Taurus people are careful when choosing marriage partners. They find it difficult to support friendly relations and meet new people. They prefer not to allow “strangers” into their territory and do not need anyone’s help. For representatives of many zodiac signs, such individuals seem too boring, stubborn, greedy and selfish. To create a favorable union, Taurus is recommended to choose partners of the elements of Earth and Water.

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Taurus Man

Taurus has a strong character and a soft soul. The main goals of a man of this sign are comfort, stability and material wealth. He carefully chooses a partner, and only after weighing all the pros and cons does he begin a relationship. He does not succumb to momentary passion and is not susceptible to feminine tricks. He needs not only an excellent housewife and mistress, but also a successful businesswoman.

A Taurus man will not start a relationship if there is no benefit. He strives for financial independence and prosperity and wants the same from his partner. Gentle, affectionate and sometimes sentimental, but in relationships he takes the role of leader. He will never make concessions and will prove that he is right to the last.

Capable of serious feelings, but most often stops at external forms manifestations of love. He will not delve into the depths of his partner’s soul. It is enough for him that a woman showers him with care, affection and attention. He cannot be called faithful, but he takes the betrayal of his wife hard. She loves children and is a reliable support for them. Knows how to decide everyday problems and is not afraid of routine work. It is difficult to build long-term relationships with Taurus, and the main reason is stubbornness, demandingness and selfishness.

Many women dream of such a caring and attentive partner. During the period of love, he is ready to move mountains for the sake of his companion and will indulge her whims in every possible way. Having won the prey, the man begins to show his true face, and not everyone can withstand his character flaws. He is too jealous and selfish, which can cause daily scandals and quarrels.

For family and marriage, a man needs a realist who would prefer to act rather than fantasize. At the same time, he will make every effort to ensure that the family has a high status. As they develop spiritually after 30 years, Taurus no longer pays as much attention to the material condition of their partner, but it still matters to him. At this age, a man needs an understanding and faithful companion with whom he can create a strong family.

Love and relationships

Taurus will be able to build stable and long-term relationships with earth signs – Virgo and Capricorn. There is no passion or fire between them, but an atmosphere of kindness, understanding and common sense will bind them tightly. For Taurus, such a partner is not a lover, but first and foremost a best friend, whom you can turn to at any time of the day and receive support.

According to the horoscope, the ideal partner for a Taurus man is Virgo. Two Taurus also have good compatibility, but a break in the relationship can occur due to banal boredom. The union with Capricorn is most often favorable, but in the event of financial difficulties it can fall apart.

From the outside, relationships between Earth element signs may seem boring and devoid of romance. But they really feel good and have fun together. They have similar goals, worldviews and desires, so quarrels are kept to a minimum. If the partners have a common cause and there are no financial difficulties, nothing threatens the relationship.

Characteristics with other zodiac signs:

Zodiac sign



The Aries woman prefers to lead an active lifestyle, and Taurus does not always keep up with her. The girl will push her leisurely partner and demand too much from him, which will lead to a break in the relationship due to its tension. Quarrels and misunderstandings will constantly arise between them


These are ideal partners who have the same views on life and goals. They are slow, stubborn and wise. When conflicts arise, neither party will be the first to reconcile. Together they will easily achieve financial independence



The worst couple among all zodiac signs. Partners have opposite views on life. Geminis are too frivolous and flighty for Taurus and they do not take each other seriously


Both partners need a calm and comfortable relationship. A Taurus man is not afraid of Cancer’s changeable mood, because he will always be able to support him


Such people may have similar goals, but they achieve them in different ways. Taurus will not be comfortable in the company of an active and successful lady who is used to being in charge of the situation and does not tolerate passive men. They will never be able to share power and the relationship will be tense

VirgoAn ideal couple where partners have similar views on life. They are homebound and need comfort and stability. Quarrels rarely arise between them, since the smart Virgo easily finds a compromise in any situation90%

These signs can only suit each other sexually. The changeable nature of Libra and their frivolity, as well as their love for extramarital affairs are alien to Taurus



If Taurus has high spiritual development and does not experience financial difficulties, Scorpio will be able to appreciate his personality and become an ideal wife for him, but in other cases violent scandals cannot be avoided


Worst couple. The freedom-loving and reckless Sagittarius woman will not be able to build ideal relationship with a boring and passive man, since her soul requires adventure and bright emotions. If Taurus tries to deprive her of freedom and independence, then she will quickly put up worthy resistance


A wonderful couple where partners have similar views on life, character and temperament. Although there is no passion between them, the union is based on love, understanding and care. Divorces between these people are rare


They suit each other in bed, but nothing more. Aquarius needs constant change, while Taurus requires stability


A woman will immediately charm a man with her mystery and mystery. He will be captivated by her beauty and femininity. A man is ready to perform feats for her sake, and this union has every chance of favorable development and a long, happy life.



Taurus is devoid of sensuality, emotionality and sentimentality, and he chooses friends solely for profit. In its absence, it establishes new connections and breaks off old ones. This behavior is most pronounced in young Taurus who do not have spiritual maturity. Over time, they make many enemies, and due to their consumerist attitude they can remain lonely.

Only if Taurus is spiritually developed can he become an excellent friend. He is best suited for Earth signs who can understand his inner state. Their leisure time will be characterized by a calm and measured atmosphere, but this will not make them bored.

When communicating with Water signs, Taurus begins to show some emotionality. Friendship with Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio can make him more flexible and sensual. These people will be responsible for Taurus’ mood, and he, in turn, will always listen to them and give advice. Thanks to such friendly relationships, Water signs will be able to become more practical and learn to look at the situation realistically.


The Taurus woman carefully chooses partners for relationships and marriage. She can become an ideal housewife who will provide coziness and comfort. Needs to expensive things, but does not make rash purchases. She is inclined to accumulate material wealth, and is ready to make every effort to achieve financial independence.

If the guy did not live up to expectations, and the woman did not receive reciprocity, she will either completely abandon the relationship for a long time, or actively begin to look for true love. Often such girls enter into arranged marriages or become mistresses of wealthy men. They are deprived of any spirituality, since material success plays a decisive role for them.

Few men will be able to understand and accept a Taurus woman. No matter how good a housewife she may be, this girl will never provide moral support or sympathize with her partner. If the man turns out to be too weak, she simply breaks off relations with him.

