I recently cooked pilaf with chicken and thought, what do we associate pilaf with? Nature, steppe, fire and big cauldron. The cauldron contains meat, rice, spices, and barberry grains. Everyone has their own way. Meanwhile, pilaf can be cooked at home.

Pilaf (پلو‎, osh, palov, paloo, ash, palau, palov, semi, palow, pilav, pylav, plov, pilaf) is a dish complex in composition and method of preparation, most often made from rice, although other cereals are sometimes found. With meat, poultry, fish.

Pilaf is a very ancient dish, it is at least 2000 years old! The tradition of pilaf apparently developed somewhere in the East, perhaps in India, Persia or the Middle East. Pilaf is the pearl of Asian cuisine.

With all the abundance of pilaf recipes, as well as dishes similar to pilaf, the method of tinting pilaf with saffron or turmeric is not unique to pilaf. This is how they prepare paella, risotto, and even just meat and rice.

Not a single holiday in the East is complete without pilaf, especially weddings, funerals, and birth celebrations. In the East there are special people - pilaf masters (ashpazy), who constantly “migrate” from feast to feast, and are busy with only one thing - preparing pilaf.
Hundreds of pilaf recipes confirm its popularity. The combination of two components of pilaf - zirvak and croup - allows you to prepare pilaf in a very varied way. Isn't it very reminiscent of the principle of paella and risotto, rice and filler.

But there is no fire, cauldron, and wind blowing in the steppe, there is no starry sky and the cry of a bird in the distance. And there is a city, a kitchen, a deep frying pan, chicken wings, rice. How to cook pilaf with chicken?

Pilaf with chicken. Step by step recipe

Ingredients (2 servings)

  • Rice 1 cup
  • Chicken wings 4-6 pcs
  • Carrots 1-2 pcs
  • Onion 1-2 pcs
  • Garlic 1 head
  • Vegetable oil 50 ml
  • Barberry 1 tsp.
  • Zira, salt, sweet paprika, saffron, red hot pepper Spices
  1. Why chicken wings? Well, we don't have lamb. There is a lot of fuss with beef, and pork is not popular among the peoples of the East. The bird remains. In my opinion, the wings fit perfectly - it makes a great pilaf with chicken. They are cut into small pieces, not very fatty, like all chicken. A whole chicken carcass can be used to prepare pilaf, but it will be too much for both of us. But then reheating pilaf with chicken, or cooking from part of a chicken, is not quite the same. We decided to cook only from wings, since there are a lot of them now.

    Chicken, rice and vegetables

  2. Rice is the most difficult and important thing. Goes into different dishes different rice. The pilaf needs to be crumbly, which does not stick together into lumps during cooking. With store-bought rice of unknown origin it is very difficult to “guess”. It says "Rice". And what? Write “Food” on the sausage bag. Will it become clear? It is best to use rice that you know exactly what it will taste like when cooked. I take what is known to me fluffy rice, with long grains or basmati. Its properties are well known to me, and I will experiment next time.
  3. Spices. Well, of course, salt. Large non-iodized ones are better. To be honest, I don’t know how to add salt, I have problems all the time. Zira. Very important. It is also called Roman cumin, cumin, azhgon. Very fragrant seeds. Without cumin, pilaf is rice porridge. Saffron gives pilaf that color that is impossible to forget. Saffron is an expensive spice; it is almost always replaced with turmeric.
  4. Red pepper. Taste, color and spiciness.
  5. Barberry is already a tradition. Pilaf without barberry is like borscht without cabbage. This is personal... You can buy barberry almost anywhere, or pick it yourself. Barberry will add exquisite sourness to the pilaf. If the barberry is too dry and looks like pebbles, you need to wet it a little the day before cooking. It is not necessary to fill it with water, just wet it and keep it in the refrigerator for several hours.
  6. That's all. Barberry, salt, cumin, saffron, pepper are the basis. Everything else is variations, traditions, preferences, misconceptions.
  7. We will prepare pilaf with chicken, taking into account the conditions of a home kitchen, in one container.
  8. Cut the chicken wings into 3 pieces at the joints. Remove remaining feathers and rinse well.
  9. In a deep saucepan or kettle (if available), heat vegetable oil. Let the oil warm up until it appears light white smoke. The oil should “burn out”.
  10. Fry the pieces of chicken wings over high heat, stirring constantly. Until the pieces of meat become browned. In time it is 15-20 minutes. During this time, the chicken wings will be almost ready.

