Read how to develop your thinking, and you will learn not only to think quickly, but also to think outside the box.

Every normal person wants to think quickly, think outside the box, and be able to show off their intellectual abilities, which is why requests are so frequent, how to develop thinking.

Only fools who don’t care about their lives don’t want this.

By the way, I suspect that it is the fools who stubbornly refuse to subscribe to the article mailing list, but with enviable consistency they come to write some stupidity in the comments.

What is thinking and why does it need to be developed?

Thinking is the highest human ability to understand this world.

It is contrasted with “low” forms: smell, perception and others, which even primitive species of animals can boast of, but only humans can think logically, analytically, and creatively.

The result of thinking is a thought that you must first extract from the bins of your brain, and then voice it verbally, in writing or in another form.

Of course, all people can think, but the quality of the thoughts they produce is completely different.

Some, as they say, grasp everything on the fly, demonstrate excellent success first in school, then at work, instantly find a way out of difficult situations, while others are very slow to think, so they are always in the shadow of people with developed thinking.

Like, for example, Vanya is a security guard at my former job.

Vanya couldn’t be called an overly stupid or lazy guy, but his thinking was really slow, and putting his thoughts into words was an impossible task for him.

Many people live quietly with slow-wittedness and don’t worry, but our security guard suffered and wanted to change.

Vanya and I communicated well, and one day in a conversation he admitted that he would like to develop his thinking.

What types of thinking are there and how to develop them?

Before you start developing your thinking, you need to understand what types of thinking there are, and what exactly you want to work on.

Scientists identify the following types of thinking:


    Thanks to it, a person operates with logical constructs and is able to draw logical conclusions based on the information received.


    Remember Sherlock Holmes and his deductive method?

    You too can develop the ability to do the unexpected, but correct conclusions based on isolated facts, moving from the general to the specific.


    This type of thinking is opposed to deductive thinking because you reach conclusions by moving from the specific to the general.


    Allows a person to analyze the information received, extract the most important data from it and draw concise and accurate conclusions.

    Creative (creative).

    People of the creative profession cannot do without it, because it is thanks to creative thinking that paintings, books, theatrical productions, films, advertising campaigns and much more are created.

Most often, when people ask “How to develop thinking?”, they mean analytical, logical or creative.

We'll talk about them.

How to develop logical thinking?

It is incredibly difficult to live in this world without logic, because every day we are faced with tasks that are impossible to solve without logical thinking.

If you have problems with logical reasoning, you can improve the situation with the help of:

  1. Solving puzzles and puzzles.
  2. Solutions to logic puzzles (you can find at least a hundred portions of them on the Internet).
  3. Chess games.
  4. Love of computer games such as “Rotating Matrix”, “Numbers”, etc.
  5. Choosing a job in which you need to apply strategy every day.

    For example, writing texts, creating websites, etc.

  6. Solving a Rubik's cube.

If you practice daily using the above methods, then within a month you will discover the ability to make logical conclusions.

How to develop creative (creative) thinking?

Developing creative thinking is the most difficult thing to do, because a person is either born gifted or is born without the slightest ability to be creative.

For example, at our school there was a girl, Olya, who wrote the most magnificent essays, but at the same time received grades of 5/3 for them, where her literacy was assessed as a three.

Whereas the excellent student Sveta, the pride of the class, wrote very tedious but competent texts, receiving her A's thanks to her established reputation.

Now Sveta is a candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, teaches at the capital’s university, and Olya is an employee advertising agency, creating great advertising campaigns.

Both girls found their calling, despite the fact that one always had it, and the other completely lacked it.

And, if they chose each other's professional paths, they would most likely fail.

If you want to develop creative thinking for yourself so as not to be considered a cracker, then try doing this with the help of:

  1. Readings fiction.
  2. Visiting exhibitions, theater premieres, and all art-related events.
  3. With drawing, you can even sign up for some courses.
  4. Writing poetry and texts.

    It is not necessary (more precisely, it is not advisable :) to publish them somewhere, you write them as a training.

    Creative hobbies: knitting, embroidery, macrame, decoupage and more.

    Moreover, the less you pay attention to ready-made schemes and the more you show imagination, the better.

How to develop analytical thinking?

There is even a separate position - analysts - people who analyze the data received and draw conclusions based on them.

For example, financial analysts are able to predict the rise or fall of prices for something, exchange rates in the near future, ways to overcome the crisis, and much more.