Love and relationships

The Taurus woman is able to build long-term relationships with the signs of the elements of Water and Earth. The best partners for her are:

  • Capricorn.
  • Virgo.
  • Scorpion.

A Pisces man is ideal for a Taurus woman. With him, she can enjoy peace and quiet without getting bored. Detailed characteristics relationships with all signs:

Zodiac sign



Taurus will not be able to understand the temper and impulsiveness of a partner who is frivolous and unreliable. A short-term passion may flare up between them, but the relationship will end immediately after the first everyday problems appear. This union is characterized by quarrels and loud scandals.

If desired, partners can build strong and long-lasting relationships. They have a lot in common, a strong erotic attraction, similar interests and worldview. They are made for each other, although for others this union seems too boring and predictable. Relationships can be strengthened by doing something together that will provide them with financial independence.


This couple is connected exclusively by sexual intimacy, which will not last long. Taurus will not be able to come to terms with the frivolous nature of their partner, his love of flirting and people of the opposite sex. Taurus seems too boring and jealous to Gemini. They will never be able to understand each other, and the union between them is one of the worst

An ideal union where partners complement each other and contribute to joint development. Both are economical, practical, thorough and created for the family. These signs strive for financial independence and are ready to work tirelessly

It is quite rare to meet such a couple. Taurus needs peace, comfort and stability, while Leos love social life and an active lifestyle. They have completely different goals, visions of the world and characters, but they are perfect for each other in bed

The best match for Taurus is Virgo, who can smooth out the emotional impulses and tossing of her partner. These signs are peaceful and accommodating and are ideal for each other, especially in their younger years. They have a pragmatic lifestyle and are endowed with extreme caution. There may be no passion between them, but there will be complete harmony. They are materialists who are strongly attached to home and need comfort.

Libra and Taurus are attracted to each other, they have high compatibility on the energy level. But in this couple, the woman will have to solve everyday problems on her own, since the Libra man is not adapted to life, but will happily become a faithful assistant


Quite strong relationship. They are able to love and respect each other for a long time. Scorpio will appreciate Taurus's hard work and stubbornness. However, these partners are very jealous, so it will be difficult to avoid loud scandals with a showdown. Tensions often arise between them

Worst couple. Already at the first stage of the relationship, they will begin to make every effort to change each other. Constant passions and mood swings of Sagittarius have a negative effect on Taurus, who is accustomed to a calm and measured life, which seems very boring and tiring to his companion.

An ideal relationship in which there is no passion and rationalism prevails. This is a good marriage of convenience that will stand the test of time, since both signs are distinguished by pragmatism. Such partners understand each other well, they have common interests and views on life.

Completely incompatible. These signs are not suitable for each other due to different worldviews, goals and outlooks on life. They will never give in, and conflicts between them will be protracted. Aquarius will not give up an active life and his hobbies for the sake of a partner for whom the main thing is family.

Despite the enormous differences, these partners are similar to each other. Taurus gives a man the necessary support and mutual understanding, and Pisces gives their love, loyalty and care. In this union, the role of leader will belong to a woman, but this does not bother the reserved Pisces at all


The Taurus woman is not characterized by emotional experiences and emotional outbursts. She rarely needs anyone's help and prefers not to tell anyone her secrets. It is difficult for her to find friends, since she simply does not need them. If a woman begins a friendly relationship, then the vacation takes place in a calm atmosphere. She is tired of talkative people and is not interested in other people's secrets.

Despite the lack of compatibility in love relationships, Taurus can be friends with Air and Fire signs. So, good friends I can be:

  • Twins.
  • Scales.
  • Aquarius.

The ideal friends for a Taurus woman are Virgo and Capricorn. Friendship with Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio is possible. An alliance with water signs will help Taurus become more sensual and dreamy. Such relationships have a beneficial effect on both friends, balancing their personal qualities.

Compatibility horoscope: which zodiac sign suits a Taurus woman for marriage - the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Peace-loving and calm Taurus needs love and comfortable solitude. One of the main priorities for Taurus is the stability of relationships, however, quite often they are associated with such fickle signs as Aquarius, Scorpio, Gemini, but the strength of such unions is relatively not high.

The union of Taurus and Aries can often prove to be lasting due to the strong temperament and sexual compatibility of both signs. If their feelings do not fade away within a month, they can develop into a strong and strong union. Despite the fact that these signs have too few common interests, the Taurus woman is able to win Aries with her thriftiness, stability and care for the family hearth. Their marriage has every chance to last a lifetime.

The union of Taurus and Taurus is very good in terms of love relationship, romantic adventures, similarity of goals and interests can create a stable and strong relationship. The thorough and economic Taurus finds his soul mate and the union of two Taurus, this is doubled strength and energy.

If a Taurus woman wants to connect her destiny with a Gemini man, then this union is completely unsuitable for both signs. Too different characters and temperaments come together under one roof and stability cannot be expected from these relationships. Even if Gemini and Taurus find common interests that can unite them, such a marriage will still not last long.

Relationships between Taurus and Cancer are usually very harmonious. Economic and thorough Cancer and Taurus are practically made for each other. Both are united by the desire to financial well-being, comfort and homeliness. Both representatives of the zodiac are homebodies who value good food, luxury and a high quality of life. Such a couple can last a very long time and happily.

Taurus and Leo, a fairly strong union in which each of the partners can be fully realized. If Leo leads an active lifestyle, then the Taurus woman will provide him with a reliable rear. In general, the ideal woman for Leo is a wife who willingly gives him the palm in the house, while being an excellent housewife and having an easy-going disposition. The Taurus woman has all this, who in this sense is a real treasure for Leo. In other words, this is an almost ideal union, in which there is everything - love, care, mutual understanding, and even a clear distribution of family roles

This union has every chance of being long and lasting.

The Virgo man and the Taurus woman have a lot in common: they both do not expect favors from fate, but are accustomed to achieving everything through their own work, both are committed to serious relationships, value the comfort of the family hearth and strive for prosperity.

True, in everyday life, a Taurus woman may not be satisfied with Virgo’s excessive thriftiness and meticulousness, but she is fully able to appreciate his hard work, dedication and honesty.

The union of Taurus and Libra is united by a love for everyday joys and pleasures. The Libra man is very thin and creative person they can appreciate delicious food, beautiful things, good sex. Thanks to this, their relationships often turn out to be very strong - nothing brings people closer together than the ability to enjoy little things together.