    Fry chicken wings

  11. Add half a teaspoon of cumin seeds and continue to fry for another 5 minutes.

    Add half a teaspoon of cumin seeds

  12. Add coarsely chopped onion and grated or diced carrots.

    Add onions and carrots

  13. Add unpeeled garlic cloves. If you cook in a cauldron, you can add whole heads. True, later, during the meal, there will be a fight for them.

    Add garlic, barberry and saffron

  14. Add barberry and all spices. The amount of saffron or turmeric, salt, pepper is strictly at your discretion. But remember, pilaf must be spicy.

    Salt and add all the spices

  15. Continue to fry everything together for another 10-15 minutes until the onions and carrots are soft and fried.

    Onions and carrots should be fried

  16. From now on, we can consider it time to add rice to the pilaf.
  17. Be sure to wash the rice, otherwise the pilaf will be like porridge! Milled rice contains a lot rice flour, which is superfluous in pilaf. Rinse under flow cold water until the water becomes clear. It is also worth keeping the rice in water for a while.

    Add washed rice

  18. Add washed rice to the saucepan, stir and add water. The amount of water is twice as much as rice. If there was 1 glass of rice, then there should be 2 glasses of water.

    Add water and cook the rice covered

  19. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low, cover the saucepan with a lid and leave the pilaf alone for 20 minutes. During this time, the rice will completely absorb moisture, cook and become crumbly. Be patient, don’t wonder what’s there and how. If you can't wait, use the transparent lid on the saucepan. Everything will be as it should. Just wait 20 minutes.

Homemade pilaf chicken

This is how they make pilaf in Tashkent. Classical Uzbek recipe- one of the many variations of pilaf, and very successful! The main thing is the cooking principle itself. Once you master it, you can endlessly experiment with the pilaf recipe.

At the market I bought a yellow corn chicken weighing 1.5 kg. I left 1 kg for pilaf.



350 g long grain rice
Chicken weighing 1 kg
Chicken fat or odorless vegetable oil
400 g carrots
200 g onion
Salty water
3 heads of young garlic
½ tsp. cumin
1 tsp. barberry
A pinch of ground red pepper

Ingredients for pilaf


1. Prepare all ingredients for pilaf in advance. Wash the chicken, cut into small pieces approximately 3x3 cm in size. Trim off all fat. Cut the onion into medium cubes, carrots into strips. Rinse the rice, if necessary. Remove only the outer skin from young garlic, leaving the heads whole.

Young garlic

2. Prepare salt water, saltier than usual.

3. Melt chicken fat.

4. Fry the chicken pieces over high heat until golden brown. Add cumin. Mix. Then add the onion and fry for 3 - 4 minutes. Then add the carrots and fry for another three minutes, stirring.

5. Press everything down tightly with a spatula, level the surface, add barberries, garlic and rice. Level everything again.

6. Pour in salted water so that the water is 1-1.5 fingers above the rice (with regular rice it is 2 fingers, but here the rice is very thin). There is such a subtlety with water: its amount depends on the type of rice. If you overdo it, you will end up with rice porridge, not pilaf.

BY THE WAY: don't forget a pinch of hot pepper.

Hot red pepper

7. Keep on low heat with the lid slightly ajar for 10 minutes.

8. Then use a spatula to pierce the pilaf to the bottom in several places, collect a little rice from the edges to the middle and close tightly with a lid. Let stand for 15-20 minutes. 3a this is the time the rice will arrive.

