
We all know the feeling of fear. It is common to everyone to a normal person. And this, I must say, is very useful feeling, if a person knows how to control it. But when fear begins to control a person, his life turns into sheer torment, because this unpleasant emotion creates severe discomfort for him and limits his capabilities. That's why many people want to get rid of fear in order to live life to the fullest and enjoy it, as well as in order to realize your potential, which often remains unrealized for many people due to fear. In this article, friends, I will tell you how to get rid of fear, or rather, the negative feelings that it causes in us. I will help you transform your fear from your enemy to your friend and ally.

But before I tell you how you can deal with your fear so that you can take control of it and start benefiting from it, I would like to explain to you what the meaning of fear is and how it works. to smoothly lead you to the right thoughts. You and I understand that each feeling and emotion has its own purpose, which must be taken into account when working with them. Fear is a manifestation of the instinct of self-preservation, the task of which is to keep our lives safe and sound. A useful instinct, you see, but, unfortunately, it does not always help us, since with its help we perceive the surrounding reality too straightforwardly, and one might even say primitively. Therefore, it is necessary to connect the mind to this instinct, as well as to any other, in order to control it. Reason and instincts must work in tandem, then they will be of great benefit to a person. But the work of instinct without reason, alas, is not always useful and appropriate. Sometimes such work only works to our detriment. But the essence remains the same - we need instincts for life, they generally drive us, without them we could not live. Therefore, it will be better if they do not work quite correctly than not work at all. And fear, in any case, is useful, even if it is not entirely appropriate than its complete absence. But we need to understand how it works, then we can tame it. To do this, let's look at the meaning of fear.

Friends, what do you think fear needs from you? I'll tell you what he needs - he needs your attention. This is the first thing he needs. Then, your fear needs your study and assessment of the threats that it, guided by the wisdom of evolution, informs you about. Attention, analysis, evaluation - your fear requires this from you. But not only. The most important thing that he ultimately needs from you is for you to make a decision and take action to implement it, thanks to which you will be able to neutralize the threat to your security, if it is relevant. Your fear wants you to take action based on its threat signals; it wants your reaction, either a primitive one, in the form of running or wanting to fight, or a more intelligent one, taking into account all the subtleties of a particular situation in which you find yourself. But in any case, there must be a reaction. Otherwise, signals in the form of emotions of fear will not stop. Agree, this is a very reasonable manifestation of nature - simple in its design, but effective in its effect on humans. If it were not for fear, you and I would have died out long ago. And thanks to him, we are careful and avoid many dangers and threats to life. Fear makes us value our lives.

And now I will ask you a very interesting and very important question, dear readers, taking into account the above - are you doing all the actions that your fear requires of you? I probably won’t be wrong if I assume that you don’t always do them, and not all of them. I'm right? That's why fear is a problem for you. This is natural for us, believe me. Many people don’t know how to listen to their fear, much less communicate with it, and I often don’t do this either, because I have no time. But, you know what, we need to do this - we need to listen to our fear, we need to hear it, we need to understand it and we need to respond to it. We need to be able to negotiate with our fear, otherwise it will not leave us alone. He will do his job until we take care of him, until we listen to him and take the actions he needs. Fear is responsible for our lives, and this is a very responsible job, which is why it is so strong. People, of course, can deceive nature by ignoring their fear using various methods, for example, through suggestions or through other specially evoked emotions. But why do we do this, why deceive nature, why deceive fear? After all, in doing so we are deceiving ourselves. We must understand that a person is afraid of everything that in one way or another threatens his life, that does not allow him to satisfy his natural needs. People are afraid of death, illness, hunger, poverty, loneliness, not being accepted by other people, they are afraid of missing out on something, not being able to do something, and similar things. People have many fears, and if you think about each of them, it turns out that most of these fears are completely justified. For example, is it possible to ignore the fear of everything that threatens our lives? I think it's impossible. We must value our life. But our life in this world is threatened by many things, and it is not always easy for us to satisfy our needs. And we must do this, because nature requires it from us. Therefore, fears will accompany us constantly, throughout our lives, in one form or another. We should give them a simple, understandable and pleasant appearance for us - we need to learn from our fears of vigilance and caution. But we don’t need panic and passivity, so we need to modify the fear that generates them.