IN Everyday life Taurus women and Scorpio men, the stability of relationships ensures the calmness of Taurus, and Scorpio, with his difficult character, is immensely grateful to her for this and is able to move mountains for her.

Typically, a Taurus woman enjoys doing housework, providing ideal comfort in the home and taking care of children. At the same time, both partners are committed to a serious relationship and are ready to solve problems together, so their marriage has every chance of being very strong and happily lasting a lifetime.

An example of an ideal couple is the union of a Taurus woman and a Capricorn man. The strong and harmonious union of the wise Capricorn and the economic woman of Taurus strengthens not only sexual compatibility, but also practicality, loyalty, determination of both signs.

A good option for an Aquarius man is an alliance with a Taurus woman. The gentle, economic and understanding Taurus woman is perfect for the creative and freedom-loving Aquarius. Sometimes a Taurus woman may not be satisfied with some economic troubles, but Aquarius rarely thinks about convenience - he can find a thousand reasons to close any, even the most beautiful, page of his life and start writing a new one from scratch.

Pisces men find mutual understanding and support in alliance with a Taurus woman. The patient Taurus woman takes upon herself all the housework and the organizational role in the family. In Pisces, she is satisfied with his talent and kindness; besides, in addition to excellent sexual compatibility, they have a lot of common features, and their relationship can become strong and long-lasting.

Taurus zodiac sign compatibility

Taurus zodiac sign compatibility:general characteristics, sexuality,what zodiac sign suits Taurus,relationships.

Taurus: characteristics of sexual life

Taurus is charming, has a keen sense of beauty, and knows how to create an exquisite interior and harmonious relationships. Looks at life realistically, assessing his abilities adequately.

Taurus rarely have many novels, especially at the same time. They honor traditions, often maintaining virginity until marriage, and then being impeccably faithful. They take matters of marriage extremely seriously, choosing a companion slowly and thoroughly.

Their heart wounds take a long time to heal, especially if the breakup occurred due to the betrayal of their chosen one. They can take his light flirting calmly, but when he cheats they go crazy. Therefore, they are not in a hurry to fall in love, they study for a long time a potential companion, his character, his habits. The chosen one is expected to be constancy, the ability to be content with little, and clear-headed.

When it comes to sex, Taurus do not like to experiment; they are more tender than passionate. They know the value of their sexual capabilities, have intuition and always feel pretense. If they are in love, they may succumb to persuasion, but they rarely admit that they liked the innovation. Taurus are faithful to traditions, this also manifests itself in their sex life.

Taurus men devote a lot of energy to satisfying the desires of their beloved, but they do not allow her to dominate and are even frightened by her excessive activity.

Taurus women love exquisite caresses, they willingly accept them, but they will never allow you to do anything that is unpleasant to them.

Which zodiac sign suits Taurus

In the first attempts at love relationships, Taurus will be most suitable for representatives of the Earth element, to which Taurus himself belongs. A bright romance with Capricorn, quite successfully with Taurus, and, on occasion, Virgo.

Which zodiac sign suits Taurus perfectly? For a strong family union, Taurus must turn his attention to the Water signs, because it is water that nourishes the earth, infuses life, and makes it fertile. The ideal planetary partner for Taurus is Scorpion: They give each other the influence of those planets that each lacks. But Scorpio should be less selfish, and Taurus should not be so receptive. Also suitable Cancer and Pisces.

Zodiac signs that are less suitable for Taurus

Marriage with representatives of Fire can be dangerous, but very beneficial if successful. The most promising alliance is with Sagittarius– a lot of passion, an explosion of dust from the offering of fire. Aries may be the Fiery patron of Taurus, looking down on his efforts. Leo is the most dangerous and difficult for Taurus.

Zodiac signs suitable for Taurus in rare cases

Air does not affect the Earth in any way, just as the Earth does not affect the Air. Therefore, the union of Taurus with a representative of the Air element is completely hopeless. The only exception can be Gemini: if desired, Taurus will take care of them and guide them through life very skillfully (the previous zodiac sign always patronizes the next one).

But these recommendations are rather a generalization. To find out the real compatibility in a couple, you need to know the names, eye color, time of birth, date, hair color, nose shape and even the body features of both. There is an opinion that knowing the necessary parameters, you can find the ideal companion.

Taurus zodiac sign compatibility: solving problems

Taurus' social circle is very wide, but it is incredibly difficult for him to find a “suitable” person: Taurus is very serious in choosing even a potential partner, and often notices only shortcomings. And also, having a special sensitivity to beauty as he understands it, Taurus does not experience sexual interest in people who are wonderful but do not meet his aesthetic needs. Has the right to. But there are some things worth adjusting in your approaches.

Taurus needs to remember: people change, relationships will help his chosen one achieve success. It's easier to achieve goals together. It is worth connecting your intuition, looking forward, focusing only on the merits of your partner. There is no need to take legibility to the point of absurdity. It would be good to expand your “aesthetic horizons” in order to notice more attractive things in people. After all, ideas about beauty can turn out to be ossified stereotypes.

So, Taurus has met the ideal betrothed, but as the romance progresses, doubts overcome him more and more: is the choice right? It seems that the chosen one did not live up to expectations. Taurus is meticulous when choosing, it is unlikely that he made a mistake at the beginning, there is no need to torment himself in vain and there is no need to blame his partner.

Taurus loves to dominate in relationships, and therefore is dissatisfied with apparent insubordination. Taurus needs to give his partner more air - independence. You must also allow your relationships not to correspond to the pattern that Taurus has developed for a long time. After all, his chosen one has his own habits, his own scheme. Wishes should be expressed correctly, and criticism should not be met with hostility; perhaps it is constructive. If desired, Taurus, in fact, can get along with an impossibly difficult person.

Excellent intuition immediately tells Taurus that their loved one is not in good spirits. But why is difficult for Taurus to understand. Instead of enjoying the company of his loved one, he begins to “dig out” his mistakes.

Taurus are practical, devote a lot of effort to financial matters, but often do not remember about spiritual comfort. Feeling that the beloved is not very happy, Taurus immediately remembers material benefits. Taurus should, being interested in his partner, find out exactly his mood, dreams, plans, this is important. It is also worth relaxing control of the situation: sometimes it is enough to relax to reduce tension. Leave some freedom and understatement.

