Which religious holiday Today October 15, 2018 is celebrated by all Orthodox Christians. There are several holidays in the church calendar for this date:

Kupriyan and Ustinya (Holymartyr Cyprian, bishop, martyr Justina and martyr Theoctistus) - Considered the day of remembrance of the three martyrs who suffered for their faith in Christ in Nicomedia under the emperor Diocletian in 304.

Blessed Andrew, Christ for the Fool's sake, Constantinople - In honor of Saint Andrew, who lived in the 10th century in Constantinople. He had the gift of prophecy and foresight.

Blessed Princess Anna (monastically Euphrosyne) Kashinskaya - Memorial Day of the wife of Prince Mikhail Tverskoy. Anna was canonized in 1649, and her second canonization was in 1909.

St. Cassian the Greek, Uglich miracle worker - Day of St. Cassian (birth name - Constantine) from the family of the Mangup princes. Founder of the monastery in honor of the Dormition of the Mother of God near Uglich.

What you can do on this day and what you can’t do. Which saint and how to pray. The answers to these and other questions are in our article about church holidays, customs and traditions.

Old style date: October 2. On this day, the memory of three martyrs who died for the faith at the beginning of the 4th century is celebrated: Cyprian, Justina and Theoctistus. Cyprian lived in Antioch and studied pagan philosophy from childhood, and upon reaching maturity, he was ordained as a priest. They said that he had found great power and saw the prince of darkness himself.

In the same city lived a girl named Justina, who not only converted to Christianity herself, but also converted her parents to her faith. The young man Aglaid, trying to seduce Justina, turned to Cyprian for help, but, despite the priest’s spell, the girl remained adamant.

This made Cyprian himself believe in Christ. With repentance, he came to church and was baptized.

Subsequently, Cyprian ardently preached Christianity and converted so many pagans to Christianity that all the temples in his diocese were abandoned - there was simply no one to make sacrifices to idols. Justina retired to a monastery and became abbess there. During the persecution of Christians, both of them were captured, the pagans subjected them to torture and, in the end, executed them. Seeing the suffering of Christians, the warrior Theoctistus, who was on guard, also declared himself a Christian and was executed along with Cyprian and Justina.

This date in Rus' was considered a day of cleansing from obsessions and deliverance from evil spirits. If you do not read the appropriate prayer, a person could be attacked by demons. Moreover, as a rule, men prayed to Kupriyan (Cyprian), and women - to Ustinya (Justine).

As victims, demons most often chose drunkards, sinners, and foul-mouthed people - those who call upon devils in moments of anger or despair. They said that demons often appear to drunkards in their natural form, deprive them of sleep, cause an aversion to food and terrify them. This is what people used to explain the attacks of “delirium tremens”.

The girls on Kupriyan gathered for parties, but did not play or have fun. Instead, they did handicrafts and sang sad songs while they worked.

Folk holiday - swamp

This holiday falls in mid-autumn (October 15) - 21 days after the birth of the World. The holiday is equivalent (calculated equally) to the Rakhman Great Day on April 15, BeloBog and ChernoBog (July 15 and January 15, respectively).

During the swamp autumn, the Ancestors said: “The roads are muddy - the legs of the Swamp are stuck,” “October loves neither the wheel nor the runner, because it rides on a pockmarked mare.” On this day you cannot do anything that needs a quick solution. On the contrary, cases that began on Bolotikha take a long time to be resolved and do not have the result that you hope for.

If there is a sick person in the family, knowledgeable woman late in the evening he takes his shirt and goes to where the most big swamp, saying: “The swamp washed away the roads, my (name)’s shirt was sucked in, and the disease took him to Nav.” After which he drowns the shirt in the swamp, not with his feet, but with an oak stick. He puts a feather on himself three times and, without looking back at that place and the sky, goes home in silence.

Prayer to the Gods for the health of parents:

We praise the Gods of the Family for bringing us into the world,
They gave birth and endowed them with blessings. We send them prayers, we ask for the blood of their father and mother.

Through them we came to the world of Revealing in order to enjoy our lives,
Praise the gods of your loved ones and protect your Earth

From a foreign family and dashing eyes. You, dear Gods, bless our parents
Yes, take me under your wing,

Let them live out their old age in peace and not know grief. Let health come to them,
And the Power of God fills them with happiness! Glory to the Gods and Ancestors!

Name day on this day

Alexandra, Andrey, Anna, Boris, Vasily, Georgy, David, Ivan, Konstantin, Mikhail, Peter, Stepan, Fedor

Folk signs for October 15

  • If a person was born on October 15, then his talisman is rock crystal
  • Heavy rain and the wind on October 15 - winter promises to be cold
  • If leaf fall began on October 15, it is a sign that cold weather will soon come.

What holiday is celebrated in Russia today? This question is extremely relevant among the residents of our country, since most people understand that every day there is one or another holiday. They are often difficult to keep track of.

Today is no exception to the rule in this regard. The fact is that October 1, 2017 marks several holiday occasions. In particular, today marks the International Day of Older Persons. The church holiday is the following: Day of glorification of St. Euphrosyne of Suzdal. And in folk calendar the day is designated as follows: Arina Shipovnitsa.

What holiday is it today, October 1st: International Day of Older Persons

In 1990, the UN General Assembly decided to consider October 1 as the International Day of Older Persons.

First, Older People's Day began to be celebrated in Europe, then in America, and in the late 1990s - all over the world. On this day, many television and radio programs broadcast programs tailored to the tastes of older people. In many countries, various festivals are organized by associations for the protection of the rights of older people, conferences and congresses dedicated to their rights and their role in society. Public organizations and foundations organize various charity events on this day.

Each year, Older People's Day events focus on a specific theme.

Today, the composition of the world's population has changed dramatically: global life expectancy has increased from 46 to 68 years and is projected to reach 81 years by the end of the 21st century. There are currently almost 700 million people over the age of 60 in the world, and by 2050 the number of people aged 60+ will reach two billion, representing more than 20% of the world's population. And by 2050 (for the first time in the history of mankind), there will be more people over 60 in the world than children.

And against the backdrop of the general aging of humanity, the needs and problems of the elderly need to be given special attention.

It should be noted that most older citizens can continue to make important contributions to society if they are guaranteed the appropriate conditions to do so.