How can you come to terms with fear? The dialogue with fear must be structured in the following way: it speaks, and you respond, or rather, act. But you must act - thoughtfully. Sometimes, however, there is no time to think - you need to either run or take other actions in response to fear. But often there is time to think and understand what is happening, so you need to think first, and only then act. What can fear tell you? What he should say is that he sees some kind of threat, which, judging by the multimillion-year experience of evolution, as well as from your own life experience, threatens your life and your interests. How can he tell you this? Naturally, not with words. With all due respect to a reasonable person, people understand words poorly, and often don’t understand them at all, no matter how hard you try to explain something to them, that’s just the way a person is. But in the language of life circumstances, through discomfort, through pain, suffering - it is very easy to communicate with a person. Thanks to this, a person at least begins to pay attention to the one who comes into contact with him in this way. And when fear wants to reach the mind of a reasonable person, it gives him discomfort in the form of mental, and sometimes physical pain, he forces him to suffer, forces him to suffer, thus trying to explain to the person the importance of his message. Fear points a person to certain probabilities that can harm him and to the importance of certain cause-and-effect relationships that a person needs to take into account. Therefore, you need to find out how relevant the threat signaled by fear is and, if it is relevant, find an adequate response to it. Fear always has a reason, the only question is how serious it is. And if it is serious, you need to do it correct conclusions. For example, on the street at night - you were attacked and robbed or beaten, what conclusion can be drawn from this? The conclusion is simple - walking the streets at night is unsafe, and generally undesirable, since at this time of day people commit a large number of crimes. How many people in such situations draw similar conclusions and learn the lesson life has taught them? You yourself understand perfectly well that not many, despite all the power of human intellect. There’s nothing to say about other people’s experience; even fewer people learn from it. What, then, should fear do to protect a person from this kind of threat? Create discomfort for him, which will cause terrible inconvenience to the person when he tries to step on the same rake again. The language of fear is very simple - it prevents us from living peacefully when it sees that we are in real or potential danger. And until we deal with this danger, fear will not leave us alone.

To better understand the meaning of how fear works, put yourself in the place of the one who created a person, endowing him with different feelings, including the feeling of fear. Think about how you would solve the problem of teaching a person the ability to learn, at least from his own own mistakes? How would you solve the problem of human security in order to protect him from various threats, both known and potential? Think about it, and you will understand that fear is not a problem, but a real benefit for a person. The problem is the fear of the fear rather than the event that causes it. After all, what is a person afraid of? What he does not understand, what really threatens his life and his interests, and what he invents and imagines for himself. Therefore, in order not to experience fear, you just need to understand the incomprehensible, protect yourself from a real threat, learn to defend your interests in order to satisfy your natural needs and sort out your thoughts so as not to be afraid of what you don’t need to be afraid of. It's so simple. But this is just in words, but in reality, in order to cope with fear, you need to be able to do a lot of things correctly. The most important thing is to be able to find the cause of fear in order to respond to it correctly. And this is analysis, reflection, assumptions, comparisons, evaluation, search and even inventing what is not there in order to understand what can be. Is every person ready to do such work? Does every person have time for it? In fact of the matter.

Thus, fear, as an innate quality, as a basic emotion, expects from us a correct, convincing response to its signals. Now let’s ask you another question, imagining ourselves in the place of the creator of this useful emotion - what actions of a person can convince us that he hears and understands us, that he is ready to take into account our signals and take the actions we need to protect myself? Think, if you were in a place of fear - what would you expect from a person? First of all, of course, a person needs to understand the essence of the threat that we are signaling to him through fear and develop an action plan to neutralize it, and then begin to implement this plan. Only in this case will he convince us - his fear - that he hears and understands us. A person can also avoid a threat - by moving away from it as much as possible, this will also require appropriate actions from him. Simply put, when faced with a threat, a person needs to make a decision - to flee or fight. A simple and clear rule. In some cases, you can still adapt to the threat so that it ceases to pose a danger to a person, you can join it in order to become part of it, you can even use it for your own purposes, using various methods. But for this you already need to be a more flexible, more intelligent, more competent person. Or, you can simply ignore the threat using self-hypnosis and thus muffle your fear. In general, it is possible different variants reactions to threats and all kinds of problems that make a person feel fear. But until a person finds the right solution that allows him to decide on the real or imaginary threat that makes him feel fear, we, being in the place of this fear, will not leave him alone. This is why fear is often so strong and lasts so long. People just don't work on it, so they are forced to test it.

Now let's put ourselves in the place of a person who wants to get rid of fear and ask the question - why do we, why, friends, do you need to get rid of it? What exactly is he bothering you about? And does it interfere? Maybe everything is quite the opposite, maybe fear is trying to help you, suggest a safer solution to this or that task, or, in any case, asks you to think about it? It all depends on what causes you fear. You need to study the nature of your fear to understand whether it is good for you or harmful. Understand that there is no problem with fear - there is a problem with a person’s misunderstanding of himself, with his misunderstanding of life and the world in which he lives. This misunderstanding itself is already a reason for fear. Thunder rumbles - the heavens are falling to earth - scary. It happened solar eclipse– the gods are angry, it’s also scary. Not knowing how to solve a problem, how to deal with a threat, how to get what you need, how not to lose what you have, all this also creates fear. Sometimes a person cannot even really explain what and why he is afraid, he simply feels fear that fetters him and does not give him the opportunity to live in peace - this, friends, is the fear of fear. Fear itself is just one of the warning lights that warns us of danger - this is information that needs to be accepted and understood, which needs to be studied in order to understand. We can ignore all sorts of potential dangers, of which there are a great many, so as not to go crazy with fear, fearing everything that could theoretically threaten us, but not reacting to the threat that fear is trying to notify us about is fraught with extremely negative consequences. consequences. So the instinct of self-preservation should be taken very seriously, it is a very important instinct. After all, it is mainly he who moves us. Only some people are guided by its highest manifestations, while others are guided by its lower ones, that’s the whole difference. You don't need to be brave to cope with your fear, you need to be smart to understand its nature and negotiate with it, that is, respond to it competently so that it does not cause you discomfort.

