A dream about cucumbers can be interpreted in different ways. Some dream books say that financial situation the dreamer will improve, other interpreters promise healing from illnesses. For a detailed explanation of the vision, the actions occurring in the dream and other details are important.

General interpretations according to dream book versions

  1. English. Expect well-deserved praise.
  2. American. Good health and success at work.
  3. Wangi. To unexpected guests.
  4. Grishina. Joyful events.
  5. Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima. You will experience many happy moments in the company of your loved one.
  6. Maly Velesov. Recovery and profit.
  7. Martyna Zadeki. The situation in life will improve.
  8. Miller. To life changes in better side.
  9. Muslim. To luck and wealth.
  10. Russian. Towards cash receipts.
  11. Russian folk. To a pleasant event.
  12. Family. Good luck in business.
  13. Slavic. The arrival of unexpected guests.
  14. Modern. You will have brilliant ideas, using which you will become a rich person.
  15. Medieval. To health problems.
  16. Wanderer. To money and guests.
  17. Ukrainian. You will work hard for your friend.
  18. French. You should stop living unrealistic dreams. Perceive reality as it is.
  19. Freud. The cucumber symbolizes masculinity.
  20. Esoteric. The dream promises shortages and a bad harvest.

This is interesting. Making cucumber salad in a dream is a good omen. You will cope with the tasks assigned to you and emerge victorious.

Watering cucumbers in a dream means unexpected joy

Does the gender of the dreamer matter?

Men often dream of cucumbers as a sign of money and a promotion at work. Your efforts will be noticed and appreciated by your superiors. To make the situation as successful as possible, do not conflict with anyone in the near future.

For a woman, the vision foreshadows gifts and the appearance of a passionate lover in her life, with whom she will spend many unforgettable days and nights. But according to the dream book love relationship, the dreamer is dissatisfied with her sex life.

The dream prophesies for a girl to meet guys. In the near future there will be no end to suitors. The main thing is to choose a worthy candidate.

For a pregnant woman, night dreams with cucumbers promise the birth of a son. According to the Muslim dream book, the birth will be successful and the child will be born healthy.

For family people, cucumbers in the kingdom of Morpheus predict large expenses. According to Evgeniy Tsvetkov, it’s time to start new things and bring to life ideas that have arisen for a long time.

It is important to know. If you dreamed that you were selling cucumbers, then know that your business will go uphill, fortune will smile on you, you will get what you dream of.

Decoding sleep depending on condition, quantity, size, color and location

The interpretation of a dream depends not only on the gender of the dreamer, but also on other factors. It will be incomplete if you do not remember all the details of night vision.

Condition (fresh, salted, pickled)

If the cucumbers in the dream were fresh, then this good omen. Good luck in your endeavors, financial prosperity and good health. According to Martyn Zadeki’s dream book, the vision promises career .

Pickled cucumbers in night dreams usually portend tears and disappointment. This is the information contained in the dream books:

  1. Female. You need to take your assigned responsibilities more seriously, otherwise you will fail.
  2. Family. Receive bad news from relatives.
  3. Modern. A difficult period will come in life.
  4. Tsvetkova. You will be told some unpleasant news. For a girl, such a dream predicts pregnancy.
  5. French. You will have to pay off a long-standing debt. The creditor will not leave you alone until you pay him back everything.

If you dreamed of pickled cucumbers, then you are needlessly complicating your life by creating problems out of the blue. Here's what dream interpreters write about this:

  1. Vanga. You will have to fight for your place in the sun.
  2. Miller. You are tired of being alone. It's time to establish contact with relatives.
  3. Modern. You waste time on nonsense and take unnecessary actions.
  4. Ukrainian. You will take part in a financial fraud, for which you will pay in the future.
  5. French. Meet a deceitful and vile person.

Frying cucumbers in a dream means unplanned trips that will take energy and time.

Place: in the garden, pickles in a jar

If you dreamed of cucumbers in the garden, then you will meet an influential person who will radically change your life. Dream Interpretations interpret the dream as follows:

  1. Wangi. Take care of your home and household.
  2. Female. Communication with family, peace.
  3. Miller. Meet someone who will delight you.
  4. Family. Receiving good news.
  5. Miller. You will be invited to a celebration where you will have a great time.
  6. Muslim. Cash reward for hard work.
  7. Ukrainian. Lucky in love.
  8. Hasse. You will collaborate with an important person.
  9. Tsvetkova. Make a profit.
  10. Esoteric. If you're lucky, you'll win the lottery.

