Having acquired their own housing, people try in every possible way to protect their home from troubles, as well as to attract positive energy into it. Various amulets are used for this. The horseshoe above the entrance is an effective amulet. However, few people know exactly what it serves, how and where to place it correctly.

Since ancient times, each nation has decided in its own way what a horseshoe means. The beliefs associated with this amulet are different, but they are all based on resisting evil spirits. So, for example, it is believed that the devil moves in a circle, and, once on a horseshoe, he will walk on it endlessly, from one edge to the other. Besides, the devil is afraid of blacksmiths. According to legend, a blacksmith undertook to shoe the devil's hooves, but instead nearly nailed him to the wall. The demon escaped from his unenviable fate only by promising never to enter a house with a horseshoe hanging over the door.

Why hang a horseshoe above the front door?

A horseshoe is a semicircular iron plate that has protected the hoof from damage since ancient times. It was forged in a forge, then carefully nailed to the horse’s leg through special holes.

Historians have found that people began to consider a horseshoe as a talisman back in the days Ancient Rome and Egypt. Only rich people could afford to have horses and chariots back then. At the same time, the harness of the pharaohs’ horses was decorated precious stones, and the horseshoes were made of pure gold. For a commoner, finding such an expensive item meant becoming rich and happy. Therefore, if a motorcade or a detachment of soldiers suddenly passed by and a horse lost its “shoes,” the happy witness of such an extraordinary event hurried to bring it into the house and hang it in a visible place.

Later, this tradition was spread in many countries, including Russia. IN different countries the horseshoe was treated as a talisman, sacred amulet.

In Rus', a horse is a breadwinner and an irreplaceable assistant for its owner. He accompanied us on trips and was a favorite. Finding a horseshoe was considered a good omen. People believed that by hanging it above the door, they would attract money and good luck to the house, and peace and harmony to the family. A horseshoe from a horse's hind leg was considered especially lucky.

In addition to protection from negative influence otherworldly forces, this talisman is capable of performing other functions in the house:

  • bring into the house financial well-being, as well as protect its inhabitants from enemies and the evil eye;
  • speed up execution cherished desire;
  • bring peace and harmony to relationships;
  • improve relations between spouses.

A horseshoe over the door is a sign of a strong and friendly family caring about her spiritual comfort, evidence of the stability and traditionality of the family way of life.

Which horseshoe to choose

Finding a horse shoe is not so easy, because even in villages, horse-drawn transport has almost completely been replaced by automobiles. However, it is the one found independently, and not bought in a store or given as a gift by someone, that has the greatest magical power. If you want to take a talisman from under a horse, then you should visit hippodromes, stud farms, horse shows, and villages more often. The more worn the heel is, the better its magical effect will be.

At the same time, there is a large selection of decorative amulets. The materials from which talismans are made may vary. This includes metal, wood, and even clay. Decorative items can be decorated with various images, figures (horse, bell, bag of money), engravings, inscriptions, for example, “For good luck!”, “For good luck!”. Souvenirs are produced that are made in the form of refrigerator magnets.

There are beliefs that:

  1. a clay souvenir will give the owner confidence;
  2. metal will save you from the evil eye and can attract wealth and happiness;
  3. wooden will get rid of ill-wishers and strengthen love and mutual understanding.

An aluminum talisman is considered a bad choice - it can even cause misfortunes in the house.

Which amulet to choose is a matter of taste. If you don’t like finished products, you can make a talisman with your own hands or order an individual souvenir.

How to do it right

In order for a talisman to help make wishes come true, you need to use it correctly. How to properly hang a horseshoe over front door, there are different opinions. So, according to one version, it is believed that you need to hang it with the horns down, then the negative energy will flow down the amulet and go into the ground. Another opinion on this matter is that a horseshoe, placed with its ends up, resembles a bowl in which positive energy accumulates. Moreover, the second method is more popular than the first.

Experts agree that above the entrance from the street side of the door you need to hang the amulet with the horns down, this will guarantee protection of your home from evil spirits. All negativity will go into the ground and will be neutralized.

In order for a horseshoe to bring happiness to the house, it must be placed not only outside, but also in the home itself. Then the inhabitants will be protected twice. Inside the room, the amulet should be hung above the door with its arcs upward. In this position, it will symbolize the saying “a house is a full cup.”