Working with fear always begins with studying its causes with the goal of their subsequent awareness. Often people experience unreasonable fear, seeing themselves as a threat in something that actually does not exist. Man is a suggestible creature, so you can frighten him, you can instill fear in him, you can make him fear something that does not exist, for example, some devils. And since you can instill fear in a person, you can also instill in him the idea of ​​the absurdity of his fear, or the usefulness of his fear, or the meaninglessness of it. There are also threats that, although real, are so unlikely that they simply do not deserve too much attention on our part. For example, if I tell you that a meteorite can fall on Earth and destroy us all, should you be afraid of it? You, of course, can experience fear from such information, imagining the consequences of a meteorite fall, which you can be told about so beautifully that such a story will have a very powerful effect on you. strong impression and you will really get scared. But this fear is meaningless, since you are unlikely to be able to protect yourself from such a threat, so there is no need to focus your attention on it - you need to switch to something more important. Consequently, it is better to ignore this and other similar fears based on unlikely threats, deliberately depriving them of your attention, rather than reacting to them. This can be done in several ways, one of which, in the most difficult cases, is to carefully switch a person’s attention from some fears to others - more relevant and correctable.

When people who want to get rid of fear turn to me for help, I very carefully study and analyze the reasons that cause them fear, discuss them with them, and when relevant, help people find ways to get rid of the problems that cause them fear and threats. In some cases, I simply convince them that their fears are pointless when they really are, and switch their attention to something more pleasant and interesting, and if this does not help, then I switch their attention to other types of threats that give rise to them. new fears, which in turn replace, do not complement, but rather replace old fears, and which, most importantly, are subject to healing. Thanks to this work, I often manage to save people from very strong fears with which they live for years, and sometimes their entire lives. You, friends, for self-healing, to get rid of your fears, you need to start listening to them, studying them, analyzing them, and then looking for an appropriate way to react to the threats that cause them. You must prove to your fear that you have taken the necessary measures to protect yourself from the threats it tells you about. Or, if the threat is not relevant, you need to calm your emotions through logical reasoning so that the information coming to you from your fear in the form of strong negative emotions that cause you discomfort moves from the subconscious level to the conscious level. And when everything is clear to you - what kind of fear you are experiencing, why you are experiencing it, what you can do with it - your fear of fear will first disappear, and then the main fear. And I don’t recommend that you ignore your fear by awakening other emotions in yourself - replacing the emotions of fear, although I know that many people practice exactly this method of getting rid of fear. I advocate dialogue with nature, with instincts, with feelings and emotions, and not for confrontation with them.

So that you can understand even better how fear works and how you should respond to it wisely, let’s give you another interesting analogy. Imagine yourself as a king in some fortress, and imagine that your scout comes to you and tells you that he has noticed an enemy army that, with a high degree of probability, wants to attack your fortress. What are you going to do? Being a wise king, first of all, you will thank your scout for Good work, and then you will begin to take measures to protect your fortress from the enemy, in order, at a minimum, to be on the safe side, and at maximum, to prepare for a real battle. So, the scout is your fear, and the king is your mind. When you listen to those who warn you about a threat, even if it is not obvious, you are acting wisely, but when you ignore such warnings and even more so try to get rid of those who persistently warn you about the danger, so as not to experience discomfort and to do nothing, but continue to live your old life, staying in your comfort zone, then you... And you know what, friends - decide for yourself who such a person can be. In any case, if you experience fear, then there are two reasons for this - this is your lack of understanding of how to resist some threat, or your lack of understanding of the reasons for your fear, when you yourself do not know what and why you are afraid.