Pickles in a jar in night vision indicate that you will cope with the problems that have befallen you. The long-awaited peace will come in life. Here is the explanation of the dream offered by dream books:

  1. Female. Troubles await you, but you will quickly overcome them.
  2. Miller. Don’t waste your time on trifles, otherwise luck will pass you by.
  3. Family. You will have to worry a little about your loved ones.
  4. Modern. Because of laziness you miss good opportunity.
  5. Hasse. Now is not the best time to travel. It is worth refraining from long trips.
  6. Tsvetkova. There is a possibility of getting into an accident, so be careful.

Canning cucumbers in night vision is a sign of misunderstandings, due to which relationships with household members may deteriorate.

Number of vegetables

  1. If you saw one cucumber in the kingdom of Morpheus, then you need to cut costs and refrain from unplanned purchases. You will need money soon, so don't waste it. According to Aesop’s dream book, good opportunities will open up before you, the main thing is not to miss them.
  2. If there were two vegetables in the dream, then a tense period lies ahead. According to Medea's dream book, you should look at life more simply. Due to your impressionability and vulnerability, it is difficult for you to communicate with people; you take their words and actions to heart.
  3. Several cucumbers in a dream promise success in professional field. However, you shouldn’t relax: only by working hard will you achieve what you want.
  4. Did you dream about a lot of cucumbers? You will make useful connections. By Ukrainian dream book, you will be bothered by an obsessive admirer. According to Gustave Miller, you will receive a monetary reward. For entrepreneurs, vision promises profit from sales.

Did you dream that you were washing dirty cucumbers? Friends are discussing your personal life, so try to be less frank.

Tying cucumbers in a dream means a business trip

Size: small, large, medium

Seeing a small cucumber in a dream means serious life changes. At one point you decide to radically change your life. According to the imperial dream book, you will be rewarded for your courage and honesty.

A medium-sized vegetable in a dream promises disagreements and disputes with loved ones. To avoid conflict, try to reach a compromise. According to the medium Hasse, you will have to resolve important issues and complex matters.

Large cucumbers in night dreams foreshadow the arrival of relatives. According to Miller's dream book, your health will improve and your sorrows will go away.

If you dreamed of a huge cucumber, then it’s time to reduce business activity and take care of household chores that you have pretty much neglected. You will say goodbye to past misconceptions and decide what to do next.

Color and quality of cucumbers: green, red, yellow, rotten and others

The interpretation of the dream depends on the color and quality of the cucumbers seen.

  • American: it’s time to discuss plans for the future with partners and allies;
  • Vangi: a new period will begin in life;
  • Grishina: to change the field of activity;
  • female: for sick people, sleep promises recovery, and for healthy people - profit;
  • Winters: reconciliation with a loved one, happy moments;
  • Miller: the future will be calm and cloudless;
  • family: to wealth and prosperity;
  • modern: meeting an important person;
  • Freud: for a date with a lover or mistress;
  • French: a long journey awaits you.
  • English: unexpected turn in affairs;
  • Vangi: you are dissatisfied with yourself and life, looking for problems where there are none;
  • Maly Velesov: to the love triangle;
  • Medea: to meet friends and have fun;
  • Miller: groundless jealousy ruins your relationship.
  • Muslim: to communicate with an unpleasant person;
  • Freud: to sexual contact;
  • Tsvetkova: get news from relatives;
  • Aesop: to a meeting with a former lover;
  • esoteric: to a love affair.

Rotten vegetables taken away in the kingdom of Morpheus do not bode well for the dreamer. Prepare for troubles at home and at work, financial losses and poor health. Dream books provide such information, but not all. Esotericist Tsvetkov is sure that the dream will bring you new love.

Seeing spoiled and wrinkled cucumbers in a dream means a change in sexual partner. This interpretation is proposed by Sigmund Freud. According to the Ukrainian dream book, a romantic acquaintance awaits you.

If in a dream you were preparing pickle soup, then among your acquaintances there is a flatterer who wants to use you for his own purposes.

Did you pickle cucumbers in night vision? You will have the opportunity to achieve previously unattainable career heights

Actions in a dream: why do you dream about picking, cutting, stealing, buying cucumbers, planting seedlings in the ground?

Picking cucumbers in a dream means a strained relationship with your loved one. A period of passivity and apathy awaits you. The desire to do anything will disappear and you will want your friends to leave you alone. By women's dream book, you will earn good money and be able to open your own business.

Buying a green vegetable in a dream promises problems and troubles:

  • Winters: things will get worse;
  • family: you will get problems on your own head;
  • modern: money will be tight, you will get into debt;
  • French: to depression and loss of meaning in life;
  • esoteric: deterioration of affairs, which can lead to ruin.