The UN calls on all people on the planet to focus on creating a society for all ages. Together, countries can and must ensure that people not only live longer, but also that their lives are of higher quality, more varied, more fulfilling and more satisfying.

What Orthodox holiday is today: Day of Glorification of St. Euphrosyne of Suzdal

The Monk Euphrosyne was born in 1212. She was eldest daughter Holy Martyr Michael, Grand Duke of Chernigov. The blessed Prince Mikhail and his wife Feofania had no children for a long time and prayed to God to give them a child. The Most Holy Theotokos appeared to them three times and said that their prayer had been heard - they would have a daughter, who should be named Theodulia, and she would be a servant of the church.

As the Virgin Mary predicted, the couple had a daughter, and they named her Theodulia, which means Servant of God. The newborn was baptized in the Kiev-Pechersk monastery, and the abbot himself became her successor. One day a mother had a vision: she was flying to the sky on wings and giving her daughter to God. Feoduliya grew up, her father began to teach her Holy Scripture. Otherwise, the young princess’s mentor was the boyar Theodore, distinguished for his wisdom and learning. Theodulia was raised in faith and piety. In 1233, Theodulia was betrothed to the holy noble prince Theodore Yaroslavich, sibling Alexander Nevsky. She submitted to her parents' will, but secretly prayed Mother of God about preserving virginity, as she felt a calling to monastic life.

Holy Virgin appeared to her in a dream, commanding her to obey her parents and saying: “Defilement will not touch your body.” Feodulia went to Suzdal for the wedding, but the marriage did not take place. When the guests had already gathered for the feast, the groom unexpectedly died. Theodulia did not return home and begged the abbess of the monastery in honor of the Placement of the Robe of the Most Holy Theotokos in Blachernae to accept her. The abbess agreed, and on September 25 (old style), the day of the Venerable Euphrosyne of Alexandria, Theodulia was tonsured with the name Euphrosyne. The parents accepted this as the will of God and submitted.

The young nun zealously followed the rules monastic life. She spent most of the day in prayer - in church or in her cell, and at night she studied the word of God. Sometimes I didn’t eat food for weeks, only drinking a little water. Soon after her tonsure, Euphrosyne was rewarded with the appearance of the Savior, who commanded her to stay awake and strengthen herself in feat.

Shortly before the death of the saint, the earthquake she predicted happened in Suzdal, during which she saw in the sky Holy Mother of God, who begged the Son of God for the salvation of the city and the people in it. After this event, her father and boyar Theodore appeared to her, informing her of her imminent death. The venerable woman began to prepare. She was ill for a short time and died in 1250 - on the same day when she took monastic vows 17 years ago. And on September 18 (old style) in 1698, with the blessing of Patriarch Adrian, Metropolitan Hilarion of Suzdal glorified the Venerable Euphrosyne.

What national holiday is today, 10/01/2017: Arina Shipovnitsa

The day is dedicated to the memory of the martyrs Irina and Sofia. In Egypt of the 3rd century, by order of Emperor Aurelian, they were executed for their Christian faith.

From this day began the collection of rose hips, the berries of which, as they said, became especially useful from Arina’s day. Rose hips had a place both on the table and in healers’ medicines. The berries were not only dried, but also prepared into marmalade, jelly, jam, jelly and jam, and rosehip vitamin tea was also brewed mixed with rowan berries.

We looked at Arina to see how the cranes behave: if they are already setting off on their journey to the southern countries, it means that the first severe frosts will come on Pokrov (December 14). If the cranes are not gathering yet, it means it will be warm until Artemyev Day (November 2). Migrating birds were seen off with loud words “The road is on the road!”, so that they would certainly return warmly to their native lands.

The weather on Arina corresponded to the first day of April.

Lush thickets of weeds foreshadowed generously snowy winter months.

Arina appears in the folk calendar three times, so they used to say: “Three Arinas live in a year.” The day called the “break of the bank”, or Arina the first, fell on April 29, the “seedling”, or the second, was May 18, “crane years”, or the third - the first day of October.

What church holiday is celebrated by the Orthodox Church today, October 30, 2018? Let's find out from our article.

By church calendar There are 3 holidays on this day:

  • Day of the Prophet Hosea. The church honors the holy prophet Hosea, who lived in the 9th century BC in the kingdom of Israel. His prophecies are included among the books of Holy Scripture.
  • Homage to the memory of Saint Andrew, who led an ascetic life on the island of Crete. He suffered in 767, during the reign of the iconoclast emperor Constantine Copronymus.
  • A holiday in honor of the transfer of the holy relics of Lazarus the Fourth Day in 898 from Kitia to Constantinople.

October 30, 2018 — Hosea Kolesnik

According to the church calendar, the day of the prophet Hosea, who lived in the kingdom of Israel in the times before the death of Israel, is coming. According to legend, Hosea fought against idolatry and turned the hearts of the Jews to God.

It was said that the prophet's wife was a prostitute, cheated on Hosea and eventually left him. After this, he began to call the Israelis to repentance and true faith with even greater fervor.

Hosea argued that the Lord would turn away from the Jews and call Gentiles into the kingdom who would believe in him.

Folk calendar - signs October 30, 2018

In Rus', Hosea was nicknamed the Wheelman because on the day of his memory they paid a lot of attention to wheels. The carts were placed in barns until spring, and before that they were checked for serviceability. If necessary, simple transport was repaired.

In any case, the wheels were removed from the axles. “On Hosiya, the wheel and axle part until spring,” the peasants said, putting away the cart and taking out the sleigh, since by this time the winter route had already been established in many areas. And by the last creaking of the cart wheels they wondered about the harvest.

If the wheels move quietly and do not creak, a lot of bread and vegetables will be harvested next year.

On this day, children were asked riddles about wheels and carts. For example, the following are known: “The lady is tinted, belted across, and her back is smeared”; “Four brothers agreed to race, no matter how hard they run, they won’t catch each other”; “One walks, leads four behind him, and the fifth sits, looking with all his eyes.”

Our ancestors in Hosea remembered sayings about autumn. “The day is quickly melting - you can’t tie it by the fence,” people lamented. And they were sad for the passing summer: “October is crying with cold tears.”

