One should turn to sacred texts not only in difficult moments of life’s journey. It will be useful to make it a rule to thank God every day for your day. For this purpose, before going to bed, at night, you need to say a prayer for the future to go to sleep - in other words, the evening prayer.

Such prayers are the final part of the daily Prayer rules, installed Orthodox tradition. The composition is also represented by prayer texts said in the morning.

What is the Prayer Rule

Daily reading of texts from the Prayer Rule, as the Church emphasizes, has beneficial influence on the soul of a layman, helps to maintain the core of righteousness and piety in it. If a person considers himself a convinced atheist, denies the existence of God and is skeptical about sacred texts, his soul may over time become mired in vices and find himself in the power of the devil.

In general, the complete Prayer Rule is placed in the Orthodox Prayer Book and is intended mainly for utterance by monks and experienced believers. For those who have only recently turned to religion, joined God and began to take their first steps in Orthodoxy, a short version of this code has been compiled.

This need arose due to the fact that for beginners, completely reading the entire rule presents a certain difficulty. Not everyone has the willpower and patience to pronounce it from beginning to end, and, moreover, to practice it every day.

Clergymen advise starting the initial reading of the Prayer Rule with several prayers and gradually adding one new text to this list. This technique will help you join the ritual naturally and at ease.

The Church strongly recommends that all believers follow the rule, but not everyone Orthodox person it succeeds - the frantic pace of modern life makes its own adjustments. Often there is very little time left to read prayers, and the believer is forced to recite the texts superficially and hastily, without the appropriate prayerful attitude.

As a result, it turns out that this daily tradition simply comes down to a mechanical ritual, and the reverence, respect and attention that must necessarily accompany this ritual, fade into the background.

Of course, it is unlikely that this tendency will be completely neutralized, but it can be minimized as much as possible by paying due attention to the texts included in the Prayer Rule.

The full text of the prayers, with all the emphasis and rules, can be downloaded from. Print it out for your convenience.

In our age of constant haste, evening sacred texts are among the most common. This is due to the fact that only at the end of a hard day, before bed, can a busy person allow himself to completely relax, to be alone with his thoughts and the Lord. This is the only time when you can talk to God, knowing that no one and nothing will interfere with this deeply personal process.

The time before bed can be spent listening to or watching tapes of Christian conversations or prayers. But it is best to pray yourself. In addition to them, there is a large number of other Orthodox prayers designed for different occasions.

You can listen to it in the video:

Other Orthodox prayers

Short, before bed

A short prayer before going to bed would be appropriate if a believer is sorely short of time to talk with the Lord (no matter for what reasons). You need to say this text while lying in bed, in a whisper or to yourself:

Main idea - praise and gratitude to God. Despite their brevity, these sacred words have the ability to strengthen the Orthodox faith in the heart and lead the worshiper to a real miracle. Under their influence, life's difficulties recede, and the fate of the believer changes for the better.

to the Almighty

If for some reason a believer is unable to read the Prayer Rule every night, it is not forbidden to turn to God with the help of other Orthodox prayers. Sacred texts can be used to obtain help and support from the Almighty.

Appealing to God for help should not happen just once - you need to turn to the Lord regularly and, first of all, express your gratitude to the Creator. The following text is suitable for these purposes:

Guardian Angel

An Orthodox person should never forget about his most important helper and protector - the Guardian Angel.

It is best if the text is said three times, immediately before going to bed. Prayer will help a believer become a better person and free his head from heavy thoughts. The first results from use will become noticeable within a few weeks.


Saying evening prayers will help to enlist the support of higher powers, clear thoughts and consciousness of negativity, eliminate worries, anxieties and stress, protect against troubles and dangers, bring peace to the life of the person praying, and attract positive events.

A calm state, which usually occurs after reading sacred texts, will have the most favorable effect on sleep, protect against nightmares and insomnia, and give a person the opportunity to relax and gain strength for the coming day.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: Focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

(104 votes: 4.46 out of 5)

Compiled by: Alexander Bozhenov


Experience educational work and interactions with older people in centers social services, with children in the Orthodox-oriented children's recreation program "Star of Bethlehem", as well as with church-going adults in catechetical courses, reveal the enormous difficulties that these categories of believers experience in prayerful communication with God. Due to age, employment, or poor ecclesiastical development of children's consciousness, they do not understand the prayer books in Church Slavonic that are in general church use. At the same time, such believers sometimes have no opportunity to attend courses in the Church Slavonic language or study it at home on their own. In addition, rarely do any of the new Christians, due to lack of prayer and church experience, have the opportunity to read the morning and evening rule fully.
As a result of the above, an urgent need arose to compile and publish the text of the main church prayers contained in the Orthodox prayer book in Russian. The creation of such a prayer book received approval from a large number of responsible church workers and authoritative clergy, as well as Orthodox youth leaders at the conference “Youth in the Church. Problems and ways to solve them" (2005).
A short prayer book for new Christians in Russian has been prepared by me for publication since 2004. Over the years, based on consultations with specialists, the prayer book has been revised many times, in 2007 it passed philological and theological censorship, and last year it received approval from the Synodal Department of Religious Education and Catechesis. Currently, the Hierarchy is considering the possibility of publishing this prayer book. Until the appropriate decision, it cannot be officially published in printed form.

Alexander Bozhenov
Employee of the Patriarchal Center for Spiritual Development
children and youth at the Danilov Monastery in Moscow.

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

After this, wait a little so that all your feelings calm down and your thoughts leave everything earthly. And then say the following prayers, without haste, with heartfelt attention. Do this before beginning any prayer.

Initial prayer

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, through the prayers of Your Most Pure Mother and all the saints, have mercy on us. Amen.

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee!

Heavenly King, Comforter, Spirit of truth, Who exists everywhere and fills the whole world, Source of blessings and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Good One, our souls.


Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us. (Bow)

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us. (Bow)

Prayer to the Most Holy Trinity

Most Holy Trinity, have mercy on us. Lord, cleanse our sins. Lord, forgive our iniquities. Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Thy name's sake.

Lord have mercy. (Thrice)

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and always, and forever and ever. Amen.

Lord's Prayer

Our Father who art in Heaven! Hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done both in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

Troparion to the Most Holy Trinity

Rising after sleep, we fall at Your feet, O Good One, and we proclaim an angelic song to You, O Mighty One: “Holy, Holy, Holy are You, O God, through the prayers of the Mother of God have mercy on us.”

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. You raised me from my bed from sleep, Lord! Enlighten my mind and heart, and open my lips to sing to You, Holy Trinity: “Holy, Holy, Holy You, O God, have mercy on us through the prayers of the Mother of God.”

And now and always and forever and ever. Amen. Suddenly the Judge will come, and everyone’s deeds will be revealed. Let us exclaim with fear at midnight: “Holy, Holy, Holy are You, O God, through the prayers of the Mother of God have mercy on us.”

Lord have mercy. (12 times)

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and always, and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to the Most Holy Trinity

Rising after sleep, I thank You, Holy Trinity, that by Your great mercy and long-suffering, You, God, were not angry with me, lazy and sinful, and did not stop my life in the midst of my iniquities, but showed me Your usual love for mankind, and raised me up sleeping to bring You morning prayer and glorify Your power. And now enlighten my thoughts, so that I may learn Your word, understand Your commandments and do Your will. And open my mouth, to glorify You with a grateful heart and glorify Your most holy name, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and always and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Come, let us worship the King, our God. (Bow)

co Christ the King, our God. (Bow)

Come, let’s bow and fall down To To Christ Himself, the King and our God. (Bow)

Psalm 50

Have mercy on me, O God, according to Your great mercy, and according to the abundance of Your compassion, blot out my iniquities. Wash me often from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. For I am aware of my iniquities, and my sin is always before me. I have sinned against You, the One, and have done evil in Your sight, so that You are righteous in Your judgment and pure in Your judgment. Behold, I was conceived in iniquity, and my mother gave birth to me in sin. But, behold, You loved righteousness and revealed to me the hidden secret of Your wisdom. Sprinkle me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me and I will whiter than snow. Let me hear joy and gladness, and the broken bones will rejoice. Turn Your face away from my sins and blot out all my iniquities. Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Do not cast me away from Your presence and do not take Your Holy Spirit from me. Give me back my joy hope Strengthen me for salvation through You and the sovereign Spirit. I will teach the wicked Your ways, and the wicked will turn to You. Deliver me from spills Bloody God, God of my salvation, and my tongue will praise Your righteousness. Lord, open my mouth, and my mouth will declare Your praise. If You wanted a sacrifice, I would offer it, but You do not favor a burnt offering. A sacrifice to God is a contrite spirit; You will not reject a contrite and humble heart, O God. Show me God May your favor be with Zion, and may the walls of Jerusalem be erected. Then the sacrifices of righteousness, the wave offerings and the burnt offerings will be acceptable to You; Then they will place bullocks on Your altar.

Symbol of faith

1. I believe in one God, the Father, Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, everything visible and invisible. 2. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all time, true God, born from the true God How light is born from the light, begotten, and not created, one in essence with God the Father and through whom the whole world came into being. 3. Who came down from Heaven for us, people, and our salvation, and became incarnate from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, and became true person. 4. Crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered and was buried. 5. And rose again on the third day, as it was predicted in Scripture. 6. And ascended into Heaven and sits at the right hand of the Father. 7. And He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and His kingdom will have no end. 8. And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Life-Giving One, who proceeds from the Father, together with the Father and the Son, equally worshiped and glorified, who spoke through the prophets. 9. Into one Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. 10. I confess one thing true baptism in life for cleansing from sins. 11. I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and 12. eternal life next century. Amen.

God, cleanse me, a sinner, for I have never done Nothing good before You. Deliver me from evil, and Thy will be done in me. Let me, without being condemned, open my unworthy lips and praise holy name Yours, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and always and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer 2, of the same saint

Rising from sleep, in the middle of the night I bring You a song, O Savior, and falling at Your feet, I cry out to You: do not let me sleep in sinful death, but have pity on me, O voluntarily Crucified One! Soon raise me, lying carelessly, and save me, standing in front of you at prayer. And after a night’s sleep, send me a clear, sinless day, O Christ God, and save me.

Prayer 3, of the same saint

Lord, Lover of Mankind, getting up after sleep, I hasten to You and, by Your mercy, I take up deeds pleasing to You. I pray to You: help me always and in everything, and deliver me from all evil in the world and from the devil’s temptation, and save me, and bring me into Your eternal Kingdom. For You are my Creator, Source and Giver of every good. All my hope is in You, and I give You praise, now and always, and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer 4, of the same saint

Lord, according to Your abundant goodness and Your great mercy You gave me, Your servant, to spend the past time of this night without misfortune and any enemy evil. You Yourself, Lord, Creator of all things, grant me, in the light of Your truth, to fulfill Your will with an enlightened heart, now and always, and forever and ever. Amen.