The rationality and prudence of Taurus sometimes does not help them in building relationships. Even if the chosen one is ready to give in, to Taurus his actions seem inappropriate and annoying. The reason is that Taurus has inflated demands and expectations that are not typical for a partner. actions.

Important: communicate your wishes to your loved one correctly and in a timely manner; be able to take care of yourself; give the chosen one more attention and time, so that he does not have a feeling of his insignificance in the life of Taurus; separate the concepts of “love”/“own”: a lover is not property, he must have personal space, dreams and aspirations; have a heart-to-heart conversation about mutual expectations, search for a compromise.

Taurus is a strategist who knows many ways to start a romance. He quickly gives up a hopeless struggle, but if there is something mutual, but the transition to a close relationship is slowed down, Taurus is lost. It is worth trying to act more simply - where hints are powerless, recognition or an unexpected invitation is irresistible.

Being carried away by their maneuvers, Taurus may not notice retaliatory actions that do not fit into the intended scheme. It’s worth relaxing, “rebooting” and not missing out on the most pleasant moments, even if not according to plan.

Taurus sometimes try to conquer someone they should avoid. Because subconscious slows down, does not give suitable words, protecting against unnecessary communication. The situation should be analyzed again.

“Unhappy love ruined life”

In the event of a breakup and a shallow relationship, Taurus experiences the strongest heartache. But when the feelings were serious and strong, it comes to depression, complete distrust of others and loss of hope. Taurus reproaches himself, is afraid of making a mistake again, he becomes too careful, pushing away those with whom he could be carried away, and does not enjoy life.

Important: do not dwell on the past, remain confident, do not look for an ideal, do not put main goal searching for the absolutely perfect betrothed, living actively, being open, enjoying communication, giving a chance to the future; Remember, you can’t protect yourself from emotions; developing a novel requires even more work than the beginning.

Taurus is demanding. Giving a lot, being strong and emotional, he wants to receive a lot. He believes that his partner will always be very attentive. Trying to always please the chosen one sexually and financially, Taurus may not feel a response.

Taurus needs to: make the partner feel interested in emotional contact, reduce the level of material demands - dates are good in high-class restaurants, in the park, and in general hobbies; do not try to turn reality into an ideal picture from your head, do not put pressure on your loved ones, forcing them to meet expectations; reduce activity, allow your loved one to behave according to their needs, naturally; learn to listen to the advice of your soul mate, perceive her (his) “passive” behavior as concern for the peace of the common good.

It's just General characteristics Taurus, and not something specific for people of this sign, everything is individual.

Ideal Match for Taurus

It's easiest to find at a young age perfect couple among other earth element signs: Virgo and Capricorn. There is only one condition for complete happiness - Virgo must have own business and not interfere with Taurus arranging life in his own way. And Capricorn will become an exemplary partner if he is a civil servant of considerable age (ten to fifteen years older than Taurus). In the second half of life, the ideal should be sought among Cancers, and among those representatives of the sign with whom you have been friends for a long time, to whom you trust your secrets. Suitable for Taurus after 35 and Pisces, but only under the condition of complete harmony in the sexual sphere.

Best Couple for Taurus

Cancer: Representatives of these zodiac signs make a very successful couple. Neither Taurus nor Cancer like frivolous entertainment and spend all their energy on creating a cozy family nest. Conflicts can arise due to the changeable mood of Cancer, the Compatibility Horoscope: Taurus Cancer warns about this. To maintain the harmony of relationships, Taurus should be more tactful, then Cancer will unusually value his reliability. This is confirmed by the compatibility horoscope of Cancer and Taurus.

Capricorn: The relationship of this couple promises to be successful. Capricorn and Taurus are similar in their love for reliability. The patience of Capricorn is successfully combined with the realism of Taurus. In general, the relationship of this couple will not be burdened with excessive sentimentality, this is confirmed by the compatibility horoscope. Capricorn and Taurus have the same interests, which are the key to a happy and long-lasting marriage. Boredom and routine can become a serious problem for this relationship, the Compatibility Horoscope: Taurus Capricorn warns about this.

Fish: The relationship of this couple is certainly successful, but ambiguous. The mysterious Pisces is somewhat surprised by the practicality of Taurus, and the hardworking Taurus cannot understand the idleness of Pisces. This may give rise to conflicts; the compatibility horoscope warns about this. Taurus and Pisces are a successful tandem: thanks to such a pair, Taurus opens his Creative skills, and Pisces is delighted by the reliability of Taurus. The passivity of Pisces may irritate Taurus somewhat, but this will not affect the strength of the relationship in any way, this is confirmed by the Compatibility Horoscope: Taurus Pisces.

Worst Match for Taurus

Aquarius: This couple is guaranteed a difficult relationship: Taurus will be annoyed by Aquarius’ desire for everything new. Aquarius will be tired of Taurus's possessive habits, this is indicated by the compatibility horoscope. Taurus and Aquarius often cannot come to an agreement on issues of freedom: Aquarius thinks that Taurus is trying to limit him, and Taurus cannot come to terms with the frivolity of Aquarius. This can cause the collapse of relationships, which is what the Compatibility Horoscope: Taurus and Aquarius warns about.

Twins: This couple has too different characters: Gemini likes a faster pace of life and finds Taurus too slow. The relationship of this couple will be filled with crises of the genre, the compatibility horoscope warns about this: Taurus Gemini. However, this romance can become long-lasting and successful if Taurus shows concern and Gemini talks more about what worries them.

Sagittarius: This couple is guaranteed an unusually passionate relationship, which is due to the fact that Sagittarius inspires Taurus. However, for Taurus the main thing is the desire for constancy and reliability of relationships, and Sagittarius, with its love of love and desire for new impressions, drives him crazy. Sagittarius is irritated by the regularity and predictability of Taurus, the Compatibility Horoscope: Taurus Sagittarius warns about this.

Strained relations

Taurus: If each of the couple has a Taurus zodiac sign, the compatibility horoscope considers this relationship to be extremely reliable. They have a lot in common, and it is often difficult for other signs to understand the conservatism of Taurus. As the compatibility horoscope says, the Taurus woman is more predisposed to the changes that are necessary in such relationships. The main obstacle on the way to happy life this couple is boredom and routine, the Taurus Taurus compatibility horoscope warns about this.

