Experts have long noticed that every person prefers to surround himself with certain things. color range. The predominance of any color in clothing or interior design can tell about the interests, character and state of health of the owner.

In all world cultures, the meanings of primary colors and their combinations have similar meanings. In medicine, the influence of color on the human psyche is actively used in the treatment of a number of somatic diseases.

It has been noticed that under the influence of certain colors a person’s reaction to certain events changes and increases arterial pressure, appetite improves or disappears. IN Everyday life The role of flowers is not very noticeable.

The importance of flowers is realized in their absence. Cloudy weather causes loss of strength, decreased mood, and decreased performance. The unconscious reaction of each person largely depends on the characterological characteristics of the individual.

Scientists suggest that human sensitivity to certain colors is an innate property. Individually preferred colors make up the so-called “personality color scale”.

So to people who prefer White color characterized by good imagination and daydreaming.

Those who choose pink are romantic, sensitive people. Preferring real life- fairy tales, dreams and miracles, they are not ready to accept violence in any form. The main thing in their life is the desire for a comfortable, cozy lifestyle.

In contrast to them, lovers of red are individuals with developed leadership qualities. Ambitious people who strive for power. the main problem demanding attention - difficult to contain.

Among the people who choose the color blue are many travelers, scientists, and religious scholars. Artists prefer dark blue. These are cheerful individuals who value success and prosperity. They are ready to work persistently, but in case of failure, they easily turn into a state of despondency.

Preferred Blue colour They are distinguished by self-confidence and prudence, but when deception is revealed, they demonstrate vulnerability. Being soft-hearted people, they are not indifferent to the misfortunes of others.

Balanced, thorough people who strive to improve their knowledge prefer brown. Brown color is characteristic mature age, prone to thoughtful decisions, rigor and frugality.

Purifying gray color distinguishes creative personalities. According to other sources, the gray color indicates the individual’s desire for self-isolation in order to maintain internal balance.

People prone to self-examination choose green color. They are characterized by kindness and nobility. They make wonderful teachers and friends. Those who love dark green are characterized by persistence and stubbornness.

Optimistic, cheerful, creative, idealistic individuals prefer yellow. They are distinguished by idealism and an unquenchable hope for inevitable happiness.

The color purple highlights creative people who prefer everything unusual and unconventional.

Physical basis of the effects of color on the human body

Under the influence of each color, the mood and intensity of physiological processes in the body change. In medicine, the use of flowers with therapeutic purpose called color or chromotherapy.

Light is the combined effect of synchronized electromagnetic waves of different frequencies. Simply put, color is an energy charge. The beneficial effects of selected color waves on the nervous and endocrine systems are used in medicine. Indirectly through these systems it is possible to influence all human organs and systems.

Physiology of chromotherapy

Swiss Max Luscher in 1948 identified 8 colors with the maximum impact on human psychophysiology. Color realizes its effect through the retina of the eyes and skin receptors. When exposed to the retina of the eyeball, color triggers a cascade of chemical reactions, the final target of which will be the receptors of the visual areas of the cerebral cortex. Due to electrical impulses, the cerebral cortex is activated, changing the activity of internal organs.

The electromagnetic wave of color radiation has a certain penetrating ability. Therefore, when it reaches the surface of the body, it is able to transfer a certain amount of energy to the organs and normalize the bioenergetic potential of cells.

The influence of color on a person’s psycho-emotional state

Red color has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system, its stimulating effect can energize, warm up, and revive due to its stimulating effect primarily on the cardiovascular system: increased heart rate, heart rate, and increased blood pressure.

Pink color charges with lightness, happiness and tenderness. This color primarily affects the sense of smell.

Orange, associated with joy and well-being, will help with depression, apato-abulic syndrome, and loss of appetite.

The symbol of optimism is yellow, which leads to an upbeat, cheerful mood. It has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system and mental background.

Green color has a calming and refreshing effect. It has an anti-stress effect, relieves nervous tension, relieves signs of overwork and fatigue.

Blue and light blue waves are refreshing and soothing. Blue is used to treat insomnia and headaches.

The color violet helps to relax the nervous system, increase attention and reduce mental stress.

Moving along the spectrum, the human psyche demonstrates everything accessible to humans emotions. By manipulating colors, you can enhance necessary or suppress unwanted mental and emotional manifestations.

In discussions about the influence of colors on humans, reference is often made to symbolic systems in different cultures, not on data psychological research. However, it is no coincidence - there are many intersections here. CHT has summarized some of the information about exactly how colors affect our brains.

"Color is a product of light, emotive", stated Goethe in The Doctrine of Color. It is believed that he was the first to propose a system that describes the effect of a color palette on a person. But Goethe, like many other artists and writers, could rely only on his own instincts, on his observations and the traditions of color perception that already existed in the culture.

Only in the 20th century, with the development of psychology and experimental methods studying higher nervous activity, a scientific basis appeared for analyzing the influence of color waves. Despite a large number of experiments and tests, the effect of the colors of the surrounding world on our emotional condition remains a mystery.

As stated in the modern monograph “Color and Psyche”, the influence of color on emotions occurs at several levels. In general, bright colors are exciting and active, while faded and dark colors are inhibitory and calming. But addiction to them and their impact very much depends on the circumstances and individual characteristics of the person.

The effect of white color

U African tribe Ndembu has an expression “to have a white liver”, that is, to be understandable, not up to anything bad, not to pose a danger. Our language also reflects the attitude towards white as something pure and good: “white salary”, “ White light", "white bone", "white envy".

Anthropologists give two main reasons for this perception of white. Firstly, we are all familiar with the change of day and night, when the clarity of the visible world is replaced by a sense of danger and fear of the dark. Secondly, white is the color of the two most important human fluids that give life - milk and seminal fluids.

Science has found confirmation of traditional interpretations: white color stimulates the ability to be active.

However, this refers to white as the highest manifestation of all that is light and bright. Shadeless, empty white is not at all so clear. Kazimir Malevich, conducting experiments with color, came to the conclusion that the abundance of white puts pressure on the psyche, and proposed to abandon it as a color for hospital walls and doctor’s coats.

The influence of black

Black is the ancient antipode of white. Whatever our preferences in clothing style and interior design, it is more difficult for us to get into the mood for work if it is cloudy and dark, gloomy tones predominate.

Black, as the darkest possible, evokes associations with death, chaos and destruction. But the passivity and peace of black can be necessary for a person who is overexcited or tired - just as night is necessary after day.

U primitive people attitudes towards blacks were ambiguous. Sometimes black symbolized the source of hidden wisdom, as well as passion: women of the same Ndembu tribe, for example, blacken their genitals. Among the tribes of the dry regions of Africa, black was revered as the color of rain clouds, and people with especially black hair were considered more beautiful than others.

The influence of red

Red is the third most important color in traditional symbolism. It is undoubtedly primarily associated with blood. Since blood serves as a symbol of both death and life, red has never been classified as a uniquely bad or clearly good color. It has been proven that red and yellow, as the brightest colors, excite vital energy and stimulate activity. This color is often preferred by extroverts.

The nervous system of a rested and restored person, ready for intense activity, is interested in red.

But don’t rush to make scarlet the main color in the interior. The activity of red can be unhealthy; its prolonged exposure is fraught with overstimulation. Those who are under emotional stress and frustration do not like red, like other bright colors. It can increase muscle tension, increase blood pressure, and speed up breathing.

Interestingly, this is the most favorite color of children, regardless of the country and culture in which a person grows up. Bright colors act like vitamins on a child, and their absence can even cause a painful condition called “color deprivation” and lead to disorders of neuropsychic development.

Fear of the dark may not be due to the fact that the child does not want to be where there is no light, but to a lack of bright colors in his life.

The influence of blue

Blue in many ancient cultures was considered an attribute of the gods, the sky and a symbol of contemplation. This mythology is echoed by the avant-garde artist, who described blue as a paint calling to infinity.

Scientific evidence says nothing about the mysticism of blue, but confirms its characteristics as a relaxant.

An interior with a predominance of blue has a particularly good effect on those who need relaxation. The psyche, which is in a state of struggle, needs blue-green colors for balance, and in a state of rest, on the contrary, it needs active red-yellow colors. Long-term exposure to blue leads to inhibition and depression, sadness and boredom.

Green influence

Oddly enough, but such an important color for nature and life as green was never included in the main set of symbolic colors of the primitive world. True, there is an opinion that it was one of the favorite flowers of the ancient Egyptians. But the ancient Chinese did not consider it a separate paint at all, but perceived it as a variant of blue. Appearing later in the symbolism of the peoples of the world, it was often perceived as neutral, not calling for anything.

Kandinsky believed green color passive and philistine bourgeoisie.

Today, living in cities and experiencing stress due to our isolation from nature, we often associate greenery with harmony, spring, youth. Like blue, it lives up to some of its traditional characteristics as a calming color; it is really preferred by people who need rest; under its influence, activity decreases. Interestingly, with age, color preferences are redistributed towards calm blue-green, brown and olive shades.

The influence of yellow

Yellow has symbolized a variety of things at different times - from fame and enlightenment to separation and debt. The traditional symbolism of yellow is quite different from red, but in terms of their effect on our mood, these colors are very close.

Yellow invigorates, tones, warms, stimulates the central nervous system and thought processes.

Calm, self-confident people who do not suffer from emotional stress have a special predilection for bright yellow. It is the second most popular color among children after red.

Kandinsky considered yellow an earthly color because it cannot be made deeper, unlike blue. But shades of yellow differ greatly in how we perceive them. Pure yellow is pleasant, cold tones were associated with gray and acquired negative connotations; they were associated with madness.

Studies conducted with patients with schizophrenia, no connection between yellow and this disease was not discovered. True, exposure to some colors and, in particular, yellow, can enhance the vegetative properties of stress. If you sharply place a yellow screen in front of a person suffering from nausea, you can induce vomiting. This impact feels like a blow to the stomach.

The influence of pink color

Pink can be described as light red, which means it evokes positive, but not too intense emotions such as mild joy, carefree. “Rose-colored glasses” is an expression that best describes the influence Pink colour. It reconciles a little, invigorates a little, refreshes a little, reminds of passion, but nothing more.

Popular culture of the 20th century turned pink into a symbol of girls, tenderness and kawaiiness. The prerequisites for this existed back in Ancient Rome, where pink was believed to be associated with sensitivity and emotion. But pink wasn't always seen as an exclusively feminine color. According to Goethe, young women prefer light shades - pink and blue. In general, shades of red were more likely to be associated with men and were an attribute of strength and power.

The effect of color on a person has been noticed for a long time: color affects all his physiological systems, activating or suppressing their activity, color creates a particular mood, inspires certain thoughts and feelings. The effects of color can (for study purposes) be divided into physiological, psychological and aesthetic; These factors determine color associations, semantics and symbolism of color, as well as the use of color in art. Of course, all these factors and categories are closely related, and sometimes it is impossible to separate them; Nevertheless, we will try to present the topic in the order indicated above.

Physiological and therapeutic effects.


The longest wavelength in the optical field. Therefore, it penetrates deeply into living tissues, affecting their nutrition; increases muscle tension, blood pressure and breathing rate. Stimulates the brain, effective for melancholy. Promotes the resorption of inflammatory processes and the consequences of mechanical damage. Red light is used to treat chickenpox, scarlet fever, measles, etc. skin diseases. “Red and yellow rays have given interesting results in the treatment of apathetic and anemic children. They were expressed in an increase in the number of red blood cells, an increase in the child’s weight, an increase in his activity and an improvement in his mood... It was observed that wearing red glasses by athletes can in some cases make it easier for them to achieve high results, increasing reaction and endurance.” (M. Deribere. Color in human activity. - M., 1964) Red light also treats neurasthenia, headaches, dizziness, and pain in the spine. Red rays “awakened the patient’s strength, increasing his appetite, regulating digestion and improving general nutrition body. We think that in these happy cases ... the effect of light is mainly psychic in nature and finds beneficial application in the treatment of nervous asthenia.” (M. Deribere, p. 74)

For all ancient peoples, red was a healing color. Various plants, animals, and stones were widely used to treat diseases. For example: a remedy for fever is to carry the first anemones or dung beetle with you in a red cloth; Chickweed or centipede boiled with the red peel of pomegranate fruit helps against ear pain. People bitten by a rabid dog are protected from rabies by placing a cock's comb on the wound. Against rheumatism, it is recommended to apply red snails to the sore spot. Many similar recommendations can be found in ancient literature, as well as in studies of the cultures of ancient and primitive peoples.

Physiological effects and healing power Gems also have precious stones. (There is even a branch of medicine called lithotherapy). Folk legends tell a lot about the wonderful properties of stones. Academician A.E. Fersman conveys some of them: “Here is a red yacht - it heals the heart, brain, strength and memory of a human being... Whoever carries a scarlet yacht with him will not see terrible and dashing dreams... and whoever carries a yacht in a ring with him , he will strengthen his heart and be honest with people... Bechet’s stone will cheer the heart and drive away sadness and unkind thoughts, increase reason and honor” (A.E. Fersman. Stories about gems. - M, 1974, p. 63) According to beliefs of the peoples of the East, says R. Valaev, “the ruby ​​gives its owner the strength of a lion, the fearlessness of an eagle and the wisdom of a snake. It promotes the charms of love and passion.” (R. Valaev. Novels about precious stones. - Kyiv, 1971, p. 110)

Additional information about color therapy and lithotherapy can be gleaned from the books: N.V. Serov. Light-color therapy. Speech, St. Petersburg, 2001. E. I. Gonikman. Your talisman. Healing rainbow of stone. - M. 1997

Regarding the effect of the color red, it should be added that prolonged fixation of it causes a negative reaction - fatigue, irritation, depression. Particularly sensitive people cannot stand red.


This color is intermediate between red and yellow; its action to some extent combines the actions of both. M. Deribere notes its beneficial effect on digestion and blood circulation.

E.I. Gonikman lists the beneficial effects of orange stones: amber, carnelian, sardonyx, corundum, jasper. The healing energy of these stones increases the level of neuroendocrine regulation, has a rejuvenating effect, promotes tissue regeneration, cures lung pathology and weakened heart activity. Helps increase muscle strength, improves blood circulation. In large quantities, orange can be as tiring and irritating as red. However, an overdose of any color causes negative consequences.


Yellow color is physiologically optimal; Its visibility is greatest among pure spectral colors, and its saturation is the lowest. Therefore, the tiring effect is the least. Yellow stimulates vision, nervous system and brain. It can be effective in cases of mental deficiency and calms certain nervous conditions (psychoneuroses). (See M. Deribere, pp. 76, 77) The beneficial effect of yellow on vision can be explained by the fact that it simultaneously excites two color-sensing apparatuses: red and green (based on the three-component theory of color vision by Jung - Helmholtz).

According to E. Gonikman, yellow color heals weakness of digestion, stimulates gastric secretion, has a cleansing effect on the entire body, stimulates appetite, treats insomnia, and skin diseases. Yellow stones: amber, beryl, hyacinth, carnelian, jasper and others.


Green is a very special color among spectral colors, although it is not extreme, but rather neutral. This is the color of virgin nature, the young Earth covered with plants. The human visual organ was formed and developed in an environment filled with green light; the color of this environment has become familiar and comfortable, that is, physiologically optimal. The main effect of green is hypnotic and analgesic. It is effective for nervous irritability, insomnia and fatigue, lowers blood pressure, improves tone; green dilates capillaries, soothes and relieves neuralgia and migraines. Used to treat mental illnesses (hysteria, nervous fatigue). (see M. Deribere, pp. 74-76)

Data from E. Gonikman medicinal properties green stones: “Normalization of cardiac activity (arrhythmia, tachycardia). Stabilization of blood pressure, central nervous system. Relieves headaches, treats acute colds, provides relaxation and relieves tension. Treatment of eyes, improvement of performance." Let's add to this: an increase in muscle-motor performance when irradiated with green light is observed for a long time and does not cause a negative reaction, as from red light. Let's name some green stones: emerald, malachite, peridot, turquoise, jade, olivine, chrysoberyl...


Blue, like yellow and green, is a physiologically optimal color, but in contrast to the tonic yellow, it produces a calming effect: it reduces blood pressure, slows down the pulse and breathing rhythm. According to M. Deribere, blue is an antiseptic color. It reduces suppuration and can be effective in some rheumatic pains, inflammation and even in the treatment of cancer. For a sensitive person, blue relieves more than green. However, some fatigue or depression can occur from exposure to blue light for too long. Blue is recommended for those who are overexcited and wildly crazy. Used to treat insomnia, dispel obsessions and obsessions; under its influence, muscle tension decreases. Blue light treats neuralgic phenomena and has an analgesic effect. Let us quote from M. Deribere, p. 72: “For a long time now...artists have pointed out the influence of color on our body. Heaven gives us convincing confirmation of this every day. The Cote d'Azur and the blue expanses of the sea have been treating people with color therapy for a long time; people are born there who are very different from those living under the gray screen of the northern mists.” Blue stones lower blood pressure, are used to treat osteochondrosis, normalize cardiac activity, treat diseases of the larynx and vocal cords, rheumatism, eye and liver diseases. However: excessive prolonged exposure can cause a state of fear and impaired blood circulation. Blue stones: turquoise, aquamarine, lapis lazuli (blue spar), euclase, zircon...


The effect of this color on the body is multifaceted and effective. Blue produces a more calming effect than cyan; it can even be called depressing. Since this color is short-wavelength, it has an antiseptic effect. It is used to treat the endocrine system, kidneys, lungs, upper respiratory tract, and eye diseases. Effective for the treatment of childhood infections, whooping cough, jaundice, skin diseases. (See E. Gonikman. Your talisman. - M. 1997, p. 266) The influence of this color on the nervous system is especially strong. Insomnia, hypochondria, schizophrenia, hysteria, manic-depressive psychosis, and epilepsy are treated with blue light.

K. S. Petrov-Vodkin in his book “Samarkandi” tells a local story about the color blue: “In Constantine, in northern Africa, the Blue City has survived to this day. I learned his story from educated Arabs. In the seventeenth century, a local ruler fell ill with a strange form of depression that made his life a nightmare. To entertain himself, this bey either resorted to cruel reprisals against his subjects (in Constantine, one of the rocks adjacent to the palace is called “The Rock of the Wives,” from which the women of his harem, suspected by the sick bey of infidelity, were thrown), or the hypochondriac tyrant devoted himself to charity , then rushed into corsair adventures, then to doctors and healers, but nothing helped to overcome the disease.

Among the bey's captives there was one doctor who undertook original treatment. Under his leadership, the ruler's room was painted blue, and the furniture and, if possible, all objects in it were brought to this color. In this room the patient began to feel better; then it was decided to paint the entire palace blue. The effect was amazing: the bey returned to normal, and in order to give his subjects the opportunity to enjoy such a benefit, he ordered that the entire city be painted blue according to the prescription of the color doctor.

In the city of blue bey, the sky seems heavy in contrast to the pure blue of the buildings. Among its streets you feel ease in your movements, you don’t feel oppressed by the heat, and you think more clearly and clearly in its colors.”

In case of overdose, blue depresses and causes inhibition of the nervous system. (However, an overdose distorts the effect of any color). Blue stones: sapphire, lapis lazuli, turquoise, topaz.


This color is the shortest wavelength, it ends the optical region of electromagnetic waves - shorter waves (ultraviolet) are already invisible. Violet has a unique effect on human functional systems, including the psyche (higher nervous system). To quote Maurice Deribere: “Violet affects the heart, lungs and blood vessels, increasing tissue endurance. Amethyst light has the stimulating effect of red and the tonic effect of blue. ...I placed one madman (violent) in a room with purple windows; the next day the patient asked to be allowed to go home - he recovered. He left the mental hospital, lives happily and is completely healthy. The French physician Cheret notes: “As much as the red color stimulates activity, violet, on the contrary, delays it and weakens it.”

Let us supplement these notes with data from E. Gonikman. Purple stones heal mental illness, neuralgia, kidney and liver diseases, inflammatory diseases. In case of overdose, violet causes depression of the nervous system. Purple stones: amethyst, charoite, lilac chalcedony, lilac tourmaline, garnet, topaz.

Blue is the exact opposite of red in both symbolic and psychological aspects. We associate blue with coldness, calmness, constancy, nobility, kindness and loyalty. But sometimes this color can evoke fear and horror. Remember the gathering blue clouds above the ground on the eve of a thunderstorm. I.V. Goethe also wrote that the color blue carries “something dark.”

Strong and inexplicable energy is contained in this color, which is why manifestations of the supernatural, intuition and the unknown are often associated with blue. It is able to influence the effectiveness of self-hypnosis, increase a person’s sincerity and develop strong-willed qualities in him.

If blue is your favorite color, then we can assume that you are a modest person who needs the support of loved ones. Has for you great importance what impression do you make on others, what do they think and say about you. When communicating with people, you constantly pursue the goal of making them like you, however, this does not always happen.

You are dominated Creative skills, which are often expressed in acting. But for you, theater exists not only on stage, but also in life. You tend to assign roles to yourself and others; this attitude to life can lead to the development of conflicts with people close to you. You don’t like to be alone and feel emotional emptiness, to avoid this you should be more attentive to people and show yourself as the person you are. You shouldn’t always wait for gratitude and happiness to appear from other people; appreciate smiles, friendly gestures and kind words. They can tell you a lot even without loud speeches. It is useful for you to travel, read and generally develop natural curiosity.

The color blue inspires a desire for reflection and the perception of emotional experiences. If a person does not like this color, then it can be assumed that his need for peace is not satisfied, he may feel a lack of tenderness, trust and intimacy. When performing any serious tasks, a person can ignore the blue color, this is due to the fact that in this moment he is not in the mood to relax and rest.

By calming the nervous system, blue color also successfully affects the physiological state of the body. So this color can reduce elevated temperature, accelerate the healing of burns and inflammations. Blue color has a positive effect on intestinal and stomach disorders, helps with throat diseases, allergies, bleeding and toothache. It also tends to lower blood pressure and slow breathing and heart rate. It should be noted that in the blue room the temperature is several degrees lower than in the red room. Also, you should not overuse the color blue in work areas, because... it reduces employee performance.

The science

The effect of color on the human psyche has been known since ancient times. Colors can influence a person’s worldview, mood, and even character. It has been scientifically proven that various colors and their combinations can make a person feel happy, sad, anxious or melancholy.

There are a few basic rules you need to learn. The use of light pastel colors helps create an atmosphere of comfort and warmth and visually increase the area of ​​the room. Bright colors energize, uplift and stimulate. Dull, cool shades relax and give a feeling of harmony, while dark shades add rigor and efficiency.

The influence of red color on humans

Allows you to move the needle, get a charge of vigor and activity, can cause excitement, tunes you to activity, increases muscle tone and stimulates appetite.

It is important that red color visually reduces space. Therefore, it cannot be used in small rooms. Also, too much red can lead to irritation and depression. But your living room will benefit if red is the dominant color. If red is skillfully combined with other colors, it will be appropriate in any room.

Blue color and mood

Reduces heart rate, stimulates creative and brain activity, induces relaxation, helps to relax and find peace of mind, improves concentration, inspires confidence, and arouses interest.

You need to use rich blue color in the interior carefully and thoughtfully. It belongs to a cold palette, so it is better not to use it in northern and poorly lit rooms. It is great for use in classic and modern interiors, always appropriate in Mediterranean and high-tech style. It has been proven that almost all shades of blue reduce our appetite and therefore those who want to always look slim should consider this color as a possible background for the kitchen and dining room.

Yellow color in the interior

Improves metabolism, provides energy, produces a feeling of warmth and absorbs negative energy. Activates, encourages creativity and inspires optimism.

The best place to use yellow in the home is the kitchen. People are attracted by the warm and sunny atmosphere for cooking and eating.

If you want to boost your family's appetite, yellow cuisine is worth a try.

Green color in the interior

It has a refreshing effect, creates an atmosphere of complete peace, relieves stress and smoothes out conflicts, relieves tension and fatigue.

Light warm shades of green, such as delicate light green and pistachio colors, are perfect for walls in the bedroom and nursery; the rooms will look bright, fresh and positive.

Our lives thrive with colors that inspire and enrich us. Although it may seem counterintuitive, in addition to neutral beiges, grays and whites, you can use bright and rich colors that will create an atmosphere of comfort and happiness in your home.

With the arrival of spring, just add new colors to your interior, and your life will sparkle with new colors!