Name day October 30, 2018

Name day on this day Alexander, Anatoly, Andrey, Anton, Joseph, Kuzma, Leonty, Hosiya, Sergey, Julian

October 17 (October 30) - the Holy Orthodox Church honors the memory of the Venerable Martyr Andrew of Crete and the unmercenary martyrs Cosmas and Damian.

The Venerable Martyr Andrew of Crete (not to be confused with Saint Andrew of Crete) lived during the reign of the iconoclast emperor Constantine Copronymus (741 - 775), who, on pain of death, ordered Christians to remove holy icons from churches and houses.

The believers who fearlessly resisted the wicked iconoclast and firmly adhered to the tradition of the holy fathers were imprisoned. When the Monk Andrew heard that the emperor was imprisoning and torturing not thieves and robbers, but virtuous and pious Christians, he came to Constantinople and publicly, in the church of the holy martyr Mamant, denounced the heretic for persecuting the true faith.

In justification, the emperor said that it was crazy to give honor to wood and paints. To this the monk replied that the one who suffers for the holy icons suffers for Christ, and the one who insults the icon on which Christ is depicted insults Christ Himself.

The enraged iconoclast ordered Saint Andrew to be mercilessly tortured. On the way to the place of execution, the martyr went to the Lord. A hundred years later, a canon was written for the saint by the Monk Joseph the Songwriter.

Through the prayers of the Venerable Martyr Andrew, those possessed are healed.

Miracle Berry - 3-5 kg ​​of fresh strawberries every 2 weeks!

Miracle berry Fairytale collection is suitable for a window sill, loggia, balcony, veranda - any place in a house or apartment where the light of the sun falls. You can get the first harvest in just 3 weeks. Miracle berry Fairytale harvest bears fruit all year round, and not just in the summer, like in the garden. The lifespan of bushes is 3 years or more; from the second year, fertilizers can be added to the soil.

The holy unmercenary martyrs Cosmas and Damian of Arabia walked through cities and villages, preaching Christ and healing the sick with the power of Christ. The saints did not take any payment for the help they provided. In Cilicia, the pagans seized the holy doctors and brought them to the ruler Lysias.

For refusing to renounce Christian faith the ruler ordered to beat the saints inhumanly and then drown them in the sea, but an Angel of God carried them out of the abyss to the shore. Then the pagans beheaded the saints.

Together with the holy doctors, their brothers Leontius, Anthimus and Eutropius were martyred. (Saints Cosmas and Damian of Arabia should not be confused with other unmercenaries with the same names, whose memory is November 1/14 and July 1/14.)

Transfer of the relics of Righteous Lazarus the Four-Days, Friend of God, Bishop of Kitia

The transfer of the relics of the righteous Lazarus the Four-Days, Bishop of Kitia, took place in the 9th century. The holy righteous Lazarus, brother of Martha and Mary, lived in the village of Bethany, not far from Jerusalem.

During His earthly life, the Lord Jesus Christ often visited the house of Lazarus, whom He loved very much and called His friend (John 11:3; John 11:11), and when Lazarus died and had already lain in the tomb for four days, the Lord raised him from dead (John 11, 17 - 44) (The Resurrection of Lazarus is commemorated by the Church on Saturday of the sixth week of Lent - “Lazarus Saturday”). Many Jews, having heard about this, came to Bethany and, making sure of the reality of this greatest miracle, became followers of Christ. For this, the high priests wanted to kill Lazarus.

Righteous Lazarus is mentioned in the Holy Gospel one more time: when, 6 days before Easter, the Lord came again to Bethany, the resurrected Lazarus was there (John 12: 1 - 2, John 12: 9 - 11). After the resurrection, Saint Lazarus lived for another 30 years, became a bishop on the island of Cyprus, where he spread Christianity, and there he rested peacefully.

Other holidays in Russia

  • Day of Remembrance for Victims of Political Repression
  • Mechanical Engineer Day
  • Founding Day of the Russian Navy

What holiday is celebrated in Russia today? This question is extremely relevant among the residents of our country, since most people understand that every day there is one or another holiday. They are often difficult to keep track of.

Today is no exception to the rule in this regard. The fact is that October 1, 2017 marks several holiday occasions. In particular, today marks the International Day of Older Persons. The church holiday is the following: Day of glorification of St. Euphrosyne of Suzdal. And in the folk calendar the day is designated as follows: Arina Shipovnitsa.

In 1990, the UN General Assembly decided to consider October 1 as the International Day of Older Persons.

First, Older People's Day began to be celebrated in Europe, then in America, and in the late 1990s - all over the world. On this day, many television and radio programs broadcast programs tailored to the tastes of older people. In many countries, various festivals are organized by associations for the protection of the rights of older people, conferences and congresses dedicated to their rights and their role in society. Public organizations and foundations organize various charity events on this day.

Every year, the Senior Citizens' Day events are dedicated to... specific topic.

Today, the composition of the world's population has changed dramatically: global life expectancy has increased from 46 to 68 years and is projected to reach 81 years by the end of the 21st century. There are currently almost 700 million people over the age of 60 in the world, and by 2050 the number of people aged 60+ will reach two billion, representing more than 20% of the world's population. And by 2050 (for the first time in the history of mankind), there will be more people over 60 in the world than children.

And against the backdrop of the general aging of humanity, the needs and problems of the elderly need to be given special attention.

It should be noted that most older citizens can continue to make important contributions to society if they are guaranteed the appropriate conditions to do so.

The UN calls on all people on the planet to focus on creating a society for all ages. Together, countries can and must ensure that people not only live longer, but also that their lives are of higher quality, more varied, more fulfilling and more satisfying.

Which Orthodox holiday today: Day of glorification of St. Euphrosyne of Suzdal

The Monk Euphrosyne was born in 1212. She was the eldest daughter of the holy martyr Michael, Grand Duke of Chernigov. The blessed Prince Mikhail and his wife Feofania had no children for a long time and prayed to God to give them a child. The Most Holy Theotokos appeared to them three times and said that their prayer had been heard - they would have a daughter, who should be named Theodulia, and she would be a servant of the church.

