A distance learning program “Modern Entrepreneur” has been organized for residents of Moscow - advanced training courses in the areas of “Marketing” and “Entrepreneurship”.

Participation in the program free, financed by the Moscow Government. Muscovites who have and are receiving higher or secondary vocational education can participate.

The program lasts one month and does not imply a break from your main job. Upon completion, a state-issued certificate of advanced training is issued.

The program is implemented by the Moscow Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship, the State Budgetary Institution “Small Business of Moscow” and the Moscow State Industrial University.

There are two types of advanced training within the program - courses “Entrepreneurship and Business Model Building” and “Need Satisfaction Marketing”.

The study consists of two parts - remote (virtual) from November 1 to November 16, and full-time (in the classroom) from November 22 to November 30.

Distance learning will include independent study of materials, viewing of video lectures in the amount of 6 academic hours (45 minutes each) per course and participation in webinars. All webinars will take place on weekends. Participation in webinars - important point, since the probability of passing to the second, full-time part of the training depends on this. Webinars for each listener - 21 academic hours per program.

Full-time training - one weekend (Saturday + Sunday). Upon successful completion, a certificate of advanced training in the relevant profile will be issued.

What you need to do to register for the program

1. Choose one of two (or both) courses of the program:

One of the serious advantages of the program is the availability of cross-cases of typical business projects. This helps to understand the specific influence of the same market situation on different types business. You can think through and simulate the development of the situation in a test business project at several stages of its development.

Oleg Barannik

What I like about Moscow’s new educational project is that the theoretical curriculum now has a focus on Moscow’s specifics. During the learning process, people begin to understand how to use the city’s personnel and market potential, what channels of information delivery work in Moscow and according to what rules.

And, of course, the main thing is accessibility to absolutely any resident. I don’t think it’s worth limiting the circle of consumers of this information to any specific and narrow circle of people, since no one can predict the success and quality of a person’s entrepreneurial activity.

Evgenia Pustovalova

The DPNI project for mass training of Muscovites in entrepreneurship and marketing of services is a very timely initiative.

IN last years, due to active development in Moscow's public sector of the economy, the level of entrepreneurial activity began to decline. But now in government policy and the policies of the Moscow authorities we are seeing trends towards the restoration of a normal competitive economy, where there will no longer be an excess of meaningless and ineffective jobs. This means that you will need to take care of yourself again (which is normal), and entrepreneurial skills will be very useful here.

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If you are going to open your own business, you must first of all realize that this is very difficult bread. You won’t be able to earn money quickly and continue to relax. Business is a continuous process that requires complete dedication and great responsibility. Moreover, in-depth knowledge of methods is required entrepreneurial activity. And what type of activity to devote oneself to, where and from whom to learn how to run a business is a completely separate topic.

You'd have to be crazy not to take advantage of that mass useful information that the Internet provides. Video tutorials, forums, discussions, any webinar or online course today can be found on the global network in huge quantities. And another question arises: how to choose the most correct, most useful courses and, importantly, free education business? It is no secret that a novice entrepreneur does not always have the opportunity to spend money on purchasing these courses. We are happy to provide you with a list of online training materials that won't cost you a penny. With one click, you can start learning the basics of marketing, finance, business management, website creation and much more. These courses also provide their students with special tools to bring them to life. This may be the best chance for you, your team and your business to get back on its feet.

1. Basics of entrepreneurship. University of California course

Business is an exciting but risky career move. To increase your chances of success, it would be wise to familiarize yourself with the basics of entrepreneurship by taking this effective and free course.

This interactive course contains from 4 to 8 hours of video lessons, as well as materials recommended for self-study. You will learn everything you need, skills and tools, marketing strategies, business plan features and much more.

2. How is a startup built?

Those who are going to build a business from scratch will need some practical advice. How to Build a Startup is different from any traditional textbook offered by an academic institution, and it focuses on teaching entrepreneurs how to quickly come up with ideas, test the market, and carve out a niche in it.

This course also requires the active participation of the student. During your studies, you can choose your own course of action, even creating your own exercises and projects. You don’t have to blindly rely on someone else’s idea, the course is focused on creative people. You can use this course to find out for sure how much your proposed product will be in demand in the market and how quickly the return on business will be.

3. Business financing is a sore subject

Need financing but don't know where to start? The University of Maryland's online pro course can teach you how to raise money for your business. Even if you don't have initial capital.

