Passing a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office is a rather complicated procedure in itself. For many young people, especially those who are encountering this process for the first time, it is not always clear for what reasons the examination takes place. One of the most important issues is eligibility categories. At first glance, there is nothing complicated about this, but even this very narrow classification has a number of its own nuances that you need to know in order to avoid many difficulties in the future. This article will briefly talk about what the categories of suitability are. military service- their characteristics are given and how they are assigned is described.

Suitability categories: description

This classification involves only five marks. The assignment of a particular mark characterizing the degree of suitability for service occurs after complete passage medical examination. The fitness category completely determines the future fate of the conscript and the specifics of his subsequent relationship with the military commissariat.


The highest threshold of validity. This mark characterizes the conscript’s state of health when he has no or virtually no restrictions on military service. He is fully draftable. The category has internal gradations:

  • A1 - full suitability, no restrictions;
  • A2 - minor restrictions due to previous injuries or illnesses.
  • A3 - minor limitations due to mild dysfunction of the visual organs.
  • A4 - minor limitations due to mild foot dysfunction.


This category of fitness for military service means that the conscript has any health problems that impose restrictions on a number of certain types of activities during military service. In this case, the young man is generally subject to conscription. This category also has an internal gradation, but it mainly concerns what branch of the military the future soldier will be assigned to:

  1. B1 - implies that the future soldier can carry out his duties in border units, special forces, the navy and the airborne troops;
  2. B2 - the young man will serve as a driver military equipment or as a crew member of submarine vessels;
  3. B3 - crew member or driver of military equipment, similar to B2 (the difference lies in the types of equipment), can be assigned to chemical, anti-aircraft missile, and guard units;
  4. B4 - the conscript will serve as a specialist in the security and defense of special facilities, as a signalman, or in other branches of the internal troops.

In practice, this gradation can be ignored, and the future soldier will be distributed according to the current personnel situation in the troops.


This mark means that the young person has serious restrictions on medical indications. However, it does not completely exempt people from military service. The conscript is issued a military ID, and during non-military times it will not be accepted conscript service. This restriction does not apply to wartime conditions.

To obtain category “B”, you must have pathologies and diseases recorded in medical documents that are not compatible with military service. There is one controversial issue, which relates to this category. According to legal regulations, a conscript with a “B” mark can be called up for military training, but in practice this does not happen often. However, this category implies the assignment of a military specialty, according to the civilian specialty of the conscript. This category has no internal gradation.

Important! The basis for assigning this category may be diseases that are incompatible with constant physical activity and require permanent treatment and observation, which is impossible in military service.


It is assigned when the medical commission, for various reasons, is unable to make a verdict regarding the degree of suitability of a conscript within the period of one conscription. In essence, this is a deferment for a period of six months to a year. This time is allotted for the young man to undergo additional examinations in civilian institutions, so that at subsequent conscription events, according to their results, he will be given an unambiguous mark.

Category “G” is also assigned in cases where a conscript has an illness or injury, this moment incompatible with military service, but which will disappear in the future. Often such a mark is assigned in cases where a conscript has deviations from the norm in terms of height and weight: severe degrees of obesity or exhaustion.

Important! A deferment in this category can be given for a period of no more than a year, but in practice it can be reassigned up to the moment when the young man leaves conscription age.


Absolute, complete unfitness for military service. Diseases and pathologies that are the basis for assigning this category either border on disability or directly imply it. This mark indicates that the young man is completely exempt from military service in both peace and war. The basis for assigning this category may be serious disturbances in the functioning of the body and pathologies that significantly reduce the quality Everyday life. The most striking examples are the absence or severe deformation of a limb or any organ, chronic diseases in the most severe stages, the immunodeficiency virus, complete deafness or muteness, loss of vision or severe impairment of eye function.

Gradation within categories

The subcategories for “A” and “B” do not have much meaning for the conscript himself. The assignment of one or another subcategory occurs in order to facilitate the subsequent selection of military personnel into different types of troops and for different specializations. This or that subcategory may impose restrictions on a certain type of activity, but does not prevent military service as a whole.

