The term “body cutting” is used by professional athletes and is a method of maximizing the reduction of fatty tissue in the body, below its own norm, in order to obtain muscle relief.

The result is achieved not only with the help of a special diet, but also proper training. For people who are not involved in sports professionally and want to acquire permanent sportswear, this method is not entirely suitable. Rather, it will be called weight loss. After all, drying is an extreme and quick way burning fat, as well as “draining” water, which is achieved for a specific event (competition) and has a temporary effect. But also to keep the body in constant stress long is impossible. This method is not always indicated for a specific organism, as there are a number of limitations and side effects.

Drying can be useful not only for professionals, but also for overweight people. Only dietary restrictions and physical activity will help reduce subcutaneous fat. In this case, the right approach will help, which is slightly different from a professional one; it can be more related to weight loss. After all, the goal of this method is long-term results, and not achieving the form of one day.

What is the difference between drying the body and losing weight?

When drying, all fats are eliminated from the diet, carbohydrates are reduced to a minimum or eliminated altogether, and salt is removed. Do this long time It’s not possible, you can only harm the body and regain twice as much excess weight, since a starving body’s metabolism slows down. Unlike weight loss, which can occur gradually, without great restrictions in the variety of foods and microelements, drying is short-term. When losing weight, fats and carbohydrates are allowed, including fruits.

How to dry your legs, arms, stomach: is local fat burning possible?

If your goal is to burn excess fat only in the abdomen or sides, then know that locally, that is, only in a separate part of the body, this cannot be achieved. With physical activity and diet, fat disappears evenly. Therefore, while the extra centimeters disappear from the stomach, both arms and legs will lose weight. Therefore, you cannot work on just one thing, the approach must be comprehensive, and the training program must include all muscle groups.

To begin with, it is advisable to write down the initial weight and volumes that will change over time. Thus, you can track the effectiveness of weight loss and volume. Next, figure out your nutrition, prepare a diet of permitted foods for several days in advance. Remove simple carbohydrates from your diet.

It’s better to start eliminating forbidden foods in advance, then it will be easier. Keep a diary of measurements, nutrition and workouts.

Of course, it is advisable to conduct an examination of all organs and systems and see specialists in order to know about problems in advance and not aggravate the disease. It is better to start drying not on your own, but under the supervision of an experienced trainer.


Restrictions to such a diet are violations of the digestive organs and endocrine system. A diet that contains a lot of protein can harm the kidneys, since it is difficult for this organ to remove protein breakdown products - ammonia, in large quantities. Hypertension is also a contraindication for endurance exercise, which is necessary to improve fat burning results. Also, if you have hypertension, the use of special fat burners is prohibited.

Basic rules for drying the body

The main principles when working on muscle relief are:

  • exclusion of fats;
  • exclusion of glucose, as well as other types of sugar (fructose, lactose);
  • frequent meals from 6 to 8 meals;
  • full and constant compliance with all nutritional rules, without failures;
  • most of the diet consists of protein products;
  • constant consumption large quantity water;
  • exclusion of salt;
  • performing physical activity using a special technique.

Entry and exit from drying

You should not start drying abruptly, by limiting all products at once. Eliminate sweets a few weeks beforehand. Then exclude fruits, gradually reduce the amount of complex carbohydrates and fats. At the end of drying, at the exit, gradually add one product every two days, look at the body’s reaction. After drying, carbohydrates may cause severe swelling, so include them in your diet gradually. Starting with slow carbohydrates, then add fruits and dairy products until you return to your normal diet.

Proper nutrition during drying

Power plays main role in combustion subcutaneous fat. An individual diet is selected for each organism. Each person has his own characteristics: body structure (ectomorph, mesomorph, endomorph), and metabolic rate. Some people are allowed to consume more carbohydrates, others only proteins. To do this, you need an experienced consultant who will take into account all the features.

How to calculate the number of calories?

To lose weight with high physical activity, you need to spend from 22 to 26 kilocalories per kilogram of your own weight. Let's take a man weighing 80 kg as an example. Multiply body weight by 22 calories, we get 1760 - total calories per day.

Find out more about how to do it correctly when working on muscle relief.

Required amount of protein– 3 grams, multiplied by your own weight, we get 240 g of protein. One gram of protein contains 4 kilocalories. We multiply this amount by 240 g, we get 960 calories from protein. We take a table of products according to the composition of calories and dietary fat. We look at which products and in what quantity contain each substance per 100 g. At the same time, we choose only approved products. We admit 25% healthy fats from the total amount of calories (1760 multiplied by 0.25), that is, we get 440 calories. Since one gram of this macronutrient contains 9 calories, divide 440 by 9 to get 49 grams of fat. To determine the amount of carbohydrates, we subtract proteins and fats from the total daily calorie content (1760 – 960 – 440 = 360 g of carbohydrates).

In this way, the daily calorie content is calculated, depending on the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

The role of carbohydrates and their quantity during drying

The purpose of carbohydrates is to provide the body with energy. Fat burning occurs faster when there is a shortage of energy, which the body begins to produce from subcutaneous fat. The intake of simple carbohydrates during drying leads to its emergency storage in the form of fat, which the body will save for energy. Therefore, any excesses are excluded. Otherwise, drying will not make any sense. For this diet, only complex carbohydrates that take a long time to digest are allowed. They will provide the body with energy, and the fiber contained in complex carbohydrates will ensure normal functioning. intestinal tract. But their number is still very limited. You are allowed to consume one gram of carbohydrates per kilogram of weight, unless it is completely carbohydrate-free.

The following carbohydrates are allowed during drying:

  • unpolished brown rice;
  • vegetables containing fiber and water, without sugar (cucumbers, cabbage, peppers, lettuce, greens).

If you want to eat sweets, you can use a natural sweetener with stevia, which does not contain carbohydrates. It can be added to tea or coffee.

No carbohydrates

This diet consists of consuming foods that contain only protein. Naturally, all carbohydrates are completely excluded.

What to exclude from your diet:

  • rice and other cereals;
  • any vegetables;
  • any fruit;
  • sugar and sweeteners (except stevia).

What foods can you eat?

Only low-fat protein foods are allowed:

  • chicken fillet (without skin);
  • beef, veal;
  • rabbit meat;
  • quail meat;
  • turkey fillet;
  • chicken eggs without yolks;
  • quail eggs;
  • seafood: tuna, hake, pollock, squid, mussels, shrimp, clams;
  • drinks: water, green and black tea, coffee.

