A tooth can hurt suddenly, even in the middle of the night. Therefore, knowing what to do at home if a tooth hurts will be useful to many. Our products will not require excessive effort from you or a trip to the pharmacy. As a rule, with a high degree of probability, you already have everything you need at home.

Here you will learn what to do if you have tooth pain right now, but then you still need to visit the dentist as soon as possible to identify the cause and begin effective treatment.

It wouldn't hurt to spend a little preparation. If you can, clean or at least rinse your mouth with warm running water - this will increase the effectiveness of pain relief.

Rinsing your mouth with salt water

It is necessary to dilute half a teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm clean water, and then rinse your mouth thoroughly with the resulting mixture until it is completely gone. Now you have learned about one of the most popular methods of relieving toothache, left to us from our grandmothers. And this is the rare case when grandma’s express method will really help you cope at home if you have a toothache.

Rinsing your mouth with hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine

At first it may seem that this method of getting rid of toothache looks strange, but it actually helps. Like saline solution, hydrogen peroxide and chlorhexidine have disinfecting properties that will reduce inflammation and reduce associated dental pain. In addition, chlorhexidine and hydrogen peroxide will help soften tartar, making it easier to clean.

To relieve tooth pain at home, you need to stir a mouthwash mixture: mix hydrogen peroxide (3%) or chlorhexidine (0.05%) with warm water in a ratio of 1 to 1. Under no circumstances swallow the resulting solution when rinsing. And after the procedure, be sure to rinse your mouth with clean warm water.

Apply a cold compress to relieve toothache

The higher the temperature in the affected area, the more painful you will be. Heat dilates blood vessels, causing blood to circulate faster, which, in turn, increases internal pressure on the diseased tooth. Under the influence of cold, the volume of blood vessels decreases again and the pain becomes less acute. By the way, cold will help soften swelling and slow down the inflammatory process.

What to do at home if your tooth hurts? For example, apply the following to the affected cheek for 8–16 minutes:

  • a wet towel previously immersed in cold water;
  • an ice pack wrapped in the thinnest towel you have.

If your teeth are not sensitive to cold, you can suck on a small piece of ice like candy.

Chew garlic for toothache at home

This not everyone’s favorite seasoning has been used for medicinal purposes for a very long time. And there are reasons for this, because even modern scientific research confirms this. It not only kills dangerous bacteria that cause tooth inflammation, but also alleviates pain.

If you have enough desire, courage and health, you can chew a clove of garlic. For everyone else to calm down toothache at home: grind one clove of garlic to a porridge state, and then apply the resulting mass to the gum near the painful tooth.

Clove oil compress for toothache

If you suddenly have a bottle of clove essential oil at home, you can get rid of tooth pain with its help. Clove oil contains a natural antiseptic - eugenol. This substance not only disinfects, but also relieves toothache in much the same way as benzocaine, a strong pain reliever.

It is necessary to apply a couple of drops of clove essential oil on a cotton pad and apply it to the painful tooth and the part adjacent to it. Keep the compress in your mouth for about 8–16 minutes.

If you don’t tolerate foreign objects in your mouth too well, you can dilute a solution based on clove oil: add 3-4 drops to warm water, mix thoroughly and rinse your mouth.

Don't lie down completely

However, if this happened at night, then try to make sure that top part the body was in an elevated position (cover it with pillows, for example). Leaving your head at the same level as your heart or lower will only increase your toothache. As we noted above, vasodilation and more active blood supply will only increase your pain due to increased pressure on the affected area.

Take a painkiller

So, what to do at home if you have a toothache? Last on our list, but not the least important, on the contrary, the most convenient way to get rid of toothache, no matter where it finds you, is to take a painkiller. Painkillers based on ibuprofen work well.

But grinding analgin into dust, moistening it a little with water, and then applying the resulting pulp to the diseased tooth is not the most successful idea. The main substance of analgin is sodium metamizole, which really helps to alleviate pain locally and prevents the inflammatory process. It is worth noting that metamizole has an acid base. This means that if toothache is caused by damage to the enamel, then this method will most likely only increase your suffering.

What to do as quickly as possible if your tooth hurts

You shouldn’t create illusions and think that everything will somehow go away on its own: you’ll still have to go to the dentist. If you have a toothache, then using the methods described above you will only temporarily alleviate the pain at home, but will not eliminate the root cause: disease of the teeth, gums or neuralgic disease. Therefore, even if you manage to relieve your toothache, then mandatory visit the dentist. The dentist will find out the cause, make a diagnosis, based on which he will prescribe appropriate treatment.

And even more so, go to the dentist as soon as possible if the tooth hurts for more than one day, swelling of the face appears and the temperature rises. The infection that caused the toothache is probably already in your blood. And this brings with it much more serious complications.

Toothache most often occurs suddenly And at the most inopportune moment. It could be at night, on a weekend or a holiday.

In most localities, dentists and pharmacies at this time does not work. In addition, painkillers medications have mass side effects , completely unhealthy.

It is possible to urgently relieve tooth pain without medications at home.