The course is presented in video lecture format, and each session takes place over four weeks, with a frequency of 3 to 5 hours of lectures per week. Designed for both beginners and existing entrepreneurs. Upon completion, you will learn all about the capital structure of successful businesses and how to find investors.

4. Use your imagination

No matter what kind of business you are in, every business requires a creative approach. A free course called “Awaken Your Creative Potential”, which is offered by specialists from the State University of New York on coursera, will help awaken the hidden possibilities that most likely lie dormant in you and motivate you to generate new ideas. You will realize that you are capable of more and learn how to use your inner reserves in both your professional and personal life.

The course requires time from 3 to 4 hours per week and involves classes in the form of video lessons and expert assessments. Weekly discussions on the forum will also be very useful. In addition to learning how to recognize and harness your own creative potential, you'll gain the skill to teach the same to others, which can help you as you build your business.

5. Business ethics in business and real life

It is important for an entrepreneur to understand the role of ethics in business. "Business Ethics for the Real World" is a free online course from Santa Clara University on the World Wide Web that is aimed at all types of professional and entrepreneurial activities. This course will be very useful for both beginning businessmen or students, and experienced professionals.

The course does not impose its postulates, it allows participants to work at their own pace and aims to teach ethical theory that can be applied to real-life situations that often arise in business.

6. 21 important lessons for a businessman

Many people say that business is higher mathematics. In fact, there are so many difficulties, unpredictability and even pitfalls associated with it for the ignorant beginner that it will be useful to learn from those who have already gone through all this on own experience. This is what the course “21 Important Lessons for Entrepreneurs” is dedicated to. 450 students have already rated it five stars, noting that it outlines the most important aspects of the initial stage of their business.

The duration of the course is two hours in total. It is divided into 23 online lectures.

7. Introduction to Marketing

What's the point of running a business if people don't buy your product? The Introduction to Marketing course, a product of the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, will teach you to “get to the root” and anticipate the needs of your customers.

The training takes place over four weeks and requires active training of approximately 5-6 hours per week. Learn everything you need to know about brand positioning and communication, learn how to accelerate decision-making, enter new markets, the marketing planning process and proven marketing strategies.

8. Quick start on WordPress

Many new or existing businessmen do not yet have a website, but understand how important it is to manage their business online. This is important even if you plan to outsource the design and content of your website. You can start exploring all the features of the most popular web platform. Training is free.

This course offers 10 free videos that you can watch for an hour to learn step-by-step how to create simple one-page websites in WordPress.

There is no need to delve into all the technical details of a webmaster’s work. The course will take you to your goal step by step. You will learn how to choose the best web hosting provider, how to install and use WordPress panels, how to choose a design theme, how to create content and much more.

9. Get started quickly using social networks

Surely you have a Facebook page or Twitter profile. Why not use it to promote your business? Place your business logo on your account. Now these will be the pages of your product or service. You won't believe how quickly your business will start to grow. You will have regular clients and customers. Simple posts in cyberspace will help you successfully sell your product.

Of course, this path is also not the easiest; everywhere has its own subtleties. How to promote your product on social media - this is taught in a special video course “Social Media 101”. The training includes step-by-step instructions on marketing techniques on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Google+, YouTube, as well as how to start your own blog.

10. How to reason and argue?

The ability to express one’s thoughts, defend one’s opinion, and talk about business is a necessary quality for an entrepreneur. Duke University offers a special course called Think Again: How to Reason and Argue. How to discuss problems with business colleagues, how to learn to make decisions on your own, give reasons for them, distinguish what is important from what is unimportant - this course teaches you all this. It is worth remembering that it is absolutely free. The 12-week course contains a series of video lectures and exercises.

11. Project planning and management

Among the courses listed that stand out is Fundamentals of Project Planning and Management (University of Virginia).

Poor project planning and sloppy execution will not bring success. If you want to grow as a businessman, you need to learn the basics of project management. This course is a four-week course and requires 2 to 4 hours of your time per week to listen to video lectures and participate in practical exercises, discussions and quizzes.

You will learn exactly how to plan your business, understand what makes a project unsuccessful, learn to set clear goals for the project, and prioritize goals.