Fat deficiency

In fact, one of the main disadvantages of drying is precisely the lack of fat. Fats are necessary to nourish cells, therefore, with a low-fat diet, dry skin appears, nails and hair deteriorate. Fats are also necessary to ensure constant contraction of the bile sphincter. Without fats, bile stagnates and increases. In women, the disadvantage of such a restriction is a decrease in the level of estrogen, the main function of which is gestation. When the level of fat in the body is low, it goes astray menstrual cycle. Therefore, you need to think carefully before you start cutting fat.

Why is it important to drink water?

Water should not be refused under any circumstances. This is ensuring the life of every cell, all organ systems and tissues. Especially during physical activity, dehydration should not be allowed. In addition, water thins the blood, which thickens under stress. You need to consume 30 ml of water for every kg of weight. Therefore, a person weighing 70 kg needs to drink 2100 ml of water per day. When drying, this amount increases to 2500 ml clean water(tea, coffee are not taken into account). Especially on a diet without salt, a constant supply of water with microelements is necessary.

Glucose regulation

The main feature of drying is the rejection of glucose and any type of sugar. But there are cases of hypoglycemia, a decrease in blood sugar below normal. This causes weakness and dizziness. When such symptoms occur, 25 g of dark chocolate with a cocoa bean content of at least 75% is allowed. It is dark chocolate that has a minimal amount of sugar and a low glycemic index. Glucose will increase in the blood and the condition will immediately improve. But you can’t get carried away with this method, otherwise drying will lose its meaning.


Dairy products contain milk sugar (lactose) and when broken down it turns into sucrose. Therefore, it is the same sugar as glucose. Their effect on the body is the same; consumption of any sugar leads to the deposition of excess fat. Therefore, all dairy products are excluded during drying. Moreover, lactose leads to swelling, which is especially undesirable at this time.

Sports supplements

Sports supplements play an important, but not the main role in drying. These are just auxiliary ways to maintain the body's energy. It all depends on nutrition and training, but sometimes supplements speed up the process and make it a little easier.


Protein is a sports supplement containing pure protein and amino acids. They are not harmful at all (in moderation, since protein affects the excretory organs). Whey isolate, which does not contain sugar, is allowed for drying. Unlike multicomponent proteins, it is completely digestible. Casein and soy are especially not recommended for drying. Protein is just a replacement for eating protein foods. A serving contains about 25 g of pure protein. This is just a way to diversify and supplement your diet.


This sports supplement serves to increase muscle strength and volume. The action of creatine is due to the accumulation of water in muscle fibers, this serves to increase strength during exercise. Thus, this additive is not suitable for drying, as it visually increases the volume due to being “flooded” with water. You can’t expect relief on creatine. And during the period of gaining muscle mass it is quite suitable, but only for men.


A supplement that contains essential amino acids (leucine, valine, isoleucine). These amino acids are not produced in the body, so they must be supplied from protein. These amino acids act as a blocker of the catabolic effect (muscle breakdown). If there is a carbohydrate deficiency during drying, this supplement is simply irreplaceable.

L carnitine

This sports supplement is a light and harmless fat burner, as it is found in our body, but is only produced in small quantities. L-carnitine increases body temperature and produces energy from the breakdown of subcutaneous fat. Take half an hour before training. Or in the morning and evening on rest days.

Fat burners and their components

Fat burners with the ECA complex (ephedrine, aspirin, caffeine) are often used. Such components serve to break down fats by increasing energy. The supplement also dulls the feeling of hunger. But the supplements have contraindications; in case of hypertension they are prohibited, as they increase blood pressure.

Menu for the week for proper drying of the body

Breakfast Snack Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
Day 1 3 tbsp brown rice, 2 boiled egg whites coffee Chicken fillet with vegetables Rice with coleslaw Seafood salad Boiled turkey breast, cucumbers
Day 2 Egg white omelette without oil, tea Salad with egg and shrimp Rabbit with vegetables Rice, cucumbers Baked hake
Day 3 3 tbsp rice, fresh cucumbers, coffee Boiled beef, vegetables Baked tuna, lettuce Fresh vegetables Pollock fillet, vegetables
Day 4 Steam cutlets from chicken fillet, rice, egg whites, tea 5 egg whites, pepper Rice with asparagus Eggs, squid, mussels Turkey fillet with cucumbers
Day 5 Rice, vegetables, coffee Steamed fish cutlets Buckwheat with cabbage Vegetable salad Steamed tuna, cabbage
Day 6 Steamed fish cutlets, green tea Rice with seafood Baked veal, fresh vegetables Vegetable stew Baked chicken breasts with vegetables
Day 7 Egg and rice omelette, black tea Quail eggs with yolk Lettuce, eggs, mussels Boiled squid Beef and fresh vegetable salad

How to exercise while cutting

Training during the drying period is aimed at developing endurance. Such training should be both strength and aerobic.

Cardio and strength training

When strength training, a superset technique is used - performing exercises one after another without breaks. The number of repetitions in one exercise is 20 – 25. With this training regimen, fats begin to burn due to increased heart rate. Cardio training during the drying period is performed both separately and on days of strength training. The workout should not take much time, since it is important not to provoke the burning of muscle fibers. For cardio, you can use a treadmill, orbitracks, steppers and exercise bikes.


When running, it is important to monitor your heart rate; the comfortable zone for fat burning varies from 120 to 160 beats per minute. Running can be divided into two workouts: 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes in the evening. This workout will burn fat, not muscle. It is advisable to run in the morning on an empty stomach; before doing so, it is advisable to take a portion of BCAAs. Training on an empty stomach is good because subcutaneous fat will be immediately broken down for energy.

Drying your body at home

Cardio exercise is more suitable for drying at home - this can be jumping rope, various jumps, endurance exercises, static, plyometric exercises. You can run in the park. The main way is still a diet that will ensure fat burning even without training.

Differences for men and women

Men naturally have a low percentage of body fat. Thanks to testosterone, the hormone of strength, men are stronger and more resilient. Their bodies do not need to store fat in the waist area to conceive, like women do. So it turns out to consume energy stronger sex as much as possible, since the costs will be higher and there will be less fat. For the health of female reproductive function, it is still better to leave 25 g of unsaturated fats in the diet.