If you get the same data as them, you are unlikely to understand anything, but an analytical mind allows you to draw the right conclusions.

The ways to develop analytical thinking are similar to the methods that need to be used to develop logical thinking. The same puzzles, chess, Rubik's cube, computer games And so on.

But your main task is to constantly analyze the information received, and not be afraid to draw conclusions, even if they may be incorrect.

How to develop speed of thinking?

We often call slow-witted people who think too slowly.

If you are unhappy with the speed of your thinking and want to develop it, then:

    Do facial exercises, which will help you express your thoughts more easily.

    I don’t give specific exercises, act on instinct, and at the same time you will train your creative thinking.

  1. Lead healthy image life and
  2. Develop fine motor skills, for example, with bead embroidery.

    Not only in children, fine motor skills are directly related to thinking, but also in adults.

    Learn poetry by heart.

    And what? You can always surprise your soulmate by reading her a love poem, and your memory, which is directly related to the ability to think, is trained.

  3. Give yourself a head massage; they even sell special “scratchers” to make this procedure easier for you.
  4. Travel, meet new people.
  5. Live at a fast pace, then your brain will not slow down.

We invite you to watch a video on how to develop creative thinking

by drawing:

You see: the answer to the question “ How to develop thinking? not that complicated.

You will succeed.

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It is very important to learn to think logically - such skills help not only to calculate your actions in advance, but also to quickly find a way out of unforeseen situations. A person who has developed logical thinking will undoubtedly be able to achieve success even under not the most favorable circumstances. So, how to develop logical thinking?

Logic and logical thinking

Logic is

The concept of “logic” has its roots in the ancient Greek language, and is translated as thought (reasoning). In general, logic can be called the ability to think intelligently, and it can be considered as a science. We are talking about a branch of philosophy that studies intellectual activity. If you are capable of logical thinking, then based on the data you have, you will be able to come to the right conclusion. With the help of logic, you gain not only general knowledge about a particular subject, but also comprehend its nuances.

What is logical thinking and its types

It is worth noting that logical thinking is divided into several types, and by familiarizing yourself with their characteristics, you will be able to determine whether you possess any of them. In general, logical thinking is a thought process in which we obtain a reasonable conclusion from existing premises. Verbal and logical thinking It uses logical structures and concepts, acts based on linguistic means and representing the highest of the stages of development of thinking. Using verbal-logical thinking, a person is able to come to general patterns, summarize different visual material. The formation of such thinking occurs gradually. During training, a person masters the methods of mental activity and analyzes the process of his own thoughts. When solving educational problems, it influences the formation of analysis, generalization, synthesis, classification, comparison. Let's look at these concepts in more detail. Analysismental operation, in which a person is able to parse a complex object into elements. Synthesis– usually acts in unity with analysis, carried out simultaneously. A person moves from parts to the whole. Generalization– the combination of many elements according to a single characteristic. The comparison reveals something in common. Classification– objects are grouped according to essential characteristics Comparison– comparison of phenomena and objects, as well as identification of their differences and common features. Verbal-logical thinking People who have this type of thinking tend to focus their attention on what they say rather than how they say it. Such logicians have a predisposition to accuracy and show interest in the semantic essence of any information. They try to compare newly acquired knowledge with those they already possessed. It is worth noting that this type of thinking, alas, is not characterized by fast memory. A person needs a certain amount of time to carefully think and analyze everything. We also note that people with this type of thinking are prone to conservatism and weak expression of emotions. Strengths Verbal-logical thinking can be called accuracy and consistency. From negative aspects– slow switching from one task to another. Mathematical thinking This type of thinking is characterized by flexibility, originality and depth. Let's consider these concepts in more detail, in the context mathematical thinking. Flexibility– the ability to vary options for solving a certain problem, easy transition from one way of solving a difficulty to another. We are also talking about the ability to leave the boundaries of familiar methods of action - a person is looking for new solutions, quickly adapting to changed conditions. Originality– a factor that provides in this case the highest level of unconventional thinking. Depth– the ability to comprehend the essence of all studied facts, their relationships, hidden features. Associative-figurative thinking It should also be noted that there are people who are characterized by associative-figurative thinking. Their memory is well developed, but differs from the memory of logicians. Trying to remember something, the lyricist immediately reproduces something else in his memory because he has a predisposition to associative perception of reality. What are the main benefits of thinking like this? You can give examples of emotionality, rich imagination, and the ability to easily switch from one to another. A person perceives images holistically, connecting them with existing reality. Disadvantages include inconsistent actions, increased idealization, excessive vulnerability, and increased sensuality. Such features do not always make it possible to look at the world objectively, although they make it very exciting.

