Unfortunately, it is difficult to diagnose the disease in an infant in infancy.

A child of this age has many reasons to cry. This could be regular colic in the intestines or pain associated with teething.

But there are other reasons why a child behaves restlessly.

How to tell if your child has a headache

Headaches occur not only in adults, but also in children. As you know, infants most often cry at night.

Why does this happen and how to understand the reasons for this behavior in a baby? According to doctors, the baby may cry because he has a headache. Headaches at this age are not common, and they have different etiologies. The problem is that it is difficult to determine the cause of crying in a baby.

The following signs should serve as a reason to call a doctor and consult:

  1. The child has loud and prolonged crying.
  2. The baby pulls his hands towards the head area and pulls his hair.
  3. The child rubs and scratches his face.

These symptoms should prompt a visit to the pediatrician's office and a thorough examination.

This could be pain in the ears, in the eyes, or from teething. It is possible that the doctor will refer you for a brain examination and nervous system child.

There are cases associated with deviations in the functioning of the nervous system (perinatal encephalopathy).

It is difficult to diagnose infants due to minor disorders in the nervous system. It is difficult to determine whether he has a headache. Therefore, it is important that the baby is examined by a pediatric neurologist.

In cases where pediatrician found some abnormalities related to the functioning of the nervous system, he will suggest a course of treatment, thanks to which the baby will recover.

Unfortunately, such problems are observed in the children of women who smoked or abused alcohol while pregnant.

In practice, this always affects the health of the unborn baby. It’s no secret that during this crucial period all the systems of the child’s body are formed.

In the period from eighteen to eighty-four days of intrauterine development of the mother, the formation of all internal organs fetus

Pathology can occur due to the fault of a seemingly small glass of alcohol, an “innocently” smoked small cigarette, or a pill containing strong effect, suffered stress.

That's why doctors insist on diagnosing early dates pregnancy.

Pregnancy with a cigarette and a glass of wine, a bottle of beer can result in pathological diseases in the baby, expressed not only in headaches.

Liquor (cerebrospinal fluid) serves as a shock absorber for the spinal cord and brain. Liquid is one of the important components in the diagnosis of diseases of the central nervous system. Many diseases can be reflected by changes in cerebrospinal fluid levels.

Unfortunately, most neurological diseases are associated with problems in the functioning of this system.

If the pressure of the cerebrospinal fluid increases, due to any deviations in its production or secretion, headaches appear. Therefore, the child may sleep restlessly or be in an unnatural position during sleep. Parents may assume that he may have pain in the head area.

In this situation, it is imperative to show the baby to a specialist who can understand and clarify the reason for the baby’s restless behavior.

And yet, how can you tell if your baby has a headache?

What does swelling in the area of ​​the fontanel in a baby mean?

The human skull is made up of a large number of bones, and they are connected together by a hard bony cavity that supports and protects the brain.

The junction of the bones is called sutures. U small child there are fontanelles.

This is a soft, not yet ossified area on the cranial vault. It consists of parts of the membranous skeleton; it connects the bones of the skull, but not completely.

Thanks to the fontanel, passage through the birth canal is facilitated during childbirth, and then it is necessary for the growth of the brain, which grows faster than the skull itself.

As the skull ossifies, the anterior (large) fontanel begins to gradually close by one or two years.

The child also has sphenoid, mastoid and posterior (small) fontanelles, which close a few months after birth, that is, before the anterior one.

After the fontanelles close, connecting sutures are formed. In babies, the fontanel is a rather soft place.

It contains two seams that connect to form a soft shell.

Every mother should know that the fontanelles are slightly (but not much, this is also bad, since it is a sign of dehydration) bent inward.

If there is tension or swelling of the fontanelles, this may be due to accumulated fluid.

This also occurs due to swelling of the brain, and there is increased pressure inside the skull, which causes pain in the head area.

If your baby is crying while lying in his crib and has bouts of vomiting, pay attention to the shape of the fontanelles; they may look convex.

But when the baby's frontal part is in a calm position, the fontanelles should return back to their normal state.

If the fontanel has returned to its normal state (provided that the frontal part of the child is in a calm position), this indicates that this is not a process of swelling of the fontanel.

In cases where the fontanel has really become bulging (the symptom is a rise in temperature and the baby constantly wants to sleep), call an ambulance immediately.

