We can safely call every person unique to one degree or another. What makes him such? It’s all very simple, a combination of external data and character traits with the help of which a person appears before you in his usual state. The list of qualities can be continued ad infinitum; they provide a person’s individuality, allowing him to be different from other people. In fact, it is not so easy to take and count the number of characteristic traits that a particular person possesses. Is it necessary to consider only good qualities? Maybe we should put bad characteristics at the forefront? It is very important to adequately characterize a person, give him an assessment and understand at the same time that a person cannot have only a good set of qualities or only a bad one.

List of human qualities

Why make all these lists and lists at all? Psychologists say that thanks to all these lists it is possible to conduct an analysis and highlight a number of aspects. When compiling a list of the qualities of another person, we ourselves will, in one way or another, strive to analyze ourselves, although this happens completely unconsciously, but still. You can find weaknesses and turn them into strengths, gradually get rid of shortcomings and continue to confidently work on yourself.

Positive character traits

It is impossible to list all the advantages, there are a lot of them. In fact, more than you might imagine. Some characteristics allow you to interact with people, while others allow you to do a great job when asked by your boss at work. Let us outline a number of key positive qualities of a person:

  • kindness. This quality lives in each of us, but in modern society there is a stereotype that it is not possible to meet a kind person. The problem is the crazy pace of life, which dictates its own conditions and quite often locks a person into a framework. Look around, what do you see? There are only egocentrics around who believe that the world should revolve only around them. But you can always find this quality in yourself and try to develop it;
  • sense of humor. One great classicist called the quality called "gaiety" outstanding. Its peculiarity is that a person can lift the mood of people who are nearby, relieving them of depressing thoughts. It’s nice to be in the same room with such people, they charge you with positivity and set the right mood in life, which allows you to just enjoy life without paying attention to what’s happening around you;
  • determination. Thanks to this quality, you can feel like an independent person, because many people associate determination with the absence of a sense of fear;
  • determination. It is important to set a goal and confidently move towards achieving it, so the owners of this quality can safely be called lucky;
  • feeling of compassion. This quality is valued in our time, because if a person knows how to empathize and support a loved one in difficult times, he will greatly alleviate his suffering and solve his problems;
  • politeness. This character trait in the eyes of others represents a person as tactful, balanced and not prone to conflict. It is very important to always maintain composure and look dignified;
  • communication skills. If a person knows how to quickly establish contacts and make friends, then he is a sociable person who will achieve a lot in life and go far;
  • punctuality. In a world where everyone is late and doesn't follow orders, this quality allows you to stand out from the crowd. Such people know how to plan their time, they value in people the ability to do everything on time and follow the rules;
  • self-criticism. Each of us must adequately assess the situation and be able to laugh at ourselves. This characterizes you as a strong and confident person who is not afraid to admit her mistake and say publicly that she did something wrong;
  • modesty. A person who does not exalt himself and does not put himself above everyone else looks decent. And this is even despite the fact that he has something to brag about and stand out from the crowd. It’s always nice to communicate with people who have achieved a lot and at the same time do not try to talk about themselves at every turn;
  • confidence. A quality that every person strives for. After all, it is so important to be 100% sure that you are doing everything right. Such persons are not afraid to express their opinions publicly; they know how to manage emotions and stressful situations make the only right decision.

Negative human character traits

IN at different ages a person is capable of exhibiting, along with positive qualities, also bad ones, which characterize him from the other side. Why do these qualities arise?

The parents could have made mistakes in raising the child, or the person has always shown a tendency towards unseemly behavior. Despite this. Even bad heredity can and should be fought; now we will look at a number of negative qualities of human character:

  • hot temper. Usually people who have this quality do not know how to control their emotions, they are unrestrained and cause problems to everyone around them. You must try to restrain your emotional manifestations and keep your promises;
  • envy. It’s not for nothing that this quality is called one of the most bad traits character, which harms the development of a person as an individual. Someone is more beautiful, richer, smarter - which means that the person is definitely worth envying, and some people even try to do everything possible to poison the life of the object of their envy. You should not pay attention to the successes of other people, you need to confidently work on yourself;
  • arrogance. It is very difficult to contact such people Everyday life, they consider themselves better than others and never tire of repeating this. If you don’t stop in time and try to get rid of arrogance, your family and friends may turn away from you forever;
  • selfishness. Such persons are doomed to die in splendid isolation, and all because they think only about themselves and care exclusively about themselves. Sooner or later, friends and relatives will turn away from you, who are simply tired of constantly taking care of you;
  • arrogance. Such persons are always looked down upon and therefore no one likes them. If you do not stop behaving arrogantly and live in splendid isolation, without friends and girlfriends, without support from others;
  • hypocrisy. A person who says one thing to his face and another behind his back will sooner or later compromise himself with something, and then a scandal will definitely not be avoided. It is necessary to make every effort to eradicate this bad quality in yourself;
  • pessimism. Often such people complain to others about life, they are constantly dissatisfied with something, and the nerves of those around them lose their nerve very quickly. No one will like the fact that they are always telling you their problems and trying to blame the whole world for your failures. Remember one thing very much important rule: if you initially set yourself up for failure, be prepared for the fact that it will stay with you for a long time;
  • laziness. Nobody likes lazy people, and no one will definitely work for you either. After all, such a person will definitely find a million excuses for doing nothing. If you don't stop everything free time spend time on the couch and remain an unsuccessful person who will achieve nothing in life;
  • impudence. Achieving a goal for such people will not be difficult; you can always go over your head, not paying attention to other people’s principles and ambitions. Nobody likes arrogant people, and everyone around them treats them with characteristic aggressiveness;
  • infantilism. It is very convenient in our society to be a capricious, spoiled person who shows his immaturity in making even the most banal decisions. People around them avoid such people so that once again did not have to solve their problems;
  • cruelty. One of the worst human qualities, because such people are capable of any actions and deeds. It all starts in childhood, when a child deliberately tortures an animal, then teases classmates and mature age behaves cruelly towards work colleagues.

Everyone has the right to decide for themselves which qualities to develop in themselves and which ones need to be eradicated as soon as possible. One thing is clear, if you stand still and take absolutely no action, your unpleasant baggage of personal qualities and characteristics will remain with you. You need to work on yourself every day, because depending on the circumstances, certain characteristics appear and it is not always possible to control them in moments of overwhelming emotions. On the other hand, you should definitely make every effort if you realize that you are behaving incorrectly. Positive features character should be developed, negative ones should be actively fought - it’s all very simple. If you don't like something, you can always correct it or fix it altogether. You cannot characterize a person as “bad” or “good” or give him some other assessment, because everything in this world is relative. A person who is engaged in self-development will never be guided by someone else's opinion and consider it the only correct one. Remember that everything in this life depends only on you and the decisions you make. There are bad and good qualities in each of us, but we have the right to dose them, revealing the facets of our character every day from a new side.

By studying the character traits of a particular person, it is possible to identify what qualities characterize the personality. Their manifestation is based on the influence of individual experience, knowledge, abilities and capabilities of people. List biological features includes innate characteristics of a person. Other personality qualities are acquired as a result of life activity:

  • Sociality

Means irreducibility to individuals, biological characteristics people, rich in socio-cultural content.

  • Uniqueness

Uniqueness and originality inner world an individual, his independence and inability to be classified as one or another social or psychological type.

  • Transcendence

Willingness to go beyond one’s “limits”, constant self-improvement as a way of being, belief in the possibility of development and overcoming external and internal obstacles on the way to one’s goal and, as a consequence, incompleteness, inconsistency and problematic nature.

  • Integrity and subjectivity

Internal unity and identity (equality with oneself) in any life situations.

  • Activity and subjectivity

The ability to change oneself and the conditions of one’s existence, independence from environmental conditions, the ability to be the source of one’s own activity, the cause of actions and recognition of responsibility for the deeds committed.

  • Moral

The basis of interaction with the outside world, the willingness to treat other people as the highest value, equal to one’s own, and not as a means of achieving goals.

List of qualities

Personality structure includes temperament, volitional qualities, abilities, character, emotions, social attitudes and motivation. And also separately the following qualities:

  • Independence;
  • Intellectual self-improvement;
  • Communication skills;
  • Kindness;
  • Hard work;
  • Honesty;
  • Determination;
  • Responsibility;
  • Respect;
  • Confidence;
  • Discipline;
  • Humanity;
  • Mercy;
  • Curiosity;
  • Objectivity.

