Hello dear readers. Today I want to congratulate you on the New Year and wish you all the most wonderful things in the coming year. And give you positive mood. 10 tips on how to learn to think positively. So, let's begin. You don’t need to be a psychologist or an expert in the field of transurfing or esotericism to be able to clearly trace the pattern between how a person thinks, what he thinks, what he talks about, and his state of mind. this moment(physiological, psycho-emotional, material, financial, and so on). That is, it turns out, if we systematize everything, that our thoughts predetermine it (this state) and have a direct impact (both mediocre and immediate) on our lives. To put it very simply: we have what our thoughts have led us to (negative thoughts lead us to negative thoughts, and, accordingly, positive thoughts lead us to positive thoughts).

This is why it is so important to always think positively. How to learn this? After all, not every person is a frank and convinced optimist from birth.

And those who were such, taking into account the realities of our lives, quickly change their life views to radically opposite ones. We really hope that this article will help you with this. So, are you ready for positive thinking and the same changes in your life? Then let's go!

Why is it important to learn to think and live positively?

Answer this question for yourself. And this will be the first, but one of the most important, incentives to do just that. What is important to you? After all, everyone has their own priorities and goals in life. Some people want good (regardless of what they consider it to be) for themselves, others - for their loved ones, others, and so on. But without positive thinking this is unlikely to be achieved.

Have you noticed that successful people rarely pay attention to various little things and annoying troubles?

They are focused on their goal and never complain about the circumstances that have developed. And 90% of them are always optimistic about the world. Those who are accustomed to dwelling on annoying troubles, sorting everything out bit by bit (what happened, why exactly, what influenced it, and so on) rarely achieve success in business. This is typical, first of all, of perfectionists. They can perfectly perform single tasks, concentrating all their attention and energy on them, but are not capable of systematically managing their lives.

That is, these are excellent performers, but not leaders (including their own destiny and life), which consist of a mass of such little things, and you need to pay attention to each of them, but it is important to be able to choose what really makes sense and “ weight"!

Conclusion! Why is it important to learn to think and live positively? Without this, it is impossible to achieve major goals. In order not to lose your positive attitude, not to waste it on dozens of annoying little things, just don’t get hung up on them. A very bright and good, appropriate expression here: “The dogs bark - the caravan moves on!”

And one more thing: our thoughts are the beginning of actions, each of them, without exception. And without positive thinking, a positive, high-quality (in every sense) life simply will not work. But you need to achieve a radically opposite result! In this case, the following practical tips will come in handy.

10 Important Tips on How to Always Think Positively

On the blog, we have already discussed the topic: . The article highlights important tips, perhaps they will also help you get in the right mood. But it is important not only to learn to think positively, but also to live positively.

1 Don't wait for positivity from the outside, create it yourself. Don’t rely on random luck, but make sure it finds you—that’s the main message. Do you want to see the world better? Start with yourself. It won't be easy, but you will be able to fully enjoy the result. Ask yourself, “What did I do today to improve my life?” When answering this question, monitor your emotions. They'll tell you. You will feel positive - you are on the right path. Negativity is a signal that you need to look for options, work, build your own destiny, and not rely on strangers.

2 Break up with the excess. Many are “pulled to the bottom” by the weight of the past. Get rid of it. Let go of bad memories, stop being angry and holding grudges against those who once hurt you or did something bad. You are probably thinking about these people right now. Remember: what was then has forever lost its relevance. Don't let it affect your life now. Negative emotions take up a lot of energy and steal your time. And you need all this to achieve your goals. Don't live in the past, but let the good moments from it warm you up and give you strength for even greater achievements.

3 Believe in yourself. Despite everything! Remember: you are who you think you are, and not who others think you are. Even if they tell you that what you have in mind is impossible, don’t give up! After all, this is impossible in their opinion, not in yours. So let this remain their problem. And thus, you will only have an advantage: while others are afraid to do it and do not believe in their success, you have already begun to move towards it!

4 Give yourself extremely positive attitudes. It’s like a program that you can write into your subconscious and use at the same level at the right time. So, when waking up in the morning after a good healthy sleep, you need not to be lazy to remind yourself that “I am smart and beautiful, I am full of strength and energy to achieve my plans, I have all the knowledge and skills necessary for this, and those that I have no at the moment, I can find them when I really need them, all circumstances contribute to my success, and I myself tried to make it so.” Don't limit your imagination! Systematic “programming” every day is a powerful argument in your hands in “dealing with circumstances.”

5 Thank the world, and yourself personally, for what you have. Positive emotions, attitudes in the morning and obligatory gratitude in the evening, this is very important. Without learning to appreciate, you will not be able to realize the true importance of what and who surrounds you, which means you will always have less and less. You cannot find happiness in this cycle. Those who know how to enjoy little things always achieve more. After all, the state of happiness is very abstract. Look at life as a treasure chest that is full of wonders.

