Some housewives still think that mascarpone cheese is specially ground cottage cheese. They try to make it in their kitchen using blenders and mixers - and they end up with a healthy, pasty, tasty, but completely different product. Mascarpone has a delicate creamy taste and smooth texture. white. It’s delicious on its own – but just imagine how mascarpone cream will turn out! It will unmistakably go with any dessert, be it sponge cake, custard cakes, shortbread baskets, puff pastries or crepe pancakes. And, most importantly, the texture of the cream will be so manageable that it will endure any of your culinary experiments - even drip alcohol into it, add toasted nuts, or even grate the Alenka chocolate bar on a coarse grater. But of course, before you start experimenting, you need to master the basic recipe. Here you will find not one, but several options for mascarpone cream. Choose and cook, enjoy it for yourself and your family!

Mascarpone base cream, creamy

Your shopping list

  • 250 g (or 1 small jar) mascarpone cheese;
  • 250 g of cream (the most decent fat content you can find);
  • from 100 to 150 g powdered sugar(large bag);
  • optional - a little cinnamon, lemon or orange zest or vanilla.

Roll up our sleeves

  1. Well chilled (this is very important point) Whip the cream until it forms a light cloud.
  2. Grind the cheese with powdered sugar.
  3. Little by little mix our foamy cream with cheese.
  4. Store the cream in the refrigerator. If desired, its composition can be enriched with ingredients such as nuts, pieces of fruit, coffee, chocolate drops. Cream yield: 500 g (enough for a small sponge cake baked in a slow cooker or a mold with a diameter of about 25 cm).

This is a basic mascarpone cream. Of course, it is not the lowest calorie, but if you are going to make it for a cake for children's party, it will be right choice. First of all, no “eats”; secondly, no cloying; thirdly, children will be happy to appreciate the delicate taste of the combination of cheese and cream. In addition, you will receive the title of the most caring parents.

Option with liqueur and freshly squeezed citrus juice

Write down

  • 250 g of cheese (that is, one small jar, or half a decent sized jar);
  • 100 g powdered sugar (medium size bag);
  • juice from a quarter of a medium lemon or a small orange;
  • 3 tablespoons liqueur;
  • a few drops of aromatic essence.

Let's get down to business

  1. Let the mascarpone sit in the kitchen for a couple of hours - this cream is prepared with unchilled cheese, room temperature.
  2. Using a mixer (an immersion blender will also work), beat the cheese and powdered sugar - not to grind, but to get a fluffy consistency.
  3. Without turning off the mixer, add orange or lemon juice, and then liqueur (or, alternatively, rum or brandy).
  4. The last straw is the culinary essence. You can choose it to match the juice you use (for example, if you squeezed an orange for the cream, then use orange flavoring), or buy something contrasting. For example, the essence with the scent of barberry goes very well with the aroma of citrus.
  5. Allowing the cream to cool (on the balcony in winter, and in the refrigerator in summer) for at least half an hour is the general final stage of preparing any cream with this cheese.

This cream is suitable for sponge cakes, as well as puff or custard cakes. But this cake can only be prepared for adults (there should be no pregnant women or people with a limited diet among them) - after all, the recipe contains alcohol.

Option with banana

Record the composition

  • 300 g mascarpone cheese;
  • 2 medium bananas (the main thing is that they are ripe and soft);
  • 1–2 tablespoons powdered sugar (you can also substitute
    liquid honey);
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice;
  • ground cinnamon or vanillin powder on the tip of a knife.


  1. Crush the bananas with a large fork into a “porridge”, immediately sprinkling with lemon juice. This will protect our product from darkening.
  2. Mix the cheese (don't forget, it should be at room temperature) with the rest of the ingredients.
  3. Beat the mascarpone cream well, after which you can immediately spread it on the cake.

This is a great recipe for kids' cooking.

There is no extra sugar here, no extra fat content either - just cheese with bananas, and even honey - in general, it’s completely healthy.