9. Remove the lid, mix everything, place the pilaf on a large dish and serve.

BY THE WAY: A salad of tomatoes, onions and cilantro goes very well with pilaf. Tomatoes and onions are cut into thin slices, salted, chopped cilantro is added - and that’s it. No more gas stations. Tashkent tomatoes are very sweet and juicy. This salad can be eaten by the bowl!

Homemade chicken pilaf

Delicious, crumbly pilaf with chicken, step by step recipe from the photo that I will present to you today, the invention is most likely European. After all, real Uzbek pilaf is traditionally made from lamb.

In general, this dish is not widespread throughout Central Asia, Near and Middle East. They also love pilaf in Transcaucasia, and now it has spread to European countries.

We have a lot of recipes for this dish. The basis is always the same - meat and rice, followed by variations with seasonings, cumin, turmeric, barberry, different types pepper, rosemary, coriander, suneli hops. But from the right choice The basics still depend more on taste.

How to choose the right products for pilaf

For those who understand cooking, or for real gourmets, it is quite obvious correct selection rice There is so much of it on the shelves now, you can get confused in such a wide selection.

  1. The cereal you choose should be combined to your taste with spices and meat.
  2. After boiling, the rice should absorb fat and water, but only increase in size and not fall apart.
  3. Choose cereals that have less gluten, so you will have a chance to cook pilaf, and not porridge with meat.
  4. Elongated, oblong varieties of white rice are most suitable for pilaf.
  5. Do not use crushed rice or polished rice for your culinary delights. Its surface should be rough, even ribbed.
  6. Before cooking, rice should be rinsed well to remove excess gluten; it is more convenient to do this in a colander or sieve.

To avoid confusion, buy rice that says “for pilaf” on the package. You can't go wrong here. You can use steamed rice with success. The following varieties are also suitable for this dish:

Now about the meat. It was not for nothing that I chose chicken for the recipe, since for us Russians it is still the most affordable. Well, it just tastes more familiar; personally, I don’t really like lamb with its specific smell and heavy fat.

Choose a young chicken for the recipe; broiler meat is suitable, but not a broth bird, which needs to be cooked no less three hours. I prefer to take chilled meat, not freeze it, then it turns out softer.

To prepare pilaf, it doesn’t matter at all which parts of the bird’s body you use. You can take the whole carcass if cooking a large number of, You can take fillet pieces or any parts with bones.

The most important thing in this dish is zivrak, which is meat fried in oil with vegetables. A lot also depends on how you prepare it. The most secret secret of pilaf is that the volume of meat, carrots and onions should be approximately the same amount. Onions and carrots should be cut into large pieces so that they can be felt in the dish and not smeared after cooking.

Another important component is dishes. It would be better to have a thick-walled cauldron, a cast iron pot, or, in extreme cases, a duck pot. I have a deep frying pan made of thick, cast aluminum. The thing is that in an ordinary pan with thin walls, pilaf will quickly burn and turn out tasteless. And it will be difficult to wash the pan later. Although many people are happy to cook pilaf in a slow cooker.

Chicken pilaf - step-by-step recipe with photos

  • Half a kilo of chicken fat or chicken parts
  • One and a half cups of rice
  • Large onion
  • Two medium sized carrots
  • head of garlic
  • 70 grams of sunflower oil
  • Paprika, salt and black pepper mixture
  • Three glasses raw clean water

Cooking pilaf with chicken according to a traditional recipe:

Chicken meat should be thoroughly rinsed under cold water, dried and cut into small pieces.

Cut the onion into not very small fragments, carrots into cubes, garlic into strips.

Heat the oil in a thick-walled frying pan or saucepan.

Fry the chicken pieces until golden brown.

Add carrot sticks to the chicken and fry them too, this is necessary so that the carrots give color to the oil.

Add onion and garlic to the meat and carrots and sauté until they turn slightly golden.

In the meantime, let’s not waste time and rinse the rice under running water through a sieve and dry it so that it does not stick together during cooking.

Place the cereal into the frying pan and spread evenly over the surface. Fill with water, salt and add spices. You can also use ready-made ones specifically for cooking pilaf. Reduce the temperature, cover the dish with a lid and leave to simmer for half an hour.

