Repairing household appliances as a business will be promising, although costly. Let's tell you in detail about how to open a workshop in this direction and what a novice entrepreneur should focus on? After all, having certain skills does not always guarantee success in the services market.

This type of business is different in that it can be started with minimal investment, or you can invest several million rubles in setting up a workshop. But in any case, with a competent approach, a good specialist eventually begins to receive stable income, because the demand for such services is growing every day.

Features of work

Before implementing this business idea, you need to evaluate all the pros and cons of the chosen direction, as well as objectively analyze your capabilities. There are certain subtleties here:

  1. Only a person who is well versed in the nuances of the operation of most electrical appliances can repair equipment. Therefore, first you need to learn how to repair at least some devices in order to be able to provide highly specialized services. The versatility of the master is the key to quickly expanding the client base.
  2. Modern technology is distinguished by the fact that fashion for it is rapidly changing. There is no point in repairing most devices, since spare parts for them are not produced by manufacturers or are too expensive.
  3. In order to save initial investment, you can start working on house calls. This gives a chance to develop the business gradually, purchasing equipment and renting premises only when the first profit from the activity arrives.
  4. In some cities, it makes sense to open several equipment collection points at once, which will significantly increase the number of orders.
  5. There is high competition between workshops in this area. In addition, warranty and post-warranty service are offered by the manufacturers themselves, who cooperate with stores or have their own service centers. Therefore, in order to break through, you need to carefully think through the entire development strategy.

If we talk about where to start entrepreneurial activity, then it is better to carefully analyze the market. To do this, they evaluate competitors, prices, services offered, consumer demand and their solvency.

Sometimes it makes sense to establish cooperation with similar companies, occupying related narrow areas and mutually beneficially exchanging clients. For example, a repair shop that specializes in refrigerators can recommend a professional to service washing machines without compromising its business.

Business format

A household appliance repair shop can look different - from a small room where they only accept small devices, mainly telephones, TVs, kettles, to a reputable company where they service large refrigerators, washing machines, boilers, etc.

It is also worth deciding what the concept of your establishment is. There are two main options:

  • You act as an independent company that repairs any equipment from all well-known manufacturers.
  • Are you official representative We do not undertake warranty and post-warranty service for a specific brand or for products of other brands. Franchises often operate on this principle, where the business owner is forced to obey corporate rules. But you can cooperate in this way and be a more independent unit.

In the first case, you will have to earn a name and reputation in the market on your own, but you decide for yourself in which direction to move and what policy to use for development. The second option often turns out to be too expensive and unprofitable for a beginner, although it offers a well-known brand and a certain audience of clients in return.

Each case has its pros and cons. You just need to decide whether cooperation with any company will be profitable or not, or whether it is better to give preference to less well-known ones, but significantly expand the circle of potential clients by servicing various equipment.

Registration questions

If you carry out repairs yourself and offer services only to private clients, then it is enough to register an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneurship). But in case of prospects for expansion and the appearance of clients in the form of organizations, it is still better to open an LLC (legal entity).

The tax regime is often chosen as UTII, in which it is enough to pay a fixed rate. Although, with high costs for spare parts and various equipment, replenishment of tools, it makes sense to give preference to the simplified tax system, according to which deductions will depend on the difference between the company’s income and expenses.

Be sure to indicate the correct OKVED code. In this case, 52.72 is suitable, in which we're talking about on the repair of household products. Please note that an individual entrepreneur, especially when performing work at a client’s home, is not allowed to have cash register. True, in this case you will have to keep strict records on special forms, which are also registered with the tax office.

The activity of repairing household appliances does not require unnecessary inspections by the SES and other authorities. True, when setting up a workshop, you will still have to go through a state inspection inspection, which will check the presence of a fire alarm, fire extinguisher, emergency exit and safety of electrical wiring.

A license is also not required for such work. But some companies decide to undergo voluntary certification, thanks to which they can carry out technical expertise. Also, this move helps to significantly increase customer confidence and raise the reputation of specialists by new level.