According to the medium Hasse, if you stole cucumbers in a dream, then in reality you will be able to avoid big problems. Ukrainian dream book promises recovery and strong immunity.

Eating fresh cucumbers in night dreams is a sign of failure. Your hopes will not come true. According to Miller's dream book, you have to solve the problems of one of your relatives. Because of this, you will neglect your business and worry.

Eating pickles in the kingdom of Morpheus promises have a fun party among friends where you will have a great time. According to the gypsy dream book, you need to work hard to achieve your goal.

If in your night dreams you happen to eat a spoiled cucumber, then expect unpleasant surprises and obstacles along the way. Enemies do not sleep, but try in every possible way to harm.

Planting cucumbers in a dream means a calm period in life. Passions will subside and you will be able to enjoy the silence. For a woman, a vision can promise pregnancy.

Cutting a green vegetable in a dream means conflicts with loved ones. Esotericist Tsvetkov foretells torment from unreasonable jealousy, and the Small Velesov dream book foretells competition at work.

Peeling a cucumber in night dreams means disputes and disagreements that will arise out of the blue.

If in a dream you happened to open a jar of cucumbers, then you will experience success in your personal life and increased prosperity

Other Features

To see cucumber tops without fruit in the kingdom of Morpheus means a battle with a strong opponent. The victory will certainly not be easy. It’s worth asking your friends for help and not giving up, then everything will work out.

If in a dream you pulled out old tops, then expect changes. This could be a job change or meeting a significant other. By family dream book, you will get rid of something unnecessary.

Did you dream about cucumber seedlings? Material well-being and success await you. According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, you should meet with friends more often, and according to the Muslim book, a promotion awaits you. Watering seedlings in a dream means wealth, replanting means luck that will last long enough.

Throwing away spoiled vegetables in a dream means getting rid of something unnecessary.

Seeing seeds in night vision means a decision family problems, in which you will immerse yourself completely and completely . According to Fedorovskaya’s dream book, prosperity awaits you in business.

Sowing cucumbers in the kingdom of Morpheus means the birth of a child. For businessmen, the dream prophesies the opening of a new profitable business.

Picking cucumbers in night dreams means success and recognition. You will have a chance to realize what you have long planned. According to the Ukrainian dream book, peace will come to the family.

Growing cucumbers seen in a dream promise the opportunity to make good money. Money will come to you easily.

Choosing cucumbers in a dream before purchasing means hard and low-paid work.

Dreams about cucumbers have different meanings. Some are favorable and others are not. Whatever the night vision promises you, remember that by correctly interpreting it, you can avoid many problems in life.

Cucumbers in a dream- A patient who sees such a dream will soon recover, and an unrequited lover will have a good opportunity to reunite with her chosen one.
A patient who sees such a dream will soon recover, and an unrequited lover will have a good opportunity to reunite with her chosen one.
Seeing rotten cucumbers in a dream- to disappointed hopes.
Seeing a lot of cucumbers in a dream- to profit.
Seeing cucumbers in a dream can also be a sign that guests will come to you in the near future who will diversify your life, but the guests will not leave you soon.
Stealing cucumbers in a dream- to good health.
Throwing away cucumbers in a dream- to insignificant changes.
For a young girl, such a dream also promises a possible early pregnancy. Growing cucumbers in a dream means that your children or wards will delight you with their successes and achievements. You make a significant contribution to their lives, thereby making yourself and your loved ones happier. Gratitude for your work will not take long to arrive.
If a sick person ate a cucumber in a dream, then real life he will soon recover, his illness will recede.
If a sick person dreams that he is eating cucumbers, it means that he will soon recover.
If you dreamed of cucumbers, then such a dream is a good symbol for you, which promises you excellent health, prosperity and success in business. such a dream may indicate that you will be completely deservedly praised, and this will bring you great joy.
If you dreamed of stale, wrinkled cucumbers, it means that what you had in mind quite recently is unlikely to come true.
If you dreamed of a lot of cucumbers, then it is quite possible that soon people will appear in your social circle who will add variety to your everyday life. They will be stuck in your life for a long time, so try to treat them with due patience, because they will definitely teach you something new.
If you dreamed that you were cleaning your face with cucumbers, then in reality you are afraid of being a black sheep.
If you dreamed that you were planting cucumbers, it means that small problems at work await you ahead, which can be safely resolved.
If you dreamed that you were sowing cucumbers in the garden, this is a sign that you will face significant financial losses and expenses; picking cucumbers means a good harvest, and eating them means getting sick.
If in a dream you cut a cucumber, then in reality you may quarrel with someone.
If you see a cucumber in a dream, know that this is a favorable sign, especially for a woman. He promises you prosperity good health and good luck in important matters.
If a sick person saw cucumbers in a dream- this is for his speedy recovery. For a lover to see a cucumber - to good, positive changes in the relationship with a loved one. Seeing cucumbers in a dream may mean that you are tormented by dissatisfaction with your sex life.
Eating bitter cucumbers in a dream- to disappointment.
There are cucumbers in a dream- to discord with someone you know.
Eating pickles in a dream- to health problems.
When a woman sees a fresh cucumber in a dream, it speaks of her sexual dissatisfaction, her desire to attract more attention and arouse the admiration of the opposite sex.
Pickling cucumbers in a dream- to family troubles.
A man can see cucumbers- a prediction that erotic adventures await him; this is also a dream for money.
Cucumber- a symbol of masculinity, for this reason, a dream in which you see a cucumber may indicate your dissatisfaction with sexual desires. If a man has such a dream, then very soon his wildest erotic dreams will come true.
Cucumber- a symbol of masculinity, for this reason, a dream in which you see a cucumber may indicate your dissatisfaction with sexual desires. If a man has such a dream, then very soon his wildest erotic dreams will come true. Cucumbers seen in dreams are good harbingers.
Buying cucumbers in a dream promises you thankless work and big troubles.
Fresh cucumbers dream of visiting guests.
Harvesting cucumbers in a dream- to minor troubles. Although sometimes such a dream means profit.
Seeing pickles in a dream or smelling them means that your feelings that have cooled towards each other can reignite.
A dream in which a girl saw cucumbers promises her an acquaintance with a young man.
Sprinkling salt on cucumbers in a dream- to melancholy.
See cucumbers in a dream- to increase vitality and mood, you will feel more cheerful and energetic. This may require changing your usual lifestyle or daily routine.
Wormy cucumbers dream of profit.