After half an hour, mix the pilaf and rake the rice from the edges of the dish to the middle, up the hill. Pierce with a knife or with a Chinese chopstick holes to the bottom. Cover again with a lid, a terry towel on top, turn off the stove and let it steam for fifteen minutes.

Our delicious, crumbly and rich chicken pilaf is ready.

Uzbek pilaf with chicken - recipe

We will take the following products:

  • Chicken carcass weighing about a kilogram
  • Three large onions
  • Three large carrots
  • Two large heads of garlic
  • Half a kilo of long grain rice
  • Half a glass of vegetable oil
  • Dining room at the expense of a spoonful of table salt
  • Spices: ground black pepper, paprika, rosemary, cumin, coriander, dried dogwood, thyme, turmeric to your taste

Rinse the carcass under running water and remove excess water paper towel. Cut into pieces, 4 by 4 cm.

Peel the onions and chop them into half rings as thin as possible. Cut the carrots into long strips, also thinner. We cut off the bottom of the garlic heads, but not all the way, so that they do not fall apart, and remove the top husk.

Rinse the rice well and let the water drain. Heat the oil in a casserole and throw in the prepared chicken parts. At high temperature Fry everything, stirring all the time so that the meat does not stick to the walls. As soon as the chicken begins to brown, add the onion and continue frying. When the onion turns golden, add the carrots along with salt and spices.

We insert the heads of garlic among the products without reducing the heat. Spread the washed rice on top in a thin layer and pour boiling water over it. The amount of water can be measured; its level should be two centimeters above the rice.

Now we wait until the water boils and immediately reduce the temperature to medium and cook for about fifteen minutes. We look into the cauldron and see that the water has been completely absorbed by the rice. Now let’s rake it from the walls to the middle, making a mound, and don’t forget about the holes for steam, which can be conveniently made with a wooden Chinese stick.

Now reduce the temperature to minimum, cover the dish tightly with a lid and let it simmer for about 10 minutes. Then turn off the stove completely and cover the cauldron with a warm towel so that everything evaporates.

Pilaf with chicken in a slow cooker

A wonderful invention that helps us make this dish special. I like cooking pilaf in a slow cooker for three reasons:

  1. There is no need to go to the stove many times and check readiness, a huge saving of your time, during which you can cook something else.
  2. You won't forget to turn off the dish and it will never burn.
  3. Less fat is used, the rice is steamed well and in any case turns out crumbly.
  • Two chicken breasts
  • One and a half cups of rice, preferably steamed
  • Medium onion head
  • Two not too large carrots
  • Half a head of garlic
  • Half a glass of sunflower oil
  • Three glasses of water
  • A quarter teaspoon of red hot pepper
  • Half a teaspoon of cumin
  • A teaspoon of paprika
  • Black pepper, table salt, thyme optional

How to cook pilaf with chicken in a slow cooker:

We wash the chicken breasts and cut them into small pieces. Carrots can be grated or chopped into strips. It is better to cut the onion into half rings.

Pour the oil into a bowl and heat it, throw the pieces into the heated bowl chicken meat, fry in baking mode, then add carrots, after seven minutes add onion with chopped garlic, fry a little more and add all the spices, add salt immediately. Pour in the rice, add water, stir and, under the lid, in the “rice” mode, leave to simmer for forty minutes.

Pilaf with chicken in the oven

The recipe also has its advantages. A good solution for those who don’t have a multicooker and are already tired of cooking in a frying pan.

We take the following ingredients:

  • Two chicken legs, fattier if possible
  • A glass of long grain rice, optionally parboiled
  • Two large cows
  • Two large onions
  • A large head of garlic
  • Two glasses of water
  • Vegetable oil
  • Table salt, black pepper, saffron, cumin, turmeric to your taste

We prepare the legs and cut them into pieces. Chop the onion into cubes and the carrots into strips, although I prefer small sticks. Peel the garlic and cut it into slices or strips.

Take a cast iron frying pan, heat the oil in it, start frying the meat until browned. Then we send the carrots there, fry for about seven minutes, then the onions and garlic go on until transparent.