If you are watching your figure, you will also like a cake with this cream. In addition to typical round sponge desserts, this cream is also suitable for cakes such as “ Count's ruins"... well, or a modest Pancake Day cake made from pancakes.

Caramel option

You need to buy or take it out of the pantry

  • 300g mascarpone cheese (buy a 500g jar and you'll still have almost half left over for another recipe);
  • 250 g (can) boiled condensed milk;
  • 2 tablespoons liqueur (optional);
  • 0.5 teaspoon vanillin (optional).

Let's get down to business

  1. Heat the cheese, “forgetting” it on the table, for two to three hours (as we already wrote about this above).
  2. Place the mascarpone in a mixer bowl and start whisking it, adding condensed milk one spoon at a time.
  3. At the end (without finishing whisking) add liqueur if you like.
  4. Finally, cool the cream slightly.

The cream mixed with boiled condensed milk produces a pleasant golden color and a delicate caramel taste. Everyone will like a cake with it - both children with a sweet tooth and adults, accompanied by bitter coffee. In fact, apart from cheese and condensed milk, this cream does not require any more ingredients. In general, if you need something quick for your cake, this is just the recipe.

Coffee option

Your shopping list

  • 250 g cheese;
  • 100 g powdered sugar;
  • 150 ml cream (ideally medium fat);
  • 1 or 2 teaspoons of good instant coffee;
  • 2 teaspoons with a handful of gelatin (the one that dissolves quickly);
  • 1.5 or better 2 tablespoons of liqueur (orange is ideal);
  • 50 g of any chocolate;
  • a pinch of cinnamon or a few drops of cooking essence.

Now let's go to the kitchen

  1. Pour boiled water (warm) over gelatin. Strain.
  2. Pour gelatin into the cream, warm it up a little on the stove (under no circumstances should it boil).
  3. Stir mascarpone, coffee, powdered sugar and cinnamon (however, you can cook without it).
  4. Add liqueur to the cream.
  5. Pour in the cream little by little (it should not be hot).
  6. Now take a mixer and beat it all.
  7. The final touch is essence and grated chocolate (if you want to make a beautiful white layer for a chocolate cake from the cream, take white chocolate, not black or milk).

This cream turns out to be the most fragrant. It is best suited for you if you are decorating the cake (or layering the cake layers) with cherries, pineapple slices or cranberries. It goes well with nuts too. Yield: from 500 to 600 g.

In general, no matter what recipe you choose - the simplest or the most complex - one thing is clear: you will get an excellent cake. With an ingredient like mascarpone, it simply cannot be any other way! So cook for your health, experiment with pleasure - and let your life be as sweet and easy as this cream!

With the addition of delicate creamy cheese, mascarpone brings incredible pleasure while tasting it. However, in order for their taste to be truly unique, the technology for their preparation must be strictly followed.

So, let's look at what you need to know before making a sponge cake with mascarpone, as well as some types of cream that can be prepared for layering confectionery products.

Secrets and tricks of making desserts with mascarpone

First of all, it is worth remembering that for the finished biscuit to be fluffy, it should be left to cool in the oven immediately after baking, turning it off.

In order to biscuit dough The cake turned out to be very fluffy, you should follow a certain sequence of introducing the ingredients: first the yolk is introduced into the whites, and then the flour.

For some desserts, it is recommended to add fruits and berries to mascarpone cream to taste - this rule can be followed even if the preparation technology does not provide for this, since the berry taste is ideally combined with the delicate texture of the cream.

Classic sponge cake with mascarpone

For cooking good dessert for this recipe you need to take one and a half cups of heavy cream and put it in the refrigerator.

Now we need to prepare the dough for the future sponge cake - it is classic and is used in many recipes. To do this, take 3 chicken eggs, 3/4 cup of powdered sugar and the same amount of flour. Separately, you need to beat the whites, turning them into a fluffy foam, after which this foam is carefully combined with the other whipped ingredients. Now the resulting homogeneous mass must be placed in a baking dish, on parchment and baked in the oven at a temperature of 180-190 degrees until cooked (about 20 minutes).

