Here are some basic posing poses and common mistakes most of us make.

“Hands on hips” is an aggressive pose. In addition, you are hiding your hands. Show your nails and point your elbows back. Turn your head a little and you have an intriguing pose, rather than an aggressive one.

Don't squeeze your waist, as this will create wrinkles in your clothing that will spoil your appearance.

Watch the position of your hands - avoid tense or unnaturally straight arms, as well as elbows pointed towards the photographer. Remember to keep your wrists free and flexible.

Lightly touching your face with your fingertips and keeping your mouth slightly open can make you more attractive if you don't get carried away. Do not put pressure on your face to avoid the “toothache effect”

Yes, your hands should be free, but they should not hang with whips, you are not a partisan being shot. Place one hand on your waist and slightly (slightly!) turn or tilt your head to enhance the beauty of your face.

Don't bulge your eyes, it looks too deliberate and unnatural. Turn your head slightly, open your lips a little, and you can touch your face - it will be feminine.

Don't squint your eyes, you're not a mole. Your natural eye shape is the most beautiful.

Don't hide your face behind your hands. See what the difference is.

Beautiful poses for a photo shoot

Use hand accents correctly. Where your hands are, there is the viewer's attention. Instead of placing your hands on your stomach, it is better to emphasize the beauty of your waist. And it’s good to show your shoulders and chest with a more open gesture.

A sideways glance makes your lips look too big. It's better to try different angles of turning your head. And don't forget to look at the camera.

If you are not the wife of a leader from African tribe and you don't have rings on your neck, don't lift your chin.

Your hands should always be relaxed. Just compare these two photos and you'll see why.

When shooting in full height there is no point in artificially disrupting the natural vertical line. Any pose in which you have to strain to maintain your balance, be it a squat or a slight bend to the side, will make you look like a broken doll in the photo.

How to take photos correctly? Here little secret poses for successful full-length photographs: the curve of your body should resemble the letter “S”: stand facing the photographer and shift your body weight to one leg and put the other forward. Remember to keep your arms relaxed, your posture comfortable, and your chin slightly raised.

Have a nice photo!

Has this ever happened to you - you look great, they take pictures of you, but in the photo... it’s some kind of nightmare? Is it really me? This happens not only because of a bad photographer, a lot depends on you. You just need to remember a few secrets to have a good photo shoot. And remember that every little thing is important!

Maybe you just turned the wrong side to the photographer, or took the photo turning straight, or just winced and pulled your neck into your shoulders?

  • The fact is that one half of a person’s face is always different from the other, and you need to turn to the camera with your best side.
  • Advice from professional photographers - never take passport photos while standing upright. This is the worst option. Especially if you have a full face. It’s not for nothing that photographers associate the phrase “passport photo” with unsuccessful portrait shot. Therefore, try to use the half-turn position. It’s even better if you first turn away to the side, and as soon as the photographer gives the command, turn to him. The photo will most likely turn out simply gorgeous!

Pay attention to the face and neck - these are important details.

  • The facial muscles should be relaxed, the forehead should be smoothed.
  • The neck should look beautiful and long, try to ensure that it is visible in the photo. To do this, keep your chin raised slightly, but not too much, otherwise it will appear square.
  • If you think that your lips are too thin, then open your mouth slightly, but do not stretch them out like a duck.
  • Don't look directly at the camera - pick a point and look at it.
  • In order for the photo to turn out positive, forget everything bad during the shooting, try to be in high spirits, to do this, remember the most pleasant moments in your life. Or let your loved one or your child or pet stand opposite you, behind the photographer. Your look will inevitably become warmer.

Makeup for a photo shoot.

  • To do makeup, take a mirror that magnifies your face. Since modern cameras will capture all the little things, and imperfections will be much more noticeable than in real life
  • And don’t be lazy to do trial makeup and trial photos before the photo shoot.
  • Remember that your makeup should be flawless and brighter than usual. But don’t overdo it so as not to look vulgar.
  • The upper eyelashes can be applied more heavily, but the lower ones should not be applied - circles may form under the eyes in the photo.
  • Pearlescent shadows can also ruin a photo if the light is chosen incorrectly.
  • Carefully blend all lines of makeup.
  • The foundation should not be too light, otherwise you will get a sick look. And too dark will make you appear older. Choose it exactly to match your skin tone. Or maybe do facial contouring, details here!
  • Be sure to take a powder compact with you so that your face does not shine. You've probably seen how a shiny face spoils a photo.