Afterwards we transfer our zivrak into a fireproof container for the oven. The rice should already be washed and dried. By the way, you can quickly fry it in a dry frying pan, then the pilaf will turn out even tastier and more aromatic.

Spread it in an even layer on top of the vegetables and meat, carefully pour in the water and add spices and salt. All that remains is to put the lid on and put the dish in the oven for about forty minutes, simmer at a temperature of 180 degrees.

An interesting fact about the appearance of the dish. Although various eastern peoples consider him their native, national one, we still owe the original inventor of this culinary delight to the chief cook of Alexander the Great himself. And since this commander conquered many territories, his passions began to be revered there.

I think another reason for the popularity of the dish was the fact that it can easily be prepared with fish or even made into a dietary dish. Many people love pilaf with prunes and we prepare this during Lent.

Good afternoon, dear friends and blog guests! Today we will look at how to cook pilaf with chicken. A dish whose recipe has long become international. Just like many other dishes of Uzbek cuisine, it migrated to Russian. And it enjoys well-deserved popularity.

It’s safe to say that more of this dish is prepared in Russia than in any eastern country. And we cook with chicken more often than with any other meat. After all, poultry meat is more affordable and cooks much faster than any other meat.

Choose grains at your discretion. Our retail chains offer a large number of specialty rice varieties. Mistral, Basmati, Barakat, Devzira and some others. You can take several types and try different ones each time to choose the one with which you will get the most delicious and crumbly pilaf. Although, they are all good in their own way.

To make the dish fragrant and aromatic, a variety of spices are used. Be sure to take the most basic ones. These are red, black and allspice, as well as cumin, turmeric and barberry. It would be nice to also add a small pinch of saffron. If you like it spicy, add a pod or two hot chili peppers.

Crumbly chicken pilaf in a slow cooker

Cooking in different dishes has its own nuances, but in any case, the result always depends on the experience of the cook. And for guests to be delighted, you need to be able to cook delicious food both in a cauldron over a fire and at home in a frying pan.

Whoever has a Redmond, or Polaris, or any other company assistant in the kitchen, she will always help you make any dish quickly and tasty. With our daily busyness, it often happens that by the evening we no longer have the energy or time to prepare delicacies. Chicken pilaf in a slow cooker turns out wonderful in both taste and appearance. And this work will take very little time.


1. I always remove the skin from the carcass. Then I wash the meat and dry it with a paper towel. Cut it into large pieces. The onion is smaller, and the carrots are long strips. Rinse the cereal several times until the water is clear.

I have devzira rice, you can use any other.

2. No need to soak, just rinse well. Pour half the vegetable oil into the multicooker bowl and fry the onion in the “fry” mode until transparent. Then add carrot sticks, chicken, as well as salt, pepper and all the spices to it.

3. Using a plastic or wooden spatula, mix all this stuff and fry for another 5 minutes. Pour the cereal into the multicooker bowl. We level it well and stick peeled garlic cloves all over the surface. Or you can use the whole head, but then you will have to take it out and throw it away.

4. All we have to do is pour boiling water over everything so that the water covers the rice by 2 cm. Close the bowl and turn on the “pilaf” program. Cooking time 1 hour. This will be even a lot for our number of products. Therefore, we can go about our business for now, and in 30-35 minutes. turn off the unit.

Let the dish brew for another half hour and serve, sprinkling with finely chopped parsley and cilantro.

Cooking chicken pilaf on the stove in a cauldron

A cauldron is the best utensil for such main dishes that need to be first fried and then boiled or stewed. Cast iron or aluminum - as long as it has thick walls and a bottom. Any lunch there will be rich and tasty, as if cooked over a fire.

Try cooking pilaf with chicken in a cauldron or duck pot. You will be convinced that cooked at home on the stove it will be no worse than if it was cooked over a live fire on the street. Follow my step-by-step recipe and maintain the indicated proportions. And you will succeed!