Selecting a room

If we talk about the place where the workshop will be located, there are several options:

  1. City center - although the rent will be high, the convenience of the location will ensure a large flow of customers.
  2. Sleeping area - you can significantly save on the monthly rent for the premises, as well as avoid high competition.
  3. Place equipment collection points in different parts of the city, and carry out the repairs somewhere in a more convenient and cheaper building.
  4. Carry out work at the client’s home without renting a separate office.

If you are going to gain the trust of a potential audience, and also offer maintenance services for a wide variety of equipment, then it makes sense to rent a room of 20-70 square meters. m. It should be convenient to place a reception point, an office for the master, and utility rooms here. Please note that the larger the items you repair, the more space you need to store them.

Necessary equipment

A household appliance repair business can also be organized with minimum investment. To do this, it is enough to buy a simple set of tools and inexpensive diagnostic devices. But to create a serious workshop where a wide variety of household appliances are serviced, you will have to worry about the availability of special equipment:

  • oscilloscope;
  • soldering irons;
  • testers;
  • hand tools (screwdrivers, spanners);
  • ampere-voltmeter;
  • spectrum analysis;
  • frequency meter;
  • hot air soldering station;
  • digital multimeter;
  • power unit;
  • consumables - lubricants, sealants, gaskets, rubber bands, etc.

To arrange the room, you will have to purchase some furniture, a comfortable table for the master, shelves and racks for storing spare parts and tools. If you accept large equipment for repair, then you will definitely need a cargo transport to transport it. It is enough to purchase an inexpensive GAZelle model, which has good capacity and cheap maintenance.

Please note that the speed of repair largely depends on the ability to obtain the required spare parts from direct suppliers. So make sure you always have the most popular parts in stock or on delivery. short term after order. At the same time, pay attention to their quality and originality, otherwise you will not be able to provide a guarantee to the client.

Sometimes it makes sense to purchase disused refrigerators, washing machines and other equipment, since some customers will want to repair similar products, but it will not be possible to find old spare parts on the market. Build your own assortment of available parts to do jobs no one else can do.

Do you need staff?

If you decide to open a repair shop and deal with all the issues yourself, this will significantly save start-up costs. But over time, as the company grows, you will have to hire assistants:

  1. Masters - the more of them, the faster you can serve clients and take an unlimited number of orders.
  2. A dispatcher is needed when calls come in much more often than the owner has time to receive them personally.
  3. Accountant - can be a visiting person or perform the work in outsourcing mode.
  4. Driver and loader – to deliver equipment from clients to the workshop and back.

When selecting professional craftsmen, pay attention to their skills, abilities, and versatility. Sometimes it makes sense to hire a less experienced person and teach him all the intricacies. This will help you save on wages, and you will also be confident in the skills of a specialist.

The higher the competition in the city, the more important it is to pay attention to the marketing strategy. Inform the population about the services provided, promotions, and quality of work by everyone accessible ways:

  • hand out business cards;
  • install a prominent sign above the workshop entrance;
  • place advertisements in print media, at entrances in the nearest area, at bus stops, on buses, etc.;
  • create your own website, which contains a list of basic services, address and telephone number for contact, as well as reviews from satisfied clients;
  • use the Internet to promote and create a good image of the company;
  • it makes sense to establish cooperation with household appliance stores or various similar workshops that have a different specialization;
  • place the company phone number on your own transport (personal and cargo from the company).

It also makes sense to get several large clients in the form of organizations, receiving regular orders from them for equipment maintenance. And remember that the most successful advertising is word of mouth. If your clients leave you satisfied, they will definitely recommend your workshop to all their acquaintances and friends. Therefore, always try to do the work efficiently and quickly.

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Financial component

The overall profitability of the project is estimated at only 6-10%, which can scare away novice entrepreneurs. But it is worth understanding that even with a slow return on investment, the profit promises to be stable.

Much also depends on what capital investments were at the start. After all, sometimes craftsmen start their business with minimal expenses and purchase additional equipment or tools only when their income covers their monthly needs.