Developed memory and logical thinking are simply necessary in Everyday life– when performing professional tasks, as well as in everyday affairs. By developing memory and logic, you will learn to concentrate your attention and control your thoughts. As a result, it will be easier for you to focus on current tasks and organize own life. By performing exercises to develop memory, after a certain period of time you will begin to notice that when solving problems, you use very non-standard and effective methods that would not have occurred to you before.

How to develop memory and thinking in adults

Tasks for the development of logical thinking

On the Internet you can easily find a variety of tasks with the help of which you will be able to develop logical thinking. Many sites will offer you different levels tasks. Try to start with something not too difficult and gradually move on.

Learn to think logically through games, puzzles and strategies

Also, a variety of games, strategies and puzzles can greatly contribute to the development of logical thinking. To do this, it is not necessary to search for tasks on the Internet. Even by purchasing a box of puzzles, you can not only have an entertaining evening, but also significantly improve your level of logical thinking.

10 ways to develop your memory

1.) Read a lot of books Of course, a person who is inclined to read has better memory than one who does not show any interest in this activity. So how can this be used. Read short story, and then immediately retell it into the recorder. After a few hours, try repeating this retelling. Analyze what details you forgot, what you missed. Do these exercises regularly. 2.) Pronounce words backwards Also very useful method improve your memory. It is also impossible not to note the convenience of this method - you do not need a voice recorder or other auxiliary devices. Perform this task before going to bed, on the road, in line, and so on. If possible, you can do the exercise on a piece of paper, in a notepad - this way it will be more convenient for you to test yourself. 3.) Study poetry and new words Memorizing poetry is a wonderful memory trainer. You can also learn new words that are unfamiliar to you. As soon as such a word catches your eye, at any opportunity, look up its meaning in the dictionary. After this, try “in your head” to compose several sentences in which the new word will be used. 4.) Remember everything in detail, analyze Get into the habit of replaying in your memory every evening the events that happened to you over the past day. Start from the moment you wake up. Remember what you thought about when you woke up, what you ate for breakfast, who you talked to. Next, move on to memories of how your day went, what people you interacted with, what tasks you faced. Then move on to memories of the evening. Analyze which unpleasant events you could have avoided what useful things you learned today, what action was senseless, and so on. 5.) Draw images in your head Quite an interesting exercise that perfectly develops the imagination. For example, imagine yourself on vacation. Let's say, not just you sitting on the shore, but in more detail. Imagine that you are sitting on the warm sand, you have a glass of lemonade or beer in your hand, and there is a plate of shrimp or corn next to you - you can hear their smells. You also hear the sound of sea waves, and sometimes their splashes reach you. You can add any more details. So, imagine whatever you want. For example, you find yourself in summer garden: the shadow of the trees falls on you, you hear the smell of raspberries, and pear fruits periodically fall to the ground. The sun's rays break through the foliage. 6.) Get a good night's sleep Undoubtedly, you have already heard that adequate sleep has an important effect on our memory. If you sleep at least seven hours a night, you can be sure that this has the best effect not only on memory, but also on concentration and even on the rejuvenation of body cells. Good sleep is essential for energy and overall health. 7.) Aivazovsky’s method develops photographic memory This training technique got its name in honor of the famous artist. While writing his works and paintings, Ivan Konstantinovich mentally tried to stop the movement of the wave and transfer it to his painting so that it would not look frozen. Aivazovsky devoted many hours to the process of observing water. At the same time, he closed his eyes from time to time, trying to reproduce what he saw in his memory. How to use this technique?
    Study an object or landscape for 5 minutes. Covering your eyelids, try to reproduce the image of this picture in your memory. It is also important that it be colored. The effectiveness of training can be increased by recording objects on a piece of paper. If you perform this exercise regularly, you will be able to achieve considerable progress in the development of visual memory.
Such tables are used to determine the degree of attention, which in turn is directly related to memory - you can find them in abundance on the Internet. To do this, just search for “Schulte tables online” and start training. Note that we are talking about a field divided into squares, and in those, in turn, numbers from 1 to 25 are written in random order. Subsequently, you will need to find all the numbers in order using a stopwatch - the search speed should increase over time.