A person’s personal qualities consist of internal perception and external manifestations. External manifestation includes a list of indicators:

  • innate or acquired artistry;
  • attractive appearance and sense of style;
  • ability and clear pronunciation of speech;
  • competent and sophisticated approach to .

The main qualities of a person (her inner world) can be classified according to a number of characteristics:

  • a comprehensive assessment of the situation and the absence of conflicting perceptions of information;
  • an inherent love for people;
  • open-minded thinking;
  • positive form of perception;
  • wise judgment.

The level of these indicators determines individual characteristics being studied.

Structure of individual qualities

For more precise definition qualities of a person’s personality, one should highlight his biological structure. It consists of 4 levels:

  1. Temperament, including characteristics of genetic predisposition ( nervous system).
  2. Degree of unique mental processes, allowing you to determine the personal qualities of a person. The level of individual perception, imagination, manifestation of volitional signs, feelings and attention influences the achievement of results.
  3. The experiences of people, characterized by knowledge, abilities, capabilities and habits.
  4. Indicators of social orientation, including the subject’s attitude towards external environment a habitat. The development of personal qualities acts as a guiding and regulating factor of behavior - interests and views, beliefs and attitudes (state of consciousness based on previous experience, regulatory attitude and), moral norms.

Traits of people that characterize their temperament

The innate qualities of a person shape him as a social being. Behavioral factors, type of activity and social circle are taken into account. The category is divided into 4 concepts: sanguine, melancholic, choleric and phlegmatic.

  • Sanguine - easily adapts to a new environment and overcomes obstacles. Sociability, responsiveness, openness, cheerfulness and leadership are the main personality traits.
  • Melancholic – weak and sedentary. Under the influence of strong stimuli, behavioral disturbances occur, manifested by a passive attitude towards any activity. Withdrawal, pessimism, anxiety, reasoning and touchiness - character traits melancholic.
  • Cholerics are strong, unbalanced, energetic personality traits. They are quick-tempered and unrestrained. Touchiness, impulsiveness, emotionality and instability are clear indicators of a restless temperament.
  • A phlegmatic person is a balanced, inert and slow person, not prone to change. Personal indicators are easy to overcome negative factors. Reliability, goodwill, peacefulness and prudence - distinctive features calm people.

Individual character traits

Character is a set of traits of an individual that are manifested in different types activities, communication and relationships with people. The development of personal qualities is formed against the background of life processes and the type of activity of people. To more accurately assess the character of people, behavioral factors in specific circumstances should be studied in detail.

Types of character:

  • cycloid – mood swings;
  • hyperthymic accentuation consists of high activity and failure to complete tasks;
  • asthenic – capricious and depressive personal qualities;
  • sensitive – timid personality;
  • hysterical - the makings of leadership and vanity;
  • dysthymic – focused on the negative side of current events.

Individual abilities of people

Individual psychological qualities of a person contribute to the achievement of success and excellence in a certain activity. They are determined by the social and historical practice of the individual, the results of the interactions of biological and mental indicators.

Exist different levels abilities:

  1. giftedness;
  2. talent;
  3. genius.

The development of the algorithm of personal qualities and abilities of people is characterized by the ability to learn new things in the mental sphere. Special features are manifested in a specific type of activity (musical, artistic, pedagogical, etc.).

Strong-willed traits of people

Adjusting behavioral factors associated with overcoming internal and external discomfort makes it possible to determine personal qualities: the level of effort and plans for taking actions, concentration in a given direction. Will manifests itself in the following properties:

  • – level of effort to achieve the desired result;
  • perseverance – the ability to mobilize to overcome troubles;
  • endurance - the ability to limit feelings, thinking and actions.

Courage, self-control, commitment are the personal qualities of strong-willed people. They are classified into simple and complex acts. IN simple case incentives to action flow into its implementation automatically. Complex acts are carried out on the basis of drawing up a plan and taking into account the consequences.

Human feelings

People's persistent attitudes towards real or imaginary objects arise and are formed on the basis of the cultural and historical level. Only the ways of their manifestation change, based on historical eras. individual.