Drying among professionals and its role in preparing for competitions

For professionals, drying is the most important and final step to their competitive form. Work on muscles over many years is visible in its quality only due to the burning of excess fat. By reducing subcutaneous fat, you can view the quality of the muscles worked.

Without lean muscle mass, the athlete will not be allowed to compete or will receive the lowest score because he did not meet his standard. Therefore, for professionals this is a crucial moment in preparation for competitions.

Athletes can dry from one month to three, depending on the thickness of subcutaneous fat and metabolism. Sometimes it can be a carbohydrate-free diet if the athlete does not have time to prepare for going on stage. Athletes often skip water a few days before a competition to flush out the water and keep their muscles as dry as possible. But this is not useful, so it is better not to use the methods of professionals in everyday life.

IN gym and beyond, drying the body is probably one of the most popular topics among athletes, and both boys and girls talk with equal fervor about how to properly dry muscles and how difficult it is. However, it is better to turn to competing bodybuilders for experience in this matter; their results are obvious and most pronounced.

Our expert Dmitry Yashankin talks about how to dry properly.

Where does body drying begin?

Let's be honest with each other. There is no need to indulge yourself with illusions: the average person is unlikely to be able to look like the sculpted and muscular guys on the covers of magazines. They are either young fashion models who have never had problems with dryness, or bodybuilders in competitive shape who use pharmacological special agents, without which it is impossible to achieve muscle stiffness and vascularity.

We are interested in getting rid of fat in a “natural” way, which means initially expect that the result will be, but not like the performing bodybuilders on the podium. For example, let's look at an example of a fat-burning workout.

Preparation for competitions, which is popularly called drying the body, can be divided into two successive stages: fat burning and “eyeliner”. “Eyeliner” is the final stage, during which the athlete begins to manipulate the water balance in the body, achieving minimum quantity fluids under the skin.

However, “eyeliner” brings only a short-term effect, but we will borrow the experience of fat burning.

What can a 30-year-old man, prone to obesity and regularly training with iron, borrow from the arsenal of athletes? Unfortunately, nothing new. Everything has been known for a long time and works great.

But if everything is so simple, why are there so many overweight people? Firstly, because it is difficult. Not difficult, but difficult.

Gaining mass, working on the relief, drying the body - this is a lot of work and, frankly, not particularly creative or interesting.

How to exercise while drying your body

Many visitors to fitness clubs and “atmospheric” gyms in the basement do things that make no sense. A typical picture: an overweight individual, hungry for relief, with a feverish gleam in his eyes, wraps himself in some kind of miracle belt and goes to the cardio zone.

He returns after 20-30 minutes, lathered, out of breath, and rushes to work out his abdominal muscles, and then, for example, his biceps. What is the logic in this?

First, remember: miraculous belts and shorts for ladies will not bring any practical benefit. And there is also no effect from a local increase in the temperature of problem areas of the abdominal area of ​​the press. On the contrary, you risk overloading your heart, overheating internal organs located in the abdominal cavity and it is commonplace to get a rash-prickly heat.

And the inspiring streams of sweat that are caused by these insulation have nothing to do with fat burning and how to dry properly - especially not.

Secondly, running for people over 30 years old and weighing more than 100 kg is generally not recommended for safety reasons. knee joints and spine.

However, we must remember that during the period of fat burning and drying the body, it is necessary to perform aerobic work and cardio exercises. This is exactly the level of load that allows us to remain in the zone of sufficient oxygen consumption. It is believed that the target heart rate (heart rate) for fat burning is 60-70% of max heart rate.

For example, if you are 30 years old, then: 220 - 30 = 190. Your heart rate should be: 60% -70% of 190, that is, 114-133 heart rate.

If you are suffocating, it means that oxygen starvation occurs and the oxidation process is inhibited. Burning in the muscles means that the load is too great and the energy supply comes from anaerogic glycolysis of glucose and fat is again not oxidized.

Abs workout

During the period of fat burning while drying the body, this is an almost useless exercise, since local lipolysis does not exist (unlike local lipogenesis).

But if the reason is not only subcutaneous fat, but also “sagging” abdominal skin, and you want a toned stomach, know: the transverse abdominal muscle is responsible for this - the deepest of the abdominal muscles and not involved in anatomical movements. You can pump it up using the so-called vacuum (drawing in the abdomen while exhaling).

Abdominal vacuum

In addition, muscles abdominals- a very small muscle mass and often even a 30-40 minute abdominal workout does not cause significant energy consumption, and in a trained person it does not even bring the heart rate closer to the fat burning zone. The same applies to other conditionally small muscle groups.

  • First of all, strength training for 40 - 60 minutes.
  • Give preference to large muscle groups, shortening the rest between sets (no more than 1 minute) and arranging auxiliary exercises in three-, giant-, or even. It turns out to be a kind of interval aerobics.
  • For best results, you can try special sports supplements.
  • Use techniques to develop strength kettlebell lifting, weightlifting and wrestling.

Example of word training.

Strength training for cutting

* — The service is in beta testing

This can be any physical activity, from banal walking on a treadmill with a maximum incline to working on a bag or group strength training with pretty ladies.

If you want to make the fat burning process more intense and the result of body drying more obvious, you can add aerobics in the morning before breakfast.

Nutrition for drying the body

If, having lived to the age of 30, you have never had the opportunity to count the cubes on your stomach, then you will have to count calories.

Common recommendations like “Eat less!” they won't help you. Advice not to eat after 6 pm, not to eat after training, or even worse - to starve, is applicable for girls who want to wear fashionable new clothes for the holiday, but not for serious adult men.

Our task during drying the body is to destroy fat as much as possible with minimal loss of muscle tissue. And since we do not use special means from the arsenal of hormones that help preserve muscles, we must be extremely precise and careful.

Your body cutting is worthless if, as a result of losing 20 kg, you do not change your body composition - the muscle / fat ratio. Moreover, you will look even worse than before the execution began: before you were big and fat, but now you are small and fat.

To avoid this, gradually reduce your daily diet every week by no more than 500 kcal (or better by 200-300) until we reach 2000 kcal.

How and what to eat while drying

To calculate the required amount of nutrients in the daily diet during the period of drying the body, we take the ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates (BJU) for a low-carbohydrate diet as a percentage of calorie content.