In the meantime, it's time to prepare the tender butter cream. To do this, take mascarpone cheese and cream - 300 grams each, add 3/4 cup powdered sugar. All these ingredients must be beaten well until a homogeneous mass is formed.

After the sponge cake has cooled, it is spread with cream on top - a magnificent cake with mascarpone cheese is ready.

Coffee-liqueur tiramisu with mascarpone

This is a classic Italian dessert, which for many years has remained a favorite of Russian sweet tooths and not only.

To prepare it, you need to mix a glass of natural black coffee with a glass of liqueur (you can also use other strong alcohol, for example, cognac or rum). In one cold bowl you need to beat two whites until thick foam, and in another – a couple of yolks with 4 tablespoons of powdered sugar.

Now put 400 grams of mascarpone cheese in a separate bowl and slowly add the yolks and whites separately. In this composition, the ingredients must be mixed well until a homogeneous mass is obtained and set aside in the refrigerator.

Now you need to soak Savoyardi cookies in coffee and liqueur - you will need 100 grams of it. After that, it must be placed tightly on the bottom of the mold, after which you should pour cream on top, using exactly half of it. After this, the procedure must be repeated, now placing another 100 grams of cookies on top of the cream and pouring the remaining cream onto it. At this point, the sponge cake with mascarpone is ready - all you have to do is sprinkle it with 1/3 of a grated chocolate bar and put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Chocolate sponge cake with mascarpone and cherries

To prepare this dessert, you need to beat 3 eggs with a mixer, add 150 grams of powdered sugar and the same amount of sifted flour, as well as half a glass of cocoa, in a thin stream. After thoroughly beating all the ingredients, they form a dough - it must be poured into a prepared baking dish and sent to the oven, heated to 190 degrees until fully cooked.

In the meantime, you can prepare the cream that will decorate the product. To do this, take 300 grams of cream cheese, the same amount of heavy cream and 150 grams of powdered sugar. The cheese and powder should be thoroughly beaten with a mixer. average speed, then slowly add cream - you get the most delicate cream.

The finished and cooled sponge cake should be thickly coated with the prepared cream and sprinkled with grated chocolate, which must be prepared in advance. Cherries are laid out on top. This is how sponge cake with mascarpone is prepared - the recipe is very simple.

Strawberry cake

In order to prepare such a cake, you need to make a sponge cake following the technology described above. WITH ready-made cake it is necessary to cut off the top in order to obtain a beautiful and uniform cake, the thickness of which will not exceed 2.5 cm.

Now you need to make the cream in a separate bowl. To prepare it, you need to soak 1.5 tablespoons of gelatin, following the instructions indicated on its packaging. Separately, beat 4 yolks and 4 tablespoons of powdered sugar until a homogeneous mass is formed. Then the ingredients must be combined with cooled gelatin and mixed thoroughly. Add 0.5 kg of cream cheese here and beat everything with a mixer at low speed until the mass is homogeneous.

Now you should beat 4 egg whites separately, to which you should also add a pinch of salt (so they will increase in volume faster and the cream will be of better quality), after which the resulting mass should be combined with cheese.

Now you need to take a pastry mold with high edges and place a sponge cake on its bottom. Freshly prepared cream is poured onto it and the whole thing is decorated with chopped strawberries on top. The jelly is prepared separately, after which it needs to be poured on top of the cake. Now is the time to send the finished cake sponge cakes with mascarpone and strawberries in the refrigerator until the jelly completely hardens on it. After 4 hours, you will be able to take out the finished confectionery product, which will delight not only the eye, but also the taste buds of even the most notorious sweet tooth.

Cake with mascarpone and whipped cream

If you cook it according to this recipe, the end result is very beautiful and fruity, with pink cakes inside.

First you need to prepare the cakes. The dough is kneaded in exactly the same way and from the same amount of ingredients as in previous cases, only at the stage of whipping the whites into a fluffy foam you need to add a pinch of powdered food coloring, which will give pink color. After cooling, the large cake must be cut into several thinner ones (widthwise).