Personal motivation

Motives and incentives that contribute to the activation of actions are formed from. Stimulating personality traits can be conscious or unconscious.

They appear as:

  • desire for success;
  • avoiding trouble;
  • gaining power, etc.

How do personality traits manifest themselves and how to recognize them?

The personal qualities of an individual are determined by analyzing behavioral factors:

  • self-esteem. manifest themselves in relation to themselves: modest or confident, arrogant and self-critical, decisive and brave, people with high level self-control or lack of will;
  • assessment of the individual's attitude to society. There are different degrees of relationships between the subject and representatives of society: honest and fair, sociable and polite, tactful, rude, etc.;
  • a unique personality is determined by the level of interests in the labor, educational, sports or creative spheres;
  • clarification of a person’s position in society occurs in close connection with opinions about him;
  • when studying psychological factors, Special attention attention is paid to memory, thinking and attention, which characterize the development of personal qualities;
  • Observing the emotional perception of situations allows us to assess the individual’s reaction when solving problems or its absence;
  • measuring the level of responsibility. The main qualities of a serious personality are manifested in labor activity in the form of a creative approach, entrepreneurship, initiative and bringing the matter to the desired result.

A review of the individual properties of people helps to create an overall picture of behavior in professional and social sphere. The concept of “personality” is a person with individual properties determined by the social environment. These include personal characteristics: intelligence, emotions and will.

Grouping of features that contribute to personality recognition:

  • subjects who are aware of the presence of their inherent social traits;
  • people taking part in the social and cultural life of society;
  • personal qualities and a person’s character is easy to determine in social relationships through communication and the work sphere;
  • individuals who are clearly aware of their uniqueness and significance in the public.

A person’s personal and professional qualities are manifested in the formation of their worldview and internal perception. An individual always asks philosophical questions about life and his significance in society. He has his own ideas, views and life positions that influence

A person's character is an important component of his life. Personality exists in society. By interacting with other people, we learn to understand each other, show our essence, and develop our individuality. By the age of two or three, a child already has his own character and is ready to defend it. Just try to tell him something that does not correspond to his ideas about himself, and you will see manifestations of a personality that wants to be heard.

Often people, wondering what kind of characters there are, do not understand that each of us is unique, and therefore even pronounced personality traits will be manifested differently in each of us. Character cannot be good or bad.

General Character Traits

It is common for all of us to react in a certain way to changing conditions. General character traits of a person represent the basis of the human psyche. These include courage, honesty, openness, secrecy, gullibility, and isolation. If a person is open to interacting with other people, we can talk about his sociability; if he knows how to enjoy life, he is called cheerful, cheerful. The way a person acts different situations, and shows his mental characteristics.

In relation to yourself

A person can relate to his own person in different ways: love himself, consider himself a complete loser, ugly, look critically at his reflection in the mirror, try to change himself in every possible way. All these manifestations of personality can form the corresponding character: insecure, passive, withdrawn, trusting, suspicious, purposeful, active.

Many people ask how to find out a person’s character? The answer may be his unconscious attitude towards his personality. If a person does not love and respect himself, he simply cannot love others. In life, such a person will behave as inconspicuously as possible and will not make attempts to achieve greater and better results.

In relation to other people

Depending on which personality traits predominate in a person, the following characters can be distinguished: sympathetic, noble, kind, generous, sensitive, attentive, devoted, independent, self-willed, selfish, cruel. By how a person treats other people, one can understand his attitude towards the world and himself.

Individual character traits of a person are necessarily reflected in interactions in the family and team. A person who feels the need to suppress others ends up being defeated and dissatisfied. own life and actions taken to achieve a specific goal.

In relation to work and activity

Daily work also leaves an imprint on a person’s character. While in the workplace, a person is forced to communicate with a large number of people, solve certain problems, overcome his own shortcomings, expressed in laziness, lack of awareness, competence, and inability to do something.

in this case they can be: lazy, hardworking, enthusiastic, indifferent, persistent, self-sufficient. The more and more effective person works on himself, the better his results. By studying this or that activity, each of us is able to reach the “ceiling” in it, reach the limit, and become a real pro. The only difference is that a person who is called successful always strives forward and overcomes obstacles with enthusiasm, while an obvious loser is afraid to take risks and comes up with worthy excuses for himself not to act, but only to contemplate what is happening to him . Often people who do not have the strength to make decisions themselves blame others for their own failures and losses.