Remember: you should never feel hungry. Meals should be fractional, eat a small portion every two hours.

For example, you started drying your muscles and planned to switch to 2500 kcal/day:

  • B - 50% = 1250 kcal. 1250/4 = 312.5 grams
  • F - 20% = 500 kcal. 500/9 = 55.5 grams
  • U - 30% = 750 kcal. 750/4 = 187.5 grams.

It is clear that all these tenths of grams are very arbitrary. To be honest, personally, so many carbohydrates are too much for me. So, if your metabolism is similar to mine - clearly slow, then gradually reduce the amount of carbohydrates and add protein by the same amount.

There is also the option of a carbohydrate-free diet, but I do not recommend it for those who do not take hormonal medications, otherwise the catabolism of muscle tissue will be enormous.

Consume carbohydrates in the first half of the day, make sure they are low. Proper sources of carbohydrates:

  • oatmeal,
  • buckwheat,
  • Brown rice,
  • pearl barley porridge.

It’s not for nothing that they talk about weak people: “I ate little porridge!”

As for fruits, you can eat green apples (or better yet, half an apple) and grapefruits. Green vegetables rich in fiber are allowed to be consumed without restrictions: greens, different types cabbage, cucumbers, lettuce.

Try not to mix carbohydrates with fats, but limiting your fat intake as much as possible is a big mistake. Just divide them into “good” and “bad” for simplicity.

"Good" fats plant origin(except palm oil) and fish oil, that is, all those that are liquid at room temperature.

In a healthy diet, and even more so when cutting muscles, they should be up to 70% of the total fat, so you may have to additionally introduce them into the diet. For example, in the form of a couple of tablespoons of linseed oil.

We often get “bad” fats in excess during the day, so choose low-fat cottage cheese and chicken (or turkey) breasts. Without skin, of course.

Consume proteins mainly in the afternoon. Sources of protein during the period of drying the body will be: chicken breasts, low-fat sea fish, low-fat cottage cheese and egg whites.

We do not count protein obtained from plant foods. Taking into account that “protein” products contain about 20% protein, we calculate: 1.5 kg of products to obtain only the treasured 300 grams of protein.

So an athlete definitely won’t have to starve while cutting, and if you add the carbohydrates included in the diet, you may even have a problem with consuming such an amount of food. This is where sports nutrition comes to the aid of those who want to dry out their muscles.

Sports nutrition and body drying

You must understand that supplements are only a small help and it is unwise to base your entire fat loss strategy around them. On the other hand, drying the body is precisely the period when the consumption of supplements is most justified.

I tried both with and without additives. With additives it tastes better and is psychologically easier. I can recommend: vitamins, glutamine, fat burners, pre-workout supplements.


While drying, you can take sports or pharmacy vitamins, or do injections. In any case, remember that the dosage should be increased and adequate to the load.

Fat burners

It is difficult to evaluate how good a fat burner is because the most effective fat burner without proper diet doesn’t work, but a diet without “burners” can have an effect.

You can try consuming fat burners - or fat burners, as professional athletes call them - there will be no harm from this, but it is possible that there will also be benefit. Typically, fat burners have a dual effect: they enhance lipolysis processes and stimulate the nervous system.

It is convenient to use fat burners precisely because of this “vigor” effect, since a low-carbohydrate diet while drying the body can cause a loss of strength, and sometimes it is difficult to motivate yourself to workout without an additional incentive. Pre-workout complexes are also used for the same purpose.

Be careful when combining fat burners and pre-workouts to avoid overdosing on the caffeine that both products may contain. Carefully study the composition or consult a specialist. If in the total basket of dietary supplements that you consume, the total amount of BCAAs, glutamine, arginine and other amino acid components is 5-10 grams more than planned - this is only beneficial when you are drying out your muscles. However, if you get an overdose of caffeine, guarana, green tea extract and other stimulants, this can have negative consequences for your body and, first of all, for your heart.

Protein is necessary if, due to circumstances, you sometimes have to skip meals, or because you can no longer look at low-fat cottage cheese. In this case, consume concentrate during the day, drink isolated hydrolyzate after training, and before bed - casein-based protein, multi-component or prolonged action.


I was always skeptical about it and took it on strong recommendation. And it just so happened, or is it really the merit of glutamine, but during the last two cuts I didn’t get sick, despite the flu epidemic and the fact that usually after 3-4 weeks of diets and aerobics I’m guaranteed to catch a cold. So try it. Effective dosage is 20 grams per day

Then all you have to do is monitor and adjust the process of drying the body according to objective and subjective criteria. Make it a rule to weigh yourself once a week at the same time and take anthropometric measurements.

The most objective criterion is the percentage of body fat through bioimpedance analysis, however, unfortunately, such an accurate measurement method is not available to all amateurs.

Capiperometry (pinch fat folds) and scales using BES, available at home, show very approximate results, and the calculation of this indicator using formulas generally has little relation to real figures.

Therefore, to track dynamics, weigh yourself regularly and monitor changes in girth of the chest, waist, pelvis, shoulder, thigh and lower leg.


During drying, the psycho-emotional state worsens, nervousness, irritability and lack of desire to do anything appear - these are the side effects of a strict diet and grueling workouts.

Remember: drying the body in bodybuilding is a serious test for an athlete.

However, relief training improves blood circulation, and therefore muscle nutrition. Plus, you can finally show off the results of those grueling hours at the gym! To go through this period correctly, listen to the experience of professionals.

Train always and everywhere, dry your muscles wisely and good luck in building an ideal body.

Drying the body is a common way for professional athletes to get their body in order.

They often use drying to prepare for competitions.

Because this method with the right approach, it gives an effect every time, and it has spread into the everyday sphere.

Now drying muscles at home is especially common for women.

If you are ready to work on drying yourself, read the recommendations below. We have prepared material that will allow you to perform proper body drying for girls at home.

Do the drying for five weeks. If you stop before three weeks, you will not be happy with the results and you will have wasted your time and effort.

note: drying is a proven and effective method, but you should use this method once a year. Don't abuse it! After drying, maintain the result with proper nutrition and exercise.

The first thing you need to do is to collect a wide variety of information about drying the body for girls and women at home - this is the menu and exercises for the week and even for the month.

This will allow you to clearly determine how the drying will go and what results it will bring.