We saw cucumbers in a dream - this is great sign. The dream book promises excellent health, prosperity and incredible luck in business. Soon life will definitely change for the better. But this is far from the only explanation for why vegetables are dreamed of. There are others.

Miller's explanation of the dream

Miller's dream book believes that if a patient sees cucumbers in his night dreams, this promises him a rapid and complete recovery. For an inconsolable lover, a dream predicts confirmation of the reciprocity of his feelings. Remember the details of the dream and the actions that you performed in the world of Morpheus, and all the mysteries of an extraordinary dream will be revealed to you.

Seeing pickled cucumbers in a dream means lack of self-confidence, loneliness, the desire to find your haven, and improve relationships with family.

If you dreamed that you ate lightly salted cucumbers, then in real life you will experience unrequited love, but you will withstand the test with dignity.

Did you dream about strong, large, green cucumbers? Miller's dream book guarantees cloudless happiness in the personal sphere, truly good health, high energy potential, and big profits.

Modern interpreter

The appearance of this vegetable in a dream speaks of your frivolity, childishness, but at the same time characterizes you as the darling of fortune.

Modern dream book warns that dreaming of pickles in a jar indicates that you are missing out on unique opportunities, wasting your talent, and wasting your time. It is still possible to achieve your life goals. You just need to rethink your priorities.

Dreaming about fresh cucumbers is a symbol of strength, energy, and well-being. For those in love and bound by Hymen, such a dream foreshadows a harmonious relationship with their soul mate. For singles, the modern dream book promises an unforgettable love adventure. And older people can count on the arrival of relatives or the addition of long-awaited grandchildren to their family.

If a man dreams of cucumbers growing in a garden bed, then enrichment, material stability, and career growth await him. The fortuneteller promises pregnancy to a woman, and a change in weather for older people.

Universal dream book

Have you ever picked cucumbers? This means that in reality you will have doubts about the correctness of your choice of path, you need to reconsider your principles. It seems that you have already achieved a lot, so the Universal Interpreter advises learning to appreciate what you have. Often dreams like this mean prosperity.

If you dreamed of both cucumbers and tomatoes in the same bed, this indicates heavy workload, fatigue, and the realization that you will soon have to pay for entertainment and idle fun.

Pickling cucumbers means minor financial troubles, fraud, and being forced to pay off minor debts. In some cases, the plot is interpreted as a harbinger of a quarrel with non-blood relatives.

Various interpretations

Buying cucumbers is a signal of possible troubles in professional activity, you will have to do monkey labor. Meanwhile, Aesop also offers an alternative positive interpretation. Aesop predicts receiving news from an old friend about whom we have not received news for a long time.