6 Focus on your capabilities and strengths. Instead, many, many people focus precisely on their limitations. And this is fundamentally wrong. “I don’t have start-up capital to start my own business. I don't have time to learn new skills. I don’t have the opportunity to... I don’t have...". Stop! Look at what you already have and you will be surprised how much you have. This will allow you to achieve success.

7 Surround yourself with positive information. She is the source of wealth. Do you see only negativity around? This means you are simply looking in the wrong place. There is a lot of both in the world. But what to receive is entirely your conscious choice. Don't believe me? It's easy to check. Unsubscribe from groups in in social networks, in discussions of whose publications you always participate so vigorously and emotionally. This is the first step, one of a hundred. But you will see how much time you have freed up and how many nerves you have managed to save by stopping unnecessary arguments with strangers.

8 Don't let fears influence your life. Do you want to start something new, something you’ve been dreaming about for a long time? Do you think you won't succeed? And you are absolutely right! But not because you are incapable of this, or circumstances may turn out somehow wrong, but only because you predetermined the result in advance, even before you started! Maybe you, on the contrary, are confident that everything will work out for you, and everything will be fine at its best? And here you are absolutely right too! Do you get the point? Whether you think that you can do it, or, on the contrary, you won’t succeed, you are right in both cases. And only you can decide what will happen in reality.

9 Smile more often and be around positive people more often successful people. Staying in a great mood is the key to success. And communication, in itself, is a great anti-stress move, and if it happens with those people who can teach you something necessary, or simply tune you into the right “wave,” then it’s absolutely great.

10 Don't forget about responsibility. For yourself and your life, for those people who are dear to you, for what is happening next to you. But let it be a powerful constant incentive for you, and not heavy burden. This is the fundamental difference!

Also, maintain your health at the proper level (do exercises, play sports), eat right, strive for new knowledge, work on yourself. All this - fundamental principles that successful people adhere to.

Success is not necessarily fame, popularity, recognition, a dizzying rise in career and business. For everyone there is one. And his ultimate goal is happiness. Are you happy with what you have? Then you can consider that you have achieved success. But no one said that we should stop there. It all depends on your desire. By the way, doing exactly what you want is also one of the components of happiness. But only if “it” benefits you.

From negative to positive

Negativity is all around us. This is not surprising, because most likely you were not taught to see reverse side life. Or you yourself didn’t want it. In any case, everything that happens to you is the result solely of your activity (or vice versa - inactivity).

Negativity begets negativity. It's a vicious circle. And it's not easy to break out of it. But, if you are already reading this, then you have undoubtedly taken the first step, small but very important. Whether you accept this information or move on, it is your choice. And the result, as in 100% of all other cases, will depend only on your decision.

How to change negative thoughts? Yes, you simply cannot leave room for them, taking all your attention with the positive. And 10 will help you with this practical advice given above. Analyze what irritates you most. And then track which channels these signals come from.

If it is bad political or economic news, stop watching these channels, replacing them, for example, with scientific, educational or entertainment ones. If these are conversations with a neighbor who is constantly dissatisfied with life, limit your communication with him to greetings and wishes Have a good day with a smile. If it is a constantly creaking door, it is not very difficult to lubricate it.

Unsatisfactory financial situation - it’s time to look for alternative sources of income. And so on and so forth. Everything, as has already been said many times, is only in your hands! Starting to change now is very important. After all, putting everything off until “tomorrow”, you don’t notice how the years pass.

The benefits of positivity and positive thoughts or how to attract success?

Paying attention to those who were able to achieve something, people wonder how they did it. After all, by and large, the initial conditions were practically equal. There are a lot of factors. But one of the most significant is the way of thinking. While some were afraid, doubted, lazy and did everything to move themselves further away from their dreams, others, thanks, among other things, to their positive thinking, sharply pulled ahead and continue to grow and develop.

How to attract success? It’s very simple: think positively and act! Everything is possible! But only thanks the right attitude and positive thinking. This is its main benefit.

Incredibly, it (positive thinking) is available to everyone. That is, right now you can start thinking exactly like those who have money, good health, a good relationship. What are you waiting for? Its time to begin! I hope this information will help you always think and live positively, as well as attract success)))

Life consists of pleasant and negative events. By focusing on failures and sad moments, we become irritable and rude. Moreover, any situation brings both positive and negative events. It is important which side you choose and what you focus on. Positive thinking opens up new opportunities, provides solutions and gives a start to development. But managing thoughts is not easy, especially for pessimists. How to learn to live and think positively?

Benefits of Positive Thinking

Even schoolchildren today know about the materiality of thoughts. What are such statements based on and what do positive emotions give a person? Physiologist Pavlov proved that physical and mental state depends on the emotions experienced throughout life. The scientist came to the conclusion that a person is able to provoke. We come to the conclusion that any person can develop the skill of positive thinking.

The benefits of positive emotions:

Positive thinking prolongs life, strengthens the human immune system, and improves physical and mental well-being. Take laughter for 5 minutes. in a day. After a month, you will notice that your mood has improved, your physical condition has strengthened, and pleasant emotions have appeared.