9.) Fortified healthy foods Of course, for good memory it is important to eat food that is as rich in vitamins as possible. Which products should you pay the most attention to? Eat apples, salmon, blueberries, spinach, various seeds and nuts, and grapes. 10.) Develop left hand if you are right-handed and vice versa A very useful activity. Set yourself challenging goals. Train your left hand if you are left-handed, and your right hand if you are right-handed. Using your “unaccustomed” hand will be difficult at first, but over time you will master this skill.

How to develop logic and thinking in a teenager

Tasks, puzzles and charades On the Internet you can find many puzzles that you and your teenager can try to solve. Try to look for tasks that contain the correct answer - if the goal is not achieved, you can see how it could have been achieved. A special application with tasks for a smartphone IN Google Play you can easily find an application called “Logic, Problems, Puzzles” - it can be installed on your smartphone. The essence of the application is to develop analytical skills in adults and adolescents. There are also apps like Brain Training, Lumosity and many others. Many factors influence intelligence and ingenuity. If you are forced to expose your body constant stress, then it is not surprising that your reactions will leave much to be desired. During peak periods human body produces cortisol, which has a detrimental effect on brain cells. If you have to take on a ton of things in the morning, then you should try to slow down your usual pace of life at least a little. Start by not jumping out of bed immediately after the alarm clock rings - allow yourself some time (15-25 minutes) to lie down and think about the coming day. Ways to improve your intelligenceMusic. Periodically take a break from the daily hustle and bustle by listening to music. By the way, scientists believe that they are very useful for activating the brain. classical works. For example, people who listen to Mozart from time to time are different increased speed thinking. Don't waste energy. Don't take on many tasks at once. To do something well, it is important to focus on it. If you have to answer a letter, talk on the phone and listen to the news at the same time, then, of course, attention will begin to dissipate among several sources of information. The result will be a decrease in concentration and even the level of intelligence. More positive. Do not deny yourself positive emotions - your performance directly depends on them. Visit parks more often, go to the movies, meet friends. Development. Regularly search the Internet for exercises to develop memory and enrich your vocabulary. It is unlikely that you will be “illuminated” by unexpected solutions if you have a poor vocabulary that is almost unable to hold anything in your head. To develop memory, learn poetry, just read books.

Online logic test - developing the ability to think logically

So, we suggest that you mark your time – it is advisable to use no more than a quarter of an hour to complete the test.


1.) Can a woman marry her widower's brother? 2.) Is there March 2nd in Italy? 3.) The girl declares: “The day before yesterday I was 8 years old, and next year I will celebrate my 11th birthday!” Could it be so? 4.) There are 10 fingers on 2 hands. So, how many fingers are there on ten hands? 5.) You are a bus driver heading from Yekaterinburg to Ugut. You will have three stops along the way. How old is the driver? 6.) The month ends on the 30th or 31st. Name the month that contains the 28th? 7.) You find yourself in a room with two lamps - gasoline and gas. What will you light first? 8.) One car left Ufa for Moscow, and the second – from Moscow for Ufa. The cars left at the same time, but the speed of the second car was twice as high as the speed of the first. Which car will be closest to Ufa at the time of the meeting? 9.) Mother and son were in an accident. The mother did not survive the hospital stay. A nurse comes into my son’s room and says, pointing at him: “This is my son.” Is it possible? 10.) A coin was found, donated to the year seventy-eight BC. Could it be so? 11.) The rooster flew onto a roof, the slope of which on one side is 45 degrees, and on the other - 30. When he lays an egg, from what slope will it roll? 12.) The doctor prescribed three injections, which must be given every half hour. So, how long does it take to complete these three injections? 13.) The weight of the brick is one and a half kilos. Plus another third of the brick. How much does a brick ultimately weigh? 1.) No; 2.) Yes; 3.) Maybe if she was born on December 31st; 4.) 50; 5.) As much as me; 6.) In all; 7.) Match; 8.) Same; 9.) Yes; 10.) No; 11.) Not at all; 12.) One hour; 13.) 1 kg.