I can put it even simpler when talking about the role fear plays in our lives. A person is a machine, the efficiency of which, as well as its service life, depends on how well all its systems work. Fear is the security system of this car, but the mind, friends, is the passenger of the car - it is you. If you want to control your car, be able to process the information coming to you from its various systems [sense organs], otherwise the car will be controlled by itself, through external stimuli. Or rather, it will be controlled by external circumstances and other people. Whether your fear is relevant or not relevant in a given situation is up to you to decide. But, you must decide this based on well-founded conclusions drawn through your thoughts and reasoning, and not rely only on natural instincts that evoke certain feelings in you. If your fear tells you that heights are dangerous for you, since you can fall and die, then you, in turn, to get rid of this fear, must provide certain evidence that this situation, dangerous from the point of view of your instincts, is under your control. control that despite the obvious danger, you are able to protect yourself, are able to protect yourself from falling. You must explain this to yourself, then your fear will understand it. Otherwise, a completely reasonable question will arise for you: why, for what are you putting your life in danger? For the sake of sensations? For some dubious purpose? Do you really need these sensations, or is it perhaps better to experience other, less acute, but more reasonable sensations? Or, how much is your goal worth the sacrifices you are willing to make to achieve it? You must ask questions like these in order to have a constructive dialogue with your fear.

Studying, analyzing, understanding your fear is not so difficult if you take this task seriously. Anyone can handle it. But this takes time, and that’s exactly what most of us don’t have. You can delegate this work to specialists to save your time and avoid unnecessary mistakes. But don’t forget that you yourself are also able to cope with your fear, I’m telling you that for sure. Believe in yourself, in your capabilities, in your strength, and take the time to study your fears, as well as to find solutions to counter the threats that your fears signal to you, and then you will get rid of any, even very strong fear, as a negative emotion that causes you great discomfort, and you will acquire a reliable ally and wise adviser in his person.

God! Where is he? I should have returned home half an hour ago! Didn't call, didn't warn. That's it!.. Something happened.

The heart contracts, tears flow from the eyes, and the imagination helpfully draws scenes one more terrible than the other. Uncontrollable anxiety - constant worry about any, even the most insignificant reason - every time it covers us with a wave of fear and ruins the lives of us and our loved ones. Intellectually, we basically understand that everything will be fine, but we can’t help ourselves. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan will help you find out how to get rid of anxiety.

When anxiety gets in the way of life

In certain circumstances, we all feel a sense of anxiety and concern for loved ones. It's okay to have real reasons- serious illness, important events or life troubles. Once the reasons go away, we can easily get rid of anxiety and fears.

But what to do if there is no justified reason, and anxiety arises, and suddenly, out of nowhere. This state fills everything. We cannot think and communicate adequately, we cannot sleep and eat. Horrible scenarios appear in our heads as terrible images of misfortunes, disasters involving loved ones.

Anxiety and fear become our constant companions, poisoning the lives of not only us, but also the people about whom we worry. We try to somehow relieve stress - we try to get to the bottom of the cause of anxiety, we persuade ourselves not to worry, but to hope for the best. In general, we do everything to relieve anxiety and get rid of it forever, including visiting doctors and taking medications.

But nothing helps. The feeling of fear and anxiety comes from somewhere inside, and we cannot do anything about it. Our nerves can't stand it constant stress created by our fantasies . We feel like we are completely losing control of our lives. Due to unreasonable anxiety states, we begin to live in a fictional reality, similar to horror films. Is it possible to get rid of this nightmare? Yes. So, everything in order...

Systemic substantiation of anxiety and its causes

In order to get rid of constant anxiety and the bad conditions associated with it, you must first of all find out what anxiety is. In the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan there is such a concept - a feeling of security and safety, which is vital for every person from childhood to old age. So, anxiety and its inherent fears are one of the forms of loss of a sense of security.

No matter what scenario our anxiety develops in, it is always associated with the presence of certain vectors - properties and qualities that we inherit from birth. For the owner of the anal vector, the super value is family - children, parents, spouses. He is terribly afraid that a tragedy will happen to them - someone will die, get sick or get into a disaster. This fear of losing one of the family members, of being left alone - even hypothetically, in fantasy - is the cause of constant uncontrollable anxiety. It is very difficult to get rid of such anxiety.

If a person, in addition to the anal vector, also has a visual one, then in order to feel protected and safe, he needs a strong emotional connection. When the owner of the visual vector is able to sincerely sympathize and empathize with his loved ones, a feeling of causeless anxiety does not arise. He brings his emotions out - from fear for himself to love and compassion for other people.

But if such development does not occur, then the owner of the visual vector experiences such strong fear for himself and his future that he begins to demand attention from others. Such people fantasize a lot and become very worried if they feel that no one loves them. They begin to pester loved ones with questions, demanding confirmation of their feelings.

Another option is overprotection. If there is no opportunity to realize one’s abilities and knowledge in society, then close people become the only object of their application. Parents are ready to “strangle” the child with their love, not letting them out of their influence for a minute. They are trying to emotionally tie him to themselves, coming up with more and more new rules that he must follow - arriving exactly on time, calling a hundred times a day and reporting where he is and what’s wrong with him.

Guardianship often develops into manipulation of a loved one. Anxiety in such cases can not only be a painful condition, but also turn into emotional blackmail.

