“Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits” is such a simple children’s rhyme, and is often said even by adults. Do you remember what it is? Right! “Reminder” for those who don’t remember what colors are included in the rainbow. Agree, it’s so cool that in our colorful world there are so many different tones and shades! How dull and dull nature would be if it were deprived of colors! What about colored dreams? Isn't this a miracle? After all, it is more pleasant to watch bright color dreams than dull black and white ones. But I wonder if the color seen in a dream matters? Why do you dream, for example, about the color green? Let's ask the dream book, he knows for sure!

The bright world around us

To see in a dream how green leaves bloom on trees - in real life The revival and fulfillment of long-forgotten desires awaits you, Miller’s dream book promises.

If you dream that you are collecting green fruits in a basket, it means a rich harvest if you are a farmer, and an increase in finances for others.

To see a dream in which you are lying on bright green grass - in reality you will enjoy a trip to nature, the dream book pleases with its prediction.

If you dreamed that you were painting your house or fence green, it meant receiving an inheritance or a large sum of money.

Wigs, hairstyles, curls

Seeing green hair on your friend’s head means meeting someone interesting person, who may become one of your best friends in the future.

If you dreamed that you dyed your hair green, it means new ideas for solving a long-standing tedious task.

In a dream you buy green hair dye to dye your wig - in reality you are a very insecure person. You believe that in order to be noticed and appreciated, you need to do something extraordinary. With such a vision, the subconscious mind warns you about the inappropriateness of such actions.

Oh, these fashionistas!

Trying on a green dress or shirt in a dream means a fresh relationship, perhaps even love, will come into life.

Hats or other headwear in a young green color are a sign of cheerfulness and fun, predicts the Lunar Dream Interpreter.

If you dream that you are trying on green shoes, it means an exciting journey in the company of people close to you.

“And at a traffic light, all colors are important”

To dream of an intersection with a traffic light where the light is green - plans and undertakings will come to life easily and without hindrance, the dream book promises. Now is the best time for this.

I dreamed of a traffic light on which three signal lights were lit at once - to uncertainty in life. You are faced with a difficult choice and are afraid of making the wrong step. You should probably consult with your friends, the dream book suggests.

Shades of green

If you dreamed about something in a khaki shade, it means sadness and “swamp melancholy,” the dream book predicts.

Why do you dream about the color green? Dream interpretation

Green color in dreams, first of all, symbolizes life. It is the color of cheerfulness, vigor and strength. It also suggests that a person whose dream is green is sincere, generous and capable of compassion. He has a sense of self-respect and optimism. For many, the appearance of this color in a dream will mean getting rid of jealousy, selfishness, greed and envy.

For those who are unsure of themselves, green can be a symbol of development and healing from mistrust and feelings of insecurity. This shade represents the blossoming of nature, hope for better health. However, it is also associated with immature decisions, jealousy, and long-term thoughts.

Much depends on the items and objects that are painted this color in your dreams. Green grass, for example, speaks of prosperity and luck. Clothes in green tones dream of happiness and prosperity. And here green frogs mean the appearance of unpleasant people in life, while green Forest speaks of a happy marriage.

See also in the dream book

In our dream book you can find out not only about why you have dreams about the color green, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see the color green in a dream in

Green color in a dream is interpreted in a variety of ways. Depending on the storyline night dreams, it can be a harbinger of both positive and negative events and feelings. Therefore, you definitely need to understand what the color green is in your dreams in order to be able to correct certain events in real life or to fully enjoy life.

A dream in which the color green predominates

A dream in which the color green predominates symbolizes a state of peace. Such a dream indicates that a favorable period has come in life for getting things going. A dream can also predict recovery or calm after emotional storms.

Psychologists say that the color green has a very beneficial effect on humans. In the outside world it is associated with awakening natural forces and resumption of vital activity.

Green color in nature - dream book

A favorable dream is considered to be a plot in which the dreamer sees trees blossoming. This foreshadows the fulfillment of your most secret and, perhaps, long-forgotten desires. In nature, the color green can mean the following:
    Grass predicts a good and happy future; A hedge predicts financial profit; A spruce predicts that life will soon be filled with pleasures; A meadow predicts a life filled with happiness, health and prosperity; Tree foliage predicts an inheritance or a happy marriage with a rich man.