Next, prepare the cream for the cake separately. To do this, beat 400 grams of mascarpone cheese with the same amount of powdered sugar and add 1.5 cups of cream - all these ingredients must be turned into a fluffy foam using a mixer.

After the sponge cake has cooled, each of its cake layers should be greased with cream and fruit (any fruit to taste) should be placed on top. So, having greased and placed all the cakes, put all the remaining cream and fruit on top of the product. The top of such a cake can be decorated with three and, if desired, chocolate icing- they will look very impressive here.

As you can see from the examples above, there are many variations on how to make a cake with mascarpone cheese. However, any biscuit without delicious cream- this is not a cake, but just a short crust. In order for the taste of the product to really sparkle with different flavors, you need to prepare a delicious mascarpone cream for the cake. Recipes for its two other types are given below.

Mascarpone and condensed milk cream

This cream is very easy to prepare, and the end result is an incredibly tasty and delicate product that can even be used as an independent dessert.

To prepare it, you need to take 0.5 kg of cream cheese and add powdered sugar to it (here the amount must be calculated so that the finished product is not too cloying, the optimal amount is 50 grams). These ingredients must be beaten well with a mixer, working at medium speed. Now you need to add a can of condensed milk here (lovers of boiled condensed milk can use it) and beat everything again.

Mascarpone cream with honey

There is another original version of the cream that can be used to decorate a sponge cake with mascarpone (the recipe is presented above). Thanks to this cream, a standard and simple product will acquire a new unusual taste.

To prepare it, separately beat 0.5 kg of cheese and a couple of tablespoons of honey until it reaches a thick, homogeneous consistency. Then, in a separate bowl, using a mixer (at medium speed), turn 1.5 cups of the heaviest cream into a thick mass. After this, you need to slowly and carefully combine them with honey mascarpone. After thoroughly mixing all the ingredients, the result is a delicious creamy honey cream.

Mascarpone and condensed milk cream is a light, creamy, shiny and very tasty cream for layering and decorating a cake. It is prepared simply and quickly - you will find out for yourself from our recipe with photos. In contrast, cream made from mascarpone and condensed milk turns out less cloying and more airy. To layer the cake layers, you can use condensed milk of any consistency - the mass may spread a little, and in this case it is even better. However, for decoration, be sure to take thick condensed milk, which is similar to toffee - the mass will hold its shape well, the roses, peaks and leaves will be stable and beautiful.
It will take 10 minutes to prepare. The prepared cream is enough to layer one cake.


- mascarpone cheese – 350 g;
- powdered sugar – 50 g;
- boiled condensed milk – 1 can.

How to cook with photos step by step

Place the mascarpone into a narrow, deep saucepan or blender flask. All ingredients for cooking should be at room temperature, so they mix easier.

Beat the cheese with a blender, first at low speed, gradually add powdered sugar. Pour the powder in small portions with a spoon so that the mixer does not spread it all over the work table. If you don't like overly sweet desserts, you can do without powdered sugar.

When all the powder is mixed with the cheese, add in small portions boiled condensed milk. After adding each portion, mix the ingredients well so that there are no lumps of condensed milk left.

Increase mixer speed to maximum possible meaning, mix everything together for a few minutes. The result will be a fluffy and thick mass; traces of the whisks on the surface will remain firmly in place and will not spread out.

Everything is ready - you can decorate your homemade cake! But this delicious dessert can be used not only for decoration. Here's a tip on how to quickly make a delicious and simple no-bake cheesecake in a bowl. First, fill the bowl with whipped cream. Then grind the shortbread cookies and melted butter in a blender. Pour in crumbs, garnish with fresh or canned berries and serve.
Bon appetit.

Another great recipe for a non-sweet but tasty cream -

Mascarpone-based cream is the most delicate, tasty and appetizing filling for various confectionery products. Cakes, pastries, cupcakes, rolls, buns, puff pastries and other delicacies stuffed with this paste become real works of culinary art.