If you did: No more than 2 errors Your logical thinking is excellent! You probably put a lot of work into achieving these results, but it was worth it! From 3 to 5 errors We can safely say that you have a high level of intelligence, despite the fact that sometimes you make mistakes. Be that as it may, you are able to analyze most events correctly. 6 to 7 errors Your level of intelligence can be called average. The potential for growth is undoubtedly there, and if you wish, you you will succeed in this case. 8 or more errors It's hard to say that you are often guided by logic in your judgments. Surely, you mainly act under the influence of emotions.

Books that develop logical thinking

This book can be considered a simple introduction to the world of modern mathematical logic. The tutorial was recommended State Committee Russian Federation By higher education, and has become an excellent source of knowledge for many higher education students.

This is a book that clearly explains the basics of logic. The main emphasis is on syllogistics. The textbook contains tasks with the help of which the student is able to learn to apply certain rules in practice in a short period of time.

A textbook that talks about how to learn to think logically - who finds it difficult, and who easily overcomes barriers. Contains useful tasks.

Ten-minute exercises for developing logic for every day

A couple of random words Select two words at random from an article or story - just point your finger at the words without thinking about their meaning. Now you need to try to find something in common between the selected words - compare them, find the relationship. Come up with interesting story, which could connect these two concepts. Associations Look around the room you are in now. Choose an object in the room - for example, a chair or a plate. Take a piece of paper and come up with five adjectives that best describe the thing you have chosen. Example: round plate, yellow plate, small plate, clean plate, empty plate. Now write five adjectives that are completely inappropriate for the chosen subject. Example: wooden plate, boiled plate, winter plate, windy plate, silk plate. Undoubtedly, such exercises will benefit you if you do them daily. Plus, you don’t have to spend a lot of time on them! Try to start today, and you will soon notice significant progress in the development of logical thinking and imagination.

In this article we will talk about types of thinking and their development. IN modern world Without the ability to think outside the box, it is very difficult to reach people. A person is not successful if he does not develop his thinking. After all, if we take a closer look at rich people, we will find that they all have developed non-standard thinking. All outstanding people think differently than ordinary people, which is why they have exceptional results. So how to develop thinking? More on this below.

How to develop creative thinking?

How to develop imagination? I won’t talk about how deductive and inductive thinking develops; I’d rather focus on the development of creative thinking. Most people have a problem with this type of thinking. We are used to school and student years be guided by the logic that our imagination has atrophied. Why do I say this so boldly? My observations of people, analytics and logic helped me see this. If you've been reading me for a long time, you know that I go dancing, practice acting, and study English. On course acting The teachers forced us to come up with miniature scenes. I don’t want to brag, but such tasks were easy and simple for me. I had serious problems with solving equalities, inequalities, and logarithms, but I never had any trouble coming up with jokes. So I noticed how many people can’t come up with anything at all, they can’t even play their ready-made roles properly.

At dances it’s the same: what the teacher gave, the person learned. There we learn ligaments and sometimes freestyle. Few people go to freestyle, because it also requires imagination plus courage. Many people are afraid to show themselves. It’s easier to memorize a bunch and that’s it. So, any combination can be modified to suit you, some movements can be removed, some can be added. The teachers are not against this. But for some reason, out of all the people, I’m the only one who does this? I don’t change anything radically, I just add my own movements somewhere. Other people are stupid at learning movements.

On course in English same problem. People do the exercises stupidly and don’t come up with anything. There was a task - to compare animals. There were pictures of animals, and below there were ready-made options; you had to read them correctly. For example: big/rhino/elephant. Correct answer: An elephant is bigger than a rhino. Any dumbass can do it. We worked in pairs, I worked with one not very... generally uncreative girl. I tell her, compare a bear with a giraffe. So she answered me that there was no such option in the task (I mean in the list of ready-made answers). I insisted that she try to come up with her own version, not ready, and she did it. She said: A bear is stronger than a giraffe. I said: A giraffe is taller than a bear and more yellow than a bear.

To develop creative thinking, a person needs to constantly invent something, remake it for himself, create and compose. What do you need brains for? Read the article -. Even if you come up with complete nonsense, it’s better than stupidly following the system, being like everyone else, thinking like everyone else, doing like everyone else. Successful and rich people become successful because they are guided by imagination.