When drawing up a business plan, most of the money has to be spent on purchasing equipment:

Name Price, in rubles
1 Ampere-voltmeter 800
2 Spectrum Analysis 28 000
3 Frequency meter 15 000
4 Standard set of tools 3 000
5 Master's table 3 000
6 Office furniture 16 000
7 Freight car 80 000
8 Hot air soldering station 6 000
9 Digital multimeter 5 000
10 power unit 3 000
Total: 159 800

To these costs you will have to add a small amount for paperwork, and also keep in mind that you need to pay monthly utility bills, labor of hired craftsmen, taxes, etc.

If we talk about the profitability and payback of the project, it largely depends on the number of clients served, the complexity of the tasks, established prices and other factors. For example, you can charge an additional 500 rubles for a home visit, and the repair itself can be assessed depending on the size of household appliances:

  1. Overall – 8,000 rubles each.
  2. Average – 3,000.
  3. Small ones - no more than 1,500 rubles.

When providing additional services, for example, from the sale of spare parts, you can count on other sources of profit. But in general, with the cost of a minimum set of equipment, it will be possible to recoup the initial investment no earlier than in 1-2 years.

Video: repairing household appliances at home or in a workshop.

All kinds of devices designed to make life easier and improve are extremely popular. The technology is becoming more advanced and widespread. But she tends to break down. This means that a household appliance repair shop will always be in demand among the population. What you need to know to create successful enterprise in this domain?

Beginning of work

First of all, you should officially register your business. Illegal repairs of household appliances are subject to fines and administrative liability. IN government agencies registration, you will be able to choose the legal form of your enterprise.

You can register as individual entrepreneur, but if in the future you plan to cooperate with large companies or develop to the network level, register as a legal entity. You do not need to obtain a special license for this type of business.

But you must register with the tax service. You can choose the taxation option that is most convenient for you - with a predetermined amount to be paid or with a certain percentage of the profit. After receiving all the necessary permits, you can begin work.

Format selection

Before opening a workshop for repairing household appliances, it is worth deciding on a specific area of ​​activity. There are two main options.

You can open a branded service center for repairing household appliances of a specific brand. In this case, you will need to contact a large manufacturing company, perhaps your company will be a subsidiary.

For many famous brands There is no wide repair network, so you can easily find a client base and from the very first days of your business you will receive a steady influx of visitors. The second option involves independent activity.

You will be able to work with any brands without any restrictions, but you will not have to expect financial or any other support from manufacturing companies. In this case, you can also choose between a universal repair shop for any household appliance, from mobile phones to TVs, and an establishment that specializes in a specific type of equipment, for example, exclusively on refrigerators or computers.

Renting premises

The issue of locating the establishment must be resolved immediately. It is possible to open a workshop for repairing household appliances in a large shopping complex, but the cost of renting such a site will be too high, which means that the enterprise can easily turn out to be unprofitable. The same applies to the location of the point on the central streets of the city.

At first, it will be more profitable to choose a small room where orders will be accepted, and they can be carried out at home. The disadvantage of this option is the need to constantly transport equipment. The optimal solution is an establishment of two rooms, in one of which there is a reception area, and in the other, various devices are being directly repaired.

Necessary equipment

Of course, a repair shop is impossible without tools. Both manual and electrical tools will be required. Their exact quantity and ratio is determined by the type of activity and the most frequent orders.

The standard set includes a variety of screwdrivers, a soldering iron, and all kinds of measuring instruments. For the master’s comfortable work, a comfortable table is equally important, as well as a sufficient number of shelves and racks for storing spare parts.

You should not purchase exclusively expensive and new equipment; you can also purchase something in used condition. When the repair shop begins to generate a stable income, all tools can be gradually replaced with new and high-quality ones, but for the first time, budget ones will suffice.

Interior decoration

If your business plan allows, it is better to repair household appliances in a room that will not have to be changed as the number of orders increases. To make employees and visitors feel comfortable, the reception area should have an area of ​​about twenty square meters.

Workplaces for craftsmen should occupy about ten meters each. The interior should be decorated in neutral, cozy colors. Signage is of considerable importance. It should attract the attention of passersby, but not seem annoying.