How to quickly relieve toothache at home without pills

Before visiting the dentist, you can get rid of pain at home folk remedies. They available, safe And effective.

Onion or garlic

You can relieve toothache with onions or garlic. Besides analgesic properties, they have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic influence.

Fresh onion need to to cut in half. Take out the juicy center and apply it to the sore spot. Onion juice is good rub inflamed gums.

Has a strong analgesic effect mixture of pureed garlic And Luke. The prepared gruel should be placed into the hollow of a sore tooth And cover cotton or gauze swab. Before the procedure, be sure to carefully rinse your mouth, thereby removing food debris from the carious cavity.

Peeled and cut garlic clove applied to the wrist, in the area where the pulse is felt. If a tooth is bothering you With right side , then the manipulations should be carried out on the left hand. If it hurts left, then the garlic is tied to the right hand. Despite the seeming absurdity of this method, it perfectly eliminates even from a very strong one toothache.

Reference! Garlic can cause burns on the skin and mucous membranes, so it should not be applied for a long time.


It is possible to relieve toothache with salted pork lard. Peppered product for this procedure won't fit, pepper can cause a burning sensation and increase pain. Required the following actions:

  1. Cut off a small thin piece of lard.
  2. Remove skin.
  3. Clear from a large slice salt crystals.
  4. Apply to gum with a bad tooth.
  5. Wait approximately 20 minutes- the pain will subside.

Can be made from lard mush, add finely grated garlic and apply to the gum. This remedy is quick will draw out the pus And will not allow inflammation to spread further.

Important! There is no need to fill the carious hole of the tooth with fat. This will cause an increase pain.

How to drown out with alcohol

Toothache can be relieved with alcohol. For this you need rinse your mouth vodka, rum, whiskey or cognac. The alcohol contained in strong drinks affects nerve endings and leads to to gum numbness.

Exists one more way pain relief with alcohol: pour into your palm a little alcohol or vodka and inhale vapors the nostril on the side of which the aching tooth is located.

Attention! Treatment with alcohol strictly contraindicated expectant mothers and nursing women.

How to get rid of it using clove and fir oil

You can soothe toothache with fir and clove oils. They have anesthetic, antiseptic And anti-inflammatory action.

Should be applied 2-3 drops of oil on a cotton swab or gauze, then apply for 10 minutes to a sore tooth and gum.

Forbidden use fir and clove oil pregnant women, as well as people with individual intolerance.

How to eliminate peppermint

The leaves of the plant have the ability eliminate toothache, destroy germs And bad smell . To prepare an anesthetic necessary:

  1. pour in a ceramic or glass container half a tablespoon dry grass.
  2. Add 250 ml hot water .
  3. Cover and give leave for one hour.
  4. Strain And use for rinsing tooth

The remaining plant material after straining can be applied to the gum. If fresh leaves are available peppermint, That It is recommended to chew them.

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How to remove potatoes

It is possible to relieve toothache with the help of raw potatoes . Necessary clear root vegetable from peel and grind it on a grater. For greater effect you can add a little salt.

Apply the resulting mass onto a gauze swab or cotton pad and apply to the aching tooth. The analgesic effect will occur approximately after half an hour.

Reference! Raw potatoes soothe pain and draw out pus, reduce inflammation, and heal wounds. He extremely rarely causes allergies, so they can use it even pregnant women women.

How to soothe with propolis

Propolis is a product that will help relieve toothache. produced by bees. It strengthens tooth enamel, relieves inflammation and disinfects. Propolis is suitable for pain relief in any form, namely:

  • alcohol tincture;
  • natural resin;
  • water solution;
  • ointment or gel.

Practiced chewing propolis. To do this you need to take very little substance and chew it with your front teeth, and then dissolve. For rinsing, a few drops of propolis alcohol tincture diluted with water. You can apply a gauze swab with solution to the sore tooth.

A piece of propolis placed in the hollow of a tooth will help quickly relieve pain. Taking a bee product will enhance the pain relief effect inside.

Photo 1. Propolis is a resin-like substance of brown or yellow color, one to three grams per day will be enough.

How to relieve pain with iodine

Iodine can relieve toothache. He desensitizes inflamed nerve, destroys microbes and prevents the formation of pus. Enough to prepare a compress drop a few drops iodine on a cotton or gauze swab. Apply to a sore tooth and wait for the pain to disappear.

What to rinse to cure

You can get rid of tooth pain without tablets by rinsing with solutions that easy to cook yourself Houses.

Soda, salt and iodine solution

Every person has one in their home cookery or sea ​​salt , soda And iodine. It is worth trying to cure toothache by rinsing with a solution prepared from these simple and affordable remedies.

For one glass warm boiled water goes half a teaspoon salt, the same amount of soda and 1-2 drops Yoda.

The resulting solution can be rinse off any leftover food from the oral cavity, promoting the proliferation of microbes. Especially carefully You should rinse the area of ​​the diseased tooth, cleaning the carious holes. The composition will not only eliminate pain, but also will prevent bleeding gums, will suspend inflammatory process, will draw out the pus, will provide disinfectant effect.