But some natural green attributes can be warning in a dream:
    Acorns on a tree promise changes for the better, but if you have to collect them, then in reality you should expect trouble; Coffee warns that you should be wary of enemies and enemies; Peas indicate that you need to take care of your health.
It should be noted that there are negative forecasts given by some green natural representatives:
    Lemon symbolizes illness and indicates a greater likelihood of injury. It can also be a harbinger of life's disappointments. Gooseberry indicates that your desire to receive pleasure is mistaken and will lead to negative consequences.
If you dream of a green flower, then this symbolizes financial well-being dreamer If you dreamed of such a plant in a pot, then this indicates that the dreamer is currently making a significant contribution to his own future. And if a flower withers in night dreams, then this indicates that a person is not making enough efforts for his future well-being. It is very bad if you see in a dream that a green flower in a pot falls from the windowsill. This indicates that your plans and hopes are unrealistic. As a rule, such stories are dreamed of by ambitious people with high self-esteem.

Green representatives of fauna

Many representatives of the fauna are distinguished by their green color. And their appearance in night dreams can be interpreted as follows:
    The green snake symbolizes deception. Such a symbol indicates that the dreamer will have to resist temptation; A bright green bird portends creative impulse and the emergence of new ideas; The green frog predicts life period, filled with fun and joy; Green insects indicate that the time has come to get what you want.

Thickets of green color - interpretation of sleep

If, according to the plot of the dream, you had to make your way through dense green thickets, then this indicates that on the way to your goal there will be obstacles that will have to be overcome.

Dreamed of green berries or fruits

And when you dream that you have to eat unripe green berries or fruits, this warns that you should not be hasty when making decisions.

The color green is always present in human life. For many people, it is a favorite, so many people purchase a variety of things in a natural shade. Therefore, it is quite logical to consider the question that interests women, why they dream of a green dress. The main interpretation of such a dream is related to the fact that in reality you will be offered to participate in an adventurous event. But the remarkable thing is that by agreeing to this, you will receive not only pleasure, but also material benefit.

On the other hand, if you dreamed long dress gently green shades, this indicates that soon you will have to think about how to improve your financial situation. But such a dream also contains a hint. In order to stabilize your financial situation, you need to change your field of activity. It is very good if in your night dreams you sew a dress for yourself from a piece of green fabric. This portends the receipt of an unexpected inheritance, winnings or profit. And if, according to the plot of the dream, you are sewing such a thing for sale, then this indicates that you will soon be offered a promising and well-paid job. If you try on green clothes in your night dreams, this portends a meeting of true love.

Green wig or hair dye

A green wig on a person, seen in a dream, foreshadows an interesting meeting in reality. But if, according to the plot of the dream, you have to buy green hair dye, then this indicates your lack of self-confidence.

Green hat or shoes

A green headdress seen in a dream symbolizes the cheerfulness of a person. And shoes of the same color indicate that an exciting journey awaits the dreamer in the near future.

Dreaming of a green car

When you dream of a green car, the dreamer will have a fateful meeting or acquaintance with a very interesting person. If you are driving a car and drive through a green traffic light, then in the coming period of your life you will be able to easily and smoothly realize your plans. You should definitely take advantage of this. If you dreamed like this a strange dream, when three green signal lights are on at a traffic light, this indicates that the dreamer is very afraid of making the wrong step when making a choice. That is, such a dream encourages you to consult with your friends when making a decision.

Green is the color of sensual Venus, the planet of love, beauty, harmony and material wealth. Like Mars, Venus is also responsible for desires and instincts, but Venus satisfies its desires in a gentle, non-violent way.

“Green” dreams come when you are looking for satisfaction in a relationship, want to improve financial situation. Often, subsequently, a period of luck begins when a person receives gifts of fate that he has long dreamed of. Someone finds a job that suits them completely, others receive gifts, others enjoy the attention of others, listen to compliments and praise addressed to them. Dreams in which you see green objects, flowers, houses, or where you are wearing green clothes or shoes foretell that your feelings will be satisfied, you will receive what you lack for happiness.