Lord Almighty, God of hosts ethereal and all flesh on the high places heavenly living and who does not leave us who live on earth, observing hearts and thoughts, and clearly knowing the secrets of men, the beginningless, eternal and unchanging Light, Which doesn't leave shaded place on Yours way! You Yourself, immortal King, accept our prayers, which we now, hoping for the abundance of Your compassion, make to You from unclean lips, and forgive us our sins, committed by us in deed, word and thought, voluntarily and involuntarily, and cleanse us from all uncleanness of the flesh and spirit. And grant us to live the whole night here with a watchful heart and a sober thought. terrestrial life, waiting for the coming of a bright and glorious day second coming Your only begotten Son, our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, when the common Judge comes with glory to reward everyone according to their deeds. May he find you He us not lying down and sleeping, but awake and risen, in the midst of the fulfillment of His commandments, and ready to enter with Him into the joy and divine chamber of His glory, where the unceasing voices of those who triumph and the inexpressible joy of those who see the indescribable beauty of Your face. For You are the true Light, enlightening and sanctifying the whole world, and You are glorified by all creation forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel

Holy Angel, appointed to watch over my poor soul and unhappy life, do not leave me, a sinner, and do not depart from me for my intemperance. Don't give the opportunity evil demon to subjugate me through this mortal body. Take my unfortunate and drooping hand tightly and lead me to the path of salvation. Oh, holy Angel of God, guardian and patron of my poor soul and body! Forgive me for everything I have done to offend you all the days of my life, and if I sinned in any way last night, protect me this day. And protect me from every temptation of the enemy, so that I do not anger God with any sin; and pray for me to the Lord, so that He will strengthen me in His fear and make me a slave worthy of His mercy. Amen.

Prayer to Holy Mother of God

My Most Holy Lady Theotokos, with Your saints and all-powerful prayers, drive away from me, insignificant and unfortunate Your servant despondency, oblivion, unreason, negligence, and all the nasty, evil and blasphemous thoughts from my unhappy heart and from my darkened mind, and extinguish the flame of my passions, for I am poor and weak. Deliver me from many destructive memories and intentions, and free me from all evil influences. For You are blessed from all generations, and Your most honorable name is glorified forever and ever. Amen.

Prayerful invocation of the saint whose name you bear and other saints dear to your heart

Pray to God for me, holy saints of God (names) , for I diligently resort to you, quick helpers and prayer books for my soul.

Hymn to the Most Holy Theotokos

Virgin Mary, Rejoice, Blessed Mary: the Lord is with you; Blessed are You among women, and blessed is the Fruit of Your womb, for You have given birth to the Savior of our souls.

Troparion to the Cross and prayer for the Fatherland when attacked by enemies

Save, Lord, Your people, and bless those who belong to You, helping Orthodox Christians defeat their enemies, and preserving Your Church by the power of Your Cross.

Prayer for health and salvation of the living

Save, Lord, and have mercy on my spiritual father (Name), wife (Name), children (names), my parents (names), relatives, bosses, benefactors, and all my neighbors and friends (their names) , and all Orthodox Christians. Give them Your earthly and heavenly blessings, and do not deprive them of Your mercies, visit them, strengthen them, and by Your power grant them health and salvation of the soul: for You are Good and Humane-loving. Amen.

Prayers for the departed

Rest, O Lord, the souls of Your departed servants: my parents, relatives, benefactors (their names) , and all Orthodox Christians, and forgive them all their sins, voluntary and involuntary, and grant them the Kingdom of Heaven.

With the saints, rest, O Christ, the souls of Your servants: our forefathers, fathers and brothers, where there is no illness, no sorrow, no mental suffering, but endless life.

End of prayers

It is truly worthy to glorify You as the Mother of God, always Blessed and Immaculate, and the Mother of our God. We magnify You as the true Mother of God, who painlessly gave birth to God the Word, worthy of greater honor than the Cherubim, and incomparably more glorious than the Seraphim.

Lord have mercy. (Thrice)

Master, Lord Jesus Christ, our God, Source of life and immortality, Creator of all creation, visible and invisible, of the Beginningless Father, also the eternal and also the beginningless Son! According to Your excessive goodness in last days incarnated, crucified and buried for us, the ungrateful and evil-willed, and with Your blood you renewed our nature, corrupted by sin. You Yourself, immortal King, accept my repentance, a sinner; incline Your ear to me and hear my words. For I have sinned, Lord, I have sinned against heaven and before You, and I am not worthy to lift up my eyes to heavenly the height of Your glory; for I have angered Thy goodness, having transgressed Thy commandments and not obeyed Thy commandments. But You, Lord, gentle, long-suffering, and abundantly merciful, did not allow me to perish among my iniquities, waiting in every possible way for my conversion. For You said, O Lover of Mankind, through Your prophet, that You do not desire the death of a sinner, but that he should turn on the path of good and was alive. You do not want, O Lord, for the creation of Your hands to perish, and You do not find satisfaction in human destruction, but You want everyone to be saved and achieve the knowledge of the truth. Therefore, I, although I am not worthy of either heaven or earth, or this short-lived life itself, since I have enslaved myself entirely to sin and sensual pleasures and have defiled in itself Your Image, but, being Your creation and creation, I, unfortunate one, do not despair of my salvation and boldly resort to Your immeasurable mercy. Accept me, O Lord who loves mankind, as a harlot, as a thief, as a publican, as a prodigal son. And remove from me the heavy burden of sins - You, who take upon yourself the sin of the world and heal human infirmities, - who call the weary and burdened to Yourself and give them rest, - who came to call not the righteous, but sinners to repentance. And cleanse me from all impurity of body and soul, and teach me to lead a holy life in fear of You, so that, by communing, with a clear testimony of my conscience, Your Holy Things, I may enter into unity with Your holy Body and Blood and have You living in me and abiding with the Father and the Holy Spirit.

Oh, Lord Jesus Christ, my God! And may the communion of Your most pure and life-giving Mysteries not be a condemnation for me, and may I not become weak in soul and body from unworthy communion of them; but grant me, until my last breath, to partake of Your Holy Things, not as a condemnation, A into communion with the Holy Spirit, guidance into eternal life and a favorable response to the Last Judgment Yours, so that I, along with all Your chosen ones, may become a participant in the fullness of Your blessings, prepared by You, O Lord, for those who love You, in which You are glorified forever. Amen.

Lord, my God, I recognize that I am unworthy and not prepared for You to enter under the roof of the dwelling of my soul, because it is all empty and destroyed, and there is no worthy place in me where I could lay my head. But how You humbled Yourself for us, came down from high heavenly, so now descend to my insignificance. And how it pleased You to lie down in a cave, in a wordless manger animals, so deign to enter the manger of my reckless soul and my desecrated body. And just as You did not disdain to enter and take part in the evening with sinners in the house of Simon the leper, so deign to enter into the dwelling of my humble, leper and sinful soul.

And just as You did not reject a harlot and a sinner like me, who came and touched You, so also have mercy on me, a sinner, who comes and touches You. And just as You did not abhor her foul and unclean lips that kissed You, so do not abhor even more than hers my foul and unclean lips, my vile and unclean lips and my foul and even more unclean tongue. But let it be for me flaming coal of Your most holy Body and Your precious Blood for sanctification and enlightenment, for the health of my humble soul and body, for alleviating the burden of many of my sins, for protection from all devilish influences, for the elimination and curbing of my bad and harmful habits, for the mortification of passions, for success in Your Commandments, to the increase of Your divine grace, to the acquisition of Your Kingdom. For I come to You, Christ God, not as impudent, but as one who trusts in Your unspeakable mercy and so that, far separated from You, I am not kidnapped by a spiritual wolf. Therefore, I pray to You: as the only Saint, sanctify, O Lord, my soul and body, mind and heart, everything internal organs, and renew me all, and root the fear of You in my members, and make Your sanctification indelible in me. Be my helper and protector, guiding my life peacefully like a helmsman, may I be honored at the Court to stand at Your right hand with Your Saints, through the prayers and intercession of Your All-Pure Mother, Your disembodied servants and the Most Pure Powers and all the saints who have pleased You from eternity. Amen.

Lord, the only pure and immortal, inexpressibly Yours compassion and love for mankind, who took upon Himself all our complex nature from the pure virgin blood of Who supernaturally gave birth to You by the influx of the Holy Spirit, by the good pleasure of the eternal Father, Jesus Christ, the Wisdom of God, peace and power! You, who through Your assumed flesh accepted life-giving and saving sufferings: the cross, nails, death - kill my soul-destroying bodily passions. You, who by Your burial have devastated the kingdom of hell, bury my bad intentions with good thoughts and scatter the spirits of evil. You, to Your life-giving on the third day from the coffin having raised the fallen forefather by rebellion, raise me too, who have fallen into sin, giving me the means of repentance. You, who by Your glorious ascension deified the received flesh and honored it with sitting at the right hand of the Father, deign me also to achieve the communion of Your holy Mysteries right side those being saved. You, who by the descent of the Comforter of the Spirit made Your holy disciples precious vessels, show me also to be the receptacle of His coming. You, who intend to come again to righteously judge the universe, deign to meet me, with all Your saints, You, my Judge and Creator, future on the clouds, so that I endlessly glorify and sing Your praises, with Your beginningless Father and Your All-Holy, Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and always and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Master, Lord Jesus Christ, our God, the only one who has the power to forgive people’s sins! As a merciful and lover of mankind, neglect all my sins, committed both consciously and unconsciously, and grant me, without being condemned, to partake of the divine, glorious, most pure and life-giving Mysteries, not as an aggravation sins, neither into torment, nor into the multiplication of sins, but into cleansing, sanctification, as a pledge of future life and the Kingdom, for protection, help and driving away enemies, for the destruction of many of my sins. For You are a merciful, compassionate and loving God, and to You we send up glory, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and always and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Fifth prayer, St. Basil the Great

I know, Lord, that I unworthily partake of Your most pure Body and Your precious Blood, and I am guilty, and I eat and drink my own condemnation, not distinguishing between Your Body and Blood, Christ and my God. But I, trusting in Your compassion, come to You, who said: “He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood abides in Me, and I in him.” Have mercy, O Lord, and do not expose me, a sinner, but deal with me according to Your mercy. And may this Shrine be for me for healing, cleansing, enlightenment, preservation and salvation, and for the sanctification of soul and body; to drive away everyone empty dreams, evil deeds and devilish influence manifested through thoughts in my members; for boldness before You and love for You, for the correction and affirmation of life in goodness, the growth of virtue and perfection, for the fulfillment of the commandments, for communion with the Holy Spirit, for guidance into eternal life, for a favorable answer at Your terrible judgment, - not for condemnation or as punishment.