The name is also no less important. It should communicate the specific type of activity of the workshop so as not to confuse customers, and also be memorable. Ideally, you can also invest in getting a phone number that is easy to remember. All this contributes to the fact that your service center for repairing household appliances will quickly become famous and popular.


Among other things, before opening a household appliance repair shop, you also need to recruit staff. It is important to find experienced craftsmen who have already worked in similar companies and have an understanding of such activities. The success of your enterprise depends on their level of professionalism. Craftsmen must be able to work not only efficiently, but also quickly enough.

Then the workshop will be able to accept and fulfill a larger flow of orders, which will have a positive impact on profitability. Choose several specialists from different areas, so that everyone works on a specific technique, because generalists are usually not so professional. The selection of an order taker is also important. A non-conflict, pleasant administrator will help attract more clients and avoid controversial situations.

Enterprise profitability

Those who expect quick and large profits will have to give up the idea of ​​opening a household appliance repair shop. The profitability of such an enterprise is quite low and amounts to about 6%. The thing is that new household appliances are sold at affordable prices, so many people prefer to buy them rather than repair the old ones.

Nowadays, in almost any apartment or house there is a huge amount of equipment that tends to fail and break down. Many people are completely unaware of this issue, and therefore often cannot do anything about breakdowns on their own. And very often such breakdowns can be easily eliminated, and this is much more profitable in financially than buying new equipment.

Therefore, at all times, people who could solve these problems were valued, as they say, worth their weight in gold, and were constantly in demand for their services. The situation in this field today is no exception. And therefore, we will open our own business for repairing all kinds of equipment, and make sure that this business is universal and includes equipment of various directions. In addition, this type of business must be universal in terms of equipment manufacturers and work with everyone. And if all these conditions are met, then we have every chance to build a promising and profitable business.

Like every type of business, the equipment repair business has its own problems and nuances that need to be effectively resolved. The main problem this direction, there is strong competition in this market, and a large number of companies and individual craftsmen who work from home. Such competition forces the latter to greatly reduce prices for their services, and therefore strong rivalry appears. And perhaps in a large city it will not be possible to make this business profitable due to the presence of many competitors.

On the other hand, some companies not only do not compete with each other, but are, so to speak, partners in this business, and share their clients with each other. This is possible if these firms occupy a certain niche in this area, and then a clear division of labor and differentiation arises. And the competition is no longer so strong. Therefore, before opening this type of business, you need to carefully analyze the entire market, and only then make a final decision on its prospects.

In general, the household appliance repair business can be implemented in two different formats. The first business format involves working with only one specific equipment manufacturer, and it is called a mono-brand salon. Often, such service centers are partners of some showrooms or equipment stores, and provide warranty and post-warranty service. There are nuances in this direction, and there are both advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include the fact that when collaborating with a salon or manufacturer, there will be a constant availability of orders, and you will definitely not be left without work. The disadvantages include the fact that the same salons or companies will pay you, and they will set the final prices for the work.

As a rule, your direct clients will be those buyers of equipment from a given dealership whose warranty period has expired, and in this case you can count on a more serious payment for your services, and even then from the submission of the same equipment dealerships. Another important factor when choosing the direction of this activity is that stores and showrooms place very high demands on service centers. increased requirements, and because of this they have to be equipped according to all modern standards, which of course entails considerable costs. And in order to recoup them you need to have a constant workload, and often the same salon cannot provide this.

The second format of this type of business is the opposite of the first, and includes repair of equipment from various manufacturers in its services. So to speak, a multi-brand service center. But in principle, such a service center does not depend on the brand of equipment at all and is simply a workshop that eliminates product malfunctions. And it is precisely this moment that is the most difficult in this direction, since the master must know the design features of various household appliances, and they very often differ from each other. Even the same type. Here main question is a search for such universal specialists who are able to work with different equipment of different brands.