How do you think?

It is human nature to see oneself in the best light. Do you consider yourself an inveterate optimist, yet you only smile on holidays? Take the test to know for sure how you think.

If you find more than 2-3 matches in the situations described, then it’s time to act. Train your positive thinking skill. To do this, conduct classes daily. Over time, you will notice that your social circle has changed, you have become calmer.

How to learn to think positively?

There is no single blueprint for promoting a positive attitude. Each person selects and makes his own rules of life. If there are no developments and you need to start somewhere, then use generally accepted advice. How to learn to think positively?

It is important to understand that you need to live here and now. Leave and forget mistakes and unpleasant situations from the past. Also, don't get ahead of yourself about what will happen in the future. You won’t even remember today’s problem in 5 years. Therefore, evaluate each situation objectively, taking into account real life. You will see that there are many more positive aspects than negative ones.

Reinforcing Positive Affirmations

Working on yourself involves a long way. Acquiring a new skill involves several stages. During the first week, a person rejoices at the results and believes in success. Then he gets tired of the actions he performs. At this stage, it is important not to be influenced by the opinions of others. There will always be someone who ridicules your endeavors. Other people don't like that you work on yourself. Keep training further. After 2 months, positive thinking will become habitual.

To make the adaptation process easier, reinforce positive statements:

Just kidding, stock up interesting stories and anecdotes. Share positive emotions with others. What we send into the Universe is what we receive. The law of reflection comes into play. You create a successful, cheerful and responsive environment around yourself.

How to learn to think positively?

How many times have you said to yourself: “Well! Again nothing worked out. I guess I’m a loser!”, even if the disaster didn’t actually happen. Several similar situations and you are already sure that this is the way it is, nothing can be changed. What happens to those who consider themselves successful? Such a person, even after a mind-boggling failure, will never say to himself: “This happened because I was a fool!” Rather, he will think that failure is a consequence of such and such omissions. And that next time he will definitely provide for this. But overall, in this situation, he looked completely okay. The more correct positive ideas a person has about himself, the more problem-free his life is. The absence of such ideas leads to the growth of the internal conflict of the individual. Some of your own actions are seen in a false light and lead to dramatic consequences.

American plastic surgeon Maxwell Moltz drew attention to the fact that those who fail in life often blame their face, even if it has very minor deviations from the accepted canons. In most cases, a person with obvious defects or overly strange facial features after surgery almost immediately (usually within 21 days) experienced a noticeable increase in self-esteem and self-confidence. However, in some cases, the patient retained the same inferiority complex and inferiority. That is, he continued to feel, act and behave as if he still had the same appearance. In addition to the face given to us by nature, there is a psychological, spiritual face. By changing the shape of the ears or nose, but leaving the image of ourselves unchanged, we can come across a new personal crisis - a mismatch between the physical and psychological selves. Sometimes it is enough to work only with the inner self, and Plastic surgery is no longer required - the person begins to “accept” his own appearance.


1. By whommyselfwe feel, SoAndlet's do.
We will always “act like” the person we believe we identify with. We are simply unable to do otherwise, despite conscious efforts. A person who imagines himself as a “typical loser” and sincerely believes in his unfortunate fate will always find a way (and a reason) to fail, despite good intentions and strong-willed efforts, even if there is an opportunity to succeed. Hence, it seems as if all our daily experience confirms this image of our own Self. Thus, depending on the circumstances, a vicious (or favorable) circle arises.

2. RefusalfromchangesrepresentationOhimselfto myself.
Very often all efforts are directed at external circumstances, at the shell, and not at the core of the problem. They often try to apply the method of positive thinking to some specific external circumstances, individual negative habits or character traits (“I will certainly get this work"; “In the future I will quit smoking”). But a person’s lack of feeling that he is worthy of such work or constant self-flagellation due to a return to a bad habit will negate any attempts. It is absolutely impossible to perceive any particular situation positively if you still have a negative self-image.

3. Focusonnegativeexperience.
We are willing to spend hours reminiscing about past failures, but often do not do the same to remember our successes or at least replay situations of success in our imagination. Experimental and clinical psychologists have irrefutably proven that the human nervous system is unable to distinguish between an actual situation and a situation created vividly and in detail by our imagination. It has long been recognized that success contributes to success. We learn to act successfully from our own successes. The memory of past successes plays the role of an information bank that gives us confidence in own strength and abilities in solving the next task or problem.

4. Absencecleargoals.
Most often it turns out like in that fairy tale: “Go there - I don’t know where. Bring something - I don’t know what.” When you start a business, you keep in mind some goal, some final result that needs to be achieved, some specific solution, which may still appear rather vaguely, but will certainly be “recognized” when it comes into view. If you are really serious about what you have planned, sincerely want to implement it and think hard about it various aspects problems, then your subconscious will sort through the accumulated information, groping for the right solution; take away interesting ideas and facts, bring up the results of previous experience and tie everything together into a meaningful whole. When a solution enters your consciousness, often out of the blue, while you are thinking about something else, something clicks and you immediately “know” that it is what you were looking for.