Aimlessly cutting vegetables in a dream means that it is difficult for you to cope with jealousy, and there is reason to worry about your opponent. But a dream about the process of preparing a dish using chopped gherkins foreshadows a successful solution to most problems.

If you dream that you planted cucumbers, expect family well-being and the birth of children.


Why do you dream of fresh cucumbers?

Many dream books consider fresh cucumbers to be a favorable symbol, but there are also negative interpretations. In order for you to have the opportunity to obtain the most accurate information, you need to analyze the dream, and then begin decoding.

Why do you dream of fresh cucumbers?

Large vegetables are a symbol of good health and success in business. For sick people, such a dream promises a complete recovery. If the cucumber was bitter or lethargic, it means that you can expect problems ahead, and there is also a possibility that one of your relatives will get sick. For a representative of the fair sex, a dream in which she saw fresh cucumbers predicts the appearance of several fans. If a woman is married, then perhaps she should expect the birth of a boy. A dream where you buy fresh cucumbers is a harbinger of news from old acquaintances. Another dream like this may indicate problems at work. There is a possibility that you will have to do work that will be useless. If other people bought the vegetables, then you should expect an invitation to a mass event.

A dream where you had to pick fresh cucumbers warns that you will soon have doubts about decision taken you may need to reconsider your life principles. Such a dream also foreshadows a stable financial situation. If you cut vegetables, it means that you will have a quarrel with your loved one, which will arise due to jealousy. A night vision in which an overripe cucumber appeared is a negative sign that promises various troubles. Seeing fresh cucumbers in a dream and making a salad out of them means that there is a risk of being fired in the near future. If you grow vegetables in the garden, this is a warning that your health may deteriorate significantly.


Dream Interpretation Cucumbers in the garden

Why do you dream of Cucumbers in the garden in a dream according to the dream book?

If you saw cucumbers in the garden in a dream, things will progress successfully. Harmony and mutual understanding will reign within the family circle. Feeling great will fill you with energy for new beginnings and searching for fresh, original ideas.

If you have seen cucumbers growing in the garden, you won’t have to complain about your health. There will be an increase in income in business, and new sources of financing will appear. For those who are sick, the dream foretells a speedy recovery.

Who dreamed of cucumbers in the garden?

If a woman dreams of cucumbers in the garden

If an unmarried girl saw cucumbers in a garden in a dream, it means she will not be deprived of male attention. You are about to meet a pleasant person who may turn out to be a worthy life partner.

For married woman such a vision means unexpected attention from a spouse, receiving valuable gifts or going on a romantic trip.

What cucumbers grew in the garden bed in your dream?

What do fresh cucumbers in the garden symbolize in a dream?

The Felomena dream book explains the meaning of the symbol of fresh cucumbers in the garden as an increase in the energy flow that will fill and nourish you in the near future.

The most important areas of life will blossom, everything will begin to happen exactly as you wish. The state of health is at its best and this gives strength and desire to act, to make new, far-reaching plans.

I dreamed of big cucumbers in the garden

Why do you dream of very large, even huge, cucumbers in the garden? The dream warns that you are trying to take on more obligations than you are able to fulfill.

Don’t be overloaded, try to soberly assess your strengths and capabilities. Take on a task only if you are completely confident that you can complete it.


Why do you dream about a Cucumber? What does it mean to see a Cucumber in a dream?

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

Why do you dream of a Cucumber in a dream?

According to the dream book, see a Cucumber - A cucumber, on the one hand, can act as a phallic symbol, but at the same time it is a symbol of fertility. It is believed that this vegetable consists of 98% water. But few people know that the remaining 2% are invaluable biochemical compounds that are not found in any other vegetable or fruit. If you dreamed of cucumbers, then this is a sign that you will be healthy and your business will prosper. It is especially good for those who are sick to eat cucumbers in a dream - such a dream promises them a speedy recovery. And picking cucumbers in a dream means making a good profit from commercial enterprises in reality, as the dream book predictor reports.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why do you dream of a Cucumber in a dream?

Seeing a Cucumber in a dream means - Cucumber - health, prosperity in business, for a patient - improved well-being, recovery; for lovers - changes for the better; many dream books interpret such a dream this way.

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

What does a cucumber mean in a dream:

According to the dream book Cucumber, to see what it means - Cucumber - Cucumbers growing in a garden bed - to feeling great and family joys. Cutting cucumbers for salad - you will achieve a promotion, squeezing out your competitors. Salt or pickle cucumbers - you will be deceived in a trade transaction. Eat lightly salted cucumbers- unrequited love. Wash dirty cucumbers - give rise to gossip

Freud's Dream Book

Why do you dream of a Cucumber according to the dream book?