Suitability categories: how they are assigned

Initially, this mark is assigned upon the first visit to the military commissariat at the age of 17, when registering for primary registration. At the moment when a young man reaches the age of majority and is subject to conscription, he undergoes a re-examination. The eligibility mark changes frequently in these circumstances.

It is important to understand one thing - the military commissariat, contrary to popular belief, does not carry out a detailed analysis of the conscript’s health status. The functions of doctors on a medical commission are limited to the fact that they perform a superficial examination young man for the presence of pronounced pathologies and study medical documentation.

All responsibility for providing information about the state of his health lies entirely with the conscript himself. It is he who, if he claims to be assigned a “non-conscription” category, must provide a package of medical documents that would confirm the presence of a disease or pathology. Therefore, if a conscript does not have the necessary documentation with him and does not voice complaints about health problems, he will most likely be assigned category “A” or “B”.

If complaints exist, and they are confirmed by at least a certain number of extracts or entries in the medical book, the conscript is sent for additional examination to a civilian medical institution at the place of registration. The examination most often takes place in a hospital setting. The act, which subsequently guides the military commissariat, is drawn up by a civilian doctor based on the results of a medical examination. And only after this document is sent to the military commissariat, the members of the medical commission make a decision on assigning a particular mark.

During the complaints process great importance have such factors as the number of requests from the conscript for medical care for one reason or another, his general state of health, the severity of the disease or pathology and how well it responds to treatment.

Documents that confirm that a conscript has health problems include:

Medical records and extracts from them;

  • Examination results and medical reports;
  • Certificates that reflect the fact that the subject is registered in a particular dispensary;
  • Various x-rays, ECG results, MRI and so on.

The assignment of a category of suitability for military service is based on the criteria that are described in the schedule of illnesses. This normative document contains a list of diseases and pathologies that may impose restrictions on military service. The military registration and enlistment office makes a decision only based on this document.

Categories of suitability in civilian life

“Undrafted” categories “B” or “D” not only imply that the young man is not fit for military service, they can also impose restrictions in civilian life. Contrary to popular myths, there are not many of them. The main limitation is employment in government bodies. Mainly in law enforcement agencies, where military service is one of the main criteria for selection for a position.

Otherwise, as a rule, there are no restrictions. The mark assigned by the military commissariat does not affect the receipt of a driver's license for the simple reason that a separate medical examination is carried out for this purpose, and the fact of assignment of one or another category of physiological fitness for service in the army does not matter.


It is important to know that at some point it is possible to change the category of fitness, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation. As from “non-conscription” to “conscription”, and vice versa. Previously, it was easier to do this - young people who were assigned “B” and “D” were required to undergo re-examination after a certain period of time - every three years until they left conscription age.

Now this norm has been abolished, and there is only one way to change the category of suitability for military service - submitting an appropriate application to the military commissariat.

This is a rather complicated process. In practice, the military commissariat is reluctant to accommodate a young man, even if he intends to change his category from “non-conscription” to “conscription”.

If the application is considered, the military registration and enlistment office invites the young man to an additional medical commission. The further development of events depends only on the person himself. As in any other situation related to passing a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office, medical documentation is of decisive importance, which records either the fact of the presence of the disease, or the fact of remission or recovery, depending on the purposes of the re-examination.


Assignment to one category or another occurs only after a full medical examination. And it is she who determines the future fate of the conscript. However, it is important to remember that at some point it remains possible to challenge the decision of the military commissariat. This is a complex process that may not always be crowned with success. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare in advance for passing the medical commission.

Preparation includes not only collecting medical documentation, but also clarifying the details of the medical examination. Knowledge of the specifics of assigning a category of fitness for military service, its decoding and other nuances of passing a medical examination significantly simplify this process and potentially increase the chances of obtaining the desired result.