This concludes the article on the development of thinking and types of thinking. I wish you big brains and endless creative imagination. Ciao!

development of thinking, types of thinking, how to develop thinking


Every day a person is faced with a lot of life problems that need to be solved logically. This includes the correct structure of the work routine, official moments and even personal life. It would seem that everything is quite simple: exclude unimportant details, focus on serious aspects, thereby correctly setting priorities. However, in practice the situation requires some effort. You can develop logic on your own without enrolling in special courses. Let's consider all the nuances in more detail.

Logical thinking: what is it?

The concept of “logical thinking” is easier to explain if we break the phrase into “logic” and “thinking.” Let's try to figure it out together, highlighting the main thing.

The concept comes from the Greek “reasoning”, “thought”, “the art of reasoning correctly”, “the science of thinking”. Let's look at the concept, taking as a basis the science of correct thinking. It consists of several aspects, such as laws, methods and forms of human intelligence, namely his thoughts.

Logic is needed in order to achieve truth in the process of reasoning. Thanks to active brain activity, a certain scheme is launched that leads a person to the end point. The result is taken not by intuition, but from previously acquired knowledge.

For this reason, logic is often called a science that allows one to reach conclusions through many conclusions and their connection. The main task of logic is considered to be the generalization of existing fragments into one. As a result, the person receives true knowledge regarding the subject of reflection.


The concept is directly related to human mental activity. It forces you to process information on a subconscious level. This must be done in order to establish a connection between the objects being studied, to highlight their forms and meaning among other bodies in the environment.

Thinking allows you to find connections between aspects of reality. However, in order for the process to occur at the “correct” level, you need to think objectively. That is, before the main tasks, it is important to put yourself at the center of the current process, and not observe everything from the outside. Objective or logical thinking must obey the basic laws of logic.

Logical thinking
From the above we can conclude what “logical thinking” is. As a result of the thought process, a person applies knowledge acquired earlier. Then, through inferences, they are processed. All structures are connected in a logical chain in order. Conclusions are not based on assumptions, but on clear evidence, facts, prudence, objectivity, and the general laws of logic. Ultimately, based on the existing premises, the truth is obtained.

Why develop logical thinking

It is human nature to process information through brainstorming. Simply put, all people think this is a completely natural process. Thinking allows you to build a chain of personal behavior, draw the right conclusions in a given situation, and take action. Such aspects play an important role in situations where a decision is urgently needed. Ultimately, the goal will be achieved through logical conclusions.

When you fully learn the art of analyzing information, issues will be resolved much faster. Thanks to the correct collection and processing of information, you can build a long-term perspective regarding own actions. Aspects like these help people feel comfortable in any situation. You will calculate possible nuances in advance, then immediately eliminate them in your head by searching for a new solution. You always need to think logically, no matter whether you are at work or at home.

The world's greatest minds come up with new ways to develop logical thinking every year. Experienced business trainers, politicians, psychologists - they all help people develop. The most relevant ways to achieve what you want are considered to be puzzles aimed at demonstrating logic. Also effective are games, a set of exercises for objective thinking, reading scientific and fiction literature, studying foreign languages.

Method number 1. Reading

  1. Many people know that books allow you to gain wisdom and become a versatile and well-read person. However, success can only be achieved through fiction or non-fiction. It is in such publications that there is more knowledge than in numerous reference books.
  2. To develop logical thinking, read at least 10 sheets daily. At the same time, it is important to analyze each line, gradually accumulating information in your head. The brain has selective properties, so at a certain moment you will be able to retrieve the necessary information.
  3. While reading, analyze the chapters, try to think logically from the beginning. Place bets on how the book will end, how this or that character will act in a particular situation. A. Conan Doyle's book "Sherlock Holmes" is considered a world bestseller. The work helps to develop logical thinking and while away the evening in pleasant company.