FromfailuresTogood luck

1. Accurategoals
The goal must be presented as already existing, actually or potentially. The success mechanism functions in one of two ways: it either leads you to a goal whose location is known, or it identifies a goal that exists somewhere. Do not be confused by the seeming lack of funds necessary for this. Think constantly about the end result, and the means, as often happens, will appear.

2. Errors -Thisyoursassistants
A person does not always know how to do it right, but knowledge of how not to do it is simply priceless. An unsuccessful interview will plunge someone into despondency, while others will force them to analyze it inside and out, highlight problematic issues, and develop various ways to prevent them or rehearse an interview with an imaginary employer. Most of humanity's achievements are the result of voluntary or involuntary mistakes and their analysis.

3. Take action!
Sometimes our long thoughts about how this or that thing will come true lead us either to excessive anxiety or lead us into a world of fruitless dreams. In both cases, what was planned remains unrealized, and you are in Once again label yourself a loser. Action sparks your creativity. You should not delay your action until you receive some confirmation that everything is going well; act as if the confirmation is already there, and it will come.

4. You canturn onimagination
In an experiment conducted under strict control, a psychologist R. A. Vandel proved that if a subject spends a certain period of time every day in front of a target, imagining himself throwing darts at it, his results will improve to the same extent as if he actually threw darts at the target every day. Imagination can serve you well and help you work through your actions.

5. Aneed towhetherstrain?
Instead of gritting your teeth, trying to achieve what you want, relying on your willpower, constantly worrying and imagining mistakes and failures, you need to simply relax, clearly imagine the goal and let your creativity take over all worries. This absolutely does not mean that you are freed from the need to make efforts and work, but these efforts are spent on leading you forward towards your goal, and not on the useless internal conflicts that arise when you want and do one thing, but draw in yours. the imagination is completely different.

6. Searchmyself
Your creativity can help you find the best possible image of your own Self. To do this, you need to mentally draw yourself as you would like to become, and see yourself in this new role. Such a vision is an indispensable condition for any personality transformation, regardless of the method used. For some reason, it always turns out that before a person can change, he must see himself in a new role. Set aside 30 minutes every day for this and find a suitable place where you can be alone, where no one will disturb you. Sit back and relax. Then close your eyes and let your imagination run wild. It is necessary to pay attention to small details: sounds, colors, individual objects, because... if the picture created by your imagination is bright enough and detailed, then nervous system Such artificial experience completely replaces real experience.

7. Considertheirstrongsides
In a certain sense, every person on earth is in some way weaker than another or an entire group of people. You may not be able to lift a barbell like athletes do. It's important to simply not compare yourself to others unfavorably so that you don't feel bad just because you can't do something as well as someone else. The feeling of inferiority grows not so much from facts and everyday experience, but from our conclusions and assessments regarding these facts. You may be an unimportant weightlifter or a bad dancer, but this does not mean that you are an inferior person. It all depends on what and by whose standards we measure ourselves.

8. Rest
Effort is a big obstacle to getting rid of bad habits and acquiring new ones. By using force to resist an unwanted behavior, you actually reinforce it. Physical relaxation, if practiced daily, will certainly be accompanied by mental relaxation, which will improve conscious control over the automatic mechanism. Find time for solitude - this will help you put your thoughts in order and accept correct solution.

9. BeHereAndNow
Living creatively means responding spontaneously and reacting to environment. In any situation, ask yourself questions: “What are the advantages of this?”, “What can I learn?”, “What will this ultimately give me?” Try to avoid phrases with the particle “not”: say “this is how the circumstances developed” instead of “I couldn’t.” Also, plan for the future. Prepare for it, but don't worry about what will happen tomorrow or even in five minutes.

10. YouNotJuliusCaesar
If you feel a nervous tremor and are seized with anxiety at the thought of a huge pile of things waiting, then these feelings are caused not by the upcoming work, but by the position: “I have to do it all at once.” And naturally, trying to accomplish the impossible, you begin to get nervous, rush around and despair. A person feels under constant time pressure only because he has an incorrect understanding of his duties and responsibilities. No matter how many things, problems, questions we are faced with, they always come, lined up one at a time, because this is the only way they can replace each other.

The “typical loser” is not able to create a new self-image by sheer force of will or sudden decision. There must be some basis, a good reason to believe that the previous perception of oneself is erroneous, and the new image corresponds to reality. You cannot invent another yourself out of nowhere if deep down you don’t feel that this image corresponds to reality.

Many people ask how to learn to think positively?

Today I will tell you the whole truth about positive thinking. But most importantly, you will understand how to actually think positively in order to change your life in better side and that for this you need to first achieve peace of mind.

Now it has become fashionable to talk about positive thinking; everyone has probably heard about Louise Hay and her methods. Indeed, such a correct approach to life improves our mood, makes us happy and healthy. A Bad mood, constant, lack of positivity leads to illness and worsens the quality of life. And here positive advice from Louise Hay or other promoters of a positive attitude towards the world comes to the rescue.

People read them, try to apply their advice, try to smile through their strength, but for some reason the positive never comes. Or it comes, but not for everyone and not for long. Regular stress and troubles in life unsettle us, and in difficult situations we don’t even remember about positive thinking. What is the matter, why do people know that they need to smile often, be cheerful, but nothing happens. It turns out that life is not so simple. If it were so easy, then everyone would be happy after reading Louise Hay's books. But this doesn't happen. Today you will understand why this happens.

The Harm of Positive Thinking

In fact, if you follow the advice of Louise Hay, Pravdina and other popularizers of this approach, without understanding the essence of the matter, you will only cause yourself harm. Yes, indeed, the result of such advice can have a positive impact on your life, but then you will create nothing but problems for yourself. Why is that? I'll explain now.

By specifically cultivating positive thoughts in yourself, trying to develop positive thinking, you simultaneously get rid of negative thoughts. Thus, you suppress them in yourself, try not to notice them, hide from them.

It would seem that there is something wrong with this.

Let's say a person has problems. The psyche reacted with fear, anxiety or another bad feeling. This makes a person feel uncomfortable and unpleasant. Then he remembers, because of some book, that you need to think about good things and good things will happen. He remembers how to quickly tune in to positive thoughts, begins to forcefully evoke joy or another good emotion in himself, and tries to smile. And out of fear he turns away and tries not to notice him.

By doing this he is making a big mistake.

It turns out that bad emotions have not gone away, they have only been forced out of the surface consciousness and pushed deeper into the subconscious. A person thinks that he has gotten rid of fear, but in fact he has simply turned away from it, pretending that it does not exist. You can also draw an analogy with a mask. A person puts on a mask of joy, happiness, but inside this mask there is still the same fear.

What happens next?

A positive thinker thinks that everything will be fine now.

Although if he listens to himself and is honest with himself, he will still feel inside himself, in the depths of his soul, some kind of anxiety, discomfort. Fear, sitting inside, does its destructive work, but unnoticed by the owner himself. This is where illnesses or mental problems come from. And almost everyone lives like this.

Most people suppress bad feelings, trying to tune themselves into positive thoughts as much as possible.

At work, our bosses pester us and we, gritting our teeth, endure it. We don’t talk about our problems at home, for fear of seeming like a whiner or weak. We endure our lack of money, trying to imagine that we will someday be rich and soon live well.

But trying in this way to develop positive thinking in ourselves, to look at the world positively, deep down in our souls we are all unhappy and dissatisfied with life. By doing this, we are telling ourselves, on the contrary, that we are...

And then a breakdown occurs. A bad feeling, driven inside, shoots out in the form of neurosis, hysteria, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, panic attacks or in the form of another problem, both physically and mentally.

Imagine a boiling pan that has been closed with a lid. It seems that nothing is happening, but with a certain level of increasing internal tension, a natural explosion occurs. And the whole philosophy of positive thinking fails in this case.

And everyone knows the laws "like attracts like" , "Think about the good and good will happen" It seems like they're starting to do the opposite. You've probably heard how the law of attraction is associated with positive thinking. It seems that what a person wanted, forcing himself to cultivate positivity, happens in the beginning. But then for some reason even bigger problems come. But there is no contradiction here.

Firstly, the law worked correctly. Indeed, as soon as we learn to think positively, only good things are attracted.

It’s just that our subconscious talks to the Universe, to the world. And what will happen to you is what the subconscious is talking about, what impulses it sends. But we don’t always realize this, we don’t always hear ourselves.

Even if it seems to us that everything is fine, putting a mask of well-being on our face, inside we are still unhappy. Inside, we were not satisfied with the true state of affairs, trying to think about the good.

This means that the subconscious tells the world that in fact everything is bad and this bad thing happens.

This is very well felt by other people. When communicating with those who try to look cheerful, although there is hidden depression inside, one involuntarily feels this inner sadness.

Or a fanatic of some religion talks to everyone about Love, although there is no real Love inside. This can be found, for example, among Orthodox ministers or Muslims. They encourage everyone to love, and being close to them, you feel the presence, on the contrary, of black power. All religious wars arise due to the discrepancy between what is in the head, that is, in thoughts, and what is actually in the soul.

Or remember the so-called “American smile”, which often leads to mental distortions and inappropriate behavior

(I do not want to offend anyone with these examples, because this does not apply to everyone).

And secondly, other laws come into play: law of equilibrium , “what we are afraid of happens” .

By highlighting only the positive and not noticing the negative, we are at one point in the dual world. Tension is created, and that part of the world that we do not notice will certainly appear according to the law of balance. And the more we run away from negativity, the more it will manifest itself in our lives.