As the Virgin Mary predicted, the couple had a daughter, and they named her Theodulia, which means Servant of God. The newborn was baptized in the Kiev-Pechersk monastery, and the abbot himself became her successor. One day a mother had a vision: she was flying to the sky on wings and giving her daughter to God. Theodulia grew up, her father began to teach her the Holy Scriptures. Otherwise, the young princess’s mentor was the boyar Theodore, distinguished for his wisdom and learning. Theodulia was raised in faith and piety. In 1233, Theodulia was betrothed to the holy noble prince Theodore Yaroslavich, the brother of Alexander Nevsky. She submitted to her parents' will, but secretly prayed to the Mother of God to preserve her virginity, as she felt a calling to monastic life.

The Blessed Virgin appeared to her in a dream, commanding her to obey her parents and saying: “Defilement will not touch your body.” Feodulia went to Suzdal for the wedding, but the marriage did not take place. When the guests had already gathered for the feast, the groom unexpectedly died. Theodulia did not return home and begged the abbess of the monastery in honor of the Placement of the Robe of the Most Holy Theotokos in Blachernae to accept her. The abbess agreed, and on September 25 (old style), the day of the Venerable Euphrosyne of Alexandria, Theodulia was tonsured with the name Euphrosyne. The parents accepted this as the will of God and submitted.

The young nun zealously followed the rules of monastic life. She spent most of the day in prayer - in church or in her cell, and at night she studied the word of God. Sometimes I didn’t eat food for weeks, only drinking a little water. Soon after her tonsure, Euphrosyne was rewarded with the appearance of the Savior, who commanded her to stay awake and strengthen herself in feat.

Shortly before the death of the saint, the earthquake she predicted occurred in Suzdal, during which she saw the Most Holy Theotokos in the sky, begging the Son of God for the salvation of the city and the people in it. After this event, her father and boyar Theodore appeared to her, informing her of her imminent death. The venerable woman began to prepare. She was ill for a short time and died in 1250 - on the same day when she took monastic vows 17 years ago. And on September 18 (old style) in 1698, with the blessing of Patriarch Adrian, Metropolitan Hilarion of Suzdal glorified the Venerable Euphrosyne.

Which folk holiday today, 10/01/2017: Arina Shipovnitsa

The day is dedicated to the memory of the martyrs Irina and Sofia. In Egypt of the 3rd century, by order of Emperor Aurelian, they were executed for their Christian faith.

From this day began the collection of rose hips, the berries of which, as they said, became especially useful from Arina’s day. Rose hips had a place both on the table and in healers’ medicines. The berries were not only dried, but also prepared into marmalade, jelly, jam, jelly and jam, and rosehip vitamin tea was also brewed mixed with rowan berries.

We looked at Arina to see how the cranes behave: if they are already setting off on their journey to the southern countries, it means that the first severe frosts will come on Pokrov (December 14). If the cranes are not gathering yet, it means it will be warm until Artemyev Day (November 2). Migrating birds were seen off with loud words “The road is on the road!”, so that they would certainly return warmly to their native lands.

The weather on Arina corresponded to the first day of April.

Lush thickets of weeds foreshadowed generously snowy winter months.

Arina appears in the folk calendar three times, so they used to say: “Three Arinas live in a year.” The day called the “break of the bank”, or Arina the first, fell on April 29, the “seedling”, or the second, was May 18, “crane years”, or the third - the first day of October.

October 1, 2017 - Sunday, day 274 of 2017 Gregorian calendar. October 1 corresponds to September 18 of the Julian calendar (old style).

Holidays on October 1, 2017 in Russia

  • Ground Forces Day. Russian Ground Forces Day is celebrated in our country annually on October 1 by Presidential Decree Russian Federation No. 549 of May 31, 2006 “On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.” Ground troops As a branch of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, they are intended to conduct combat operations primarily on land. At all stages of the existence of our state, they played the most important, and often decisive role in achieving victory over the enemy, defense national interests. The history of the creation of these troops takes us back to the mid-16th century. On October 1, 1550, a historically turning point occurred in the construction and development of the regular Russian army. On this day, the Tsar of All Rus' Ivan IV (the Terrible) issued a Verdict (Decree) “On the placement in Moscow and surrounding counties of a selected thousand service people,” which, in fact, laid the foundations of the first standing army, which had the characteristics of a regular army. And soon measures were taken to recruit local troops, permanent service was established in peacetime and war time, centralized control of the army and its supply was organized. The next important stage in the development of the Ground Forces was the reforms of Peter I. According to his decree “On the admission of soldiers from free people into service,” the recruiting principle of army formation began to operate in 1699, and after the end of the Northern War a regular army appeared in Russia. Under Alexander I, according to his famous manifesto, the Ministry of Military and Ground Forces was created. The reform was continued by Alexander II, who introduced universal conscription, reorganized the structure of the army, methods of recruiting and arming troops, as well as the system of training military personnel. By the end of the 19th century, the technical component of the Ground Forces had also changed significantly, in connection with the development of railway traffic, aeronautics, and aviation. After the revolution of 1917, the development of the Ground Forces continued as part of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army. And during the years of the Great Patriotic War they played a decisive role in the victory over the Nazi troops. The official registration of the Ground Forces as a branch of the Armed Forces of the USSR occurred in 1946, when a governing body was formed - the Main Command of the Ground Forces. And Marshal was appointed the first Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces Soviet Union Georgy Zhukov. A new stage in the reform of this type of troops, and indeed the whole Russian army, began after the collapse of the USSR. Today, the Russian Ground Forces are the largest branch of the Russian Armed Forces in terms of combat strength. According to their combat capabilities, they are capable, in cooperation with other types of armed forces, to conduct an offensive in order to defeat the enemy group and seize its territory, to deliver fire strikes on greater depth, repel the enemy’s invasion, its large airborne assaults, firmly hold occupied territories, areas and lines. The Ground Forces of the Russian Federation include the following types of troops: motorized rifle, tank, engineering, rocket troops and artillery, air defense troops of the Ground Forces, reconnaissance formations and military units, radiation, chemical and biological defense troops, communications troops. The Russian Ground Forces are subordinate to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Also read:

Holidays on October 1, 2017 in Ukraine

  • Teacher's Day. Teacher's Day - professional holiday all teachers and lecturers. On this day we say thank you to our teachers for their care, patience and support, thanks to which we find our place in life, gain knowledge, and become worthy members of society. In Ukraine, Teachers' Day is celebrated every first Sunday of October. In 2017, the holiday fell on October 1. Teacher's Day is a professional holiday for education workers. The celebration was established by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on September 29, 1965. From then to this day, this professional holiday falls on the first Sunday in October. Also on the first Sunday in October, Teachers' Day is celebrated in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia and Moldova. Usually on this day all teachers accept congratulations from their students. Students give their teachers flowers, sweets and gifts, organize concerts, draw colorful wall newspapers and, according to tradition, celebrate Self-Government Day. World Teachers' Day is celebrated on October 5th.