You can place a horseshoe in the house not only above the front door, but also in other places. If you attach it above the head of the bed, sleep and marital relationships will improve. A talisman attached to the refrigerator “freezes” quarrels in the family.

A horseshoe can protect material assets in case of theft. Therefore, it would be a good idea to store it where important things related to finances and material wealth are located (in a safe, in a desk drawer with documents, in a container where money for household expenses is kept). In the house of a girl who dreams of finding a life partner, a horseshoe should hang in the kitchen near the stove.

Mounting methods

Great importance has the correct fixation of the amulet. There are several mounting methods:

  • for 1 nail - it’s so easy to secure the talisman with the horns facing down, you just need to hammer a nail or screw a screw into the top hole;
  • for 7 nails - according to legend, if you nail a horseshoe into all existing holes, its properties will increase many times;
  • tie it with a rope - this was done by the Old Believers, who believed that a horseshoe that had already fallen off should not be nailed on a second time.

The owners themselves must decide how to hammer a horseshoe. It is important that it is the head of the family who must hang the horseshoe on the door, and before that, all family members in turn must hold it in their hands. This way the talisman will remember the energies of everyone living in it.

  1. introduce him to the house by walking around the house 3 times at night with a talisman in his hand, moving clockwise and thinking about the well-being of the family;
  2. hold it in direct sunlight so that it is filled with solar energy;
  3. charge with lunar energy, for which on a young moon you need to place a horseshoe on the windowsill overnight.

The amulet will not lose its properties if you regularly remove it, wipe it and thank it for your help. To enhance the effect, you can hang house keys on it.

If the talisman suddenly fell unexpectedly, it means it has completed its mission. There is no need to hang such a thing back; it is better to bury it in the ground, thanking you for your work. You will have to hang another one in place of the fallen amulet.

We must not forget that the power of the amulet is supported by faith in it. There is no need to question the magical capabilities of your talisman, then all your plans will definitely come true.

Either superstition, or the ancient voice of blood forces us, completely modern people, treat with respect ancient rituals and traditions. We habitually spit over our left shoulder against the evil eye; We keep a lucky coin in our wallet for good luck and ask our grandmothers how to properly hang a horseshoe over the door of the house. This is a good way to tune in to good luck and fortune.

But in the age of the Internet, any information spreads quickly, acquiring an unreasonable semblance of reliability. A similar fate befell the horseshoe - a well-known amulet, a talisman that attracts happiness and good luck. It became difficult to figure out in what position to hang a horseshoe over the door so that it would work correctly - attract and preserve good luck and happiness, and ward off trouble and misfortune.

Excursion into antiquity and esotericism

Why is this piece of horse equipment even endowed with protective powers? The main meaning is to combine two strong sacred elements: iron and horse.

Iron itself strong amulet. It is believed that evil spirits are afraid of iron. It follows from this: a horseshoe for happiness and good luck must necessarily be iron. Not copper, not wood, not plastic, not gold - all these are just useless souvenirs. You can hang them above the door of the house only for beauty.

The horse has always been revered almost more than many other animals. In the Slavic tradition, the horse symbolized the Sun, fertility, and strength. This noble and beautiful animal was an attribute of the most powerful and revered Slavic gods- Peruna, Khorsa. It was believed that a horse could move from the world of Navi to the world of Rule, from the world of the living to the underground world of the dead. In folklore, it was the horse that often became the magical assistant and adviser of the main character - take, for example, Sivka-Burka, a prophetic and wise horse.

A horse skull or its stylized wooden likeness - a horse - was attached to the hut to scare away demons and other undead. Images of horses were cut out on window frames, embroidered on clothes, and painted on household utensils to attract good luck and drive away the omnipresent dashing spirit from the house and people. The horse is an ancient solar symbol.

A horseshoe combines the sacred power of a horse and iron. In addition, it has a specific shape, which dictates how to hang a horseshoe over the door of the house correctly.

Up or down, inside or outside

In the Slavic tradition, there is only one way to properly hang a horseshoe for good luck: up in a semicircle and down at the ends, above the front door, on its outer side, on one nail. The nail is not driven into any of the holes; the “good luck” talisman should hang freely.

The semicircle seems to form an entrance frame. The energy of everyone entering the house from the outside enters one end and leaves the other end of the object. The person who enters receives what he brought to your doorstep - good or evil. It is believed that the amulet will simply fall from its place above the door on an evil guest (this is why it is not nailed firmly, but simply hangs on one nail).