How can you tell if your newborn has a headache? What are the causes of swelling of the fontanelle in infants:

  • With inflammation of the membranes in the brain or spinal cord, the baby has pain in the head area. This may be infection of the membranes that cover the brain or inflammation of the soft mater.
  • The headache may be caused by hydrocephalus. This disease occurs from excessive accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid. Which collected in the ventricular system in the brain, due to the problematic movement of fluid from the site of secretion.
  • The cause of headache may be from high blood pressure inside the skull.
  • A child may suffer from headaches due to encephalitis. This disease belongs to groups that have the nature of inflammation, in which swelling of the brain occurs. They can be infectious, toxic, allergic, infectious-allergic.

If the baby has a burst vessel in the eye or there is asymmetry in the face.

A burst vessel in the eye area may be due to increased blood pressure(this may be due to fragility of blood vessels).

In this case, the child may experience headache attacks. In order to correctly assess the child’s condition and avoid undesirable consequences, it is necessary to call a doctor.

Signs that a child has a pronounced asymmetry in the facial area may be a cause for concern.

This may indicate that the baby had an ischemic process in the brain stem during birth.

In this situation, a doctor's opinion is necessary.

If your baby has pronounced veins in the head area

This may be an individual structure, but to exclude dangerous disease, in which there is pressure of the cerebrospinal fluid in the area of ​​the ventricles of the brain and in the space between them, it is necessary to seek advice and examination from a good neurologist.

After all, if a child actually has this disease, he constantly experiences severe headaches.

A child cannot cry for no reason or behave restlessly. What if these are headache attacks or signs of other diseases?

A mother should always be attentive and observant towards her child.

At the same time, she must remain internally calm, since her condition is transmitted to the baby.

If you experience even the slightest signs of a headache in the head or other symptoms in your baby, do not wait, consult a specialist.

This must be done in order to exclude a possible serious illness or to calm down yourself.

This article is for informational purposes to help you become familiar with possible diseases.

Remember! Not a single article on the Internet can replace live communication with a doctor!

Useful video

A child's ear has a special structure. It is responsible not only for the perception of sounds, but also ensures the balance of the human body. If you suddenly feel dizzy, there is a high probability that this is due to the onset of headaches.

Inflammatory processes in the ear are a common pathology. According to statistics, 70% of children have at least once encountered various forms of otitis media. By the age of seven, this figure reaches 95%.


In children, inflammation is often associated with injury. This is observed if the parents mishandle the baby, it gets into the ear canal or damage to the parotid glands occurs.

Children under 4 years old often have ear pain due to exposure to water or poorly dried ears. In children, therefore, it creates a favorable environment for the life of bacteria.

Causes of otitis media in children:

How can you tell if your child has ear pain?

Listen to your child's complaints. Often the baby makes it clear to his parents by starting to hit his ears with his palms and trying to pull them away. If you notice these signs, consult your doctor immediately.

One of the first steps should be to take your temperature. It will be high, sometimes even above 39 degrees.

Press down on the tragus of the ear. If the child begins to cry, it means that an infection has begun. The tragus is a tubercle of the ear that opens the external auditory canal. This simple action will help determine which side there is an infection.

Signs of the disease include:

  • Whims and strong crying.
  • Desire to lie on the side of the injured ear.
  • around, the presence of redness or.
  • whitish or greenish in color.

The last sign indicates that the case has already started. Be wary if, in addition to these signs, appears. This may indicate that it is affected inner ear, which is responsible not only for the perception of sound, but also for the operation of everything.

How to recognize that a child has ear pain, watch our video:

The most common childhood diseases

The most common ear disease in children is. When the main factor for development becomes. An infection gets into the wound and affects. In the diffuse form of otitis externa, bacteria or viruses penetrate the ear canal.

For children with ear infections, parents can:

  • Give them more fluids to drink so that their mucous membranes work at full capacity.
  • Give if the temperature is very high.
  • To strengthen the immune system, drink chamomile decoction to relieve inflammation.

Children with ear diseases should not:

  1. Instill essential oils.
  2. Insert leaves of medicinal plants.
  3. Instill drops if perforation of the eardrum is suspected.
  4. Take your child outside without a hat.
  5. Cleanse the deep ear canal of pus and other secretions.
  6. Inject alcohol into the ear if the external auditory canal hurts.