World and international holidays October 1, 2017

  • International Day of Older Persons. International Day of Older Persons (International Day of Older Persons) - celebrated on October 1 since 1991. It was proclaimed at the 45th session of the UN General Assembly (Resolution No. A/RES/45/106 of December 14, 1990) under the name International Day of Older Persons. Subsequently, the name International Day of Older Persons was adopted in Russian-language UN documents. The resolution notes the reduction in contributions to the UN Trust Fund on Aging, recognizes the rapid aging of the world's population, and recognizes that older people can make significant contributions to development. The General Assembly called on governments and non-governmental organizations to contribute to the Trust Fund on Aging. On October 1, various festivals are organized by associations for the protection of the rights of older people, conferences and congresses dedicated to their rights and their role in society. Public organizations and foundations organize various charity events on this day. This year's theme of the day is “Stepping into the Future: Older People's Talent, Contribution and Participation for the Benefit of Society.” The purpose of the Day is to enhance the participation of older people in the lives of families, communities and society as a whole. The focus will be on ways to support the full and effective participation of older people, taking into account their rights, needs and preferences. The theme of the Day also highlights the link between the participation of older people and the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals and the Madrid Plan of Action on Aging, which is in its third stage of review.
  • International Music Day. International Music Day, celebrated annually on 1 October since 1975, was established on the initiative of the International Music Council (IMC) of UNESCO two years earlier at the 15th General Assembly of the IMC in Lausanne. One of the initiators of the establishment International Day The music is composed by Dmitry Shostakovich. The holiday is celebrated annually all over the world with large concert programs, with the participation of the best artists and artistic groups. On this day, compositions included in the treasury of world culture are heard. Creative meetings with composers, performers, musicologists are also held, thematic exhibitions and educational events are organized, which contributes to the goal of disseminating music as an art in a variety of communities. Music (from the Greek musike, literally “the art of muses”) is a type of art in which organized musical sounds serve as a means of embodying artistic images. Humanity has been familiar with music since ancient times. In the caves of Africa, rock paintings of long-vanished tribes have been preserved. The drawings depict people with musical instruments. We will never hear that music again, but once upon a time it brightened up people's lives, made them happy or sad. In 2000, Chinese archaeologists discovered a museum musical instruments, created 2 thousand years ago, during the Han Dynasty. Music has enormous power. There are few people in the world who are indifferent to music. Many composers tried to express the state of their soul through it. Their great names will always be pronounced with gratitude by their descendants. Music does not age; it will live as long as a person exists. And the International Day of Music realizes the idea of ​​rapprochement and friendship between peoples, mutual enrichment of cultures, because the language of music is international and understandable to everyone who feels...
  • World Vegetarian Day. On October 1, many countries celebrate World Vegetarian Day. This holiday is dedicated to promoting vegetarianism and was proposed by the North American Vegetarian Society in 1977. Later, in 1978, the idea of ​​introducing a holiday was supported by the International Vegetarian Union. World Vegetarian Day aims to raise awareness among the world's population about the benefits of a vegetarian lifestyle. This day also marks the beginning of the “Vegetarian Awareness Month,” during which vegetarians conduct various thematic events, dedicated to the benefits and harms of vegetarianism. Traditionally, World Vegetarian Day different countries ah is accompanied by various promotions. For example, many restaurants include only vegetarian dishes on their menus on this day, and stores offer discounts on vegetables and fruits.

Orthodox holidays October 1, 2017

October 1, 2017 in the Orthodox Church: 17th Sunday after Pentecost, after the Exaltation, no fasting.

The following memorial dates have been established:

  • Memorial Day of St. Eumenius, Bishop of Gortyn;
  • Memorial Day of St. Euphrosyne, in the world of Theodulia, Suzdal;
  • Memorial Day of St. Hilarion of Optina;
  • Memorial Day of the Martyr Ariadne of Promis (Phrygian);
  • Memorial Day of the Martyrs Sophia and Irina of Egypt;
  • Memorial Day of the Martyr Castor;
  • Day of Remembrance of the Martyrs Bidzina, Shalva and Elizbar, Princes of Ksani;
  • Memorial Day of Hieromartyrs Alexy Kuznetsov and Peter Dyakonov, presbyters;
  • Day of Remembrance of Hieromartyrs Amphilochius (Skvortsov), Bishop of Krasnoyarsk, Ioann Vasiliev, Boris Bogolepov, Mikhail Skobelev, Vladimir Chekalov, Veniamin Blagonadezhdin, Konstantin Tverdislov, presbyters and martyr Sergius Vedernikov;
  • Starorusskaya; "Healer"; Molchenskaya - icons of the Mother of God.