Scorpion: The romance of the owners of these zodiac signs will be extremely stormy, this will be confirmed by any compatibility horoscope. Taurus and Scorpio attract each other with incredible magnetism, despite the fact that there are too many differences in their personalities. The eroticism of the first weeks of the novel eventually gives way to the jealousy of Scorpio, who begins to consider Taurus his property, a compatibility horoscope warns about this: Taurus Scorpio.

Taurus man with other Zodiac Signs

Who is suitable for marriage according to the zodiac for a Taurus woman?

At first glance, everything is extremely simple. According to classical astrology, representatives of the Earth elements are ideal for marriage for a Taurus woman: Capricorns, Taurus and Virgos.

A bit less - water signs Pisces and Cancer, with whom the sign of Taurus is in a favorable aspect - sextile.

But there are some nuances:

  1. Marriage to a representative of your own sign (Taurus) is fraught with the danger of excessive “kinship of souls.” For example, a situation is possible when two Taurus, a little “obsessed” with beautiful things, will mercilessly squander family finances, trying to get ahead of each other.
  2. With a Virgo man, a Taurus woman can expect strong love experiences.
  3. With Capricorn, you will have to travel a lot.
  4. The Cancer man, like no one else, will be able to successfully solve the financial problems of the family.
  5. Living with a Pisces man will simply not be boring, but all other benefits in this option are not guaranteed.

Taurus woman: who she is and what kind of man she needs

This article should not be considered the ultimate truth. “Ideal” representatives of any zodiac sign who 100% fit the given description do not exist in nature, just as phlegmatic people, choleric people, melancholic people and sanguine people in their pure form do not exist. However, get general idea the fact that who you need is quite real. In no case do we encourage you to ruin your existing relationship if it suddenly turns out that, according to this text, you are not suitable for each other.

Famous Taurus woman - Penelope Cruz. In addition to her, Uma Thurman, Masha Rasputina, Barbara Streisand, Irina Saltykova, Larisa Udovichenko, Linda Evangelista, Renee Zellweger, Kirsten Dunst, Natalia Oreiro, Alina Kabaeva, Slava were born under this zodiac sign.

Taurus Woman

She doesn't need a textbook to master the art of flirting and seduction; she gives non-verbal "sexual signals" as naturally as breathing. In order to charm the man he likes, a Taurus woman just needs to point her “erotic antenna” in his direction.

Her eroticism has a powerful attractive force; if the Taurus woman did not have a well-developed intuition, which immediately allows her to “weed out” inappropriate acquaintances, she would have to make a lot of efforts to somehow streamline the flow of men who want to communicate with her closer.

This person is a possessive person by nature, already at the very beginning of the novel she is ready to plaster her beloved from head to toe with advertisements “Don’t interfere, I’ll kill you,” “Don’t touch with your hands,” “He already has a girlfriend and it’s me,” “Private property.” etc. Is it any wonder that Taurus romances are never “smooth and sweet”? The best screenwriters from Hollywood can be sent to the Taurus woman for an internship so that she can show them how scenes of jealousy really need to be arranged. If only Taurus feels forgotten and abandoned, she will not remain silent. He will immediately express his opinion out loud, and in order to enhance the effect of what was said, he will reinforce his words by breaking dishes.

As a rule, Taurus women know what they want, they are ready to use all legal and illegal means from the female arsenal - from cunning and flattery to tears and threats, in order to achieve what they want, they are pathologically stubborn.

Many people, when communicating with young ladies born under this zodiac sign, make the same mistake, not underestimating their intelligence. In fact, Taurus women usually rely on their feelings and sensations. Their intuition is a special gift for seeing the truth, and it is extremely rarely wrong.

The Taurus woman is practical, someone, but she cannot be classified as an idealist. She will not suffer for the hero of the film, even if he is a three-time sex symbol, if a handsome man is sitting next to her in the cinema. This woman does not believe in platonic love, considering it an invention of impotent people; for her, love automatically means sex.

Taurus usually dresses well and tastefully, but manages to do it without going over budget. They love jewelry - rings, earrings and especially chains, necklaces, beads and chokers. The neck and décolleté are the subject of their special pride.

Taurus women are especially “sensitive” to luxury - furs, diamonds and other accessories beautiful life they are simply hypnotized.

A serious relationship (or marriage) often plays a cruel joke on a Taurus woman - having felt that her personal life has “settled down”, she can stop keeping a tight rein on herself and... start eating, spreading out wide. In the soul of any slender girl born under this zodiac sign, there lives a plump woman who is just waiting for the right moment to take power over her body in her plump hands.

The Taurus woman is sure that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, because she has been convinced of this more than once own experience. She is almost a virtuoso in the kitchen, as well as in bed.

A man whom a Taurus woman invites to a romantic dinner can be called a darling of fate. He will surely enjoy it full program: excellent wine that makes an ideal gastronomic pair with a culinary masterpiece that will be on the table; the pleasant voice of the hostess (there are many singers among Taurus), dim lighting and the cool smoothness of silk pillows and sheets (Taurus are delighted with silk). The secret is that she will never call someone she doesn't like.

Among the undoubted advantages of Taurus are soft, radiant skin and a magnificent neckline; as a rule, nature generously endows these women with a bust.

Taurus in bed

At the beginning of a relationship, the Taurus woman expects patience, tenderness and careful, gradual rapprochement from the man. She needs pleasure from sex, and not a hasty “walk” into the wilds of erotic extremes. It may seem that Taurus are somewhat conservative and do not really crave novelty - in fact, this is not the case. After the successful completion of the “adaptation sex period”, she will hope that her partner will have enough intelligence and imagination to ensure that each intimacy is different from the previous one, and he will show more and more new “tricks” from his erotic arsenal, pulling them out at the right moment, like a magician pulling rabbits out of a hat.

For a Taurus woman, every sign from a man is important - a hug, a kiss, and even a gentle (or not so gentle) slap on the butt. However, pretty soon she will be ready for more active actions - what's the point of tuning an instrument if you don't play it later?

In bed, a romantic mood, surroundings and decorations are extremely important to her. The situation must fully correspond to what is happening - Taurus does not need to throw his favorite furs on the floor to raise the “erotic degree”. Sex for her is an opportunity to demonstrate all her most seductive angles, and bed is a stage where she can play one of the erotic roles, for example, a touchy-feely girl who The Snow Queen can’t even hold a candle to a vampire, which can compete with the characters of the Twilight saga.

