Dream interpretation of preparation for a wedding

A wedding is a symbol of unification, the connection of very different, opposite (dualistic) couples, systems that not only do not oppose and are not competitors, but act, preserving and complementing each other, moving to a level of higher unity than the whole.

Dream symbolism

Wedding in ancient cultures meant the creative union of heaven and earth. Thanks to this event, it was possible to guarantee fertility in the next year, and cosmic, universal order. The intimate aspect was understood as the fusion of God and man into a single image, which, with one spirit, finds Enlightenment. Why do you dream about preparing for a wedding, interpreters will answer.

Alternative interpretation

Classical soothsayers interpret such events in dreams as real global changes. But whether they are positive or negative depends on the details.

Miller's Dream Book

The psychologist is sure that since the sleeping person has dreamed about wedding troubles, it means he is worried a difficult situation. The dream foretells that a way out will be found.

Dreaming of a woman long preparation to marriage and, finally, at the altar, the dream calls to reconsider your priorities. Otherwise, life will be monotonous and unsuccessful.

Efforts and running around in preparation for someone else's wedding predict an unsuccessful trip or illness.

If you dreamed of preparing for a wedding

Vanga's Dream Book

If you dreamed that you became an accidental participant in the wedding fuss, it promises a fateful acquaintance that will become one of the most important in your biography.

If you were an outside observer of the bustle leading up to the celebration, then became an honored guest, you will have to help someone from the environment. Do not neglect the case, because there is a possibility of a similar situation with you.

Freud's Dream Book

Wedding fuss is a dream very often, according to old Freud, for those who have everything perfect in bed matters, passion and idyll. It is possible that such harmony is envied.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

According to the predictions of the miss medium, preparation for such a large-scale celebration in a dream indicates confusion and confusion in real life sleeping.

If the sleeper dreams of dancing at someone’s wedding, it means that some kind of danger looms over him from a member of the opposite sex.

Modern interpretation

Current interpretations are not much different from the classic ones. But among them there are very strict forecasts.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

If you participated in the preparation

All this solemn rigmarole is a dream of sad events. It is possible that it may foreshadow a disastrous fate, and sometimes death.

Loff's Dream Book

The pastor, giving an interpretation of dreams, where the main action was the gimmick about the upcoming celebration, starts from real events that happened to the dreamer.

If he really is going down the aisle soon, then this dream is just a projection of his worries.

Discord in the soul, confusion due to the need to make important decisions are reflections of dreams where worries are dreamed of on the eve of a celebration, the dream book indicates.

For a man, this gimmick in a dream can signal that he has overburdened himself with work.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

When the sleeper saw himself during a wedding trip, it means he has to prepare for some important business.

Obstacles are predicted by a dream where you happen to see yourself in the role of toastmaster, organizer or organizer of a celebration.

Dream plots

The hassle and fuss of a wedding is a whole heap of things that need to be calculated without missing anything. All these dynamics carry different semantic load, embedded in the dream. Why do you dream about preparing for a wedding if:

If you decorated the wedding car

  • set the festive table;
  • dress up the car;
  • decorate the hall;
  • make wedding bouquets;
  • write a script.

The interpretation of dreams in which the sleeper saw himself setting a festive table has relatively positive forecasts. Success will await you in all your affairs, but difficulties will occasionally arise in your personal life.

If the sleeper had to directly cook holiday dishes, then perhaps soon he will be offered a lucrative project and the signing of a contract, or this may be associated with a promotion at his old place of work.

Perhaps you dreamed of your daughter's wedding and you decorated your car. This dream is only a reflection of your expectations and natural worries about the sincerity and reliability of your daughter’s chosen one.

If the dreamer was invited to a friend’s wedding and took part in the design of the car, it promises to receive a small inheritance.

When the sleeper helped the bride dress, this is a reflection of your attempts to integrate (unite) internal feelings with external reality. You are in some kind of confusion and doubt. Take a break, think about which of your close friends you can consult with. Contact someone more experienced in the issues you are interested in.

For a married man, such a dream may suggest that his desire to start an easy, non-binding love affair with a woman he recently met will result in sad consequences.

He will lose both his mistress, since she is not interested in him as a serious partner, and his family, because his wife will no longer forgive his endless adventures.

If you decorated a banquet hall

A dream promises very excellent forecasts, where the dreamer had to decorate a banquet hall for the newlyweds at his friend’s wedding. Popularity and respect among colleagues and management, successful projects and enterprises await you. In addition, such a dream promises excellent health to the dreamer.

If you did festive decoration hall for your daughter’s wedding, it means that soon you will have to worry about another, but no less joyful occasion - replenishment of the family - the birth of a child to your daughter.

If in a dream you dreamed of a fuss for a friend’s wedding, where you were tasked with making a flower arrangement for the bride, perhaps in reality you have a friend who is not entirely sincere and even wants to take your lover away from you.

Suddenly you dreamed of the hassle of preparing for your own wedding, which means your relationship may be somewhat shaken due to emerging problems and some worries that some person might want to take advantage of. Try not to burden yourself with unnecessary troubles so that you have time to pay attention to your significant other.

If you had a dream in which you yourself wrote the script for your own wedding, then you will always be the master of your destiny. You successful man, who has successfully prepared a “safety cushion” for himself, who knows how to build his life the way you need it.

The meaning of dreams where you sang at your wedding means in reality that you are too intrusively drawing attention to your person.

Your mark:

A wedding is a heart-rending event, preparation for which takes a lot of time and requires a lot of trouble. Wedding dreams visited at least once in every person's life. Many people do not know why they dream about preparing for a wedding, but, meanwhile, such a dream can be prophetic and predict changes in life.

What if you dream about preparing for a wedding??

A young girl’s dream in which she is preparing for her own wedding and trying on wedding dress, promises her marriage in the near future. But if she dreams that she is going to take part in someone else’s wedding in a snow-white dress, it means that a sudden illness awaits her.

The dream of a real bride preparing for her wedding ceremony may indicate that the girl is spending too much effort on preparation. The dream warns her to slow down, otherwise on the day of the celebration she will feel exhausted.

Help in organizing wedding celebrations may warn the dreamer that he will not be able to achieve his goal. If you managed to see in a dream the wedding itself, which went very well, it means that all the planned affairs of the sleeping person will turn out well. Preparing for a wedding and waking up before it starts means there is no certainty in the planned task, so you should approach its decision carefully.

Active preparation for a wedding in a dream can warn of an upcoming funeral in which the sleeper will have to take part. A dream in which a sick person is preparing to get married most likely foreshadows his imminent death.

If a person had a dream in which he took part in preparations for a secret wedding, it means that it will be impossible for him to achieve what he planned due to his difficult character. Such a dream warns the dreamer to be more accommodating and friendly. Deciding to secretly get married means condemnation from people around you.

Getting ready to get married and being late for your own wedding is a signal that the dreamer’s wishes will not be fulfilled. A dream in which, after preparing for a wedding, it was canceled, predicts problems for the sleeping person, which will be possible to solve with unprecedented efforts.

Helping the bride or groom put on their wedding attire means news of the birth of a child from someone you know. The gender of the baby can be determined by who the dreamer dressed in the dream. The groom dreams of a boy, the bride - of a girl. A dream in which the dreamer acts as a villain who interferes with preparations for the wedding indicates that he has a secret ill-wisher.

What does it portend?

A dream in which wedding preparations included serving festive table, predicts profit or a successful deal at work for a sleeping person. In the case where the dreamer remembers a luxuriously laid table, it means that the benefit will be great. If a person is expecting a promotion, such a dream can promise a successful solution to this issue. For a person in love, a dream with a set table can predict difficulties in love.

Dressing up in a dream to go to someone else's wedding - for the upcoming public speaking. A successful performance will be indicated by how satisfied the dreamer is with his reflection in the mirror. A dream in which a person was dissatisfied with the way he looked indicates that he was not sufficiently prepared for the upcoming performance.

If you dream that the dreamer is going to tie the knot with a person whom he does not like in reality, it means that he will soon stop any communication with him.

Preparations for a wedding ceremony or the wedding itself are often dreams of people who are already mentally ready to start a family, but finding a chosen one or chosen one to be their soulmate causes them difficulties. Typically, the single status of such people is associated with too high demands on members of the opposite sex.

As you can see, a dream in which preparations for marriage appear can be interpreted in completely different ways. There is no need to worry about the consequences of unfavorable sleep, since prophetic dreams are not so common.

More often than not, organizing a wedding promises many difficulties in achieving your goals. But it can also mean an unexpected gift.

It is worth remembering exactly how the preparation for the wedding went: if everything was not easy, a lot of trouble, then you need to prepare for obstacles in life. But if everything went smoothly, then many hopes will finally come true.

What if you dream about preparing for a wedding?

You may dream that wedding preparations are interrupted for various reasons. This suggests that in reality, some problems in business or work will soon appear that will require a lot of effort.

However, organizing a wedding can end happily: the wedding went off in a memorable way, everything went smoothly - you should rejoice and expect great luck and profit.

If everything was just the opposite, then you need to work on patience and perseverance. Was the dream interrupted before the ceremony itself? Well, it is not known whether the set goals will be achieved.

But why does a young girl dream about preparing for a wedding? If this is her own wedding, and even with constant troubles, then in reality it will take a lot of effort to be with her loved one. This is also a sign for making an important decision, which may not be related to marriage.

If you dream of holding the entertainment part of the wedding, no matter how it goes, then it is better to first deal with the difficulties at work, and only after that you can go on vacation or just have fun on the weekend.

For a young man, organizing someone else's wedding is a very good omen of success in his personal life.

Being not only a wedding organizer, but also a witness predicts an improvement in your relationship with your loved one or a meeting with your soulmate. However, if the groom at the wedding being prepared is a dear person, then a break in the relationship and separation will soon occur.

In addition to your own wedding, you may also dream about organizing a friend’s wedding. This is a very dangerous omen: the more the guests had fun, the more the friend’s health may deteriorate in reality, and we should also expect her to quarrel with her family.

If for unmarried people a wedding in a dream also means a quick change in the relationship with their lover, then for married people it means the birth of children. Did the wedding in your dream not take place? There are unexpected obstacles ahead. But if the bride or groom is late for the wedding, then it is unlikely that dreams will come true in the near future.

But it may be that the wedding ceremony did take place: this means that there is melancholy, grief and misunderstanding of relatives ahead.

What does it portend?

Often, when preparing for a wedding, you dream about trying on a dress, which is worth paying attention to Special attention. Most often this means an awkward situation or minor trouble. A wedding dress in general is evidence of readiness for family life.

However, if the dress is red, then, oddly enough, there are many successful events and fun ahead. But to see a wedding dress in a store window means to fall under the influence of envious people and enemies. The only thing worse is being in a beautiful white dress at someone else’s wedding: you need to be wary of illnesses and minor disorders.

If, while preparing for the wedding, it turns out that the groom is an old man, then again we should expect a deterioration in health. Why do you dream of a large number of noisy guests? Most often, to complicated matters that will not be easy to sort out.

But seeing a wedding cortege means winning the heart of your loved one. It is also a good sign to honor the young - to meet good friends.

If you dream of a caught bridal bouquet, then your loved one will be faithful. But helping to carry the train is a symbol of gossip spread by envious people. The longer the train, the more gossip. If preparations for the wedding are taking place secretly, it’s time to pay attention to bad traits of your character.

Thus, preparing for a wedding predicts a lot of hassle, especially if not everything goes smoothly. However, this may also indicate a possible improvement in your personal life. But for those who are already married, this is definitely a favorable sign, indicating a new addition to the family.

Did you see yourself in a dream as a bride or plunged into wedding troubles in your night dreams? Do you want to know why such a dream occurs? The dream book will help you unravel all the secrets of such a dream and lift the curtain of the future.

Both very young girls and older women can dream of preparing for their own wedding. Such a dream can be interpreted in different ways depending on the presence of certain details in the plot.

If you dreamed that you were trying on a wedding dress, then, as the dream book says, perhaps already after short term You will play the wedding in real life. Why dream of seeing yourself dressed in a wedding dress at someone else’s holiday? In this case, the dream book warns of the occurrence of a serious illness.

When interpreting a dream in which you are wearing a dress at someone else’s holiday, you must also take into account whose holiday it is. If the dream is about preparing for the wedding of a daughter, relative or close friend, then it does not bode well for you and you don’t have to worry about your health.

According to the dream book, a festive motorcade passing by speaks of the danger posed by a rival. Most likely, you don’t know this rival, and maybe you didn’t even know about her existence. This lady is weaving intrigues aimed at destroying your relationship with your loved one.

If you were holding a veil or a long train, then beware! Evil envious women are actively spreading dirty gossip about you. The purpose of these conversations is to undermine your reputation.

Why else do you dream about preparing for a wedding?

The dream book tells you exactly what you dream about preparing for your own wedding and the subsequent wedding. If a representative of the fair sex sees such a plot, then in reality her fiancé is seriously infatuated with a stranger. In order not to miss your happiness, you should be on guard not in a dream, but in reality.

Why do you dream about preparing for a wedding? elderly woman in years? According to the dream book, such a dream promises possible everyday troubles in the near future. Moreover, these troubles will be completely insignificant.

If you dreamed at night that you caught the bride’s bouquet, then you can rest assured that your loved one is faithful to you. If your lover is not there yet, then get ready, a meeting with this person will take place soon.

The interpretation of dreams about wedding preparations also touches on the topic of holiday invitations. If in a dream you received such an invitation, then a rather profitable acquisition awaits you. If the dress you saw was new and beautiful, then noisy fun awaits you in reality.

The dream book interprets feasting as a symbol large quantity entertainment events. The celebration you see predicts pleasant troubles. If the wedding was secret, then in real life you should be more careful about your habits.

If preparing for someone else’s wedding involves setting the table, then unexpected profits await you at work. Moreover, the more dishes there are on the table, the greater the profit will come to you.

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A wedding is the most important event for which people prepare for a long time and then remember it for a long time. Girls dream of being a bride since childhood, guys consider the celebration as a serious step towards starting a family. Surely, each of us has dreamed of a wedding at least once in our lives. Let's find out, together with the Svadebka.ws portal, whether dreams about a wedding can be prophetic and what they mean.

I dreamed of preparing for a wedding

Some are able to see cheerful wedding signs in their dreams, while others are trying to find an interpretation of every detail seen in a dream. We have collected the most common interpretations of dreams about wedding preparations and are happy to share them with you.

Freud's Dream Book

Wedding preparations, according to Sigmund Freud, are often dreams of those people who have no problems in intimate matters. Their lives contain both passion and idyll, which can arouse the envy of others.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

According to Miss Hasse, a well-known female medium in pre-revolutionary Russia, preparation for a large-scale celebration indicates the life chaos of a sleeping person.

Loff's Dream Book

David Loff, the notorious psychologist of the last century, boldly argued that there can be as many opinions on the interpretation of dreams as there are people. However, his versions were often interpreted as a projection of human concerns. For example, wedding worries indicated fears in making important decisions and discord in the soul.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

If you dreamed of preparations for a wedding, according to our contemporary and interpreter of dreams, Evgeniy Petrovich Tsvetkov, the sleeper will face huge troubles, sometimes capable of causing death.

Plots of wedding dreams

The same object, but in different dream plots, can mean completely the opposite. We will tell you about the most interesting interpretations of wedding dreams.

  • Why do you dream of wedding rings on your fingers? For a girl, such a dream predicts a happy marriage or a marriage proposal. Bright and shimmering wedding ring for a married lady in a dream indicates the occurrence of excessive troubles or the betrayal of her spouse. Sadness awaits those who see a lost ring in a dream.
  • If a girl dreams of a wedding cortege driving by, she will face difficulties in her relationship with her lover because of her secret rival.
  • Why do newlyweds dream? Seeing newlyweds in a dream - good sign, because you will see prospects for personal development.
  • If you dreamed of a wedding scheduled for a certain date, all you can expect is a meeting with old friends. Therefore, Svadebka.ws advises the bride and groom to perceive the meanings of dreams figuratively and not literally.
  • When I dreamed bridal bouquet, it is worth carefully remembering the details of the dream, because the interpretation is very diverse - from a fateful acquaintance and harmony in relationships, if you saw a beautiful flower arrangement, to the threat of marriage, if you were lucky enough to catch a bride’s bouquet in a dream.
  • I dreamed of a wedding in a church - expect a successful turn in business, as well as an idyll in relationships.

I dreamed about the bride: interpretations of famous dream books

All interpretations can be considered true when the sleeping woman is not too interested in matters of marriage or does not intend to actually become a bride in the near future. Otherwise, your dream may simply be a reflection of reality. If we interpret dreams with a bride in a white dress in general, then this is a very good sign, foreshadowing material benefits. The portal for brides Svadebka.ws recommends considering the meanings of dreams with a bride according to versions of popular dream books.

According to Tsvetkov’s dream book

The bride, according to the interpretation of Tsvetkov’s dream book, appears in a dream to expect. If a man dreams of a bride, there is a chance to improve things. If you see yourself as a bride, then such a dream foreshadows your income. A woman’s dream about a bride in an inappropriate outfit speaks of a marriage that will not happen, and for a man it speaks of problems in business.

According to Freud's dream book

Sigmund Freud considered dreams to be nothing more than products of our mental activity, as well as an expression of unsatisfied needs that can be realized in a dream, gaining peace of mind. His interpretations of dreams with the bride are presented below:

  • A person who happened to see herself in a dream as the bride of a loved one will soon experience changes in her personal relationships. The possibility of reconciliation after a long quarrel cannot be ruled out.
  • A woman who sees her own daughter in the guise of a bride in a dream, at the subconscious level, compares herself with her, and also imagines herself in her place.
  • A man's dream of his daughter in the form of a bride will predict that he will soon experience the joy of a walk, perhaps with a person whom he has not seen for a long time, but wanted so much.

According to Miller's dream book

Seeing yourself in the image of a happy bride, according to Miller’s dream book, means you will soon receive an inheritance. If in a dream the image of the bride is unpleasant to you, then unfortunately you will be disappointed in your affections. Seeing a bride in a dream means reconciling friends. The bride's kiss predicts for you good health, and when the bride kisses other people - pleasure and many friends. If a girl getting married sees herself in a dream as absolutely indifferent to her husband, unpleasant circumstances await her in her new life.

I dreamed of a friend in a wedding dress

Its interpretation often depends on the diverse details of the dream itself. Let's look at the plots of wedding dreams about a friend:

  • Have a dream with a friend in wedding dress- expect fun, as well as lots of gifts. Good news will not keep you waiting.
  • If a friend in a wedding dress appears to a man in a dream, he will expect big profits or career growth.
  • Best friend in a wedding dress foreshadows you entering into a lasting marriage.

As you can see, a dream about a friend in a bride’s outfit always means change. The happier your friend looks in this dream, the more joyful events await you.

Whether to believe in the interpretation of dreams or wedding signs and superstitions is a personal matter for each of us. In any case, there are many different interpretations on the same dream plots, so focus your attention on good predictions and be happy! For girls who are in search of their other half, we suggest delving into interesting topic- fortune telling for your betrothed, which you will find on our website.

    A wedding is one of the most unforgettable days in the life of every girl. They prepare for it with special care, choosing outfits, accessories and thinking through everything down to the smallest detail. She is considered so important event, which can sometimes be dreamed of long before the “X” date. It also happens when this solemn event appears in a dream already married girls and women. It can be desired, your own, someone else's. You may also dream that the wedding is taking place at your loved one’s place.

    1. Interpretation 1: wedding preparation and conduct
    2. Interpretation 2: wedding of loved ones and strangers
    3. Interpretation 3: own and failed wedding
    4. Video

    Interpretation 1: wedding preparation and conduct

    Often in a dream you may dream about the first stage of a wedding - preparation for it. This can happen to unmarried and already married women. What does the dream book say about this?

    If a married woman dreams of a wedding

    - she needs to prepare to solve any problems. Such tasks can arise at work or at home. They require decisive action, and their decision will not wait for delay. Also, the interpretation of this dream depends on the outcome of events. For example, if the organized wedding was successful, then solving problems will be easy. Otherwise, you will have to work hard.

    If an unmarried girl dreams of a wedding

    - she can expect pleasant surprises soon. The dream also means for her that she may soon get married. At the same time, if relatives, other people, or events interfere with organizing a wedding in a dream, it means that in real life one should expect problems with the chosen one.

    The dream books say that in cases where preparations for a wedding take place secretly, married and unmarried women should think about their character. It can become an obstacle to bringing plans to life.

    • You should finish work and think about stopping entertainment if a person had a dream that he was officiating a wedding.
    • Changes in their personal lives await those who saw themselves in a dream as a witness or witness.

    Interpretation 2: wedding of loved ones and strangers

    In a dream you can see the wedding of close and non-relative people. For example, a friend, brother, loved one. How are dreams interpreted in this case?

    Option one: Wedding of a friend and acquaintance

    • For an unmarried woman, she may dream of a great and cherished love soon, or a meeting with an old friend.
    • For a married woman, seeing such a dream means an improvement in family life and family celebration.
    • For a woman who has been married for a short time, the appearance of children.
    • If a woman has been married for more than a year, she should think about her own safety of her loved ones.
    • If your sister is unmarried and she is wearing a white outfit, this is a sign of a serious illness that may appear soon.
    • If the sister is already married, then this is a sign of pleasant changes that should happen to the person who had such a dream. The sister herself will act as an assistant in implementing such changes.
    • If in reality there is no sister or brother, then such a dream may mean a quick acquaintance with a pleasant person.
    • If the brother is not married, he can be pleased with a promotion up the career ladder.
    • If the brother is married, you can tell him about the addition to the family that will happen in the very near future.
    • A mother's wedding may be a signal that she needs material or moral support.
    • If she gets married own daughter, then such a dream can be regarded as a change for the better. If your daughter is wearing a blue or red dress, you should advise her to beware of evil tongues.
    • A dream about the wedding of a loved one is a reason to think about unreasonable jealousy and think about the possible breakup of relationships that it will lead to. If you try to stop the wedding, then in real life solving the problem will require incredible efforts.

    Useful tips: wedding loved one should always be perceived as a holiday, a signal that good changes are coming. You shouldn’t program yourself for bad changes, but you shouldn’t forget about them, if that’s what the dream book promises.

    Interpretation 3: own and failed wedding

    The dream books say that seeing your own wedding in a dream is always a sign of pleasant excitement. However, for some reason it may or may not take place. What will such a dream tell you about? What should you pay attention to in real life?

    Why do you dream about your own wedding?

    1. An unexpected and pleasant surprise will happen soon or the need to accept difficult decision, on which future life depends. If you see yourself as a bride, you should pay attention to your own health.
    2. If you have such a dream young man— disagreements are possible in the family or with a beloved friend.
    3. Getting married to your own husband can be considered a serious illness, and even the death of a loved one.
    4. For married women- to a quick addition to the family, the beginning of new relationships in the family, better than before.
    5. For unmarried women - quick marriage, desire get married in real life.
    6. Getting married secretly means you should expect gossip to appear in real life.
    7. Your own wedding can mean happiness in marriage, but being at it means confusion in business.
    8. But if you see a person in mourning at your wedding, then in reality the marriage may not be happy.

    - Do not trust tempting offers. You should think carefully before making an important decision.

    - difficulties and obstacles may arise if such a dream occurs to people who are divorced.

    - being late for your own wedding may mean the inability to solve certain problems in real life. The business started will not be successful and completed.

    - canceling your own wedding portends problems in your career and business. It will take a lot of effort to overcome them.

    Useful tips: anyone, even the most good dream could be a sign of trouble. What exactly happens in real life after sleep depends largely on the person himself. A person is the creator of his own destiny, as he wants, so it will be, the main thing is to believe in the good.


    Why do you dream about preparing for your own wedding? This question quite often interests those who are attentive to their dreams. After all, they can warn, warn and prepare for any significant events in life.

    So, let's figure out together why we dream about preparing for our own wedding, and what to expect from this unusual dream?

    General interpretation

    Contrary to the stereotype, even in ancient times such a dream was considered not a very good sign for girls. Moreover, some predictors said that what they saw in preparation for the wedding and the celebration itself promised only illness and misfortune to the fair sex. However, don't get upset in advance. After all, such an interpretation depends on the exact quality in which you see yourself in this dream. For example, if you are celebrating your own wedding and are happy, then in real life you will experience great joy, not necessarily related to the wedding. If the celebration does not go very well, then in the near future you may encounter minor troubles.

    Miller's Dream Book

    In order to correctly interpret what you saw, you should remember your dream well. Preparing for your own wedding according to Miller is a good sign. Thus, you will soon be able to find a brilliant way out of this situation. If at your celebration you saw a person in mourning clothes, this means that your marriage may be unsuccessful (for a free girl) or crack (for a married woman).

    Modern interpretation

    Why do you dream about preparing for your own wedding? On this question answers in more detail Modern dream book. Thus, a celebration seen in a dream and immediate preparation for it are a sign that very serious changes await you ahead. Moreover, these changes can be both positive and negative. Everything depends only on you and your efforts.

    The dream “preparing for a wedding” is interpreted somewhat differently if you take a direct part in it, hiding the celebration from your loved ones. In this case, your plans may be hindered by your overly complex nature.

    If an unmarried representative of the fairer sex dreams that preparations for a wedding celebration last a very long time and are accompanied by any complications (for example, problems arise all the time, parents do not give consent to the marriage, etc.), then in reality such a person will have to overcome a huge number of obstacles . And only after that she will be able to be with her loved one.

    Other interpretations

    Why do you dream about preparing for your own wedding? Such a vision means that soon you will definitely be given the floor at some event. If preparatory stage passes in high spirits and you feel great, then most likely it will be successful. Otherwise, everything may not go as desired. In this regard, it is recommended to approach your speech more responsibly and prepare well for it.

    Let's sum it up

    Thus, preparing and organizing your own promises quick changes in reality. It is recommended that you remember your vision in detail. After all, if it was accompanied by positive emotions, then only joy and happiness will await you in life. If the dream was sad, then the upcoming events are not very good. However, everything depends only on you and your personal attitude to what is happening. Therefore, you should not take this kind of predictions too seriously.