12. Marketing in the digital world

Experienced entrepreneurs know that the Internet is playing an increasingly important role in marketing - even for small local businesses that operate primarily offline. To dive into the world of online marketing, take a course called Marketing in a Digital World offered by the University of Illinois.

For this course, you will be required to spend 6 to 8 hours per week watching video lectures, as well as participating in training for a total of 12 weeks. Each week, students are presented with a real-life company example that you will use to explore the fundamentals of marketing and how they have shifted towards the digital world.

13. The better the leader, the richer the life.

An entrepreneur needs to refresh his skills from time to time. leadership skills. This will come in handy when it comes time to hire more employees or hold the attention of a larger audience. The free course offered by specialists at the University of Pennsylvania is called “Better Leaders, Richer Lives.” Training in this system will help you develop the necessary leadership skills.

The course lasts 10 weeks and will require 3 to 8 hours of your time each week, includes video lectures and weekly assignments, along with several exam options taken at the end. You will learn practical and proven leadership techniques that will help you identify your core values ​​and earn the trust of those around you.

14. Financial accounting

Can't afford to hire an accountant to run your business? Perhaps you should try to master accounting yourself and manage your financial affairs yourself? This knowledge can be obtained for free with the Introduction to Financial Accounting course offered by the University of Pennsylvania Business School.

You will be required to complete a course of video lectures (6 to 8 hours per week), discussions and tests over a total of four weeks. The course includes information about key principles, all special vocabulary and terminology of accounting are provided.

15. Operations management

Anyone who wants to effectively manage their own business must have some basic knowledge to control production. The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania offers a free Introduction to Operations Management course.

The course takes place over four weeks, with 5 to 7 hours of study time per week for video lectures, discussions and tests. By the end of the course, you will be able to identify bottlenecks in your business, correct problems that are slowing down productivity, and come up with new ways to improve business processes.

Being an entrepreneur is not easy, and it is quite possible that you will feel quite overwhelmed at times. But when you have the opportunity to learn, useful resources, which offer academic and practical knowledge, and for free, you can rest assured about your business.

* The calculations use average data for Russia

The educational sector can be considered an unplowed field for business. There are many options for earning money, competition is minimal, and government education does not satisfy the need for quality services. In this review, we have not only collected for you trending business areas to start in the educational sector, but also provided links to ready-made guides for opening them.

Children's development center

Children's development clubs are one of the most trending areas in the business of additional education. The main source of income is formed by paying for classes by parents living in major cities country and wanting to give the best to their child. With well-functioning work, development centers can earn 500 thousand rubles. per month.

Open a small children's creativity studio in an island format in mall possible for the amount of 530 thousand rubles. Such studios allow parents to leave their children under supervision while shopping. During this time, children can sculpt with polymer clay, paint plaster figures, create cards and much more. Net profit is within 100 thousand rubles.

You can open your own training business for less than 100 thousand rubles. The main task is to arm yourself effective methods training, decide on a niche and work to attract clients. The income of trainers exceeds 100 thousand rubles. per month.

Clubs can be considered a specialized area in the field of child development early development. The activities of these clubs include classes for children just a few months old and their parents under the guidance of experienced teachers. Anyone wishing to open such a business will need to take care of mastering one of the recognized international techniques and rent premises. Income from conducting such activities ranges from 30 to 250 thousand rubles.

The increase in trade turnover with China and the growth in the number of joint business projects with this country are increasing the population’s need to learn the Chinese language. Recently, the Chinese language in Russia came in 5th place in popularity after English, German, French and Spanish languages. You can open your own courses in the tutoring format from an amount of 40 thousand rubles, and for one lesson a teacher can charge an amount from 800 rubles.

business plan for organizing Chinese language courses

Comprehensive schools in Russia today are not able to meet the demand for quality education foreign languages, so private language schools fill the need. To open language school on an area of ​​100 sq. meters will require about 635 thousand rubles, which will pay off after just six months of work. Net profit will be 140 thousand rubles. per month.

In our age digital technologies The need to study cryptography is rapidly increasing, the basics of which are beginning to be conveyed to even young children in the format of games. If you understand the topic, consider the idea of ​​organizing your own lessons in which you can explain to everyone the intricacies of the cryptocurrency economy, the features of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies.

business ideas for cryptography courses

In a large city you can easily find a company that provides training for hairdressers and stylists, but talk about high level there is no competition. You can often earn much more in this area than in hairdressing and beauty salons themselves, and the initial investment in such a business is estimated at less than 1 million rubles. When organizing a school on the basis of an already operating beauty salon, you can open a small educational institution for 100-200 thousand rubles additional to the main type of business investment.