Temporary relief and a feeling of calm happen in those short moments when everything goes according to the prescribed scenario, and those around you do established rules. However, practice shows that over time, close people begin to violate the established order and get rid of influence and guardianship. Then the feeling of fear and anxiety for one’s future returns with renewed vigor.

All of these cases have one thing in common - a person who is in a constant state of anxiety suffers greatly. Living day after day in states of fear and anxiety, he is deeply unhappy. Life filled with joy and pleasure passes by, leaving him only worry and disappointment. Neither the advice of friends and doctors, nor medications, nor changes in eating style and physical activity. How then to get rid of constant fear and anxiety?

There is only one answer - you need to become aware of yourself, understand the unconscious desires and abilities that are given to you from birth, and try to realize them. Handicrafts and drawing will help you bring your emotions out. You can create beautiful things that will bring joy to you and the people around you, and pass on the experience and knowledge you have accumulated in various fields of activity - from cooking to gardening.

You will enjoy helping people who need compassion and empathy. By bringing your emotions out, showing love and compassion for them, you won’t even notice how causeless anxiety and fears will disappear from your life.

Letting go of anxiety and starting to live

If you are already tired of all kinds of misfortunes that your imagination draws, then it’s time to part with anxiety and fears. System-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan gives you the opportunity to understand the causes of uncontrollable anxiety and say goodbye to it. The results of hundreds of people who have completed the training, who have gotten rid of anxiety and fears forever, leave no doubt about the highest effectiveness of this knowledge.

“... For years I suffered from causeless anxiety, which often fell on me. Psychologists helped me, but it was as if one hundredth part went away, and then the fears came again. My rational mind gave a logical explanation for half of my fears. But what good are these explanations if there is no normal life. And causeless anxiety in the evenings. By the middle of the course, I began to notice that I began to breathe freely. The clamps are gone. And by the end of the course, I suddenly suddenly noticed that anxiety and fears had left me. No, sometimes, of course, these conditions pile up again, but somehow easily and superficially. And even bewilderment arises, why am I afraid of anything at all.”

Fear is one of the negative human emotions that affects certain areas of life. How to get rid of fear and anxiety? Psychology shows that negative emotions arise as a result of an imaginary or real danger to a person’s life. Psychologists attribute fear to emotions that we have from birth, having genetic and physiological elements. A negative emotion causes the body to react defensively to external influences.

How to get rid of fear within yourself, question 1

Every day a person faces dangerous situations that result in a feeling of fear. Fear represents negative emotion, which has a long-term or short-term effect, which appeared after a false or existing danger to life. This condition is marked by unpleasant sensations, warning the body of the necessary protection, since its main goal is to preserve its own life.

Causes of manifestation Negative emotions in a person are:

  1. Explicit;
  2. Hidden.

As a rule, the individual does not remember the obvious reasons, but the hidden ones come from childhood and arise subsequently due to excessive guardianship, conflict, psychological trauma. Phobia is a necessary reflex that performs a protective function.

How to get rid of fears and phobias yourself, question 2

Phobias there are three types:

  • Biological, these include fear for own life.
  • Social, these include fear of situations that can humiliate a person in the eyes of other people.
  • Existential, associated with fear of death, old age, time.

In addition to all that has been said, it is worth noting the existence of intermediate phobias that are located on the border of any two groups. For example, the fear of getting sick refers to both biological and social factors. There is fear for one’s own life and fear of being cut off from the team. Fear of fire is a biological factor, fear of people is a social factor, and fear of death is an existential factor. For each person, a phobia manifests itself differently: it paralyzes some, while it activates others. This emotion is purely individual and reproduces all genetic characteristics, such as character, upbringing, culture of communication.

Highlight two types of fear:

  1. external;
  2. internal.

Subsequently, due to its numerous manifestations, fear is considered a negative emotion, since it adversely affects the overall health of a person as a whole. The power of a negative emotion is that a person, out of fear, avoids situations that cause negative feelings. Severe fear can provoke various kinds of diseases. Neurotic fear is observed in virtually any person, however, if a negative feeling flows into a state of passion, then the individual develops panic, aggressiveness, and a desire to escape. Fear is necessary for further survival, but there is also a reverse reaction, which is pathological in nature and where the intervention of doctors cannot be avoided. Each human fear plays a specific role and manifests itself for a reason. For example, fear of heights protects a person from falling from the roof of a house or a cliff; fear of fire forces a person not to walk near it and as a result protects from injury.

How to get rid of panic fear, question 3

A weakened psyche very quickly manifests its attitude to stimuli and therefore restless thoughts interfere with a person’s normal life.

A panic attack occurs as a result of a number of factors:

  • depression;
  • stress;
  • anxiety;
  • apathy;
  • neurosis;
  • schizophrenia.