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The young age of conscripts does not always guarantee ideal health. Not every guy is able to withstand the inevitable physical stress equally, so after undergoing a mandatory medical examination, many are surprised by the different categories of fitness for military service assigned by doctors.

It is worth familiarizing yourself with what the letters and numbers written in the “military code” mean, which directly determine whether the young man is fit for the army, and to which troops the future soldier can be sent.

When appearing at the commissariat to undergo a medical examination, potential recruits who have previously identified health problems must provide doctors with documents prepared in advance to confirm the diagnosis.

Also, young people need to undergo fluorography in advance and prepare test results, the list of which will be indicated in the direction issued by the military registration and enlistment office.

The medical professionals on the commission carefully study information about each conscript, his current condition, and conduct an examination and survey.

Sometimes young men who consider themselves completely healthy are found to have pathologies during an examination.

The verdict of doctors, based on the “Schedule of Diseases”, as well as the presented documentation, is the assignment of a certain category of suitability for the army, each of which is indicated by a letter.

If you disagree with the decision of the military commission, it is possible to challenge the unlawful actions of employees at a higher authority.

What categories of suitability exist?

There are five categories in total, each of which has a specific letter designation; an added number indicates in which troops a particular citizen can serve.

General classification of each suitability group:

  • A - the recruit is healthy and fit for military service.
  • B - the young man is fit for service with minor restrictions.
  • - the young man is limitedly fit for military service.
  • - the conscript is temporarily unfit.
  • D - the guy is not fit for duty.

Having examined the identified, confirmed diagnoses, the submitted package of documents, the condition at the time of conscription, and having heard complaints about well-being, the commission gives a full assessment of the health of a particular citizen, assigns the appropriate category of suitability, and after conclusion, a mark is entered in a special column of the military ID.

Having passed this mandatory stage, the young man has an idea whether to go to the place of service, what branch of the military he can enlist in, or whether he will avoid military service for medical reasons.

Having received a summons, the young man is obliged to appear at the military registration and enlistment office to undergo a medical examination. The military medical commission determines the degree of readiness of the conscript to serve for health reasons at the time of conscription.

The suitability category (A, B, C, D or D) expresses the result of the inspection. Its assignment indicates whether the young man is subject to conscription, to which troops he can be sent, or whether he has the right to be released from the army or to a deferment.

Health fitness

Medical board doctors assign a fitness category depending on the presence or absence

  • A: completely healthy and can serve in any military unit;
  • B: there are pathologies that generally do not interfere with service in many military units;
  • B: released during a period of peace, but called up during martial law;
  • D: receives temporary release;
  • D: Unfit under any circumstances.

Are they accepted into the army with category G?

Postponement, i.e. postponement of the conscription period for a certain period is given by the draft commission.
The reasons for this decision are:

  • Studies. The young person is given the opportunity to graduate from school, college or university;
  • Family circumstances. For example, a serious illness of a close relative;
  • Job. The citizen serves in the police department or in other law enforcement agencies;
  • Health. If there are serious illnesses, and because of them at the moment the young man is not able to serve, then he is assigned fitness category G.

So, it only postpones the moment of conscription by six months or a year. During this time, the citizen undergoes a course of treatment and again appears for a medical examination on a summons.

How to get a health deferment?

Fitness category G is assigned after a medical examination, and doctors do not make a diagnosis. They rely on the available data on the diagnosis, correlate it with the list of diseases and legally determine whether or not to send it to the reserve.

The conclusion of the military medical commission is based on the Schedule of Diseases. Here are the diseases that qualify for a deferment from conscription. If information about the health status is documented by the attending physician, the commission makes a decision based on the doctor’s opinion.

The military registration and enlistment office makes a request to medical institutions regarding the conscript. But, as experience shows, it is better to prepare for the draft on your own and receive a statement from the attending physician, which will indicate the diagnosis and attach the results of the examinations and tests completed. These documents must be submitted to a military medical examination.