Method number 2. Games

  1. The most common games aimed at developing logical thinking are checkers and chess. In the process of rivalry, opponents calculate their actions many steps ahead. It is this move that allows you to win, nothing else. It’s not difficult to learn tactics; it’s enough to devote 2-3 hours to this task every day. As the age of technology leaves its mark on society, you can play on a computer, phone or tablet. At the same time, you will have access to the logic simulator around the clock, regardless of the location and other “live” opponents.
  2. The next most popular game is Scrabble. Many have heard about it since childhood. Linguistic simulator for people who have little vocabulary and slow logic. As a result of the manipulations, you will learn to form words from the available letters, laying them out in a certain sequence. As in the previous case, you can play on a PC or smartphone. In addition to developing logic, you will become more concentrated and attentive.
  3. To improve logical thinking, you can play with words. There are several variations of such an adventure, let's consider them in order. Some people prefer to name one long word (number of letters from 10), after which the task of other participants is to create other words from the “raw materials”. The one whose number is the largest will win. The second option is as follows: a person names a word, the person following him says another word starting with last letter previous one. For example, you said “sailor”, your opponent answered “apartment”.
  4. The World Wide Web is literally replete with various banners that offer to go to a site with logical riddles. Such a move will help develop thinking not only in adults, but also in children. Crosswords, Sudoku, puzzles, and reversi are also considered popular games. Download apps to your smartphone that help develop logical thinking. This move will allow you to train your brain on public transport or in a traffic jam. This is much more useful than studying advertising leaflets and tired faces of people.
  5. Take a closer look at games like Rubik's cube or backgammon, put together a puzzle, play poker. Thanks to increased concentration, memory and logical thinking develop. The World Wide Web allows you to play without a second partner, which is an undeniable advantage. You can solve a Rubik's cube while relaxing between classes or during your lunch break. The main thing in any business is regularity. Perform simple manipulations daily to achieve maximum results.

Method No. 3. Exercises

  1. Mathematical problems and logical chains from the school (institute) curriculum will help you develop logic quickly enough. Find old textbooks and start manipulating. Perform the exercise daily for 30-60 minutes. It will be especially difficult for humanities students, for whom mathematics is a bone in their throat. An analogue is the search for analogies or deciphering anagrams.
  2. Consider an exercise that involves orderly arranging words or phrases on the same topic. The main task is the following: it is necessary to arrange words from least to greatest. That is, the first designation characterizes a specific type, and the last - a generalized concept. Let's give an example with the word “violet”. Violet - name - flower - plant. The more words you select and arrange them into one chain, the more logical thinking will be involved. The complex must be performed at least 2 times a day for 15 minutes.
  3. Another exercise is aimed not only at logical thinking, but also at the development of intellectual abilities, attentiveness, observation, concentration and general perception. The main point it is generally accepted that you need to determine whether the conclusion is correct. Is it logical based on the connection between judgments.

For example: “Cats meow. Alice is a cat, therefore she can meow! The judgment is logically correct. If we talk about incorrect logic, then it looks like this: “Wool clothes are warm. The boots are also warm, which means they are made of wool!” Misjudgment, the boots may not be made of wool, but their thermal qualities will exceed all expectations.

This exercise is often used by parents when working with children. It is important to ask your child to explain this or that conclusion. In this case, the child will quickly come to the desired conclusion.

Method number 4. Foreign language

  1. It is known that new information received activates brain activity, as a result of which all processes take place at the highest level. The sounds of foreign languages ​​will force you to think logically and make associations between native and foreign speech.
  2. Find an online course on the Internet or download video lessons and study daily. Sign up for language school, learn English, Spanish or even Chinese thoroughly.
  3. The effect of the knowledge gained will not be long in coming. In addition, you will be able to travel around countries, speaking freely with local residents. Communicate in chats and forums with residents of Europe or America, develop your acquired knowledge.

It is quite difficult to develop logical thinking, but the procedure cannot be called unrealistic. Consider popular games, such as backgammon, checkers, chess, poker. Solve mathematical problems, build logical chains using electronic resources, learn foreign languages.

Video: how to develop logic and speed of thinking

In professional activities and in everyday life, the organs of perception play an important role. Even an adult can think about the question of how to develop thinking and make their mental activity more effective.

If you have a weak memory, this is not a reason to worry, you can always improve it. Of course, the older a person is, the more difficult it is to do this, but systematic exercises will help you achieve results and significantly improve your abilities.

In the article we will tell you that physical activity is important for the development of mental activity. We will also give examples of exercises and tips for improving brain function. Tips will help develop creative and analytical thinking without extra effort.

Helping ourselves with physical activity

The ability to think and remember largely depends on the physical fitness there is a person. Fatigue, illness, stress are depressing nervous system, reducing our abilities. Light sports will help support the body: swimming, sprinting, cycling, rollerblading, skiing. Useful morning exercises, as it awakens the body and saturates it with oxygen.

The brain definitely needs an influx of fresh air, so the room needs to be ventilated as often as possible. It is better to play sports outside or at least open window, is to improve the flow of oxygen to the brain.