Anxiety and similar conditions form a neurosis that progresses to the stage of a panic attack. This condition cannot be predicted; it can appear absolutely anywhere: at work, on the street, at home. A panic attack is characterized by the following symptoms: suffocation, tachycardia, migraine. In rare cases, nausea or chills may occur. The duration of the negative state is from 1 to 2 hours, several times a week. This disorder can manifest itself against the background of overwork, in people with an unstable psyche. Women most often fall into this category, as they are more vulnerable and react sharply to stress.

Delayed depression can occur in men after a divorce, especially if they have lived in a marriage for 5 years or more.

However, men are also susceptible panic attacks, but few of them admit it. This type of fear does not disappear on its own; a state of panic will haunt the patient almost always. Treatment is carried out strictly under the supervision of experienced specialists, and relieving conditions with alcohol will only aggravate the situation, as a result of which panic will manifest itself not only during periods of stress, but also for no reason at all.

How to get rid of the fear of pain, question 4

Having once experienced a painful sensation, a person tries to avoid a repetition of the unpleasant feeling and fear acts as a protective mechanism that prevents dangerous situations. A phobia is not only useful, but also harmful to a person. An individual, not understanding how to get rid of negative feeling for a long time may not visit the dental office, tries to avoid serious operations. In this case, fear is fraught with a destructive function that must be dealt with promptly. Currently, medicine uses a wide variety of anesthesia methods, and therefore phobia is exclusively psychological character. Fear of pain rarely appears from previous experience; most likely, this is a protective function.

How to get rid of anxiety and fear at home, solution

There are a large number of different methods in the fight against this disease. Any individual can independently overcome their fears, otherwise it will be difficult to achieve their goals, it will be difficult to realize themselves in life, and to gain recognition. You need to instill in yourself the habit of moving forward no matter what, no matter what dangers appear along the way. Fear is a simple reaction of the body that occurs as a result of trying to do something new. A negative emotion can be strong or weak. An individual is not born immediately successful.
The main cure for fear is accept your fear, come to terms and move forward.

  • In order to overcome negative emotions you need increase your self-esteem.
  • How you love yourself more, the less phobias you have.
  • Any positive emotion helps overcome your fear.
  • How you perceive life's moments easier, the less your worry.

The fears and anxieties that people suffer often have little to do with the real threat. In general, anxiety is a reaction to the dangers a person expects that may come from the outside. It is accompanied by tension, a feeling of constant discomfort and danger. Anxiety, unlike fear, which appears in response to real danger, mobilizes for action and often saves.

Anxiety and fear can be destructive and make it very difficult to lead a normal, healthy, happy and fulfilling life. Many people suffer from anxiety, which is a mental condition characterized by constant worries. They constantly think about how to get rid of fear and anxiety.

If a person simply feels trapped by feelings of doom or unhappiness, it is important to take appropriate steps to change their life and attitude.

Difficult experiences can prevent a person from living life to the fullest and realizing their full potential. To get rid of anxiety and restlessness, you need to fight this condition systematically and step by step.

Identifying problems

The first thing you need to start working on your fears is to recognize their existence as existing problems, and also realize their importance and impact on your life. You need to think about what circumstances make you feel very anxious. Every person has such situations. This could be the fear of speaking in front of a large audience, the beginning of communication with the opposite sex, the fear of being funny, uninteresting and boring, stupid or too smart, and many other experiences. You shouldn’t bury your head in the sand, you need to boldly admit your problems.

What will help solve the problem?

Don't be afraid of your fears

Overcoming fear is always very pleasant. This is a valuable experience and a victory over ourselves, which will give us new strength and optimism. Without stress and anxiety, life would be trivial, tasteless, like soup without spices.

Many events in our lives and even achievements can be caused by fears. The fear of being unrecognized makes an artist work hard and create great works, the fear of defeat makes athletes achieve high results in competitions, a musician, fearing to disappoint his fans, plays a lot, improving his skills. Fears can guide scientists, doctors and people of many specialties, stimulating them to take active action, win and achieve.

Therefore, fear is not only an obstacle in our lives, but also our opportunity and incentive.

Anxiety mobilizes Creative skills, revitalizes our imagination and creativity, as evidenced by the stories of many prominent people.

How to get rid of anxiety, depression and irritability?

We need to conduct a thorough analysis of our lifestyle. Let's look at how we try to solve our immediate problems and how this affects the intensity of the anxiety and fears we feel.

There are happy moments in every person's life when he is proud of himself, his achievements and truly enjoys life. However, the peculiarity of human nature is that much more time is spent thinking about one’s own failures, fearing the future and expecting defeats. Anxiety and fear can completely subjugate a person and even become a serious medical problem. This is why it is so important to learn how to get rid of anxiety and fear and not let them ruin our lives.

Why do we experience anxiety and fear?