National holidays October 1, 2017

  • Arina Shipovnitsa. The national holiday “Arina Shipovnitsa” is celebrated on October 1 (according to the old style - September 18). On this day Orthodox Church The memory of the martyrs Ariadne of Promis and Irina of Egypt is honored. Other names of the holiday: “Crane Flight”, “Autumn Arina”, “Arina’s Day”, “Irina”. The martyr Ariadne lived in the city of Promission, Phrygian region. She was the concubine of the head of the city until she refused to make a sacrifice to the pagan gods and publicly announced that she was a Christian. For this they beat her, tormented her body, tearing out pieces of meat with sharp hooks, and threw her into prison. After being held for a long time without food or water, Ariadne was released and left the city. All that is known about the martyr Irene of Egypt is that she, being a Christian, opposed the pagans during the reign of the Roman Emperor Aurelius. Like many others, in particular Sophia (who is also remembered on October 1), she was tried by the ruler of Egypt Claudius, subjected to numerous tortures and beheaded. Later, the relics of the martyrs were transferred by Constantine the Great to Constantinople. On this day in Rus' it was customary to collect and dry rose hips. It was believed that only those berries that were collected after Arina's day were useful. Our ancestors used rose hips in both culinary and medicinal purposes. For example, vitamin drinks were prepared from it and used to strengthen the immune system. The berries were used to make jam, jelly, jelly, marmalade, and marmalade. Tea made from rowan and rosehip fruits was popular. On Arina we watched the cranes. Among the people, this bird symbolizes the arrival of warmth and is considered a messenger of God. According to legend, in the fall cranes carry away the souls of the dead, and in the spring they show the way to the souls of babies who are soon to be born. If on October 1 the cranes began to fly away to warmer climes, then on Pokrov (October 14) the first serious frosts were expected. If no cranes were seen that day, then it was believed that there would be no frost until Artemyev Day (November 2). Birds flying south were shouted after them: “The road is on the road!” so that they would return home in the spring. In total, there were three holidays dedicated to Arina in the folk calendar. Our ancestors said so: “Three Arinas live in a year, and each has its own special purpose. One manages the melt water, so people call it “Arina - break up the shore, sparkle the ravines” (April 29). The other is a nursery, helping village housewives manage their vegetable gardens (May 18). And Arina, in the autumn, is “busy about the thorn” and leads the cranes in the summer, because she alone knows “whether the time has come to drive the birds for warm seas“Or you can postpone departure (October 1).”