And just in this case, it is possible to work quite successfully independently, setting your own prices for repairs and dictating your own terms. This is how this business format differs from the previous one. And the demand for repairs will fluctuate greatly and depend on various factors. It’s up to you to decide which format to choose for yourself, but before making a final decision, you need to conduct research and find out all the conditions that stores and home appliance showrooms offer, and only after that make the final choice in favor of one option or another. Depending on the city in which this business will be organized, the format of your workshop will depend. In one case the first option is better, in another the second.

After choosing the form of your business, you need to register with the state registration authorities. For your work, the easiest way is to register an individual entrepreneur, as it takes a minimum of time and financial investment. If you choose the form of a legal entity, then in this case it is advisable to register an LLC, since only in this case you will be able to pay a fixed tax rate. It is advisable to register an LLC if you plan to engage in this business with a partner in order to eliminate all disagreements.

In addition, the individual entrepreneur is personally responsible for all debts arising in the course of his activities, and therefore is liable with his property to the court, but in this case, debts most often do not arise, so it will be easier to register an individual entrepreneur. When registering, you need to indicate the correct code of your activity, and it is (OKPD 2) 95.2 Repair of consumer goods and household appliances.

After all the legal issues, and when we have finally decided on the format of our business, we begin to search for suitable premises for the workshop. When looking for a location, the first thing you need to look for is whether there are competitors nearby. And build on your specifics. If you are planning to renovate small equipment, such as mobile phones and others having oversized dimensions, then an area of ​​10 square meters will be quite enough for one master. This is where the advantage lies when you are busy repairing small equipment. You won't have to pay expensive rent.

If you plan to repair equipment such as refrigerators, washing machines, and so on, then for such a workshop you need a lot more space. At least in order to store all the finished equipment, and equipment that is in line for repair.

When choosing a room, you need to take into account such nuances as the availability of electricity and a bathroom, as well as the opportunity to relax during your lunch break. If you can find a suitable premises in the city center, then great, but if the rent is very expensive, then no problem, look for premises in the residential areas of your city. This works great for large equipment, as people won't want to take it too far into the city center. Also consider comprehensive options for providing services, such as when you go to the client’s home. Therefore, you can work comprehensively and rent premises small size, and repair large equipment at home.

Ideally, of course, to have your own large room in which all the equipment will be stored, since not all issues can be resolved at the client’s home. But if at the initial stage of work you do not have the necessary funds, then you can work with a minimal workshop in which you will repair small equipment. And once you have built up your client base, you will expand your business.

If you are just starting out and you have absolutely no money to rent a room, then you can work at the client’s home, and take small equipment, such as mobile phones, home for repair. Thus, you can completely work autonomously without renting a room, but this is only if you yourself are such a specialist. In other cases, you are required to have your own, at least minimal, space for work.

At the very beginning, when you are just starting this business, if you are a specialist, then you can work independently. But after a while, you will still reach a point where you need to delegate work. Therefore, look for specialists in advance who will subsequently work for you. There should be two, and at the initial stage even one master who understands all the equipment. This must be a generalist and a specialist in his field. You need to outsource all issues not directly related to work, or deal with them yourself.

When working with large household appliances baths will need the help of loaders who will deliver it directly to the workshop. And most likely you may need to purchase your own car in which you will transport equipment. A domestic car of this type costs about 200 thousand rubles, and it is quite enough to start in this business. When the car is not directly involved in the process itself, you can use it to carry out cargo transportation, which will be an additional type of income. But then, when registering, you must indicate the OKPD code, and when registering, think through everything carefully for the future.

On the back of your truck, you can place advertisements for your services, and then you can attract additional customers, because a large number of people will see your car in the city. That is, we can conclude that buying a car will definitely pay for itself over time.

Working with different equipment requires a different approach to business. There are types of equipment that are easier to replace than to try to repair. These are various hair dryers, small electrical appliances and so on. It is advisable to repair expensive mobile phones, since not many people will want to buy a new one, for example, for 10,000 rubles, but would rather repair the old one for 1,000 rubles. Although if the phone is inexpensive, then a person will not repair it, since often the components are expensive, and there is no particular benefit in repairing it.