What to do if a child has frequent relapses?

In children under 4 years of age, frequent ear diseases are explained by the fact that their auditory tube between the middle ear and nasopharynx is wider and shorter. Because of this, infections occur more often. If your baby's ears often hurt, this is probably due to. In this case, it is better to follow and follow all the doctor’s recommendations.

  • Breastfeed your baby for as long as possible. Milk contains antibodies and healthy vitamins, which prevent inflammation from developing.
  • Keep the baby's head elevated when feeding. This will prevent milk from entering the auditory tube through the nasopharynx.
  • If you have an acute respiratory viral infection, clear your sinuses of mucus.
  • Wear a hat or cap on your head even in summer.
  • Do not open the front windows in your car. In this case, the wind blows into the ear.
  • After bathing, dry your ears thoroughly.
  • Don't constantly remove earwax.

Since chronic infections often occur in children with reduced immunity, it is recommended to use immunostimulants in combination with treatment. They must be prescribed by a doctor. Sometimes a natural interferon inducer, Megasin, is prescribed on an ointment basis.

Doctors note that in children with frequent inflammation of the ears, ear infections are often detected. Therefore, it is advisable to get tested and take biological medications. Among the popular physiotherapy treatments are mud therapy. They are done on the area of ​​the affected ear.

In conclusion, we note that your baby’s ears need to be cleaned no more than 2 times a week with a piece of cotton wool. It also needs to be used to wipe the auricle and ear canal. Do not touch the inside as it is very delicate and cleans with fine hairs that push the wax out. If you notice that the skin behind your ears has begun to peel, lubricate it with baby cream.

Many will agree that understanding another person is a real art. And if it's completely little man, who cannot speak at all, then the task becomes many times more complicated. In this case, understanding is a vital necessity. What will help determine what exactly is hurting a baby?

How to tell if your baby has a sore throat

After observing your baby, you may notice worsening sleep, refusal to eat, and shrill crying when swallowing. If such symptoms occur, you should examine your baby’s throat. The inflammatory process in the throat causes a change in the color of the mucous membrane - the redder the baby’s throat, the stronger the inflammation and pain. You should contact a qualified medical care, because a sore throat can be one of the symptoms of a serious illness.

How to tell if your baby has ear pain

Unusual behavior of a child may indicate ear pain: prolonged crying; sometimes fever; refusal to feed; cannot fall asleep for a long time, while trying to make himself as comfortable as possible on the pillow. To clarify the situation, you should lightly press on the tragus (parts of the auricle protruding above the lobe). If the baby reacts restlessly or starts crying, this indicates problems with the ears. This often happens after a transfer serious illnesses or viral infections.

How to tell if your baby has a headache

Often enough headache in a newborn is associated with adaptation to new conditions. In turn, such addiction may be accompanied by intracranial pressure. A headache not associated with adaptation may indicate pathological processes in the cranium. Outwardly, the baby manifests such pain by loud, prolonged screaming and crying. At the same time, the baby can pull his hands to the head and pull his hair. With such symptoms, it is important to immediately show the child to a neurologist. The doctor may order a brain examination to identify pathologies. It is worth paying attention to childhood headaches, because in the future this can cause serious consequences associated with physical and mental development.

How to tell if your baby has a stomach ache

Babies show their pain in the stomach quite clearly: they pull their legs towards it; refuse breast or formula; They behave irritably and cry loudly, without calming down for a long time. If you notice the appearance of pain immediately after feeding, then most likely this indicates an accumulation of gases; the abdomen enlarges, becomes round and hard (when palpated). To relieve pain, you can stroke your baby's tummy clockwise; alternately press the legs to the tummy and straighten them. At artificial feeding appearance unpleasant odor from the mouth of a baby, frequent loose stools most likely indicate the occurrence of dysbacteriosis. In this case, it is recommended to change the mixture and contact your pediatrician.
It is strictly forbidden to independently diagnose and give infant any medications without a doctor's prescription!

Remember that restless behavior and alarming symptoms that arise in a baby simply must attract your attention. Love, patience and tender care will help parents learn to better understand their child.

Symptoms of a child not feeling well

Every baby has an indicator of well-being - this is his mood. It is difficult for a child to determine where the source of his discomfort is. Sometimes, through prolonged hysterics and constant whims, your child tries to show: “Mom, I feel bad, I’m uncomfortable, something hurts.” But what exactly?