Hydrogen peroxide solution

You can relieve toothache by rinsing hydrogen peroxide solution, which also has a disinfectant, antibacterial and deodorizing effect. To prepare the composition you need to take 100 ml warm water and pour it into it teaspoon 3% peroxide. Stir and rinse the tooth or use for compresses. You can make a solution from crushed hydroperite tablets And 200 ml water.

Attention! Do not use hydrogen peroxide with increased sensitivity to the means.

Massage techniques for treatment and quick pain relief

Massaging reflex points on certain parts of the body will help cope with sudden toothache.

The analgesic effect of massage will improve if applied fir essential oils, mint or lavender. The oil is applied to the finger, which will massage the reflex zones.

One of the pain relieving points is located in the place between the second And third toes. It should be massaged approximately five minutes. Another point is located in the depression area, located in the middle between the nose And lips. The index finger is needed with force press on this place about 10 Seconds.

Reduce pain in the upper teeth possible using a point located 1 cm down from the middle lower edges of the eye socket. Pressure also helps in the temple area. This needs to be done 2 times 10 seconds. You can press on a point in the area upper jaw located above the diseased tooth. Press lightly at first, then increase the pressure.

Massaging the reflex point located 1 cm below the earlobe, will relieve pain in the lower tooth. You can click on a point located behind the earlobe. This is where the cranial bone begins and the lower jaw ends. You should apply pressure 3 times By 10 Seconds.

Toothache can be localized in or near the problematic element. In 90% of cases, the symptom indicates the development of a dental disease: caries, pulpitis, periodontitis. Less commonly, pathology occurs due to injury to bone and soft tissues. sharp objects or food.

The problem requires an immediate solution, since toothache interferes with normal life activities. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to see a dentist immediately when a tooth hurts. In this case, alternative medicine can come to the aid of people. They are especially useful for those patients who have contraindications to taking pain medications.

Methods of emergency pain suppression

Not only pills help to quickly relieve discomfort at home. You can reduce the intensity of jaw aches with the following effective methods: folk recipes for toothache:

  • Clove oil. Take a cotton swab, soak it in liquid and apply it to the problem area. This remedy is often used by doctors when filling dental canals. Instead of clove oil, you can use fir oil. Both medications give the same effect against toothaches. The lotions are applied to the problem area for no longer than 10 minutes to avoid burns to the mucous membranes of the mouth.
  • Garlic. Healers have long used the product for severe attacks. To do this, rub a clove of garlic on the wrist on the side opposite the diseased element and tie it with a bandage. If a person has jaw pain on the left side, then the wrist needs to be treated right hand and vice versa.
  • Massage the point on the hand, between the index and thumb. For treatment it is better to use a piece of luda. Manipulations are performed in a circular motion for 5 minutes. The massage is done on the side opposite to the diseased tooth. Working on the ears, which is performed from the bottom up, will also help relieve the intensity of the discomfort. Additionally, the points of the nasolabial triangle are massaged.
  • Salo. The product is suitable for relieving acute toothaches. To do this, a small piece of lard is placed on the affected area for 15 minutes. Salt and spices are first removed from the product so as not to provoke increased discomfort from the treatment. The folk method allows you to reduce the severity of pain in 15-20 minutes.
  • Plantain. To combat the problem, they use not the leaves, but the roots of the plantain. They are carefully inserted into the ear on the side where the ache is felt. The method helps to get rid of toothaches in 20 minutes.

Effective means

Relieve toothache folk remedies possible at home. They are less dangerous than pharmacological agents, but they can cope with the symptoms of dental diseases no less effectively.

Mouth rinses

This method must be resorted to immediately after pain in the teeth appears. To improve the effectiveness of the procedure, it is necessary to thoroughly brush your teeth with a brush and toothpaste before the procedure. Solutions used for the procedure must have an antibacterial effect.

Traditionally, a soda-salt solution is used to treat the mouth. It is prepared at the rate of 1 tsp. each dry ingredient in 200 ml of boiled water. Salt inhibits the activity of pathogenic flora in the mouth, and soda helps reduce the severity of soft tissue swelling. In addition, this treatment method has virtually no restrictions: it is suitable for children, pregnant women and people with allergic reactions.

All mouthwashes should be used warm. Cold water provokes increased pain in a sore tooth. Hot solutions stimulate bacterial activity and lead to even greater inflammation of the gums around the problem element

The rinsing procedure is repeated when the intensity of the pain increases or every 2 hours. The following medications are also suitable for preparing solutions:

  • propolis tincture;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • herbal infusions (chamomile, calendula, oak).

Iodine is used as the main ingredient in an anesthetic (a few drops of the drug per 200 ml of water) or in combination with soda and salt. Hydrogen peroxide is added to water at the rate of (1 tablespoon per 1 glass of boiled liquid).
Herbal decoctions are prepared according to the traditional scheme: 1 tsp. any herbal component (or several herbs) pour 250 ml of boiling water and leave until cool (30-40 minutes).