Venus is a feminine passive planet, and changes after “green” dreams do not come immediately. Venus is associated with feelings, so dreams promise changes in love and relationships with people. As a rule, changes for the better occur - harmony and pleasant emotions. An aesthetic feeling may appear, there will be a desire to change your hairstyle, clothing style, furnishings in your apartment, and take care of your appearance. Some begin to learn a craft and make beautiful things.

Venus is responsible not only for feelings, but also for choice. Maybe you decide to put things in order around you, like in literally, and figuratively, to understand your thoughts, feelings and desires, to get rid of the unnecessary. But it’s better not to wait for something or someone to force you to make a choice, but to put things in order around yourself. If you want pleasant changes to come into your life, ask yourself the question: “What do I expect from life and those around me, what do I lack for happiness?”

Over time, many desires accumulate, and if you are inconsistent with them, then some of them are forgotten, or you no longer want them to be fulfilled. But even forgotten and unwanted now, they can come true. For example, before you wanted others to appreciate your new hairstyle or a new acquisition, but then no one did it. And if someone does this now, you won’t be happy, because you yourself don’t like it anymore. Or you dreamed of an interesting job in a beautiful, bright office, and now you have been offered such a job, but you no longer need it because you want to work from home.

Think about what you want. If you are looking for a job, then clearly define for yourself what kind of work you need. If you lack emotional support, think about what exactly and how it could be expressed. Choose what works best for you, discover your true desires, so you can get what you really need.

If you often have “green” dreams, but nothing happens after them, you should show your talents. These dreams show that the goddess of love and harmony, Venus, is favorable to you, so that you are endowed with the ability to bring beauty into life, have good taste or artistic talents, but do not use them.

In our dreams, we often pay attention to various images, but not always to color. And in vain, because it also plays an important role in assessing the image. Therefore, today we will talk about flowers, or rather, we will find out why green is the color in dreams.

Naturally, you shouldn’t miss a number important facts: you just saw it or something with green paint, or maybe it was a tint. What are the main meanings of a “green” dream? According to most dream books, the following can be distinguished:

  • Success, luck.
  • Harvest, profit.
  • A dream come true.

Various looks of this shade

An important point is what kind of green object you happened to see in your dream. Thus, green leaves that bloom in the spring return the dreamer to an old cherished dream and promise its fulfillment. Those who were engaged in harvesting in their dreams, and green ones, will receive it in large quantities. And for businessmen this, undoubtedly, is a big profit and the conclusion of profitable deals.

Those who dreamed of a green meadow where you were lying will have a pleasant time in nature in pleasant company. Or maybe you acted as a painter and you happened to paint the walls green? This image promises the dreamer an unexpected profit, an inheritance - in general, a large sum of money.

Also, as the dream book clarifies, you can also paint with this color in a dream. If you see yourself with this unusual hair color, you will find the right solution to a question that has been bothering you for a long time. But when you dreamed about it, painted in this color, a new acquaintance awaits. And it is quite possible that this person will subsequently become your good friend or best friend.

It also happens that you might have dreamed of a wig that you dyed green or purchased dye for this. In this case, the dream characterizes you as an insecure person, who is at the same time capable of extravagant actions in order to be noticed. And if this is really the case, the dream book advises to refuse this method self-expression so as not to look stupid.

In addition, the dream book says, green color is also important on items of clothing. So, various hats the color of fresh grass promise fun and a good time with friends. Green promises the dreamer love and an exciting journey.

Very often we see the green “eye” of a traffic light. What does the color green mean in a dream in this interpretation? This is definitely your life path, on which all your plans and plans will come true, and there will not be a single obstacle to this. Consider this color dream to usher in a new successful period in your life.

But all three traffic lights lighting up at the same time indicate your uncertainty. Perhaps you are in front of important choice or are on the verge of making a difficult decision.

Now let's find out what the color green in a dream predicts from the perspective of its various shades. So, emerald promises good health and long years of life, light green - short-term hobby (hobby, frivolous relationship), olive - true decision. Author: Natalya Chernikova