One of the most common problems in children is problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The digestive system is so complex and interacts with so many processes in the body that it is affected in one way or another by many conditions or diseases. And parents sometimes don’t even realize that a naughty child has a stomach ache, because they are sure that the baby has eaten high-quality and fresh food.

However, a child’s stomach may hurt not only because of stale food. You should definitely think about possible problems with the gastrointestinal tract, if at least one of the situations below applies to your child.


If your child has a food allergy, your first priority will be to remove external signs this condition - itching, redness of the skin, rash. But do not forget that the allergen - the product to which your child is allergic - falls primarily into the digestive system. What happens next?

The intestines contain many so-called mast cells. Mast cells are immune cells that play an important role in various inflammatory reactions, including allergies. Upon contact with an allergen, they are destroyed, releasing allergy mediators (histamine, serotonin and other compounds) into the blood.

Allergy mediators are molecular “signals” about allergies for the entire body. They are carried through the blood, ending up in many organs. After meeting with the mediator, allergies begin allergic reaction. This may be itching and redness, or there may be swelling or increased heart rate. At food allergies The cells of the gastrointestinal tract are the first to react to allergy mediators, and the child’s stomach begins to ache. Therefore, it is important to remember that visible manifestations of allergies are only symptoms, but allergies should be treated from the inside.

The faster you remove the allergen itself, allergy mediators and the products of their “battle” from the child’s body, the faster you will force the mast cells to “calm down.” Irritated intestinal cells will return to normal, external signs of allergy that cause anxiety will go away, and discomfort will also disappear.


Has your child caught an infection that he can’t get rid of? Or has it completely developed into a chronic disease? In this case, you should definitely pay attention to the digestive system.

The infection is caused by microorganisms that, during their life processes, release toxins - substances that are poisonous to humans. Wherever the source of infection is, toxins enter the bloodstream and from there into the body’s digestive system. In this case, some of the poisons are included in a vicious circle. The toxin is “recognized” as a substance utilized in the liver and sent there, in the liver it is slightly destroyed or not destroyed at all, and passes into the intestines, from where it is again absorbed into the blood, and with the blood it enters the liver. And such a “toxic” cycle can last a month or even longer. Of course, at the same time, the body experiences a heavy load, constantly feeling the effects of toxins. It is natural that at this time the child constantly has a stomach ache.

If your stomach hurts after taking medications

Most diseases cannot be cured without medicine. But do not forget that the breakdown products of many drugs have an extremely negative effect on the body, in particular on work gastrointestinal tract, causing a change in acidity, irritation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, activating increased secretion of bile, provoking gas formation... Side effects a bunch of!

If a child takes antibiotics, then it is no longer the products of their breakdown, but they themselves have a detrimental effect on the beneficial microflora of the digestive system. Hence - bloating, grumbling, loose stools, abdominal pain

Be careful: dirt!

You always make sure that your child washes his hands before eating and eats only washed vegetables and fruits. But is it possible to completely protect yourself from dirt? Little children taste the world and are able to put anything into their mouth in the blink of an eye. Meanwhile, from any dirt, harmful substances, unfortunately, enter your child’s body. Did your child make Easter cakes out of sand? Helped mom with spring cleaning apartments? Did you go to the hardware store with your father?

Stomach hurts after eating

The child's body is not very well adapted to eating fatty, heavy foods. As soon as a child has happily eaten a piece of cake or ice cream, it is released from the gallbladder into the intestines. a large number of bile, the main component of which is bile acids. They break down fats, but, unfortunately, if there are too many of them, they act like poison and cause harm to the body, damaging the mucous membrane small intestine. By the way, keep in mind that heavy foods may include thick homemade milk, “farm cottage cheese” and even a sandwich with butter and cheese.

Don’t be surprised if, when you consult a doctor with any of these problems, he will supplement the therapy with a course of sorbent. Indeed, in most cases, allergens, toxins and other toxic substances take part in metabolism and circulate throughout the body. Therefore, it is impossible to remove them quickly, in one step.

It is for such situations, when to eliminate abdominal pain in a child that a sorbent is required for several days or weeks, that the product “Liquid Charcoal for Children” is intended.

Let your baby’s mood help you pay attention to his health in time!

