Natalya is unable to communicate with anyone today ex-husband, nor with his parents, although they, Valentina and Boris Tszyu, also live in Sydney. She doesn’t prohibit her children from seeing them, but she herself has cut off all contact. “She is offended by them because they could not guide their son on the right path, explain to him that he should not leave his family,” says Natalya’s mother, Valentina Anikina. - Nobody could contradict him. Why did this happen? You need to ask Kostya. It's not my daughter's fault. She raised the kids and looked after the house. And he found himself 10 years younger..."

The famous boxer's divorce took place in December 2013; he himself did not come to Sydney for the court hearing. For several years, Konstantin hid from his wife that he was in love with someone else. And then he made a choice. “StarHit” found out how the family’s life was shaping up after Kostya’s departure.

Money is melting before our eyes

68-year-old Valentina Anikina lives in the city of Serov, Sverdlovsk region, with the family of her eldest granddaughter, the daughter of Natalya Tszyu’s brother. And although my heart bleeds, I’m so worried about Natasha, I’m afraid to fly to Australia. Once upon a time I traveled with my husband Leonid; he died last summer. He misses his grandchildren living in Sydney greatly. I saw them when they were little. But when he calls his daughter, he often asks about them. He knows that the eldest, 19-year-old Timofey, went with friends on a trip to Thailand and China in January, and earned everything himself - he is a salesman in a fresh-squeezed juice store. The middle one, 16-year-old Nikita, is interested in boxing, like his dad. And the youngest, 12-year-old Nastya, plays the piano. Now, after the divorce, Natalya also shares her problems and concerns with her mother.

“Kostya doesn’t help Natasha with money,” Valentina Sergeevna tells StarHit. – In Australia they are not forced to pay alimony, only at will. But he left her his business of selling T-shirts and boxing gloves and real estate: two villas and the house in which they lived...” That same December, immediately after the divorce, Natalya sold the house in which, as it seemed to her, they lived so happily more than 10 years. Everything about him reminded him of his husband. In addition, it became clear that she simply could not afford to maintain this cottage any longer. “You need to invest money in it - to take care of lawns and trees,” Natalya’s mother continues. “So she moved with her children into a rented three-room apartment, paying $800 a week in rent. And in the future he plans to buy a living space.”

From the sale of the house they managed to earn a substantial amount - $2.9 million. Part of these funds goes to the maintenance of the villas; the family plans to rent them out, but there are no tenants yet. As Valentina Sergeevna says, money melts like snow on a summer day, Natasha tries to save. I transferred Nikita from a fee-paying school to a regular school, but left Nastya there. “It’s good that Nikita is in his final year, and Tim is already in college,” says the grandmother.

Yoga against stress

Kostya Tszyu periodically calls the children and asks how they are doing. Last time he was in Sydney last November for Timofey's birthday. And earlier, in the summer, the eldest son visited his dad in Moscow for a few days, but he didn’t want to stay in the apartment where he lived with his new lover - he spent the night in a hotel.

Natalya has no plans to return to Russia. For 20 years, Australia became her home country, and the children got used to the local way of life. All three of them morally support my mother and feel sorry for her. IN free time they ride a boat together, go to aqua and amusement parks.

Now 41-year-old Natalya is looking for work. She has two diplomas - an accountant and a sales manager. She would like to get a job according to her profile. As her mother tells StarHit, Natalya goes to a local health center and does yoga. She carefully monitors her figure, although, judging by the photographs, she does not have extra pounds. “At least it’s somehow distracting, it relieves stress! The story with this Tanya began with Kostya a long time ago, about six years ago. Of course, after some time Natasha noticed strange text messages and calls. I was very worried,” Valentina Sergeevna laments. “As long as she doesn’t have a man, the children come first, they need to get on their feet, the work issue can be resolved, and then you can dream about your personal life...”

Despite the fact that Konstantin Tszyu divorced his wife several years ago and has a new marriage with Muscovite Tatyana Averina, the boxer communicates with his sons and daughter from a previous relationship. The athlete spends most of his time in Moscow, but still often flies to his children in Sydney. On one of his visits, Konstantin made unusual gift 21-year-old son Timofey.

“Dad bought me a license plate with our last name,” Timofey shared with StarHit. “You can’t travel like that in Russia, but abroad it’s a common thing.”

Many people note that Timofey is strikingly similar to his father - literally the same face. The guy is studying at the university, and in the future he plans to do business. Like his famous father, Tszyu Jr. is involved in boxing. The young man regularly demonstrates on social networks some of the consequences of intense training, which both shocks and delights his friends.

His brother, 18-year-old Nikita, also takes part in the fights in the ring. And 13-year-old sister Nastya is still in school and attends a theater club. Tszyu’s ex-wife Natalya works in the tourism industry. Kostya’s parents also live in Sydney, practically next door and help Natalya with the children whenever possible.

Let us remember that at the beginning of last year Kostya Tszyu celebrated his wedding with his new lover Tatyana Averina and became a father for the fourth time. The celebration took place on February 28 in the circle of close friends, away from camera flashes - the wedding of a 45-year-old Kostya Tszyu and 34-year-old Tatyana Averina sang and danced on February 28 at the boxer’s Moscow restaurant “Boat”.

For this occasion, Kostya’s children from his first marriage flew in from Sydney: Timofey, Nikita and Anastasia, as well as his parents – Valentina Vladimirovna and Boris Timofeevich. On Tatyana’s side was her mother Elena and 16-year-old son Nikita. About 30 guests had fun in the closed banquet hall "Boat", where there is karaoke. They all learned about the celebration within a few days.

But Natalya Tszyu has no plans to return to Russia. For 20 years, Australia has become her home country, and the children have become accustomed to an already established way of life. Natalya has two diplomas - an accountant and a sales manager. As her mother Valentina Sergeevna told StarHit, Natalya goes to a health center and does yoga. She carefully monitors her figure, although, judging by the photographs, she does not have extra pounds. The personal life of the boxer’s ex-wife is still unknown. But several years ago, in an exclusive interview with StarHit, she admitted that she would like to meet an understanding person.

Not long ago, a famous boxer Konstantin Tszyu officially divorced after 20 years of marriage. His new chosen one was his PR assistant Tatyana Averina. Looking at their happy faces, I would like to wish this couple an heir.

It was fate

Olga Shablinskaya, AiF: Kostya, everything in your life is new now... A new country. New love...

Konstantin Tszyu: Excuse me! What does "new country" mean? I was born here. Russia is the foundation on which Kostya Tszyu is built. I love Australia, but I never considered myself an emigrant; I was constantly in Russia. But I returned here for good for certain reasons.

- And the name of this reason is love...

- Tatiana. (Laughs.) We met through mutual friends. A banal and completely random meeting that changed a lot in our lives. I believe in the word "fate"...

Tatyana Averina: In general, I took him here. (Laughs.)

— Is it really possible to “take away” a boxing champion?

- Without desire it is impossible. I can't be forced to do anything. No amount of money can buy it.

— Kostya, you have three children from your first marriage. How do your relationships with your sons and daughter develop after a divorce?

- WITH Nastenka talked today. She finally called herself. This hasn't happened for a long time. Great! I enjoy it when children make their own calls.

My personal attitude towards children has not changed one bit. Their attitude towards me? I think the divorce might have had something to do with it. But I told them one thing: “There may come a time in life when you need me. One call from you and I’ll be there.” This faith in the father is something that children must retain. I will strictly follow my promise. I have no right to betray them. Never. (Asks his wife.) Timokha when did you arrive? Last year. Nikita I was supposed to fly here, but it didn’t work out because of my studies. It's his last year at school. But I fly to Australia myself - just to see the children.

“Children must have faith in their father.” With sons Timofey and Nikita. Photo from the personal archive of Kostya Tszyu

“I don’t lend money”

— How did you tell the children that you were breaking up with their mother?

- Well, how can I tell you... Children are not stupid, they understand everything, they see everything for themselves. I don't talk to them about this topic. The moment will come, maybe I’ll tell my story. Although, it seems to me, he said it all... I fell in love with a person.

- You know, looking at situations like yours, when a husband or wife leaves the family, I always ask myself the question: what is more decent - to continue living with your spouse because of the children and a sense of duty, or to sincerely succumb to feelings and create a new “unit of society”?

- I couldn't lie. He did not deceive his then-wife. When I met Tatyana, after some time I told the children’s mother: “Like this...” He couldn’t do it any other way. But the divorce process... It was not so simple, everything had to be done through the courts. The registration process was completed only on December 3.

— What new did Tatyana discover in you?

— I would formulate this question differently: what did I find inside myself thanks to Tanya? Maybe the softness that has always been in me...

— I know that Tatyana is now managing your projects...

- Commander, commander, yes. (Looks at his wife.) She also smiles!

- And how does Kostya Tszyu live when a woman controls him?

- No, I’m still in charge. There is a word "lead". And there is “manage”. These are different things. You see, it’s important for me to have a person next to me who will organize everything that I can’t manage on my own. This is Tatyana. And hiring someone... I came across this matter... And I saw meanness, hypocrisy, self-interest. By self-interest I mean some kind of sneaky thing...

- Were you betrayed?

- A lot of. Therefore, I can say: I don’t trust almost anyone... This was not just a friend, but a close friend. Entrance to the house. I trusted him with my bank accounts. The person had the right to sign, could open credit cards in my name... And now you find out that they “had” you, and with money...

- What did they do when they discovered this?

— Nothing, although I don’t preach the principle “if you hit me on the cheek, turn the other one.” No matter how hard it was for me, I didn’t want to take revenge and stoop to his level. I will say more: I am the godfather of his children, and they remain as close to me as they were before. But since then I haven’t lent money to anyone.

- Okay, let's not talk about sad things. I know that your eldest son Timofey Tszyu successfully fought several fights in Australia. Does at least one of the boys have the same abilities as you?

- As for me - no. For the simple reason that I was hungry. But they don’t. There is such an expression in the West: “Hungry for success” - “Hungry for success.” I fought for my life directly and figuratively. The four of us - mom, dad, me and sister - we lived in a small room, 16 square meters. Now I can’t even imagine how it was possible to fit in there purely physically - where they put the furniture, where they fit winter and summer clothes - after all, they lived in the Urals. I had barely turned 17 and was already European champion. At the age of 15 he began traveling abroad. At the age of 18 I was given my first apartment - a 35-meter apartment. And in Australia I already had a house of about a thousand square meters... I got a lot early, but at what cost? And I teach children: nothing is given for nothing. When the middle one, Nikita, was 9-10 years old, he said: “Dad, when I grow up, I will have a Bentley.” - “Well done, son, you’ll probably work a lot?” - “No, the car is already in the garage.” - “This one is daddy’s.” He thought and said: “Okay, but I will have it too.” Let him have the motivation to earn money for such a car himself.

And my daughter... Nastenka was playing the piano - she gave up. I did gymnastics and also gave up. It’s more difficult for me with Nastya, she’s a girl, if she cries, she’s basically on guard.

With daughter. “It’s more difficult for me with Nastya than with boys, because she’s a girl!” Photo from the personal archive of Kostya Tszyu

— Do women’s tears scare you?

- If these are real tears, yes, they are scary. But you women know how to cry very artistically. I realized this when I went to school acting skills. I wanted to truly learn artistic craft. Plus I host a program on Domashny called “Culinary Duel” - I determine who is the best housewife - mother-in-law or daughter-in-law. For me, acting and television is a certain challenge to myself.

- Kostya, aren’t you upset that boxers are considered...

- Nearby? (Laughs.) Somehow Sasha Lebzyak- senior coach of the Russian national boxing team - told me an anecdote: “Why do boxers drive fast? So as not to forget where they are going.” And then he cursed: “Damn, I missed the turn!” (Laughs.) We are not shy about telling jokes about boxers. I like to joke myself. About 3-4 years ago Tanya and I went to a restaurant. I was hungry like an animal. I ordered meat. They brought it, I ate it in one second, wiped the plate very carefully. The waitress comes up, I look at her carefully: “When will you bring me the meat?” In all seriousness. She: “I... already...” - “Really?” And I'm taking a theatrical break. But Tatyana “gave me in” - with a smile and laughter. In general, I’ll try out my acting knowledge in life. (Laughs.)

Alexander Lebzyak and Konstantin Tszyu. Photo:

Kostya Tszyu is one of the most famous world-class boxers of our time. He won a large number of victories both in the amateur arena and among professionals. At the beginning of the 2000s, the man began to educate the younger generation. He currently lives in the Russian capital and trains future great champions using his own methods.

