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Type of currant and its composition

​There is a more troublesome option to make jelly-like blackcurrant jam. But the resulting delicacy is simply unique in color and taste:​

​another 300 gr. sugar and 2 glasses of boiled water.​

​And don’t be surprised, red currants are the champion of all types of berries. Red currants, like blood, help fight anemia, replenish iron deficiency in the body and simply make the blood work. This means that if you suffer from at least one blood ailment, currant jam without cooking (from red) should be in your refrigerator. Well, you can’t ignore white currants.

The benefits and medicinal properties of currants

​This jam has a puree-like consistency, without whole berries, but with excellent taste. To prepare such jam, you must first grind the washed berries in a meat grinder. Then add sugar in the same proportion, mix and cook in the same way as in the previous recipe.​

​Pour hot jam into a jar. Add pink pepper (optional - for those who like a light spicy taste) and decorate the jam with a sprig of mint. It should be stored in the refrigerator.​

To make five-minute blackcurrant jam, we will need standard ingredients

quick jam

Selection and preparation of dishes for jam

​Black currant - 600 g.​

​Many housewives love to prepare this dessert, as it is quick and easy to make. Classic jam from black currant“5-minute” is the simplest recipe. To prepare, you will need 1 kg of sugar and berries. That is, the ratio is 1:1.​

​Water - 400 g.​

Redcurrant puree jelly

​Summer is the season not only of fruits and vegetables, but also of berries. Among them, currants are in demand. She is a real storehouse of vitamins. Therefore, almost every housewife tries to make a variety of desserts from it: preserves, jams, jellies and much more. In winter, the berry is irreplaceable. After all, it also has medicinal properties. There are various versions of “5-minute” currant jam: jelly, jam, etc. In the article we will look at several of them.​

​1) cover the blackcurrants with sugar (1:1 ratio), pound with a masher, leave until the sugar dissolves for about 10 hours;​

  1. ​How to prepare currant jam, Kiev recipe:​
  2. The benefits of the berries are beyond doubt: the cardiovascular system cannot function without white currants - that’s a fact! Being a valuable source of iron, potassium, magnesium, white currants are also incredibly tasty. Much more sour than any other berry, white currants are extremely refreshing. Try making jelly from white currants - it’s so delicious, and a cold fruit drink with five-minute white currant jam and soda is very aromatic!​
  3. ​Let's prepare 1 kg of berries, about 200 ml of water (about a glass) and 1.5 kg of granulated sugar. The berries need to be sorted thoroughly, rinsed with water, after which they need to be allowed to drain, discarded in a colander. To make redcurrant jam, the syrup is boiled first for five minutes. To do this, mix water and granulated sugar in an enamel bowl, put it on high heat and bring to a boil.​

​Do you have any favorite quick jam recipes?​

Blackcurrant puree jelly

​Boil water with sugar and make syrup. Meanwhile, prepare some ginger. Don't overdo it with this ingredient. If there is too much ginger, the taste and smell will be spoiled. Many housewives do not like this spice. However, culinary experts say that any person will like ginger, the main thing is to use it correctly.​

  • Pour sugar into the currants and let it brew for about an hour so that the berries release their juice. Now you can put it on medium heat. When it boils, let it cook for another 5 minutes. Roll the hot mass into a previously prepared container.​
  • ​Prepare the currants, rinse with the stems. Transfer to a clean cooking pot and place on heat. Now pour in water and wait until the berry begins to burst. To reduce the amount of vitamins boiling away, after softening the berries, press them down with a spatula to release the juice faster. Should be cooked for no more than 5 minutes.​
  • Berries are very beneficial for the body. Currants are one of them. It comes in three types: red, white and black. Each berry is useful in its own way and has medicinal properties.​

​2) after - grind the whole mass through a fine sieve, place in a saucepan and boil, adding 1-1.5 cups of water (if necessary).​

​1) dry washed and de-tasseled berries on towels;​

There are a lot of cooking methods and recipes for currant jam, but it’s worth familiarizing yourself with some of them. Basic recipes for currant jam can always be diluted, supplemented with fruits or berries and then you will get a completely new, royal currant jam that only you will have!​

Making jam

​You can put red berries into the already boiling syrup, and after the total mass boils, cook for only 5 minutes. Then the brew is shaken and put back on low heat, so we boil the berries for 5 minutes in three batches. The finished jam can be poured into washed and sterilized jars and closed.​

​1.5 kg sugar​

​Quick jam (sometimes also called​

Classic currant jam

​Put the currants into the boiled syrup, add ginger and simmer for a maximum of 5 minutes. Now you can roll up.​

​5-minute red currant jam must be cooked using the above method. However, some housewives believe that sugar can be added 100-200 grams less.​

Now you can rub through a sieve to get a thick puree. Count how many glasses of puree you got. Add 1 cup more sugar.​

Add pumpkin to the jam

They contain a lot of potassium, iron, sodium, and fluorine. Currants contain vitamins B, C, E, D, PP. They are useful for any organism. That is why housewives try to make preparations such as “5-minute” currant jam for the winter. The dessert is prepared quickly and very easily.​

  • ​You only need to cook blackcurrant jam and jelly for only a short time: 5-7 minutes. Place the hot mixture into jars and let it cool - an incredibly tasty and aromatic dessert is ready!​
  • ​2) cover the berries with sugar, leave in a cool place for 8-10 hours;​
  • ​If you don’t yet know how to make currant jam, that’s okay! The main thing is to stock up on berries, sugar, an enamel bowl or pan and clean jars with lids. If you want to make blackcurrant jam that will not sit in the refrigerator over the winter, you need to cook it properly. But everything is in order. So, the ingredients for the dish are: currants and sugar. Moreover, granulated sugar should be taken depending on the acidity of the berries, an approximate proportion of 1/1 per kilogram of currants, one kilogram of sugar!​
  • Please note that if you do not shake the jam during cooking, but stir it, you will get a jelly-like mass, which is just as tasty. You just need to use only a wooden spoon.​

Currants are a treasure trove useful vitamins, it is especially rich in vitamins C and E. But in addition to its beneficial properties, it is also famous for its excellent taste in the form of jam. A delicacy made from this berry is easy to prepare and quick, especially five-minute blackcurrant jam, which is loved by many for its excellent taste qualities. Below we have selected the most popular recipes preparations of currant preparations for the winter, tested by experienced housewives.​

​1 kg black currants​

With added ginger

​five-minute jam​

​Most often we are used to cooking this dessert. There is an opinion that jam prepared in this way is stored for a long time. However, you can do without cooking. To make a preparation such as “5-minute” currant jam, you need to measure the proportions with glasses. You can't use a 1:1 ratio in this dessert. There should be more sugar so that the jam can be stored until winter. It should be kept exclusively in the refrigerator under a nylon lid.​

  • ​This dessert is not for everyone. To see if you like it, try a jar or two. To make jam you will need:​
  • ​Now you can put it on the fire to boil. Let it cook for about five more minutes. Immediately roll the hot jelly into jars and cover them with something warm. So we got the “5-minute” red currant jam. The jelly comes out viscous and tastes good. This dessert will come in handy in winter.​
  • ​Currants contain a lot of pectin, mineral salts and iron. Therefore, everyone needs to eat berries, especially pregnant women and children. They strengthen blood vessels, immunity and help the heart cope with physical activity.​
  • ​To make redcurrant jam and jelly, you need to do it very simply:​

​3) in the morning, cook syrup from 300 g. sugar and water, add to the settled jam and cook over very low heat (skimming off the foam) until the berries become completely transparent.​

​How to make blackcurrant jam for the winter:​

Raw blackcurrant jam “5-minute”

​The name was given to the jam for a reason, since this is a truly royal delicacy rich in vitamins, as well as with an incredible taste and pleasant appearance. You don’t need any special ingredients to prepare it; they are all absolutely accessible:​

​This is a quick, vitamin-rich way to prepare currants for the winter in the form of jam. For it, take 1.5 kg of berries, 1.5 glasses of purified water and 2 kg of sugar. The currants must be washed thoroughly, but carefully so as not to crush them. ripe berries. Washing so that the glass excess water, put it in a colander.​

​1.5 tbsp. water

​) is prepared, of course, not in five minutes, but still, its preparation will take not several hours, but at most half an hour to an hour (including not only cooking, but also preparing fruits and berries).​

​If you took 9 cups of currants, then add 10 cups of sugar. Remember! The berries must be washed and well dried. Place them in plastic or glass containers. Now the berries need to be ground with a wooden masher or ground in a meat grinder. Place in a bowl and sprinkle with sugar in the required ratio.​

​Currants - 300 g. They can be used not only fresh, but also frozen.​

​This dessert is very healthy. Similar to the first one, it is called “5-minute blackcurrant jam”. The jelly cooks quite quickly, so you won't have to spend a lot of time working on the pan. To prepare it you will need:​

The berry is very beneficial for children's bodies. Often kids don’t like it fresh, but they enjoy eating jelly or jam. You can also make baked goods in the form of buns or berry pie. If you want to make currant jam, the 5-minute recipe is the most suitable. After all, such jam contains many useful substances.

​1) choose a dessert preparation option: boil or do without cooking;​

​Afterwards, pour the jam into sterile jars, seal the lids, turn the jars over, cover with a blanket and let cool in this position. You can store “Kiev” jam outside the refrigerator.​

​1) Wash the berries, pick off all the leaves, remove debris and dry the berries very thoroughly on a clean towel;​


​6 cups of berries and sugar;​​In the meantime, we can cook syrup from a combination of prepared water and granulated sugar. It is better to cook it in an enamel bowl - a bowl or pan. When the syrup boils, put the berries in it and bring everything together to a boil again. The berry mass is cooked over low heat for 5 minutes, after which it is immediately poured into prepared sterilized containers. You can boil for 5 minutes in 3 batches, it will still take a little time.​ ​First, let's prepare the berries. Only ripe and large currants are suitable for making jam. We wash the berries cold water and sort through, remove dry flower cups and stalks. Then the currants need to be blanched in boiling water (2-3 minutes) or hot water temperature 90-95° (3-5 minutes).​

In this jam, berries and fruits retain their taste, color, aroma, shape and vitamins. But you will have to store quick jam. Raw jam can be stored for up to 6 months. It is considered more useful than boiled, since all the vitamins are preserved. Therefore, several jars raw jam must be closed every summer.​ ​Pumpkin (pulp) - 200 g.​

​Currant.​​The berries contain a lot of vitamin E, which helps restore the skin. Even age spots disappear with regular use. There is an opinion that the darker the currant, the more beneficial it is. It is believed that it contains more vitamins and minerals. 2) pick 2 kilograms of currant berries from the branches, rinse and dry the berries;

Five-minute raspberry jam

​The most delicious jam currant jelly! Absolutely everyone loves currant jelly jam. Even people who, in principle, do not recognize any sweets, do not refuse a spoon of amazingly aromatic jam, made with love. Jelly blackcurrant jam is quite easy to prepare; you just need to be patient and allow yourself to get a little creative. So, what you need:​ ​2) Prepare a clean measuring cup, sugar and boiled clean water.​​about 200 ml water​

  • ​A couple of tips:​
  • Prepare sugar syrup from water and sugar and bring to a boil. Place the prepared berries in the hot syrup, bring to a boil again and boil for 5 minutes. Pour the finished jam into prepared jars and seal with pre-boiled lids.​

​in a cold place​

Five-minute blackcurrant jam

​To diversify the taste, many housewives add other berries to currants: gooseberries, raspberries, strawberries.​ ​Sugar - 100 g.​​Sugar.​

  • The berry helps cope with the aging process, improve memory, restore vision and can help with atherosclerosis. Influenza diseases and viruses are often treated with currants, since they contain phytoncides.​
  • ​3) prepare 3 kg granulated sugar, a fine sieve, a masher, a spoon and an enamel basin.​
  • ​8 cups of berries;​

​Now the most interesting thing is how to cook currant jam for the winter: in a basin or saucepan, boil syrup from a glass of sugar and 1/2 glass of water - add 1 glass of berries, boil for 5 minutes and again add 1 glass of sugar with a glass of berries.​

​Naturally, for the recipe for Royal currant jam, it is better to take the most beautiful berries, so we sort them out carefully. We clean it of debris and dirt, then carefully rinse it in cool water, twice. The second time, having already thrown it into a colander, after which we let the berries drain.

Quick grapefruit jam

​♦ to get jam with whole berries, during cooking, shake and shake the pan to mix evenly.​​If you like exotic jam with an unusual taste, you can try making quick jam from red grapefruits with mint. You don’t even need to cook it on the stove - it cooks perfectly in the microwave.​ ​ so that it does not spoil, and the shelf life will be shorter than jam that has been cooked for several hours.​

  • ​The most important thing when making jam is to maintain the proportions. It's better to measure in glasses. Currants are a capricious berry, and if you do not add the required amount of sugar, they will quickly spoil.
  • ​Butter - 2 tsp.​
  • ​Water.​

Even when boiled, the berries retain their beneficial and medicinal properties. Let's look at how to make currant jam. “5-minute” is very simple to do. However, any cook first selects and prepares the container.​

​Red currant jam jelly without cooking is made like black currant jam:​

​8 cups granulated sugar;​

​Cook until the berries are gone. This recipe has been tested over the years and always works. The main thing is to remember to constantly stir the sugar so that it does not stick. There is not enough liquid or the syrup turns out to be a little thick - add half a glass of water for each kilogram of sugar (if you cook everything correctly, you will only need water the first time). While stirring, skim off the foam from the jam. Now you know how to make blackcurrant jam. Pour the hot brew into sterilized jars, seal with lids, turn the jars over and leave to cool. Don’t worry, despite the long cooking process, the jam turns out perfectly fragrant and tasty. Pour the washed currants into an enamel-coated pan and add water to it. We put the pan on the fire, bringing the berries and water to a boil, after which they cook over low heat for 5 minutes. Then you can add sugar and mix gently. Cook the mixture for another 15 minutes. After the time has passed, the jam is ready, you can remove it from the oven and leave until it cools completely.​


Five-minute blackcurrant jam and red currant jam. Royal currant jam

​♦ To prevent the berries from shriveling, before cooking they need to be dipped in boiling water for a couple of minutes and then drained in a colander.​

Five-minute blackcurrant jam with whole berries

​To prepare it we will take​

​Raspberries are such a delicate berry that you won’t be able to cook them for a long time even if you want to - they will quickly boil over and lose their “marketable appearance.” But a quick five-minute raspberry jam is what you need.​

The most delicate and pleasant taste is obtained if the berries are lightly blanched (3 minutes) in a pressure cooker or multicooker. Then the currants remain whole, beautiful and unwrinkled.

Cover the currants with sugar for 15 minutes. Meanwhile, the pumpkin pulp must be cut into very small cubes. Pour into a saucepan with currants and place on low heat. Put it there butter. When the jam boils, turn on low heat and simmer for about 15 minutes.​

​As stated in the first recipe, you need to take 1 glass more sugar than puree. Therefore, you can use as many berries as you need without adhering to a specific recipe.​

Five minutes of currants without water

​Before you start cooking, you need to prepare the necessary utensils. First, sterilize the jars and lids and turn them upside down on a clean towel. The jars must be prepared in advance so that they have time to dry.​

  • ​1) rub the berries with sugar, leave for 8 hours;​
  • ​1.5 cups of clean boiled water.​
  • The recipe for red currant jam is not much different from any other. If you know how to make blackcurrant jam, you can easily handle red currants. It is important to understand how long to cook currant jam: there is no need to digest it - you will get molasses; you need to cook any berry for no more than 15-20 minutes to preserve the taste and aroma. Red currant jam begins with processing the berries:​
  • The uniqueness of the recipe is not only in the ratio of ingredients and the cooking recipe, but also in the fact that the jam turns out incredibly beautiful, with whole berries and viscous sweet syrup. In addition, the cooking method allows you to save everything beneficial features berries You can eat the jam right away, or you can prepare it for the winter. Housewives say that in well-sterilized jars such a delicacy can be stored for up to 5 years, but it’s unlikely that anyone will be able to check this, since Royal currant jam is too tasty.​
  • ​For this blackcurrant jam, you do not need to boil the syrup for 5 minutes. We do this:​

The fastest 5 minute blackcurrant jam recipe

Red currant, five-minute jam

​To prepare it, we will need​

​To make jelly, white currants are not suitable, you need red or black ones. The best choice is juice from berries, into which sugar is poured. It is necessary to strain or grind the currants through a fine sieve or cheesecloth. Most often, this method is used for jelly or when you want to make seedless jam.​

​This dessert cannot be called a five-minute dessert. However, many housewives like to cook it, as it is done quite quickly.​

Royal currant jam

​Pour all ingredients into a plastic container and let it brew. Ten minutes will be enough for the juice. Then pour into a cooking pot. Now you can put it on low heat. Let it cook for a maximum of 5 minutes after boiling. The foam must be removed. Pour hot into jars, roll up and leave to evaporate. For jelly, it is better to grind the berries through cheesecloth.​

  • ​It is best to cook berries in an aluminum bowl or pan. Enameled dishes are not always suitable, as the jam burns in them. This results in an unpleasant taste and a damaged pan.​
  • ​2) then pass the whole mass through a sieve, remove the seeds and put the currant jam and jelly into jars. This dessert without cooking should be kept in the refrigerator;

​One little secret: if you don’t have a lot of jars in the house, but you make a lot of jam, pour the sweet delicacy into thick plastic bags (of course, when cooled). It is better to store such preparations in the freezer, but gelled blackcurrant jam will last for a very long time, enough until the new harvest.

​1) carefully pick all the berries from the branches, remove leaves and husks. Many housewives leave the most beautiful branches and make red currant jam with branches - you can choose for yourself, but the purer the jam, the longer it will last;

​Which recipe to choose is up to you. Five-minute blackcurrant jam retains more vitamins than the classic one, and the Royal recipe produces a preparation that is incomparable in taste and aroma. Enjoy your winter tea!​

​pour the washed, sorted berries with sugar (for 1 kg of berries 1 kg of sugar);​


8 recipes for currant jam | Ekskyl

​2 red grapefruits​

Currants cook very quickly. Still, you need to keep an eye on her. If the foam still stands out, it means it’s too early to turn off the jam. The dessert is ready only when it is transparent and beautiful. There should be no foam. To do this, gradually remove it.​

​Now you know how to make 5-minute currant jam in the usual way. However, the taste of the dessert can be diluted with a variety of products. For example, ginger adds extraordinary spice, aroma and pungency.​

​In winter, you will be pleased with the “5-minute” blackcurrant jam. The jelly turns out great. It is suitable not only for tea, but also for any baked goods.​

You can also prepare berries for cooking in plastic. It is recommended to grind them with a wooden masher. Let's start preparing a delicious dessert.​

​If you need to make delicious redcurrant jam and jelly for a long time, then it’s even easier:​

Blackcurrant jam: always excellent results

Jelly-like blackcurrant jam, recipe:

​2) rinse and dry the berries on towels. You need to process red currants very carefully; the skin of the berries is extremely delicate and can be easily damaged.​

It is impossible to find a person who has never seen a currant bush. And it’s impossible to understand those who haven’t tried the berry at all!​

​leave it overnight to release the juice;​

A sprig of fresh mint or lemon balm

​1 kg raspberries​

Redcurrant jam: tasty and aromatic

Any currant is contraindicated for a person who has thrombophlebitis. Berries will help the blood clot even faster.​

​To make jam you will need:​

However, not everyone will like this “5-minute” currant jam. Jelly is not always practical. But jam can be put into any baked goods. Therefore, every housewife should have at least a few jars.​

​This dessert is made by many housewives. After all, in winter you can not only eat it with tea, but also add it to a variety of confectionery products: soufflé, casserole, cocktail.​

​1) after the jam has been covered with sugar and rubbed through a sieve, removing the seeds (see the first version of the jam), you need to cook syrup from 1 glass of sugar and 1 glass of water, put all the jelly in it and boil for 5 minutes on very low gas; ​

White currant jam: a little troublesome, but delicious!

​1) sort the berries, rinse, dry;​

  • ​If you want, you can make currant jam without cooking. To do this, simply sprinkle red currants with sugar at the rate of 2/1 (per 2 kilos of sugar - one kilo of berries), crush them with a masher and leave overnight in a cool place. In the morning, stir the sugar (it should dissolve), pour the delicious currant jam into clean jars and store in the refrigerator.​
  • ​How can one refuse fragrant red, black or white currants, which literally melt on the tongue with sweet sourness and give a lot of pleasure? And currant jam is a pleasure that cannot be replaced by anything. Put a spoonful of jam on a loaf, pancakes, or just eat it and drink tea - there is nothing tastier than this!​

​put on medium heat, wait for it to boil, stirring with a wooden spatula and removing the foam;​

​0.5 tsp pink peppercorns

​1 kg sugar​

Currant leaves, like berries, have beneficial properties. Therefore, if you have the opportunity, prepare them for the winter. They have the same medicinal properties as the berry.​

​Sugar - 700 g.​

Blackcurrant jelly jam

​This dessert turns out thick and is often used as jam. To prepare it, you need to place currants (1.5 kg) in boiling water and cook for up to two minutes to soften the berries.​

  • ​This dish is called “5-minute redcurrant jam.” Jelly is prepared very quickly, easily and interestingly. To prepare it you will need the following ingredients:​
  • ​2) do not forget to skim off the foam when boiling. As soon as the delicious jelly-like redcurrant jam is ready, pour it into jars. You can seal it with lids, let it cool and put it in a cool place - the jelly dessert is ready!​
  • ​2) put the berries in an enamel bowl or pan, add water and simmer over low heat (bringing to a boil) for about 5 minutes;​

But if you prefer boiled delicious red currant jam, then do the same as jam without cooking, only boil the jam for 15 minutes before sealing. All! Excellent and tasty food for the winter is ready. True, such a delicacy will contain seeds, and therefore it is better to learn how to make currant jelly jam. You know how long to cook currant jam, there is also a recipe for red currant jam, it’s time to start processing white currants.​

Five-minute blackcurrant jelly is a delicious homemade treat that flies out of the jar instantly. My currant harvest is very rich, and the most favorite jam I make it in jelly form every year. It turns out incredibly tasty and beautiful, thick, it can even be used as a layer between biscuits. And for morning toast - this is something, and even with a cup of aromatic coffee - a pleasure!

To prepare five-minute blackcurrant jam-jelly for the winter, prepare the products according to the list.

First of all, prepare the currants - sort and inspect, wash in cool water.

Place the currants in a saucepan or saucepan in which you cook preserves and preserves. Pour literally 50-70 ml of water into the bottom so that the currants steam faster.

Place the saucepan on the stove, boil the currants under the lid for 2-3 minutes. During this time, the berries will release a lot of juice and completely steam.

Now take a sieve and strain the juice and currant pulp. You don’t have to throw away the cake; you can make compote from it. Return the grated juice and pulp to the pan.

Add sugar and gelling mixture to the juice. Such mixtures are sold in spice departments; mine is called “Confiturka”. Stir and return to the stove.

From the moment it boils, cook the currant jelly for five minutes over high heat, stirring constantly. Remove any foam that will form with a slotted spoon.

Place the jelly into sterile jars. It will not be very thick right away, but after cooling and steeping it will acquire the desired consistency. Of course, pre-wash the jars with baking soda, rinse and sterilize, and do the same with the lids.

Roll up or screw the lids on the jars and place them upside down. Cover with a blanket and leave for a day. For the winter, transfer the five-minute blackcurrant jelly to a cool place and store it out of direct sunlight.

I got the recipe for this wonderful five-minute blackcurrant jam from my mother. It's very simple and we use it every year. We call this jam five minutes because you only need to cook it for 5 minutes. We also call it “3-6-9” or “1-2-3” - this is the ratio of ingredients (water - blackcurrant - sugar) by volume, which is very easy to remember. And it’s also convenient because you don’t need a scale to make this jam.

Total cooking time – 2 hours 15 minutes
Active cooking time – 15 minutes
Calorie content per 100 g – 191 kcal
Number of servings – 10
(yield approximately 750 ml)

Recipe for five-minute blackcurrant jam

Water – 1 glass*
Sugar – 3 cups*
Black currant– 2 glasses*
* A glass can be replaced by any other measure of volume: jar, bowl, pan, etc.


Pour water into the pan and add sugar. Heat over low heat, stirring, until the sugar is completely dissolved. Then bring the syrup to a boil.

Add black currants. Currants for jam, of course, must first be washed, the branches removed and preferably dried.

Bring to a boil and cook for exactly 5 minutes, stirring occasionally and skimming off foam. Cool the jam completely and pour into clean jars. You can close it with plastic lids.
Bon appetit!

Due to the fact that the jam does not cook for a long time, it retains its beautiful color and delicious aroma of blackcurrant. It can be stored under a plastic cover anywhere, so you don’t have to look for a cool corner for it. It is not necessary to sterilize the jars; you can simply rinse or wash them first.

Hello, gentlemen!

It's already the middle of summer, which once again gives us gifts. The berries ripen on the bushes, and we make preparations from them. Last time they rolled it into jars and... And today I propose to make delicious blackcurrant jam with a slight sourness.

I, like any housewife, really like this dessert, because it turns out like jam. And most importantly, it has a thick and jelly-like consistency, all because it has a special preparation technology. Moreover, basically all the recipes are designed so that you will spend a great amount, and it won’t take much time.

Memories of my childhood often come flooding back to me, where my grandmother and mother always cooked it according to the recipe for 5 minutes. Now nothing much has changed, this particular option remains one of the favorite and best.

But, before you start, you should stock up on sugar and a large bucket of currants. You also need to take a convenient and deep container in which you will cook the berries. This can be an enamel basin or a stainless pan.

And if you want unusual notes in taste, then add any other fruit to the black berry. For example, these could be bananas, oranges, raspberries, and even gooseberries. You can also make currant jam from different varieties, because as you know, fruits can be red, black and white. The result is an original trio.

Well, everything needs to be prepared for work, now let’s move on to preparation.

You will be pleasantly surprised when you cook using this simple technology and see jam in a jar that will remind you of jelly. Quick and very tasty, in just a couple of minutes you can finish a large number of preparations.

By the way this recipe I already described in my other article when they did it and said that it is universal and has been tested over the years.

Do not forget about the proportions, as everywhere else they are taken 1 to 1. I decipher in this case this means that if you took one glass of currants, then you will need the same amount of granulated sugar. If we convert this into kilograms, it will come out something like this: 1.250 g of granulated sugar is needed per 1 kg of berries.

We will need:

  • black or red currants - 3 tbsp.
  • granulated sugar - 3 tbsp.
  • water - 0.5 or 1 tbsp.


1. For work you will need clean jars. Wash them first baking soda, and then boil or hold over steam.

2. Place the currants in an enamel deep bowl. Take berries that are ripe and firm, without visible damage. Wash in cold tap water. Next, drain off all excess moisture and start cooking.

3. Move to the stove, pour in a glass of water, maybe take a little less. Turn on the flame and bring to a boil.

4. Cook for exactly 15 minutes. Remove from heat and immediately add granulated sugar. Which will almost instantly begin to dissolve. It is most convenient to stir with a wooden spatula.

5. When all the grains of sugar have dissolved, let the jam sit for a while and rest. Next, pour it into jars and screw on the lids.

If you pour it very hot, the berries will separate from the syrup and you will get this picture, empty in one place and thick in another.

By the way, it’s very convenient to pour the treat using a funnel.

6. This amount of ingredients yielded 6 jars or 1.5 liters. Cool. It is after complete cooling that the jam will acquire the desired consistency and will look like jelly. Store in a cool place.

Thick blackcurrant jam (jelly) through a meat grinder - recipe without cooking

Honestly, I would give a second name to this dish - seedless and skinless currant jam. Such a preparation can be made either raw or, as they say, still alive. That is, you can grind large and small berries with sugar and place them in jars or freeze them.

Or you can do it in a different way, but you’ll see how it is right now.

We will need:

  • currants – 2 kg
  • granulated sugar - 2 kg


1. Take the required amount of berries and rinse well in a colander. Allow all liquid to drain. Then transfer to a meat grinder or use a blender, or better yet, a juicer. You will get such a fragrant puree.

2. Please pass the resulting mass through a strainer so that it is homogeneous. This will allow you to get rid of the skins and seeds.

3. Pour the mixture into a saucepan and heat over low heat until the first bubbles appear. Then add sugar, take it 1 to 1, that is, if you get about 1 kg of jam, then add the same amount of sugar.

4. Stir constantly until the grains are completely dissolved, and the heat should be at its lowest at this time. Once the sugar has completely dissolved, cook for another 5 minutes.

Advice! If you want it to be even thicker, then cook for 10-15 minutes, but remember that there will be much less vitamins in the finished product.

And immediately turn off and transfer to sterile glass jars and cover with clean lids.

This is such a beautiful confiture that came out, and look at the consistency, it’s worth a spoonful. Happy discoveries!

Five-minute currant recipe - a simple recipe without water

Well, the recipe couldn't be simpler. What is his trick? And the fact is that preparation comes down to one simple step. As you know, the boiling process destroys vitamin C, and currants contain a lot of it, so you can cheat and not bring the mixture to a boil.

This jelly will be more useful and will give you the preserved vitamins that we so need in winter.

I didn’t add a lot of sugar to this recipe, as they say and is mentioned everywhere, but to make this treat sweet and sour.

We will need:

  • currants – 2 kg
  • sugar - 600 kg


1. These are such liquid suns, like black beads. Collect them from your garden or buy them at the market.

2. Grind in a way convenient for you, scroll in a meat grinder, or use a blender or food processor.

3. Then wipe through a strainer, or place in gauze, folded several times to separate the bones and skins. Squeeze out the juice and leave the cake in pies or use for other purposes.

4. Wear gloves and squeeze with your hands.

5. And then place the mass in a saucepan, add sugar. Place on the stove and turn on the minimum setting and heat to 70 degrees, it will take about 5 minutes. Cook while stirring until all the sugar dissolves.

If you still want to boil and make the jam not soggy, then boil for no more than 5 minutes.

6. And then pour into clean jars and close with nylon or self-tightening lids. Store the preparations strictly in the refrigerator. The jam will thicken as it cools completely.

Video on how to cook currant jam in a slow cooker

If you are handy with a slow cooker, then you can easily prepare such a delicacy in it, because if there are very few berries, then this is a great idea. After all, the bowl of such an assistant is quite deep and has high sides.

I suggest you read these instructions in detail and learn some secrets by watching this film. The multicooker brand here is Redmond, but I tried it and made it in Polaris, and it turned out no worse. Take note. Enjoy watching!

Recipe for blackcurrant jam “5 minutes” in glasses

Here is another option, say there were already two above. But this one is special, it has a slightly different structure. This is because the peculiarity of this preparation is that the berries must stand in sugar syrup around one night. Well, then everything is as usual. I also recommend trying it and cooking it sometime in your spare time.

We will need:

  • currants - 4 tbsp.
  • sugar - 5.5 tbsp.
  • water - 0.5 tbsp.


1. Put sugar (half the dose) into the washed currants and pour in half a glass of water. Stir and leave to stand overnight.

2. So, in the morning, stir the mass again.

3. Heat the jam over low heat and simmer for about 5 minutes. At the same time, do not forget to take a container with high sides, otherwise it will be difficult to track, as you can see in this photo. Turn away a little and the treat will run away from you.

Once 5 minutes have passed, add the rest of the sugar and cook for another 15 minutes over low heat.

Do not forget to remove the foam when boiling with a special spoon.

4. Before putting it in jars, be sure to check it for readiness, drop it on the side or wall of the dish, if the drop spreads, then the jam is not ready yet.

Pour the cooled treat into sterilized jars and cover with clean metal or plastic lids. Put it in the cellar for long-term storage.

Eat with tea and milk, as well as fresh bread. Bon appetit!

Blackcurrant jam with whole berries - the most delicious recipe

In fact, this option assumes that the currants will float in sweet syrup. It turns out very tasty, especially if you pour this delicacy and also serve it with and.

We will need:

for a 1.5 liter can:

  • black currant berries – 0.8 kg
  • sugar – 760 g
  • drinking water – 1 l
  • citric acid – 2 tsp


1. Wash the black berries and place them in an enamel bowl. Add sugar and stir. Sprinkle citric acid, so that the color is fixed. Then pour in a little water to liquefy the mixture.

2. Cook over low heat for 15 minutes after vigorous and active boiling. Berry to berry. After pouring into jars, first wash them with baking soda. Let them cool upside down under the blanket.

3. Close with metal lids for a special machine. Store in a cool and dark place away from direct sunlight.

Assorted red and black currants

Have you ever thought about taking red, black, and maybe white currants and combining them together, that is, together? What do you think will happen? She's still a beauty. The result will be a culinary delight that looks like a rainbow, but this is if you cook the berries whole and do not twist them. Good idea is not it?

You can experiment, take your own varieties of berries and your dessert will turn out even tastier. And in winter it is an excellent helper for colds and viral diseases.

We will need:

  • red and black currants - 500 g each (together 1 kg)
  • granulated sugar - 1.8 kg
  • water - 1 l
  • lemon zest - 1 tsp


1. Sort the berries, remove the branches and tails. Wash and shake in a colander to drain all the moisture.

2. Then put sugar in the pan (take half of total number, that is, 900 g) and pour water into it, turn on the stove over medium heat, the sand will begin to melt before your eyes and turn into sweet syrup. Bring it to a boil and immediately add the berries.

Simmer for five whole minutes, stirring. At this stage, you can already pour it into clean jars and roll it under a sterile nylon lid. If you prefer this option, then add the sugar all at once.

Well, if not, then cool the mass.

3. And take special device or use gauze. So that all the syrup and juice come out of the berries.

4. And then boil this aromatic liquid again and add the remaining sugar. Stir and add a couple of drops of lemon juice, and grated zest for piquancy. Cook after boiling for 5 minutes.

5. Don’t forget to control the whole process, stir. And then, when the time is up, pour the boiling currant jam into sterile jars with a clean ladle.

6. Screw on the lids and let cool on the counter.

Currant confiture with cherry leaves - you'll lick your fingers!

This delicacy is not only healthy, but it also does not cause allergies in little sweet tooths. Although we adults won’t refuse such food either. After all, it tastes impeccable, it is the cherry leaves that give a new note, shade, and what a fantastic smell.

Do such a miracle for a test and then definitely say “thank you very much.” There is nothing difficult, the main thing is to follow this method described below and you will succeed!

We will need:

  • Currants – 1000 g
  • Sugar - 1000 g
  • Water - 0.3 ml
  • Cherry leaf - 9 pcs.


1. Start canning by preparing currants and cherry leaves. Wash thoroughly.

2. Then make syrup from the leaves. Fill them with water and boil, they should simmer for 10 minutes and give off the desired aroma. Then remove them. Add berries to this elixir and cook for about 10 minutes, then add granulated sugar and stir. Cook for another 6-7 minutes.

3. Pour hot into well-washed jars. Cover with lids and store in the cellar.

Let these cute jars fit in your cellar for several months. After all, autumn is coming very soon, and winter is not far away. There will be something to remember during home gatherings on long evenings.

I say goodbye to you until tomorrow and wish everyone a great day and sunny weather. Good bay!

One of our favorite recipes is blackcurrant jam for 5 minutes, which we cook without water. Everything about it is extremely simple and concise: we collect (or buy) fragrant currants, sort them, wash them, add sugar and immediately set them to cook. From the name it is clear that cooking will last only five minutes. This is enough for the berries to soften, syrup to form from juice and sugar, and pectin, which is in large quantities Contained in currants, it thickens. As it cools, the jam will become even thicker, jelly-like, dizzyingly aromatic and incredibly tasty.

Recipe for five-minute blackcurrant jam


  • Black currant berries – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 800 g.

How to cook five-minute blackcurrant

Going through and sorting small berries for jam is still a lot of work! Painstaking, requiring accuracy and patience. We pick the currants from the branches, separate the remnants of the stalks, and leave the dried noses. Although there are recommendations to cut them too, then a whole day will not be enough just to prepare the berries. Transfer the sorted currants to cold water, after about two minutes we catch it and place it in a colander. Pour over a gentle stream of water, shaking the colander lightly so that all the berries are clean.

Let the water drain and pour the currants into the pan. Based on the experience of previous preparations, I can say that it is more convenient to cook even a small five-minute portion of blackcurrant in a spacious container, when the berries are arranged freely and do not crush one another. In addition, it is also more convenient to control the cooking process; everything heats up evenly and does not overcook.

Cover the currants with sugar. We don’t use a spoon yet; the berries are tender and mash easily even with gentle stirring.

Shake the pan several times to mix the currants and granulated sugar.

Immediately put on low heat. Why small - firstly, so that the sugar crystals do not burn; they will begin to dissolve only after a while. Secondly, with strong heating, cold berries will burst and the jam will turn out liquid. Quite quickly the sugar will melt and a lot of syrup will appear. And along with it comes the foam, which will need to be collected with a spoon so that the berries do not get into it.

As soon as bubbles appear along the edges of the dish near the walls, note the time and increase the heat to medium so that boiling is noticeable in the center. Cook for five minutes as expected - exactly five minutes. We remove the foam. With strong heating, the jam will bubble and rise strongly, but in order to prevent anything from escaping, you need a spacious container.

Let's prepare the jars in advance: scald them with boiling water and sterilize them (we keep them over steam for several minutes). Boil the lids. During cooking, the currants will already begin to thicken, and it is more convenient not to pour them into jars, but to lay them out so that each contains both syrup and berries. Immediately tighten the lids with screws or under a seaming machine. Tilt or turn over to check the tightness of the twist.

For additional warming (sterilization), we wrap the jars with something warm: an old coat, jacket, wool blanket, or hide them in pillows. The next day they will cool down and transfer to storage.

Our delicious five-minute blackcurrant jam is ready for the winter! Under the influence of natural pectin, the syrup will thicken and after a while it will become thick, like jelly. Have a delicious winter and good luck with your preparations!