Medicines for external use

Food and herbal ingredients are also effective in eliminating toothache, as are rinses. The main folk remedies for toothache, which have long been used to combat signs of dental disorders, should be listed:

  • Aloe. The sheet is cut lengthwise and the smooth side is applied to the inflamed gum. You can tie a plant leaf to the cheek on the side of the problem element. Relief occurs an hour after the procedure.
  • Propolis. The plant is thoroughly kneaded in your hands before use. The plant will have the desired effect only with slight heating (up to 36-37 degrees), otherwise there is no point in using it. The finished medicine is stored in the refrigerator and warmed in your hands before each use.
  • Any vegetable oils (tea, mint, eucalyptus). A few drops of oil are dripped onto the crown of the destroyed element. If a carious cavity is visible in the element, then you should try to pour liquid into this area.
  • Tinctures containing alcohol or vodka. The ingredient inhibits the activity of pathogenic microorganisms in the oral cavity, thereby reducing the pain of the problem area. To combat the problem, tincture of motherwort or calendula is perfect.
  • Aluminium foil. This method of dealing with jaw pain is not the most popular, but it quickly eliminates unpleasant symptoms. To do this, make a narrow bridge from a sheet of foil and apply it to the inflamed gum using an adhesive plaster.

Pain relievers suitable for children

Herbal ingredients, for example, a decoction of thyme, are suitable for treating toothache in children. The dry ingredient is poured with 1 glass of water and left for 10 minutes. Before rinsing, the solution is filtered and cooled until room temperature. In 1 procedure you need to use the entire volume of the product. For severe pain, the procedure can be performed up to 5-6 times a day.

Children should not be given alcohol tinctures to relieve jaw pain. A child may accidentally swallow part of the tincture, which will negatively affect his health or lead to a burn to the mucous membranes of the throat.

Good way reducing the intensity of symptoms of dental problems in children - valerian gruel. The root of the plant is washed and ground on a grater or through a meat grinder. The resulting consistency is spread on a gauze swab and placed on the diseased element for 20-25 minutes. The analgesic effect from the procedure lasts up to 10 hours.

A piece of fresh beets can help you cope with not very severe pain. It is placed on the tooth itself and the gum located next to it. As a result of exposure to vegetable juice, the intensity of pain in the tooth decreases in 30-40 minutes.

Traditional medicines for caries

If your tooth hurts, then instead of a soda-salt solution you can use egg white, beaten with 1 tsp. salt and novocaine (10%). All ingredients are thoroughly mixed together and used to rinse the mouth every 4 hours. After the manipulations, discomfort in the jaw goes away almost immediately.

Camphor alcohol gives a quick effect for pain associated with caries. Soak a cotton swab in the solution and apply it to the problem area for a few minutes. Soft tissues located near the tooth are also wiped with alcohol. Instead of camphor alcohol, you can use pumpkin tincture. To do this, the tail of the vegetable is crushed and poured with boiling water for 1 hour. Rinse your mouth with the product after filtering.

An affordable and effective remedy for eliminating the symptoms of caries is agave juice. Several leaves of the plant are cut off and washed. One of them is cut off and placed on the sore tooth, and the second is placed behind the cheek.

Medicines for pulpitis

The disease is often accompanied by acute excruciating pain associated with damage to the deep layers of the tooth and its nerve endings. In this case, it is recommended to use folk remedies if it is not possible to see a doctor in the next 1-2 days.

You can put a piece of propolis into the damaged tooth and lie on your side on the side of the problem area. This position is maintained for 10 minutes. This procedure can be repeated up to 5 times a day.

Another remedy for soothing jaw aches due to pulpitis is a mixture of lemon juice (5 drops), hydrogen peroxide (20 drops) and soda in proportion (1 tsp). The medicine is used to rub the gums near the affected area.

To temporarily relieve the symptoms of pulpitis, you can use a Drotaverine tablet, crushed to a powder. Pieces of the drug are placed into the carious cavity. The aching in the tooth will disappear as Drotaverine dissolves

Folk remedies for flux

In case of illness, self-medication is acceptable if the size of the tumor is small and there is no increase in body temperature. Flux is dangerous because it can quickly become complicated by sepsis, abscess and other problems that require urgent surgical intervention. With such complications, there is always a high risk of death.

Baked onions help relieve discomfort from flux. The cooled onion is applied to the lesion. Improvement occurs within 1 hour. Onions help the abscess break through as quickly as possible and come to the surface.

Good remedy for flux - a decoction of lemon balm leaves. Several articles l. The dried plant is poured with boiling water and left in a thermos for 3-4 hours. After this, the decoction is ready for use. The pain can be relieved a few minutes after the procedure.

The danger of using traditional recipes

When using any medicines, including non-traditional ones, it is necessary to remember the possibility of developing side effects. Many alternative treatments can cause serious allergic reactions. When using any plant or product for the first time, a sensitivity test should be performed. To do this, apply a small amount of plant or product juice to the back of the elbow. If after 15-20 minutes there is no irritation of the test area, then the ingredient can be used to treat dental diseases.