What products do we need:

Supermarkets have a large selection of durum rice. Mine is called “jasmine”, but you can take another one. It also doesn’t matter which parts of the chicken carcass you choose. If only the meat was fresh. preferably chilled, not frozen.


1. First, peel and cut the onion into rings and the carrots into thin cubes. Rinse the meat and dry with napkins. Place a cauldron on the stove and pour half a glass of vegetable oil into it. We wait until it is hot enough and add onion rings into the boiling oil.

2. When the onion is golden, add parts of the carcass to it and mix. Fry for another 5 minutes and you can add the carrot sticks to the cauldron. Here you can already add salt and spices.

Stick the garlic heads straight among the meat pieces. If you want, you can peel it and add cloves. Rice should not be soaked to prevent it from turning into porridge.

3. Just rinse several times and drain the water. Pour into the cauldron and level it over the surface. Using a slotted spoon, add enough boiling water so that the liquid is 2 cm higher.

4. Wait until the water begins to boil slightly and close the lid. Reduce the heat to low and cook the dish for 20-25 minutes. Then turn off the heat and let the dish brew for another half hour.

And finally, you can open and stir the crumbly, aromatic pilaf. Place on plates and sprinkle with parsley and cilantro. Indescribable yummy!

Video on how to cook pilaf with chicken in a pan

On the video channel “Cooking and Recipes from Khrumka” we saw this interesting and quick recipe. The components of the zirvak are first fried and then transferred to the pan. The cereal is poured there, water is poured in and all this goodness is stewed on the smallest fire until cooked.

Even if you don’t have a cauldron, you are guaranteed a simple and tasty dinner. Sometimes this dish is supplemented with tomatoes or bell pepper. And be sure to have a lot of greens - basil, parsley, cilantro, rosemary. The greens can be chopped and added to the pan, or eaten separately.

Step-by-step recipe for pilaf with chicken in a frying pan

If the saucepan is deep enough and has thick walls and a bottom, then you can fry zirvak in it and completely cook real pilaf with chicken. Whether you cook on an electric stove or on gas, it will be a great treat either way!

Even if the frying pan is small, 2-3 servings can be made quickly and easily. I have a Chinese wok with a capacity of three liters.

If necessary, reduce the ingredients according to your pan.

I sometimes replace raisins with prunes or dried apricots. This dish with dried fruits is called “juja” in Uzbek. If you haven't cooked this dish before, be sure to try it.

So where do we start? Of course, from preparing the chicken. I have fillet chicken breast already cleared of skin and bones. I just cut it into cubes. I chopped the onion into large half rings, and the carrot into thin strips. Wash the raisins thoroughly hot water. There is no need to soak it; it will still steam during the cooking process. It is better to take not sweet white raisins, but black ones.

The oil is already heating up in the frying pan. I don't like to fry for a long time. I pour out the chopped vegetables and, as soon as they soften, add meat to them. Now let it fry properly.

I don’t determine the exact frying time. When the moisture evaporates and the pieces are browned, you will see for yourself.

As soon as the zirvak is sufficiently fried, add raisins, all the seasonings, spices and salt. Next, pour in a glass of boiling water and let it cook for a minute. I throw in the whole head of garlic. You can peel it and divide it into cloves. And finally, the washed rice was poured in and smoothed out.

Using a slotted spoon or spoon, add more liquid until it reaches 1.5 cm above the rice. The heat is reduced to very low and the lid is tightly closed.

In half an hour everything is ready. If you reduce the amount of food, then reduce the cooking time. Turn off the heat and stir the rice and zirvak. Close again and let it brew for another 15-20 minutes. Serve with salads or chopped fresh vegetables.

How to cook delicious chicken pilaf in the oven

It turns out that you can serve food beautifully and elegantly in ceramic pots. It looks very impressive, and the taste is simply tongue-in-cheek. And let someone tell me that “this is not pilaf, but porridge.” It doesn’t matter to me what you call this work of culinary art. But my family and friends are very happy when I serve them such steaming, flavorful pots.

My containers are different. Two larger ones of 500 ml. and two for 350 ml. To avoid mistakes, I will put equal amounts of components into them. This chicken pilaf does not have to be divided into portions; it can be made in one large bowl.