If you don’t know where to put your hands, then the most important thing is not to hold them like unnecessary whips.

  • Your hands should have a perfect manicure - after all, unkempt hands can ruin any successful photo.
  • Hold them loosely, do not clench them into fists. You can simply put them on yourself freely; if you cannot relieve the tension, then shake your hands.
  • Take, for example, a flower or a kitten.
  • Put your hands on your hair

How to look slimmer in photographs

  • If you are taking pictures in a group, try to be on the side, not in the center, and you will look much more graceful.
  • Place one or both hands on your waist, this will make it look slimmer. Use this technique if you are being filmed sitting down.
  • If you want to look slimmer, choose a pose where your shoulders are slightly leaned forward, and the back part, on the contrary, is a little further away. Thus, the breasts will appear larger and the hips smaller.

How to dress for a photo shoot.

  • The most important rule is that you should like the clothes - and you should like them!
  • It is better to choose plain clothes, without large patterns, inscriptions or logos. The color of clothing should not blend into the background.
  • Light and airy colors will add lightness and airiness to your look. top part and darker lower one.
  • Choose noble colors; acidic colors will distract attention from your image.

How to choose good poses to take photos

  • To find a winning pose for yourself, watch how professional models pose. Spin in front of the mirror to the music, taking various poses. Choose the ones that are most suitable for you.
  • Keep your royal posture.

Here are tips from a professional photographer

And the rest depends on how professional your photographer is. Good luck with your photo shoots.

They make grimaces, as if to say: “you don’t need to take pictures of me,” but they are still photographed, and all these grimaces remain in the photographs. Or he gets embarrassed, hides from the camera, looks away, tries to look serious. Just relax. Believe that you are beautiful - and it will certainly manifest itself!

Makeup. If you can prepare for photography in advance, then be sure to apply it using some techniques to look better in the photo. Use a matte foundation, because if the skin is a little shiny, it is almost unnoticeable, but in the photo the slightest shine will turn into radiant cheeks or forehead. If possible, apply additional powder to your face a few minutes before shooting. Use slightly brighter eye makeup than usual.

Cloth. It is better to choose clothes that will not distract attention from your face with their bright colors. It is much better in the photo to have a plain color, but especially if it bright color, you need this color to be in harmony with your makeup.

Pose for shooting. Don't slouch in front of the camera. Don't try to take unnatural "beautiful" poses. The best photos are taken when people look natural and relaxed. But this is not something you need to lounge in a chair or on the sofa and demonstrate your shortcomings. Know which unfortunate features of your figure are best hidden, dress and sit or stand so that the flaws are invisible. For example, if you have a double chin, you don’t need to look at the camera from under your forehead, gathering it into folds. It would be better to raise your head, looking somewhat down. The three-quarter angle allows you to good shots for almost all body types and faces.

Smile. A real, sincere smile will make your photo successful, even if everything else didn’t turn out quite as you would like. There are photographs in which people literally glow, but the whole point is just how they smile! If you want a radiant smile to illuminate your face, think about your loved one, imagine that you are looking at him. Don’t smile too big; the Hollywood “hundred-dollar smile” doesn’t suit everyone.

Helpful advice

When choosing a photographer, look at his work. If you like them, if the people in his photographs turn out beautiful, this photographer will suit you. There are no bad models, just lazy photographers and models, so take this choice seriously. When going on a shoot, help the photographer make sure the pictures come out well, work for the camera, but be natural.

Surely everyone is familiar with the situation when you want to change your avatar in social network, but there is no one for you. You can get a beautiful avatar at home without any help if you have a digital camera. You can take a photo of yourself and get a good result, and in this article we will tell you what rules you need to follow to do this.


Take photos in a room that is well lit. Inexpensive digital ones provide acceptable frame quality only with good general lighting. It is best to have daylight lighting - sunlight is the most natural.

If you are taking photos in evening time, turn on strong fluorescent lamps. IN daytime take pictures in front of the window, standing so that the sunlight falls evenly on your face. Never stand with your back to the window - the photo will be overexposed.

In order to make it invisible in the photo that you photographed yourself, use in the camera settings, which can be set to self-timer after 5, 10 or more seconds.