Read the guide to opening hairdressing and manicure courses

Ready ideas for your business

This type of educational leisure activity, such as survival courses, is popular abroad. Classes are divided into theoretical and practical parts, the latter of which takes place in natural conditions. Course participants are trained to provide first aid medical care, they teach how to build a shelter, make a fire, get water and food far from civilization. A former military man, firefighter or rescuer can start such a business. In large cities, for a two-day survival course, presenters receive from 5-6 thousand rubles. per person.

A new direction is actively developing in the consulting services market - organization psychological games. The venue for the games is most often neutral territory: a rented hall, office, meeting rooms, anti-cafes, classrooms of schools and universities, training centers. The game itself lasts about 2-3 hours. The cost can vary from 250 to 3000 rubles, depending on the size of the city and the authority of the organizer. An interesting direction similar games and trainings is the format of a psychological salon, which has parallels with the literary and political salons of the 18th-19th centuries. The owner of a psychological salon is usually a woman who plays the role of course leader. It’s interesting that you can start such a business even without a psychological education and with an investment of 60 thousand rubles.

In many new residential high-rise areas, local authorities are unable to meet the local population's need for kindergartens. In such places, a popular business will be the organization kindergarten at home. The profit of a kindergarten at home will be 50-100 thousand rubles. per month.

Guide to opening a kindergarten at home

To voluntarily deprive oneself of vision for several hours, days or even a week - nowadays customers are willing to pay a lot of money for such a service. Finding themselves in pitch darkness, training participants completely deprive themselves of the sense organ that provides 90% of the information. However, instead, they discover a lot of new things. Habitual visual patterns and stereotypes disappear, speech becomes more confident, people begin to hear and listen to each other.

Graffiti itself usually does not generate income. Another thing is conducting graffiti training courses. You can organize something like a permanent school for children and teenagers, give master classes at various festivals and receive additional income from the sale of graffiti paint, markers and other things. Interesting way express yourself and find a new niche - holding all kinds of social events, like graffiti courses for older people.

Finance and credit, banking, trade - all this is gradually and irrevocably moving online. It has become difficult to prepare specialists for modern realities using outdated textbooks, so financial literacy lessons have become a popular area. Abroad, they begin to teach children in this direction from school age, explaining how to properly create electronic wallets, make secure electronic payments, and so on.

Just a few years ago, the business of organizing intimate skills courses was considered a curiosity, but today this no longer surprises anyone. You can be called a sex school, a training center for “preserving love and harmony in the family” or a sex education center, but the essence will be the same - educating people in the field intimate relationships. You can open such a business with minimal investment, but remember that for ethical reasons, trainings are always divided into male and female, and are conducted by a person of the same gender as the trainees.

City walking tours allow tourists to delve deeper into the history of the streets, explore objects and imagine themselves as participants in past events. An interesting trend in this area is conducting excursions with thematic mini-performances. You can launch such a project for less than 50 thousand rubles.

Speed ​​reading courses are a great option to make money for those people who are not only able to read quickly and highlight the essence of the text, but also for mentors. First of all, a speed reading teacher acts as a motivator for his students, who can be both children and adults. The cost of speed reading classes may vary and depend on the duration and authority of the teacher. A course of classes can cost from 8 thousand rubles.

Preparation for the Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam is a profitable business direction in the educational field. There are several options for starting your own business here - you can limit yourself to tutoring, or you can open full-fledged group classes by opening a school for preparing for the Unified State Exam on your own or as a franchise. A new niche in this area is the organization of online exam preparation services, where the entrepreneur’s income is generated by selling paid access to the service. In this case, a teacher is not needed: the student works with electronic tests.

Ready ideas for your business

Mental arithmetic is a technique for training the mental abilities of children, which has been gaining popularity in recent years. With its help, children not only learn to easily add, subtract, multiply and divide six-digit numbers in their heads, but also develop attention, memory and imagination. School of mental arithmetic with one classroom can bring the owner more than 100 thousand rubles. net profit.