How is character formed?

Modern psychological science claims that a person’s character is formed in early childhood. Around the age of two or three, the child begins to show individual character traits. A person is shaped by both social attitudes and the attitude of his parents towards his personality. If parents are attentive to his mood, take into account the needs and desires of the baby, and take into account his individuality, then the child grows up open to the world around him, trusts the Universe and time, and has a positive attitude towards people. When trust, for whatever reason, is lost, Small child is left with a disjointed feeling of emptiness within himself. He can no longer trust blindly, unconditionally, as before, but begins to look for reasons, pitfalls, and disappointments in everything.

The character finally completes its formation by the age of four or five. If the parents did not pay enough attention to the child until this time, did not understand his pressing problems, why he acts this way and not otherwise, then it will be more difficult to correct the situation. A child who is constantly criticized becomes timid, unsure of himself, and indecisive. Someone who has often been scolded does not believe in himself and treats everything with suspicion. A child surrounded by care and attention becomes trusting and open, ready to learn about the surrounding reality. There are different human characters. The list goes on and on.

Character accentuations

Character accentuations are pronounced manifestations of certain personality traits on which a person becomes fixated and to which he turns out to be excessively vulnerable. For example, a shy person may suffer if others do not pay attention to him, but he will never dare to express himself in society. A merry fellow and the life of the party may be offended by his friends because his ideas did not receive the attention they deserve. In both cases, the person focuses on himself, his feelings about what others will say and think about him, and needs approval of his actions. Whatever the characters are in general, there are also different accentuations.

Typology of characters

In the last century, psychiatrist from Sweden Carl Gustav Jung experimentally deduced human character types. The essence of his concept is that, depending on the prevailing mental functions, he conditionally divided all people into introverts and extroverts.

An introvert is a person immersed in himself, his own thoughts, feelings, experiences. The basis of his existence is his own personality. An introvert experiences failures for a long time, often accumulates grievances and fears, and likes to be alone. He needs time spent with himself like air. Reflections can make up a whole world for him, full of mysteries and secrets. Among people in this category there are many thinkers, writers, and poets. A certain self-absorption and isolation from the outside world allows them to create their own reality. An introvert greatly values ​​solitude, the opportunity to think, and emotional support from other people (since he is often unsure of himself).

An extrovert is a person whose thoughts and energy are directed towards external world. A person of this type loves the company of people and tolerates loneliness extremely difficult. If he is left alone for a long time, he may even become depressed. An extrovert needs self-expression in external space. This required condition for the development of his personality. An extrovert urgently needs communication, emotional confirmation of his own rightness and importance.

Temperament types

When answering the question about what types of characters there are, one cannot help but touch upon the theory of four types of temperament. This classification is known to every person from school. Mostly there are people with mixed type temperament in which one type predominates.

A choleric person is a person of mood, whose frequent changes are due to the mobility of the nervous system. He easily gets carried away by something, but cools down very quickly. Thus, energy resources are often wasted. Choleric does everything quickly, sometimes forgetting about quality. Often he does not have time to complete the work before it ceases to interest him.

A sanguine person is a person with a stable type of nervous activity. He quite easily lets go of failures and disappointments, switching to external circumstances. Easily gets carried away and works productively. Alive interesting person who needs a community of like-minded people.

A phlegmatic person is a person of calm, balanced disposition. From the outside it may seem that it is difficult to anger or touch a phlegmatic person. However, he is quite vulnerable, but knows how to hide it well. Beneath the external “thick skin” lies a sensitive and soulful person. The phlegmatic person is responsible and a good performer. However, the organizer will not come out of it.

A melancholic person is an extremely emotional, vulnerable, vulnerable person. He takes injustice seriously and often looks overly withdrawn and distrustful.

It should be noted that there are no bad or good types temperament. Each type has its own personality and each has strengths and weaknesses.