Holidays on October 1, 2017 in countries around the world

  • Holiday in Latvia October 1, 2017 - Teacher's Day.
  • Holiday in Belarus October 1, 2017 - Teacher's Day.
  • Holiday in Azerbaijan October 1, 2017 - Day of Prosecutor's Office Workers. Every year on October 1, employees of the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Azerbaijan solemnly celebrate their professional holiday. The celebration of this day is due to historical necessity. On July 17, 1998, President of the Azerbaijan Republic Heydar Aliyev signed an order to hold a professional holiday for the employees of the prosecutor's office of the Azerbaijan Republic on October 1, based on the fact that by the decision of the Council of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic dated October 1, 1918, the prosecutor's office began operating as part of the Baku District Court. Unlike the judicial authorities, the existence of which in many states has been known since ancient times, the prosecutor's office as an independent institution arose much later. The history of the prosecutor's office in the independent Azerbaijani state begins with the formation of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic. On November 18, 1918, the Council of Ministers approved the “Regulations on the Judicial Chamber of Azerbaijan.” After the restoration of state independence of Azerbaijan in 1991, the Republic entered a new period. However, in the first years of independence during the reign of the Popular Front (PFPA), internal strife, anarchy and chaos that engulfed the entire country caused enormous harm to state building. After Heydar Aliyev returned to power, a new period began in the activities of the prosecutor's office. During this period, it was the employees of the prosecutor's office who professionally investigated such serious criminal events as crimes against independent statehood, terrorist attacks committed against prominent public and statesmen, appropriation of state property, serious criminal acts committed in the banking and financial system (including massive misappropriation of the savings of ordinary citizens), and the perpetrators suffered a well-deserved punishment. Attempts at state and military coups in October 1994 and March 1995 were prevented in the country. A group of prosecutors particularly distinguished themselves in the investigation of criminal cases related to these events. And today the tasks for the prosecutor’s office in Azerbaijan are no less important and multifaceted. And on their professional holiday, all employees of this structure deservedly receive gratitude for their work and congratulations from management and friends.
  • Holiday in Uzbekistan October 1, 2017 - Day of teachers and mentors. On October 1, Teachers and Mentors Day is celebrated annually in Uzbekistan. This holiday was established in December 1996, and was first celebrated in 1997. The holiday has state status and is considered one of the most significant and solemn ones of the year. On this day, residents of the country congratulate everyone who bears the proud title of teacher and mentor. In the East in general and in Uzbekistan in particular, the attitude towards teachers and mentors has always been special. These people were immensely respected, appreciating their hard work and selfless care for the younger generation, and the title of teacher was considered very honorable. Today, these traditions of relationships with teachers and mentors are still alive. On Teachers and Mentors Day in Uzbekistan, government institutions are closed and an official day off is declared. So everyone can gather on this day to congratulate their teachers and thank them for everything they have done. For this purpose, meetings of school or university graduates are often held on this day, for example.
  • Holiday in Germany October 1, 2017 - Harvest Festival. The most common name for the holiday of the end of the harvest among the Germans is “Erntedankfest” - a thanksgiving holiday. The holiday of the end of the harvest is celebrated in the Catholic Church in Germany on the first Sunday in October. This holiday has its roots in Roman customs. On this day, people rejoice at a good harvest and thank God for his gifts of nature (vegetables, fruits, grains, berries) and for taking care of people. In return, the believers return part of his gift to him. The harvest festival was celebrated in pre-Christian times. It has been celebrated in the Catholic Church since the 3rd century. In Prussia, it was first celebrated in 1773 on the first Sunday after St. Michael's Day (September 29), after which it became regular. The date of the first Sunday in October has been approved in Germany Catholic Church in 1972, and each parish of the Evangelical Church determines its own holiday date: the first Sunday in October or the first Sunday after Michaelmas. Ancient peasants believed that the harvest was protected by a spirit that gave it growth or death. The spirit will give a good harvest if he is happy and happy, and will destroy the harvest if the peasant does not please him or offends him. In this regard, this holiday was celebrated earlier as a victory over spirits. Today is the day of completing field work and thanking God for his gifts. On this day there is a special service in the church. At the same time, the church is decorated with the best fruits of the new harvest, wreaths of wheat. These harvesting and reaping wreaths are made in advance from the ears of the last sheaf. Vegetables, fruits, and grains are blessed and laid out in front of the altar.
  • Holiday in China October 1, 2017 - Day of the Founding of the People's Republic of China. October 1st is the main day Public Holiday China - Founding Day of the People's Republic of China, also known as National Day of China. This holiday commemorates the anniversary of the proclamation of the People's Republic of China on October 1, 1949 at a rally in Tiananmen Square in Beijing. The holiday date was established in December of the same year. Previously, magnificent military parades were always held on the Founding Day of the People's Republic of China, but over time they were abandoned. Now the celebration is held without parades, but with dancing, singing and fireworks. On this day, city streets are richly decorated with compositions of fresh flowers. It is noteworthy that the Founding Day of the People's Republic of China usually marks the beginning of the so-called “golden week”, when 3 non-working days, dedicated to the holiday, are combined with working days. A whole non-working week is formed, during which residents of the country can fully enjoy the holiday.
  • Holiday in Cyprus October 1, 2017 - Independence Day of the Republic of Cyprus. This holiday in Cyprus can be compared in mood to the Russian Victory Day! Independence Day in Cyprus is a holiday celebrated throughout the country with great respect and no less scope. Throughout its history, Cyprus, thanks to its advantageous strategic position in the Mediterranean Sea, changed hands more than once, remaining on the periphery of various empires (Roman, Byzantine), and at the end of the 16th century it was conquered by the Ottoman Turks, who ruled it for 300 years. . In 1878, Cyprus was occupied by Britain, initially de facto, with nominal sovereignty Ottoman Empire, and during the First World War - already legally. In 1925, Great Britain officially declared Cyprus its colony. As a result of many years of national liberation struggle, in 1960 Cyprus received its long-awaited independence and became sovereign state, in which Archbishop Makarios played a significant role, with whose era so many significant, but also controversial things are connected in Cyprus. Independence Day of the Republic of Cyprus is a public holiday and another day when the family gets together and guests are invited. Preparations for the holiday begin early in the morning. Towards evening, cafes are filled to capacity, as some, tired of gatherings at home, move on to conversations at the table of their favorite restaurant. By the way, it would be appropriate to say that Cypriots always have their favorite places that they do not change. They bring friends and guests there, and they advise them to come only to this place, since it is considered already proven and becomes “theirs.” Homes are getting ready delicious treats. As a rule, this work falls on the shoulders of the housewife; the rest of the household goes to the military parade, which begins at 11 a.m. local time. They always come to the parade dignitaries states. The parade is a unique opportunity for guests of Cyprus to admire the Cypriot army, the military pride of this amazing country. The parade is such an important spectacle for Cypriots that families travel from all over the country to the capital, Nicosia, to see it with their own eyes. As a rule, Cypriots take their children with them, wanting to show them that they are under the protection of their state. Thus, the traditionally respectful attitude towards one’s country and the memory of all the events that befell Cyprus are not interrupted. After the last sounds of the festive fanfare are heard, mass festivities begin and continue until late in the evening. The festival program always includes theatrical performances, street concerts with the participation of pop and circus stars. Delicious food, drinks and traditional sweets await everyone who comes.
  • Holiday in Nigeria October 1, 2017 - Independence Day. Nigeria's Independence Day is celebrated annually on October 1st. This holiday was established in the country in honor of the anniversary of the declaration of independence of Nigeria from Great Britain in 1960. After the declaration of independence in Nigeria, the period of the so-called First Nigerian Republic began, which lasted until 1966. Around the 15th century, the territory of modern Nigeria was captured by the Portuguese, and in 1885 the country came under British rule - following the results of the Berlin Conference, and earlier. With the declaration of independence in 1960, a rather difficult time began for Nigeria. From 1960 to 1966, the “First Republic” was proclaimed in the country, followed by a period civil war 1967-1970. In 1979, the “Second Republic” was founded and lasted until 1983. From 1983 to 1998, the “Third Republic” already operated in Nigeria, and from 1998 the period of the “Fourth Republic” lasted. Despite all the difficulties, the population celebrates Nigeria's Independence Day quite widely. On this significant day for their country, Nigerians organize folk festivals, set off fireworks, listen to national music concerts, etc.