You should also follow some rules when using separate funds traditional medicine:

  • Honey. The product is often recommended to relieve toothaches, but too frequent use of the product can aggravate the course of caries. Pathogenic particles increase their activity under the influence of a sweet environment. The condition, in turn, leads to increased symptoms of dental disorders.
  • Alcohol. Suitable for topical use only. When taken orally they will bring more harm than good.
  • Warming bandages. Acceptable for use in the absence of a purulent-inflammatory process in the gums. Otherwise, they will lead to a rapid complication of the pathology.

It must be remembered that folk remedies can only be used as a temporary measure. It is necessary to consult a doctor even when the pain can be calmed with the help of improvised means. It is impossible to cure a diseased tooth completely at home.

Other unconventional ways to deal with the problem

There are several more effective ways pain relief at home:

  • Abstraction is a distraction from disturbing symptoms. Watching your favorite show or reading will allow you to take a little break from discomfort interesting book. Playing on the musical instruments, physical exercise, sex. During sexual intercourse, the body produces endorphins - natural blockers of pain.
  • Cry. According to scientists, when crying, blood pressure in the gums decreases. Thanks to this fact, you can slightly reduce the intensity of discomfort associated with dental diseases.
  • Prayers and conspiracies. The technique only works if a person sincerely believes in its effectiveness. Tooth pain disappears thanks to powerful self-hypnosis.

There are several folk ways to combat toothache: using herbal remedies and products; psychological; massage. Each type of dental disease has its own effective recipes. Before use

Toothache is very insidious. Often unbearable sensations occur at night and completely exhaust a person. Unpleasant sensations can affect not only the tooth and jaw. But also radiate to the head and ear. At such moments, the only thing you can think about is how to get rid of toothache quickly.

Toothache – how to relieve it at home

For emergency use you can use drug treatment, by means of traditional healers. Or apply the knowledge of Chinese medicine.

What not to do during inflammatory dental processes:

  • warm up - heat will provoke a rapid proliferation of infection, which will lead to a worsening of the condition;
  • sleep on a flat surface - the head should always be on a slight elevation, this will allow blood to flow away from the inflamed area;
  • drink ice water– the relief will be short-lived. And after a few days you can get a cold tooth nerve or gumboil;
  • uncontrollably take antibiotics - these drugs are quite serious, you cannot take them on your own.


What to do in case of acute toothache? The best solution is to visit a dentist. But if this is not possible, you can use an anesthetic for toothache. All of them are available and sold in every pharmacy. And some can be easily found in every home medicine cabinet.

Tablets for toothache

Analgin and aspirin are the most familiar drugs, tested by many generations. You should start taking half a tablet.

Important! Aspirin can lead to the destruction of tooth enamel and irritation of the gastric mucosa. Analgin negatively affects the process of hematopoiesis. Therefore, the drugs should not be abused, but used only to relieve acute pain.

Nurofen and ibuprofen are drugs that effectively combat any type of toothache. They not only relieve pain, but also relieve inflammation. The daily dose should be no more than four tablets.

Ketanov is a strong pain reliever and anti-inflammatory drug. Should not be taken by persons under 16 years of age or by pregnant or lactating women. And also for people who suffer from liver and kidney failure.


Injections are the most effective remedy for eliminating dental inflammation. Similar uses medicinal drugs helps them quickly enter the bloodstream. Ketanov can be used for injection.

A mixture of aspirin, analgin, and diphenhydramine (triadol) helps well. Such an injection almost instantly relieves even severe painful sensations.

Traditional methods

Folk remedies for toothache are effective and safe.


Used for aching pain. A small piece must be applied to the source of inflammation in the mouth. This beekeeping product has many active substances that will relieve pain in just a quarter of an hour.

You can use ready-made alcohol tincture of propolis. Dilute 3 ml of product in a glass of water. Use the rinse solution.


It can be used in various ways in the treatment of dental ailments.

  1. To make a compress, you need to moisten a swab in the solution and apply it to the disturbing tooth. Hold until the pain completely disappears.
  2. You can wipe the gums in the area of ​​inflammation, but no more than four times a day.

Important! For children this method doesn't fit.

To make the solution, add 5 g of salt and 6 drops of iodine to a glass of water. Rinse every 4 hours. Pregnant women should avoid this method of treatment.

If there is swelling, you can draw an iodine grid on the outside of the cheek. It is applied three times at intervals of a quarter of an hour.


You will need a piece of fresh lard. It must be applied to the gum at the site of inflammation. You cannot use a salty product - the salt will corrode the gums, and the pain can become simply unbearable.


The product is a recognized effective antiseptic. For toothache it is used externally.

Dilute 10 ml of peroxide in 110 ml of water. Use as a rinse as often as possible. At severe pain You can hold it in your mouth for a few minutes. Do not swallow!


This plant has helped get rid of painful sensations in the distant past.

  1. Rub peeled garlic onto the area on the wrist where the pulse is felt.
  2. Or wrap the clove in gauze and secure it to your wrist with an adhesive plaster.

Garlic should be used on the side opposite the inflamed tooth.

Important! Fruit mono-diets can harm tooth enamel and make the tooth vulnerable and sensitive.