If we prefer only one thing, the opposite is sure to haunt us. This is the law.

You need to understand that the world consists of two pairs of opposites; there is both good and bad in the world. “Yang turns into yin,” said Eastern philosophers. And a wise attitude towards life implies acceptance of all its sides.

Rethinking Positive Thinking

I want you to understand me correctly.

I am not against positive thinking, I am against the simplistic approach and misinterpretation of positive thinking. I am against not looking at the world wisely.

It's time for us to grow up and get smarter.

How to truly and correctly begin to think positively and enjoy life.

Now you will find out everything.

But first you must understand a very important thing.

By indulging your selfish motives, that is, by submitting to your ego, being at the mercy of lower feelings and emotions, you will never be able to truly begin to think positively.

After all, if you look at it, our ego makes us look at the world positively. It is simply afraid to look at the true reality.

Let me remind you that this is the lowest part of human consciousness, consisting of all kinds of mental programs, emotions, habits, that is, our entire psyche. But we, as an entity, are above it.

The ego is designed in such a way that it is constantly afraid, wants to feel good and comfortable. As soon as trouble hits us, the ego hides from reality and we force ourselves to think positively. As a result, we do not accept the bad side of our lives, as well as our negative emotions. We replace fear with positive thinking, and negative events ignore.

This leads, firstly, to illness, and secondly, to troubles, which sooner or later will come with even greater force.

And it’s all because of our base, selfish motives.

Remember, somewhere in the depths of our souls, real positive feelings and a correct view of the surrounding reality are hidden inside us. We all subconsciously know how to change our thinking to a positive one. Simply as a result of the intense work of the ego, we have forgotten how to experience good, non-egoistic feelings.

Remember yourself as a child, in your youth. After all, you experienced more positive feelings then, positive thoughts about life visited you more often.

And what happened then? It’s just that the bustle of life has swallowed you up; you have acquired egoistic programs in your head that consume the lion’s share of vital energy and do not allow you to look positively at reality. You have simply lost touch with your inner essence, which was established in childhood. How to set yourself up for positive thinking? This is easy to do, but it requires a completely different strategy.

You need to go beyond your selfish motives, not follow the lead of lower animal feelings, but establish a connection with your inner essence. That's where positive emotions live, and that's where you'll find them.

So, problems are falling on you, you are in a difficult life situation. Following your fears, whims, that is, lower selfish motives, you want everything to be only good for you. To correct the situation, you begin to try to think positively, and those fears that arise in difficult situation, you try not to notice. You also try not to notice the problem that has befallen you.

But we need to act differently.

First you need to accept the difficult life situation and calmly come to terms with what happened.

This requires the skill of acceptance, as well as the ability to be mentally in difficult situations life.

And forget about positive thinking at first.

Better learn to accept the world as it is, and also calmly accept your fate, your current situation.

Remember the words of Confucius about that happy is not the one who has the best, but the one who gets the best out of what he has.

If you are now poor and you constantly lack money, you do not need to be upset about this and tell yourself every day: “I will become rich, I have a lot of money.” This will never make you rich. You do not accept your current situation. And because of this, it will haunt you for a long time.

If you are now in a difficult situation in life, then this is your fate at this stage. Life this way wants to show you something, teach you something. I'm not saying you shouldn't strive for better. I'm talking about the fact that you need, first of all, to always be happy. If you are happy not in the best moments of life, then you will be happy when life gets better. And if you cry and do not accept the difficult times of your fate, then better times may not come at all.

You also need to accept any emotions and feelings within yourself.

By trying to think positively, you establish a ban on negative thoughts, thereby suppressing them. This is a direct road to body diseases and mental problems.

That is, if you begin to experience bad emotions, let’s say fear or worries, you don’t need to run away from them, pretend that there is no fear, forcefully try to smile or repeat affirmations to yourself like “Everything is fine, I’m not afraid.” Calmly come to terms with fear, accept it within yourself, do not create unnecessary tension with your unnecessary efforts to supposedly think positively. Better have the courage and admit that you are afraid. Humility, courage, looking at the world around us and at what is happening within us will create distance between you and your fear. As a result, it will either decrease or disappear completely.

Do you get the point?

The paradox is that if you run away from bad thoughts, trying to think positively, you will not get rid of them, but will only pretend that they are not there. And if you accept them and can face them with courage, they will diminish.

But in reality there is no paradox, there is simply no true understanding of how our consciousness works.

If you calmly accept the difficult times of life and all the feelings within you, even the negative ones, then a miracle will happen. You will begin, unbeknownst to yourself, to think positively. Now you will not be afraid of either your fears or life problems, you will boldly look at present events, as well as into the future. Now you not only want life to get better, you are firmly convinced of this by some kind of inner instinct. And now, if you want not to be poor, you will start doing something. But now your actions will be clear and balanced due to the fact that negative thoughts do not cloud your head. After all, you accepted them, and did not drive them inside.