The sand painting studio is a mixture of educational, entertaining, cultural and even wellness: sand painting is considered art therapy. To open a children's sand painting studio you will need about 330 thousand rubles, which will pay off in six months.

Two mandatory components for organizing sommelier courses are skill and marketing. Wine culture in Russia is developing rapidly, so the need for such a service is growing. More and more restaurants are looking for employees whose task will be to conduct tastings and consultations on wine selection.

Courses acting- this is a line of business, the need for which is much higher than it seems at first glance. They are in demand not only among actors and theatergoers, but also among people seeking to improve their skills in managing their psychological state, body and voice. Acting courses are also suitable for business people and people who need to communicate and negotiate frequently. To open a small acting studio, 200 thousand rubles will be enough.

Business in preparing drivers to pass exams in the traffic police upon purchase budget cars you can start with an amount of 5 million rubles. Net profit per month will be more than 160 thousand rubles. The payback period for driving schools is on average about 2 years.

Ready ideas for your business

Mother Nature is increasingly being seen by entrepreneurs as a huge hall for business training. For six-figure sums, company owners and ordinary managers are taken on extreme tours, taught to act together and reach mountain peaks, drawing parallels with business development. In between ascents, the business coach informs managers about the concepts of the “Blue and Scarlet Oceans,” conducts metaphorical business games and helps build their “Value Curve” or “Success Map.”

If you have cooking skills, consider organizing culinary courses. Before renting a room and purchasing any equipment, you need to think about a promotion strategy. To begin with, you can give several master classes in an anti-cafe to gain experience working with an audience and feedback, acquire your first clients and take good photographs.

1172 people are studying this business today.

In 30 days, this business was viewed 391,829 times.

To make good money, you don’t have to constantly communicate, develop connections and be a public figure. In this collection, we will look at 25 business ideas that are suitable for introverts.

Any business can have its own romance, but in some areas it is most pronounced. We are, of course, talking about creativity, organizing unique holidays and travel.

What kind of business can you open in small town with minimal investment? In this collection you will find 25 ideas for starting your own business in small towns, as well as detailed start-up guides.

Having your own business related to sweets is the dream of many aspiring entrepreneurs. In this high-calorie collection you will find 20 business ideas for those with a sweet tooth and guides to starting these businesses....

If you have experience as an athlete, your experience and connections can help you organize your business in the sports or sports-related field. This selection includes 25 types of businesses for athletes.

A unique chance for those who dream of their own business:

"Successful start from zero to 100,000 per month!"

You will also be able to take advantage of bonus offers for company registration, legal support and protection from inspections, which turn out to be fatal for many.

Group enrollment is coming to an end, only a few spots left! Don't miss your opportunity!

During the first part of the lesson You learn business planning, project management, master the techniques of setting goals and achieving them. Next, you will learn the main stages of creating a business, registering and organizing a company, and an algorithm of detailed steps for opening a new business.

In the second part of the training sessions you master the methods of creating and promoting a website, the technology of professional presentations and sales, the rules for conducting negotiations and concluding transactions. Then a surprise awaits you - special activity on the topic of building a network of business connections: how to quickly make acquaintances, increase sales, acquire resources, personal introduction, image.

The first two parts are everything that a novice entrepreneur should know without fail!

The following classes are for the most diligent- basics of accounting and tax accounting, choice of taxation system, registration in funds. As well as the main aspects of economic and tax security of business, protection from inspections, algorithm of actions during inspection, search, interrogation.

Starting right now is more than possible! During training you will solve the most important tasks:

  • define long-term and short-term goals
  • draw up a realistic business plan
  • choose advertising tactics and strategy
  • prepare a presentation for your company
  • create a sales management plan
  • register a company and open a current account
  • post free advertising
  • conclude the first contracts
  • You will gain self-confidence and be able to get rid of fears and doubts.

1. Creating a business from scratch

2. Accounting for beginning entrepreneurs

Everything any aspiring entrepreneur and leader needs to know. Even if you do not deal with this difficult matter yourself, extremely important know the general aspects and basics of accounting. A professional accountant will tell you about the first steps after registering a company, choosing a taxation system, registering with the Funds, types of taxes and declarations. You will also learn what zero declarations are and how to prepare them. And of course, the most important and interesting thing is how to save on taxes, how to open a bank account, what fines there are and how to avoid them. Maximum knowledge for the future leader!