Salt and soda are traditional means for preparing anti-inflammatory solutions. They can be used separately or together. For a glass of water you will need 7 g of dry matter. Rinsing should be done up to 7 times a day.

What else can you rinse your mouth with a toothache? Herbal decoctions and infusions are very effective as a rinse. This procedure helps to get rid of both pain and inflammation.


To prepare the infusion, you need to pour 15 g of the herb into a glass of boiling water. Heat the liquid in a water bath for no more than 10 minutes.

  1. To rinse, use strained product at a comfortable temperature.
  2. Carry out the procedure every 1.5 hours.

In the same way, you can prepare an infusion of plantain, lemon balm, and mint.

Important! Fresh plantain leaves are great for toothache. To do this, you need to pour boiling water over the leaf, crush it a little in your hands, and apply it to the disturbing area.

Unconventional approach

If you don’t have any painkillers at hand, you can use the methods of Chinese healers.


There are 3 active points. When exposed to them, you can quickly eliminate unpleasant sensations:

  • at the junction of the thumb and index finger on the hand - you need to massage the hand opposite to the inflamed tooth. Rotational movements must be performed for 4 minutes. You can use an ice cube for massage;
  • index fingernail – massage is performed on the hand from the side of the inflammation site. It is necessary to press on the entire surface of the tooth for 5 minutes;
  • the upper edge and earlobe from the side of the localization of the inflammatory process - massage movements are made from top to bottom, it is necessary to press with the thumb and forefinger until slight redness appears.

How else can you soothe the pain?

Using essential oils. To eliminate pain, clove and peppermint oils are suitable. They can be dripped either directly onto the tooth hole. Or drop it on cotton wool. 1 drop is enough.

Important! Essential oils may burn the mucous membrane.

Toothache in children

Children's teeth have insufficiently strong enamel. Therefore, dental ailments appear in them quite often. Toothache remedies for children should act quickly and effectively. And at the same time be absolutely safe.

What to give your child for toothache:

  1. Ibuklin is a syrup containing paracetamol and ibuprofen. Safe but very effective.
  2. You can give your child a little propolis to chew. If the pain is very severe, the product can be applied directly to the site of inflammation.
  3. Beets are a natural antibiotic. A small piece of fresh vegetable should be placed between the tooth and gum.
  4. Angelica leaves help a lot. They can be chewed or applied to the site of inflammation. The acute pain subsides after a few minutes.

Important! Children need to be taught how to brush their teeth properly as early as possible. With the appearance of the baby’s first tooth, it is necessary to begin hygienic teeth cleaning.

Toothache in pregnant women

It is quite difficult for pregnant women to get rid of dental problems. Many drugs are prohibited, some cause toxicosis.

Approved painkillers for pregnant women:

  • paracetamol;
  • no-shpa;
  • spasmalgon.

What can pregnant women do if they have a toothache?

  1. Cloves (clove powder) can quickly kill bacteria. The spice is located on the gum near the affected tooth.
  2. A mixture consisting of fresh aloe and colanchoe juice helps a lot. Juices are taken in equal shares. The product is used to lubricate the gums.

When breastfeeding

During lactation, you can use safe medicinal solutions - ultracaine and lidocaine. The drugs are used in the form of injections. It is better not to feed the child for 2 hours after the procedure.

Important! Lidocaine is contained in Kalgel. This remedy helps relieve your baby from pain during teething.

Pain under the crown

A correctly installed prosthesis should not cause discomfort. Pain may occur for 3 days after visiting the dentist. Until the adaptation period ends.

Causes of pain under the crown:

  • incorrect execution preparatory work before installing a crown;
  • perforation of the root canal caused by the negligence of the dentist;
  • improper grinding of the tooth, which led to overheating of the pulp;
  • a piece of instrument stuck in a tooth;
  • cyst formation.

You can quickly get rid of dental discomfort under a crown using natural ground coffee. A pinch should be poured onto the inflamed area and wait until completely dissolved.

Pain relieving paste

  1. Mix 5 g of crushed garlic, soda and salt.
  2. Dilute the mixture with 10 drops of peroxide.
  3. Brush your teeth with the resulting product twice a day.

Pain relief tablet

Mix salt (13 g), sugar (6 g), ground black pepper (1 g) and 3 drops table vinegar. Place the mixture on low heat and melt completely. Then form a tablet and apply it to the site of inflammation.

Important! You cannot swallow saliva - only spit.

Folk remedies for toothache can provide relief of varying duration. But you still have to visit the dentist, and as soon as possible. Modern clinics carry out all procedures for treatment, removal, and prosthetics absolutely painlessly. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid. You need to think that timely help from a specialist will help save the tooth.

Most dental diseases require qualified treatment from a specialist., however, there are also dental diseases that can be cured at home. There are many medications and folk methods that can help eliminate pain. The effectiveness of treatment will depend on the type of disease that has affected the tooth.

Causes and types of tooth pain

Toothache originates in the pulp, the inner part of the tooth that contains a large number of nerve endings and reacts sharply to any pathological process. The most common dental diseases are caries, pulpitis, periodontitis, periostitis, periodontitis. All of them have several types and forms of progression (chronic, acute, recurrent), on which the nature of the pain depends.

The types of pain are as follows:

  • acute;
  • aching;
  • spontaneous;
  • causal;
  • paroxysmal;
  • pulsating;
  • shooting;
  • irradiating;
  • localized.

Dental diseases and pain occur due to the following reasons:

  • Traumatic injuries (bruise, fracture).
  • Insufficient oral care.
  • Plaque deposition and stone formation.
  • Microbial invasions into the dental cavity.
  • Spread of infection from nearby areas of the maxillofacial area.
  • Caries, pulpitis, periodontitis.
  • Periodontitis, gingivitis.
  • Enamel hyperesthesia (sensitivity).

Symptoms of diseases and classical treatment of toothache

Diseased teeth bring temporary or permanent discomfort, disrupt normal functioning and can cause deterioration general well-being human: weakness, migraine, fever. To determine the type of disease and correctly make a diagnosis, it is necessary to assess the nature of the unpleasant sensations, the frequency and duration of their occurrence:

  • The carious process often causes aching, less often sharp pain when eating food.
  • Teeth with a large “hole” indicate the occurrence of a complication of caries – pulpitis. Pulpitis is characterized by acute pain that occurs spontaneously, has a paroxysmal nature and can radiate to other parts of the face.
  • Periodontitis causes sharp or aching sensations that intensify during eating and when biting on a tooth.

To eliminate discomfort, you can use professional and traditional methods treatment of toothache. But for an accurate diagnosis and complete elimination of the source of pain, it is recommended to carry out qualified treatment by a dentist. Only a doctor can carry out a comprehensive, effective treatment and prevent the development of complications.

Classical therapy involves removing carious tissue using a drill and restoring defects with filling materials.

Dental treatment at home will be effective for initial caries (when there is no hole in the tooth yet) and for the development of an inflammatory process in soft tissues. In addition, at home you can relieve pain and prevent dental diseases. If acute pulpitis or periodontitis develops, you should visit the dentist.

Treatment of caries at home

Caries is the most common disease - 1st place in the world, according to WHO. The disease is accompanied by the destruction of hard dental tissues and has several forms and stages of progression.

Carious teeth are characterized by the presence of cavities of varying depths and increased sensitivity to all types of irritants. Teeth with a “hole” indicate tissue destruction, and the more they are destroyed, the more often and more noticeably unpleasant and painful symptoms appear in a person.

In the enamel and dentin there are sensitive processes of nerve cells of the pulp that respond to factors environment. The pain that occurs due to the destruction of these tissues can go away on its own after removing the irritant (sweet, cold). But with deep carious lesions that have reached the pulp, painful attacks will be longer and more acute. This condition must be treated at the dentist's office.

How caries is treated in dentistry, look at the photo:

It is impossible to fully cure caries and relieve toothache at home; there are only methods that help temporarily eliminate the pain syndrome.

Quick elimination of toothache and treatment of the initial stage of caries can be carried out at home using the following procedures:

  • Take a glass of water, add a teaspoon of salt, dissolve and rinse your mouth with the solution after each meal. Rinsing can also be done with the addition of antiseptics to the water (Hydrogen Peroxide, Chlorhexidine). Gargling with decoctions is effective medicinal herbs, rinses, antiseptic solutions. Rinsing removes food debris, microorganisms, and has a calming effect on nerve endings.
  • Remove food debris from holes in teeth. Hygienic cleaning will help eliminate the irritant and calm the nerve endings in the enamel and dentin.
  • A quick remedy for toothache is a lotion with camphor alcohol. You need to moisten a cotton swab with the product and apply it to the sore spot for a few minutes.
  • Take one clove of garlic, grate or chop it and apply it to the area of ​​concern for 5-10 minutes. Garlic has strong disinfecting properties.
  • Apply with a cotton swab dipped in fir oil. To do this, a tampon should be applied to the sore area for several minutes; the procedure can be repeated several times a day. Fir oil has antibacterial and analgesic properties.
To treat caries in the spot stage, it is necessary to use remineralizing agents and fluoride-containing pastes: “Biocalcium” from Splat, President Unique, R.O.C.S. "Caribbean Summer", President Classic. You should regularly brush your teeth and gums with hygiene products at least once a day.

Elimination of pain due to pulpitis

Pulpitis is an inflammation of the nerve that is located in the middle of the tooth. The process is accompanied by the release of exudate and compression of nerve endings, which provokes the occurrence of acute pain. If a tooth hurts due to pulpitis, it requires treatment by a dentist, since only a doctor can open the pulp chamber, remove the nerve and clean the canals.

How professional treatment of pulpitis is carried out, look at the photo:

Before visiting a doctor, you can eliminate pain using traditional medicine. At home, you can treat a tooth that hurts due to pulpitis using rinses, applications, medications and folk remedies. All of the above methods will be effective if the pulp chamber is “open” - there is an opening in the hard tissues and access to the nerve.

Ways to eliminate “pulpitis” pain:

  • The use of painkillers, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic drugs is the most quick fix for toothache.
  • Using propolis will help relieve pain and reduce inflammation. A piece of propolis should be kept on the sore side for 10–15 minutes. You can moisten a cotton ball with propolis tincture and apply it several times a day. The method works quickly and effectively.
  • Apply a cold compress. The procedure eliminates pain, especially in acute inflammatory processes.
  • Cinquefoil root will relieve acute pain. The product can be used in the form of a decoction or tincture.
  • Prepare a decoction of sage, chamomile, lemon balm and rinse your mouth with it. Medicinal herbs have a calming, antiseptic effect.
  • Plantain root is cleaned and applied to the carious cavity. You can prepare a decoction from the plant and perform oral baths (keep in your mouth for several minutes).
  • You can use aloe leaf. To do this, you need to cut it and apply it to the sore tooth for 5–10 minutes.

Traditional recipes for the treatment of periodontitis

Periodontitis is an inflammation of the connective tissue behind the apex of the tooth root. The disease also affects the tissue around the root and can lead to the appearance of inflammatory formations on the gums. For periodontitis, traditional treatment methods are often used to eliminate acute toothache.

Treatment tactics depend on the severity of the inflammation. The disease can occur with or without access to the canals. If there is access to the lesion, you can treat the tooth and relieve toothache at home using rinses and mouth baths using antiseptic solutions, herbal decoctions, and rinses. In the absence of access to periodontal tissues, it is necessary to use painkillers, anti-inflammatory applications and rinses. It is impossible to cure periodontitis on your own; the patient should definitely visit a doctor.

The photo shows how periodontitis will be treated in the clinic:

Folk remedies for tooth pain due to periodontitis:

  • Rinsing with herbal decoctions will relieve inflammation, reduce pain and sensitivity of the gums, and provide an antiseptic effect. For periodontitis, the use of thyme, plantain, sage, and yarrow is effective.
  • You can prepare a tincture of grated horseradish and apply it using gauze swabs.
  • A compress of plantain will help relieve inflammation. To do this, the leaves are washed under warm running water and applied to the painful area for 10–15 minutes.
  • It is effective to use birch tar when brushing your teeth in tandem with toothpaste. The product not only eliminates inflammation, but also stops bleeding gums.
  • For applications to the problem area, mint or calendula tincture is used.
Turnip decoction eliminates discomfort and has a beneficial effect on periodontal tissue. To prepare it, you need to grate the vegetable and boil it (a glass of water per 100 g of product). You can add horseradish, garlic, and honey to the prepared broth.

Elimination of pain during periodontitis

Periodontitis is inflammation of the gums and the ligament that surrounds the tooth. The disease causes exposure of the roots, mobility of the teeth, bleeding gums and pain of various types. The disease occurs in a chronic form. During exacerbations, acute toothache occurs, which can be relieved with folk remedies, but treatment should be carried out not at home, but in a clinic.

Since pain occurs due to tissue inflammation, anti-inflammatory drugs are used to relieve it. medications and traditional methods that help calm the inflammatory process. Traditional methods of treating toothache include:

  • In the presence of exudate, rinsing with a soda-saline solution is effective. To prepare it, use a glass of water and a teaspoon of salt and soda. You need to rinse your mouth with this product 3 times a day.
  • Rinse with comfrey infusion. Brew a tablespoon of the herb in 250 ml of boiling water, cool and rinse the gums for several minutes.
  • Rinse with infusion of calendula and linden. You can also use a decoction of pine needles.
  • It is recommended to irrigate sore teeth and gums with a decoction of oak bark, apply a cotton swab moistened with Kalanchoe juice, aloe, and camphor alcohol to the gums.
  • Gum massage using sea buckthorn and calendula oils is effective; the procedure should be carried out for 5 minutes several times a day.
  • You can take the “medicine” from rowan berries internally: combine 150 grams of berries with 50 grams of honey, grind and take 1 teaspoon for 2 weeks.
  • Calamus root is applied to the sore spot for 8–10 minutes.

First aid for acute pain

When there is no time to make tinctures and buy special ones pharmaceutical drugs To treat teeth at home, you can use improvised means to eliminate toothache. To quickly relieve your condition before visiting a doctor, you can:

  • Take painkillers: Analgin, Ibuprofen, Nurofen, Ketanov, Spazmalgon. Within an hour the condition will improve significantly.
  • Brush your teeth gently but thoroughly. Removing food debris from the enamel brings significant relief in case of excessive sensitivity.
  • Apply a piece of ice to the painful tooth and hold until the pain subsides. The cold will act as a local anesthetic. Warm compresses should not be applied, especially in the presence of purulent exudate.
  • Rinse your mouth with a soda-saline solution; this method works very quickly and effectively.
  • For any inflammation, you can use propolis.
  • Take a vertical position, it helps reduce blood flow to the jaw, which leads to relief of the condition.

There are quite a few traditional medicines that help eliminate toothache. The effectiveness of treatment depends on the type, severity of the disease and individual characteristics person. You should carefully use traditional methods if available allergic reaction and you need to remember that self-medication can lead to serious complications - for full treatment you need to see a dentist.