  • Holiday in Cameroon October 1, 2017 - Cameroon Unification Day. Unification Day in Cameroon, which is celebrated annually in the country on October 1, was established in honor of the anniversary of Southern Cameroon's independence from Great Britain and unification with French Cameroon in 1961. As a result of the unification in October 1961, the Federal Republic of Cameroon was formed, which included two states: the former French part became known as Eastern Cameroon, and the former British part became Western Cameroon. History has decreed that since the First World War, dominance over Cameroon has passed to France and Great Britain - on March 4, 1916, France and Great Britain entered into a secret agreement on the division of Cameroon. Three years later, on July 10, 1919, the division of Cameroon between England and France was finalized, and the League of Nations authorized the transfer of Eastern Cameroon under the mandate of France, and Western Cameroon to England. As a result of this act, some peoples African country found themselves separated geographically. Although international obligations demanded that England and France ensure the political and civil rights of the civilian population; colonial legislation was in force in Cameroon. From the late 40s and 50s of the 20th century, French Cameroon actively created political organizations, whose goal was to unite the French and British parts of Cameroon, fight the colonial regime, and also grant the country independence. The most active political party became the Union of Peoples of Cameroon (UCN), formed by trade union activists in 1948. The SNK, together with activist groups of British Cameroon, achieved a referendum in 1961 under the auspices of the UN, which resulted in the historical unification of the two territories and the creation Federal Republic Cameroon. Unification Day is truly a national holiday; it is celebrated in all cities of the country with processions and fireworks. Special attention on this day is given sporting events- canoe competitions, national wrestling, swimming competitions athletics and the popular marathon race. Cameroonians, known as a football nation, host numerous professional and amateur football battles on this holiday. Let us remind you that in connection with the events described above, another important national date is celebrated in Cameroon - every year on January 1, the country celebrates Independence Day.
  • Holiday in Austria October 1, 2017 - Coffee day in Vienna. Every year since 2002, Coffee Day is celebrated on October 1 in the Austrian capital, Vienna. And this is not surprising, because “Viennese coffee” is a real brand whose popularity is undeniable. There are many things that unite the beautiful Viennese capital with this equally wonderful drink, so it is no coincidence that Coffee Day is celebrated here every year. It must be said that the Austrians themselves believe that it was thanks to them that the Old World discovered coffee, but nevertheless its “European” history began in Venice, a city located very advantageously geographically from a trade point of view. Venetian merchants conducted successful trade with all Mediterranean countries for centuries. So the first Europeans to try coffee were the residents of Venice. But there, against the backdrop of a huge number of other exotic goods brought from different countries, he got lost. But in Austria he received well-deserved recognition. According to historical documents, coffee first appeared in Vienna in the 1660s, but as a “homemade” drink that was prepared in the kitchen. But the first coffee shops opened only two decades later, and it was from this time that the history of Viennese coffee began. And there is even a legend that it first appeared in Vienna in 1683, after the Battle of Vienna, when the Austrian capital was besieged by the Turkish army. The fight was fierce, and if it were not for the help of the cavalry of the Polish king to the defenders of the city, it is not known how it all would have ended. Legend has it that it was one of the Polish officers - Yuri Franz Kolszycki (Kolczycki, Polish: Jerzy Franciszek Kulczycki) - showed special courage during these hostilities, penetrating enemy positions at the risk of his life, he maintained contact between Austrian reinforcements and the defenders of besieged Vienna. As a result, the Turks had to hastily retreat and abandon their weapons and supplies. And among all this goodness there were several bags of coffee, and the brave officer became their owner. The authorities of Vienna also did not remain in debt to Kolshitsky and gave him a house, where he later opened the first coffee shop in the city called “Under the Blue Flask” (“Hof zur Blauen Flasche”). Very quickly the establishment gained immense popularity among the residents of Vienna, bringing the owner a good income. By the way, Kolshitsky is also credited with the authorship of “Viennese coffee” itself, when the drink is filtered from the grounds and sugar and milk are added to it. Soon such coffee became known throughout Europe. Grateful Austrians erected a monument to Kolshitsky, which can still be seen today. In subsequent years, other coffee shops began to open in different parts of Vienna, and soon classic coffee houses became a distinctive feature of the Austrian capital. Moreover, for many city residents they have become the main place of free time, turning into an important institution of society. Here everyday and business issues were discussed and resolved, new acquaintances were made, and deals were concluded. By the way, the clientele of Viennese cafes at first consisted mainly of men who came here several times a day: in the morning and afternoon, regulars could be found reading newspapers, in the evenings they played and discussed all sorts of topics. The most elite cafes could boast famous clients, which included famous cultural and artistic figures, politicians and businessmen. By the way, they also gave rise to the fashion for wooden and marble coffee tables and rounded chairs; these attributes of Viennese cafes later became symbols of the furnishings of similar establishments throughout Europe. But, naturally, coffee came first - it was excellent here, and customers could choose a drink to suit their taste from a variety of varieties. And today, Viennese coffee is a famous, exquisite drink, about which many legends are formed, and with the creation of which the victorious march of coffee across Europe began. And its popularity in Austria is just as high; after water, it ranks second among drinks among Austrians. Thus, every year one resident of the country drinks approximately 162 liters of coffee, which is about 2.6 cups per day. After all, you can drink coffee in Vienna on almost every corner, but to truly understand and appreciate the beauty of this famous drink, you still need to visit a coffee shop, or as they are also called, a caféhouse. They don’t like fuss and rush here; people come here to relax, negotiate, chat with a girlfriend or friend, declare their love, or just read the newspaper. In the most respectable cafes, located, as a rule, in the center of the capital, along with the local press, there is always a selection of the world's leading publications. At the same time, every coffee shop in Vienna honors its traditions and tries to “keep up the brand.” For example, the famous Cafe Central coffee shop was once the headquarters of revolutionaries Lev Bronstein and Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. Then the coffee shop was closed, it was reopened only in 1983, and today it sells more than a thousand cups of coffee per day. Another “declaration of love” from the residents of Vienna to this drink was the opening of the Coffee Museum in 2003, which is called “Kaffee Museum” and has about a thousand exhibits occupying five large halls. The exhibition in the museum is imbued with the spirit and smell of aromatic Viennese coffee. There is a huge number of coffee makers, coffee grinders and coffee utensils and paraphernalia from different cultures and centuries. Particular attention is paid to the traditions and history of Viennese coffee houses. One of the features of the museum is the Professional Coffee Center, where issues of coffee preparation are covered in practice, restaurant owners, baristas and simply coffee lovers are trained, and master classes are held that attract a huge number of visitors. Coffee is one of the most beloved drinks in the world, which is why Coffee Day in Vienna is already a great success and has many fans. On this day, all Viennese coffee shops, pastry shops and restaurants prepare surprises for visitors and, of course, traditional Viennese coffee is offered to all visitors. And although many years have passed since the appearance of this drink in the Austrian capital, and many coffee recipes have appeared, the basis of the preparation technology remains unchanged. Viennese coffee is coffee with milk. In addition, some fans add chocolate chips and vanillin to it. There are also those who like to experiment with a variety of “additives” - cardamom, various liqueurs, cream, etc. You should not be surprised if, when you order a cup of coffee, you also receive a glass of water on a metal tray. It is customary among the Viennese to refresh their mouths with water after each sip of coffee in order to constantly feel the full flavor of their favorite drink.
  • Holiday in Japan October 1, 2017 - Sake day. Japan celebrates Sake Day on October 1st every year. This holiday can be considered a professional holiday for all workers in the Japanese wine industry. It was established in 1978 by the Central Assembly of the Japanese Wine Trade Union. The date of the holiday coincides with the beginning of the sake production season. Sake is one of the most popular Japanese alcoholic drinks, a widely known symbol of the Land of the Rising Sun. In Russian, sake is usually called rice vodka, but in Japan itself this word is usually used to mean any alcoholic drink. And, besides, the technology for producing sake is completely different from the technology for producing vodka. The Japanese usually celebrate Sake Day in a simple way- drink a glass or two of this drink. At the same time, many establishments in Japanese cities offer significant discounts on sake on this day, so that every resident of the country can afford to enjoy this drink.
  • Holiday in Tuvalu October 1, 2017 - Independence Day. Tuvalu's Independence Day is celebrated annually on October 1. This holiday commemorates the anniversary of Tuvalu's independence from Great Britain in 1978. Since 1892, Tuvalu was part of the British Ellice Islands Protectorate, and from 1916 to 1974 the archipelago was part of the British colony of Gilbert and Ellice Islands. Tuvalu is a small island state in Polynesia. In the 16th century, it was discovered by the Spanish navigator Alvaro Mendaña; earlier, it is believed that the islands of Tuvalu were inhabited by people from the islands of Tonga and Samoa. From 1892 to 1978, Tuvalu was under British rule, and since 1978, the country gained independence. Tuvalu Independence Day is now celebrated quite widely on all islands of the state. Usually on this day national dances are performed and national songs are sung. Entertainment shows can be organized for tourists.