3. Website creation and promotion

This chapter is about how to turn a website into not just a business card, but a sales tool. We will tell you basic concepts and basic terms in the field of website creation - what is hosting, domain, site indexing and the like. We will also discuss basic promotion and promotion methods that are accessible to non-professionals, and effective ways to increase traffic. For us, a website is a sales tool - it must work and constantly attract new clients to you- You will learn how to achieve this by attending our training. In the second part, we will discuss in detail the most popular promotion mechanisms - CMO, SEO, Yandex Direct, Google Adwords. Everything a modern entrepreneur needs to know!

4. Sales professionally

How to learn to professionally sell your services or products. Economists have calculated that sales growth after mastering the technology will be at least 20%. Unfortunately, few people know how to do this professionally, so it is especially important for any novice entrepreneur to learn this. We live in a world overloaded with advertising, and therefore it is not so easy to promote your product, and there is so little time for a successful start. In this training you will learn the most effective sales methods, presentation methods, 13 questions technology, adjustments, the SPIN method and much more. Our clients are future successful businessmen!

5. Time management - the art of business planning

This training allows increase personal effectiveness by at least 25%. You will get closer to the most successful people of our planet - they all apply methods of planning and time management, as well as the skills of setting and achieving goals. Advanced time planning technologies allow you to achieve all your goals in the shortest and most effective way! By defining long-term and short-term goals, you will do only important things without wasting time on unimportant ones. In addition, during the training you will learn what SMART goal setting technology is, the balance wheel, a quantum leap, and you will also be able to master planning techniques (daily, monthly, quarterly and annual). This is perhaps the most important training for aspiring entrepreneurs. A good base is the key to a promising future!

6. Protection from inspections

How to avoid fines, protect your business and prepare it in advance for any unexpected inspections? We will tell you a detailed algorithm of actions during and after the inspection. This will avoid fines for various offenses, and will also minimize the risk of initiating a criminal case for economic crimes. In addition, you will be given detailed instructions for the preparation of the office, staff, manager and accountant. A unique course - you will not find such information anywhere else! Become invincible!

7. Creating your own business network

Who knows you, and who do you know? More than ever, we have an impressive array of tools to help you establish and maintain personal and business connections. However, only systems approach can be beneficial and give the desired result. A network of business contacts helps you connect with the right people and facilitates access to important resources. Business acquaintances are a personal asset for any entrepreneur and an essential factor for success in a social environment. The final and most important stage!

We guarantee a minimum of theory -maximum practice!

About the association (presentation)

What you will receive at the end of the course:

  • Self-confidence: Having mastered the training course, you will immediately know where to start. You will have detailed plan actions and a full understanding of what you have to do!
  • Good start: ready business a project personalized to your idea.
  • Invaluable knowledge: Knowledge of all major business topics. You will be prepared for a quick start, you will understand what you should study in more detail, in which direction to develop next.


  • handouts and information materials
  • CD with samples of all documents, handouts
  • certificate of completion of a training course for aspiring entrepreneurs!

Gifts and bonuses!

Everyone who visited full course trainings (7 seminars) gets the opportunity to register a company in our Association with a discount of 2000 rubles! You can pay only 5,800 rubles for a complete set of documents (the price does not include only state duty, stamp production, and legal address).

Those who attend any number of our trainings will receive:

  • 3 months of legal advice free of charge
  • certificate for 3 months of protection from any inspections by regulatory authorities
  • discount card with a 7% discount on any service
  • 1 year of legal advice free of charge
  • certificate for 1 year of travel by a lawyer during an inspection of your company by any control and supervisory authorities
  • advertising your company on any Association platforms (website, magazine, seminars)
  • access to regular club meetings of our friends and clients
  • certificate of completion of courses for entrepreneurs
  • 20% discount on any services of the Association of Entrepreneurs
  • 2,000 rubles discount on company registration

At the end of the training, a gift is given to the author himself. best business plan. This will not be a simple trinket, but free registration certificate new company (the cost of which is 8,000 rubles).

Participate too, and then you can start your business much cheaper and faster!

Training is the key to your success!

Come to the trainingsopen a businessand start earning money, and maybe very soon your office will look exactly like this.

Watch free video courses, audio books, news and articles on our new website!

And that is not all! We can do everything for you!

We will register your company, open a current account, find office space, think over a sales system, help you create a website and think about how best to promote it!