Typology of Kretschmer's characters

Psychologist from Germany Ernst Kretschmer proposed a classification that allows one to determine character by a person’s face, as well as by his physique. He called thin people as asthenics and characterized them as closed personalities prone to serious experiences. He defined overweight people as picnics. Picnicians are often obese, easily adapt to changing conditions, and are in great need of society. People of the athletic type are distinguished by practicality, purposefulness, and a calm, imperturbable character.

The science of graphology deals with the study of the characteristics of human behavior, his personality traits based on the outline of letters. Everything matters here: the placement of the letters on the line, their height and width, and how elegantly and beautifully they are written. For example, a person with low self-esteem has lines directed downwards. For those who carry themselves confidently, the lines go up. Capital letters testify to the breadth of the soul and the desire to be a leader, small ones characterize a person who doubts everything. Currently, there is more than one test for a person’s character to determine which group he belongs to.

Is it possible for a person to change his character on his own?

For those who dream of changing their character due to objective reasons, I would like to say that nothing is impossible. Just consciously take the necessary steps, control yourself. Of course, you won’t be able to radically change yourself, but you don’t need to strive for this, because each of us is unique and inimitable. Better improve yours best qualities character, rather than constantly thinking about shortcomings and finding out what kind of characters there are and why you don’t match them. Learn to love yourself for who you really are, and then your own shortcomings will stop bothering you. Everyone has them, believe me. Your task is to develop yourself, to reveal the fullness of your capabilities for self-realization.

Thus, there are many options on how to determine a person's character. The main thing is that you accept your own personality and learn to live in harmony with it and the world around you.

Behavior largely depends on what kind of character a person has. Each has its own characteristics. Character is a combination of a number of psychological properties (there are more than five hundred in total). But there are also certain nuances that manifest themselves in different situations and relationships. Character traits are divided into positive and negative, congenital and acquired. Each can tell a lot about a person.

What kind of character does a person have?

Correct assessment begins with determining what types of character people have. All traits are distributed into five main groups:


It includes traits determined by attitude:

To yourself;

I will sell labor and it;

To society.


It includes:




High and low emotionality;



Unstable emotionality.


It includes:









It includes:


Depth and flexibility of intelligence;


Mindset (practical or theoretical);






It includes the following features:




Honesty and similar qualities.

To compile a psychological portrait, certain qualities are noted.

What are the character traits of a person?

The positive ones include:

Adequacy, altruism, activity;

Fearlessness, frugality, prudence, nobility;

Generosity, good manners, politeness, attentiveness, cheerful disposition, will, high morality;

Humanism, gallantry, harmony;

Friendliness, delicacy, conscientiousness, discipline, foresight, diplomacy, efficiency, kindness, good nature;


Femininity, cheerfulness;

Caring, thrifty;

Ingenuity, initiative, diligence, sincerity, intelligence;

Creativity, sociability, correctness, culture, competence, collectivism, eloquence;

Curiosity, affection, ease of communication;

Wisdom, masculinity, peacefulness, dreaminess;

Tenderness, independence, reliability, observation, resourcefulness;

Experience, sociability, charm, education, caution, responsibility, neatness, responsiveness, talent, objectivity;

Decency, positivity, practicality, understanding, friendliness;

Decisiveness, romance, cordiality;

Self-criticism, modesty, intelligence, conscientiousness, independence;

Tactfulness, hard work, desire for creativity, patience;

Smiling, perseverance, poise, respect, perseverance, courtesy, perseverance;

Thriftiness, charisma, courage;

Chastity, determination;

Sincerity, honesty, sensitivity;

Generosity, playfulness;

Energy, economy, enthusiasm, empathy, erudition.

Negative qualities include all the antipodes of the listed traits.

For example:











Callousness, etc.

Every positive trait has an opposite meaning. However, there are some qualities that can be called neutral:






For some people this positive traits, for others may be negative. For example, assertiveness. In business it is sometimes necessary, but in personal relationships it sometimes gets in the way. Shyness is good for a girl, but it is perceived negatively when it appears in a girl. young man. When drawing up a psychological portrait, all of the above positive qualities, their antipodes and other features are taken into account.