One of the most popular areas is the repair of large and expensive household appliances such as refrigerators and washing machines. Almost any specialist can cope with such repairs, but replacing such equipment with new ones is very expensive, and therefore people prefer to have it repaired. Moreover, refrigerators and washing machines are not as demanding in their functions as, for example, telephones, and satisfy their owners even after the end of the warranty period. But for example, a phone that is already three or more years old is obsolete, and therefore no one will repair it.

Based on all of the above, we can conclude that repairing, for example, phones is worth doing only as a additional service, or if you can offer the client an inexpensive solution to the problem. For example, change the speaker, or some other minor breakdown. Something that will be much cheaper to repair than to buy new. In any case, focus on the demand and market of your city, because in different regions Russia and the demand are completely different.

For different types work, and various types of equipment being repaired, it will be necessary to purchase the appropriate equipment. For small equipment you need a computer with a special software, with which faults will be tested. You will also need special tool sets, small soldering irons and other devices.

The cost of semi-professional equipment starts from 10 thousand rubles, and can reach 100 thousand with a professional version. When working as a mono-brand center, you need to purchase the appropriate professional equipment, which can be omitted in a multi-brand salon. For such large equipment as refrigerators and washing machines, you will need, among other things, other special tools, and first of all, professional devices that check and test the electrical system.

Such equipment is not very expensive, unless, of course, you use ordinary semi-professional equipment, but if you decide to purchase professional samples, then the cost of one tester can be 10 thousand rubles. All costs for purchasing equipment depend entirely on what you plan to do and your budget.
This type of business is characterized by low entry costs, but also low profits. Since often the cost of the entire repair comes down to replacing a worthless part, for one repair the amount of work rarely amounts to more than 2000 rubles, and very often it is equal to 500 rubles. When strongly high cost repairs, it is often easier for a person to buy new equipment.

The most profitable option is a large number of minor breakdowns in which there is no need to replace the part. But often it doesn’t work out that way and you have to be content with what you have.

Advertising of this type of business needs to be given special attention, since in the absence of a sufficient number of clients, you will not even be able to recoup the rental of the premises, not to mention making money. And this business needs to be run by a person who can repair equipment himself and loves to do it. Otherwise, you will not earn anything from this, and quite possibly even lose. Good luck with your business!

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Are you interested in how to open your own business? Then here you go:

Choose a business concept. All subsequent steps depend on this. Modern household appliance repair companies are divided into two types:

  1. Mono-brand are service centers of a specific manufacturer of household appliances. Here there is an additional division into types - completely dependent on the manufacturer, relatively independent and working on the terms of an equal partnership.
  2. Multi-brand – perform maintenance and repair of household appliances, mobile phones and computers of any brands.

The second type is preferable, because this way you expand your target audience. But newcomers often start under the wing of a popular brand; this significantly reduces risks and does not require significant initial investments in Mastara advertising. The choice depends on the qualifications of your craftsmen, the characteristics of the city and consumer demand.

Main risks

High-quality and prompt repair of household appliances is in constant demand. During periods of crisis, when consumers are forced to give up expensive purchases, the need for this service increases. The main risks are associated with subjective factors - low qualifications and irresponsibility of employees, lack of a clear and thoughtful business plan.

Competition in this area is very high. Repair of household appliances is carried out not only by officially operating companies and service centers of manufacturers. A lot of craftsmen work informally at home. You must offer clients high-quality and affordable services and find a reasonable balance between these factors to obtain a decent profit.

It is important to correctly calculate your financial capabilities, because to adequately diagnose breakdowns you need modern equipment. Much also depends on the quality of the parts - finding reliable suppliers offering reasonable prices is also an important point.


For work, a room with a total area of ​​80 m², divided into a reception point and rooms for the work of craftsmen, is sufficient. If you plan to work in a small town, you can rent premises as close to the center as possible - price square meter it's not high here.

IN major cities With high competition and rental costs, a newcomer will have to look for compromise options. Pay attention to the new residential areas. The density of residents in them is quite high, but the infrastructure has not yet been established. An excellent option is a workshop in an area with low rental costs and several acceptance points scattered around the city. Payroll costs will increase, but you will gain a significant advantage by offering your services to as wide a range of potential clients as possible.