There is an actively circulated opinion that it is more correct to hang a horse “good luck charm” with its horns facing up. This can be considered an attempt to combine in one symbol various cultures and traditions: ancient Slavic customs with introduced and unrelated principles of Feng Shui. Often half-invented by amateurs, often not quite correctly interpreted, the principles call the inverted semicircle of a horse’s “shoe” a symbol of a full bowl and advise hanging it in this form above the front door of the house from the inside, so that the house “becomes a full bowl.”

But then inside the semicircle you also need to attach symbols of wealth: coins, images of valuables. Otherwise, you will end up with an empty cup, not a full one, and this is an unfavorable symbol. In addition, the raised ends of the amulet receive and turn back flows of cosmic energy, preventing the space of the house from becoming energetically saturated.

What to believe in, everyone decides for themselves. But mixing all the signs and traditions in one subject is hardly correct.

What should a horseshoe be like?

Ideally, a horseshoe lost by a red or bay horse and found by you on the road is best suited for a talisman. But in modern realities this is unlikely, so you can buy a talisman. Not in souvenir shops, but where real horses live, where they are periodically re-shod. This is the kind of worn horseshoe you can buy or ask for as a gift.

Before hanging a horseshoe “for good luck” over the door, let each person living in the house hold it for themselves.

I nail an iron horseshoe,
I’m closing the house from misfortune and misfortune.
Stay, Likho, outside the threshold,
And in the house there is Peace and Grace from God.
Let my word be strong.

Placing a horseshoe above the entrance to your home is an old sign that promises to bring happiness, good luck and financial well-being into your home. It was believed that the amulet found on the road or in the ground really worked.

Horseshoeing first began in Europe around the Middle Ages. Exact date unknown, but the first prints were found during excavations of the tomb of King Childeric, who died around 500 BC.

The leader of the Franks was buried according to all the traditions of that time - surrounded by weapons, jewelry and his own war horse, which had both pairs of hooves shod. In Russia, horses began to be shoed in 1730.

It was then that the first school of blacksmiths was opened near Moscow, in the village of Khoroshevo.

Legend of the Horseshoe

  • Ancient Egyptian legend.

    The horses pulling Pharaoh's chariot were shod with pure gold. Therefore, such a find was very successful and could feed a whole family of commoners for a long time.

    According to another version, due to the external resemblance of a horseshoe to a crescent, it was credited with all the magical qualities of the heavenly body - the ability to bring good luck and protect against evil spirits. Having a small copy of the moon in the house was considered success.

  • English version.

    One day, a cunning devil approached a young bishop, a former blacksmith. Devilry I wanted to put protection on my hooves so that it would be more convenient to move about my dark affairs.

    The bishop was not at a loss and ordered the nails to be driven into the devil’s paws so hard that he began to writhe in pain and promised to fulfill any condition if only he would be spared from the torment.

    Then the priest demanded that the evil spirits take an oath never to enter the doors over which the horseshoe hung. This is how a talisman against adversity and evil spirits appeared.

  • Russian variant.

    Shoeing a horse in Rus' used to be available only to the richest people. Iron was a rare and expensive metal. If one of the peasants managed to accidentally find an iron object, it was the greatest value in the house.

    From the found horseshoe a knife or several nails were made, which could be sold at a profit. This is where the belief that a horseshoe brings wealth and good luck to the house came from.

The magical influence of horseshoes in the house

The amulet can have a beneficial effect on solving such life problems:

  • Will protect from the influence of evil spirits of the subtle world.
  • Will attract material well-being to the house.
  • Strengthens the health and love of loved ones.
  • Will fulfill your deepest desire.

Where to hang a horseshoe

The miraculous properties of the printed material appear wherever it is located. There is a known case when, during a robbery of a rich house, only a box containing an iron horseshoe, along with jewelry, remained untouched.

You can place a horseshoe in a house or apartment:

  • Above the front door- no evil spirits will be able to enter your home, and people with bad thoughts will feel very uncomfortable visiting you.
  • In the bedroom, above the bed– mental health, marital love and longevity are guaranteed.
  • On the wall in the living room– your hospitable home will always be full of kind and faithful friends.
  • Place in a safe or other place for storing material assets- a horseshoe will increase your wealth and protect you from robbers.
  • During the full moon, place the amulet on the windowsill so that the ends point into the room. This method will help you quickly attract good luck - winning the lottery or an unexpected bonus.
  • You can even bury the heel in the southeast side of the yard. It doesn’t matter which side, the main thing is to talk through all the questions that torment you.

    During three days after the ritual, the solution to problems will suddenly come to you on its own. After this, dig up the horseshoe and place it in its old place in the house.

No matter how you hang the horseshoe - with its horns up or down, above the door or on the wall, it will still serve as a powerful amulet that attracts good luck and protects from enemies.

There are two ways to hang a talisman above the front door:

  1. Horns up. The appearance of the amulet turned upside down resembles the curve of a cup of abundance. By hanging it this way, you will attract all kinds of material benefits to your home.
  2. Horns down. Great way ward off evil spirits and protect owners from the evil eye.

Note! If a bowl-shaped horseshoe nailed above the door suddenly turns over with its horns facing down, do not change its position. This means that the amulet itself “feels” what is more important for you at a given time.

Where to buy a horseshoe

The best option would be to find it on the road or in plowed ground. This amulet is considered the most effective.

If you live in a city where it is difficult to find a cart drawn by a horse, you can buy a gift horseshoe in a souvenir store or order a real one, “from under a horse” at a stud farm.

Handmade amulets are very popular and are made from the most different materials– drag. metals, natural wood, straw, baked clay.

They are produced in the form of jewelry - pendants and earrings, magnets, gift panels and other things.

A beautiful gift arrangement with a horseshoe can become an original wedding gift that will not only delight the newlyweds with its unusual appearance, but will also help maintain their love and trust for many years. It will also attract monetary abundance and good luck to a young family.

Name of the amulet Manufacturer Description Price
Made of silver Veliky Ustyug 925 sterling silver with blackening

Length – 6.3 mm,

Width - 5.3 cm

RUB 3,250
Souvenir “For a wedding” China Composition: zinc alloy

Dimensions: 120x10x110 mm

710 rub.
With a bell “For happiness and good luck” Russia Material: natural birch bark

Size: 10x10cm

Weight: 20 grams

190 rub.
Gold pendant SW "Aquamarine" 585 gold

Insert: cube zirconium

Weight: 0.87 grams

RUB 2,175
Real unpainted Shop "Successful Purchase" Moscow Forged steel

From a horse's hoof

Packed in a wicker box with hay

Dimensions: 17x17x0.5 cm

777 rub.

The Horseshoe is the strongest protector against dark forces. You can nail it in the house, put it in the car interior, or hang a decoration on your neck - a heel in the form of a pendant or pendant. Even if you deny magical properties talisman, a souvenir horseshoe can be a wonderful unusual addition to the interior.

Many of those who publicly deny their belief in omens still do not risk crossing the path of a black cat, and when significant events yet they will not consider using a talisman or ritual that promises good luck.

Customs or objects revered by many peoples are especially respected. So our tourists visiting Turkey, India, Egypt were surprised to find in souvenir shops what seemed to be an original Russian amulet - a horseshoe - and began to believe in its exceptional properties.

The horseshoe itself represents good luck, prosperity, luck.

Why do they even hang a horseshoe?

The horseshoe itself represents good luck, prosperity, luck. In Egypt, horse shoes earned a reverent attitude due to the fact that they were made of gold and the lucky person who found this attribute received a weighty piece of noble metal in its face.

In addition, the shape of the horseshoe resembles a month - a symbol of the goddess of fertility Isis. Then the belief in finding happiness with such a find remained, but the need for its implementation disappeared, because gold was no longer used in making horseshoes.

How and in what places should you hang a horseshoe?

Among Slavic peoples There is a legend about the strength that iron shoes for horses have. At one time, Saint Dunstan, who was a blacksmith, taught a lesson to the devil, who appeared to him in the form of an unshod horse and inclined the righteous man to indecent acts.

To this day, the unclean is afraid to enter those gates that are guarded by a horseshoe. That’s why they hang this iron attribute over the entrance, the front door, with its horns down, like a rainbow, to protect their home from misfortunes and adversity.

The horseshoe was nailed in the middle on one new nail, the purchase of which could not be negotiated. Next, it was fried in an oven in a frying pan in Thursday salt and only then used to attach the amulet.

They hang this iron attribute above the entrance, with its horns down, like a rainbow, to protect their home from misfortunes and adversity.

Feng Shui fans have slightly different principles for attracting good luck through a horseshoe. Firstly, it should not be nailed, but firmly placed on a stand or at least two nails driven into the wall.

With this installation method, it personifies balance and cannot be perceived as a static structure that symbolizes stagnation of Qi energy. The horns of the horseshoe should be directed upward, so it looks like a full bowl.

And the last secret: place a coin under the two supports on which the horseshoe rests. yellow color. This entire structure must be located inside the home.

If the cow was the nurse, then the horse was considered a helper and friend. He will plow the field, and carry heavy loads, and help out in battle. Therefore, according to another version, a horseshoe from the back hoof of a fallen horse still continues to protect and help the family of its owner.

The Mexicans nail it under the very roof on the facade of the house, protecting this family amulet from contact with strangers. More hospitable Italians, on the contrary, as a sign of respect for the owners, touch the horseshoe nailed at the entrance just below the door handle with a bow and good wishes.

Moreover, this amulet protects on the road and protects against losses when conducting business. It was nailed both to the bow of the ship and to the masts. A horseshoe buried under the threshold attracts profit with an arc towards the entrance. Moreover, with every successful transaction, the place of its rest must be shed clean water(and this is another reason to keep the threshold clean).

What material should a horseshoe be made of?

If you add up the strength of the horse shoe itself and the material from which it is made, the effect of its impact doubles.

Therefore, you can use not only a real iron horseshoe intended for wearing by noble animals, but also its variants in the form gold souvenirs, silver, copper and tin.

Stylized handmade products, in which your soul and aspirations are invested, will also work well to attract good luck.

How long does it take to hang a horseshoe?

You cannot compare a horseshoe to a toggle switch that turns on the light, because with energy flows everything is not as simple as in elementary physics. The longer the amulet hangs, the stronger it becomes, accumulating energy, “getting used” to its owners.

If you still experience some discomfort from the increased attention of others to the horseshoe, then you can always refer to your love for eclecticism, without focusing on its miraculous capabilities. For the amulet to work, you need to believe in it and treat it with respect.

How often should you change the places where the horseshoe hangs?

If there are no positive changes in fate, then change places, in which the horseshoe can work at full strength. However, in this case, it is worth starting to “test” the talisman from the most remote place.

For example, the gate of a house or the outside of the entrance, to the epicenter of the maximum stay of family members. Don't offend him by throwing him out the door. Or it’s better to add a similar amulet to different places for greater effect.

Video instruction

From time immemorial, the owner of the house protected his family from all sorts of adversities as best he could. And trouble could come from anywhere: from the forces of nature and from evil people. Talismans, amulets and amulets served the function of protecting the house and its inhabitants. The strongest and most truly protective of them has always been the horseshoe.

In the old days, horses were shoed to protect their hooves, but sometimes horseshoes were lost along the way. The horse was again taken to the forge and new protection was made for it. For some reason, the found horseshoe is still hung above the door in front of the entrance to the house. Everyone firmly believes that she will definitely bring wealth and prosperity to the family. This belief has its roots deep in history.

From the history

Since the time of the pharaohs, horses have been shoed in Egypt with shoes made of gold. It happened that the fastening weakened, and the horseshoe remained lying on the road, and the horse continued on its way. A traveler walking along the road always picked up such a gold find, kept it for himself, exchanged it for money, and became rich. If such a person had money, he fell into the rank of respected significant people. Now luck was in his pocket, literally and figuratively.

And Rus' has its own beautiful legend, which explains why Russian people believe in horseshoes so much. It is known that the devil is a creature with hooves. Somehow he wanted to shoe himself, the devil came to the blacksmith master. The blacksmith didn’t think long and chained the devil above the barn door. Since then, the unclean spirit has disappeared from the village; it no longer bothers the villagers. And the horseshoe became a symbol of driving out demons and all undead from the house, bringing good luck and happiness. More true story endowing the magic of a simple hoof heel in that it belonged to a horse. It is this pet that is destined for man as an assistant in all difficult matters and endeavors. Plow virgin soil, transport a heavy load, save a person by taking him further away from dangerous place. The horseshoe stayed with the horse for a long time, absorbing its energy.

When can a horseshoe bring good luck?

Nowadays, golden horseshoes are unlikely to lie and gather dust on the road. And if you are lucky enough to find at least an ordinary horseshoe, you need to bring it and hang it in the house. How to do this correctly? Each country has its own customs and laws for fastening horseshoes. Iron has helped drive out evil spirits in all countries of the world. A nail driven over the door protected against the evil eye. It was believed in Rus' that the drawing of a horse helps to scare away demons and avoid misfortunes and illnesses. The blacksmith in the village was considered a great wizard, because with the help of fire he subjugated the most magical metal. Only an iron horseshoe, which previously belonged to a horse, could become a lucky amulet. This case of purchasing a horseshoe is the most ideal. This amulet will also gain power if it appears in the house as a gift. There is no need to consecrate this product; all its power lies in the conditions already mentioned:

  1. Worn horseshoe;
  2. She was found on the road;
  3. This item is forged from iron;
  4. The horseshoe can be given as a gift.

We should not forget the pagan origin of the amulet, so there should not be any other religious elements with the horseshoe. She will simply lose her magical power next to Orthodox crosses and Muslim crescents.

If the necessary conditions are met, you can attach the horseshoe in place.

Where and how to hang a horseshoe

The horseshoe affects the whole family.

Every home has an owner; all decisive actions are entrusted to him, as the most important person in the family. Horseshoe is no exception to the rule. The owner spoke a few words in which he explained the reason for his actions:

We nail the horseshoe and protect the family from all troubles. We send everything evil and bad beyond the threshold, and invite everything good: happiness, luck and wealth into the house.

With these simple words, the head of the family attached the amulet. Before the horseshoe finds its permanent place, everyone who lives in the house, each family member, must hold the amulet in their hands. This means getting to know the family so that no one in the household is deprived of luck and happiness.

How many nails should there be?

There should have been only one nail. In Rus', this was not the only opinion regarding the fastening of a horseshoe. The Old Believers believed that there should be no nails. Twine and rope will help play the role of a nail. According to third believers, a horseshoe must be nailed to all seven nails. Solidity, stability, and income must firmly enter the home. And the good forces will gain a foothold for a long time and remain in the house.

At what height to nail the amulet.

  • Low (in Italy);
  • As high as possible (in Mexico);
  • Almost above the door itself (in Rus').

The Italians believed that every family member could touch the amulet when leaving the house. So he invited luck to be with him all day.

The Mexicans were afraid to frighten away and erase with their touch the adjustment obtained during the fastening of the horseshoe.

No matter how much different opinions, everyone agrees on one thing: the horseshoe must be an old and worn horse.

How to hang a horseshoe correctly.

All family members “met” the horseshoe by touching it, and now some tips on how to hang the amulet so that its power helps and acts to attract positive energy.

The owner must determine what purpose he is pursuing by hanging a horseshoe over the door of his house. For example, the head of a family wants to protect himself and his household from the evil eye and bad people. In this case, it is necessary to nail the amulet with the ends down. If a bad person enters a house, all his negativity will enter through one end and exit through the other.

When the owner attaches a horseshoe, pointing its ends upward, he wishes peace, happiness and money to come to his home. You cannot hang a horseshoe inside a house or room, only outside. At this moment, each family member can come up with and pronounce words in which they ask the horseshoe for help in acquiring good health, personal happiness, success at work.

Features of fastening a horseshoe.

The fastening rule that everyone who wants to have a horseshoe above their front door should remember. The nail should never penetrate the product. The heads of the nails can be bent and an amulet can be hung on them. In the old days, great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers hung a horseshoe with its legs down, which protected them from envy, thieves and evil.

Will only an iron horseshoe bring good luck?

Nowadays it is difficult to find an iron horseshoe. Therefore, you will most likely need to find an alternative to iron. The choice of materials for making a horseshoe is small:

  • Metal,
  • Tree;
  • Clay.

Each of the listed materials performs only its own function. Metal can protect against negative energy, wood is not liked by envious people, but clay will give you self-confidence.

Under no circumstances should you use aluminum, because this metal can attract negative energy.

If there are a lot of valuable things in the house, you can hang a horseshoe inside the room, then thieves will not take anything away. They will not see valuable objects and will move as if with their eyes closed.

Is it possible to increase the duration and strength of the talisman?

The owner can prolong the effect of the horseshoe as a magical amulet.

From time to time, the talisman needs to be freed from accumulated dirt and dust, words of gratitude must be said, and bad energy must be cleansed with a lit candle. Enhances the effect of the ribbon on the horseshoe. Green for health, red for love.