Place the camera on a flat surface, set the timer and make sure that the lens is pointed at you at the right angle and captures all or part of your figure. Press the shutter button and take the desired pose. After a few seconds, the self-timer will go off and the camera will shoot.

When taking a pose for a photograph, do not throw your head back too high, but also do not lower it too low - this will look unfavorable in the photo. The pose should be natural and relaxed.

Taking a selfie, like working on a self-portrait, can rightfully be called a form of art. After all, knowing the world always begins with knowing yourself. If you urgently need a beautiful photograph, but no one is around to help with it, it doesn’t matter. You can always take a beautiful selfie. And you don’t have to have a phone to do this. latest model With the most modern camera, you just need to follow a few simple rules.

Anyone can take a selfie

IN Lately The question of how to beautifully photograph yourself has become very relevant. Not a single beauty goes out without a mobile phone; they take gadgets with them on any vacation or to an event. Cell phones equipped with cameras, and some models have two. At the same time, the front camera is specially designed so that a girl can take beautiful pictures of herself. How to do this will be discussed in this article.

Hand position

Hands are a part of the body that is unfairly deprived of attention when taking selfies. However, you can give your photos a certain mood if you experiment a little with the position of one hand on the body or face. Also, do not forget that there should be no open palms in the frame. Hands should only be removed from the side. Poor placement of your free hand can degrade your photography. After all, hands convey stiffness and tension. If you wish, you can take some object in your hand - for example, a toy or a flower.

Turn your head

Those girls who are wondering how to beautifully photograph themselves should remember: a skillfully created selfie should be indistinguishable from a photo taken by a friend. No one will guess that this is a self-portrait and not the work of a professional photographer. First of all, you need to choose the right angle. And one of the most advantageous options is the head turned half a turn. This way you can visually make your face smaller and emphasize sharp cheekbones. If you try to take pictures “as if for a passport,” then the result is unlikely to please you. The camera can even demonstrate those disadvantages that would be invisible from other angles.

Since taking a beautiful photograph of your face yourself is the easiest task for selfie lovers, here to get a good selfie it is enough to follow the most simple rules. Sometimes you can turn your head even a few millimeters to the side. This will be unnoticed, but will significantly affect the perception of the photograph.

Many girls are interested in how to beautifully photograph themselves at home. In any setting, when taking a selfie, it is important to adhere to the main rule: the eyes should be expressed as clearly as possible, and other parts of the body should not be distorted. To do this, you need to either turn your head to the side or raise your chin slightly. Sometimes when taking a selfie, your nose turns out to be too enlarged. This can be avoided by holding the camera slightly up.

Photo standing

By following these simple rules, you can solve the question of how to beautifully photograph yourself at home. Poses for a selfie, as for regular photography, can be very different - standing, lying, sitting, with an emphasis on any surface. One of the most popular poses is standing. The only thing about taking selfies while standing (as in most other poses) is that you need to stand in front of a mirror to take them. Those who would like to take a selfie in this position should remember: it should not be a standing position. Try to keep all the muscles of your body in a relaxed position, but keep your back straight. If you don’t want to appear older, you should avoid leaning forward towards the camera. If you get too close to the lens, skin imperfections may become visible in the photo.

One of the most popular standing poses is called Triumphant. To perform it, you need to bend your arm above your head and bend one leg. The chest should be as tight as possible and slightly tilted forward. Another pose that all selfie lovers like is called “Supermodel”. To perform it, you need to lean on a tree, a car, or the wall of a house and cross your legs. Your free hand can lie on the wall or play with your hair. To make a standing photograph turn out beautiful, it is best to concentrate all the weight of the body on one leg, while imitating a calm walk.

How to beautifully photograph your feet yourself? Taking a photo of feet

The first thing to remember when taking a photo like this is to wear nice shoes. It should match your skin color as closely as possible. You can visually lengthen your legs with beige shoes. Also, before taking a photo, you can use a bronzer - a product that will give your legs radiance and a beautiful shade. Another way to visually lengthen your legs is to stand on tiptoes.