All this will be real positive thinking. But no matter how much we strived for it, it happened on its own. We simply came to terms with the difficult times of life, with the bad feelings inside ourselves, calmed down and looked at the situation soberly. I repeat, this seems like a paradox, but this is the true, wise law of our consciousness.

We can say differently that when we begin to accept, and therefore love life in any of its manifestations, the need for positive thinking it just disappears. Because it is already inside initially and when the ego subsides, it comes out.

And people who have this simply never look for answers to questions about how to think positively, they don’t read books about it.

What I want to convey to you is difficult to explain in words. To understand, you have to experience it yourself.

Why is this happening?

You simply, with your humility and correct, wise attitude towards life, calmed the egoistic motives of the lower consciousness of the ego. You have gone beyond it. And since it subsided, it stopped giving you its negative, selfish feelings and emotions: its fears, whims, desires, desires for everything to be only good and everything just for her.

You looked at the world from your true essence, one might say, you opened the doors for your soul.

But she can really look at the world in a truly positive way.

That is, in order to discover positive thinking in yourself, you need to do a paradoxical thing: stop striving for it altogether. In a difficult situation, you just need to calm down, accept the situation, accept your fears, reconcile yourself, react wisely, without being led by your selfish feelings. And then you will feel that it has become easier for you, you are no longer so afraid of problems. And life's troubles will quickly be resolved. Often the understanding comes that the problem has actually been exaggerated, and it can be easily solved.

All because you looked at the situation soberly and calmly. Your brain was not clouded by internal fears.

By accepting a difficult situation, you also do not create tension, which means that it will soon be resolved and a bright streak will begin in your destiny.

It is also important to understand. If you try to think positively without accepting the negative side of life, then you do not love life in any of its manifestations. You are within the egoistic motives of the lower psyche. And if you don’t love, it means you won’t be able to truly be positive.

And if you accept life in any of its manifestations, it means there is Love inside you, which means you can look at things positively. Do you understand the deep wisdom?

Now you know how to truly learn to think positively, which means attracting only the positive, and living better.

All that remains is to learn to be calm in difficult moments of life, to accept any life circumstances, and not to hide from them. Accept and not suppress your fears, but also not submit to them, be able to look at them boldly. Do not be led by your selfish feelings and emotions.

You can find how to do this in other articles on my blog, I will not repeat here.

In conclusion, I will just give you the words

Sri Bhagavan:

Positive thinking is not about expecting something better to happen all the time. And in accepting everything that happens as the best for this moment.

Now, I think, after reading the article, you understand these words.

Good luck with your ability to think correctly and positively.

And for positive thoughts to come to you, you can also listen to wonderful music, which is what I now suggest you do.

Do positive thoughts affect our well-being? Or just on the face in the form of a smile? Scientists have already answered these questions, look at the conclusion they came to.

If you don't think positively, what then?

A small example will help you understand this better. Imagine that you are walking along a narrow path into the mountains, and suddenly an angry hyena appears on your way. You begin to feel fear, and this emotion is registered in the brain. Negative emotional states program the brain to perform actions. Most likely you will start running away from terrible beast. At this moment you will not think about your hike; the world will disappear from your attention at this second. Your thoughts and actions will be focused on the task of escaping http://aitoolsrhsa.com/ .

“how to think positively tips”

If we abstract from this situation, we can say that negative emotions narrow the possibilities of thinking. Looking objectively at the encounter with the hyena, you could have used other behavioral models: throw a stone at it, defend yourself with a stick, but your thinking ignored these options.

This is why it is so important for boxers to maintain emotional balance during a fight. Excessive emotions narrow the boxer’s consciousness and make it difficult for him to develop tactical techniques.

How does negative thinking manifest itself in our lives? Let's say you planned to complete some task or goal, but during the implementation process you were unable to complete the task. You give up, emotions with the “-” sign prevail, you begin to think negatively. And now all your thoughts revolve around the fact that you are a loser, a weakling, a slacker.

In all similar situations thinking focuses exclusively on negative experiences. In this state, it is impossible to look around, analyze mistakes, or choose another method or tool to achieve a goal.

If you think positively, what then?

Studying the phenomenon of positive thinking, scientists conducted various studies. And one such study was carried out by social psychologist B. Fredikson.

She created 5 groups of subjects to whom she showed videos of different content. The first two groups watched a harmless, upbeat video that provoked positive emotions.

The third group watched an emotionally neutral video.

The fourth group watched a video that evoked a feeling of fear. Last group- feeling of anger.

The next stage of the experiment was to ask participants to answer the question in what situations such emotions could arise and what actions could be taken.

The last 2 groups gave the least number of options.

It has been proven that people have positive emotional state are able to think more productively than those in which negative emotions predominate.

Positive thinking not only improves a person's productivity, it also helps develop skills.

Psychologists who have studied this phenomenon suggest considering the following example.

An active child, interested in his surroundings, while playing, develops several skills at the same time in this state - communicative, physical, cognitive, creative.