Seeing a Cucumber in a dream - Cucumber is a symbol of masculinity. A woman who sees this vegetable in a dream is probably dissatisfied with her current sex life and experiences a desire that she cannot satisfy. If a man dreams of a cucumber, this means that he will soon experience an erotic adventure, as the dream book predicts.

Ancient dream book

What does it mean to see a Cucumber in a dream?

According to the dream book Cucumber - a cucumber is often a symbol of masculinity. Therefore, if you saw a cucumber in a dream, it means that you are tormented by unsatisfied sexual desire. If you don't have a partner, you should find a suitable candidate; if there is, then don't waste your time

Modern dream book

According to the dream book Cucumber, what does a dream mean:

Seeing a Cucumber in a dream - Cucumber dreams of excellent health and prosperity in business. For sick people, such a dream promises a quick recovery, for lovers - quick changes for the better. The cucumber is often a symbol of masculinity. If you saw a cucumber in a dream, then in reality you are tormented by unsatisfied sexual desire. A man who dreams of a cucumber promises an erotic adventure. If you dreamed of a cucumber, then unexpected guests will come to you soon. They will make you happy, add variety to your life, but, unfortunately, they will stay for a long time and have time to get bored.

Summer dream book

Why do you dream about Cucumber:

Cucumbers - Picking cucumbers from the beds in a dream means a rich harvest of cucumbers.

Autumn dream book

If you dream of a Cucumber, what is it for:

Cucumbers - Seeing a lot of cucumbers in a dream - to large cluster people, to guests.

Spring dream book

According to the dream book Cucumber:

Cucumbers (cucumber). Pickling cucumbers means arguing with your son-in-law.


Picking cucumbers from the garden

Dream Interpretation Picking cucumbers from the garden dreamed of why you dream about picking cucumbers from the garden? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Picking cucumbers from a garden in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Cucumbers

A dream in which you grow cucumbers foreshadows a sharp deterioration in health as a result of stress and a call to the ambulance. Picking cucumbers from the garden means excellent health and family joys. Cutting cucumbers into salad means sharing the fate of the unemployed, having been laid off as a result of layoffs.

Salt or pickle cucumbers - you will be deceived when exchanging currency. Eating lightly salted cucumbers in a dream portends unrequited love. Prepare a pickled cucumber rassolnik - get a flattering review of your culinary abilities. Wash dirty cucumbers - gossip about your secret love affair.

Dream Interpretation - Cucumbers

Cucumbers are bad, someone will cause you trouble. Green cucumber - relatives will arrive. Cucumbers - success, profit. Cucumbers are a nuisance, because of the consonance: cucumbers are bitter. A girl dreams of cucumbers - meeting guys. Pickled cucumbers are a weakness.

Dream Interpretation - Cucumbers

In general, cucumbers in a dream speak of health and profit.

A dream about cucumbers is usually unfavorable for those who are going on a trip, as it foreshadows an accident. After such a dream, you should postpone your trip.

Seeing cut cucumbers in a dream is a favorable sign, especially for the sick, as it promises them recovery.

Dream Interpretation - Bed

Seeing a garden bed in a dream means that soon you will have a reason to remember a person who passed away whom you knew well. Digging beds in a vegetable garden in a dream foretells good prospects in business. Weeding the beds means going, figuratively speaking, from rags to riches. Seeing beds with vegetables growing on them in a dream means prosperity and wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Cucumbers

A dream in which you pick cucumbers promises you excellent health and prosperity in business. Pickling cucumbers - there will soon be great joy in your home.

Imagine that you have harvested a huge harvest of cucumbers. You treat your family and friends with them, and you can preserve them.

Dream Interpretation - Cucumbers

cucumbers in the snow - gossip in connection with lovers;
seeing cucumbers means money (for a man).

Dream Interpretation - Cucumbers

Seeing a cucumber in a dream means you should get rid of unnecessary, unrealistic dreams. What you want is unattainable and you should be content with what you have. Eating cucumbers in a dream means disappointment. Seeing a yellow, overripe cucumber in a dream means disappointment, which will soon give way to bright hopes. Picking cucumbers in a dream means that you need to rethink your achievements recent years. There is probably a lot of good in your life, but in striving for more, you do not appreciate what you have. Such a dream symbolizes that you may lose what you have if you do not appreciate it in the future.

Dream Interpretation - Cucumbers

Picking cucumbers from the beds in a dream means a rich harvest of cucumbers.

Dream Interpretation - Cucumbers

Cucumbers mean vain hopes.