What kind of man does she need?

The Taurus woman is full of tenderness, tenderness literally overwhelms her, so you can’t do without an “exhaust pipe”. As a rule, Taurus adheres to somewhat “old-fashioned” views, so the role of the “pipe” is usually played by the husband, not the lover. They need a reliable man, behind whom, like behind a stone wall, they can survive any adversity and bad weather without much loss. Weak-tempered mumblers, however, like uncouth rude people, do not appeal to Taurus.

Suitable for Taurus

A quiet and “comfortable” man - Pisces - is the ideal partner for Taurus. This one is with him Strong woman can enjoy peace and quiet, but without the risk of dislocating your jaw by yawning from boredom. He praises her to the skies and gives her exactly what she needs.

The Cancer man is another “favorite”; his whims and constant changes of mood, multiplied by the constancy of Taurus, result in an alliance that has every chance of lasting indefinitely. At the beginning of a relationship, difficulties await this couple, but if the dating phase is completed successfully, a breakup is practically excluded.

The next option is a Capricorn man. True, in this novel there is more rationalism than passion, but it can result in an excellent marriage of convenience that can stand the test of time, because both of these signs are distinguished by their penchant for pragmatism.

The Taurus woman and the Virgo man have excellent prospects: she gives him what Virgo so lacks emotionally. And he, in turn, either “evens out” and “smoothes out” the spiritual impulses and tossing of Taurus, or, on the contrary, “cheers up” as needed.

Two Taurus will butt horns every now and then (as a rule, there are only two reasons for conflicts - jealousy and money), but they have so much in common, the power of erotic attraction is so strong that we can conclude that they are created for each other, just like This union would not look boring and predictable from the outside.

Not suitable for Taurus

A Taurus woman and a Libra man are absolutely not suitable for each other; with a Gemini man you can spend one wonderful night and learn a lot about yourself, but this romance is unlikely to last too long - the pragmatic Taurus seems too serious and thorough to the frivolous Gemini. With Sagittarius, the Taurus woman is unlikely to stand it for more than a month - as soon as he begins to persuade her to change her lifestyle, she will not stand it and will run away.

The relationship between Taurus and a Scorpio man is doomed from the very beginning - in this union there is a clear “overdose” of jealousy and revenge. Aries and Aquarius have too little in common with a Taurus woman. Leo is too brutal for her (however, because of such an obvious difference, a one-night stand can turn out very well).

According to the compatibility horoscope, the Taurus woman has great fortitude and is certainly a strong personality, but she has the intelligence not to demonstrate this to a man. She will forgive her friend any shortcomings and will never refuse help. If compatible, the Taurus woman will become a reliable support for her husband, creating a unique atmosphere of comfort at home.

Compatibility of Taurus woman - Taurus man

They often say about Taurus-Taurus compatibility: “they live in perfect harmony,” because the similarity of their interests, goals and aspirations is so obvious that it catches the eye. Solid and reliable Taurus finds his “soul mate” in such a marriage. And after twenty years, this couple may not be bored of being together, discussing their plans together, rejoicing together or solving problems that have arisen. The union of two Taurus is double strength, energy and perseverance. Together they are comfortable and good, and they are able to move mountains!

In terms of compatibility, a Taurus woman and a Taurus man are both very business people. They are like “self-propelled savings banks” with one desire to provide for themselves in old age, so they can easily afford both a prosperous life and its special style. Both Taurus know well what their love and marriage partner wants and desires. And their love intensifies with the accumulation of material wealth and an increase in the bank account...

Compatibility of Taurus woman - Gemini man

They say you can't order your heart. Therefore, the compatibility of a Taurus woman and a Gemini man is such that they may become interested in each other, and even experience strong feelings, but such a union has little chance of happiness and longevity.

In this contradictory marriage, many will see quirks of fate - the active Gemini man and the leisurely, thorough Taurus woman seem so inappropriate for each other from the outside. But love has its own laws, including the law of attraction of opposites. Unfortunately, it is difficult to expect stability from these relationships - too different characters and temperaments converge under one roof, coming into conflict with each other.

It is difficult for a Taurus woman to come to terms with the fact that a Gemini man is in no hurry to return home from work in the evenings. Unlike him, she does not like noisy parties and does not share many of his other hobbies. It too different people, and not only their character differs, but also their life goals...

Compatibility of Taurus woman - Cancer man

Compatibility between Taurus woman and Cancer man- both are economical and thorough, practically created for each other. Both, as a rule, strive for money and are ready to accumulate it through hard work; both value comfort above all else hearth and home, both love and appreciate carnal pleasures, which makes them excellent lovers.

True, the Taurus woman is sometimes not satisfied with the slowness of the cautious Cancer, and she is able to express this to him directly to his face. In such cases, Cancer hides in its “shell” and gradually accumulates grievances. However, these grievances are minor and rarely reach a critical level when he is ready to break. More often positive points in their relationship the negative ones far outweigh, and this union has every chance of happily lasting a lifetime...

Compatibility of Taurus woman - Leo man

Such couples are rare. A Taurus woman and a Leo man do not have the best compatibility and they usually look for more suitable partners.

Bring your union to family life“like everyone else” they will not succeed, so those Taurus and Leo who are satisfied with unusual and vibrant relationships stay together. Most often these are talented, spiritually developed and strong people.

Leo leads an active social lifestyle, while the Taurus woman guarantees him a reliable rear, devoting herself to home and family. In terms of compatibility, both the Taurus woman and the Leo man value any carnal pleasures, be it food, sleep or sex, and therefore they suit each other well in bed...

Compatibility of Taurus woman - Virgo man

According to the compatibility of a Taurus woman and a Virgo man, this union has every chance of being long and lasting. They have a lot in common: they both do not expect favors from fate, and are used to achieving everything through their own work, both are committed to serious relationships, value the comfort of the family hearth and strive for prosperity.

This is one of the most durable pairs. Their good compatibility obvious even to ill-wishers, they do not forget to note that “they found each other.” The fact is that many consider Taurus and Virgo to be boring, stingy, and homebodies.