Good news for girls - you don’t need to starve when drying! Quite the contrary, athletes eat frequently (six to twelve times a day).

The basis of nutrition is proteins, they saturate the body and take one and a half to five hours to digest, so you feel full all the time. The main thing is not to eat at night. Eating a heavy meal before bed interferes with the body's functioning.

As nutrition changes, stress arises for the body. To help him, drink water, at least one and a half to two liters a day. Green tea also helps.

Drying does not require hunger!

Do not exclude fats from your diet; consume them only in small doses. Olive or linseed oil. If desired, supplement your diet with pharmaceutical supplements and vitamins, but this is not necessary if you have properly balanced your nutrition plan. Supplement your meals with vegetables, eat apples.

Carbohydrates are also important for the body. Flour and sweets will have to be excluded, but for a harmonious diet it is recommended to leave porridge and cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, wheat - lice’s friends), and nuts in the diet. The only rule is to eat carbohydrates for breakfast. After this, stick to protein foods.

It is important to finish drying gradually. Since the process takes a certain time, sudden changes will not benefit the body. Add familiar foods to your diet in small quantities and gradually.

Postpone drying if:

  • you have digestive problems;
  • diabetes;
  • You are pregnant;
  • you are feeding the baby.

Girls in these situations should not dry themselves.

First week of drying

The main rule: do not switch to a new diet suddenly (the same applies to ending the diet).

Think about your meals for these weeks in as much detail as possible in advance.

A good tip is to keep a notebook to keep track of what you eat during the day.

It will help you stick to the plan, analyze your eating habits and avoid overeating. Also online you will find a selection of programs and online calculator ov calories that will perform the same function. Each woman will choose a tool to her taste.

Stop eating salt, it retains water in the body, which causes swelling. Salt is the reason high blood pressure and excessive stress on the heart. It can easily be replaced with sesame seeds or other spices, just don’t overuse them.

Half of the diet in the first week of drying is protein food. Steam or boil foods, just do not fry. Chicken breast, cottage cheese, eggs, fish, veal – faithful friends while drying.

Athletes suggest using only low-fat dairy products, while others argue that it is healthier to buy standard ones. Here the choice is yours, girls.

Eat fats, but with caution. This is a reason to remember the benefits of fish oil. Eliminate alcohol, smoked foods, pickles, and sweets.

Avoid fruits other than apples. Dilute your diet with vegetables. Add vegetables to a protein dish as a side dish:

  • zucchini;
  • carrot;
  • celery;
  • cabbage

Be sure to eat greens, they contain many useful substances.

As stated earlier, eat complex carbohydrates. Buckwheat, rice, wholemeal products diversify your diet in the first half of the day.

Meals in the following weeks

If in the first week you got used to the new diet, then from the second week follow the drying requirements without relaxation. A plan drawn up at the beginning will help you with this.

The menu for the last week is the same as the first!

The nutritional requirements for drying are as follows:

  • Stop eating salt.
  • Eat fewer carbohydrates. Now the carbohydrate norm is: 0.5 - 1 g per kilogram of a woman’s weight.
  • Eat one tablespoon of bran daily. This will help replenish fiber deficiency and maintain normal intestinal function.
  • Protein now makes up eighty percent of the diet.
  • Dairy products, chicken, seafood - if cooking is required, only steam or boil.

In the last week, your task is to begin to exit the drying process. Return to the diet of the first week, gradually adding the amount of carbohydrate-containing foods. Remember, proteins now make up half of the diet.

Menu option:

  • For breakfast, prepare a small portion of oatmeal, eat a banana, and drink green tea.
  • For lunch, prepare vegetable cream soup, boil 200 grams of veal.
  • For dinner, boil or steam a two-hundred-gram piece of red fish and eat it with vegetables.

To achieve the result - a slim, toned figure - combine proper nutrition with physical exercise.

We repeat, the coach will help you.

But disciplined individuals can handle it themselves.

Because priority task– burning fat, cardio training is required. Since during drying the diet consists of eighty percent protein foods, add strength training. So, instead of losing muscle mass, girls build muscle and create a sculpted figure.

Exercise five days a week for at least forty-five minutes. The body needs two days to recover, just don’t take consecutive days off, spread them out throughout the week.

Cardio exercises (workouts with increased heart rate) at home will be provided by running, swimming, jumping rope, fitness, cycling and rollerblading. Women use cardio to burn fat.

For strength training, use dumbbells (or water bottles). Choose the weight of the weight so that you can complete the approach without tension. It is better to add in the number of approaches than in the weight of dumbbells. Weighted squats, push-ups, and pull-ups are suitable.

Perform the workout with no or minimal rest(to take a minute to catch your breath). Choose a time that is comfortable for you - morning or evening, but avoid training at lunchtime. Dilute the load, do three short approaches instead of one long one.

Limit eating before and after exercise. It is recommended to wait an hour and a half before starting and at the end of the exercises; in extreme cases, have a light snack instead of a heavy meal.

Be sure to do a warm-up. Often amateurs miss this element of the activity. But it helps to warm up the body and prepare for a fruitful activity.

The main element of every workout is positive mood and smile. Play your favorite music on headphones or speakers, it will charge you with cheerfulness and energy. Dance if possible to combine it with the exercise and don’t be shy to sing along!

Almost every athlete once encounters the term “drying the body.” Moreover, this method of losing weight is becoming popular among people who are not seriously interested in fitness or bodybuilding. What is it, how does it differ from regular diets and what are the rules for following it - we’ll talk below.

Body cutting is a sports term that means reducing the level of subcutaneous fat while maintaining maximum muscle mass. As a result of this complex of measures, the body acquires a slender, toned appearance with good relief of all muscles. Despite the fact that it was introduced into practice by bodybuilders, the method is widely used by different categories of people.

Who needs body drying?

Any person who wants not just to lose weight, but to improve the silhouette of their body can “dry out”. The basic rules of this method include a gradual cessation of carbohydrate consumption and increased physical exercise. It should be borne in mind that it is more suitable for people with sufficient muscle mass. Otherwise, it is difficult to achieve a harmonious appearance.

What is the difference between drying the body and losing weight?

During drying, as during normal weight loss, the emphasis is on dietary restrictions and physical activity. The difference is that diets slow down your metabolism and don't take into account the importance of preserving muscle fibers. For drying, on the contrary, this is a primary task. For the average athlete or person who wants to give their body a chiseled silhouette, you can simply limit your carbohydrate intake and maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine.