Today, Italian mascarpone cream cheese can be easily purchased at any major store. And although the price of the product is quite high, it is very popular among modern housewives who have already appreciated the beauty of this delicate delicacy. Desserts based on cream cheese always turn out aromatic, light, airy and amazingly tasty. If you don’t yet know how to prepare such an exquisite delicacy, then a selection of recipes for mascarpone-based creams will certainly come in handy! All methods are very simple and understandable. Even a novice pastry chef creating his first culinary masterpiece can cope with the creation of a delicate delicacy.

Cream cheese based on mascarpone

For creating delicious filling You will need a minimum set of products: Italian cream cheese, chicken eggs and granulated sugar. This cream is suitable for coating and decorating various confectionery products: cakes, cupcakes, pastries, baskets, etc. However, the dessert can also be enjoyed on its own, because it is incredibly tasty! Mascarpone cream for cake and other confectionery delights is quite simple to prepare; you just need a little time and a little good mood.

Ingredients to create the filling:

  • small package of mascarpone cheese (250 grams);
  • two fresh medium-sized chicken eggs;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • four tablespoons of granulated sugar.

Preparing a delicate dessert

Separate the whites from the yolks. Place the first ones in a dry container and put them in the refrigerator. Combine the second ones with granulated sugar in a deep bowl. Mash the mixture thoroughly with a fork or hand whisk. You need to achieve complete dissolution of the sugar crystals.

Add mascarpone (room temperature) to the yolk mixture. Cold cheese is difficult to work with because its structure is quite hard. A slightly heated product becomes softer and more manageable. Mix the mascarpone with the yolk-sugar mixture, ensuring that all ingredients are evenly distributed.

Remove the egg whites from the refrigerator. Add a pinch of salt to them and, armed with a mixer, beat the product until stable peaks appear.

Add the dense protein mass to the cheese-yolk mixture. Using a spoon or spatula from bottom to top, gently mix all ingredients. Be careful, because the whipped whites may fall off, and this should not be allowed. As soon as the mass acquires a dense, but at the same time airy structure, stop the mixing process. Excessive zeal can harm the delicate texture of the products.

Place the finished mascarpone cream for the cake in the refrigerator. After 40-60 minutes, the dessert can be used for soaking or

Butter cream with mascarpone

Another delicate delicacy that will win the heart of any sweet tooth. The mascarpone-based buttercream turns out so light and airy that it resembles a fluffy cloud that accidentally ended up in a plate. However, with all these characteristics, the dessert perfectly holds its shape, making it ideal not only for soaking various baked goods, but also for decorating them. Do you want to make perfect cupcakes or create an amazing design on your cake? Then mascarpone and cream cream is what you need!

For this delicate delicacy you will need:

  • two tablespoons of powdered sugar;
  • half a small package of mascarpone (125 grams);
  • half a glass of natural cream 33%;
  • a pinch of vanillin or a teaspoon of liqueur (optional).

A guide to making delicious cream

Place cheese at room temperature in a convenient deep bowl. Add one tablespoon of powdered sugar, then thoroughly mash all the ingredients. If you want to give the cream an unusual flavor, add a pinch of vanillin or a little liqueur to the cheese paste (Bailey's, Sheridan or Mozart are great) at this stage. Mix the mixture thoroughly again.

Pour the chilled cream into a separate container suitable for whipping. Add the remaining powdered sugar. Turn the mixer on to highest low speed. Whip the cream for one minute, then gradually increase the power of the device to the fastest speed. Achieve stability of the mass and appearance of soft peaks.

Add whipped cream to mascarpone. Mix the mixture very carefully.

If you want to use a cream based on mascarpone and cream to decorate pastries, then put it in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes. You can coat the cakes, fill eclairs or tubes, and enjoy the dessert on its own immediately after preparation.