No surprises are expected from Virgo and Taurus; they are predictable and calm. To some, this union may seem boring; there are no bright passions and experiences in it. Is not romantic relationship, full of adventures and twists and turns, and a partnership for a long and happy life together...

Compatibility of Taurus woman - Libra man

In terms of compatibility between Taurus women and Libra men, this couple is one of the most common. Taurus and Libra are attracted to each other and have good compatibility. In this union, partners are united by a love for the small joys and pleasures of life. The Libra man is a more subtle and creative person than the Taurus woman, however, both he and she know how to appreciate delicious food, beautiful things, and good sex. Thanks to this, their relationships often turn out to be very strong - nothing brings people closer together than the ability to enjoy little things together.

In everyday life, a Taurus woman, as a rule, gladly takes upon herself homework: cooks delicious food, takes care of children. True, she is not always happy with the Libra man’s success at work and can sometimes blame him for indecisiveness...

Compatibility of Taurus woman - Scorpio man

Compatibility between Taurus woman and Scorpio man- it's straight opposite signs Zodiac. At first glance, it seems that they have different values ​​and character traits: the Taurus woman is friendly and calm - the Scorpio man is emotional and hot-tempered, the Taurus woman loves home comfort - Scorpio loves power and her work. However, they have a lot in common: both take marriage seriously, have a similar temperament, are jealous, and Scorpio, despite his firmly established reputation as a heartthrob and womanizer, knows how to be truly faithful to the woman he loves, just as Taurus remains faithful to his beloved.

In the Taurus-Scorpio alliance, the partners have excellent sexual compatibility. The sensual Scorpio man and Taurus woman are perfect for each other sexually, and in everyday life, the Taurus woman, who has an indestructible calm, does an excellent job of not reacting to Scorpio’s sarcastic remarks...

Compatibility of Taurus woman - Sagittarius man

Compatibility between Taurus woman and Sagittarius man– their characters are almost completely opposite. They live in completely different rhythms of life, strive for different goals - and, despite this, they are able to find their happiness in union with each other.

It is not easy for a homely and practical Taurus woman, who loves stability and confidence in the future, to come to terms with the constant changes in the life of a Sagittarius man, with his desire for freedom and a somewhat frivolous attitude towards money. In addition, Sagittarius runs away from marriage like the devil from incense, which, naturally, does not please the serious Taurus woman.

The most difficult thing in their relationship is not to break up different sides, shrugging his shoulders in bewilderment after the first meeting. If this did not happen, and they felt mutual attraction, their dissimilar characters have every chance of merging together, perfectly complementing each other, like pieces of a complex puzzle. And this, perhaps, for many, many years...

Compatibility of Taurus woman - Capricorn man

In terms of compatibility, the Taurus woman and the Capricorn man are the most complex, but also the most creative union of the three pairs of the Earth element. It can bring more problems than any other, and what is especially bad is that it immediately attracts excellent compatibility, and only then difficulties appear. But, on the other hand, in this union there is a lot internal energy, many opportunities for self-improvement for each partner and many chances for success in life and material well-being.

For the melancholy heart of the Capricorn man, the Taurus woman is already a real find. In both one and the other, feelings are constant and lasting. Both in love and in marriage, this couple is faithful and devoted to each other. Between them, as a rule, love does not arise “at first sight” or in the form of a “forest fire”, but over the years, mutual understanding and agreement deepen, the feeling of affection grows stronger...

Compatibility of Taurus woman - Aquarius man

Compatibility between Taurus woman and Aquarius man- this is one of the most difficult unions. It does not give partners anything either in everyday life or in spiritual terms: they do not organize their lives very coherently and achieve common goals, and communication with each other develops in them completely different traits that are needed for internal growth.

However, such couples are not uncommon. The secret is that in the Taurus-Aquarius union, both receive emotional storms, shocks and a life rich in feelings, which they are not capable of with other partners due to their strong craving for stability.

It is especially difficult for a Taurus woman in this marriage. She will have neither peace nor rest here, since the sins of her partner, Aquarius, will constantly agitate her. Taurus will constantly have to cope with both Aquarius himself and his friends or girlfriends...

Compatibility of Aries woman - Pisces man

In terms of compatibility, a Taurus woman and a Pisces man are an amazing couple. They are both similar and dissimilar to each other at the same time. They look at how different they are and notice the commonalities.

This couple has several fundamentally important issues on which they differ. If in everyday communication They will not argue about them, then they have every chance of living a happy life together. Oddly enough, more often the fate of a couple depends not on the constant and firmly standing Taurus woman, but on the fluid and changeable Pisces.

Such an alliance is especially good for a Pisces man: in a Taurus woman he usually finds the necessary mutual understanding and support. She willingly takes over the management of the household, is able to make decisions and take on an organizational role in the family (which the Pisces man does not like and cannot do) and even if necessary, can earn more than him in order to support the family...

Two workers in one team. Two interlocutors who will always understand each other. Two comrades who know what everyone needs - is this the kind of partner every Taurus dreams of? Let us list the zodiac signs that are suitable for Taurus according to the horoscope.

Which zodiac signs suit Taurus?

What is the purpose of Taurus? Possibility of possession material world without violating your own ideals. What does a Taurus need to feel happy? Cozy rear convenient work, material wealth. And feelings. Not passions, but feelings.

It is traditionally believed that we get along better either with people of the same element as us, or with those whose elements have a beneficial effect on ours (earth and water, for example).

Thus, Taurus is suitable for other earth signs of the zodiac (Virgo and Capricorn) or water signs.

Taurus is often irresistibly drawn to Scorpio, who is his exact opposite. Although their elements - earth and water - should make them compatible, deep down they will most likely be enemies.

Zodiac signs suitable for Taurus

  • Virgo,
  • Scales,
  • Capricorn.

Zodiac signs that are not suitable for Taurus

  • Aries,
  • Twins,
  • Scorpion,
  • Sagittarius,
  • Aquarius.

Union of Taurus with other signs

Taurus - Aries

Taurus prefers to think for a long time and does not like hasty decisions, Aries is hot-tempered and prefers to act on the fly. Because of this, the union of Aries and Taurus becomes problematic - they simply have completely different temperaments.

Taurus - Taurus

Both are very reliable, practical, dedicated people. In addition, both are very stubborn and inflexible people, prone to laziness and overeating. Over time, such an alliance may become boring and both will want to look for something hotter on the side.