Beginners use another option. One large workshop is located in a densely populated residential area with low rental costs. The company offers services at the client's home. The technician comes out, conducts diagnostics and, if necessary, takes household appliances to the workshop for repair.


In the absence of a large start-up capital, many workshops start work with a minimum set - an oscilloscope, a tester, a soldering iron and hand tools. But for high-quality and prompt customer service, it is necessary to assemble a decent set of professional equipment:

Spectrum analyzer - about 40,000 rubles.
- Ampere-voltmeter - about 6,000 rubles.
- Frequency meter - high-quality models are offered at prices starting from 300,000 rubles.
- Professional set of tools and accessories - about 200,000 rubles.

To provide prompt customer service, it is necessary to equip the warehouse with at least a minimum set of the most popular spare parts. Ideally, for this you need to prepare about 1,000,000 rubles. This is a large amount; not all beginners have the opportunity to purchase everything they need at once. Experienced entrepreneurs advise finding a reliable supplier with a wide range of quality parts that ensures fast delivery. But you must invest part of your profits in purchasing the most popular spare parts and forming your own warehouse.

You will also need comfortable furniture for the craftsmen to work with, good lighting, and modern ventilation. The workshop is also equipped with shelves for storing parts and household appliances awaiting repair or shipping to the client. This item of starting expenses will cost another 200,000-300,000 rubles.

Availability of transport for delivery of orders is required. The best choice a Gazelle pickup truck, a used car in good condition, can be bought for 120,000 rubles.


The most important employees for this business are skilled craftsmen. It is impossible to save on their wages. The best payment system is a fixed rate + a percentage of revenue, which depends on the volume of orders completed by each employee. At first, you can hire two craftsmen; as the number of orders increases, you can expand your staff.

At the initial stage, the business owner can deal with organizational issues, searching for new clients and quality control. But over time, it is advisable to hire a chief foreman and deal with business expansion issues.

The maintenance of financial statements must be entrusted to an experienced accountant. The specific nature of the workshop’s work is such that it will not be possible to outsource this area.

Documents and licenses

A household appliance repair shop can operate as an individual entrepreneur and choose the UTII taxation system. But if you plan to work with legal entities, it is better to choose the simplified tax system. Registration of a company takes five working days, the state fee costs 800 rubles. There are no special requirements from the SES. Fire supervision in this area is stricter. Find out these requirements in advance; they include reliability of wiring, ventilation and many other nuances that must be taken into account when searching for premises and conducting repair work.

The specifics of the work of a household appliance repair shop, which involves frequent visits to clients' homes, requires the use of strict reporting forms. They must be registered with the tax office.


The minimum starting investment to open a full-fledged workshop is about 6,000,000 rubles. In the first months of operation, the company's profitability will not exceed 10%. Many workshops work only to cover operating expenses and purchase necessary equipment 1-2 years. But with the right approach to pricing policy and high level service, you can gradually increase the profitability of your business. This direction is low-profit, but stable.


Advertising for the workshop should be very active. Use any available methods. Your sign should be visible from afar and attract the attention of passersby. Be sure to place a phone number on outdoor advertising - it should be simple and easy to remember. If a person’s household appliance breaks down, he will remember you and call.

Competent pricing policy is one of the most important factors. Offer your clients free diagnostics. You can immediately include the cost of a troubleshooting technician’s work in the cost of repairs. But having a free service always attracts customers.

The company's website and active efforts to popularize it in a modern city are a necessity. Provide the opportunity to call a repairman and describe the essence of the breakdown online. Many people look for a master on the Internet and choose a company whose website they saw among the first positions. Traditional advertisements, business cards, and advertising in local media also give good results. It is also worth thinking about buying old models of household appliances. This will allow you to create a warehouse of rare spare parts. Household appliances quickly become obsolete. Manufacturers offer new models, and after just a few years it is very difficult to find spare parts for the old one.


Repairing household appliances is not the most profitable business. But it has stable demand.