Drying individual body parts

If you are wondering how to dry one specific part of the body (legs, arms, abs, etc.), then the answer is no. The process of losing weight during drying necessarily affects the entire body and simultaneously affects all fatty tissues. Of course, every person has their own problem areas. Bodybuilders are no exception. And in order to achieve the most harmonious proportions, they have to select a training plan, the loads in which will be distributed taking into account the individual characteristics of the body.

How to start drying

Before you start drying, you should consult your doctor. The technique is permitted only if there is sufficient muscle structure. Since the process of such weight loss affects only the fat layer, it is important that in the end you are left with at least something. This is why professionals gain weight before cutting. The moment of the beginning of the “dry period” is determined depending on the condition of the body. For some, two weeks are enough to achieve the desired relief, while for others it may take six months.

Contraindications for drying

Drying is not the most gentle way to lose weight for the body. That is why there are a number of absolute contraindications for it:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • diabetes mellitus of any type;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • diseases of the kidneys, liver and pancreas.

Considering the absence of the above phenomena, as well as other factors that cast doubt on the benefits for your body, the doctor will give appropriate recommendations: he will allow or warn you about the undesirability of drying.

Basic general rules

During drying, the body has to adapt to a completely new operating mode. He is accustomed to taking energy exclusively from the carbohydrates he consumes, which is now becoming impossible due to a serious limitation in their quantity. Accumulated fat and muscle mass remain at your disposal. If we take into account that the body is programmed to preserve fat reserves, then it becomes natural that it will want to use muscles. But the main task of drying is to preserve them. This is where adequate protein intake and strength training come in handy. These two factors together deprive the body of choice and force it to use fat tissue for energy production.

Thus, the basic rules of drying are as follows:

  • gradually reduce (minimize for professionals) the amount of carbohydrates in the diet;
  • increasing protein intake;
  • we observe intensive
    a training regimen based on a combination of cardio and strength training;
  • We use auxiliary sports supplements and drugs - for professionals.

entrance and exit

Important aspects of proper drying are gradual entry and exit from it. The technique of such weight loss represents serious stress for the body, which can lead to frequent mood swings and even a mild degree of neurosis. It is recommended to start the whole process by uniformly reducing the amount of carbohydrates in the diet to the standards that will be described below. The exit is also carried out gradually with the return of their previous quantity. This process usually takes about two weeks.

Basic rules of nutrition during the drying period include the following points:

  • cut your daily calorie intake;
  • the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be 55%, 15% and 30% respectively (with balanced diet it is 30%, 20% and 50% respectively);
  • We pay special attention to protein consumption - we calculate its amount within 1.5-2 grams per 1 kg of weight;
  • We select carbohydrate sources according to the glycemic index (the lower, the better);
  • The source of fat plays an important role - preferably nuts, olive oil and coconut fat.

How to calculate the number of calories?

In order to calculate the permissible amount of calories, you first need to know your own norm. It depends on your age, weight, height and activity level. You can do this online in a matter of minutes; just enter your characteristics into the online calculator. You need to subtract 20% from the resulting figure. The result obtained is your norm for the drying period. It is not recommended to cut back even more, otherwise muscle mass will be used to make up for lost calories, and we need it.

The role of carbohydrates (the amount of carbohydrates during drying)

Carbohydrates have great importance for the functioning of the body. Abandoning them completely can lead to negative health consequences. That is why during drying it is allowed to include them in the diet, observing two rules:

  1. The carbohydrate source must have a low glycemic index.
  2. They can only be consumed for breakfast and lunch. Most of daily norm in this case, it should be reserved for the morning.

You can calculate the amount of carbohydrates based on your weight. We gradually reduce it from 2 g per 1 kg of weight to 0.5 g per 1 kg, and then also gradually increase it. If you took, for example, five weeks during the drying period, then adjust the amount as follows:

  • 1 week – 2 g
  • 2 week – 1 g
  • 3 week – 0.5 g
  • Week 4 – 1 g
  • 5 week – 2 g

If the period is longer, then the reduction can be made by 0.5 g. It is advisable, of course, to consult a specialist (nutritionist, fitness trainer) on this matter.

What can you do from carbohydrates?

Sources of carbohydrates, as mentioned above, must be selected according to the glycemic index. The lowest GI is for products containing complex carbohydrates (simple carbohydrates are completely prohibited!). Among them are cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, brown rice, durum wheat pasta), berries, fruits (citrus fruits, apples), vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, broccoli, cabbage, etc.).

No carbohydrates

The carbohydrate-free diet method reduces the metabolic rate, and this is one of those moments that are most needed during the drying period. If your metabolic rate is too low, it is impossible to achieve a lean body effect. Therefore, the complete exclusion of carbohydrates from the diet is usually used by professional athletes, and then only before the competition itself, i.e. for a short period of time (1-2 weeks).

What to exclude from your diet

You will have to completely eliminate the following foods from your diet:

  • all sources of simple carbohydrates (sugar, flour, butter, confectionery);
  • fried, smoked, pickled, canned;
  • starchy vegetables;
  • fruits containing a lot of sugar (banana, mango, persimmon, pineapple, etc.);
  • fatty meats (pork, lamb);
  • salt;
  • some types of cereals (semolina, millet, some also oatmeal);
  • coffee, black tea (some people refuse green tea).

What foods can you eat?

Among the permitted the following types products:

  • lean meats and fish (stewed without adding oil or steamed);
  • seafood;
  • cereals (preferably unpolished rice, buckwheat);
  • non-starchy vegetables, herbs;
  • fruits (apples, citrus fruits) - usually their consumption is allowed only in the first week;
  • eggs (whites only);
  • cottage cheese and other low-fat fermented milk products;
  • nuts - they are recommended to be included in the diet of women due to certain characteristics of the body.

Due to serious restrictions in permitted products, it is advisable, with the help of a doctor, to choose a multivitamin complex for yourself that will minimize harm to health and replenish the reserves of necessary components.

Fat deficiency

Fats are saturated and unsaturated. The first ones are considered dangerous for maintaining your figure. They are found in fatty dairy products (milk, cream, sour cream, cheese, butter), egg yolk, certain types of meat (pork, lamb), poultry skin and cocoa butter. These foods should be completely excluded from your diet.