For desserts with a strong cocoa bean flavor, this filling is perfect. Rich chocolate taste, delicate but elastic consistency, delicious appearance- a cream based on mascarpone cheese has all these advantages. If you try even a spoonful of such an exquisite delicacy, you will hardly be able to stop until you see that the plate is empty. The cream is so good in kind, which can perfectly serve as an independent dessert. Chocolate spread made from cream cheese is great for decorating various confectionery products: it does not lose its shape and gives baked goods a very festive look.

To prepare mascarpone cream you will need:

  • one bar of dark chocolate with a high content of cocoa beans;
  • two glasses of mascarpone;
  • one and a half glasses of heavy cream;
  • half a glass of powdered sugar.

Dessert preparation process

Break the chocolate bar into small pieces and place in a container suitable for heating. Melt the product in a water bath or in microwave oven. Leave the liquid chocolate to cool completely.

Place the cold cream cheese in a deep container. Lightly beat the product with a hand whisk.

Combine well-chilled cream with powdered sugar. Beat the ingredients with a mixer until the mass becomes fluffy and soft peaks appear on its surface.

Gently fold the cream into the cream cheese in small portions. Mix the resulting mass carefully but thoroughly. Pour in the cooled chocolate. Stir, trying to do this as carefully as possible, until the mass acquires a rich, uniform color.

Cool the finished chocolate cream based on mascarpone in the refrigerator, then use it for its intended purpose.

Rich banana treat

Delicious in taste and unforgettable in aroma, the cream will appeal to all lovers of exotic fruits. Desserts soaked with such a filling will turn into a real banana-cream paradise, which will undoubtedly appeal to all those with a sweet tooth. This delicious delicacy can be enjoyed on its own or used to prepare complex baked goods: cakes, rolls, pastries, muffins, etc.

To create the banana filling you need:

  • two ripe (but not overripe) medium-sized bananas;
  • half a glass of powdered sugar;
  • large package of mascarpone (500 grams);
  • a teaspoon of orange zest.

Making a tender and tasty cream

Peel the bananas, then place them in a blender bowl and puree them.

Add powdered sugar and cream cheese to the fruit slurry. Do it gradually. Add a few tablespoons of powder and mascarpone, then beat the mixture. Repeat the procedure until all ingredients are gone.

At the end of cooking, add a teaspoon of orange zest (chopped on a grater) to the buttercream. Beat all the ingredients of the aromatic treat in a blender again.

Place the finished mascarpone cream in the refrigerator for one hour, then use it at your discretion.

If this is your first time deciding to make cream cheese pasta, then you can only be envied. After all, ahead of you awaits the incomparable pleasure that you will receive from eating delicious dessert. To avoid spoiling the delicate cream due to your inexperience, use some simple recommendations.

  • Remove the mascarpone from the refrigerator a few hours before you start using it. During this time he will become soft and obedient.
  • Cream, on the contrary, must be very chilled. It is better to send them to the top shelf of the refrigerator 12 hours before starting work. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to achieve the appearance of peaks and splendor of the mass.
  • You can diversify the taste of the cream with the help of fruit syrups, liqueur, cognac, coffee, nuts, etc.
  • If possible, try to keep the finished dessert in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes. Infused cream is not only tastier, but also healthier.
  • If it so happens that you couldn’t find mascarpone, and you need to make dessert urgently, use other cream cheeses. Italian products such as ricotta or Philadelphia are quite suitable for making cream.
  • The dessert can be given any desired color using food coloring. However, do not use a low-quality ingredient, it will only spoil the delicate delicacy. Optimal for these purposes are

Delicate sweetish creamy mascarpone cheese - main character today's topic.

I will tell you how to prepare 2 different creams based on it and make its analogue from familiar and affordable products. I often prepare this option in the summer for desserts made from strawberries, raspberries, and peaches.

Chocolate cream with mascarpone and condensed milk

Kitchenware: 2 bowls, 2 pans, mixer, cling film.