These skills appeared thanks to the positive emotions that prevailed in the child at that time. In the future he may become a successful athlete or manager.

A child in a state of fear, sadness, asthenia will not actively explore this world and develop vital skills. In adult life This way of thinking will not allow him to achieve any heights.

Positive thinking increases the feeling of self-worth, self-confidence, influences the birth of new ideas, which leads to the acquisition of new skills.

Negative thinking slows down the development process; a person with such thinking develops a feeling of anxiety and danger.

You probably already have a question: how to think positively? What do you need to change in yourself to learn positive thinking?

How to think positively and increase the number of positive thoughts?

"How to Think Positively"

It has been proven that a little joy can already direct a person in a positive direction. Only you better know what pleases you most in life: playing chess, walking, drawing, communicating.

In addition to small joys, it is worth taking on heavy artillery.

Meditation. You may not believe it and think this is stupid advice, but people who practice meditation are filled with positive thinking. Meditation transforms passive, tired people into proactive and purposeful ones. Meditation helps clear the mind of negative thinking. It gives strength to a person and he begins to think positively.

Letter. The results of one study were published in the Journal of Research in Personality. Two student groups performed specific tasks. One group wrote down positive emotions in a diary. The second group described their usual conditions. At the end of the experiment, positive emotions prevailed in the first sample; according to medical indicators, their health status improved.

A game. Much has been written about the benefits of sports. Sport has a positive effect on a person’s health, emotions, and energy. Add an activity to your plans sports games: tennis, volleyball, football, basketball. Invite your friends to play futsal with you or plan a camping trip with your significant other.

How to think positively - 3 effective techniques that will teach you positive thinking

Technique 1. We observe our negative thinking.

A useful way to start changing our thinking is to begin learning to observe our thoughts.

More than 50,000 thoughts appear in our heads every day. We ourselves give birth to this flow. It's worth starting with the following:

- realize that you are able to control your thoughts and say stop to negative thoughts;

- Don’t let others ruin your plans.

- Start writing down all the negative thoughts you have and at the end of the day, reflect on what triggered them and whether it was worth it.

— try to write down 5 negative and positive thoughts, analyze them.

Technique 2. We neutralize negative thinking.

Let's stop dividing the world into black and white. Usually, if a person, for example, did not have time to do something, he experiences disappointment and puts this incident in a black box. But the world doesn't striped zebra. It has shades of gray. Does this situation really deserve the title of the most disgusting? Yes, she is not the most joyful, but it can be worse. Instead of thinking in black and white, think about how you can fix what happened.

"positive thinking"

For example, if you rushed to write a report on the last day, don’t concentrate on the fact that you won’t have time. Look for other options. You can do at least half, or complete it, but not as diligently as you would like; you can go to your boss in the morning and warn him that the report will not be ready on time, but later.

This means that you are setting yourself up for a pre-foreseen result. This means blaming yourself for a certain inability: “I always fail exams. And I’ll fail today” or “I’m always wrong.” This is not the end of the world, everything in our life is relative.

Let's unlearn hypercontrol. This type of negative thinking occurs in people who think that if something goes wrong, it is all their fault. People who think that they can control everything (sometimes do it unconsciously) become paranoid and are responsible for the actions and words of other people. They believe that they can change someone or something. They think that if their neighbor didn’t smile at them today, then they probably offended him in some way.

Learn to be responsible only for your real actions. Think of your neighbor as an individual, and you will begin to notice that he did not greet you because he has poor eyesight and did not notice you. And his reaction is none of your business.

Don't filter your thinking. When a person does not notice the positive aspects in his life and focuses only on the negative, he filters information. For example, a student was praised for the correct answer, but it was pointed out that he was nervous during the speech. The teacher just identified a shortcoming in the student so that he would work on himself, but the student turned this information into terrible criticism, forgetting about praise. If you think this way, you will not see anything positive in your life.

Avoid “failure” thinking. This is when you are set up for failure. Don't paint gloomy pictures in your head. Control it. Look at the situation objectively, most likely the probability of failure will be several times less than the probability of success.

Technique 3. From pessimist to optimist

It takes time to give up negative thinking and learn positive thinking.

Positive thinking is a skill that needs to be trained:

- start thinking only good things about yourself;

- praise yourself for your achievements;

- experience new sensations;

— get out of your comfort zone;

— develop in all areas of life.

Positive thinking attracts positive changes in life. Negative thinking attracts negative events. If you see yourself as a failure, those around you will see you that way too.
Take control of your life. Stop comparing yourself to someone. You are the creator of your own happiness and no one can provide it better than you yourself.
Hold physical fitness. Sports and healthy food are the basis of positive thinking, which gives strength and energy for achievements.
Don't forget the good things that happened on the worst day.
Laughter, joy and fun - best friends positive thinking.
People cannot control everything that happens to them, but we decide how to think and how to feel.

How to think positively - advice from a psychologist