You can combine business with pleasure. In other words, sell old things. This will help you make money and help people who want to buy something but don’t have the money for a new one.

If you have things that are more valuable than shoes or clothes, then you can try to “attach” them in other ways. For example, Cell phones, and other equipment can be sold for purchase. There are many of these in any radio market. You just need to bring the item and sell it to a reseller. However, they offer a price slightly lower than what you could sell the item for yourself. But not everyone has access to the Internet and extra time to spend as a buyer. You can also hang them on free stands and poles. The option, of course, is not the most reliable, but why not try. If you have old antique items, you can take them to an antique shop. If the item fits, then you can get good prices for it. You can also go to the so-called flea market, where there are always buyers, maybe they are looking for your exact item?

So, if you find old or simply unnecessary things, do not rush to get rid of them, let’s say, for free. You can simply sell old things, thereby delighting yourself with the money you earned and the buyer with the acquired item. Whatever method you choose, good luck to you.

Many owners of very old cars believe that selling an old car at a good price is almost impossible. They justify their opinion by the fact that modern foreign cars have greater profitability. You can sell old car, literally, without leaving home.

How to sell an old car at a good price

  • call the numbers listed on the website;
  • show the car to the appraiser at a convenient time and place;
  • agree on the cost;
  • enter into a contract;
  • get your money.

We buy back old cars on the spot on the day you contact us, and we consider any options. Urgent purchase of old cars in Moscow operates 24 hours a day. This real opportunity get cash for an unprofitable vehicle.

A preliminary assessment of the vehicle has been organized for you. Leave information with characteristics in the form on the website. If you are satisfied with the price, you can sell your old car literally an hour after applying, without participating in the re-registration process.

  • Safety! We conduct transactions in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The car will be deregistered, and the car owner will receive a full package of documents;
  • Comfort. Our specialists arrive at the inspection site within an hour and conduct free vehicle diagnostics. If necessary, we will deliver the car to our parking lot completely free of charge!
  • Simplicity. You just need to dial us and within an hour our specialist will come to you.

By contacting us, you can sell your old car within 1 business day and get the maximum possible amount for it.

How much will you get for your car?

When selling old cars on their own, the car owner faces many problems. Buyers, when looking at a car, find a lot of shortcomings: an old battery, various technical faults, damage to the paintwork, defects in bumpers and glass, and much more. The seller is forced to reduce the price. In this case, the sale cannot be called profitable. By calling us, you can quickly, and most importantly, sell your car profitably.
We buy old cars in any technical condition. We don't care: broken car, with high mileage or technically faulty. The cost of a vehicle is determined by many factors:

  • Year of car manufacture. We buy cars from 1905, rare and rare examples;
  • Actual condition at the time of sale. Our specialists have extensive experience. They will quickly diagnose the vehicle and name its actual price;
  • From the availability of additional options. If the car owner loved his car, looked after it and added options to it, then the cost, of course, will be much higher;
  • From the make and model of the vehicle. For popular cars you will be able to earn 5-10% higher than for rare options. In the case of the sale of rare cars, an individual assessment of the vehicle is carried out.

How is an old car sold?

You are contacting our service

A specialist will arrive within an hour

Evaluates the car and offers a price

Selling antique photographs can bring, albeit not huge, but still noticeable monetary profits. How to correctly determine the cost of a photograph and find an honest buyer? Look for a detailed answer below. Note that the Leather Mosaic company offers very favorable conditions. You can contact us regarding the sale of antique photographs (pre-1940s) by calling 8-916-694-48-39.

Everyone knows that old photographs have a unique charm. Looking at such photographs, we seem to be immersed in the past and feel its spirit. After all, a photograph is an image real people who once lived in a completely different world. Looking at them in the photographs, you can imagine the environment in which they had to live, what objects surrounded them, what they did. If your family has old photographs, then you are definitely in luck. Nowadays, such photographs are not only family pride, but also a stylish piece of furniture. When inserted into a frame, they decorate the room and give it a unique flair. In addition, old photographs can bring good income, if, of course, they are valuable.