Sedentary work leads to fatigue and causes blood stagnation in the organs, so it is important to take breaks accompanied by physical activity. Sometimes it’s enough to just walk, make circular movements with your arms, neck, and bend a few times to the side and forward.

By increasing the quantity physical activity, you will soon notice that mental activity began to improve.

Exercises to develop memory and thinking

  1. Reading. Unfortunately, modern man there is little time left for reading. We increasingly prefer short notes on social networks, while large texts seem like an impossible task to us. This leads to the fact that thinking and memory begin to work worse.

    Make it a rule to read through texts on serious topics that require analysis at least twice a week. You need to not just read them, but remember the main idea. In addition to articles, classical, psychological and philosophical literature, as well as those related to professional activity. It happens that we seem to be reading, but we cannot remember the last paragraph or page. In this case, go back and re-read, get your brain working.

  2. Remember the routes . Once you find yourself in an unfamiliar place, try to remember how to get back here. During the trip, pay attention to what surrounds you, try to remember the signs of streets and cities. For better memorization, associate objects with some emotion.
  3. Good for developing memory Mind games : checkers, chess, puzzles, various board economic games.
  4. Remember your account passwords . Of course, you also need to write them down; by writing them down, you help yourself remember them. Use different passwords and nicknames, trying not to access your records, but to remember them. Numbers and names can be linked to certain images.
  5. It is believed that to improve memory you need to learn poems. We will offer a slightly different method. The fact is that it’s good to learn poems if you know that they will be useful to you, therefore, in order not to pollute your memory, but at the same time develop it, let’s do the following exercise: read the poem and, without peeking, put it in your own words. For adults, this task is more enjoyable and will help them learn to think outside the box.
  6. Remember what happened to you during the day . Try to imagine the sights, sounds, words and emotions, as well as the people you met along the way. This exercise will help develop analytical thinking, as well as sum up the results of the day.

Developing creative thinking

A person who strives to think effectively is probably interested in how to develop innovative thinking. There's nothing complicated about it. To begin with, it is important to want to work on yourself, because desire is already the beginning of the path.

Creative thinking is the ability to see something new in the ordinary, the ability to get out of ordinary situations in an unusual way, often more effective.

  • Consider any situation from different angles.
  • Write down or remember any thoughts that come to you, this will help improve your decision-making speed in the future.
  • Remove patterns from your life: in thoughts, actions, work moments. Patterns make our thoughts monotonous, memory, creativity, and individual way of processing information stop developing.
Often the speed of decision-making is influenced by internal fears and uncertainty - am I doing the right thing? We'll have to get rid of them. By the way, fears can also affect memory, preventing a person from remembering traumatic events. The bolder a person acts, the faster he can learn to think outside the box.

We develop analytics

We need thinking in order to solve assigned problems without errors. Knowing how to develop analytical thinking allows you to improve your understanding of the world, a person’s ability to find logical and more correct solution. How to develop it in an adult.
  • For each question, come up with several possible answers.
  • For one problem, ask leading questions that will help speed up decision making.
  • Analyze the chosen option from all sides, find its strengths and weaknesses.
  • Make it a rule to analyze what you see and hear, this will gradually increase the speed of thinking and improve the memorization of information.
  • Sort the information you receive into categories: very important, important, moderately important, unnecessary. The same applies to current affairs. Systematization increases the speed of finding the correct answer and helps you quickly deal with current affairs.
  • Decide logic problems, start with the simplest ones in order to understand how to do it correctly.

Find a personalized way to memorize and solve problems

We are all different, and each person has his own unique style of thinking and remembering information. Someone will be able to develop memory speed in a few weeks, while another person will need several months, however, this does not mean that you have to stop.

Everyone's speed of memorization is also different. One person needs only a single repetition of the material, while another needs to watch or read it several times.

Analyze how you remember information. The memorization method will help you find the most effective method assimilation of information. People are divided into three types:

  • Visual people - they often operate with images.
  • Auditory - They remember better what they hear.
  • Kinesthetic learners - sensations are important to them.
Having determined your leading type, you can choose the most convenient method of memorization. Remember how it is more convenient for you to perceive information - reading or listening. Do emotions, as well as the ability to touch a thing with your hands, affect the speed of memorization?

Use this system. However, we should not forget about others, they should also be developed, and then thinking becomes more productive and memory is stronger.