Additional examination

After a medical examination, the commission has the right to send the conscript to additional
examination to clarify the diagnosis. To do this, an additional medical examination is carried out in the inpatient department of a registry hospital. This includes a full diagnosis, based on the results of which appropriate treatment can be prescribed.

What diagnosis is deferred?

It is recommended to postpone the conscription period in case of exacerbation of the chronic form of the disease, as well as after suffering surgical interventions or injuries that result in temporary loss of physical activity.
Conscripts who have the following deviations are considered temporarily unfit for service:

Upon completion of the course of treatment prescribed by the doctor, during the next conscription campaign, the citizen receives a summons for a second medical examination.

If the treatment was successful and the general physical condition returned to normal, then the citizen is sent to the army.
The military medical commission may determine that the conscript remains unfit for service and approve a second deferment.
Such actions are not always justified, so a citizen has the right to challenge an unlawful decision of the commission. The schedule of illnesses may not provide for a repeated postponement of the draft due to some illnesses. So, if the prescribed therapy for hypertension did not have a healing effect, then the citizen should be assigned
and send it to reserve.

What is the difference between G and V?

Assignment of fitness category B gives the right to exemption from the army for health reasons. During a period of peace, a citizen is not subject to conscription, but is sent to the reserve with a military ID in hand. It can only be mobilized if martial law is declared in the country.

Fitness category G gives the right to a deferment, i.e. transfer of service life. This is a temporary situation; after a second medical examination, the citizen is either sent to the army, or he is assigned category B. In exceptional cases, the conscript undergoes treatment in a hospital again. For the third time, the draft commission does not postpone the decision.

Legal support

A deferment due to health reasons is a sure chance, upon repeated medical examination, to receive a military ID and go into the reserves. The experts of our law firm will help solve the problem of assigning the necessary information. It is easier to solve such difficulties together with specialists. The sooner you seek help,
the greater the chance of eliminating the problem.
You can get a free consultation by filling out an application on our website or ordering a free call.

How is fitness for service determined?

Category of suitability for military service - this is an indicator that determines the possibility of serving in the army by a conscript or military personnel. She's exhibiting after a medical examination and, if the man has health problems, additional examination.

In order for the military registration and enlistment office to determine your health indicator most objectively, you must take with you to the medical examination all certificates, extracts and any other medical documents that indicate health problems. In addition, before the medical examination, you need to get a referral from the military registration and enlistment office for blood and urine tests, undergo fluorography and an ECG. Without the results of these studies, assigning a suitability category will be considered illegal.

Reminder of the Help Service for Conscripts

According to the law, all tests for the military registration and enlistment office must be taken before the medical board and before the fitness category is assigned, and not after the draft board.

  • - fit for military service.
  • – fit for service with minor restrictions.
  • “B” – limited fit for military service.
  • – temporarily unsuitable.
  • - not fit for military service.

Fitness category “B”: limited fit for military service

Sometimes it can be difficult to understand what “limitedly suitable” means and what is the difference from category “B”: suitable with minor restrictions. It's actually simple:

  • Limited fitness: in a young person serious problems health problems, so he is released from the army.
  • Fit with Minor Disabilities: The young man has problems, but can serve with them. The conscript is sent to serve.

Expert opinion

Category of fitness for military service “B” is assigned to a conscript only if he has proven that his state of health is the basis for exemption from service, and conscription activities were carried out without violations. How to obtain fitness category “B” and be exempt from conscription, read on the page «» .

Ekaterina Mikheeva, head of the legal department of the Assistance Service for Conscripts

How to obtain fitness category “B”:

  1. Prepare for a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office: collect documents confirming the diagnosis.
  2. Pass a medical examination. Tell the doctors about your complaints and show them your documents.
  3. Receive a referral for additional examination.
  4. Complete the prescribed tests and confirm the non-conscription diagnosis.
  5. Go through the draft board and listen to its decision.
  6. If the draft commission makes an unlawful decision, appeal it in court or in court.