You will receive a ready-made solution for developing and expanding your business - you will only have to do what you are interested in, what you like to do and what you enjoy! Creating a business is easy!

If you really decided to create your own business and start making money, but you don’t dare take the first step or don’t know where to start - we will help you! Our lawyers will help you register a company and do everything else to develop your business.

We will settle all legal and accounting formalities, help you find a suitable office, develop an optimal sales system and much more. In fact, with our help you will get a ready-made business!

Every month we register dozens of new startups, so we know how to quickly and successfully start a business!

For you, this service will cost 60-70% less, in addition, you save a lot of time, avoid frequent mistakes and receive a finished project - all you have to do is develop your favorite business, we will take care of all the formalities!

Thus, the total cost of gifts and bonuses for you will be more than 17,000 rubles - if you really want to start your own business - this Best offer in our city!

Sign up for the training course now - it's time to act!

Register for 7 trainings right now and you will receive your first homework today!

Bonus for determination and registration today: video training on the topic of selling goods and services, free for you!

Full course of training - maximum immersion!

All 7 trainings for developing your business are an excellent start to the project.

In the first part of the classes, you will learn business planning, project management, and master the techniques of setting goals and achieving them. Next, you will learn the main stages of creating a new business, registering and organizing a company, and the algorithm of detailed steps for opening a new business. In the second part of the training, you will master the methods of creating and promoting a website, the technology of professional presentations and sales, the rules of negotiations and concluding transactions. Then there will be a special lesson on the topic of building a network of business connections - how to quickly make connections, increase sales, acquire resources, personal introduction, image.

In general, the first two parts are the theory and practice of building a business from scratch - everything you need! The next classes for the most diligent are the basics of accounting and tax accounting, choosing a tax system, and joining funds. As well as the main aspects of economic and tax security of business, protection from inspections, algorithm of actions during inspection, search, interrogation.

In the final part of the training, you will be able to draw up a business plan for your project, determine the timing, main stages of company registration, optimal methods of advertising and promotion.

Discount 2000 rub. for registration of a new company + video training + certificate + participation in club meetings and certificate!

Algorithms for success in small business

Entrepreneurship and small business courses in Moscow step by step examine the entire structure of creating, running and competent development of any enterprise from the point of view of current legislation in the field of lending, taxation, reporting and profit-making. After completing small business courses, you will be able to wisely use your financial and intellectual resources, without wasting them, but increasing them. Any enterprise is a life support resource not only for the owner of the enterprise, but also for employees, which speaks to the social usefulness of the idea of ​​​​creating and developing entrepreneurial activity. Therefore, taking courses in running a small business is also a responsible decision, especially if you are a novice manager of your new enterprise. The classes cover practical ideas and situations that most often arise during the functioning of most enterprises, and this is invaluable experience and good practice. An experienced entrepreneur is half the success of any economic endeavor.

Course Description

Are you thinking about starting your own business?

Have you decided to become a businessman and don’t know how to start?

Are you already running a business but have encountered a number of difficulties?

Then this course is for you!

During the training you:

  • you will develop ideas about creating small businesses, enrich the methods and ways of implementing your own ideas (I want to open a restaurant! Or maybe a hairdresser? No, better a car wash... Or a store?) We will help you figure it out!
  • analyze the latest changes in legislation affecting the opening, running and closing of small businesses
  • analyze in detail the methods of attracting consumers
  • pay attention to interaction with tax office, pension fund, compulsory health insurance fund, fund social insurance and etc.
  • consider the financial and accounting aspects of the enterprise's activities
  • write and defend a business plan

Purpose of the course“Organizing and running a small business”:

Updating knowledge and acquiring practical skills in organizing small businesses

Course objectives:

  1. Develop skills in organizing your own business based on business planning and effective resource management
  2. Build (update) knowledge of the legal aspects of a small enterprise’s activities
  3. Build (update) knowledge of the financial aspects of a small enterprise’s activities
  4. Build (update) knowledge of the specifics of staffing a small enterprise
  5. Build (update) knowledge of the features of marketing activities of a small enterprise
  6. Apply the acquired knowledge and skills when drawing up a business plan for the enterprise

As a result of training a holistic understanding of the ways and methods of development is formed own business based on a business plan.