Taurus - Gemini

An unsuccessful union, although the sparkling Gemini fascinates the slow Taurus. But it is difficult for them to coexist under one roof - one cannot live without communication and brings crowds of friends to the house, the second loves solitude.

Taurus - Cancer

Among the zodiac signs, suitable for Taurus, in first place is Cancer. Both are very homely people and appreciate the simple pleasures of life. The atmosphere in the couple is warm and friendly - the partners are caring and value their home. Both are very devoted parents.

Taurus - Leo

Two strong-willed and stubborn people, the union between whom is especially good if they have a joint business. Durability, stability and loyalty characterize these relationships.

Taurus - Virgo

A very harmonious couple - both are very practical people, this union is especially good if the partners are colleagues. They can build a prosperous family, give their children a good education and will always have money for any occasion.

Taurus - Libra

Two lovers of silence and harmony, avoiding conflicts and tension at all costs. They have a cordial, gentle relationship, which makes the atmosphere in their home surprisingly pleasant. Libra is able to adapt to stubborn Taurus.

Taurus - Scorpio

There is a strong attraction between these two signs, and even if they have little in common intellectually and spiritually, their physical attraction to each other makes rapprochement almost inevitable. A complex union, it will not be easy.

Taurus - Sagittarius

Among the zodiac signs that are not suitable for Taurus, Sagittarius especially stands out. While Sagittarius thrives on sports, travel, communication and dating, Taurus prefers to live in one place and grow vegetables and flowers in the garden. It is difficult for them to understand each other.

Taurus - Capricorn

Both are very practical people, common sense. In addition, the partners are compatible both philosophically and intellectually. However, over time, the union risks turning into a rather boring, painful relationship without a spark.

Taurus - Aquarius

While Taurus often chooses practical solutions, Aquarius is more inclined to take progressive or unconventional approaches. This causes them to constantly quarrel - from political and social issues to tastes in art, music and literature, they differ like heaven and earth.

Taurus - Pisces

Two tolerant people, gentle and peace-loving people, which makes the union quite comfortable for both. However, there are also very fundamental differences between them: Taurus is too earthly a person, while Pisces looks for meaning, signs and subtexts in everything.

At a young age, the easiest way to find an ideal match is among other signs of the earth elements: Virgo and Capricorn. There is only one condition for complete happiness - Virgo must have her own business and not interfere with Taurus arranging life in his own way. And Capricorn will become an exemplary partner if he is a civil servant of considerable age (ten to fifteen years older than Taurus). In the second half of life, the ideal should be sought among Cancers, and among those representatives of the sign with whom you have been friends for a long time, to whom you trust your secrets. Suitable for Taurus after 35 and Pisces, but only under the condition of complete harmony in the sexual sphere.

Best Couple for Taurus

Cancer: Representatives of these zodiac signs make a very successful couple. Neither Taurus nor Cancer like frivolous entertainment and spend all their energy on creating a cozy family nest. Conflicts can arise due to the changeable mood of Cancer, the Compatibility Horoscope: Taurus Cancer warns about this. To maintain the harmony of relationships, Taurus should be more tactful, then Cancer will unusually value his reliability. This is confirmed by the compatibility horoscope of Cancer and Taurus.

Capricorn: The relationship of this couple promises to be successful. Capricorn and Taurus are similar in their love for reliability. The patience of Capricorn is successfully combined with the realism of Taurus. In general, the relationship of this couple will not be burdened with excessive sentimentality, this is confirmed by the compatibility horoscope. Capricorn and Taurus have the same interests, which are the key to a happy and long-lasting marriage. Boredom and routine can become a serious problem for this relationship, the Compatibility Horoscope: Taurus Capricorn warns about this.

Fish: The relationship of this couple is certainly successful, but ambiguous. The mysterious Pisces is somewhat surprised by the practicality of Taurus, and the hardworking Taurus cannot understand the idleness of Pisces. This may give rise to conflicts; the compatibility horoscope warns about this. Taurus and Pisces are a successful tandem: thanks to such a pair, Taurus discovers his creative abilities, and Pisces is delighted by the reliability of Taurus. The passivity of Pisces may irritate Taurus somewhat, but this will not affect the strength of the relationship in any way, this is confirmed by the Compatibility Horoscope: Taurus Pisces.

Worst Match for Taurus

Aquarius: This couple is guaranteed a difficult relationship: Taurus will be annoyed by Aquarius’ desire for everything new. Aquarius will be tired of Taurus's possessive habits, this is indicated by the compatibility horoscope. Taurus and Aquarius often cannot come to an agreement on issues of freedom: Aquarius thinks that Taurus is trying to limit him, and Taurus cannot come to terms with the frivolity of Aquarius. This can cause the collapse of relationships, which is what the Compatibility Horoscope: Taurus and Aquarius warns about.

Twins: This couple has too different characters: Gemini likes a faster pace of life and Taurus seems too slow to them. The relationship of this couple will be filled with crises of the genre, the compatibility horoscope warns about this: Taurus Gemini. However, this romance can become long-lasting and successful if Taurus shows concern and Gemini talks more about what worries them.

Sagittarius: This couple is guaranteed an unusually passionate relationship, which is due to the fact that Sagittarius inspires Taurus. However, for Taurus the main thing is the desire for constancy and reliability of relationships, and Sagittarius, with its love of love and desire for new impressions, drives him crazy. Sagittarius is irritated by the regularity and predictability of Taurus, the Compatibility Horoscope: Taurus Sagittarius warns about this.

Strained relations

Taurus: If each of the couple has a Taurus zodiac sign, the compatibility horoscope considers this relationship to be extremely reliable. They have a lot in common, and it is often difficult for other signs to understand the conservatism of Taurus. As the compatibility horoscope says, the Taurus woman is more predisposed to the changes that are necessary in such relationships. The main obstacle to a happy life for this couple is boredom and routine, as the Taurus Taurus Compatibility Horoscope warns about this.

Scorpion: The romance of the owners of these zodiac signs will be extremely stormy, this will be confirmed by any compatibility horoscope. Taurus and Scorpio attract each other with incredible magnetism, despite the fact that there are too many differences in their personalities. The eroticism of the first weeks of the novel eventually gives way to the jealousy of Scorpio, who begins to consider Taurus his property, a compatibility horoscope warns about this: Taurus Scorpio.