A person’s character is not formed instantly, but until old age. Great importance provided by the social environment. For example, the volitional qualities inherent in a person manifest themselves in emergency situations when endurance, courage, stubbornness, etc. are required. Emotionality is mental manifestations that arise in certain situations. In this case, feelings can be negative or positive, dynamic or stable, neutral. If we talk about intelligence, then this includes the individual characteristics and quality of thinking of an individual. For example, criticality, stupidity, breadth of soul, flexibility in any relationship, etc.

The character of people greatly influences their perception of the environment. Some consider everyone good or bad, others only themselves. Each person has a certain attitude:

To yourself (self-esteem, self-criticism, self-respect, etc.);

Labor (punctuality, accuracy, negligence, etc.);

Environment (politeness, isolation, sociability, rudeness, etc.).

As a result, a certain temperament is formed. It includes qualities that are constant for a particular person:

1. Sanguine people are very mobile and efficient, but they quickly get tired of hard work. They have bright facial expressions and strong expressions of emotions. They are sociable, responsive, balanced. They look at everything from a positive point of view and are optimistic. They have a cheerful disposition.

2. Cholerics are characterized by sudden mood swings, hysteria, and impetuosity. They have observed frequent outbreaks anger, short temper, but quick release.

3. Melancholic people are pessimists, they worry excessively about any reason, and are often in an anxious state. Such people are very distrustful of others, vulnerable, reserved, and have good self-control.

4. Phlegmatic people have very low activity. However, they are very reasonable, cold-blooded and prudent. Any task is always completed.

Separately, it is worth noting that each nationality has its own character traits, although there are many common features. The Russians have the greatest diversity.

Their character is very different from other nationalities.

Main criteria:

A) Spiritual generosity, which most nationalities do not have.

b) Compassion.

V) Craving for justice.

G) Patience, endurance, perseverance.

d) Negative qualities include pessimism, foul language, laziness, and hypocrisy. The positive ones are responsiveness, loyalty, compassion, humanity.

Russians are easily distinguished by a combination of character traits, one of which is a special sense of humor, which other nationalities are not always able to understand. The set of qualities is so diverse that most people experience excessive expression of emotions. Some traits may change throughout life. However, other qualities remain unchanged. However, negative traits are not always regarded as negative. Sometimes they emphasize dignity.

For example:

1. Selfishness is not only ignoring other people, but also putting one's own interests first. Such a person has his own opinion and will not follow the lead of others.

2. Self-confidence can improve productivity and performance. Then the person feels self-satisfied, which ultimately brings positive results for society.

3. Envy sometimes pushes a person to work better and achieve the best result.

4. Stubbornness helps you achieve any goals you set.

The character of any person consists of positive and negative qualities. As a result, a certain type is formed. For example, a person can be lazy, but kind and sympathetic. The other is angry, but very hardworking and aspiring. At the same time, women are always more emotional, selfless, good-natured, and patient. Men are most often reserved, decisive, and responsible.

Characters of people and problems

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In Altai there is a saying: “A man without character is like bread without salt.” The word “character” itself translated from Greek means “seal”, “imprint”, but if we take figurative sense, That we're talking about about the typicality and peculiarity of human behavioral qualities. What is the origin of the concept, and what character traits exist?

The science of psychology best describes the concept of character. It fully reveals all the nuances and defines it as a set of personality traits and properties that not only give a person individuality, but also explain his actions in a given situation.

The main characteristic features are conventionally divided into several groups:

  • emotions;
  • will;
  • intelligence.

Emotional traits - aggressiveness, good nature, melancholy, artistry, etc. begin to form from the very early childhood when the child’s mental qualities undergo gradual formation. And this happens under the influence of various factors.

A person acquires strong-willed character traits (pedantry, masculinity, devotion, etc.) throughout his life. Qualities associated with intelligence - intelligence, independence, prudence, etc. - depend on innate predisposition, which is influenced by heredity and temperament.

An important factor in the development of a person’s character is his environment. It can lead to the acquisition of both positive and negative character traits by the child. The process continues throughout life, and the list of acquired personal characteristics is constantly increasing. If initially this happens unconsciously at the level of reflexes, then as people grow older they begin to choose those characteristics that are closer to them.

Experts have found that the basic character traits of a child are laid down from infancy; the child’s strong-willed traits begin to appear already in the second year of life, and at three or four he already has business qualities.