Diseases for which category “B” is required

In indicated full list diseases for which conscripts have the right to be released from the army under fitness category “B”. Some of them can be found below.

Disease groups


Venereal diseases in the acute phase
Cured closed form of tuberculosis without destruction of lung tissue
Fungal diseases internal organs(mycoses, candidiasis, etc.)


Postoperative conditions with impaired functionality
Malignant neoplasms
Conditions after radiation and cytostatic therapy
Benign tumors that cause disorders of body functions

Blood diseases

Pathological disorders that involved in the process immune system and cause temporary disruption of body functions

Metabolic disorders, endocrine disorders

Some manifestations of goiter, thyroiditis, hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism and other diseases of the thyroid gland
Obesity 3 degrees

Mental disorders

Mental disorders that are accompanied by prolonged or repeated painful sensations
Compensated personality disorders
Drug addiction, substance abuse, alcoholism and other forms of addiction
Mild mental retardation

Nervous system

Epilepsy with rare seizures
Inflammatory diseases and hereditary diseases of the central nervous system
Vascular diseases of the spinal cord and brain with moderate impairment of functionality
Spinal cord and brain injuries with some impairment of function

Organs of vision

Myopia more than 6 diopters, astigmatism, farsightedness more than 8 diopters, sharp decrease in visual acuity
Digestive organs Ulcer, some manifestations of gastritis

Hearing aid

Chronic otitis media, polyps in the tympanic cavity, vestibular disorders, significant hearing loss

Circulatory system

Mild heart failure
Hypertonic disease
Poor circulation, varicose veins
Hemorrhoids with acute phases, prolapse of nodes

Respiratory system

Minor impairment of nasal breathing functions, mild to moderate bronchial asthma


Chronic skin diseases (psoriasis, dermatitis, urticaria, eczema, etc.)

Musculoskeletal system

Flat feet, fixed scoliosis more than 17 degrees with dysfunction, etc.

Congenital defects

Height less than 150 cm
Weight less than 45 kg

Genitourinary system

Some kidney diseases (serious manifestations of nephroptosis, pyelonephritis, etc.), enuresis, chronic urolithiasis disease and etc.

Do I need to undergo re-examination after joining the reserves?

If you have been issued a military ID, then you do not need to undergo a new medical examination and confirm the diagnosis. Previously, regulations indicated the need to undergo a medical re-examination procedure every three years, but Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 886 abolished this provision. Now the issuance of a military ID for health reasons is final. The only opportunity to end up with fitness category “B” in the army: by at will undergo re-examination and enter contract service.

How will a military ID with category “B” affect your work?

For most men, a “B” on a military ID will have no effect on employment. Firstly, the employer will not be able to find out why his employee did not serve in the army, since the diagnosis is not indicated on the military ID. And secondly, the very fact of having a military ID or other military registration documents is important for employers. Problems with employment may only arise for those who plan to get a job in the police, security, Ministry of Emergency Situations or FSB.

With respect to you, Artem Tsuprekov, head of the human rights department of the Assistance Service for Conscripts in St. Petersburg.

The selection of people fit to serve in the army has been practiced since ancient times. If earlier an evaluation criterion was used to assess the degree of suitability, now the determination of the degree of suitability of a conscript for service is strictly scientifically substantiated.
The category is determined not only in connection with the general state of health, but also allows us to determine in which troops a particular conscript can serve without harm to his health and with the greatest efficiency, fulfilling his duty.

What categories of suitability exist?

Article 5.1 of the Federal Law "On Military Duty and Military Service" provides a clear definition of the categories and criteria used to determine suitability for military service.
It is traditional to call them letters of the Russian alphabet: from “A” to “D”, thus distinguishing 5 categories.
Physical health, absence of chronic diseases, injuries, disability according to other indicators is the basis categorization military personnel upon conscription. And for those who are already certified and serve in the military - when determining their degree of suitability in the case of a general illness, injury, concussion, trauma to decide future fate military man.

