Emotions affect people in many different ways. The same emotion has different effects on different people Moreover, it has different effects on the same person in different situations. Emotions can influence all systems of an individual, the subject as a whole.

Emotions and body.

Electrophysiological changes occur in the facial muscles during emotions. Changes occur in the electrical activity of the brain, circulatory and respiratory systems. With extreme anger or fear, the heart rate can increase by 40-60 beats per minute. Such sudden changes in somatic functions during strong emotion indicate that during emotional states, all neurophysiological systems and subsystems of the body are activated to a greater or lesser extent. Such changes inevitably affect the subject's perceptions, thoughts and actions. These bodily changes can also be used to solve a number of issues, both purely medical and mental health problems. Emotion activates the autonomic nervous system, which changes the course of the endocrine and neurohumoral systems. The mind and body are in harmony to carry out action. If knowledge and actions corresponding to emotions are blocked, then psychosomatic symptoms may appear as a result.

Emotions and perception

It has long been known that emotions, like other motivational states, influence perception. A happy subject tends to perceive the world through rose-colored glasses. It is common for a person who is suffering or sad to interpret the comments of others as critical. A frightened subject tends to see only the frightening object (the effect of “narrowed vision”).

Emotions and cognitive processes

Emotions influence both somatic processes and the sphere of perception, as well as memory, thinking and imagination of a person. The effect of “narrowed vision” in perception has its analogue in the cognitive sphere. A frightened person has difficulty testing various alternatives. An angry person only has “angry thoughts.” In a state of heightened interest or excitement, the subject is so overwhelmed by curiosity that he is unable to learn or explore.

Emotions and actions

The emotions and complexes of emotions that a person experiences at a given time affect virtually everything that he does in the sphere of work, study, and play. When he is really interested in a subject, he is filled with a passionate desire to study it deeply. Feeling disgusted by any object, he strives to avoid it.

Emotions and Personality Development

Two types of factors are important when considering the relationship between emotion and personality development. The first is the genetic inclinations of the subject in the sphere of emotions. An individual's genetic makeup appears to play an important role in the acquisition of emotional traits (or thresholds) for various emotions. Second factor - personal experience individual and training related to emotional sphere and, in particular, socialized ways of expressing emotions and emotion-driven behavior. Observations of children aged 6 months to 2 years, who grew up in the same social environment (raised in a preschool institution), showed significant individual differences in emotional thresholds and emotionally charged activities.

However, when a child has a low threshold for a particular emotion, when he often experiences and expresses it, this inevitably causes a special kind of reaction from other children and surrounding adults. Such forced interaction inevitably leads to the formation of special personal characteristics. Individual emotional traits are also significantly influenced by social experiences, especially during childhood and infancy. A child who is characterized by a quick temper, a fearful child, naturally faces different reactions from his peers and adults. The social consequence, and therefore the socialization process, will vary greatly depending on the emotions most frequently experienced and expressed by the child. Emotional responses influence not only the child's personality and social development, but also intellectual development. A child with difficult experiences is significantly less inclined to explore the environment than a child with a low threshold for interest and joy. Tomkins believes that the emotion of interest is as important for the intellectual development of any person as exercise is for physical development.

I think not only scientists, but we all know that emotions and human health, are inseparable from each other. Our emotions influence our state of health and well-being; depending on our emotions, we laugh, or cry, rejoice, or mourn - and all these feelings are reflected in the state of our organs and systems.

emotions and human health

Basically, they have different effects on the health of each person - different in terms of the strength of the impact, but there are also those that equally negatively affect everyone - for example, a feeling of fear.