Communication signs are most noticeable at 4-5 years old, when children are interested in and actively participate in role playing games with peers. If we take these data into account, we can say for sure that a five-year-old child has his own, unique character.

What underlies personal qualities?

If we structure knowledge about personal qualities, we can distinguish 4 character traits, or rather a block of characteristics:

  • express their attitude towards other people (compassion, sociability, caring, etc.);
  • traits that show how a person treats himself (selfishness, modesty, self-criticism, narcissism, etc.);
  • attitude towards work (laziness, responsibility, etc.);
  • traits indicating a person’s attitude towards objects (thrift, accuracy, greed, etc.).

Today there are hundreds of definitions of personal qualities, but science still identifies the main character traits.

IN business sphere This:

In the field of communications, these are emotional qualities:

  • aggression or benevolence;
  • irritability;
  • modesty;
  • rancor.

Volitional qualities are associated with a person’s integrity; they are formed against the background of a struggle of motives and the assimilation of moral norms. In this case, the positive character traits are confidence, perseverance, and determination. They contribute personal growth person. Negative personality traits include lack of will, lack of consistency, and compliance.

How does nationality affect personal characteristics?

There are many stereotypes associated with nationality, for example, if you are slow, then you must be an Estonian, tight-fisted - a Jew, temperamental - a Georgian, reserved - an Englishman...

Scientists have quite clearly proven that the features national character there really is. And they are associated with various factors - culture, religion, upbringing and even climate. Of course, we are talking about those qualities that have been identified in the majority of representatives of the nation to one degree or another.

And what features of the Russian character can be identified? Many philosophers and psychologists have tried to evaluate the Russian people in terms of their characteristic qualities.

Professor of Russian philosophy Lossky identified six main features:

Doctor of Psychological Sciences Lebedeva N.M., based on Lossky’s research, identified two, at first glance, opposite groups of properties of a Russian person:

  1. Spiritual and emotional qualities of Russian people– include exclusively good characteristics– humility with one’s own lot, dedication and self-sacrifice, deep faith, calm acceptance of the thought of impending death, a cool attitude towards wealth, the ability to empathize and share daily necessities, contentment with existing goods.
  2. Passivity, inaction– historically it happened that simple people for centuries they were kept away from political and social life; and although modern people show interest in this area, but more often it is a verbal expression of will that is not supported by action. This leads to the following negative character traits of the Russian person: a certain alienation from the affairs taking place in the country, the expectation of a “miracle,” the desire for anarchism, rebellion, denial of discipline, and various kinds of temptations.

Physique and character

There is enough interesting theory German psychologist Ernst Kretschmer that personal qualities directly depend on a person’s constitution. Moreover, the majority theoretical aspects received practical confirmation. According to Kretschmer's idea, there are three characteristic types:

  1. Asthenic people (“weak”) are thin, with elongated parts of the body - limbs, face, flat chest and poorly developed muscles. They correspond to the personality traits of “schizotomy” - isolation, seriousness, stubbornness; people do not adapt well to new conditions. At mental disorders we may be talking about schizophrenia.
  2. Athletics (athletics translated as “athletic, skillful”) are people of impressive height, broad chests, strong bones and powerful muscles. This is usually how heroic personalities from epics are described, however, the character traits of the “hero” are not so clear. They were called iskotimiks - having a calm character, lack of special impressionability, a tendency towards practicality and restraint in facial expressions and gestures, they also have 3 character traits that are far from heroism - authority, a negative attitude towards change and poor adaptability to new conditions. At nervous disorders there is a risk of developing epilepsy.
  3. Picnics - (dense, fat) representatives of this group are short, plump, or have a tendency to gain weight excess weight, have a large head on a short neck, a wide face, and small facial features. These are cyclothymics - the main character trait of a person in this case is sociability, he makes good contact, reacts emotionally to any event, and quickly gets used to new conditions. Such people have a tendency to mental disorders to manic-depressive psychoses.

No matter how many characteristics of human traits and qualities there are, there is no identical personality. Of course, there is generalized data, and some points may even coincide with existing temperamental characteristics. However, each person is a unique creation, a tangle of innate and acquired properties, characteristics, charisma and contradictions. It is only important to remember that everyone forges their own qualities and it is important not to forget about personal growth.