About twenty-five years ago, the use of isometric exercises created a sensation in sports world. Many athletes, having included these exercises in their training, began to improve their results. Numerous experiments are still ongoing. Isometrics are not new recent years. At the beginning of our century, the Russian professional athlete Alexander Ivanovich Zass (Samson) included isometric exercises in his training, and in the twenties he promoted his original system of static exercises with chains, which he arrived at purely empirically. Samson said: “We need to develop what lies at the core of the muscle, especially the tendon, and not the surface mass, the volume.” Samson believed that lifting pounds of iron was not enough to develop real athletic strength. Something else needs to be added. If, for example, you try to bend a thick metal rod or break a chain, these seemingly futile attempts, when repeated many times, will turn out to be very effective in developing the strength of the tendons and muscle strength. This is an example of isometric exercises, in which the muscles, although tense, do not change in length and there is no movement in the joints. The duration of isometric exercises depends on the degree of muscle tension. Maximum muscle tension should last 2-3 seconds. As you practice, it can be increased to 6 seconds. Each exercise should be repeated 2-5 times. The workout should not exceed 15 minutes.

When including isometric exercises in training, you should remember: the strength acquired by this method is maximally manifested only in the position of the torso, arms and legs in which it was “developed.” Before starting the exercises, it is necessary to do a thorough warm-up, mainly for the muscles and joints that will bear the greatest load. Otherwise, injury may occur. At first, the exercises should be performed with minimal stress, and only after a month of training can you move on to maximum effort. Maximum effort is not applied with a jerk, but with gradually increasing tension. Exercises are performed while inhaling. After completing each exercise, walk for a minute, do breathing exercises, and relax those muscles that were subjected to the greatest load. Isometric exercises will give a good effect if you combine them with dynamic exercises with kettlebells, dumbbells, and expanders. And in combination with running, swimming, and hardening procedures, they will help improve health and increase performance.

People with a weakened cardiovascular system, suffering from hypertension and excess weight, isometric exercises are contraindicated.

You can perform the exercises using different equipment - a metal rod, chains, a wooden stick, a thick cord. You can perform isometric exercises without any equipment. For example, you press palm on palm in front of your chest or try to stretch your hands clasped in front of your chest to the sides. Samson, for example, used metal bars and chains. He attached triangular-shaped metal handles with hooks to the chains, which he re-hooked if necessary, lengthening or shortening the chain section. In the initial position, the chain should be tensioned.

1. Chain with bent arms in front of the chest, elbows at shoulder level. Apply force and try to stretch the chain.

2. Chain in bent arms behind the head. When changing the working length of the chain, try to stretch the chain.

3. To perform the exercise, two chains are needed. Place your feet through the handles, take the chains in your hands and lift them to your shoulders. Try to lift the chains up. Then hook the handles to a level with your head, above your head, and stretch the chains.

4. As you exhale, wrap the chain around your chest and secure it. Then, taking a deep breath, tense pectoral muscles and back muscles and try to break the chain.

5. Feet shoulder width apart. One handle of the chain is in a straight hand at the left knee, the other is in the right hand bent at the elbow at the waist. Stretch the chain. Repeat with changing starting position.

6. Fasten one end of the chain to a hook in the wall at waist level, and take the other in your hands. Place your feet wider than your shoulders. Pull the chain, trying to pull the hook out of the wall.

7. Attach one end of the chain to a fixed hook in the floor, attach a handle to the other end and grasp it at knee level. Straining the muscles of your legs, back and arms, try to lift the hook off the floor. Repeat the exercise, holding the chain at waist level and behind your back.

8. Take in your hands a thick metal rod, bent in the shape of a horseshoe. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your knees slightly. Applying force, try to connect the ends of the rod, first holding your hands in front of your chest, then at knee level. Then bend the rods of different thicknesses into a horseshoe shape.

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Isometric exercises are those that are done by tensing certain muscles without making any physical movements. Holding the tension for several seconds ensures the development of strength, fat burning effect, and joint training. It’s good that isometric exercises can be performed at home without special and expensive exercise equipment, without risk to health. Only the simplest items may be needed. Check out this article and experience the power of static for yourself.

Types of isometric exercises

According to the nature of the loads, static exercises are divided into 3 types:

  • static-isometric exercises - when performing gymnastics, muscle tension counteracts insurmountable resistance;
  • exercises with maximum permissible weights - first there is a dynamic isotonic load, in the main part there is a static-isometric load;
  • exercises with weights - during the exercise, a pause is made for a few seconds, during such a pause an isometric force is formed.

System of static exercises for arms

Triceps exercise with belt

To execute effective exercise To strengthen the triceps, you need to stretch your arms forward from your chest, holding a taut belt in your fists. Your job is to try to stretch the belt. You should feel tension in your arms, and specifically you need to focus on the triceps area. It is enough to hold the force for 30 seconds.

Forearm table exercise

This static exercise is performed extremely simply and is accessible to everyone, since every home has a table. You need to rest your palms on the tabletop so that they touch it from below. It is important to bend your elbows exactly 90 degrees. Press upward on the tabletop and hold for a few seconds. This exercise Perfectly works the forearms area. You can hold the tension for 5-15 seconds, depending on your capabilities. It is advisable to perform 10 repetitions, do 2-3 sets.

Biceps exercise

For the next static exercise, take a belt or chain. You need to step on the end of this accessory with your foot and press it to the floor with your foot. The free end should be clenched into a fist. Next, you need to bend your arm at the elbow so that a right angle is formed in front of your chest. When the 90 degree angle appears, the belt or chain should have maximum tension. Now you have to make an effort, trying to pull the strap out, using the tension in your biceps. It is enough to stay in a static position for 30 seconds.

arm exercise

Isometric exercises for legs and buttocks

Exercise near the wall

You don't have to go to the gym to have strong leg muscles. You can train at home. To test your legs in action, you need to stand with your back against the wall. You need to touch the wall, but don't lean on it. Then slowly lower yourself to the floor. The squat should be so deep that your legs are at an angle of 90 degrees and your knees are bent. The squat position, with your back to the wall, must be held for up to 30 seconds. Then slowly straighten up and stand up.

Leg chair exercise

This effective static exercise requires a piece of furniture that is found in every home. This is a regular chair with a backrest. The starting position is standing near a chair. You need to rest your hands on his back. Having taken the correct position, you need to move your leg back. The leg is raised until it is parallel to the floor. You need to hold this position for 30 seconds. Then slowly lower your leg and place it on the floor. Change legs and do the exercise again.

Exercise for the inner thighs

The following manipulation is also performed with a chair. You will also need a rubber ball. Women often have problems with the inner thigh, even with a generally slender figure, so all exercises that tighten this area are relevant for them. So, we sit on any chair, squeeze the ball with our knees and hold it, putting pressure on it. Your task is to bring your legs together as much as possible. If you regularly perform this exercise, your inner thighs will gradually tighten and become toned.

exercise for legs and buttocks

Isometric exercises for the pectoral muscles

Chest exercise

To strengthen your pectoral muscles, be sure to try the famous prayer exercise. It is accessible to everyone, easy to learn and fun to do. We fold our hands palm to palm in front of the chest so as to take a pose similar to that taken by people praying. It is important to spread your elbows as far as possible to the sides and lower your shoulders. You need to squeeze your hands tightly, pressing your palms against each other. At a moment of strong tension, your hands will tremble. It is enough to stay in prayer for just 20-30 seconds. The exercise develops the chest muscles well.

Exercise for biceps and chest at the door

Every house has a free doorway, so the exercise can be called a home exercise. You need to stand in the doorway, bend your elbows, and lean very hard against the door frames. We place our hands in the chest area, neither higher nor lower. You will only need to hold for 5-15 seconds, if possible. It is better to do 10 repetitions, and only 2-3 sets. This simple exercise makes your biceps work and pumps up your chest muscles well.

Door exercise for arms, stomach and chest

This exercise also only requires being in the doorway. Stand in it and raise one arm above your head. Press your hand against the frame for a few seconds. Then perform a similar technique with the other hand. The optimal number of repetitions is 10 times, and sets - 2-3, no more. Static tension in the doorway is intended to strengthen the oblique abdominal muscles, pump up the arms, and work out the chest area.

chest exercise

Isometric exercises for the spine

Preventative exercise for a straight back

In a kneeling position, which colloquially means on all fours, rest your hands on the floor. From this pose, raise one arm and one leg - opposite limbs. For example, right hand and left leg. Raise your leg and arm so that they are parallel to the floor. Stay in this position for 40 seconds. Slowly return to the starting position. Then change the leg and arm, and repeat the same on the other side.

Therapeutic exercise for the spine

Exercise therapy for diseases and rehabilitation period should be carried out under the supervision and advice of a doctor. There is one effective exercise that is good for your back. First you need to lie on your back. Bend your knees and extend your arms along your body. You should rest your feet on the floor and try to lift your thighs off the floor. It is necessary to raise your hips so that they and your back become a straight line. The exposure time ranges from 40 to 60 seconds. At the end of the exercise, slowly return your hips to the floor.

Twisting for the lumbar region

It is comfortable to lie on your back, on a flat surface. In a lying position, bend your knees and tilt your legs to one side. In this case, it is important to try to place your hips on the floor or bed without lifting your pelvis and body from the surface. With these simple twists you can avoid back problems by gently stretching your spine.

exercise for the spine

Static exercises for osteochondrosis

If the attending physician does not mind, you need to exercise 1-2 times a day. The tension time in one exercise is only 3 to 5 seconds. The number of repetitions is from 2 to 9, if possible.

Isometric exercises for the cervical spine back and forth

Exercises against cervical osteochondrosis, regardless of physical fitness:

  • connect your fingers, place both hands on the back of your head, try to lean back, your fingers act as an obstacle, while performing statics, the muscles in the neck area tense;
  • Place clenched fists clearly under the chin, try to tilt your head down, pressing on your fists;
  • open your palms, place your fingers directly on the forehead, press with your hands in front of your head, this causes the head to tilt back, tense neck muscles help counteract the force;
  • tilt your head to the limit so that your chin approaches the chest area; now, placing your hands on the back of your head, you need to try to place your head vertically, powerfully counteracting the movement with your hands.

Isometric exercises for the neck left and right

There are many types of gymnastics for the back and neck. We will give an example of 2 safe exercises; they improve the quality of life with osteochondrosis and neck pain:

  • tilt your head to the right, place your left palm on your left temple, resisting with your palm, you need to try to raise your head, do a similar movement with your right hand, rise from the left tilt;
  • press your left hand to your right cheek with your palm, tense your neck muscles, forcefully try to turn to the right, perform the same movement on the opposite side of your head, this will warm up your neck perfectly.
exercises for osteochondrosis

Isometric exercises for weight loss

How to do isometric exercises for weight loss?

To avoid injuries, you need to do a proper warm-up of the whole body before isometric training. A time of 30 to 60 seconds is the range for beginners. If you have experience, you can increase this pause to the limit. You should create a set of your favorite static exercises, do each one once, 3 circles in a row. Alternatively, you can perform each exercise three times within one set.

To develop strength, 20-30 seconds is enough, but to burn fat you will have to stay static for 45-60 seconds. It is advisable to exercise 3-7 times a week.

Static exercises for a slim figure

Squat for a beautiful body

To perform a squat, you need to stand straight, place your feet, focusing on the width of your shoulders. At first, the arms should be lowered and placed along the body. Bend your legs at the knees, slowly moving your pelvis back. You need to perform a squat as if you need to lower your heel onto a regular chair. At this moment you need to stretch your arms forward. You will have to freeze in a squatting position so that your thighs are parallel to the floor. Do not bring your knees further than your socks; the first should be strictly above the second. There may be a natural curve in the back, but it is as straight as possible.

After the delay, you need to return to the starting position. The holding time in a squat is from 30 to 60 seconds.

Lunge for slimness and tone

It is extremely simple to lunge, but it requires some strength in the body and legs. The starting position is a level stance with your hands at your sides. Feet stand shoulder width apart. You need to take a wide step back with your right foot, smoothly lowering into a lunge. Both the thigh and shin of each leg ideally form a 90-degree angle. In this position, you need to freeze, maintaining balance and a static position with muscle effort. It is advisable to stay for 30-60 seconds.

The best gymnastics for women

Similar to the previous two exercises, push-ups, a static T-bridge or side plank, the famous V-stabilization, side lunges, a classic elbow plank, and a half squat with outstretched arms are performed. All these static exercises give a fat-burning effect, which women really like.

abdominal exercise

Zass isometric exercises

The great athlete Alexander Zass developed a huge number of exercises to develop strength, joint health, and also invented the Iron Samson System for comprehensive strengthening of tendons.

Isometric exercises for knee joints

In the treatment of arthrosis knee joints Physical therapy may be prescribed. Often the following exercises are included in the complexes:

  • from a lying position on your stomach, with your arms extended along your body, raise your straight leg, lifting it 15 cm from the floor, hold for 30 seconds, repeat with the other leg (it is also useful to do the same exercise dynamically);
  • while standing, hold on to the back of the chair for balance, rise alternately on your toes, hold for a few seconds, move slowly (you can do this both statically and dynamically, you can also lift the front part of the foot in reverse, remaining on the heel);
  • from a lying position, raise your straight legs, lift them 15 cm while your legs are at the top, spread them apart, then slowly connect and lower them, do 10 repetitions in total.

Iron Samson system

How to do isometric exercises to develop strength?

True strength lies in strong tendons. You can create a set of Alexander Zass’s favorite exercises for yourself and repeat each one 1-5 times. Rest pauses are 30-90 seconds. If the load is heavy, then rest for 3-10 minutes.

Examples of Zass exercises for strength

There are many Zass exercises for developing strength, here are some of them:

  • stretching the chain with a bent left hand, the second end of the chain is held by a straight right hand, and vice versa;
  • We place our arms raised upward shoulder-width apart or even wider, the chain is stretched between them, it needs to be stretched, activating the latissimus dorsi muscles, pectoral muscles, and arms;
  • We place the chain behind the back; it must be stretched, connecting the triceps.
Zass exercise

Safely performing isometric exercises

It should be remembered that static loads are contraindicated in the following disorders and conditions:

  • heart ailments;
  • postpartum period;
  • acute period of hypertension and any other chronic disease;
  • high temperature, infections;
  • varicose veins

Isometric complexes are very helpful for those who find dynamic exercises harmful. We advise people to practice such simple and accessible gymnastics after spinal injuries or with joint problems. Thanks to physical education, you can overcome limitations in movement and recover fairly quickly. Static exercises should be especially appreciated by office workers. You can exercise at home and at work to strengthen muscles, accelerate blood circulation, warm up your legs, improve your mood and relieve stress.

Modern women quite often act not only as a mother, but also as a “breadwinner”. Therefore, every minute counts for them, and there is practically no time left for themselves. And everyone wants to have a beautiful, toned body! There is an exit! Have beautiful figure and excellent health, isometric gymnastics, better known as fitness for busy people, will help you.

What is isometric gymnastics: benefits, disadvantages of isometric gymnastics

At the beginning of the last century, isometric gymnastics created a real sensation in the world of sports. With its help, many athletes were able to significantly improve their results. And today it has not lost its relevance. It is widely used during yoga, calanetics and pilates classes . Now you can find a lot of different original isometric gymnastics complexes. The most popular - complexes A.K. Anokhin, Dr. I. Borshchenko and A.S. Zassa , people who are considered the founders of this type of exercise.

So what is isometric gymnastics?

This is a set of exercises based on high voltage for a short period of time . When performing them, the muscles only contract without stretching. You don’t need to devote a lot of time to this type of gymnastics; it will be enough to remember about it in a free moment, as if “by the way.” For example, at work or on public transport, sitting at a computer or standing in line. It only takes a few seconds to complete one exercise.

Video: Isometric gymnastics complex for home

Isometric gymnastics has a number of significant advantages:

  • Each workout lasts no more than 15 minutes ;
  • For classes you no special equipment required ;
  • You can do it at any convenient time and almost anywhere;
  • Exercises of this type of gymnastics are excellent train tendons , the places where true human strength resides;
  • A wide variety of exercises allows you to develop workouts for specific types of activities;
  • has no contraindications , anyone can do it. However, you should not do it during an exacerbation of diseases in which any physical exercise is contraindicated;
  • Exist exercises for each body part ;
  • All yours energy is spent only on tension , and not on movements that cause fatigue. This allows for maximum strength levels;
  • Reduces injuries;
  • Improves flexibility.

However, this type of gymnastics has several disadvantages:

  • For training correct technique it takes time ;
  • If the exercises are performed incorrectly, you may experience blood pressure problems ;
  • For classes with isometric gymnastics necessary the right attitude , as well as good ability to control breathing and body;
  • Isometric gymnastics cannot be considered as the main . It can be used in addition to other physical activity or morning exercises.

Basic principles of performing isometric gymnastics exercises

  • All exercises must be done tensing the muscles as much as possible , however, you should not overload them;
  • You need to breathe rhythmically : inhale and exhale for 6 seconds, without delays or pauses. Maximum effort is created during exhalation;
  • Duration of each exercise 5-6 seconds ;
  • Between approaches it is necessary pause for about 1 minute ;
  • Muscles must be tensed smoothly , and also relieve tension;
  • Focus your attention on the muscles you train;
  • Required condition: the force resisting your efforts should be maximum to eliminate the possibility of any counter movements;
  • To have an effect, each of the selected exercises must perform daily ;
  • In the first couple of months of classes you cannot perform more than 12 exercises at a time . Then several exercises can be replaced with others. And also add 3 new exercises every month. However, remember that you can perform no more than 24 exercises in one workout, as your blood pressure may increase;
  • Best isometric gymnastics study in the morning , in a ventilated area;
  • Since doctors recommend exercising all your muscles every day, choose your exercises for all muscle groups ;
  • Preferably after training take a warm shower and rub your body well with a towel.

Modern isometric gymnastics – exercises, video

You can easily come up with exercises for isometric gymnastics yourself. Below are some examples of exercises for the most different groups muscles.

Video: Isometric gymnastics exercises

Isometric gymnastics in the office:

Isometric gymnastics exercises:

Isometric gymnastics exercises with a chair:

  1. Sit on the floor, bend one leg at the knee. Tighten your straight leg thigh muscles tightly. After 6 sec. relax slowly and then repeat the exercise. Gradually increase the tension time to 15 seconds. Then repeat it on the other leg;
  2. Standing in the doorway, place your hands on the loot and try with all your might to enlarge the doorway;
  3. Stand facing the wall, resting your hands on it. Now try with all your might to move the wall;
  4. Hold your hands together and stretch them out in front of you. Now, with maximum tension, try to separate your hands;
  5. Sit on a chair and place your hands under the seat. Try lifting the chair with you;
  6. While sitting upright, place your hands in front of you so that your palms touch. And now for 5-6 seconds. press your hands on each other;
  7. Sit straight on a chair, clasp your hands on the back of your neck and try to bend it. In this case, it is necessary to provide maximum resistance with the neck muscles;
  8. Grab the back of the chair from behind. Try to squeeze it first and then stretch it;
  9. Place a towel under your chin. Now try to lower your head, overcoming the resistance of the towel;
  10. Stand on your toes, taking a deep breath. And while exhaling, lower yourself onto your heels, giving yourself maximum resistance;
  11. Without holding your breath, draw in your stomach with maximum effort. Stay like this for about 6 seconds and then repeat the movement.

The website warns: all information presented is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. If you have any diseases, be sure to consult your doctor before performing gymnastics!

Isometric exercises are a very interesting and incredibly effective method of strength training. The essence of the training is that the muscles tense, but remain motionless, that is, they do not stretch. Instead of lifting weights, you have to overcome resistance, which is, in principle, impossible to overcome.

Isometric training is good because it does not require much time - 5-10 minutes of training is enough to get a good result. Positive changes, primarily the increase in strength, achieved as a result of isometric exercises last longer than with long-term dynamic training.

Isometric and static exercises have been used in martial arts practice since ancient times. They perfectly train not only the body, but also the will. Today they have become popular thanks to the achievements of Alexander Zass and Bruce Lee. The incredible strength that Alexander Zass developed thanks to isometric exercises has been tested in more than extreme conditions- During the 1st World War, he was exhausted and captured by the Austrians, severely beaten, imprisoned in the basement of the fortress and chained to the wall. On the first night he broke the chains, broke down the bars and escaped.

In the photo there is a monument to Alexander Zass in Orenburg

Basic principles of performing isometric exercises

1. Perform each exercise with maximum tension. Make an effort as you exhale, and do not hold your breath while performing the exercise. Breathe rhythmically - inhale for 6 seconds, exhale for 6 seconds, without pauses or holding your breath.

2. While performing isometric exercises, we do not move, that is, our joints remain motionless and, accordingly, the muscles do not change their length, but at the same time they contract and pull the tendons along with them. This way we strengthen them and make them more elastic.

3. Pause for about 10-30 seconds between efforts. Try to tense your muscles and build power smoothly. Relieve the load smoothly too. The resistance to your efforts should be so great that it obviously excludes the possibility of any movement.

4. It is most effective to do static exercises no more than five times a week, leaving two days for rest. Each exercise is best done in 3-5 sets of 5-8 repetitions. That is, in one approach, 5-8 six-second efforts are done with pauses of 10-30 seconds between them. Then follows a short 30-second rest and after the rest comes the second set of 5-8 efforts and so on...

5. For beginners, in the first month it is enough to do only two static exercises. Then, every month, you can add one exercise and gradually increase their number to six.

"Big biceps are not a criterion for strength in the same way as big belly- a sign of good digestion. All strength lies in the tendons." Alexander Zass.

A set of isometric exercises with a rope

This complex is aimed at training tendons and increasing your strength. To complete the complex you will not need a lot of time and special equipment. Before you start performing this complex, you need to warm up and do at least a joint warm-up. Do not change the sequence of exercises. Fix the maximum tension in each exercise depending on your fitness - approximately 6-12 seconds. Having taken the correct position before tension, you need to inhale with your stomach, and then, at the moment of tension, perform a slow forceful exhalation. Your focus should be on showing effort.

Exercise 1

Feet shoulder width apart. The rope is located at chest level. We exert force forward with both hands. The arms should not be completely straight or bent too far. To allow you to exert force, keep them slightly bent. Inhale with your stomach and exhale with tension.

Exercise 2

We do the same as in the first exercise, only first with one hand and then with the other. The second hand presses against the body and holds the rope.

Exercise 3

We spread our hands. We exert force strictly to the sides. Don't forget about proper breathing and bent elbows.

Exercise 4

We wrap the rope around the body. One leg is in front, the other is behind. The elbow is bent and level with the fist. We exert effort to straighten the arm. Watch the position of the rope. Perform with both hands.

Exercise 5

Feet shoulder width apart. We fix the rope with one hand. The rope runs down the back and rests on the shoulder. We show effort with our fist down. Perform with both hands.

Exercise 6

Hands in front of you slightly wider than shoulder width. We show effort by spreading our arms to the sides.

Exercise 7

Feet shoulder width apart. Rope under feet. Hands in front of you. The elbow bend angle is slightly more than 90 degrees. We show effort by bending our elbows.

Exercise 8

Feet together. Rope under feet. We turn our arms to the side from the previous position. We show effort by raising our hands up.

Exercise 9

We hold our hands in front of us. Feet together. Rope under feet. We show effort by raising our hands up.

Exercise 10

Feet together, knees bent. Rope under feet. It is important to keep your back straight. The force is produced by straightening the legs.

Such exercises teach the central nervous system to connect more muscle fibers to the action being performed. Therefore, when performing such an action dynamically, you will be able to use more muscle fibers, which will give you more strength.

Isometric exercises have been known to people for more than a thousand years. Eastern yogis have long used static poses in their practice. The modern history of this gymnastics began at the dawn of the 20th century. Its founder is Alexander Zass. Isometric exercises made the Russian athlete the strongest man in the world.

How it works

The secret of real strongmen is not in the volume of muscle mass, but in strong tendons, for the development of which a set of isometric exercises is used. A big bicep is just a big bicep. For strength to appear in a muscle, it must rely on bone tissue. This happens only thanks to the strong tendon that makes it move. Tendons grow much slower than muscles and only under conditions of static tension.

During the exercise, the muscle tissue is tense, but not stretched. This is one of the basic principles of muscle growth and strength. During the exercise, the blood vessels contract, and the cells find themselves in a situation of oxygen starvation. As a result, they begin to work harder. As a result, muscles grow and gain strength more intensely than with dynamic exercises.


  • One of the main advantages is the short training time. Ten to fifteen minutes a day will be enough.
  • You don't need special and expensive equipment. You can make do with improvised means.
  • With the help of this gymnastics you can strengthen all muscle groups and tendons, as well as develop flexibility.
  • Each isometric exercise can be performed anywhere and at any time.
  • Training does not build volume, but strength in the body.
  • Isometric gymnastics is useful for everyone - from a person in need of rehabilitation to a highly qualified athlete.
  • Isometric exercises do not cause fatigue. They can be done daily, since muscle tissue does not need to recover after a grueling workout.


  • At the initial stage, the assistance of a trainer will be required. It is important to learn how to perform exercises correctly and not expose yourself to the risk of injury.
  • Isometric exercises require not only control over body position, but also over breathing, attitude, and the body as a whole.
  • The complex of these exercises cannot be independent. For achievement real result You definitely need to do dynamic training.
  • An isometric exercise program does not develop coordination.
  • Unlike dynamic training, the cells are supplied with less blood.
  • After this gymnastics, the muscles are shortened.
  • People who are prone to high blood pressure, you should be extremely careful with this set of exercises.

Types of exercises and equipment

The system of isometric exercises is conventionally divided into three main complexes: using bench press, row and squat. They can also be supplemented with toe raises and shoulder raises.

Isometric exercise becomes most effective if performed on an iron frame. A horizontal bar will also work. The main thing is that its width is about 1.2 m and its height is 2.3 m. This device is often available to those who are seriously involved in sports. For others who wish, a door frame, a window sill, a wall, a table and chair, a belt or a rope are suitable in the form of projectiles.

Technique and safety rules

  • Before training, you need to stretch.
  • Monitor your breathing carefully. Start performing the exercise only while inhaling. Breathing should be deep and calm.
  • Attention should be focused on the whole body.
  • Build strength as you complete the exercise.
  • For beginners, it will be enough to stay in a static position for 3-5 seconds. For advanced people - no more than 2-3 minutes.
  • Strive to perform the exercise correctly from the very first training session. Retraining will take much longer than the initial setup of the technique.
  • If you feel a sharp pain, the exercise must be stopped. After a short pause, you can try to do the exercise again, but more smoothly and with less pressure.

Alexander Zass was recognized as the most strong man in the world, and so far no one has surpassed him. He was not a hero in the usual sense for us - 160 cm tall and no more than 80 kg in weight. Muscle mass the strongman grew up solely for the sake of the public, which demanded entertainment.

The Americans called Alexander the Great Samson for his strength and began to adopt his system of exercises. The basic principles that the athlete adhered to in his training were proper breathing, muscle control, willpower and, as a result, tendon strength.

Samson's isometric exercises still form the basis of almost every complex of this gymnastics, and especially exercises with a chain (belt).

Bruce Lee system

Bruce Lee became a legend of his time and a role model for street boys and professional athletes. The actor’s extraordinary abilities were achieved not through training in the gym, but through the use of static power.

At the beginning of his career, Bruce Lee experienced, in his opinion, a lack of strength and endurance. He began to look for a way to fix this - he read a lot, talked with professionals, and turned to bodybuilding. There are suggestions that he took Zass’s isometric exercises as a basis, but this fact remains unproven. As a result, he created his own concept of training for developing strength.

Bruce Lee's isometric exercises can be performed even by a beginner. Everyone is familiar with exercises such as lunges, squats, scissors, pull-ups, floor and wall push-ups. Once you start doing them according to the rules of isometric gymnastics, you are practicing according to the Bruce Lee system.

  • Exercises should be done early in the morning because they energize you for the whole day. Performed in the evening, they will not let you fall asleep.
  • Ventilate the room first. Deep breathing plays a significant role and accompanies every isometric exercise. Therefore, it is better if the air is clean and fresh.
  • While performing the complex, imagine that you are breathing through your skin, every cell.
  • After gymnastics, take a contrast shower.

Universal set of exercises

This complex is based on the isometric exercises of Bruce Lee. Beginners are not recommended to stay in a static position for more than 5 seconds. Gradually the tension time increases. After each exercise, a break of one minute is required. The minimum number of approaches is 2-3 times. Maximum - 6 times. The duration of the workout should not exceed 20 minutes.

  1. Standing position, legs straight, head looking straight, elbows slightly bent. Hands are raised up and press on the frame of the doorway.
  2. We squat and maintain resistance with our hands against the frame. Thus, the arms stretch upward and seem to push away, and the whole body is directed downward.
  3. We rise on our toes. The exercise strengthens the calves, thigh muscles and buttocks.
  4. Strengthening the neck. To do this, you need to stand with your back to the wall, hands on your waist. Press the back of your head onto a previously placed small pillow.
  5. Repeat the previous exercise, resisting the wall with your forehead.
  6. The elbows of the hands rest against a hard surface. The palms are joined as if for prayer and press one another.
  7. Repeat the previous exercise, but resist with your fingers.
  8. Arms to the sides, resting on the door frame.
  9. Pressure on top part frame with one hand, then with the other. The arm is bent at the elbow.
  10. Arms straight. Resistance with both hands on the top of the frame.
  11. Secure an object to the frame and pull it down with both hands.
  12. Sitting position on the floor. The legs are slightly bent at the knees and offer resistance to the wall or door frame.

Isometric exercises at home and at work

For city residents, a sedentary lifestyle is a sad reality today. The benefits of civilization provide us minimum quantity movements, and the busy rhythm of life often does not leave the energy and time to visit the gym.

However, there is a way out. An isometric exercise is easy to do even at your desk. The complex below will allow you not only to stretch your muscles without leaving your computer, but also to develop and strengthen them. When performing gymnastics, consider your strength - treat office furniture with care!

  1. The arms are extended and smoothly press with bent fingers on the table.
  2. The arms are bent at the elbows, the palms are clenched into fists. The knuckles press on the table.
  3. Use your palms to press on the table top from below, as if you are trying to tear it off.
  4. Cross your legs. Now try to lift the tabletop with your knee.
  5. Hands behind your back. Grasping the back of the chair, lean forward.
  6. Bend over. Hands firmly hold the legs of the chair. Tighten up and try to lift yourself up in the chair.
  7. Elbows on the table, palms resting on the forehead. Press your head on your hands, trying to overcome the resistance.
  8. Elbows in the same position, palms resting on the chin. Try to keep your head down.
  9. Clasp your hands and place them on the back of your neck. Hands tilt the head forward, the head offers resistance.

Gymnastics for women

Many representatives of the fair sex take up one or another set of exercises in the hope of losing weight. Isometric gymnastics can be a good helper in this matter. During muscle work, calories are actively burned. For female body this type of exercise is ideal. The body does not pump, veins do not protrude. But the figure looks fit and elastic.

  1. Starting position - standing. Place the straightened leg back and bend the other leg 90 degrees. Hands on the supporting limb. Repeat the same for the other leg.
  2. Lie on your back, stretch your arms up. As you exhale, pull your chest toward the ceiling.
  3. In a lying position, place your right leg on your left knee. Grab your left thigh with both hands and pull up.
  4. Lying on your right side, raise your left leg 10-15 centimeters and hold it in that position. Repeat on the other leg.
  5. Standing, legs apart as wide as possible. Bend your knees at an angle of 90 degrees and hold this pose.

Most often, isometric exercises for women are used to improve or maintain breast shape. However, you should not expect quick results. Be patient. Patience, regularity and hard work are the keys to success.

  1. Hands in front of the chest, elbows bent. The palms are folded as if for prayer and press against each other with maximum force.
  2. Hands in front of us, pull them forward.
  3. We hold the opposite edges of the tabletop with our hands. We are trying to bring one hand closer to the other.
  4. Hands are clasped behind your back. You should try to lift them as high as possible.
  5. The arms are extended to the sides, slightly behind the shoulders. We try to bring our shoulder blades together and pull our chest forward.
  6. The chair is positioned behind your back, with your legs at a ninety-degree angle. With your arms bent at the elbows, lean on the chair.

Isometric exercises with a belt

To perform this set of exercises, developed by Zass, you will need a strong, medium-wide belt. Its ideal length for training is two meters. You can also use a rope, but it must be strong and thick enough so as not to slip and dig into your palms. There is also a high risk of injury when using a chain.

  1. We firmly hold one end of the belt with our foot. The arm is bent at the elbow and holds the other end. We pull our hand up. Repeat the same for the other hand.
  2. Place your feet in the middle of the belt. The arms are bent at an angle of 45 degrees and hold the ends of the projectile. We try our best to bend our arms as much as possible.
  3. Legs on a belt, knees half bent. The arms are raised above the head and stretched upward as much as possible.
  4. Feet on a belt, arms extended in front of you. We raise our hands up.
  5. Throw the belt over the bar, holding the ends firmly with your hands. Arms to the sides, lowered just below the shoulders. We pull our hands down.

The spiritual aspect of gymnastics

Body and spirit are one. Even the ancient yogis had no doubt about this. Now this truth has been proven scientifically. By toning our own body, we fill our spirit with energy. By focusing on the bodily aspect of existence, the mind is liberated and purified. Balance in the body harmonizes the psychological state. Receptivity to our body makes us receptive to the world.

For those who are far from yoga, isometric gymnastics is perfect as a practice to strengthen the body and spirit.