Unsaturated fats, on the other hand, are considered beneficial for increasing performance, the functioning of many body systems, and even increasing metabolic rate. These include sea ​​fish(steamed without salt), olive or flaxseed oil, as well as nuts (especially hazelnuts, pine, walnuts). They can be consumed within the daily fat intake. For girls, this is even mandatory, otherwise, as a result of drying, your skin, hair and nails will seriously deteriorate.

Water and drying the body

Water is an important component for normal metabolism. Its deficiency can seriously complicate the work of getting rid of adipose tissue. The need for water must be determined individually, preferably with the assistance of a specialist. The general rule is to consume slightly above the norm for your characteristics.

There is also an opinion that before competition, athletes should significantly reduce the amount of fluid they consume in order to remove as much water as possible from the muscles. This can only be done under the supervision of an instructor and only by those who do this professionally.

Glucose regulation

Glucose is a component that increases blood sugar levels. It is one of the main factors in fat deposition. Therefore, regulating its amount during drying is very important. GI is the indicator with which you can find out the effect of a particular product on increasing sugar levels.


Milk is a product with a rich composition of useful components. It contains protein, calcium and even amino acids necessary for an athlete. Consumption of dairy products is simply necessary during drying. True, they should have a low fat content. You also need to remember that they contain carbohydrates. Therefore, it is necessary to regulate their quantity relative to the norm and time of day (carbohydrates for the first half of the day!).

Sports supplements

Not a single professional athlete or bodybuilder can do without taking additional components and medications. Of course, the desired result can be achieved without using them, but only over a longer period.

Sports nutrition can support the body during periods of severe restrictions, provide more strength for intense exercise, and even increase endurance and the rate of muscle fiber regeneration. Let's look at the most popular supplements.


Protein shakes are a source of large amounts of protein. Since it is the main diet during cutting, this supplement is very useful for people who want to maintain maximum muscle mass. Moreover, protein can replace one of your meals.


The issue of taking creatine during cutting should be decided independently. This is a supplement that promotes muscle growth, increases the body's endurance during training and strength potential. Most athletes use it while gaining muscle mass. However, there is also an opinion that creatine reduces muscle loss during cutting.


These are amino acids that protect muscles from destruction during drying. They additionally promote speedy recovery after training. BCAA is one of the most necessary and effective supplements for professionals.

L carnitine

Carnitine is a component that increases the body's endurance. Trainers quite often recommend it during weight loss or cutting. This is a kind of fuel for the body that increases the rate of fat burning. It is simply a necessary drug for those new to the world of fitness, allowing them to get used to constant physical activity in a shorter time.

Fat burners and their components

One of the main goals of cutting is to speed up metabolism; fat burners are therefore considered the best assistant in this matter. They increase your heart rate and temperature, which increases your metabolic rate. Additionally, such drugs give a person a boost of energy, which cannot but affect the heart. Therefore, their use requires special caution.

Menu for proper body drying - example for a week


  • Breakfast – oatmeal with water and a cup of green tea
  • Lunch – chicken breast with vegetable salad and dried fruit compote (no sweeteners)
  • Afternoon snack – steamed fish (or boiled)
  • Dinner – a glass of kefir


  • Breakfast – buckwheat with water (or steamed overnight), 1 boiled egg, 1 tbsp. skim milk
  • Lunch – a piece of boiled beef or fish, vegetable salad, 1 tbsp. fruit juice (natural, preferably freshly squeezed)
  • Afternoon snack – cottage cheese with dried apricots
  • Dinner – boiled chicken breast, a cup of green tea


  • Breakfast – fresh tomato, 1 boiled egg, cup of green tea
  • Lunch – light mushroom soup, a piece of boiled meat (poultry, fish)
  • Afternoon snack – boiled squid with fresh herbs
  • Dinner – steamed fish with vegetables


  • Breakfast – chicken breast with buckwheat, a cup of green tea or freshly squeezed juice
  • Lunch – stewed fish with vegetables
  • Afternoon snack – vegetable salad
  • Dinner – a pack of low-fat cottage cheese


  • Breakfast – egg white omelet
  • Lunch – light cabbage soup with pieces of meat and herbs
  • Afternoon snack – boiled seafood
  • Dinner – low-fat cottage cheese with fruit (apple, orange or grapefruit)


  • Breakfast – oatmeal on water with dried fruits
  • Lunch – boiled meat with vegetables
  • Afternoon snack – boiled chicken breast with vegetables or salad
  • Dinner – low-fat cottage cheese and fruit


  • Breakfast – 1 boiled egg or egg white omelet, a cup of tea
  • Lunch – chicken breast with rice (unpolished), vegetable salad, juice
  • Afternoon snack – boiled or steamed fish
  • Dinner – cottage cheese with dried fruits

How to exercise while cutting

To properly draw up a training plan, you need to consider three basic principles:

  1. Including energy-intensive exercises is usually basic exercises affecting several muscle groups at once. The simultaneous work of these groups will speed up the fat burning process.
  2. With a lower working weight, increase the number of repetitions - this technique not only increases the energy consumption of the exercise, but also better supplies the muscle tissue with blood, which improves the quality of their relief.
  3. The workout should be short and intense - this can be achieved by reducing the rest time between sets.


Cardio training is a mandatory exercise during cutting. It is with the help of such exercises that you can reduce the amount of fatty tissue in a short time. Among the most popular types are exercise walking, race walking, jumping rope exercises, exercise bikes, etc.

For more effective fat burning, low-intensity and prolonged exercise is recommended. It is believed that the fat burning process itself begins only 20-30 minutes after the start of such a workout. Experienced athletes can spend about an hour on a treadmill or exercise bike.

There should be 2-3 strength training sessions per week for 2 cardio workouts. It is advisable to draw up a plan with a competent trainer who will take into account your level of training, fat tissue and strength indicators.

Power training

Exercises with iron allow you to maintain strength and the muscles themselves during drying, as well as achieve relief. As noted above, it is better to focus on basic exercises. You can and even need to combine them with cardio, because... this will increase your calorie expenditure. The only thing is that you can’t do cardio and leg day on the same day. Such a tandem can have a very negative impact on your condition, and the next day you will not be able to do even minimal exercise, and regularity is very important.