Who needs old photographs in the first place? First of all, for collectors. There is quite a large number of people who are interested in antiquity and, if possible, acquire photographs past eras. Sometimes collectors are willing to pay a lot of money for an old photograph, but only if it depicts something unique, for example, a representative of a disappeared people. However, it is not uncommon for owners of photographs to sell them for too low a price. Therefore, to avoid similar situation, you should definitely seek advice from professionals involved in the evaluation of old photographs, only they can voice its adequate cost. This indicator is influenced by various factors: the subject of the image, the period when the photo was taken, its quality and safety. The older the photograph, the more valuable it is to collectors. Pre-revolutionary photographs are in particular demand among them. The cost of a photograph is greatly influenced by its condition - the fewer bends and other minor damages it has, the higher its value.

Researchers also quite often purchase old photographs. They need them for their work. In most cases, scientists are looking for photographs from a specific period, not just old ones. Sometimes they need photographs on a specific topic, for example, photographs of children or views of a city.

If you decide to sell an old photograph, the first thing you need to do is determine its value. It is almost impossible to do this without a specialist appraiser. In order to be sure that the price of the photo is adequate, it is best to contact several places to evaluate the photo. It happens that antique stores that buy antiques value antique photographs quite cheaply, then resell them at a higher price. This can be avoided by contacting, as mentioned above, several specialists.

Keep in mind that restored photographs, like postcards, are much less expensive than unrestored ones. Therefore, if you have old photographs in not very good condition, think about whether it’s really worth selling them? Isn't it better to leave them as a souvenir? After all, even if you manage to find a buyer, most likely, the proceeds from the sale of the photo will be very small.

The sale of antique photographs is carried out mainly through the Internet. There are many websites where you can find people willing to buy antique photographs. You can also leave your advertisement for sale there. To get a response to your ad as quickly as possible, try to publish as much information about the photo as possible: by whom and when it was taken, its condition, quality. It is also recommended to post an image of the photo itself. If a potential buyer is haggling with you, think about whether it is really worth reducing the price for the photo? This is especially true in cases where the sale announcement has just been published. If you have agreed to sell with a buyer, it is best to meet him in person. It is not recommended to send antique photographs by mail, as they may become damaged during shipping. It may also happen that the photo loses its original appearance, then its value will decrease significantly.

If you want to simplify the process of selling your antique photographs (pre-1940s) as much as possible, you can contact us, the Leather Mosaic company. We offer very favorable conditions. You can contact us by phone 8-910-409-07-68.

You can also sell us antique books and vintage postcards.

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They don’t even hesitate to buy used items the mighty of the world this: for example, the former Prime Minister of Australia boasted on his Instagram about buying a refrigerator on a consignment goods website. However, online trading does not always go smoothly - some people easily get rid of everything they don’t need, while others have goods waiting for months for a new owner. So what's the secret?

We are in website We know exactly how to sell unnecessary things, and today we share with you tips for successful online trading.

Unnecessary items that sell best online

  • Electronics, video games and computer products. Game consoles that you've given up on, an unnecessary but perfectly functioning phone, video game discs and digital players are just a few of the things that are sure to have buyers.
  • Clothing, shoes and accessories. A dress that was worn only once, shoes that were so beautiful in the store but turned out to be uncomfortable when worn, and something that simply didn’t fit. All these things can be sold and thereby partially compensate for your financial losses.
  • Toys and goods for children. Perhaps the most popular type of ad. The reasons are extremely simple: children grow up so quickly, and young mothers buy so much that most things remain in perfect condition (they haven’t even had time to use them). Feel free to sell them.
  • Furniture and large household appliances. Have you decided to update your interior or maybe buy a new refrigerator? Everything unnecessary can be sold: perhaps someone is looking for furniture for rented apartment or dacha and will gladly buy yours.
  • Collectibles. Old books, newspapers, records - what people don’t collect! Maybe the porcelain figurines that are collecting dust in your attic will become a real treasure for someone? In any case, you can try to turn antiques into money.
  • Services and handmade. Do you bake cakes, embroider or make flowers? Free classifieds sites will help you sell all your creations.

How to sell things?

1. Determine the optimal price

Perhaps the correct assessment of the cost of a product is the most important stage of the sale. Because it is based on price that buyers will filter ads and compare your product with similar products from other sellers. And no matter how you describe the advantages of your product, no matter what good photos No matter what, potential customers will look at price first.


  • Assess demand. If there are plenty of similar products, then your business is bad. It is unlikely that you will be able to sell it at a higher price, so you will have to look for a middle ground or even dump it (which you cannot do for the sake of sale).
  • Do not set the price above 50–60% of the market price. It is unlikely that anyone will want to buy a used (even if only for a short time) item at the price of a new one.
  • Hold an investigation. See what prices your competitors charge. It is better to conduct reconnaissance on those portals where you, in fact, intend to sell. Determine the optimal price for yourself, but for a second put yourself in the buyer’s shoes. Think about whether you yourself could pay the assigned amount for this product or not, and if in doubt, then feel free to reduce the price.

2. Take good photos

3. Write the right description

After reading the description, the potential buyer will decide whether he should contact you. And here we will have to remember the experience of writing school essays and bring all your literary talent to bear. The description should be brief but informative. If you forget to write down the characteristics of the product, its size and describe its condition, then expect a flurry of calls, because people are interested in knowing what they are going to buy.


  • There is no need to indicate the reasons for the sale. Few people are interested in the fact that you are moving or that you are having a bad time and really need money. This is completely unnecessary information.
  • Catchy title. Don’t hesitate to use the tricks of the pros - a short and bright headline will attract the attention of buyers.
  • Format your text. Do not neglect paragraphs, because an ad that is well structured will probably be read to the end.
  • Publish the same product in different categories. For example, an advertisement for the sale of a DVR can be placed in the categories “Auto”, “Photo and Video” and “Security”. Accordingly, the chances that your product will be seen and bought will increase.

4. Never delay an item

People who often sell unnecessary things online are already accustomed to requests to postpone the goods until tomorrow, until Monday, until payday. There are many such “befores”. But think about it, because buyers are so fickle: today they got excited about buying an exercise bike and asked to put it off, and tomorrow they changed their minds about doing it.

When selling online, time is against you. If there is a person who wants to purchase the product immediately, then that’s great. Sell ​​and don’t be tormented by remorse for refusing someone’s request to hold the goods.

5. Add a bonus

Everyone loves gifts. Marketers have long used this trick to sell less popular products. A free gift or bonus with a purchase increases the value of the purchase in the eyes of the buyer. Why not learn the invaluable experience of your sales staff?


When selling a laptop, offer a flash drive or headphones as a gift. If you decide to part with children's clothes, then it would be useful to put a toy or some useful little thing. Be sure to write about this in your ad in the very first lines.

6. Give the buyer the opportunity to bargain

Another secret of marketers: too low a price can alert the buyer. A person who has decided to make a purchase begins to have doubts: what if the product is defective or not as good as the seller writes about it?


Set a price slightly higher than what you originally planned, and indicate in the ad that you are willing to bargain. The magic phrase “Negotiable” usually attracts thrifty buyers and those who initially did not even think about purchasing this item. Give in gladly. Bottom line - great mood for all parties to the transaction.

7. Consider postage costs

The Internet has united people from different parts of the world - international and long-distance sales and exchanges are no longer a rarity. When composing your ad, think about the issue of delivery. Who will pay for postage, delivery or courier fees? These details need to be agreed upon before the transaction is completed to avoid unpleasant surprises.

8. Follow safety rules

As for safety rules, every site that posts free ads usually invites users to familiarize themselves with these same rules. Do not neglect this opportunity, observe simple rules, and most likely the transaction will go smoothly.


  • Do not disclose personal information.
  • Get a separate SIM card for online sales and orders in online stores.
  • Make meetings with customers in crowded places or invite friends with you. Don't invite strangers home.
  • When selling digital and mobile equipment, take photographs serial number. Often, scammers replace the purchased product with a broken one, and then return it to the seller. As a result, the seller loses money and goods.

Products that cannot be purchased secondhand

  • Digital camera with video recording function. Video shooting mode heats up the sensor, greatly reducing its service life. The wear of this element is very difficult to determine, so it turns out that you are getting a pig in a poke.
  • HDD computer. A really fragile thing: even a slight blow can affect its performance.
  • Bicycle and motorcycle helmets, as well as child car seats. These are things that are literally responsible for life and health, and if misused in the past, they may not cope with their immediate functions. Don't skimp on safety.
  • Plasma panels. Phosphorus, which is part of the fluorescent coating of each pixel of the plasma panel, is unfortunately subject to the effect of burnout. A similar drawback is inherent in almost all TV technologies, but plasma suffered more than others.
  • Tires and wheels for a car. Purchasing these products is dangerous because it is simply impossible to find out under what conditions they were used.
  • Vacuum cleaner. Vacuum cleaners are high-power household appliances; they are used very often and not always carefully. The most expensive part in them is the motor, which is the first to fail, and its repair is very expensive.

The tenth striped T-shirt purchased at a sale, or shoes that don’t fit in size, ordered from an online store, or simply things you don’t like that gradually begin to take up half of your wardrobe is a familiar story to almost everyone. The solution to this problem can be communities and websites where they sell, exchange or even give away unnecessary shoes, clothes, bags, cosmetics and even cars. A couple of years ago, such groups flooded LiveJournal, but gradually began to move to the more active Facebook and VKontakte - where today you can find more than a thousand communities for any city by searching for “sale.” Showrooms, common in the West, where you can rent a shelf and put up any goods for sale, are just beginning to appear in Moscow, but are already popular - the queue for renting a place forms almost six months in advance.



What they sell:


the price is set by the seller

Number of participants:

more than 1,000

A closed group on Facebook, which, however, anyone can join; approving an application is just one way to cut off advertising. Almost 95% of the items for sale are women's clothing, shoes and accessories. From time to time you come across lonely people men's suits or sneakers, as well as appliances and even rarer home goods.

Posts are moderated, all messages that do not comply with the group rules are deleted (most often these are things with insufficient descriptions, uninformative or blurry photographs). The range of brands is colossal: here you can find Monki bracelets for 500 rubles and Christian Louboutin shoes for 20 thousand. In general, shoes appear on the pages of the community almost most often - as a rule, these are completely new sandals and sneakers, the owners of which missed the size when ordering from an online store. Often, a discussion of an unsuitable item in the comments smoothly flows into a conversation about the best online stores, the size range of a particular brand, or the fast way delivery - in general, it seems that most of the group members have known each other for a long time. The best place to look here is for COS dresses and bags, T-shirts from Urban Outfitters, shoes from Solestruck and items from other brands not represented in Moscow.

« Shopaholics Anonymous Group »


Facebook account and approval of the request by a moderator

What they sell:

shoes, clothing and accessories of luxury brands, cosmetics, furniture


the price is set by the seller

Number of participants:

more than 3,500

Another Facebook group where you can get rid of unnecessary and inappropriate things has more than three thousand members. The main rule of the community is only designer wardrobe items and only informative photographs.

The first, however, is violated with enviable consistency: among the gold Miu Miu sandals and Louis Vuitton bags, Zara sundresses and nameless clutches flash. Most of the items, according to their owners, are new or in perfect condition. There really is plenty to choose from here: Alice + Olivia striped pumps (8 thousand rubles) and a Maison Martin Margiela cape for H&M (5 thousand rubles), Giovanni Rossi sandals and other things that do not lose their relevance are offered significantly below their original cost, and some These things are no longer available for sale. Despite moderation, from time to time there are very strange offers here, such as buying a car, branded packages, Chinese counterfeits and completely unclassifiable items - all this makes it much more difficult to find worthwhile things. It’s better to buy the shoes or bag you like right away: a queue of people forms in the comments literally in the first minutes after the photo is published.

Your stuff for cash


VKontakte account

What they sell:

shoes, clothing and accessories


the price is set by the seller

Number of participants:

more than 5,500

Among the many VKontakte groups where you can sell, buy and exchange unwanted items, this is one of the most pleasant and active. In addition to strict rules prohibiting the sale of visibly worn items and counterfeits, all photo albums are moderated daily. They offer mainly mass market and nameless items, each of which is equipped detailed description condition, indicating the city and price (this is a mandatory community rule, without which the photo will not hang in the group for more than a couple of hours). The cost of goods rarely exceeds 3 thousand rubles, and the selection reflects the assortment of Topshop, Zara and H&M over the past six months. Buyers prefer to meet sellers at metro stations in the center, but they can also send you to another city here. New things appear in photo albums almost every day, but, as elsewhere, all the most interesting things find a new owner within a couple of hours.

There is a separate album for each category, which greatly facilitates the search; you can also leave a request with an illustration for the desired item in a separate photo album (they are mainly looking for rare or, conversely, the most popular models of sneakers, skateboards and controversial models of prom dresses from Asos) - if you’re lucky , there is a chance to buy what you want very inexpensively.


What they sell:

women's shoes, clothing and accessories


the price is set by the seller

Number of participants:

more than 10,000

Unlike local communities in in social networks, Boommy operates nationwide. To post a photo, you need to register on the site, after which you can post any number of photos of things for sale. If the buyer and seller live in different cities, the service offers to use postal or courier delivery; the buyer only needs to make a deposit of 50% of the cost of the item.

The main advantage of the site is that all items are categorized and accompanied by a detailed description indicating price, brand and size. The items here are mostly new; less often you come across worn ones, but in good condition (the site moderators remove dubious items). Another feature is that the service sells only women's items; Neither men's nor children's, much less cosmetics and toys can be found here. The site mainly contains dresses, blouses, jackets and jeans from all the most popular mass-market stores and unnamed items. Offers with the best photos or low prices are raised to the top of the catalogs by moderators; after purchase, the photo automatically disappears from the site.

Similar to eBay, you can read or leave a review about each seller on the site, which implies some security. In addition, on Boommy you can find detailed instructions on almost any issue: how to photograph an item, post it on the website and sign the information correctly, how to communicate with the seller and buyer, and so on.

« Your own shelf »


application for renting a shelf or hanger by phone or mail

What they sell:

shoes, clothes and accessories, things of your own design, books, jewelry, interior items


shelf rental - from 350 rubles, hangers - from 150 rubles, the price of items is set by the seller

Number of participants:

constantly changing

The name of the showroom that appeared on Artplay a year and a half ago fully reflects the essence of the project - here anyone can rent a shelf or several hangers to put up for sale all their unnecessary things at once. By the way, the creators suggest bringing here not only old or unsuitable things, but also your own crafts, from jewelry to knitted toys.

The store does not take a commission for things, you just need to pay for the space - a hanger or a shelf. In this case, the minimum rental period is one week, after which the seller can either take back the unsold property or extend the rental period. You can reserve a place by calling the store or writing to the post office, but there is already an impressive queue lined up for those shelves that are located in the most convenient places (at eye level). In the near future, it is planned to open the “Own Shelf” store, this time on Tsvetnoy Boulevard; then, according to the creators, some sellers from the waiting list will move there and the queue will noticeably shorten.

The selection here is varied and ranges from homemade earrings and books to vintage clothes and dresses from Asos. All items undergo strict selection, so you definitely won’t find outright junk here, and the rental price does not encourage the sale of hopeless items.



LiveJournal account

What they sell:

shoes, clothing and accessories, cosmetics


the price is set by the seller

Number of participants:

more than 5,000

There is a surprisingly active community on LiveJournal where you can buy or sell unwanted items. As elsewhere, there is a clear advantage here in favor of women's clothing, shoes and accessories, men's wardrobe items also pop up periodically, but they are a clear minority here.

In addition to selling, things can be given away free of charge or exchanged for something needed (for this you need to make an appropriate note and specify the item of exchange), there are much fewer such offers here and they apply mainly to things that have lost their relevance, such as children's toys and books, as well as to outright trash.

The community is moderated, so annoying ads and things in poor condition are almost never found here. But there are Michael Kors dresses, Max Mara tops and & Other Stories pumps, but they also find buyers almost instantly. But old-fashioned leatherette shoes, oversized jeans, polyester dresses from the mass market and dubious items from old collections of third lines of not the most popular brands hang on the pages for months.