But they only have a positive effect on health - we realize this intuitively, although this has long been a scientifically proven fact! Positive emotions tend to tone the human body and promote excellent health. People experiencing constant confusion of feelings, anxiety, and depression are at risk of various diseases.

the influence of emotions on the human body

Has anyone ever wondered why emotions such as fear, for example, are capable of increasing a person’s internal resources?! When frightened, a person is able to run much faster than he thinks - and he runs! In a state of excitement, our heartbeat quickens - waiting for the verdict of a medical commission, or the assessment of an examiner, while speaking in front of a huge crowd of public - the sensations are strong, aren’t they - emotions and human health

And all of them, one way or another, are reflected in the functioning of human systems and organs. The impact of emotions on the functioning of our body prepares it for a certain reaction to an upcoming event. Fear mobilizes our body to avoid danger with all its might - that is, it prepares us for a quick death. The feeling of anger prepares our body for the fact that it will be necessary to attack in order to defend itself... In other words, appropriate changes occur in our body that prepare us for certain actions under certain conditioned circumstances. For example, a sense of danger is capable of producing more prothrombin in order to prevent bleeding in the event of a sudden injury.

And these are not fictions, these are scientifically proven facts! As well as the fact that a feeling of joy can release catecholamines, substances produced in the adrenal cortex, which tend to prevent inflammatory processes. Along with catecholamines, endorphins enter the blood. another hormone, only from the pituitary gland, reducing painful sensations - and all this from a feeling of joy - emotions and human health... The human cardiovascular system reacts most strongly to emotions of all systems. Permanent and strong feeling anger, prolonged irritability, simply have a destructive effect on blood vessels... The result of such emotions, most often, is hypertension. Emotions also affect blood circulation - the pulse rate changes, blood pressure jumps, and vascular tone changes.

Our thoughts and emotions directly affect our lives. In addition to lifestyle, genetic predisposition and exposure to external factors, our emotional state also affects our health. Emotions affect a person’s well-being, his communication skills and even his position in society, so it is very important to learn how to correctly express your feelings - if you do not give vent to negativity and other negative emotions, this can ultimately affect your health..

How emotions affect human health

A good emotional state is a rarity these days. Negative emotions can significantly affect health. Unfortunately, it is impossible to protect yourself from negative emotions: dismissal from work, financial difficulties, problems in your personal life and other problems inevitably affect a person’s mood and sometimes well-being.

Because the site will tell you how to: negative emotions affect human health:

  • anger;
  • excitement;
  • sadness;
  • stress;
  • loneliness;
  • fear;
  • hatred and impatience;
  • envy and jealousy;
  • anxiety.

How anger affects health

In “small, controlled doses,” anger is beneficial, but if you experience this emotion too often and also do not know how to manage it, anger negatively affects your ability to reason logically, as well as your cardiovascular health.

Anger triggers the fight-or-flight response, resulting in the release of adrenaline, norepinephrine, and cortisol. As a result, the amygdala (the area of ​​the brain associated with emotions) is activated and promotes blood flow to the frontal lobe (the area of ​​the brain associated with logical thinking). Therefore, anger prevents us from thinking soberly and, when angry, we can commit impulsive actions.

Anger slows down wound healing, increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, and impairs logical thinking.

Moreover, when we are angry, blood vessels constrict, blood pressure increases, as does the rate of breathing. Research has shown that anger increases the risk of coronary heart disease in middle-aged people. In addition, the risk of adverse cardiovascular events increases significantly two hours after an angry outburst.

Anger also slows down wound healing by 40% due to cortisol activity, and also increases levels of cytokines (molecules that trigger inflammation), resulting in an increased risk of arthritis, diabetes and cancer.

How does frequent anxiety affect human health?

Frequent worry affects the spleen, weakens the stomach and impairs the function of neurotransmitters, especially serotonin. Therefore, constant worry can lead to nausea, diarrhea, stomach problems and other chronic diseases. Anxiety is also associated with:

  • chest pain;
  • high blood pressure;
  • weakened immune defense;
  • premature aging.

Psychologists also say that constant worry prevents social relations human and leads to sleep disturbances, which in turn negatively affect health.

How does frequent sadness affect your health?

Perhaps sadness is one of the most long-lasting emotions that affects human health, weakening lung function, causing fatigue and difficulty breathing.

