s of the 20th century, as a result of the separation from the Earth of the substance that previously filled the Pacific Trench, Vernadsky suggested that this process could cause the spiral, vortex movement of the Earth’s substance, which was not repeated. Vernadsky conceptualized the origin of life on the same scales and time intervals as the emergence of the Universe itself. During a catastrophe, conditions suddenly change, and living and nonliving matter emerge from protomatter.

5. Chemical hypotheses.

This group of hypotheses is based on the chemical specificity of life and connects its origin with the history of the Earth. Let's consider some hypotheses of this group.

The history of chemical hypotheses began withviews of E. Haeckel. Haeckel believed that first, under the influence of chemical and physical reasons carbon compounds appeared. These substances were not solutions, but suspensions of small lumps. The primary lumps were capable of accumulating various substances and growing, followed by division. Then a nuclear-free cell appeared - the original form for all living beings on Earth.

A certain stage in the development of chemical hypotheses of abiogenesis wasconcept by A. I. Oparin, put forward by him in 1922-1924. XX century. Oparin's hypothesis is a synthesis of Darwinism with biochemistry. According to Oparin, heredity became a consequence of selection. In Oparin's hypothesis, the desired will be presented as reality. First, the features of life are reduced to metabolism, and then its modeling is declared to have solved the riddle of the origin of life.

J. Bernal's hypothesis suggests that abiogenically arising small molecules of nucleic acids of several nucleotides could immediately combine with the amino acids that they encode. In this hypothesis, the primary living system is seen as biochemical life without organisms, carrying out self-reproduction and metabolism. Organisms, according to J. Bernal, appear secondarily, during the isolation of individual sections of such biochemical life with the help of membranes.

As the last chemical hypothesis for the origin of life on our planet, considerhypothesis of G.V. Voitkevich, put forward in 1988. According to this hypothesis, the emergence of organic substances is transferred to outer space. In the specific conditions of space, the synthesis of organic substances occurs (numerous organic substances are found in meteorites - carbohydrates, hydrocarbons, nitrogenous bases, amino acids, fatty acids, etc.). It is possible that nucleotides and even DNA molecules could have formed in space. However, according to Voitkevich, chemical evolution on most planets solar system turned out to be frozen and continued only on Earth, having found suitable conditions there. During the cooling and condensation of the gas nebula, the entire set of organic compounds appeared on the primordial Earth. Under these conditions, living matter appeared and condensed around abiogenically arising DNA molecules. So, according to Voitkevich’s hypothesis, biochemical life initially appeared, and in the course of its evolution, individual organisms appeared.

Laboratory work No. 6

"Analysis and evaluation of various hypotheses of human origins"

Target: get acquainted with various hypotheses of human origins.


2.Fill out the table:

FULL NAME. scientist or philosopher

Years of life

Ideas about the origins of man



K. Linnaeus

I. Kant

A. N. Radishchev

A. Kaverznev

J. B. Robinet

J. B. Lamarck.

C. Darwin.

3. Answer the question: What views on human origins are closest to you? Why?

Laboratory work No. 7

“Drawing up diagrams of the transfer of substances and energy (power circuits)”



1.Name the organisms that should be in the missing place of the following food chains:

From the proposed list of living organisms, create a trophic network: grass, berry bush, fly, tit, frog, grass snake, hare, wolf, decay bacteria, mosquito, grasshopper. Indicate the amount of energy that moves from one level to another. Knowing the rule for the transfer of energy from one trophic level to another (about 10%), build a pyramid of biomass for the third food chain (task 1). Plant biomass is 40 tons. Conclusion: what do the rules of ecological pyramids reflect?

Laboratory work No. 8

"Study of changes in ecosystems using biological models (aquarium)"

Target: Using the example of an artificial ecosystem, trace the changes that occur under the influence of environmental conditions.


What conditions must be observed when creating an aquarium ecosystem. Describe the aquarium as an ecosystem, indicating abiotic, biotic environmental factors, ecosystem components (producers, consumers, decomposers). Draw up food chains in an aquarium. What changes can occur in the aquarium if: straight lines fall Sun rays; There are a large number of fish in the aquarium.

5. Draw conclusions about the consequences of changes in ecosystems.

Laboratory work No. 9

« Comparative characteristics natural ecosystems and agroecosystems of their area"

Target: will reveal similarities and differences between natural and artificial ecosystems.


2. Fill out the table “Comparison of natural and artificial ecosystems”

Signs of comparison

Methods of regulation

Species diversity

Species population density

Energy sources and their use


Cycle of matter and energy

Ability to withstand environmental changes

3. Draw a conclusion about the measures necessary to create sustainable artificial ecosystems.

Laboratory work No. 10

"Solving environmental problems"

Target: create conditions for developing the skills to solve simple environmental problems.


Problem solving.

Task No. 1.

Knowing the ten percent rule, calculate how much grass is needed to grow one eagle weighing 5 kg (food chain: grass - hare - eagle). Conventionally, assume that at each trophic level, only representatives of the previous level are always eaten.

Task No. 2.

Partial logging was carried out annually on an area of ​​100 km2. At the time of the organization of this reserve, 50 moose were recorded. After 5 years, the number of moose increased to 650 animals. After another 10 years, the number of moose decreased to 90 heads and stabilized in subsequent years at the level of 80-110 heads.

Determine the number and density of the moose population:

a) at the time of creation of the reserve;

b) 5 years after the creation of the reserve;

c) 15 years after the creation of the reserve.

Task No. 3

The total content of carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere is 1100 billion tons. It has been established that in one year vegetation assimilates almost 1 billion tons of carbon. About the same amount is released into the atmosphere. Determine how many years it will take for all the carbon in the atmosphere to pass through organisms (atomic weight of carbon – 12, oxygen – 16).


Let's calculate how many tons of carbon are contained in the Earth's atmosphere. We make up the proportion: (molar mass of carbon monoxide M CO2) = 12 t + 16*2t = 44 t)

44 tons of carbon dioxide contains 12 tons of carbon

In 1,100,000,000,000 tons of carbon dioxide – X tons of carbon.

44/1 100 000 000 000 = 12/X;

X = 1,100,000,000,000*12/44;

X = 300,000,000,000 tons

There are 300,000,000,000 tons of carbon in the Earth's current atmosphere.

Now we need to find out how long it takes for the amount of carbon to “pass” through living plants. To do this, it is necessary to divide the obtained result by the annual carbon consumption by the Earth's plants.

X = 300,000,000,000 t/1,000,000,000t per year

X = 300 years.

Thus, all the carbon in the atmosphere will be completely assimilated by plants in 300 years, become their constituent part and will again enter the Earth’s atmosphere.

Laboratory work No. 11

“Identification of anthropogenic changes in the ecosystems of one’s area”

Target: identify anthropogenic changes in local ecosystems and assess their consequences.


View maps and diagrams of the territory of the village of Epifan in different years. Identify anthropogenic changes in the ecosystems of the area. Assess the consequences economic activity person.

Laboratory work No. 12

“Analysis and assessment of the consequences of one’s own activities in environment,

global environmental problems and ways to solve them"

Target: introduce students to the consequences of human economic activity on the environment.


Ecological problems


Ways to solve environmental problems

3. Answer the question: What ecological problems, in your opinion, the most serious and require immediate solutions? Why?