For a patient who dreams that he is eating cucumbers or melon, such a dream predicts a speedy recovery.

Dream Interpretation - Cucumbers

This dream should be interpreted in the opposite sense. For example, stale, rotten cucumbers promise you good health, for the sick - recovery, and for single people - a quick engagement and a happy family life.

Are dreams interpreted based on certain actions or objects that you remember most in the dream, and also because what was most important to you? The smallest details and details matter for the solution. You need to remember more, reproduce in your memory everything that happens in the dream.

Why do you dream about cucumbers in the garden?

Why do you dream of cucumbers if you just planted them yourself? The dream book indicates that you will achieve success through your work. Pulling cucumbers means changing your occupation. You are standing and admiring the beds of cucumbers in your dream, the dream book says that everything is fine in your family, you are full of energy and good health. All the efforts that you have spent before will not be in vain and the result will be magnificent. If people are in a relationship, then this is a sign of a strong marriage and a huge mutual love.

Why do you dream about picking cucumbers?

The dream book says you will have family joys. You collect cucumbers in a dream and remove dirt from them - the dream warns, the secret becomes a reality, you will not be able to keep your secret.

Dream interpretation of fresh cucumbers: you have big harvest cucumbers and you collect them, you will soon make a decent profit. Another interprets, it’s time to rethink your life, appreciate and take care of what you have. Now everything is fine at home and at work, but you don’t notice it; if you continue to live like this, you will lose something.

A woman collects cucumbers and puts them in her hem in a dream - you will have an obsessive gentleman from whom it will be very difficult to get rid of.

If you are picking cucumbers in the snow, the dream book warns that something may threaten your health. Take all preventive measures. If you pick cucumbers on the sand, your well-being and health need to be strengthened; the foundation under them is fragile.

Dream interpretation of cucumbers. There are other vegetables in the cucumber bed (cabbage, tomatoes, radishes), it’s time for you to relax, take a vacation or time off. You are overloaded at work and an emotional breakdown may occur. If you picked cucumbers in a dream and pickled them, the dream book speaks of material problems. The time has come in life to pay off debts.

Miller's Dream Book

Patients dream of strong green gherkins as a sign of recovery. And if a married and healthy man dreams of them, then the dream book says that his feelings for his wife will return. A young man harvests in a dream, which means that he will experience mutual love. If you dreamed of gherkins with tops, you will have a fun time and you will receive gifts. Elderly people dream of vegetables bright color, the dream book hints that old age will pass peacefully in the family circle.

Why do you dream about cucumbers? Gathering from someone else's garden, you offended someone and appropriated something that belonged to you, think about your action. Someone else works on your plot and harvests your harvest; in life, someone spreads gossip and gossips about you. When you are harvesting from the garden in bad weather, the dream book says that it is time to take measures regarding your health.

  • Picking up an old rotten fruit from the ground means you will begin to feel depressed and lose strength.
  • A woman collects fresh vegetables from the garden; the dream book promises romantic adventures and she will have a new admirer.
  • To a man green cucumber resembles his sexual organ and suggests that his body is functioning perfectly and he is full of sexual energy. If in reality the male ego has suffered, then yellow vegetables may appear.
  • Had a dream pickles, the dream book says that you are unsure of yourself, lonely and dream of improving your situation. If you eat lightly salted gherkins, the dream book foretells unrequited love, which will turn out to be very successful in the future.
  • Sowing cucumbers in a dream, the dream book warns that you will have to spend money. Spending will be pleasant, perhaps you will buy what you dreamed of for a long time. If you collect cucumbers from the garden or in the greenhouse, there will be a big profit.

Dreaming of a pregnant woman

A woman eats a green cucumber in a dream, dream book portends pregnancy and most likely you already have it. He also says that your childbirth will be successful and a boy will be born. Future mom eats fresh juicy cucumber - this means that if problems arise, they will be easily resolved. If the fruit was watery, then you created all the difficulties yourself.

Dreams about cucumbers have many meanings. But sleep is influenced by the phase of the moon, the day of the week, and the hour when you saw this phenomenon. The dream may or may not come true, it may just be a warning. Only you yourself can correct any situation.

It is known that dreams have an impact on a person’s mood and vitality. They can predict certain events, suggest the right direction in case of doubt, and reveal the essence of things. If you listen to what our subconscious is trying to convey to us, then you can subject a lot of things in life to gentle adjustments and, thus, avoid some mistakes.

Why do you dream about a cucumber? What does such a dream promise us? A cucumber seen in a dream has different meanings. To do correct conclusion Regarding a specific dream, some details should be taken into account, for example, the gender of the person who saw the dream or the time of day at which the dream occurred.