For many girls who like to take selfies, the question is how to beautifully photograph your own legs while lying down. To make the photo truly aesthetic, you should use the previous tips - white skin is unlikely to be attractive in a selfie. If you don’t have bronzer on hand, you can solve the problem by simply wearing beige tights. You should not choose tights with a high lycra content - because then your legs will shine unnaturally in the photo. It is worth remembering that a photograph of feet in shoes will always look much more aesthetically pleasing than without shoes or boots. In addition to bronzer, you can apply a little body oil or cream with pearlescent particles to your legs.

Take a photo of yourself sideways

We looked at how to beautifully photograph yourself from different angles. There is one more pose left - sideways. Of course, for many it will not be the most convenient, but it can be done beautiful photo using a mirror. In such a selfie, the figure always looks slimmer, folds of fat are, as a rule, almost invisible, and the girl seems taller.

However, from this angle Special attention worth paying attention to clothes. It should be the right size. After all, if the clothes are tight, it will be difficult to move. If things are too big and baggy, this will add weight.

To take a good selfie, you need to stand sideways to the mirror and try to arch your back in the shape English letter S. It is better to place your free hand on your hips or waist area. In this pose, the body weight should be distributed on only one leg, and the other should be as relaxed as possible. Also, if you have long beautiful hair, you can show it off in a selfie. To do this, you need to throw your head on its side and bow your head a little.

Selfie in a dress

Such photographs always turn out very feminine and beautiful. It doesn't matter what length or color the dress is, your photos will be filled with positive energy. When taking such a selfie, it is worth remembering that the clothes should be combined with the external environment. For example, if you are wearing an evening dress, then taking a photo with the kitchen in the background will not be entirely appropriate. You need to stand straight, put your free hand on your waist or use it to move the hem of your dress. If you need to show off your figure with a selfie, then you should choose a tight dress and stand sideways to the mirror.

What to avoid

Let's look at a few rules without which it is impossible to photograph yourself beautifully. As soon as some ladies forget about these basic principles, their photographs come out not as aesthetically pleasing as they could be.

  • Firstly, you shouldn’t make your lips “bow” - it looks unnatural and can be unpleasant for many visitors to your page on social networks.
  • Also, girls should not take pictures with low points- It's better to hold the camera higher. Low angle shots are more suitable for guys.
  • Also, do not retouch photos using blue, purple, red and other shades. As a rule, this is done using special plugins. But all these colors were previously used by professional photographers as parodies of classic works.
  • Since it is almost impossible to photograph yourself beautifully on your phone in a dark room, you should choose more illuminated places for selfies. You should avoid taking selfies in any dark rooms or dark places outdoors. No matter how high-quality cameras are, they can ruin photos in dark places.

Let's learn how to pose correctly for a photo shoot!

The genre of modern fashion photography has long become a full-fledged art form. And like modern art, often the task of the photographer and model is to convey not only the image, but also the mood with the help of photography. Good photo must have not only the present, but also the past and the future, be like a frame from a film where you are watching whole story. In the frame, the model must play a given role, leaving behind a piece of the moment from her life in the image. But for this, you need to learn pose correctly at a photo shoot and often you have to master this skill yourself. Of course, the photographer will always correct where it is critical, but you shouldn’t count too much on detailed instructions. In addition, the photographer will never be able to extract the necessary emotion or look from you. Not everyone wants to be a clown in front of you and constantly try to make you laugh or sad, because besides this, the photographer has other tasks. Let's talk about the most common rules when posing and the mistakes they make.

The first day of shooting for a model can sometimes be very difficult, especially if you don't know where to start. Therefore, it is very important to answer two questions for yourself: what to shoot, And How would this happen.

How to look beautiful in a photo

1. Subject of shooting

The concept of a photo shoot is developed in advance and can be of several types:

  • magazine photo shoot: when it is necessary to create a single image from a series of photographs, the so-called editorial - magazine story;
  • commercial photo shoot: the task of creating a selling image;
  • social photo shoot: show a social problem and attract public attention to it.

It doesn’t matter what kind of photo shoot the model will be photographed in, the main thing is to convey the mood, idea and the message that the photographer and the entire team put into it. Of course, nowadays, every photo set is a commercial project, because we live in a world where everything is sold and everything is bought. Therefore, the task of the model, in one form or another, is to create a sellable image. In this task, the entire film crew must come to the aid of the model, whose professionals first think through makeup, hairstyle, clothes, style and mood, which in general has such a concept as mood board . Literally, the mood board translates as mood board, and is an integral attribute of any. On such a board are hung images (clippings from fashion magazines, city landscapes, photographs of paintings by famous artists, snapshots from shows, etc.) whose task is to create a certain atmosphere on the site.