Prayer six, St. John Chrysostom

Let me go, forgive me, forgive me my sins, O God, with which I have sinned before You in word, deed, thought, voluntarily and involuntarily, consciously and unconsciously, forgive me everything, for You are good and a lover of mankind. And through the prayers of Your most pure Mother, Your disembodied servants and holy Powers, and all the saints who have pleased You from the beginning of the world, deign me to accept without condemnation Your holy and most pure Body and honorable Blood, for the healing of soul and body and for the cleansing of my evil thoughts: for Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now, and always, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

The seventh prayer, his

I am not worthy, Master Lord, for You to enter under the roof of my soul. But since You, O Lover of Mankind, want to live in me, I boldly approach. You command, and I will open the doors that You alone created, and You will enter with ordinary love for mankind, You will enter and enlighten my darkened mind. I believe that You will do this. For You did not leave the harlot who came to You with tears; He did not reject the repentant publican; He did not even drive away the robber who recognized You as the King; did not leave what he was, and the repentant persecutor Your Pavel; but to all who came to You with repentance, You gave a place in the host of Your friends, the only Blessed One, always, now and forever. Amen.

Prayer eight, his

Lord Jesus Christ, my God, weaken, let go, cleanse, have mercy and forgive me, a sinner, Thy unworthy and unworthy servant, all my mistakes, sins and falls that I have sinned against You from my youth to this day and hour: consciously or unconsciously, by words or deeds, attractions, thoughts, aspirations and all my feelings. And through the prayers of the most pure, ever-virgin Mary, Your Mother, who gave birth to You without seed, the only firm hope, protection and salvation of me, grant me the ability to partake of Your most pure, eternal, saving and terrible Mysteries, without bringing upon myself condemnation, for the remission of sins and eternal life, to sanctification and enlightenment, to strength, healing and health of soul and body, to the extermination and complete destruction of my evil thoughts, thoughts and intentions, as well as unclean dreams, dark and evil spirits. For Yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, and the honor, and the worship, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and always and unto ages of ages. Amen.

I stand before the doors of Your temple, and after all I don’t leave bad thoughts. But You, Christ God, Who justified the publican and had mercy on the Canaanite woman and opened the doors of paradise to the thief, open Your humane heart to me and accept me, coming and touching You as You accepted the harlot and the bleeding woman: for one, touching the hem of Your garment, immediately received healing; the other, hugging Your most pure feet, received forgiveness of sins.

And I, unfortunate one, deciding to accept Your entire Body, may I not burn; but accept me as You accepted those women, and enlighten the feelings of my soul, burning away my sins, with prayers without the seed of You Who gave birth and the heavenly Powers. For blessed are You forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer tenth, St. John Chrysostom

I believe, Lord, and confess that You are truly the Christ, the Son of the Living God, Who came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the first. I also believe that this is Your most pure Body and this is Your precious Blood itself. Therefore, I ask You: have mercy on me and forgive me my sins, voluntary and involuntary, which I have committed in word or deed, consciously or unconsciously; and deign me, without condemnation, to partake of Your most pure Mysteries to receive forgiveness of sins and eternal life. Amen.

End of prayers

It is truly worthy to glorify You as the Mother of God, always Blessed and Immaculate, and the Mother of our God. We magnify You as the true Mother of God, who painlessly gave birth to God the Word, worthy of greater honor than the Cherubim, and incomparably more glorious than the Seraphim.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and always, and forever and ever. Amen.

Lord have mercy. (Thrice)

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Your Most Pure Mother, our reverend and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us. Amen.

Immediately before Communion, if possible, recite the following verses to yourself:

Here I begin to receive divine communion. Creator, do not burn me with communion! For You are the fire that burns the unworthy. But cleanse me from all uncleanness.

never such kiss like Judas, but like the thief, I openly express my faith in You, saying: “Remember me, O Lord, in Your Kingdom!”

And the following verses:

Man, tremble at the sight of the divine Blood! She is a fire that burns the unworthy. The Body of God deifies and nourishes me: it deifies the spirit, incomprehensibly nourishes the mind.

Then the troparia:

You attracted me, Christ, with love and changed me with a holy desire for You. My sins have been consumed by immaterial fire, and I am worthy to sweetly enjoy You, so that I may glorify Your two comings with rejoicing.

How can I, unworthy, enter into the bright host of Your saints? After all, if I decide to enter the palace with them marriage, my clothes will give me away, because they are not the kind they wear to a wedding, and I will be bound and expelled by the Angels. Cleanse, Lord, the impurity of my soul and save me, as a Lover of mankind.

Also the prayer:

Master - O Lord, Lover of mankind, Jesus Christ my God, let this Shrine be to me not as an accusation for my unworthiness, but as a cleansing of soul and body and as a pledge of future life and the Kingdom. It is good for me to cleave to God, to place my hope in the Lord for my salvation.

And again:

Receive me today as a participant in Your mystical Supper, Son of God, for I never I will not reveal secrets to Your enemies, nor will I give You such kiss like Judas, but like a thief, I openly express my faith in You, saying: Remember me, O Lord, in Your Kingdom!


Glory to You, God! Glory to You, God! Glory to You, God!

Prayer of thanksgiving, first

I thank You, Lord, my God, that You did not reject me, a sinner, but made me worthy to partake of Your Holy Things. I thank You that You have vouchsafed me, unworthy, to partake of Your most pure heavenly Gifts. But, Lord-Love of Mankind, who died for us and rose again and gave us these terrible life-giving Mysteries for the benefit and sanctification of our souls and bodies, make them also for me to heal my soul and body, to repel every enemy, to enlighten the eyes of my heart, into the peace of my spiritual strength, into firm faith, into unfeigned love, into the enlightenment of the mind, into the observance of Thy commandments, into the increase of Thy divine grace and into the acquisition of Thy Kingdom; so that, being preserved by them in purity before You, I will always remember Your mercy and live no longer for myself, but for You, our Lord and Benefactor. And thus, having departed from this life in the hope of Eternal life, I will come to a place of eternal peace, where the voices of the triumphant do not cease and where the joy of those who look at the indescribable beauty of Your face is endless. For You are the true goal of striving every person and the inexpressible joy of those who love You, Christ our God, and all creation sings to You forever. Amen.

Second prayer, St. Vasily Velikago

Lord, Christ God, King of the ages and Creator of all peace! I thank You for all the blessings that You have given me, and for the communion of Your most pure and life-giving Mysteries. And so I pray to You, O merciful and Lover of Mankind: keep me under Your protection, and grant me with a clear conscience, until my last breath, to worthily partake of Your Holy Things for the remission of sins and eternal life. For You are the Bread of Life, the Source of sanctification, the Giver of blessings. And we send glory to You, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and always and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Third prayer, St. Simeon Metaphrastus

Lord, who voluntarily gave me Your flesh for food, You are the fire that burns the unworthy! Don't burn me, my Creator! But go into the members of my body, into all the joints, into the entrails, into the heart, and the thorns of all my sins fell. Cleanse my soul, sanctify my thoughts, strengthen me in my activities, enlighten my feelings, imbue me with fear of You. Always protect, protect, take care of me from every deed and word harmful to the soul. Cleanse, wash, adorn me; strengthen, admonish and enlighten me. Make me Your temple of the one Spirit and no longer a dwelling place of sin, so that after receiving Communion every evildoer, every passion will flee from me, as from Your house, as from fire. As intercessors for myself, I present to You all the saints, the leaders of the ethereal Powers, Your Forerunner, the wise Apostles and, above them, Your immaculate, most pure Mother. Accept their prayers, my merciful Christ, and make Your servant a son of light. For You, the Merciful One, alone are the sanctification and illumination of our souls. And to You, as befits God and Master, we all send glory to You every day.

Prayer four

May Thy Holy Body, Lord Jesus Christ, our God, be unto me for eternal life, and Thy precious Blood for the remission of sins: and may this communion be for me joy, health and gladness;

at Thy terrible and second coming grant me, a sinner, to stand in Thy glory, through the prayers of Thy Most Pure Mother and all the saints.

Fifth prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos

Most Holy Lady Theotokos, light of my darkened soul, hope, protection, refuge, consolation, my joy! I thank You that You have vouchsafed me, unworthy, to partake of the most pure Body and precious Blood of Your Son. You who gave birth to the true Light, enlighten the spiritual eyes of my heart. O Thou who gave birth to the Source of immortality, revive me, deadened by sin. Merciful Mother of the Merciful God, have mercy on me and give me tenderness and contrition in my heart, humility in my thoughts, a return to the good thoughts of my mind, in cases of its infatuation. And grant me, until my last breath, without being condemned, to accept the shrine of the most pure Mysteries for the healing of soul and body. And give me tears of repentance and thanksgiving, so that I may sing and glorify You all the days of my life, since You are Blessed and glorified forever. Amen.

Now do You let Your servant go, Master, according to Your word, in peace, for my eyes have seen Your salvation, which You have prepared in the face of all nations, a light to enlighten the Gentiles and the glory of Your people Israel.

After which the end of the prayers of thanksgiving:

Lord have mercy. (12 times)

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and always and unto ages of ages. Amen.

We magnify You as the true Mother of God, who gave birth without illness to God the Word, worthy of greater honor than the Cherubim, and incomparably more glorious than the Seraphim.

After Communion of the Body and Blood of the Lord, let everyone remain in purity, abstinence and laconicism, so as to worthily preserve within themselves the Christ received.

The sign of the cross is a Christian’s hand depiction of the sign of the Cross as a sign of our testimony to the truth of the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ. A symbol of belonging to Christ.


How to learn to understand prayers? Translation of the words of prayers from the prayer book for the laity from Church Slavonic, clarification of the meaning of prayers and petitions. Interpretations and quotes of the Holy Fathers. Icons.

Evening prayers (for bedtime)

Prayers for the future

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Your Most Pure Mother, our reverend and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us. Amen.

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

Heavenly King...*

Trisagion according to Our Father.*

*For an explanation of the initial prayers, see " "


Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy on us; Perplexed by any answer, we offer this prayer to You as the Master of sin: have mercy on us.

Lord, have mercy on us, for we trust in You; Do not be angry with us, do not remember our iniquities, but look upon us now as if you are gracious, and deliver us from our enemies; For You are our God, and we are Your people; all the works of Your hand, and your name we call.

Open the doors of mercy for us, Blessed Mother of God, so that those who trust in You may not perish, but may be delivered from troubles by You: for You are the salvation of the Christian race.

They are perplexed by any answer - without finding any justification for themselves (to be perplexed - not to know what to do, to be inexperienced; the word answer here is a translation of the Greek word "defense", "justification" - cf. Russian: "to call to account").

We trusted in You - because we relied on You (as in the Greek text of the prayer; hope is the form of the 1st person plural of the past tense - aorist - the verb to trust; the Church Slavonic version means: we trusted in You). Zelo - strong. Below - and not. He is kind, because You are merciful. We - us. All the works of Thy hand - we are all creations of Thy hands (a dash would make this expression shine: following the Greek original in the Slavic translation, a linking verb is omitted, in full form it would sound: we are all the work of Your hand; Your hand will give birth to a form. case of duals. numbers).

By You - meaning: through You.

These troparia are the creation of St. John of Damascus.

Lord have mercy. (12 times)

Prayer 1, St. Macarius the Great, to God the Father

Eternal God and King of every creature, who has made me worthy even at this hour, forgive me the sins I have committed this day in deed, word and thought; and cleanse, Lord, my humble soul from all filthiness of flesh and spirit. And grant me, Lord, to pass through this dream in peace at night, so that, having risen from my humble bed, I may please Your most holy name all the days of my life, and will trample the fleshly and incorporeal enemies that fight me. Deliver me, Lord, from vain thoughts that defile me, and from evil lusts. For Thine is the Kingdom, and the power, and the glory, of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Even at this hour, to reach this hour - to live up to this hour (to reach this hour - to achieve). Even I created - which I created (made). Humble - here: pathetic, worthless (take care of yourself from the terrible danger of false humility and proud recognition of yourself as humble!). To pass this dream in the night - to sleep through this night, to “go the distance” of this night’s sleep. From my humble bed (in some prayer books: from my humble bed) - from my pitiful, meager bed (humble often means: “low, base” even just in the physical sense). Popper - I will overcome, I will trample. The lusts of the evil ones are evil desires.

And deliver me, Lord, from vain thoughts that defile me, and from evil lusts. These words of prayer are peculiarly echoed by other words from the teaching St. Macarius about prayer: “The true basis of prayer is this: to be attentive to thoughts and to perform prayer in great silence and peace. A person praying must direct all his efforts to thoughts and what serves as food for evil thoughts should be cut off, but his thoughts should be directed towards God and the desires of thoughts should not fulfill, but collect whirling thoughts from everywhere together, distinguishing natural thoughts from evil ones. The soul under sin is likened to a large forest on a mountain or reeds on a river, or some kind of thorns and trees more often, therefore those who intend to pass through this place must stretch out their hands forward and with forcefully and with difficulty to move the branches in front of you. So the soul is surrounded by a whole forest of thoughts, inspired by a resistive force, which is why great diligence and attentiveness of the mind are required in order for a person to distinguish alien thoughts, inspired by a resistive force."

Prayer 2, Saint Antiochus to Our Lord Jesus Christ

To the Almighty, the Word of the Father, the perfect One Jesus Christ, for the sake of Thy mercy, never leave me, Thy servant, but always rest in me. Jesus, good Shepherd of Your sheep, do not betray me to the sedition of the serpent, and do not leave me to the desires of Satan, for the seed of aphids is in me. Thou, O Lord God worshiped, the Holy King, Jesus Christ, preserve me as I sleep with an unflickering light, by Thy Holy Spirit, with whom Thou hast sanctified Thy disciples. Grant, O Lord, to me, Thy unworthy servant, Thy salvation on my bed; enlighten my mind with the light of reason of Your holy Gospel, my soul with the love of Your Cross, my heart with the purity of Your word, my body with Your impassive passion; Preserve my thought with Your humility, and raise me up in time like Your praise. For Thou art glorified with Thy Beginningless Father and with the Most Holy Spirit forever. Amen.

He himself is perfect - being himself perfect (he is the participle of the verb to be: appearing, existing). Sedition - excitement, turmoil, rebellion. To the desire of Satan - to the will of Satan (to the will of Satan). The seed of an aphid is the seed of destruction. Unflickering - unfading. Give it - give it. By the light of reason - here: by the light of understanding. Your passionless passion - Your suffering, alien to passion. The time is like - the appropriate time.

Prayer 3, to the Holy Spirit

Lord, Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of Truth, have mercy and have mercy on me, Thy sinful servant, and forgive me the unworthy, and forgive me all that I have sinned today as a man, and moreover, not as a man, but worse than cattle, my voluntary and involuntary sins , known and unknown; those who are evil from youth and science, and those who are evil from insolence and despondency. If I swear by Your name, or blaspheme in my thoughts; or whom I will reproach; or slandered someone with my anger, or saddened someone, or became angry about something; either he lied, or he slept in vain, or he came to me as a beggar and despised him; or made my brother sad, or married, or whom I condemned; or became proud, or became proud, or became angry; or standing in prayer, my mind is moved by the wickedness of this world, or I think about corruption; either overeated, or drunk, or laughing madly; or I thought evil, or saw someone else’s kindness, and was wounded in my heart by it, or dissimilar verbs, or laughed at my brother’s sin, but mine are countless sins; Either I didn’t pray for the sake of it, or I didn’t remember what other evil things I did, because I did more and more of these things. Have mercy on me, my Creator Master, Thy sad and unworthy servant, and leave me, and let me go, and forgive me, for I am Good and Lover of Mankind; May I lie down in peace, sleep and rest, the prodigal, sinful and damned one; and I will worship, and sing, and glorify Your most honorable name, with the Father and His Only Begotten Son, now and ever, and forever. Amen.

All, as many as You have sinned - everything in which I have sinned before You (all, as many as I have sinned - I have sinned). Today - today. Moreover - and moreover. Grief is worse, more bitter. Even - which. From youth - from youth, from a young age (and not “because of youth”). Evil comes from science - from evil teaching. From impudence - from shamelessness, insolence. Or else - if. I swore - I swore. Blasphemed e - blasphemed him (further in the prayer there follows a number of verbs in the form of the 1st person past tense - aorist; reproach - I reproached; slander - I slandered; saddened - I saddened, etc.). It's no good - it's not the right time. Svadih - excited quarrels, quarreled someone. I stand in prayer - when I stood in prayer. Moved by the deceit of this world, he rushed towards the worldly (towards the lies of this world). Evil - evil, bad. Having seen someone else's kindness - seeing someone else's beauty (or good qualities in general: kindness means both external beauty and perfection in general). I was wounded by that in my heart - I was wounded in my heart by it. Inappropriate verbs - said something inappropriate, obscene. My essence is countless sins - while my sins are countless. But all and more of these deeds - because I did all this and more.

At the beginning of the prayer and at the end of it, despondency is mentioned among the causes of numerous sins: ... Forgive all, O great One, those who have sinned ... from despondency ... Have mercy on me, my Creator Master, Thy sad and unworthy servant ... Dejection is one of the eight main passions, and the fight against this passion is inevitable for every Christian.


“To the one who comes to prayer, this evil spirit reminds necessary matters and uses every trick to distract us from our conversation with the Lord with some plausible pretext.”

Venerable John Larch


“The soul, wounded by the arrow of this ruinous passion, actually falls asleep for any striving for virtue and observation of its spiritual feelings... The main thing that produces in us the spirit of despondency is that it makes us lazy, discourages us from business and teaches idleness. He doesn’t think about anything else but food and belly, until, having met somewhere a fellowship in some man or woman, numb in the same coldness, he gets involved in their affairs and needs... The main thing to counteract him will be: don’t give in, stay busy ".

Venerable John Cassian the Roman


“In every task, set a measure for yourself and do not leave it before you finish; also pray wisely and intensely - and the spirit of despondency will flee from you.”

Venerable Neil of Sinai


This prayer of repentance contains a whole list of sins that we commit daily; In order for this daily repentance to be sincere, one must delve into the essence of the sins confessed here, in their connection and difference. Some of them deserve special mention.

...If I swear by Your name... These are the words of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself: Again you have heard what was said to the ancients: do not break your oath, but fulfill your oaths before the Lord. But I say to you: do not swear at all: not by heaven, for it is the throne of God; nor the earth, for it is His footstool; nor by Jerusalem, because it is the city of the great King; Do not swear by your head, because you cannot make a single hair white or black. But let your word be: yes, yes; no no; and anything beyond this is from the evil one (Matt. 5:33-37). Undoubtedly, the words of the evening confession of sins speak not only about an immediate oath, but also about any violation of the 3rd commandment of the Law of God - about deification and taking the name of God in vain (note that violation of the same commandment includes catechism and inattention in prayer - like uttering name of God with violation of reverence and deceit).

...Or blasphemy in my thoughts... These words are used to confess blasphemous thoughts - disgusting, dirty thoughts and ideas that arise primarily during prayer and during divine services.

“Whoever is troubled by the spirit of blasphemy and who wants to get rid of it, let him know without a doubt that it is not his soul that is guilty of such thoughts, but an unclean demon... Therefore, we, despising him and imputing the thoughts he puts in for nothing, will say to him: Get away from Me , Satan: I will worship the Lord My God and serve Him alone (cf. Matt. 4:10); let your words be returned to your head!"

“Whoever has won victory over this passion has cast aside pride.” “Let us stop judging and condemning our neighbor, and we will not be afraid of blasphemous thoughts: for the cause and root of the second is the first.” The prayer-confession also draws our attention to these sins against one’s neighbor, internally connected with blasphemy:

...Or I will reproach someone; or slandered someone with my anger, or saddened... Here we are talking about direct reproach (reproaches), about passionate unjust condemnation (slander of someone with my anger); finally, even “just” and not directly expressed anger in one way or another upsets our neighbors (the saddened). The prayer of repentance turns us to the root of these sins against our neighbor: ... or what we were angry about... Anger is one of the eight most important passions.

“Nothing hinders the coming of the Holy Spirit into us so much as anger.”

Venerable John Larch


“It is not good to be angry, either without a reason or for a good reason; for this is rightly forbidden by the Lord (see: Matt. 5:22).”

Venerable Neil of Sinai


Anger is permissible only at demons and at yourself: “Be angry at sin, that is, at yourself and at the devil, so as not to sin against God.”

Venerable Hesychius of Jerusalem


...Or my brother was saddened... It would seem that this sin was just discussed; but above we were talking about sadness caused by manifestations of anger, and my brother can be saddened by inattention, unreasonableness, and simply my general sinfulness.

...Or svdih... Swaditi - to quarrel, to arouse discord.

...Or whom I condemn... Let us recall the words of the apostle: Whoever curses his brother or judges his brother, he is cursed by the law and judged by the law; and if you judge the law, then you are not a doer of the law, but a judge. There is one Lawgiver and Judge, who can save and destroy; and who are you who judges another? (James 4:11-12).

...Either he became proud, or became angry, or became angry... But it was already said above: or about what he became angry; is this a repeat? Perhaps the prefix once indicates a different quality, a different level of professed passion: a fairly strong grip of anger (being angry can also refer to a fleeting feeling).

...Or seeing the kindness of someone else, and being wounded by it in the heart... Wounded by the heart - that is, he was wounded in the very heart, received a painful heart wound (ulcer). The ambiguity of the word kindness allows us to attribute this phrase both to the temptation of someone’s external beauty (voluptuous thoughts, burning and painful), and to envy, which is always painful; apply these words to your own mental ulcer.

...Or did you laugh at my brother’s sin, but my essence is countless sins... Why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but do not feel the beam in your eye? Or how will you say to your brother: “Let me take the speck out of your eye,” but behold, there is a beam in your eye? Hypocrite! First take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye (Matthew 7:3-5).

The creator of this prayer is St. Ephraim the Syrian...

Prayer 4, Saint Macarius the Great

What will I bring to You, or what will I reward to You, O most gifted Immortal King, generous and philanthropic Lord, since you were lazy in pleasing me, and did nothing good, you brought the conversion and salvation of my soul to the end of this day? Be merciful to me, a sinner and naked of every good deed, raise up my fallen soul, defiled in immeasurable sins, and take away from me all the evil thoughts of this visible life. Forgive my sins, the only Sinless One, even those who have sinned this day, in knowledge and ignorance, in word, and deed, and thought, and with all my feelings. You Yourself, covering me, save me from every opposing situation with Your Divine power, and ineffable love for mankind, and strength. Cleanse, O God, cleanse the multitude of my sins. Deign, Lord, to deliver me from the snare of the evil one, and save my passionate soul, and overshadow me with the light of Your face, when You come in glory, and now make me sleep without condemnation, and keep the thoughts of Your servant without dreaming, and untroubled, and all the work of Satan take me away from me, and enlighten the intelligent eyes of my heart, so that I may not sleep into death. And send me an Angel of peace, guardian and mentor of my soul and body, that he may deliver me from my enemies; Yes, rising from my bed, I will bring you prayers of gratitude. Yes, Lord, hear me, your sinful and wretched servant, with your will and conscience; Grant that I have risen to learn from Thy words, and the despondency of demons is driven away from me, to be made by Thy Angels; may I bless Your holy name, and glorify, and glorify the Most Pure Mother of God Mary, Who hast given us sinners intercession, and accept this one praying for us; We see that He imitates Your love for mankind, and never ceases to pray. By that intercession, and the sign of the Honest Cross, and for the sake of all Thy saints, keep my poor soul, Jesus Christ our God, for Thou art holy and glorified forever. Amen.

Greatly gifted - bestowing great gifts, generous. Like me being lazy to please You - like me being lazy to serve You. And having done nothing good, he has done nothing good. You brought it to the end - You brought it to the end. Past - past. Building - here: arranging. Naked of every deed is good - deprived of any good deeds (the image of grace, as well as good deeds, as clothing that clothes a person, is repeated repeatedly in the New Testament and very often in liturgical poetry and ascetic literature. Compare the words of God Almighty in the Apocalypse: Behold, I go like a thief: blessed is he who watches and keeps his clothes, lest he walk naked and lest they see his shame - Rev. 16:15).

Even those who have sinned - with whom I have sinned before You (even - who have sinned - I have sinned: the form of the 1st person singular of the past tense - aorist). From every adverse situation - from every onslaught of evil. Lukavago - here: Devil. Passionate - full of passions, subject to passions. When - when. Detel - business, activity. Drive away - drive away. To her - yes, truly. By will and conscience - In the meaning. : in the expression of my will and in my conscience (will - free will, free will - and conscience in this expression belongs to the one praying, comes from him). I will rise - I will when I rise. To learn from Your word - to learn from Your law (the same expression in morning prayer to the Most Holy Trinity). You already gave - which You gave. We know, because I know. Yako - what. Imitates - strengthens, appeals to (literally: pushes). Toya - Her.

Deign, Lord, to deliver me from the snare of the evil one... and to drive away all the work of Satan from me. Let us supplement these words of the prayer of St. Macarius the Great with words from his teaching: “The visible world, from kings to beggars, is all in confusion, in struggle, and none of them knows the reason for this... The sin that came, as a certain rational force and essence of Satan, sowed all evil: it secretly acts on the inner man and on the mind and fights against it with thoughts, people do not know that they are doing this prompted by some alien force, on the contrary, they think that it is natural and that they are doing this according to their own reasoning. Those who have the peace of Christ and the illumination of Christ in their minds know where all this comes from.”

Prayer 5

Lord our God, who have sinned in these days in word, deed and thought, as He is Good and Lover of Mankind, forgive me. Grant me a peaceful and serene sleep. Send Your guardian angel, covering and keeping me from all evil; for You are the guardian of our souls and bodies, and we send glory to You, to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

What I have sinned - what I have sinned. Yako - how. Mi - to me. Because You are - because You are.

Prayer 6

Lord our God, in the worthlessness of faith, and we call upon His name above every name, grant us, who are going to sleep, a weakening of soul and body, and keep us from all dreams and dark pleasures except; calm the desire of passions, extinguish the kindling of bodily rebellion. Grant us to live chastely in deeds and words; Yes, a virtuous life is receptive, Your promised good things will not fall away, for Blessed are You forever. Amen.

More than that. When I weaken, it’s a relief. Dark sweets except - unaffected by unclean lust (sweetness - sensual pleasure, lust; except - outside). Stop it - stop it. Receptively - accepting, receiving back (note that the word itself indicates a return to an undefiled way of life!). Promised - promised. Good - good.

This evening prayer is all directed towards chastity, towards the confrontation of lust - dark sweetness. Expressions such as: the desire of passions and the incitement of bodily rebellion should not be translated into modern Russian: in Church Slavonic they are more understandable, because they indicate a whole worldview imprinted in them. Modern Christians live in a world literally gripped by fornication madness, so even for a married layman striving to live with God, the struggle to live chastely in deeds and words is in its own way no less intense than for a monk. Prayer is an indispensable weapon in this fight.

Prayer 7, St. John Chrysostom (24 prayers, according to the number of hours of the day and night)

Lord, do not deprive me of Your heavenly blessings. Lord, save me from eternal torment. Lord, whether I have sinned in mind or in thought, in word or in deed, forgive me. Lord, deliver me from all ignorance and oblivion, and cowardice, and petrified insensibility. Lord, deliver me from every temptation. Lord, enlighten my heart, darken my evil lust. Lord, as a man who has sinned, You, as a generous God, have mercy on me, seeing the weakness of my soul. Lord, send Your grace to help me May I glorify Your holy name. Lord Jesus Christ, write me Your servant in the book of animals, and grant me a good end. Lord my God, even if I have done nothing good before You, grant me, by Your grace, to make a good beginning. Lord, sprinkle the dew of Your grace in my heart. Lord of heaven and earth, remember me, Thy sinful servant, cold and unclean, in Thy Kingdom. Amen.

I have sinned - I have sinned (past tense - aorist). Ezhe darkened - which darkened (pomrachi is also an aorist, but the form of the 3rd person). Below the animals - in the book of life. Even though I have done nothing good, I have done nothing good. Studnago - vile (literally: shameful; stud - shame).

Lord, accept me in repentance. Lord, don't leave me. Lord, do not lead me into misfortune. Lord, give me a good thought. Lord, give me tears, and mortal memory, and tenderness. Lord, give me the thought of confessing my sins. Lord, give me humility, chastity and obedience. Lord, give me patience, generosity and meekness. Lord, plant in me the root of good things, Thy fear in my heart. Lord, grant me to love You with all my soul and thoughts, and to do Your will in everything. Lord, protect me from certain people, and demons, and passions, and from all other inappropriate things. Lord, consider that you do as you will, that your will be done in me, a sinner, for blessed are you forever. Amen.

The root of the good is the root (that is, the basis) of all good, all good. Vesi - You know (You know). As You do, as You will - that You do what You want.

The great teacher of prayer, St. Theophan the Recluse, attached great importance to these prayers and recommended them to many of his spiritual children as the basis of the prayer rule, as a school of unceasing contemplation of God. Here are some excerpts from his letters:

"How to read the prayers of St. Chrysostom (24th century) evening prayers to sleep)? Read them before the prayer so that your attention is concentrated... But also repeat it mentally at all times. This The best way accustom yourself to remembering God, and this remembering is the basis of spiritual life. Put bows from the waist, and sometimes even to the ground." - "You can use the prayers of St. Chrysostom instead of your home rule in the morning. Memorize them and think about each... In them, the whole spiritual life is remembered... How many times to remember each - determine this so that you stand in prayer for the same amount of time as you usually stand for the rule. You can also add your own prayers to them - choose from the psalms: whichever poem you like, write it down... By using these prayers with attention as a rule, you will soon learn to stand in prayer without being distracted. Insert the Jesus Prayer into their midst. For example, having said ten times: “Lord, do not deprive me of Your heavenly blessings,” add: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.” - “The purpose of short prayers is to promote the collection of thoughts and sobriety. Strength is not in words, but in the feeling for God. It is soon formed in those who work on prayer. This is mental prayer. The mind, standing in the heart, sees God and intelligently confesses to Him calling upon Him... Feeling for God is unceasing prayer without words".

Prayer 8, to our Lord Jesus Christ

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, for the sake of Thy Most Honest Mother, and Thy disembodied Angels, Thy Prophet and Forerunner and Baptist, the God-speaking Apostles, the bright and victorious martyrs, the reverend and God-bearing fathers, and all the saints through the prayers, deliver me from my present demonic situation. To her, my Lord and Creator, do not want the death of a sinner, but as if he were converted and live, grant me conversion, the accursed and unworthy; take me away from the mouth of the destructive serpent, who yawns to devour me and bring me to hell alive. To her, my Lord, is my consolation, who for the sake of the accursed one has clothed himself in corruptible flesh, pluck me from accursedness, and grant consolation to my more accursed soul. Plant in my heart to do Thy commandments, and forsake evil deeds, and receive Thy blessedness: for in Thee, O Lord, have I trusted, save me.

The present situation of demons - the current environment of demons, the demonic siege. Not wanting - not wanting. But as if he were to turn and live, so that he would turn and live. Gaping to devour me - opening my mouth to devour me (gaping - opening my mouth). Izhe...clothed - clothed.

...I do not want the death of a sinner, but rather to turn and live to be him... The prayer quotes the words of the Lord from the Book of the Prophet Ezekiel: I do not want the death of a sinner, but to turn the wicked from his way and live to be him (Ezek. 33:11). Here is this verse in the Russian translation of the Bible: Tell them: As I live, says the Lord God, I do not want the death of the sinner, but that the sinner should turn from his way and live. Turn yourselves, turn from your evil ways; Why should you die, O house of Israel?

Prayer 9, to the Most Holy Theotokos, Peter of Studium

Most pure to You Mother of God I, the accursed one, fall down and pray: Weigh, Queen, how I continually sin and anger Your Son and my God, and many times, even if I repent, I find myself lying before God, and I repent in trembling: will the Lord strike me, and hour by hour I do the same again: knowing this, My Lady, Lady Theotokos, I pray that you have mercy, strengthen me, and grant me good works. Believe me, my Lady Theotokos, for the Imam is by no means in hatred of my evil deeds, and with all my thoughts I love the law of my God; but we do not know, O Most Pure Lady, from where I hate, I love, but I transgress what is good. Do not allow, O Most Pure One, my will to be fulfilled, for it is not pleasing, but may the will of Thy Son and my God be done: may He save me, and enlighten me, and give me the grace of the Holy Spirit, so that I may cease from here from filthiness, and so on may I live as commanded Your Son, to Him belongs all glory, honor and power, with His Originless Father, and His Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Vesi - You know. And many times when I repent, I find myself lying before God - and although I repent many times, I turn out to be unfaithful to God (I deceive God). Every time I do something, I do the same thing again. These leaders know this. Do good things and give them to me - do good things and give them to me. As if the imam is not at all in hatred - which I absolutely hate. My evil - my evil. We don’t know - I don’t know. From where I hate, I love - why what I hate is what I love (literally: from where [those things] that I hate are the same things I love). Good - good. May I cease from now on my evil deeds - so that from now on I will stop evil deeds. Other things - in the future. If only I had lived, I would have lived.

This prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos is the cry of a man who has learned how little his will to good can resist sin. And repentance, completely sincere, and love with all one’s thoughts for the law of God, and hatred of evil deeds in themselves are not capable of saving a person from slavery to sin. The words of this prayer are close to the words of the Apostle Paul: ... I am carnal, sold under sin. For I don’t understand what I’m doing: because I don’t do what I want, but what I hate, I do. If I do what I do not want, then... it is no longer I who do it, but the sin that lives in me. For I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my flesh; because the desire for good is in me, but I don’t find it to do it. I don’t do the good that I want, but I do the evil that I don’t want. If I do what I do not want, it is no longer I who do it, but sin living in me. And so I find the law that when I want to do good, evil belongs to me. For according to the inner man I delight in the law of God; But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind and making me captive to the law of sin that is in my members (Rom. 7:14-23). It is possible to overcome and defeat the law of sin only God's help, by the power of God's grace, for which we cry out in our prayers.

Prayer 10, to the Most Holy Theotokos

Good Mother of the King, Most Pure and Blessed Mother of God Mary, pour out the mercy of Thy Son and our God on my passionate soul, and with Thy prayers instruct me in good deeds; Yes, I will pass through the rest of my life without blemish, and through You I will find paradise, O Virgin Mother of God, the only Pure and Blessed One.

Passionate - 1) subject to passions; 2) unhappy, suffering; both meanings are combined here. My belly is my life. By You - here: With Your help, through You. I will find it - I will find it.

Prayer 11, to the holy Guardian Angel

To the Angel of Christ, my holy guardian and protector of my soul and body, forgive me all who have sinned this day, and deliver me from all the wickedness of the enemy who opposes me, so that I may not anger my God in any sin; but pray for me, a sinful and unworthy servant, that you may show me worthy of the goodness and mercy of the All-Holy Trinity, and the Mother of my Lord Jesus Christ, and all the saints. Amen.

All, as many as I have sinned - everything that I have sinned in (as many as I have sinned). Today's - current. From all deceit - from all lies, all cunning. Opposite to me - opposing, opposing me. In no sin - no sin. If you show me worthy, you will show me worthy.

Kontakion to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Chosen Voivode victorious, as having been delivered from the evil, let us write thanks to Thy servant, the Mother of God, but as having an invincible power, free us from all troubles, let us call to Thee: Rejoice, Unmarried Bride.

Mounted Voivode - invincible Voivode (mounted - invincible in battles). Victorious - victorious (singing, that is, a victorious song). As if they got rid of the evil ones - because they got rid (literally: as if they got rid of) from evil (from troubles). Thanksgiving - thanksgiving (thanksgiving song). Let us sing to You - we sing praises (literally: we write) to You. As one who has power - (You), as one who has strength. Unbrided - not married (literal translation of the Greek word).

The Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos, which begins with this kontakion, was written in the 7th century in Constantinople. This is the first (and most beautiful) of the akathists, which became a model for all subsequent ones. All 12 ikos of the akathist end with multiple "rehash" of the Archangel's greeting Holy Virgin- “Rejoice!”, the final of which is Rejoice, Unbrided Bride! We magnify the heavenly purity of the Unworn Virgin, who inexpressibly gave birth to Christ our God, and in Her purity, the “Most Honest Cherub” Bride of the Unbride appears before us as the greatest warrior with the forces of evil - the Chosen Voivode, possessing an invincible power.

Rejoice, Unbrided Bride! If we turn to the Greek language in which the akathist was written, we will see that all these three words, literally translated into Church Slavonic and entered into our religious consciousness, should have been perceived by the Greeks somewhat differently than we perceive them.

Rejoice - the greeting of the Archangel Gabriel, brought to us by the Gospel - both before the Nativity of Christ and after it was a common greeting in Greek - the same as our “hello”. In the appearance of the Angel, in his wondrous and mysterious words, the inner meaning of the greeting, forgotten in everyday life, of course, was renewed and shone with all its strength; Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos (and every later inspiredly composed akathist), all permeated with this “Rejoice!” and sparkling with the joy of majesty, also resurrects the dormant meaning of the Greek word in everyday language. But in the Russian (and Old Russian) language they greeted each other not with the word “rejoice”, but with the word “hello” (in which we usually forget wishes for health). “Rejoice” remains for us a word always richer, more special - a conscious word of joy, a unique greeting for the Most Pure Virgin Mary and the saints of God.

Bride Unbride is a direct, literal translation of two Greek words. The Church Slavonic word “bride” corresponds to the Greek word “nymph,” which means not only a girl-bride, but also a newlywed wife and a young woman. New Testament(and the Greek translation of the Bible) gave this word enormous mystical depth: The Bride of the Lamb in the Revelation of John the Theologian (Rev. 19:7; 21, 22, 17) is not only destined for Him, but also stands with Him in a mysterious marriage; this is the image of both the Mother of God and the Church (in her we recognize the bride of the Song of Songs and other books of Scripture). And the Greek word translated by the Slavic word nevestnaya is the negative form of the first word, meaning “not married”; this word was quite common in Greek. For Greek, but not for Slavic! Indeed, in Slavic, a bride is precisely an unknown, unknown (that is, exactly what the Greek non-bride corresponds to) girl who has not entered into marriage, although destined for it; the word itself carries the meaning of purity. Within the Slavic language, the word nevestnaya is difficult to explain. It introduces a new shade of meaning into the expression of the akathist: Pure Bride, but not bride-like, not ordinary, not comparable to any other bride.

Other Slavic epithets of the Mother of God, corresponding to the word Unmarried, are Neiskuslovochnaya, Neiskuslovnaya.

To the elected Voivode, victorious... Almost all of us are accustomed to hearing these words as a single whole, so we do not feel the structure of the phrase (quite simple): (to whom?) To the elected Voivode (we) sing (what?) a victorious thanksgiving, that is, a victorious song of gratitude, (why?) as if they got rid of the evil ones - because they got rid of troubles.

Glorious Ever-Virgin, Mother of Christ God, bring our prayer to Your Son and our God, may You save our souls.

I place all my trust in You, Mother of God, keep me under Your roof.

Virgin Mary, do not despise me, a sinner, who requires Your help and Your intercession, for my soul trusts in You, and have mercy on me.

By You - here: through You, by Your intercession. Under the roof - under cover.

The prayers “Glorious Ever-Virgin...” and “All my hope...” are the creations of St. John of Damascus.

Prayer of Saint Ioannikios

My hope is the Father, my refuge is the Son, my protection is the Holy Spirit: Holy Trinity, glory to Thee.

The creator of this prayer, Saint John the Great, repeated it after each verse of the psalms he read according to the rule, thus constantly raising the mind to the Most Holy Trinity.

End of prayers

It is worthy to eat as you truly bless Thee, the Mother of God, the Ever-Blessed and Most Immaculate and the Mother of our God. We magnify You, the most honorable Cherub and the most glorious without comparison Seraphim, who gave birth to God the Word without corruption, the real Mother of God.

Glory, and now:

Lord have mercy. (Thrice)

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Your Most Pure Mother, our reverend and God-bearing fathers and all saints, have mercy on us. Amen.

We see that after those prayers that in the section “Morning Prayers” are final and are marked with the words “End of prayers”, in the section “Prayers for those who are coming to bed” (in most prayer books) there are some more prayers that more directly relate to going to bed (the prayer of St. John of Damascus is supposed to be read, pointing to the bed; when reading the prayer “May God rise again,” both the bed and the four cardinal directions are overshadowed with the sign of the cross). One consequence of this is that we can adapt more flexibly general rule to your own living conditions, to your inner state. So, for some people (or in some life circumstances) it is more convenient to read the first part of the prayers for bed the next evening, quite early - perhaps before all the affairs are completely completed - and immediately before going to bed, already near your bed, read the remaining prayers. The joint reading of bedtime prayers for the future - for example, in a family - can be completed with “It is worthy to eat...” and a general blessing, and prayers starting with the prayer of St. John of Damascus can be read to everyone... at their bedside.

This practice existed in Ancient Rus'. Under Ivan the Terrible in the 16th century, there was a custom to add a few more prayers, literally going to sleep and to his bed (the composition of these prayers did not coincide with ours). /Addition by Archpriest Sergius Pravdolyubov.

Prayer of Saint John of Damascus (read it pointing to your bed)

Lord, Lover of Mankind, will this grave really be my bed, or will you still enlighten my damned soul during the day? For seven the grave lies ahead, for seven the death awaits. I fear Your judgment, Lord, and endless torment, but I do not stop doing evil; I always anger the Lord my God, and Your Most Pure Mother, and all the heavenly Powers, and my holy Guardian Angel. We know, Lord, that I am unworthy of Your love for mankind, but I am worthy of all condemnation and torment. But, Lord, whether I want it or not, save me. Even if you save a righteous man, nothing great; and even if you have mercy on a pure person, nothing is marvelous: you are worthy of the essence of Your mercy. But surprise Thy mercy on me, a sinner; about this, show Your love for mankind, so that my malice does not overcome Your unspeakable goodness and mercy; and as you wish, arrange a thing for me.

Here you go. Mi - to me. Well - so, I know. Yako - here: what. If only you save the righteous - because if you save the righteous. Nothing great - there is nothing great in it (great - great). And if you have mercy on a pure person, nothing is surprising - and if you have mercy on a pure person, there is nothing surprising in that. They are worthy, because they are worthy. About this - here: in this, by this. Unspeakable - unspeakable.

Enlighten my eyes, O Christ God, so that not when I fall asleep into death, and not when my enemy says: “Let us be strong against him.”

Be the protector of my soul, O God, as I walk in the midst of many snares; deliver me from them and save me, O Blessed One, as a Lover of Mankind.

Let us silently sing to the Glorious Mother of God and the Most Holy Angel with our hearts and lips, who confess this Mother of God as having truly given birth to God incarnate, and who continually prays for our souls.

I have strengthened myself - I have strengthened myself (past tense - aorist). We are, of course, talking about the invisible enemy - the devil.

Those who confess this Mother of God - confessing (openly proclaiming) that She is the Mother of God.

Enlighten my eyes, O Christ God, so that not when I fall asleep into death, and not when my enemy says: “Let us be strong against him.” These are the words from the psalm: Look, hear me, O Lord my God, enlighten my eyes, lest I sleep into death, lest my enemy say: I will be strong against him (Ps. 12:4-5).

Mark yourself with a cross and say prayer to the Holy Cross

May God rise again, and may His enemies be scattered, and may those who hate Him flee from His presence. As smoke disappears, let them disappear; as wax melts in the presence of fire, so let demons perish in the presence of those who love God and those who are signified sign of the cross, and saying joyfully: Rejoice, Most Pure One, and Life-giving Cross Lord, drive away the demons by the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, who descended into hell, trampled upon the power of the devil, and gave us His Honest Cross to drive away every adversary. O Most Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord! Help me with the Holy Virgin Mary, and with all the saints forever. Amen.

If they are wasted, they will be scattered. Enemies - enemies. Yako - how. From the person - meaning: in front. Verbal - speaking. Drive away - drive away. Propyatago - crucified. Honest - worthy of honor, glorious. Adversary - enemy.

May God rise again, and may His enemies be scattered... The beginning of the prayer is taken from the psalm: May God rise again, and His enemies may be scattered, and may those who hate Him flee from His face. As smoke disappears, let them disappear; as wax hides from the presence of fire, so let sinners (sinners) perish from the presence of God (Ps. 67:1-2). The same verses of the psalm are sung in Easter service, interspersed with the troparion of Easter. The words about the Lord Jesus Christ, who descended into hell and trampled upon the power of the devil, also remind us of the troparion (trampling death by death) and other Easter hymns. The power of the Cross of the Lord is inseparable from the Resurrection of Christ; the death and Resurrection of Christ make the Cross a “sign of victory,” which is why this prayer, pronounced with faith and love for the Honest Cross, is so powerful to drive away the forces of evil from us.

Or briefly a prayer for the Cross

Protect me, Lord, by the power of Your Honest and Life-giving Cross, and save me from all evil.


Weaken, forsake, forgive, O God, our sins, voluntary and involuntary, even in word and in deed, even in knowledge and in ignorance, even in days and in nights, even in mind and in thought: forgive us everything, for it is good and Lover of Humanity.

In this article you will find prayers for the coming sleep with interpretation. We have selected church texts and their translation into understandable Russian for you.

Prayers for the coming sleep with interpretation


Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy on us; Because everyone is perplexed by the answer, we offer this prayer to the Master of sin: have mercy on us.

Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy on us. Finding no justification for ourselves, we sinners offer this prayer to You, as the Lord, have mercy on us.


Lord, have mercy on us, for we trust in You; Do not be angry with us, do not remember our iniquities, but look upon us now as if you are gracious, and deliver us from our enemies; For Thou art our God, and we are Thy people; all works are done by Thy hand, and we call on Thy name.

Lord, have mercy on us, for we trust in You. Do not be very angry with us and do not remember our iniquities; but look down now, as the Merciful One, and deliver us from our enemies, for You are our God and we are Your people; We are all the work of Your hands and we call on Your name.

And now: Open the doors of mercy to us, blessed Mother of God, who trust in You, so that we may not perish, but may be delivered from troubles by You: for You are the salvation of the Christian race.

And now: Open the doors of Mercy to us, Blessed Mother of God, so that we who hope in You will not perish, but through You we will be delivered from troubles, for You are the salvation of the Christian race.

Prayer 1, St. Macarius the Great, to God the Father

Eternal God and King of every creature, who has vouchsafed me even at this hour to come, forgive me the sins I have committed this day in deed, word and thought, and cleanse, O Lord, my humble soul from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit. And grant me, Lord, to pass through this dream in peace at night, so that, rising from my humble bed, I will please Your most holy name all the days of my life, and will trample the fleshly and incorporeal enemies that fight me. And deliver me, Lord, from vain thoughts that defile me, and from evil lusts. For Thine is the Kingdom and the power and the glory, of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Eternal God and King of all creatures, who has deigned me to live to see this hour! Forgive me the sins that I have committed this day in deed, word and thought, and cleanse, Lord, my poor soul from all impurity of body and soul. And help me, Lord, to spend the coming night calmly, so that, getting up from my wretched bed, I can do what is pleasing to Your most holy name all the days of my life and defeat the physical and incorporeal enemies who attack me. And deliver me, Lord, from empty thoughts that defile me and evil passions. For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever.

In this prayer, we thank God for a well-spent day, asking Him for forgiveness of sins, saving us from all evil and good night. This prayer ends with the glorification of the Holy Trinity.

Prayer 2, Saint Antiochus, to our Lord Jesus Christ

To the Almighty, the Word of the Father, who is perfect himself, Jesus Christ, for the sake of Thy mercy, never be absent from me, Thy servant, but always in me
rest. Jesus, good Shepherd of Your sheep, do not betray me to the sedition of the serpent, and do not leave me to the desires of Satan, for the seed of aphids is in me. Thou, O Lord God worshiped, the Holy King, Jesus Christ, preserve me as I sleep with an unflickering light, by Thy Holy Spirit, with whom Thou hast sanctified Thy disciples. Grant, O Lord, to me, Thy unworthy servant, Thy salvation on my bed: enlighten my mind with the light of reason of Thy Holy Gospel, my soul with the love of Thy Cross, my heart with the purity of Thy word, my body with Thy passionless passion, preserve my thought with Thy humility, and uplift I am in time like Your praise. For Thou art glorified with Thy Beginningless Father and with the Most Holy Spirit forever. Amen.

Almighty, Word of the Father, Jesus Christ, being Himself perfect, according to Your great mercy, never leave me, Your servant, but always abide in me. Jesus, good Shepherd of Your sheep, do not give me over to the rebellious serpent and do not leave me to the will of Satan, for in me is the seed of destruction. You, Lord God, Whom you worship, Holy King, Jesus Christ, protect me during sleep with unfading light, Your Holy Spirit, with which You sanctified Your disciples. Grant, Lord, to me, Thy unworthy servant, too, Thy salvation on my bed: enlighten my mind with the light of understanding of Thy Holy Gospel, my soul with love for Thy Cross, my heart with the purity of Thy word, my body with Thy suffering, alien to passion, preserve my thought with Thy humility . And raise me up at the proper time to glorify You. For You are glorified together with Your Father who has no beginning and the Most Holy Spirit forever. Amen.

Prayer 3, to the Holy Spirit

Lord, Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of truth, have mercy and have mercy on me, Thy sinful servant, and forgive me the unworthy, and forgive me all that You have sinned today as a man, and moreover, not as a man, but also worse than cattle, my free sins and involuntary, known and unknown: those who are evil from youth and science, and those who are evil from impudence and despondency. If I swear by Your name, or blaspheme in my thoughts; or whom I will reproach; or slandered someone with my anger, or saddened someone, or became angry about something; either he lied, or he slept in vain, or he came to me as a beggar and despised him; or made my brother sad, or married, or whom I condemned; or became proud, or became proud, or became angry; or standing in prayer, my mind is moved by the wickedness of this world, or I think about corruption; either overeated, or drunk, or laughing madly; either I thought evil, or saw someone else’s kindness, and my heart was wounded by it; or dissimilar verbs, or laughed at my brother’s sin, but mine are countless sins; Either I didn’t pray for the sake of it, or I didn’t remember what other evil things I did, because I did more and more of these things. Have mercy on me, my Creator Master, Thy sad and unworthy servant, and leave me, and let me go, and forgive me, for I am Good and Lover of Mankind, so that I may lie down in peace, sleep and rest, the prodigal, sinful and damned one, and I will bow and sing , and I will glorify Your most honorable name, with the Father and His Only Begotten Son, now and ever, and forever. Amen.

Lord, Heavenly King, Comforter, Spirit of truth, have mercy and have mercy on me, Your sinful servant, release and forgive me, unworthy, everything that I have sinned against You today as a man, and, moreover, not only as a man, but also worse livestock; and forgive me, the unworthy, all my sins, voluntary and involuntary, conscious and unconscious, committed from youth from evil deceit, hot temper and carelessness, and if I swore by Your name or blasphemed Him in my thoughts, or whom I reproached or slandered in my anger, or made me sad, or got angry because of something, or lied, or slept untimely, or despised the beggar who came to me, or saddened my brother, or stirred up quarrels, or condemned someone, or grew arrogant, or became proud, or became angry, or during prayer my mind strove for evil worldly thoughts, or had cunning thoughts, or overeated, or got drunk, or laughed madly, or thought evil, or, seeing someone else’s good, was wounded in my heart, or spoke obscene things, or laughed at my brother’s sin, while my sins are countless, or I was negligent in prayer, or I forgot everything else that I did that was evil, for my iniquities exceed those listed. Have mercy on me, my Creator and Master, Thy sad and unworthy servant, and resolve, and free, and forgive me, as the Good and Humane One, so that I, prodigal, sinful and unhappy, may lie down in peace, fall asleep and rest, bowing, singing and having glorified Your most honorable name with the Father and His Only Begotten Son, now and always and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer 4, Saint Macarius the Great

What will I bring to Thee, or what will I repay to Thee, O most gifted Immortal King, generous and humane-loving Lord, since Thou hast brought me to the end of this past day, the conversion and salvation of my soul, by being lazy to please You, and having done nothing good? Be merciful to me, a sinner and naked of every good deed, raise up my fallen soul, defiled in immeasurable sins, and take away from me all the evil thoughts of this visible life. Forgive my sins, the only Sinless One, even those who have sinned this day, in knowledge and ignorance, in word, and deed, and thought, and with all my feelings. You Yourself, covering me, save me from every opposing situation with Your Divine power, and ineffable love for mankind, and strength.
Cleanse, O God, cleanse the multitude of my sins. Deign, O Lord, to deliver me from the snare of the evil one, and save my passionate soul, and overshadow me with the light of Your face, when You come in glory, and make me sleep without condemnation now, and keep the thoughts of Your servant without dreaming, and untroubled, and all the work of Satan take me away from me, and enlighten the intelligent eyes of my heart, so that I may not fall asleep. And send me an Angel of peace, guardian and mentor of my soul and body, that he may deliver me from my enemies; Yes, rising from my bed, I will bring you prayers of gratitude. Yes, Lord, hear me, Thy sinful and wretched servant, with your will and conscience; Grant that I have risen to learn from Thy words, and the despondency of demons is driven away from me, to be made by Thy Angels; may I bless Your holy name, and glorify, and glorify the Most Pure Mother of God Mary, Who hast given us sinners intercession, and accept this one praying for us; We see that He imitates Your love for mankind, and never ceases to pray. By that intercession, and the sign of the Honest Cross, and for the sake of all Thy saints, keep my poor soul, Jesus Christ our God, for Thou art holy and glorified forever.

What will I bring to You or what will I reward You, Greatly Gifted Immortal King, Generous and Humane-loving Lord, for the fact that You, lazy in Your service and having done nothing good, brought me to the end of this past day, directing my soul to obedience and salvation. Be merciful to me, a sinner who has no good deed. Restore my fallen soul, defiled by countless sins, and turn away from me earthly sinful thoughts. You alone are sinless, forgive my sins committed before You on this day, consciously and unconsciously, in word, deed and thought and with all my feelings. You Yourself preserve me from every enemy attack, protecting me with Your Divine power, ineffable love for mankind and strength; God, blot out and forgive the multitude of my sins, have mercy on me, Lord, free me from the snares of the devil, save my suffering soul and shine upon me with the light of Your face when You come in Your glory. And now let me sleep in a sleep uncondemned and protect the thoughts of Your servant from dreams and confusion. Drive away the satanic action from me, enlighten the mental eyes of my heart, so that I do not fall asleep in the sleep of death. Send me an Angel of peace, a guardian and mentor to my soul and body, who delivers me from my enemies, so that when I get up from my bed, I offer you prayers of thanks. O Lord, hear me, Thy sinful and wretched servant. Grant me upon awakening with a clear conscience to learn Thy law, remove from me through Thy Angels demonic carelessness, in order to bless Thy holy name and glorify and praise the Most Pure Mother of God Mary, given to us sinners for protection; accept Her praying for us, for I know that She, imitating Your love for mankind, constantly prays for us. Through her intercession, the sign of the venerable Cross and through the prayers of all Your saints, preserve my poor soul, Jesus Christ our God, for You alone are Holy and Glorified forever. Amen.

Prayer 5

Lord our God, whoever sinned in these days in word, deed and thought, as He is Good and Lover of Mankind, forgive me. Grant me a peaceful and serene sleep. Send Your guardian angel, covering and keeping me from all evil, for You are the guardian of our souls and bodies, and we send glory to You, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Lord our God, what I have sinned on this day in word, deed and thought, forgive me, as the Good and Humane One; grant me a peaceful sleep, free from the disturbance of passions; send Your guardian Angel, protecting and preserving me from all evil, for You are the Guardian of our souls and bodies, and we send glory to You, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and always and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

In this evening prayer, we ask God for forgiveness of sins, peaceful sleep and a Guardian Angel who would protect us from everything bad. This prayer ends with a glorification of the Holy Trinity.

Prayer 6

Lord our God, in the worthlessness of faith and His name we call upon every name, grant us, who are going to sleep, a weakened soul and body, and keep us from
all dreams and dark pleasures except; restrain the desire of passions, extinguish the kindling of bodily rebellion. Grant us to live chastely in deeds and words; Yes, a virtuous life is receptive, Your promised good things will not fall away, for Blessed are You forever. Amen.

Lord our God, in whom we believe and whose name we call upon above every name, grant us, as we go to sleep, relief to soul and body, save us from all daydreaming and from bad voluptuousness; stop cravings; extinguish the flame of carnal excitement; Grant us to maintain chastity in word and deed, so that, having accepted a perfect life, we do not lose Your promised benefits, for You are blessed forever. Amen.

Prayer 7, St. John Chrysostom

(24 prayers, according to the number of hours of the day and night)

1 Lord, do not deprive me of Your heavenly blessings. 2 Lord, deliver me from eternal torment. 3 Lord, whether I have sinned in mind or in thought, in word or in deed, forgive me. 4 Lord, deliver me from all ignorance and oblivion, and cowardice, and petrified insensibility. 5 Lord, deliver me from every temptation. 6 Lord, enlighten my heart, darken my evil lust. 7 Lord, as a man who has sinned, You, as a generous God, have mercy on me, seeing the weakness of my soul. 8 Lord, send Your grace to help me, that I may glorify Your holy name. 9 Lord Jesus Christ, write me Your servant in the book of living things and give me a good end. 10 Lord my God, even if I have done nothing good before You, grant me, by Your grace, to make a good beginning. 11 Lord, sprinkle the dew of Your grace on my heart. 12 Lord of heaven and earth, remember me, Thy sinful servant, cold and unclean, in Thy Kingdom. Amen.

1 Lord, accept me in repentance. 2 Lord, do not forsake me. 3 Lord, do not lead me into misfortune. 4 Lord, give me a good thought. 5 Lord, give me tears, and mortal memory, and tenderness. 6 Lord, give me the thought of confessing my sins. 7 Lord, give me humility, chastity and obedience. 8 Lord, give me patience, generosity and meekness. 9 Lord, plant in me the root of good things, Thy fear in my heart. 10 Lord, make me worthy to love You with all my soul and thoughts and to do Your will in everything. 11 Lord, protect me from certain people, and demons, and passions, and from all other inappropriate things. 12 Lord, consider that you do as you will, that your will be done in me, a sinner, for blessed are you forever. Amen.

Lord, do not deprive me of Your heavenly blessings. Lord, deliver me from eternal torment. Lord, if I have sinned in mind or thought, in word or deed, forgive me. Lord, deliver me from all ignorance, oblivion, cowardice and petrified insensibility. Lord, deliver me from every temptation. Lord, enlighten my heart, darkened by evil aspirations. Lord, I, as a man, have sinned, but You, as a generous God, have mercy on me, seeing the weakness of my soul. Lord, send Your grace and help to me, so that I may glorify Your holy name. Lord Jesus Christ, write me, Your servant, in the book of life and grant me a good death. Lord my God, even if I have not done anything good before You, let me, by Your grace, make a good beginning. Lord, sprinkle my heart with the dew of Your grace. Lord of heaven and earth, remember me, Your sinful, vile and unclean servant in Your Kingdom.

Lord, accept me, a repentant one. Lord, don't leave me. Lord, don't lead me into trouble. Lord, give me a good thought. Lord, give me tears, remembrance of death and tenderness. Lord, give me the disposition to confess my sins. Lord, give me humility, chastity and obedience. Lord, give me patience, generosity and meekness. Lord, root Your good fear in my heart. Lord, grant me to love You with all my soul and thoughts and to fulfill Your will in everything. Lord protect me from evil people, demons and passions and from everything harmful to me. Lord, do according to Your permission whatever You want, Your will be done over me, a sinner, for You are blessed forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer 8, to our Lord Jesus Christ

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, for the sake of Thy most honorable Mother, and Thy disembodied Angels, Thy Prophet and Forerunner and Baptist, the God-speaking Apostle, the bright and virtuous martyrs, the reverend and God-bearing fathers, and all the saints through the prayers, deliver me from this present situation
demonic To her, my Lord and Creator, do not want the death of a sinner, but as if he were converted and live, grant me conversion, the accursed and unworthy; take me away from the mouth of the destructive serpent, who yawns to devour me and bring me to hell alive. To her, my Lord, is my consolation, Who for the sake of the accursed one has clothed himself in corruptible flesh, pluck me from accursedness, and grant consolation to my more accursed soul. Plant in my heart to do Thy commandments, and forsake evil deeds, and receive Thy blessedness: for in Thee, O Lord, have I trusted, save me.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, for the sake of the prayers of Your Most Honest Mother, Your disembodied Angels, as well as Your Prophet Forerunner and Baptist, the preaching apostles, the bright and victorious martyrs, the reverend and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, deliver me from the present attack of demons. Oh, my Lord and Creator, who does not desire the death of a sinner, but awaits his conversion and life, grant conversion to me, the accursed and unworthy; take me out of the mouth of the destructive serpent, eager to devour me and bring me alive to hell. Oh, my Lord, my consolation, for the sake of me, fallen, clothed in corruptible flesh, deliver me from misfortune and give consolation to my soul, worthy of regret. Inspire my heart to fulfill Your commands and leave evil deeds and receive Your blessedness, for in You, Lord, I trust, save me.

Prayer to the Mother of God, St. Peter of Studium

To Thee, O Most Pure Mother of God, I fall down and pray: Behold, O Queen, how I continually sin and anger Thy Son and my God, and many times when I repent, I find myself lying before God, and I repent in trembling: will the Lord strike me, and every hour again I create; I pray to this leader, my Lady, Lady Theotokos, to have mercy, strengthen me, and grant me good works. Believe me, my Lady Theotokos, for the Imam is by no means in hatred of my evil deeds, and with all my thoughts I love the law of my God; But we do not know, Most Pure Lady, from where I hate, I love, but I transgress what is good. Do not allow, O Most Pure One, my will to be fulfilled, for it is not pleasing, but may the will of Thy Son and my God be done: may He save me, and enlighten me, and give me the grace of the Holy Spirit, so that I may cease from here from filthiness, and so on may I live as commanded Thy Son, to Him belongs all glory, honor and power, with His Originless Father, and His Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages, Amen.

Falling down to You, the Most Pure Mother of God, I, unfortunate one, pray: You know, Queen, how I constantly sin and anger Your Son and my God. And although I repent many times, I turn out to be a liar before God, and I repent again with fear, and immediately do the same again: will the Lord really strike me down? Knowing this, my Lady, Lady Theotokos, I pray that she will have mercy and strengthen me and teach me to do good. For you know, my Lady, Mother of God, that I completely abhor my evil deeds and with all my thoughts I love the law of my God, but I don’t know, Most Pure Lady, why I don’t do good, but do evil that I don’t want. Do not allow, Most Pure One, my evil will to be fulfilled, but let the will of Your Son and my God be done, Who will save me, enlighten me and give me the grace of the Holy Spirit, so that from now on I will stop doing bad things, and the rest of the time I will live according to the commandments of Your Son, to whom belongs all glory, honor and power are with His Originless Father and His Most Holy, Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and always and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Evening prayer

(read only in the evening)

Lord our God, who have sinned in these days in word, deed and thought, as He is Good and Lover of Mankind, forgive me. Grant me a peaceful and serene sleep; Send Your guardian angel, covering and keeping me from all evil; for You are the guardian of our souls and bodies, and we send glory to You. To the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the age of ages. Amen.

Virgin Mary, rejoice. Blessed Mary, the Lord is with You: blessed are You among women, and blessed is the fruit of Your womb, for You have given birth to the Savior of our souls.

Weaken, forgive, forgive, O God, our sins, voluntary and involuntary, even in word and in deed, even in knowledge and in ignorance, even in days and in nights, even in mind and in thought: forgive us everything, for it is Good and Lover of Humanity.

Forgive those who hate and offend us, Lord Lover of Mankind. Do good to those who do good. Grant to our brothers and relatives the same petitions for salvation and eternal life: visit those who are infirm and grant healing. Manage the sea as well. For travelers, travel. Contribute to the Emperor. Grant forgiveness of sins to those who serve and forgive us. Have mercy on those who have commanded us unworthy to pray for them according to the greatness of Your mercy. Remember, Lord, our fathers and brothers who have fallen before us, and give them rest, where the light of Your face shines. Remember, Lord, our captive brothers, and deliver me from every situation. Remember, Lord, those who bear fruit and do good in Your holy churches, and give them petitions for salvation and eternal life. Remember, Lord, us humble and sinful and unworthy Thy servants, and enlighten our minds with the light of Thy mind, and guide us on the path of Thy commandments through the prayers of our Most Pure Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, and all Thy Saints, for blessed art Thou unto the ages of ages. Amen ( bow).

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