For 4 servings you will need:

  • Chicken breasts – 2 pcs.
  • Carrots - 1 large
  • Bulbs - 2 pcs.
  • Basmati rice - 12 tablespoons
  • Vegetable oil for frying
  • Salt, seasonings
  • Garlic to taste
  • Hot pepper optional

Chop the peeled and washed onions into thin half rings. And grate the carrots on a coarse grater.

Cut the meat arbitrarily depending on the size of the vessel in which you will cook.

First, we will fry the zirvak in a frying pan. To do this, first place the meat in heated oil and, stirring, let it brown. Next is the turn of onions, and then carrots. You choose the degree of browning yourself. I simmer the vegetables until soft.

I salt, pepper and add spices to the zirvak. Mix everything and remove from heat. Let it cool down a little and put it equally into the prepared pots.

We rinse the cereal until clean. Place 3 tablespoons of rice in each pot. Throw garlic in there too. As much as you want. If you wish, add a little hot cayenne pepper.

The contents in each pot were reduced to about half. I pour boiling water until it reaches two centimeters to the top. I close the lids and put the pots in the oven. We will cook at a temperature of 180 degrees for about 45 minutes. Then take it out, let it cool a little and you can treat your household, already distraught by the aroma.

Recipe for pilaf with chicken in Uzbek

I spotted a delicious and quick Fergana pilaf with chicken on the Max Malkiel channel. He cooks without frying the zirvak until it turns red. Therefore, the rice turns out white and crumbly, although he adds a lot of carrots. This method, without heavy frying, is also the most useful.

After all this splendor, I have nothing more to add. I say goodbye to you until the next delicious meetings. And who really liked the recipes, press the buttons social networks and share them on your pages!

Let gourmets assure that only Uzbeks can cook real pilaf from lamb and only in a cauldron over an open fire. But I am sure that you can cook very delicious pilaf with chicken and in a deep frying pan or pressure cooker, at home on a regular stove. I present to you a simple and quick recipe for making chicken pilaf.

Let's start preparing chicken pilaf, but first, let's prepare the necessary ingredients.
Ingredients for pilaf:

  • Chicken - 1 kg. (preferably fillet or thighs)
  • Rice - 500 gr.
  • Carrots 2-3 pcs. (400 gr.)
  • Onion 4 pcs. (400 gr.)
  • Garlic - 1 whole head
  • Vegetable oil

Seasoning for pilaf with chicken:

  • 2 tsp barberry
  • 1 tsp cumin
  • 1 tsp turmeric
  • 1 tsp salt

The calorie content of chicken pilaf is 235.82 kcal. per 100 grams.

Recipe with photos for cooking pilaf with chicken:

  1. Rinse the rice several times until the water runs clear (this is to remove excess starch). Then pour water over the rice and let it sit.
  2. The chicken needs to be washed, dried and cut into pieces of 4-5 cm.
  3. Chop the onion.
  4. Chop the carrots (or you can grate them on a coarse grater).
  5. Pour in vegetable oil to about 1 cm and as soon as the oil is hot, add the onion and immediately mix. Fry the onion until translucent for 2-3 minutes.
  6. Place the chicken in the oil and fry for 5-7 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  7. Then add the carrots and fry for another 3 minutes, stirring.
  8. Pour boiled water so that it covers the meat, add spices for pilaf and mix. Cover with a lid and simmer for 15 minutes.
  9. After that, spread the rice on top of it all in an even layer (do not mix!!).
  10. Pour boiling water over everything 1-1.5 cm above the level of the rice. Cover with a lid. Reduce heat and cook for 15-20 minutes.
  11. By this time, almost all the water will boil away, mix the pilaf and stick the garlic into it. We make small holes all the way to the bottom so that all the water boils away. After 10 minutes, turn it off and let it brew under the lid for another 20 minutes.

I hope you no longer have any questions about how to make pilaf with chicken, but if you still have, write them in the comments and I’ll try to answer.