Image, emotions, posing– all this must be performed by the model in a sequential chain, which is divided into preparation and the process itself. If a model tries to portray any pose without preparation, it will not work out organically. Therefore, you should initially stand in front of the mirror, feel the atmosphere, get used to the image of the upcoming photo shoot and tune in to a certain wave, which in turn will carry you in a given direction. This is especially important to consider when shooting where movement is required. You need to try to feel as much as possible that there is someone else inside you. It is in such cases that the element plays an important role acting, thanks to which you can depict completely different/unique images.

How to stand when taking portraits.

2. How the photo shoot will proceed

It is very important to discuss the upcoming work with the photographer before starting work. The most important thing to know is where the light is coming from and how the frame is cropped.

Lighting is perhaps one of the most important details in photography, because any incorrect shadows can significantly spoil the photo. If there is a main lighting fixture in the studio, you need to face it so that the light on your face is as soft as possible. If the light in the studio is symmetrical, then you should pose in the center. Accordingly, if the shooting takes place outdoors in sunlight, then you should position yourself so that the sun illuminates you evenly, unless the photographer commands otherwise.

Crop or cropping a frame, is no less important point shooting, which a fashion model must know about. The final perception of the photograph depends on whether the model is completely included in the frame. If the frame is cropped to the waist, you should ensure that your arms are raised at waist or chest level, again unless the photographer requests otherwise.

Cara Delevingne

Common mistakes when posing:

Elbows. Photography is, first of all, a two-dimensional space, so all poses with bent elbows or knees pointing into the frame are incorrect. You should not put your hands behind your head, as this will cut off your hands and give the impression that the model is an amputee. Try to work in the same plane as your body; don't push your elbows or knees forward or back unnecessarily. The correct pose would be one in which the hands are above the head and the fingers are visible, and the body is slightly turned into a semi-profile. The elbows should be spread to the side.

Neck and shoulders. If you are posing in profile, you should consider the correct curve of the shoulder and neck. The last one is very important element when it is necessary to emphasize the femininity of a photograph. Therefore, do not close your chin or raise your shoulder under any circumstances. Therefore, when posing, the model's neck should always be open and slightly extended forward to avoid the formation of folds under the chin. In some photo shoots, when it is necessary to emphasize the mystery of the image, you should slightly raise the shoulder; in turn, an extremely lowered shoulder gives the image a sense of pride and confidence.

Face. There are three main positions when posing for portraits - full face, three-quarters and profile. Very often, beginning models make a common mistake by adopting a pose between three-quarters and a full profile, which has such a name as an interrupted profile, when a slightly protruding back of the face completes the line of the nose, lengthening it and making the silhouette unnatural.

Hands. Hands are very important in photography. You should never hide your fingers, as this will make you feel like they are simply not there. Therefore, if you need to take a pose in which you rest your hands on your sides, do it so that your hands and fingers are visible in the frame, to do this, do not put your hands behind your back or rest on your lower back. If your arms are lowered, also do not hide them behind your back, but try to position them as parallel to your legs as possible, but at the same time, not pressing them too tightly to your waist, leaving a little free space between your arms and torso. You should also not press your elbows to your body when you pose in half-profile with something in your hands. This also applies to the full profile position, as anything closer to the camera always looks bigger, so having your arms close to your sides will make you appear thicker.

Legs. Typically, when posing, the legs are either crossed or in a half-step position. This should be done in such a way that the front leg does not cover the back leg, merging with it into one. Therefore, make sure that your back leg is always visible. If you're standing straight with your feet together, shift your center of gravity to one leg and lower one hip and shoulder slightly. This will give your figure graceful lines so you don't look like a shapeless square.

Sudden movements. Don't move quickly when you're in the frame. When the lighting is set, the team is ready for the photo shoot and the photographer gives the command “ Started!”, do not make fast and sudden movements. Begin to move smoothly and slowly from one position to another, so that each pose is a logical continuation of the previous one, without changing the angle from the direction of the light.

Photography is much more sensitive than our eyes. It may seem that in order to change something in it, it is necessary to perform a series of complex movements or changes. But in fact, to achieve changes in a photograph, all it takes is the slightest movement of the arms, hips, legs, or a change of mood.