Where is the "bo-bo"?
When something hurts a baby, and he cannot explain what exactly, it is difficult for parents to understand what to do - call a doctor urgently or use home remedies. On the one hand, you don’t want to have a fever, especially if the child feels unwell late at night. On the other hand, it’s scary to waste time and overlook some critical symptom. Here simple ways recognize the causes of pain or other concerns.

I have a stomachache

Abdominal pain can have a variety of causes, from constipation to indigestion or the stomach flu. Pain above the belly button is often associated with digestive problems, indigestion, gas, or psychological anxiety (stress). Pain in the area below the navel may be due to a bladder infection. Constipation can cause severe pain in the left lower abdomen. well and sharp pain on the right side may be caused by appendicitis, and this is a reason to call a doctor.

You should also consult a doctor if the pain does not go away for a long time and is accompanied by a complete loss of appetite, greenish vomiting or diarrhea with blood. If the pain is so severe that the child cannot walk or doubles over, call a doctor immediately.


Ask your child if his whole head hurts or just in one place.

Pain caused by stress, anxiety, and psychological tension is usually concentrated in the temporal areas or does not have a specific location. It is worth taking your child to the doctor if he has strong pain only in one part of the head (this could be a bruise or a migraine attack), or if the headache is accompanied by fever or stiffness (hardening of the muscles) in the back of the head (signs of meningitis).

Head injuries are common in young children. If a child hurts his head, carefully monitor his condition for at least 4 hours after the injury. In many children, head trauma is accompanied by drowsiness and headache, and isolated cases of vomiting may also occur. It's okay to let your baby sleep during these 4 hours, but you should wake him up every half hour to make sure he can be easily awakened. If you experience loss of consciousness, seizures, unusual behavior, or frequent vomiting, call a doctor immediately.

Sometimes headaches can be caused by dehydration, and this is more serious than you might think. Dehydration is very dangerous, especially in young children. Signs of dehydration: the child urinates less than 3 times a day, he may have a headache, drowsiness, dry lips or tongue, the fontanel in infants is slightly pressed.

Arm or leg hurts

Ask your child to show you the exact place where it hurts.

Pain in a joint or in a specific location may indicate an injury or bruise. Pain throughout the entire limb or in both limbs is usually caused by overwork or overexertion of the muscles. In this case, a light massage or a relaxing bath will help.

Sore throat

Ask your child if his throat hurts only in the morning or all the time.

If a child begins to complain of a sore throat right in the morning, this does not necessarily indicate a sore throat. Sometimes, when you have a mild cold, fluid from the nose leaks into the throat and causes minor discomfort. Usually it is enough to drink something warm for the child to go away. A sore throat or streptococcal infection may be indicated by difficulty swallowing, pain on only one side of the throat, or constant pain for a long time.

If your child is vomiting

Wait at least 1 hour before giving him anything to drink. Then give your child a few small sips of plain clean water. If vomiting does not recur after 15 minutes, continue to give small amounts of water every 15 minutes to prevent dehydration. Do not give your child any food for another 4 hours.

If vomiting continues for more than 24 hours, and especially if it is NOT accompanied by diarrhea, the child should definitely be seen by a doctor. Vomiting and fever in the absence of diarrhea can be signs of many dangerous diseases: appendicitis, streptococcal sore throat or urinary tract infection. If there is traces of blood or mucus in the vomit, or if the vomit is greenish in color, this may indicate an intestinal injury or obstruction and requires urgent medical attention.

If the child heat

U infant under 6 weeks, a temperature of more than 38.2 degrees is considered extremely dangerous and requires an immediate call to the ambulance team. In an infant over 6 weeks old, such a high temperature is a sign of the body’s fight against infection and does not require such an urgent call to the doctor.

In general, it is not so much the high temperature that is important, but the behavior and condition of the child at the same time. If you give your child an antipyretic (paracetamol), and an hour later he is still crying or fussy, or behaving in any unusual way (for example, he cannot wake up), you should urgently call a doctor, even if the temperature was no more than 38 degrees. If the child’s temperature has subsided, he is lively and calm, you do not need to see a doctor. If the high temperature persists for more than 36 hours, you should consult your local doctor. You should also consult a doctor when the temperature is accompanied by other alarming conditions: vomiting, diarrhea, rash, convulsions, difficulty breathing, etc.
Author: Marina Al-Rabaki