Conscripts and military personnel who do not have such high indicators in general physical training or have minor deviations from the concept of “fully healthy” successfully perform combat missions in no less responsible areas of combat work, but do not require extreme tension in the muscular and functional activity of the body.
Therefore, young people assessed by a military medical commission from fitness category “B” are also subject to conscription for military service.

Differences between eligibility categories

The practice of using personnel in the troops has developed a number of selection criteria.
For first echelon units – required: physical strength, activity, stress resistance, endurance.
For second echelon troops – other qualities are more important, since they have to perform combat work in completely different conditions.
IN Peaceful time the state may refuse conscription into the army significant amount conscripts who do not meet strict army rules of routine, diet, and physical activity. But who can fulfill the duty of protecting the Motherland in wartime.
The only category that under no circumstances allows conscription for military service includes persons suffering from severe somatic, mental, allergic diseases, or having a disability that makes it difficult to use military weapons in practice.

Gradation of suitability categories

The category of suitability for military service is determined as a result of an examination of the conscript (military) by a board of 7 doctors. Their composition is constant and sufficient to identify any deviations in health:

Determining the state of health and assessing the degree of suitability for military service is not built in a vacuum.
Each candidate for military service must provide the medical commission with the following documents:

Based on the documents provided, the results of a visual examination and medical tests, the military medical commission makes a decision on determining the category.
Each of the 5 categories has (with the exception of category “D”) a number of subcategories. They make it possible to most fully take into account the physical condition and rational use of a serviceman in the army.

A state of “absolute” health. A soldier has no restrictions on serving in any extreme situations. A decrease in vision of up to - 2 diopters is allowed.
The first echelon troops are recruited from the “A” category contingent. It has 3 subcategories, designated in the registration certificate by Arabic numerals (1,2,3).
Minor deviations in health, taken into account by doctors, practically do not affect the suitability of a serviceman to perform a combat mission.

The most widespread and therefore most common among military personnel. Has 4 subcategories. Within this group, more significant consideration is given to individual characteristics body and distribution to the place of service is more graduated.
If there are doubts about the degree of suitability, conscripts, contract soldiers and military personnel are sent for additional medical examination.
The presence of category “B” does not at all indicate that a serviceman cannot perform work with full dedication in extreme or combat conditions.
The state, calling young people to serve, is not interested in the deterioration of the health of the person liable for military service after service. That is why for this category, service conditions with a gentle regime are recommended, without increased physical activity.

In a certain layer of the subculture, it is the desired dream of mentally immature teenagers.
It means unsuitability for service in peacetime and exempts you from military service.
Usually this is the presence of chronic diseases, which already place a burden on a person’s fate. Exacerbating their course or promoting development is not in the interests of the state.
Treatment costs more than the benefits.
Typically, conscripts applying for this category know the document by heart:

And they strive in every possible way not to recover and gain health, but to further aggravate their illness.
Upon receipt of this category, conscripts are enrolled in the reserve of the RF Armed Forces. They receive a military ID (instead of a registration certificate), and are in the reserves for up to 50 years. Their military specialty is determined by their specialized education at the time the military ID is issued.

It includes persons who, at the time of examination at the VVK, have somatic, infectious, mental illness, which, once cured, do not interfere with service.
Gives a deferment from conscription for military service for a period of 6 months to 1 year.
Upon re-examination, it may be extended or replaced with another category.

Persons declared completely unfit for military service have severe health problems and disabilities.
Social guarantees provide such people with state assistance in adaptation and are in no way aimed at ensuring that a person is drafted into the army.
When determining category “D”, a military ID with a special mark is issued. The same mark is affixed to the citizen’s passport.
Persons with category “D” have a significant range of restrictions when applying for work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Emergency Situations, FSB, FSO and other law enforcement agencies.

Categorization conscripts, persons wishing to perform military duty under a contract and active military personnel - scientifically substantiated and aimed at the rational use of human resources and preservation of health.