Stress and anxiety are a reaction to various activities in our lives related to health, relationships between close-minded people, problems at work and events in the world around us. You may experience depression and anxiety, both due to poor health, and from resentment, and from annoying languid ideas. There are several ways to get rid of anxiety.

If you want to get rid of anxiety and fear, think that there is no person in the world who would not experience anxiety and fear for their future, the expectation of any uncertain future problems. Anxiety can range from mild anxiety to unbearable panic attacks.

When anxious, a person waits for a meeting with a threat, remains alert and intense. The emotion of excitement triggers physical activation reactions in the body. Anxiety and fear consist of two components - physical and mental.

Physical is expressed in rapid heartbeat, chills, prolonged muscle tension, sweating, a feeling of lack of air (subjective, because there is no real suffocation with anxiety). With this feeling, sleep is often disturbed (your sleep is sensitive, constantly interrupted, it is difficult for you to fall asleep) and appetite (you either do not eat anything, or, on the contrary, your appetite wakes up).

Mental is manifested by excitement, various kinds of fears (they change each other, often unstable), instability of your mood, with powerful anxiety - a feeling of detachment from the environment and a feeling of change in your personal body.

Pronounced and prolonged anxiety then causes the emotion of fatigue, which is logical, because a person wastes a lot of energy maintaining a “alert” state. There are many types of anxiety; in any case, they have their own prerequisites for its development, their own individual medical picture, their own healing and their own prognosis.

The reasons for anxiety are sometimes not obvious. However, they are always there. Once you have experienced severe anxiety, the primary role in treating anxiety disorders falls to a psychotherapist or clinical psychologist. The specialist will discover the internal circumstances of your anxiety. By the way, the presence of body diseases does not at all exclude the primacy psychological reasons in the development of the disease.

Contact a psychologist or specialist. Any anxiety can be dealt with successfully.

How to get rid of anxiety on your own

No need to fear uncertainty

People prone to anxiety absolutely cannot stand uncertainty; they believe that experiences help them cope with difficult situations. life periods. But this is not true at all. Remembering past troubles and predicting the worst-case scenario only depletes a person's physical and mental strength and prevents him from enjoying the present moment. Thus, the best option- rely on chance, and let what will happen.

Set aside a special time for anxiety

Since it is quite difficult to fight habits and you cannot get rid of anxiety and fear with the help of willpower alone, set aside special time for yourself for worries and worries.

  • It’s best to create a daily routine and set aside half an hour for anxiety (just not before bedtime). During this time, give yourself the opportunity to worry about every occasion, but the rest of the time, try to restrain the flow of negative thoughts.
  • If anxiety overwhelms you outside of the time allotted for it, write down on paper everything that you would like to think about during a special time for worry.

Look critically at your negative thoughts

Constant experiences quickly develop into cognitive distortions (that is, thinking stereotypes that have nothing to do with reality), such as exaggerating negative ones and ignoring positive traits of one’s character, events, attitudes of others, etc.

Learn to relax

To get rid of anxiety and fear, master relaxation techniques. The best way to do this is during training, under the guidance of a trainer.

Take care of yourself

Try to ensure yourself a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle, as this helps control negative thoughts.

  • Ask family and friends for help. Communicate more with friends and relatives so as not to feel helpless and lonely.
  • Eat right.
  • Limit your intake of nicotine, alcohol, caffeine and sugar.
  • Get a good night's sleep.
  • Provide yourself with regular physical activity.

How to cope with anxiety

Even the most balanced people, those who are not inclined to unnecessary worries, can have many excuses for stress these days. Fortunately, there are psychological techniques, with which you will learn how to cope with anxiety.

There are some everyday anxieties; as you already understand, every person has them every day. And you will hardly touch horrors on a cosmic scale. Here are some ways to gain self-control:

Try to give in to anxiety. However, for twenty minutes a day. It would be enough. To get rid of anxiety and fear, take time during the day to think about the painful issues. Do not try to find a way out and get away from anxiety at this time. Elementarily give vent to horrors and worries, worry, later, you can even cry.

But when the planned twenty minutes are over, stop. And get to work homework. This method is effective for women, because it is they who forbid themselves to think about dilemmas, and that is precisely why difficulties are not resolved. True, they are coming back. When you give yourself permission to worry about something during the day, you don't wake up to worry about it at night.

Try to accept uncertainty. Just tell yourself that what happened to you could happen to anyone. Almost everyone spends months tormenting themselves with thoughts about future problems. However, this world is designed in such a way that we do not know in advance what will happen in the future.

Find a time when no one will disturb you. Sit comfortably and breathe deeply and slowly. Imagine your anxiety as a thin stream of smoke that rises from a smoldering log. Do not try to influence this smoke by changing its direction, just watch how it rises upward and dissolves in the atmosphere.

Focus on the daily. Pay attention to the small, cute rituals that are common in your family. And if necessary, invent the latest traditions. This will undoubtedly help you maintain a sense of stability in the world.

Try not to dramatize the situation. When you worry, you expect the worst possible outcome and underestimate your abilities. Realize that all people worry from time to time, even presidents. You cannot continuously keep your sensations and emotions under control, since they cannot be annulled. Prove to yourself that you are able to cope with inconsistencies.

Make your life more serene. Invent yourself an exciting craft that requires concentration. Practice solving a variety of problems. Don’t be afraid to try, even if the situation seems completely irreparable the first time.

To get rid of anxiety and fear, collect a list of options for solving the most important problems. If it doesn’t work out right away, don’t be ashamed to seek support from those you trust. It is not for nothing that the leaders of huge companies believe in the brainstorming method. By listening to the views of the people around you, you can look at the situation from a different angle.

Try to escape from anxiety. Thanks to physical exercise, fun hormones are produced in the body. Three thirty-minute workouts a week can lift your mood. However, studies demonstrate that even a ten-minute overload also has a positive effect on well-being.

Try to find something to do for your mind. The secret is simple: if you do something truly curious, you forget about anxiety. Think about it: is there anything in your life that gives you pleasure and significantly lifts your mood? If yes, then go ahead! You deliberately look for things and activities that can attract and - which is extremely important - restrain your interest. Try to focus on what you are doing. When your mind is busy, you have nothing to worry about.

Spend time with friends and loved ones. Your doctors are your friends. You can truly open up and pour out your soul in front of a person you completely trust. And the chance of speaking out is one of the most effective means.

At the same time, do not forget that personal meetings even more useful than letters or phone calls. Go to theaters, exhibitions, museums, gain new knowledge. Meet comrades, former classmates and employees with former job. Ask a friend who would be happy to listen to you to help you. With whom you will simply talk about painful issues. But when you meet, be sure to come up with a way together that will help you cope with feelings of anxiety.

What to do in case of anxiety

To get rid of the anxiety that has arisen, learn to switch, do not get stuck on past situations. Don't worry too much and don't go back to the same events.

Correctly assess the reality of the situation.

Deal with fear quickly.

Combating fear with art therapy. To overcome your own fear, you need to free yourself from it, as if throwing it out of the subconscious. You can do this with the help of drawings. Take some paints album sheet, and portray your fear. Then burn or tear up this drawing.

The switching technique will help you get rid of anxiety and fear. As a rule, people experiencing fear overly concentrate on themselves and their spiritual world, so it is very important to be able to switch in a timely manner. To get rid of fear, do not let fears grow. It is much easier to note the moments in which fear appears and quickly switch to positive emotions.

This is possible by participating in some interesting and exciting activity, or by using positive images and thoughts that must be constantly repeated until the fear recedes. For example, sometimes the following affirmation is used: “I am reliably protected. I'm safe".

Communicate with your fear. To make it easier to understand how to overcome fear, it is best to make friends with it. Try to understand why he came, as well as what positive functions he performs. To find out, talk to your fear in writing or verbally.

Various breathing exercises. One of the great cures for fear is the “breathing in courage - breathing out fears” exercise. Find a comfortable position, sitting on the floor or in a chair with your back straight. Practice free breathing and imagine that with each inhalation you are inhaling courage and fearlessness, and with each exhalation you are letting go of anxiety and fear.

To get rid of anxiety and fear, meet your fear halfway. This is the most effective of all known techniques. It lies in the fact that in order to defeat fear you need to meet it halfway. Despite the fact that you are very scared, you overcome yourself, and therefore your fears. Let's give an example of using this technique.

If you feel afraid of communicating with people, immediately start doing this: call various organizations, talk to strangers, ask questions. If you are afraid of dogs, first observe them from a safe distance and look at pictures of them. After this, reduce the distance and start petting small dogs. This method– the most effective.

There are situations when you need to make a decision very quickly, stand up for yourself or take a fight. At such moments, fear can bind and prevent you from winning. In order to learn how to quickly cope with fear, you need to know a couple technical methods, For example:

If you feel afraid, breathe slowly and deeply, at least ten times. By doing so, you effectively use the time to get used to the current situation.

To get rid of anxiety, talk to yourself. This can be very useful. Or let your mind come up with something useful. Talking to yourself is useful because your experiences unravel, transforming external plans into internal ones. Self-talk explains the situation you find yourself in and shows how it happened. It calms and normalizes your heart rate. When you call yourself by name, you are safe.

Do you want to get rid of anxiety and fear? Then get angry at someone or at a situation, and get more angry. You will no longer feel fear, only anger. You will want to act immediately.

Another way to get rid of fear is to laugh. Remember something funny from life, there is something like that in every person’s life. Laughter will not only “take away” your fear, but will also make you feel good.