Thus, dreams that occur before 12 o’clock at night determine the immediate future, and dreams that occur before 6 am lift the veil of a more distant future. At the same time, it is believed that dreams seen from 6 am to lunchtime do not have any special power and do not carry additional information.

Why do you dream of a cucumber - Miller's dream book

A cucumber in a dream means reconciliation, success and recovery, while the larger and stronger the cucumber, the great luck he foretells.

Cucumber - Freud's dream book

According to Freud, the cucumber is the personification of male power, masculinity.

If a woman dreams of a cucumber, this indicates that she has sexual dissatisfaction. If a man saw cucumbers in a dream, then for him it means erotic adventures.

I dreamed about a cucumber - dream book of Muslims (Islamic)

The Islamic dream book promises that seeing cucumbers in a dream is a sign of goodness, goodness and wealth.

For men, cucumbers portend success in business.

For women - pregnancy.

Why do you dream of a cucumber - a dream book for lovers

For those who dream of themselves and their lover picking cucumbers, cutting them and eating them, the dream foreshadows good changes in relationships.

Why do you dream about cucumbers - Maly Velesov dream book

Seeing fresh and strong cucumbers in a dream means:

  • for patients - speedy recovery;
  • for unmarried men - success and profit;
  • For unmarried girls- meeting representatives of the opposite sex.

Eating pickled cucumbers in a dream means sadness, pickled cucumbers mean illness. Picking unripe cucumbers in a dream means visiting a deceased person.

Cucumbers in a dream - English dream book

In English An old dream book dreams in which the sleeper sees cucumbers are interpreted directly opposite to what he saw, that is:

  • rotten, soft, spoiled cucumbers promise good health and success;
  • Seeing a cucumber in a dream for single people means meeting your soul mate and an imminent wedding.

Women's dream book - why do you dream of a cucumber?

Buying cucumbers in a dream means arousing the admiration of others. To see a yellow, overripe cucumber - you will be disappointed in the near future.

Collecting rotten cucumbers, holding them, carrying them with you - portends serious problems with your partner's potency. Eating bitter cucumbers in a dream means sadness, and sweet ones mean joy. Lots of little cucumber gherkins, promising gifts from a lover.

Cucumbers - Hasse's dream book

If you eat cucumbers in a dream, then a pleasant surprise awaits you.

Esoteric dream book

Cucumbers are a symbol of the lack of a rich harvest. They also mean unfavorable circumstances and lack of satisfaction.

Chopping cucumbers and eating them means surprises.

What does it mean to dream about cucumbers - Evgeniy Tsvetkov’s dream book

Women's dreams of cucumbers foretell new fans.

Cucumbers in the snow - to gossip.

For men, cucumbers promise success in business.

Lunar dream book - interpretation of cucumbers in a dream

Eating cucumbers means financial instability.

Why do you dream of cucumbers - the Wanderer’s dream book

A woman's dream about cucumbers portends her a new lover.

Cucumbers in a container - for guests.

I dreamed about cucumbers - what does this mean according to the French dream book

Eating cucumbers in a dream means false hopes. If a sick person eats cucumbers, this promises him recovery.

Cucumbers in a dream - dream book of Krada Veles

If a woman dreams of a cucumber lying on the ground near someone else’s fence, then this promises a close relationship with a divorced man. Picking up such a cucumber and taking it with you is a possibility of marriage, but passing by this vegetable is a short-term relationship.

Why do you dream of a cucumber - dream book for birthday people

For those born in January, February, March and April, cucumbers in a dream foreshadow quarrels and troubles.

For those born in September, October and December, dreams of cucumbers promise unexpected guests.

For those born in May, June, July and August. seeing cucumbers in a dream means success.

Culinary dream book - cucumbers

Dreaming of cucumbers means the arrival of unexpected guests. If the cucumbers in a dream are good, then the guests will delight you with their visit, and if the cucumbers are bad (rotten, overripe), then the guests will bring unpleasant news. By the way, if the cucumbers are very overripe, do not take troubles to heart, as they are a thing of the past.

If a lonely man saw a cucumber in a dream, then his life will soon change for the better. Cucumber for lovers - for marriage. Cucumber for the sick - to recovery.

What else can cucumbers dream about?

Cucumbers in a dream:

  • fresh - good news;
  • cut into a salad - for guests;
  • collecting from the garden - to wealth;
  • soft or rotten - to illness;
  • washing cucumbers - to gossip;
  • buying a lot of cucumbers means success;
  • there is a big one and sweet cucumber- a quick date;
  • to receive from a lover - to marriage.