How to pose during a photo shoot: sitting, standing and posing for a portrait

Full length posing. There is no need to strain your body muscles and hold your hands clenched into a fist or place them one on top of the other. You should also not slouch, as this leads to deformation of posture and an unnatural result. You should bend one of your legs slightly, straighten your shoulders, take a natural pose, turn one shoulder towards the photographer and elegantly place one hand on your belt.

Denise Richards

Seated posing. In this case, you should not put your feet under you, do not turn your body forward to the camera, and do not clench your hands into fists. Turn your body three-quarters in relation to the camera, straighten your palms and slightly extend your legs to emphasize their aesthetics and beauty.

Caroline Carson Lowe

Portrait photo poses. Try not to strain your facial muscles and shoulder girdle as much as possible. You should not tighten the muscles of the neck and chin, as this leads to a violation of the proportions of the lower part of the face, which leads to an ugly and unnatural smile. In order to create more aesthetic proportions in the frame, a model with a wide face should turn and tilt her head slightly.

5 basic rules for posing correctly in front of the camera:

  1. Correct view:

A gaze directed upward for no reason looks very unnatural, and if you don’t have the task of portraying prayer or make yourself little girl, then it’s better not to look up, that is, above the camera. You can also look at the camera in different ways. For example, you can look at the lens as if you are looking through it, far ahead. It is worth noting that in the frame this look looks very interesting; it seems that you are looking not at the viewer who is watching your photo, but through him. This technique is practiced by many models in order to learn how to strike poses correctly when photographing.

  1. Correct head turn:

You should not look with your forehead, do it with your chin, that is, keep your face open in the direction indicated by the photographer and do not lower your head unless required by the specifics of the shooting. If you are posing in a semi-profile position, then you should turn your front temple towards the photographer, that is, slightly tilt your head forward, but under no circumstances tilt it back. You should also not lift your head too much, showing off your nostrils and a double chin, which in reality may not exist.

  1. Use your palms correctly

Very often hands look good in a photo, but if they are not used correctly to touch your face, they can greatly ruin the photo. Common mistakes, this is when the action is performed in literally, that is, if the task is set to take your head with both palms, you should not do this in the literal sense. Just lightly touch your head with your hands, imitating a touch. This also applies to actions with the neck, shoulders, chest girth and so on. By imitating the action, you add lightness to your movements, which looks much more gentle, beautiful and, most importantly, correct in the photograph.

You should not show off your palms with the front or back; they will look extremely large, ugly and not very feminine. You should turn your palms so that your hand looks more aesthetically pleasing, gentle and feminine.

  1. Learn a special look

There are many examples when, in fact, there is nothing in the frame except a glance. There is no special pose, outstanding beauty, but there is a look that holds the viewer and rivets his attention to for a long time. How to achieve such a mesmerizing look? There are several rules. First, the model must have artistic skills, and if you want to learn something, you should practice a lot, including the look. You can start with the mirror, trying different emotions in front of it - anger, joy, sadness. Second, ask your loved ones to play some kind of game with you, where they will need to guess what you are depicting. You can start with something simple, the same sadness, sadness or joy. Then try to portray something more complex, for example, a loving look, disappointment or bewilderment. A professional model must be able to give the photographer the look he needs at any moment, in any mood. It can be joy, when in fact it is very sad, or a seal that you must create in yourself and show it in your gaze.

  1. Don't be a copy of other models

Only someone who tries to be herself, and not a copy of her idols, can learn to pose correctly. Try to create your own and unique image. You should not emulate the looks of popular models and strive to become like their photographed copies; ultimately, no photographer, unless this is part of the photographic task, will want to repeat someone else’s photograph. Each photographer has his own vision of the composition and, in addition, each person is an individual personality. You can try to make the model Marilyn Monroe with the help of clothes, makeup and hair styling, but you won’t be in such a photograph. You should show your essence, your style, emotions and face in photographs.


Try to come to the shoot in good mood, because this is actually the most important factor when observing correct posing at a photo shoot, which can significantly affect the result. Even when going for a paid shoot, it is very important to leave good impression About Me. Leave a positive aura around the photo set so that the photographer and the customer enjoy working with you, in which case you will definitely achieve the expected result, which will be the best reward for you!

Master class on posing from professional video models: