Winter holidays and weekends are great for trips and trips, taking amazing walks. Therefore, in order to properly plan their vacation, Russian residents are advised to find out in advance what the winter of 2017-2018 will be like in Ukraine and the country’s largest cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg. Accurate forecasts from weather forecasters and data from the Hydrometeorological Center will tell you when the cold snap will begin and how much snow will fall in different regions. Such information will help you choose the right time for truly comfortable trips.

What will winter 2017-2018 be like in Russia - the most accurate forecasts of the Hydrometeorological Center

Preparing for winter for many people involves more than just assessing weather conditions of your city, but also studied data from other areas. The most accurate forecasts of the Hydrometeorological Center will help you find out what winter will be like in Russia in 2017-2018.

Winter weather forecasts for the period 2017-2018 for Russia from the Hydrometeorological Center service

In Russia, December and the second half of February are considered the best for travel. At this time, the average temperature will remain around 15 degrees. In January, weather conditions will be very harsh, especially for the eastern and northern regions.

How much snow will there be in the winter of 2017-2018 in Russia according to the forecast of the Hydrometeorological Center?

Precipitation is expected at the end of autumn. It is not yet possible to know exactly how much snow there will be in the winter of 2017-2018. But forecasters say that throughout the winter months we can expect heavy snowfalls and short-term precipitation that will replace each other.

What will winter be like in Ukraine in 2017-2018 - weather forecasters' forecasts

When planning to go to Ukraine for a vacation, you need to take into account the peculiarities of changing weather conditions during the selected period. Because even for southern regions they can be quite harsh. Forecasts from weather forecasters will help you find out what winter will be like in 2017-2018 in Ukraine.

What kind of weather do weather forecasters predict in the winter of 2017-2018 in Ukraine?

According to weather forecast services, winter weather in 2017-2018 it will be very cold for Ukraine. At the end of December and throughout January, the temperature will remain at around -20 degrees. When finding out when winter will begin in Ukraine, you should not worry about a sharp cold snap: it will only come in December. But Ukrainians should not expect early warming, since the winter of 2017-2018 will be protracted.

What will the winter of 2017-2018 be like in Moscow - when will the cold snap begin according to weather forecasters?

According to preliminary estimates from the Hydrometeorological Center, winter in Moscow will not be as severe as last year. Although sometimes city residents can expect unfavorable weather conditions. According to weather forecasters, you can find out what winter 2017-2018 will be like in Moscow and when exactly the cold snap will begin.

When, according to weather forecasters, will winter come to Moscow in 2017-2018?

Most travelers want to know when winter will come to Moscow, and what the weather will be like in December. There will be no heavy snowfalls in the first month of winter, but the temperature will slowly drop to -20. But at the end of the month, precipitation and sudden cold snaps are possible.

What kind of winter is expected in Moscow in 2017-2018?

There will be heavy snowfall throughout January. Temperatures will sometimes drop below -20. But you also need to know what the weather will be like in the city in February. The last month of winter will bring warming temperatures and decreased precipitation.

What will winter and winter weather be like in 2017-2018 in St. Petersburg - forecast of the Hydrometeorological Center

It’s always a pleasure to spend a holiday in St. Petersburg and wander its streets in winter: beautiful views cities will help you spend your holiday in an entertaining way. An accurate forecast from the Hydrometeorological Center will help you choose the optimal dates for your trip and find out what winter and winter weather will be like in 2017-2018 in St. Petersburg.

According to Christian customs, the beginning of the magnificent winter season falls on the holiday date - Pokrov Holy Mother of God. Orthodox Christians celebrate this holiday on the 14th of October. By folk wisdom states that during this period the first crust of snow should cover the ground. And, as you know, fluffy snow is a clear sign of the frosty season.

But in these years, the first snow rarely falls on Pokrov. Statistics prove that at the indicated time in October the weather is still moderately warm, so it is still too early to talk about the coming of winter.

First snow in Moscow 2017

The appearance of the first wet snow is possible in Moscow in the next few days, especially at night and in the morning, Marina Makarova, chief specialist of the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia, told RIA Novosti.

“It is possible that the first snowflakes may begin to swirl in the coming days, Friday and Saturday, when we have precipitation forecast. The temperature is already low enough for this, especially at night or in the morning. And if low temperature coincides with precipitation, the first snowflakes are possible. But it’s difficult to accurately predict this,” Makarova said.

According to her, Indian summer is over and has begun Golden autumn. At the same time, the weather next week will be determined by an anticyclone, which is accompanied by wind, precipitation and humidity.

When will the first snow fall in 2017 in Moscow?

The head of the Hydrometeorological Center Roman Vilfand gave a forecast for this autumn. According to his estimates, it is too early for residents of the central zone to warm themselves - dry and comfortable weather is expected until the end of September.

The approaching October in Moscow will not be anything special, the temperature is within normal limits - at night from 2 to 7 degrees Celsius, during the day 10-15 above zero. Night frosts are also possible, then the temperature can drop to -3 degrees.

While residents of central Russia are enjoying the Indian summer, Siberians are already admiring the first snow and dreaming of the opening of the ski season. However, forecasters are confident that this is a temporary cover. Temperatures in this region will rise above normal in October.

First snow in 2017

The first snow fell in Chelyabinsk on September 28. According to townspeople, rain and sleet fell in the AMZ area. According to the hydrometeorological center of the Chelyabinsk region, precipitation, including snow, is expected until the end of the week.

“Cloudy with clearings, light rain in places, sleet at times, icy conditions on some sections of the roads,” the forecasters said.

Night temperatures will drop to -4 degrees Celsius. In Chelyabinsk there is an active connection to heating. According to the head of the city, Evgeny Teftelev, heating should appear in all houses of Chelyabinsk by Saturday.

First snow in 2017

The first snow has already fallen in Tyumen. Today, social networks are filled with photos of landscapes of snow-covered streets and selfies with flying snowflakes in the background.

It is worth noting that previously forecasters predicted snow, as well as the temperature during today+3... +5 degrees, and at night +2.

Heavy precipitation in the form of rain and sleet is also forecast for Tyumen on Friday and Saturday. During the day the air will warm up to +7 degrees, and on Sunday night frosts down to -3 degrees are possible.

The summer of 2017 literally shocked Muscovites with its rains. The rest of the Russians also had something to be surprised about - it had never been so cold at that time! It was especially hard for residents of St. Petersburg and northern Russia. Here the air temperature in June dropped to zero. People who were already anticipating a wonderful summer rest at their dachas, they were not prepared for the strange vagaries of the weather. They immediately began to wonder what the winter of 2017-2018 would be like and whether they could trust the “most accurate” forecasts of the Hydrometeorological Center, which promised July heat and even drought. Of course, in their work, weather forecasters used the most modern instruments to read air temperatures, humidity, atmospheric pressure. But either them professional equipment it was a mess, or there were too many young specialists working at the Weather Bureau - their data did not turn out to be correct. The situation was also the same in Ukraine. Therefore, its residents often trust folk signs, which determines when winter will come and how much snow it will bring with it.

When will winter 2017-2018 begin in Russia and what will it be like?

Due to the unusual, cold and rainy summer in most regions of Russia, residents of the country no longer know what to expect from the winter of 2017-2018. If you believe the signs, a damp summer with frequent heavy rains promises heavy snow and frosts already in December-February. The first “winter messengers” – frosts and winds – will begin at the end of October. It will be cold mainly at night, however, closer to the third ten days of November it will be possible to say that winter has begun!

When will winter 2017-2018 come to Russia and what will it be like?

Due to its huge area, the territory of Russia lies in several climatic zones– subtropical, temperate, subarctic and arctic. Most Russians live in temperate zone– weather forecasters mainly rely on them for their forecasts. However, northerners (residents of Arkhangelsk, Murmansk) and southerners from the Krasnodar Territory, Crimea, Dagestan know that winter will come to them at a completely different time. In the north, October will already bring frosts, while at the same time in Sochi and Yalta there will still be swimming in the sea. However, by all indications, December, January and February 2017-2018 will be somewhat colder than usual.

When will winter 2017-2018 come to Ukraine and what will it be like?

Having analyzed repeating natural cycles, Ukrainian weather forecasters say: winter 2017-2018 will come early and will be cold, snowy and frosty. In the Carpathians, Kharkov and Kyiv regions, frosts will begin in the fall, closer to November. Cold weather will come to Odessa residents later, at the end of January - February. These months will be accompanied by strong winds and rare but strong snowstorms.

Astrologers have an opinion: the patron animal of each year can also influence weather changes. Since the owner of 2018 is the Yellow Dog, which belongs to the element of Earth, winter, which began at the end of 2017, may be cold, but snowy and frosty weather will not prevent you from getting a good harvest of winter crops. The snow that covered the ground in the east and north of the country back in November will nourish the soil and plants with moisture, and this can promise a good harvest.

People's winter forecast for summer

  • Summer is stormy - winter with snowstorms.
  • Summer is rainy - winter is snowy and frosty.
  • Summer is dry and hot - winter is light and frosty.
  • A fruitful summer foreshadows a cold winter.
  • Breadbeard - for a harsh winter.
  • Wet summer and warm autumn mean a long winter.
  • When ants make large ant heaps in the summer, expect early and cold winter.
  • If field mice carry a lot of bread into their holes in the summer, then you can expect a cold and long winter.

What will winter 2017-2018 be like in Moscow - Forecast of weather forecasters of the Hydrometeorological Center

Due to a rainy and cold summer with air temperatures so different from the preliminary forecasts of weather forecasters, Moscow residents no longer know what to expect from the winter of 2017-2018. Of course, children expect moderate frost and snow - this weather is simply ideal for sledding and skiing, playing snowballs and making snowmen. Adults, on the contrary, would not like to get to their place of work, making their way through snowdrifts. However, there will be more snow than usual, especially in January. Air temperatures will not differ from the average by more than 2 degrees.

Weather forecast for winter 2017-2018

According to preliminary forecasts of weather forecasters, the winter of 2017-2018 will still surprise us with vagaries similar to those that so puzzled the residents of Moscow last summer. The weather will be changeable, with thaws alternating with frosts. Because of this, black ice will appear in January and February. December may be somewhat milder than usual.

What will winter 2017-2018 be like in St. Petersburg - The most accurate forecast of the Hydrometeorological Center

Winter 2017-2018 in St. Petersburg will be snowy and windy. However, the lack of sunshine will no longer surprise the residents of Northern Palmyra. Most likely, they would have been shocked by the thaws with above-zero temperatures at Epiphany. If you believe the most accurate forecasts Hydrometeorological center, this will not happen. Average winter temperature will remain around -6⁰C, which is several degrees higher than in Moscow, but due to high humidity the air will seem colder.

According to the observations of weather forecasters of the Hydrometeorological Center, eleven-year repeating temperature cycles are observed in St. Petersburg. Pay attention to warm winter 2007, for this region it is possible to predict a late onset of cold weather in 2017-2018.

According to the weather forecaster of the Hydrometeorological Center, already late autumn 2017 residents of Russia and Ukraine will experience frosts. At the same time, it will rain in St. Petersburg - real cold will come here only after January 15-20. In Moscow, moderately cool but windy weather is predicted with average temperatures of about –8 ⁰C. Thus, knowing what winter 2017-2018 will be like, you can prepare in advance for it.

Already at the beginning of autumn, everyone is talking about the fact that the winter this year will be harsh. There is another opinion that due to global warming there will be no severe cold.

Weather conditions in winter will certainly make adjustments to plans for New Year and Christmas holidays. Therefore, it is better to know about nature’s plans in advance. In order not to make a mistake, it is better to turn to specialists for an answer. What will it be winter 2017 according to weather forecasters?

Moscow and Moscow region

Winter 2017 prepared frosts, thaws, a lot of snow and sun for residents of Moscow and the Moscow region, but everything was within normal limits. In general, the weather is expected to be warm by winter standards, without sudden temperature changes, snowstorms or drifts.

December will be snowy. This means that we won’t see the sun often. Daytime air temperatures throughout the month will fluctuate from +1 to -10, at night thermometers will show -7 -13.

The middle of winter will delight you with calm weather with light precipitation in the form of fluffy snow and a temperature of 10 -15 degrees. Excellent conditions to spend new year holidays and active in the fresh air. In the second half of January, winter will show its character. On sunny days with virtually no snow it will be very cold, the temperature will drop to -20 during the day and to -28 at night.

February will provide an opportunity to take a little break from severe frosts. Warming will occur to -10 -12 degrees, resulting in light snowfalls. This respite will not last long. From mid-February the frosts will begin to crackle again and snow will begin to fall. But, from about the 20th-22nd February, anger will change to mercy, the air temperature will rise to -4, the sun will come out and remind the residents of Moscow and the Moscow region that spring is coming.


Russia will experience a truly magnificent Russian winter in 2017. The country's territory is huge and, of course, the weather will be different in different regions. But the general trends of winter 2017 are as follows: an abundance of snow, moderate frosts, and an absence of weather disasters.


The first month of winter did not have any surprises in store for Russians. The weather will be the same as last year. Already from the beginning of December, almost all of Russia will be covered with snow, average temperature in all regions within normal limits.

In the North of the country, December 2017 will be quite mild. Heavy snowfalls, air temperature -30-35. For northerners who are accustomed to the critical minus, this will be a pleasant gift. You can spend all the weekends in December outside, walking, skiing and skating, breathing in the fresh December air. And just for a few days, it is better for residents of the North to stay at home. The reason for this is snowstorms and gusty strong winds.

In the Urals and Siberia, December is expected to be warmer than last year. The air temperature is -27 -32, which is not typical for this region. Thank you must be said to the Atlantic cyclone, which will rule here throughout December and gift residents with heavy snowfalls.

Moderate frosts, 6-10 degrees below zero, in the central part of Russia will please you, but a rise in temperature to +1 +2 in the third ten days of December, wet snow and slush will be a little frustrating.

In the south of the country, typical December rains and snow, gusty winds, storms at sea, and air temperatures of +9 +11 are expected.


European and central part Russia will bypass severe frosts in January. Heavy snowfalls, moderate winds, temperatures up to -8 during the day and -14 at night will make the January period comfortable for residents of this region. January will show its harsh temper only in the middle of the month. Epiphany frosts do not violate traditions. But this year, the temperature will not be too low, maximum -14-18 degrees.

In the north, on the contrary, it will get colder. Moreover, the last ten days of the month will be colder than the previous ones due to strong wind. In the south of the country it is relatively warm, the air temperature will drop to a maximum of -5. Heavy snowfalls, as usual, will cover Siberia in January and Far East. For this region, drifts, blizzards and blizzards are standard winter weather.


The harshest month of winter will first decide to treat all regions of Russia with warming. In the central part, the thermometers will rise to -9 -7 degrees and even to 0. The temperature increase will be noticeable in the south and east. This will trigger precipitation in the form of snow, rain and ice. Only in the northern region will the classic harsh winter weather remain: temperature -35 -40, snow and wind. Then in mid-February it will become very cold throughout Russia. And by the end of winter, thermometers will again record warming.


Real winter with bitter frosts, piercing winds and heavy snowfalls will occur in Ukraine only in mid-December, in the second half of January and at the end of February. In general, Ukrainians will experience good winter weather throughout all three months. According to forecasters, the winter season will linger a little and will not want to give way to spring until mid-March.

The average temperature in December does not drop below -15. Closer to the New Year it will become warmer with wet snow. The beginning of January will be marked by heavy snowfalls and lower temperatures. But real frosts will come only in the middle of the second month of winter, right around Epiphany.

Temperatures of -19 -23 will last for about ten days, and by the end of January warming will come again with sleet and rain. Also during this period, strong gusty winds at speeds of up to 15 km/h will hit Ukraine, which will force weather forecasters to issue a storm warning.

But there is a possibility that this front will bypass the country from the north and head east. February is expected to see dramatic changes in the weather situation, especially towards the end of the month. The air temperature will drop below the levels over the past eight years by 3-4 degrees.

On some days the weather will be deceptive. If the sun shines in the first half of the day and warming is felt, then in the evening there may be severe frost and a blizzard. You need to be prepared for such vagaries of winter, dress warmly and not stay outside for long.

As a result, in winter in Ukraine a moderate amount of precipitation is expected, low temperatures are within normal limits, a lot sunny days and good winter weather.

Every person who cares about the future certainly asks himself what the winter of 2017-2018 in Russia will be like in order to know what exactly to prepare for in the coming period. Such thoughts are visited not only by residents of those settlements that directly depend on weather conditions, who live in villages, villages, towns. And city dwellers are very dependent on the vagaries of the weather, so each of us simply needs to understand what the inevitable winter period will be like for Russians.

Winter 2017-2018: general forecast from weather forecasters

Modern society is closely connected with progress and new developments in the field of science and technology, but still the current understanding of all these processes does not allow scientists how far to predict weather behavior. Therefore, it is worth understanding that each statement describing the natural mood for the winter of 2017-2018 is only preliminary, although very probable.

Meteorologists suggest that the coming winter of 2017-2018 in Russia will be very traditional and in most regions of our country will not differ from the previous ones. Only the eastern regions of Russia can feel some of the changes caused by climate change throughout our planet. It is believed that for this reason the weather changes will be more dramatic than usual, but in general this will not spoil the overall picture.

Important! The probabilistic weather forecast for the winter presented below applies only to the Central region of the Russian Federation.

What will the weather be like by month?

The warmest period will be mid-December 2017 and early February 2018. The first snowfalls will occur at the end of autumn, they will be very heavy and will create the impression of a real fabulous Russian winter. But after a few weeks, all this beauty will melt away, and you will have to take care of waterproof shoes. Before the New Year, the thermometer will drop again, and snow will fall in most central regions of the country. The most severe frosts should be expected in February for almost the entire final half of February.

What will December 2017 be like?

Winter will come earlier than expected - back in November 2017. Residents of our country will be pleasantly surprised by how comfortable and joyful the atmosphere will greet them during the winter of this season. Severe frosts are not expected, only a pleasant -5° -9° degrees during daylight hours. But the middle of the month can somewhat spoil the mood of everyone who dreams of endless winter's tale. There will be a brief warming that will last about a week. In general, 2017 will end with mild cold - up to -5° during the day and up to -7° -10° at dark time days, with moderate precipitation, but fairly cloudy skies.

What will January 2018 be like?

January is the most long-awaited month of winter, because it falls a large number of everyone's favorite holidays and... To the delight of all Russians, January 2018 will give us a pleasant New Year holidays. The first part of the month will pass in a comfortable -6-10 degrees during the day without strong winds and precipitation. By Epiphany there will be frosts down to -20° -25° during the day. They will last about three days, and after that, the thermometer will creep up, lulling the vigilance of everyone who has decided that winter is losing its position.

What will February 2018 be like?

The shortest winter month will also be the most unpredictable. Due to rapid temperature changes, the weather can change dramatically in just one night.
In mid-February, most of the Central Federal District will experience heavy precipitation in the form of snow. The wind at this time will be strong and gusty, which will significantly complicate movement. By the end of February, it will become warmer for a few days, which will give you the opportunity to warm up and get ready for the spring period.

Weather in winter 2017-2018 in Moscow and St. Petersburg

Because of big cities produce a large amount of heat, their features will usually be several degrees warmer even in the coldest cold. In general, the temperature regime described above is also relevant for Moscow and St. Petersburg. The only exception will be that in St. Petersburg, much more cloudy days are expected throughout the winter, and during the thaw period the precipitation will be much heavier than in Moscow.