A lot does not mean effective, a little does not mean unprofitable

Small business courses teach not only the correct and competent steps to organize and promote your enterprise, but, more importantly, to forecast and predict the growth or decline of certain economic and commodity disciplines, which together helps you stay at the pace of development of your business that indicates for constant growth and development. Small business education is a step that is guaranteed to show your determination to succeed!

Do you want to take the first confident step towards the successful development of your business? We are waiting for you at our courses for aspiring entrepreneurs!

Distance learning

This course You can study in person or remotely!

"Training courses for entrepreneurship and running a small business in Moscow." Distance learning requires a personal computer and Internet access. Training and teaching materials, and the level of knowledge of the subject is determined using a final online test. There is no time limit for preparing for the final test. The price of the distance course is 9,700 rubles. Advantage online learning- you don’t need to adjust to your class schedule - you study when it’s convenient for you.

Course curriculum

Topic 1. Basics of organizing your own business. Individual entrepreneurship.

Choosing the form of ownership: IP, LLC. Advantages and disadvantages

The concept of microenterprise, small enterprise

The procedure for opening an individual entrepreneur. Step-by-step instruction. Practical recommendations

Individual entrepreneur registration documents

Patent tax system

Trade fee

Liquidation of individual entrepreneurs

Topic 2. Limited liability company

Procedure for opening an LLC Step-by-step instructions. Practical recommendations

Constituent documents legal entity


Commercial concession agreement

Cash register equipment. Registration and operation procedure.

Liquidation of a legal entity

Amount of study time - 4 academic hours

Topic 3. Taxation of small businesses

Concept of taxes and fees

generally established, traditional taxation system;

simplified taxation system;

unified tax on imputed income for certain types of activities

calculation and methods of paying taxes

calculation and methods of payment of contributions

procedure for working with the Federal Tax Service, Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund, Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund

Solving practical problems

Amount of study time - 4 academic hours

Topic 4. Reporting of small enterprises

Reporting of individual entrepreneurs without employees

Reporting of individual entrepreneurs with employees

LLC reporting

Balance sheet

Gains and losses report

Accounting for enterprise property

Concept of depreciation and wear

Solving test assignments and tests

Amount of study time - 4 academic hours

Topic 5. Business planning

A business plan as a tool for the production and commercial activities of a small enterprise.

UNIDO standard

Structure and content of a small enterprise business plan.

Amount of study time - 4 academic hours

Topic 6. Marketing plan

Concept and meaning of marketing

Analysis of factors influencing the formation and development of a business (factors from the immediate and distant environment)

PESN SWOT analyzes, Porter's 5 forces analysis

Competitive advantage



Promotion of goods and services to the market

Developing a strategy to attract consumers

Amount of study time - 4 academic hours

Topic 7. Production plan

The concept of fixed and variable costs

Production support

Location of the enterprise

Costs of raw materials, components, Consumables


Calculation of variable and fixed costs

Amount of study time - 4 academic hours

Topic 8. Staffing

Requirement for personnel. Regulatory and legal framework for staffing

Employment contract. Civil contract

Wage. Fixed and variable parts wages

Employee cost for the enterprise

Work and rest schedule

Amount of study time - 4 academic hours

Topic 9. Organizational and financial plans

Organizational structure

Project implementation schedule

Legal support

Preparatory period costs

Current period costs

Calculation of income.

Forecasting market conditions and developing a sales budget for a small enterprise.

Planning of income from sales.

Amount of study time - 4 academic hours

Topic 10. Legal aspects activities

Concept and terms of the contract.

Conclusion of an agreement.

Amendment and termination of the contract.

Contract of sale.

Contract for the supply of goods.

Lease contract.

Work agreement.

Bank account agreement.

Amount of study time - 4 academic hours

Topic 11. Measures to protect personality and property in the field of small business

Measures to protect personality and property in the field of small business.

Mediation of the executive authorities of Moscow in concluding a settlement agreement between small businesses - debtors and their creditors, as well as a guarantee subject to a deferment in debt payment.

List of executive authorities of the city of Moscow and organizations subordinate to them for conducting state control (supervision).

Rights legal entities And individual entrepreneurs when carrying out control activities.

The competence of the Department for Support and Development of Small Business in Moscow.

Consideration practical situations. Test solution.

Amount of study time - 4 academic hours

Business plan protection

Amount of study time - 4 academic hours