Drying in its true sense, i.e. to achieve a sculpted and toned body is impossible at home. Such categoricalness is associated with the mandatory inclusion of strength loads, and for them you need exercise equipment, weights, dumbbells, etc. Without such training, it is impossible to maintain muscle mass while burning excess fat in the body.

Differences between body drying for men and women

There are no fundamental differences in drying for different genders. Each person, regardless of this criterion, needs an individual training and nutrition plan that is right for him. Training should take into account specific wishes: for men, the emphasis is often on the arms, shoulders, chest and back; in women - on the legs, buttocks and chest.

Many people want to look beautiful and slim. Some people use diets for this, others a set of physical exercises.

Having read articles in fashion magazines with drying methods, ordinary people believe that it is possible to remove huge quantities of excess weight in a short time - this is what they need.

But they forget about very important point, the term “cutting” was coined and created for professional bodybuilders. To ordinary people This approach to losing weight will only bring harm.

Therefore, do not confuse the concepts of “drying” and “diet”.

And keep in mind that drying is created so that the athlete can “uncover” before the competition the muscle mass that he gained during the period of intense training.

And if this period did not exist, what will you “expose”?

The entire drying process can be divided into 3 components:

  • diet;
  • special training regimen;
  • taking special medications.

If we talk about diet in a nutshell, then it is the process of gradually reducing the amount of carbohydrates consumed in the daily diet. For a professional athlete, it is important not only to burn fat, but also to maintain muscle. Although loss of muscle mass during drying is not uncommon and there are two reasons for this:

  • The body is more difficult to tolerate physical activity due to a lack of carbohydrates and glucose. As a result, the intensity of training and loads drop. And, since drying generally takes from a month to two, such training has an effect on the body.
  • in the process of burning fat, without proper nutrition, muscle tissue can also be lost.

As we see, it all comes down to one thing - proper nutrition. First of all, this is a systematic refusal of foods rich in carbohydrates and a transition to protein foods. You will have to completely give up eating sweets already at the first stage of drying. Next, there is a reduction in the consumption of any cereals. And, of course, any food should not contain salt, since salt retains water in the body. The main diet will consist of vegetables, with a small amount of low-fat cheese, low-fat cottage cheese or kefir. And also no more than 2 apples a day.

At the second stage(7-10 days of drying) - there is a systematic reduction in the amount of porridge in the daily diet. And, if possible, a gradual refusal of fruits.

Third stage(18-25 days) - this is a complete refusal of fruits and taking porridge strictly before lunch. At the same time, protein food is preserved.

Fourth, in fact, the final stage is giving up porridge. All that's left is vegetables and protein. At the end of this stage, athletes also give up dairy products.

If at any stage of drying you feel a sharp deterioration in your health, then you should stop it immediately. A lack of carbohydrates can lead not only to exhaustion of the body, but also to internal failures. metabolic processes and other negative consequences.

But professionals make the sushi process easier by using various drugs that restore metabolism and the balance of vitamins and minerals.

And don't forget about the recovery process. After all, the body is still weakened and is not able to immediately work as usual, and therefore digest food that for a long time didn't receive it. Therefore, restoration should ideally repeat the drying process, but in reverse order and a little faster.

The requirements for a special approach to training when cutting are determined not only by the athlete’s desire to burn fat, but also by a special diet. Therefore, the simplest rule usually sounds like this - reducing training time and dividing approaches into supersets.

But this is both true and false. The thing is that muscle work, and, consequently, the process of burning fat, very much depends on the metabolic process of each athlete. A striking example is aerobic exercise. With prolonged aerobic exercise, especially during drying, you can lose not only fat, but also muscle mass, since the body does not receive the necessary carbohydrates that can close the “carbohydrate window”.

And the duration and intensity of the “window” is influenced by metabolism. But even here medicine comes to the aid of athletes, which must be approached wisely and with a coach!

One conclusion can be drawn here - the optimal drying training regime is chosen by the athlete himself and his coach. This is not a permanent plan for every drying, but always only an individual approach. At the same time, the regime itself can and should change throughout the entire drying period.

Removing water from the body

In the last 3 weeks of drying, it is worth thinking about the conclusion excess water. This will further emphasize the athlete’s shape and give the muscles a more impressive look. The water removal process begins with preparatory stage– increased fluid intake. This is done so that the body, receiving at least a double dose of water per day, begins to intensively remove it.

The period of oversaturation of the body with water takes on average from 7 to 14 days.

Next, there is a period of maximum reduction in the amount of fluid taken. At this stage, the body does not yet realize that the amount of incoming water has greatly decreased and continues an enhanced output regime. Some athletes also add diuretics to enhance the effect. But this can be dangerous not only by depletion of the body, but also by disturbances in the functioning of the kidneys.

The final stage of drying should correspond to the final stage of deliberate dehydration of the body. A discrepancy in timing in one direction or another will lead to a deterioration in the athlete’s well-being and form.

No matter how much debate there may be on this topic, for professional athletes there is no fundamental division of the drying process by gender. The differences are always individual. This primarily refers to the difference between the initial and final body weight.

For girls it is usually much less than for men, so the drying process for girls differs not in the composition of the stages, but in their intensity and duration. In particular, this applies to restrictions on the consumption of proteins and carbohydrates.

If the training process is structured correctly, girls will give up protein and carbohydrate foods later than men. Sometimes it coincides with the stages of water removal.

Another difference can be considered the fact that for girls, not even athletes, a light drying regime will be comparable to a diet and will be a way to achieve beautiful figure. But for a man who has not been involved in sports, the result may not be as attractive as one would like and may cause unjustified stress for the body.

Medical contraindications

In addition to serious medical health contraindications associated with the training process, there is another contraindication to drying - accelerated metabolism. Drying in this case is simply optional, at least as described above. The body already burns fat well, but increased drying will lead to bad consequences.

As we can see, the process of drying and preparing an athlete’s body for competition is individual, very complex, and has a lot of pitfalls and limitations. It requires special attention from the trainer and the supervising doctor. And it’s not always possible to achieve an ideal result from the first drying. This can be compared to setting up a complex device, which, in essence, is the human body.

Personal trainer, sports doctor, physical therapy doctor

Draws up and conducts personal training programs for body correction. Specializes in sports traumatology and physiotherapy. Conducts classical medical and sports massage sessions. Conducts medical and biological monitoring.