When we are very sad, the bronchioles narrow, making it difficult for air to pass into the lungs and back. Therefore, people prone to sadness are more likely to have problems with the bronchi and breathing.

Depression and melancholy also negatively affect skin condition and weight, and also increase addiction to drugs.

If you are sad, it is better to cry - this will help reduce the level of stress hormones and neurotransmitters.

The impact of chronic stress on human health

We react to stress in different ways. Short-term stress helps the body adapt and function better, but under conditions of chronic stress, blood pressure increases and the risk of developing asthma, ulcers, and irritable bowel syndrome increases.

Cardiovascular problems are a common consequence constant stress due to increased blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and a tendency to bad habits and overeating.

Chronic stress is also associated with a number of problems:

  • migraine;
  • bruxism;
  • dizziness;
  • insomnia;
  • nausea;
  • hair loss;
  • irritability;
  • pain in various parts bodies;
  • acne;
  • eczema;
  • psoriasis;
  • disorders of the reproductive system;
  • gastrointestinal diseases

How loneliness affects our health

This emotion affects a person very strongly, causing him to fall into melancholy. This interferes with lung function, blood circulation, and can also lead to sudden outbursts of anger.

When a person feels lonely, the body produces more cortisol, which can increase blood pressure and reduce the quality of sleep.

In older people, loneliness increases the risk of developing mental illness, cognitive decline, heart disease and strokes, and a weakened immune system.

How fear affects the human body

This emotion affects self-esteem, causes anxiety, resulting in damage to the kidneys, adrenal glands and reproductive system.

Fear most of all affects the condition of the kidneys, worsening their function. Sometimes, among other things, frequent urination is observed as a result of feelings of fear.

As for the adrenal glands, during times of fear they produce more stress hormones, which subsequently negatively affect the functioning of the body.

Also, frequent fear can cause pain in the lower back.

What changes in the body does a state of shock cause?

Shock may occur in response to trauma caused by unexpected situation which a person is unable to cope with.

The shock hits nervous system, kidneys and heart. This reaction leads to the release of adrenaline, resulting in increased heart rate, possible insomnia and anxiety.

A state of shock can even change the structure of the brain, affecting the frontal cortex.

On a physical level, shock can cause:

  • lack of energy;
  • pale skin;
  • breathing problems;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • insomnia;
  • decreased libido;

The impact of impatience and hatred on health

A person prone to hatred and/or impatience often has problems with the intestines and heart.

Such emotions also affect the body because they activate the production of stress hormones, which in turn increase blood pressure and heart rate, as well as:

  • accelerate aging at the cellular level;
  • harm the liver and bladder.

Envy and jealousy: how these emotions affect the body

Jealousy impairs attention and makes it difficult to concentrate on important things. In addition, feelings of jealousy lead to symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression, which can lead to increased production of adrenaline and norepinephrine in the body.

Envy, jealousy and frustration are the enemies of the brain, bladder and liver.

Jealousy, due to the increased production of certain hormones, leads to stagnation of blood in the liver, which disrupts the production of bile in gallbladder. As a result, the body cannot cope with the elimination of toxins and the following is observed:

  • weakened immunity;
  • insomnia;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • increased adrenaline levels;
  • high cholesterol;
  • Digestive problems.

How does frequent anxiety affect your health?

Anxiety is a part of every person's life. When we experience this feeling, blood pressure and heart rate increase, blood rushes to the brain - this is a completely normal phenomenon.

However, constant anxiety, like other negative emotions, negatively affects a person’s physical and mental health.

On a physical level, anxiety can lead to:

  • the appearance of pain;
  • nausea;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • weakness and dizziness;
  • stomach upsets;
  • problems with the spleen and pancreas;
  • indigestion.

In general, frequently experienced negative emotions, according to a study published in the Journal of Psychosomatic Research in 2000, disrupt the functioning of the entire body. Moreover, anxiety is the most common factor associated with heart disease. In this regard, the site advises you to learn to control negative emotions in order to neutralize Negative influence of this factor on your health and well-being.