For almost twenty years, Konstantin lived happily with his wife Natalya. In 2011, he left the family without ceasing to take part in the fate of the three. In 2014, the boxer married again. Now he and his wife are raising a son and daughter.

Height, weight, age. How old is Kostya Tszyu

At the global level, Konsti Tszyu’s star lit up back in the mid-80s. Three decades have passed since then. The boxer has not been in the ring for a long time. He trains young sports stars. Since 2011, the star has been working at. Numerous boxing fans are interested in everything that concerns a man, including the boxer’s height and age. It is difficult to determine how old Kostya Tszyu is, since he looks much younger than his biological age.

In 2019, the athlete will celebrate his 50th birthday. But from the looks of it, it’s hard to give him more than 40-45 years old.

Kostya Tszyu, whose photos in his youth and now are practically unchanged, pays attention to his diet. He trains for several hours every day in the gym. This allows him to be in good athletic shape, despite the end of his sports career.

The Boxer is always calm, focused and smiling. With a height of 170 cm, his body weight is 60 kg.

Biography and personal life of Kostya Tszyu

The biography and personal life of Kostya Tszyu contains a lot of interesting and informative information about the boxer.

The boy was born in the late 60s in the city of Serov, which is located next to Sverdlovsk. Now this is the city of Yekaterinburg. Father - Boris Timofeevich Tszyu was an employee of a local metallurgical plant. Mother, Valentina Vladimirovna Tszyu, worked in one of the city hospitals. Tszyu is not a pseudonym, as many boxing fans think, but real name, which he received from his grandfather, a purebred Korean. Kostya did not grow up alone. He has younger sister, who was born several years later than him.

The boy was incredibly active from a young age. To guide him in the right direction, dad took him to sports section, where he began to learn to box. The boy’s first coach, to whom our hero is still incredibly grateful, was Vladimir Cherni.

In the mid-80s, Konstantin became the winner of the Soviet Union Junior Championship. Next year he managed to repeat the success.

After receiving a school certificate, our hero became a student at the Engineering and Pedagogical Institute in hometown. But a year later I decided to pick up the documents.

During the period of service in armed forces began to compete at various championships not only in his country, but also at the international level. He became the winner of the Goodwill Games, European and World Championships. In the early 90s, the young man moved to Australia, where Lewis began to train him.

Over the course of 30 years, the boxer became incredibly famous. He often won battles. Since 2009, the man began training the younger generation, developing a special technique.

Konstantin took part in various television programs. He starred with his son Nikita in advertising.

Several years ago, a number of media outlets wrote about Tszyu’s health problems. He managed to prevent a heart attack by installing a stent. Then the athlete spent several months recovering on Lake Issyk-Kul.

From his youth, our hero was happy with a woman named Natalya. This union brought a lot of happiness to the athlete and gave him three children. In 2013, the couple officially divorced. The boxer soon married for the second time and became the father of another son and daughter.

Family and children of Kostya Tszyu

Kostya Tszyu’s family and children live in Australia and Russia. The athlete himself pays significant attention to children born in two marriages. He takes time to communicate with each of his offspring.

The world-class star is proud of his Korean roots, but calls himself a Russian person. The athlete's great-grandfather from Korea moved to China and then to Russian Federation, because here I met the love of my life. The man died shortly before Kostya was born; he is buried in Serov.

Dad was a metallurgical plant worker. It was thanks to Boris Timofeevich that Kostya began to practice boxing. The man is incredibly proud of his son's success.

Mom was medical worker one of the hospitals. She currently lives with her husband in the Moscow region. The parents' relocation was organized by Konstantin himself.

The athlete has a younger sister, Olga. She works in her hometown. The athlete always supported his sister. She is married and has two sons and a daughter.

Sons of Kostya Tszyu - Tim, Nikita and Vladimir

The sons of Kostya Tszyu - Tim, Nikita and Vladimir are the heirs of the great athlete. He communicates with each of his sons, dreaming that they will follow in his footsteps.

The first-born in the family appeared in mid-1994. They named him Timofey, although the guy himself prefers to be called Tim in the Australian manner. He considers Australia his homeland. Outwardly, Tim looks like his dad, as fans of the star have repeatedly said. The young man was educated at one of the best Australian universities. He performs in the boxing ring and dreams of repeating his father's success. So far, Tim is only 105th in the world rankings. He came to Russia and talked with his father.

Our hero named his second son Nikita. He boxed from a young age. But the boy is much more willing to play football. He dreams of becoming the best player in this sport at the Australian Championships. Kostya Tszyu and his son Nikita starred together in one of the commercials. Viewers noted the similarities between father and son. The guy smiles just like his star father.

The man's youngest son was born in his second marriage. They named him Vladimir. In one of his interviews, the boxer said that he named the boy in honor of the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. Volodya is still small. But he has already started playing sports, under the guidance of his dad. On his Instagram page, the star father himself posted a photo of a boy wearing boxing gloves.

Konstantin also established a good relationship with his stepson. He does not distinguish him from his own sons. Many journalists call the guy a man's son.

Kostya Tszyu’s daughters – Anastasia and Victoria

Kostya Tszyu’s daughters, Anastasia and Victoria, were born 14 years apart. The boxer himself is proud of his daughters and often talks about them.

Anastasia was born in the early 2000s. She became the boxer's third child. The girl lives in Australia with her mother and older brothers. She never came to Russia. Nastya is involved in gymnastics and is making progress in this field. She recently won among her peers in her native Sydney.

Victoria became Konstantin's fifth child. He is incredibly proud of the baby and often posts pictures of her on his Instagram page. The girl is still small, so it’s too early to judge her future.

Kostya Tszyu's ex-wife - Natalya Anikina

The acquaintance with his future wife took place in his hometown. The girl was so beautiful that the guy immediately lost his head in love. He approached and immediately confessed his feelings. But Natasha decided it was a joke.

In 1993, the lovers got married. After that, the girl moved to her beloved in Sydney, Australia. They lived happily for almost 20 years. The marriage produced two sons and a daughter. In 2011, Konstantin left the family. He says in his interviews that he simply felt that he could not live as before.

After divorce ex-wife Kostya Tszyu - Natalya Anikina stayed with the children in Australia, and the boxer moved to the Russian Federation, but for the sake of the children ex-spouses maintained good relations.

Kostya Tszyu's wife - Tatyana Averina

After returning home, our hero lived alone for some time. Tanyusha appeared in his life by chance. Seeing the girl, the boxer fell in love immediately. He came over and started a conversation. Tatyana was not interested in boxing, so Tszyu did not recognize her.

The relationship developed quickly. The athlete also established a relationship with the son of his beloved from his first marriage. In 2014, the lovers officially registered their marriage and got married.

Kostya Tszyu’s wife, Tatyana Averina, gave her beloved a son and a daughter. She supports her beloved man in all his endeavors.

Instagram and Wikipedia Kostya Tszyu

Kostya Tszyu’s Instagram and Wikipedia are often viewed by admirers of the star’s talent who want to know the most detailed information about him.

The Wikipedia page allows you to find out how our hero became involved in boxing and who contributed to this. Below, year-by-year data on battles involving Konstantin is presented. On the page you can also find out about the awards received in different years. Almost no information is provided about Tszyu’s personal life.

You can learn about spouses and children from the Instagram page. The athlete himself talks about each of his offspring and posts a photo. On the page you can find out what the boxer is currently doing. He also posts videos from boxing classes here.

Kostya Tszyu is a famous Russian and Australian boxer who has achieved impressive success in and outside the ring. The international successes of this athlete are well known to everyone, and therefore today we, perhaps, will not focus in detail on his sports career and will try to talk about our today's hero as an ordinary person.

Kostya Tszyu’s childhood and family

Konstantin Borisovich Tszyu was born on September 19, 1969 in the small provincial town of Serov, located in the Sverdlovsk region of Russia. His parents were ordinary Soviet people and were quite far from professional sports. The talented guy’s father worked most of his life as a metallurgist, and his mother devoted herself to medicine.

As for Kostya himself, he was always quite active and active child. Trying to channel the guy’s energy into some fruitful direction, already in 1979 Boris Tszyu took his son to the boxing section of one of the children’s and youth clubs. sports schools city ​​of Serov. And I soon realized that I had made the right choice.

Kostya Tszyu's first successes in boxing

A lively ten-year-old boy, after six months of sports training, began to enter the ring and defeat older guys. A couple of years later, our today’s hero began to be involved in the training of the USSR national junior team for the first time. Kostya Tszyu’s career was slowly moving up. He became a prize-winner in various regional and international competitions. He lost and won, and this path slowly led Kostya to his intended goal.

In 1985, our today's hero became the champion of the RSFSR among youth in his age category. Almost immediately after this, Kostya Tszyu began to appear from time to time at “adult” competitions.

Kostya Tszyu's best fights

In 1989, Konstantin achieved his first serious success in the main age group. During this period, he won gold medals at the USSR Championship and almost immediately after that he also triumphantly performed at the European Championship, where he again managed to reach the highest step of the podium. This was followed by a series of new victories. In 1990 and 1991, the talented athlete won the championship twice in a row. Soviet Union and winner of a number of international competitions. In 1989, at the Moscow World Boxing Championship, Kostya Tszyu took third place among athletes in the weight category up to 60 kilograms.

Kostya Tszyu and Mike Tyson's student

And a year later he managed to win gold medals at the Goodwill Games in Seattle, America. The year 1991 was no less striking in the athlete’s performance. It was then that Kostya Tszyu managed to add two gold medals from the European and world championships to his treasury.

Kostya Tszyu in Australia

A series of outstanding performances at various tournaments attracted the attention of the famous Australian coach Johnny Lewis to the Soviet athlete. It was he who subsequently convinced Konstantin to move to Australia to train and continue his sports career. Soon, the talented boxer accepted the Australian citizenship offered to him and began to often perform in exhibition fights around the world.

Throughout his professional career, Kostya Tszyu remained one of the strongest athletes on the planet in his weight category. Over the years, the Russian-Australian athlete had the opportunity to defeat such famous athletes as Jesse Leiha, Juan Laporte, Judah Zab, Cesar Chavez, Ismael Chavez. All these, as well as many other bright victories, brought Kostya Tszyu enormous fame and world recognition in the world of boxing. He became a real star in Australia, and then in his homeland.

The result of the career of boxer Kostya Tszyu

In total, during his career, Kostya Tszyu fought 282 fights, among which he managed to win 270 victories. This figure has always seemed quite impressive. Therefore, the boxer’s inclusion in the fighting hall of fame, which took place in June 2011, did not come as a surprise to anyone.

Kostya Tszyu. Best knockouts

It is quite noteworthy that on the same day as Kostya Tszyu, Sylvester Stallone and the Mexican champion Julio Cesar Chavez, whom the Australian boxer once defeated, were also included in the International Boxing Hall of Fame.

Kostya Dzyu after retirement

After completing his professional career, Kostya Tszyu began coaching. For his players, he developed a special training system that allowed them to achieve special success in the ring. At the time of writing this article, Konstantin’s wards included such famous boxers as Denis Lebedev, Alexander Povetkin, Khabib Allahverdiev.

In parallel with this, our today’s hero was conducting master classes for young athletes, and also opened a number of sports schools in Russia with his own money. Such measures, according to the plan of the eminent boxer, should have been aimed at popularizing the sport in the country.

In 2010, with the same goals, Kostya Tszyu also headed the editorial office of the first in Russia electronic journal about martial arts "Fight Magazine", showing himself to be fundamentally new role. In parallel with all this, our today's hero also often appeared on television as a media person. Over the years, the athlete took part in such projects as “Kostya Tszyu. To be the first”, “Australia’s Next Top Model”, “Dancing with the Stars”, etc. In addition, Kostya Tszyu also played several cameo roles in the Australian TV series “Deal or Not”, “Home and Away” and some others.

Kostya Tszyu currently

Currently, the talented Australian-Russian boxer works as a trainer and editor. At the end of 2013, rumors began to appear in the media that Kostya Tszyu was allegedly preparing to write his own autobiography. However, on this moment this information has not been officially confirmed.

Personal life of Kostya Tszyu

For twenty years, Kostya Tszyu was married to a woman named Natalya. As part of this marital union, three children were born, each of whom subsequently, in one way or another, connected their lives with sports (boxing, football and gymnastics).

After the divorce, Konstantin said that the cooling of relations with his wife happened 12 years ago. Since then they have not actually lived together, and he has had relationships with other women.

IN last years Kostya Tszyu is dating a woman named Tatyana. The lovers decided not to register their marriage, but the athlete does not deny the possibility of them having children together.