When choosing mascarpone cheese, pay attention to the following points:

  • Date of manufacture (the closer it is to the date of purchase, the better);
  • Once opened, it can be stored for no more than three days;
  • The composition should include cream, milk, citric acid and nothing else;
  • The fat content should be at least 40%, the mass fraction of fat in dry matter should be 80% or more.

Real condensed milk sold only in tin can and has a shelf life of 12 months. Choose pure chocolate: without nuts or other fillers.

Step-by-step preparation

The cream recipe is simple and delicious at the same time. Even a piece white bread paired with it can easily claim the title of cake.

Video recipe

Watch this video before you start making the cream. You will be able to see what consistency it should be depending on the stage.

How to use

  • This delicate cream with mascarpone cheese can be used for any cake that calls for chocolate cream in the recipe.
  • It holds its shape perfectly and will help even a beginner to decorate a cake with flowers and vignettes using a pastry bag or syringe.
  • You can simply spread it on a bun or toast with your morning tea or coffee. This chocolate cake cream with mascarpone and condensed milk will help you create your own recipes even for those who don’t have an oven. Take crackers, nuts, fresh berries, jelly and create for your health.

Cream with mascarpone and cream

Cooking time: 10 min.
Number of servings: 1.
Kitchenware: mixer, bowl.
Calories: 342 kcal.


  • We always choose fresh cream with a fat content of 30% or higher. Since they need to be cold, buy them in advance and refrigerate them for at least 6 hours.
  • Check the amount of cream thickener with the manufacturer's recommendations on the packaging.

Step by step recipe

Video recipe

In this video you can see the recipe described above and appreciate its reliability and simplicity.

  • I indicated the amount of powdered sugar according to my taste, so I advise you to taste the cream during the cooking process and adjust the sweetness to your liking. You can omit sugar at all and combine it, for example, the two above recipes for mascarpone cream for cupcakes or cakes - sweet chocolate and neutral creamy.
  • The cream can be diversified by adding vanilla, cocoa, a few drops of rum or other alcohol with a bright taste.
  • Since butter cream with mascarpone is a perishable product, the recipe for the cake layers must be selected and implemented in advance. If you haven’t made your choice yet, check out the recipe or try baking a very unusual one.
  • Using this recipe, you can prepare cream from mascarpone and sour cream instead of cream for such popular cakes as “Medovik” or “Smetannik”.

Mascarpone cheese from cottage cheese

The original cheese is made in Italy and is not very cheap here. Therefore, we will prepare its analogue from domestic products. Of course, it won’t deceive gourmets, but overall it turns out very similar.

Cooking time: 15 minutes.
Number of servings: 1.
Kitchenware: mixer, 2 bowls, fine metal sieve.
Calories: 276 kcal.


The most important point in our recipe is the choice of cottage cheese.

Ideally, cottage cheese should be:

  • Perfectly fresh;
  • Fresh, even sweet, without a hint of sourness;
  • Maximum fat;
  • Very soft, but without excess moisture.

Absolute freshness, high fat content, low temperature very important for producing whipped cream. But there is another compelling criterion - the manufacturer. For some reason, some brands of cream whip, but others do not. Ask your friends for a recommendation or use mine - buy a cream fixer. This is a guarantee against failure.

Step-by-step preparation

Video recipe

This video shows the entire process of preparing a budget version of mascarpone, cheese and cream at the same time.

This recipe allows you not to put off cooking for too long. business card Italian culinary experts - Tiramisu cake.

Other options for preparing mascarpone creams

After getting acquainted with my recipes, you can easily prepare custard with mascarpone (original or prepared according to the recipe given above).

It is enough to buy a semi-finished product custard, prepare it according to the instructions on the package, cool and mix with mascarpone using a mixer. Mascarpone and butter cream is suitable for Napoleon cake or any sponge cake. For this 200 g soft butter you need to beat with 200 g of powdered sugar with a mixer until white. And then add chilled cheese in small portions.

Tell us which recipe you liked best. Make your additions if you have prepared similar creams. Share your recipes. Good luck with your culinary experiments!