Oh, holy blessed Grand Duke Andrei Bogolyubsky! A faithful and God-glorifying servant of God, a devout and jealous Christian, a virtuous and God-wise man, an all-honorable warrior and a good commander, a sovereign and daring ruler! Holy Rus' divided into appanages and principalities, who, by God's will, wants to gather into a single Russian Kingdom and rule it as a sovereign, so that it may remain invincible from all enemies, visible and invisible, who rise up against Orthodox Christians. May your holy deeds not be in vain for the glory and honor of the Christian God, where we see and magnify your God-blessed structure of the God-loved Orthodox Kingdom on the Russian Land, when you erected the capital city of Vladimir and the God-loving monastery of the Most Holy Theotokos, where you are in it in the middle of the night innocently wicked and perjured taken by his servants and killed at their hands unlawfully and with the cruelest swords, and bleeding with his honest blood, a solid foundation for the Monocracy Orthodox Rus' taco putting. And now we, sinful servants of God (names), believe in your God-powerful heavenly intercession, for having sealed your life with a martyr’s crown, we pray to you that the Lord will deliver us from the sedition of the servants of the Antichrist and from bloody sacrifices and Jewish customs, and may the Russian Land be saved from the yoke of Satan, for we have you, the great saint of God, the undaunted warrior of Christ, who always fought on the fields of earthly battle with many enemies for the Holy Faith and the Fatherland, and who showed such a wondrous glory of God’s victories to the entire Russian Land. And you, as a sovereign commander and holy martyr, and always a daring prayer book for us, God-loving and tireless creator of Holy Rus', wonderfully glorified in the holy relics, and left to help and intercede for us, arise for us against foreign, foreign and harmful adversaries, and resist them with many holy prince-warriors, and first with the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir and the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duchess Olga, and with the great noble princes, the first martyrs Boris and Gleb, and with the holy warrior Reverend Martyr Igor of Chernigov, and the holy noble Grand Duke George Vsevolodovich of Vladimir, together with your God-blessed sons, the prince-martyrs Gleb of Vladimir and the brave Izyaslav, and with their help the House of the Most Holy Theotokos, the Sovereign Lady of all Russia, will not be shaken, and may the Russian Land be glorified and shine through you, Prince Andrei, forever and ever and be filled with a pious Christian race with the blessing of the Mother of God, and by the Grace of Her many-miracle-working icons of Vladimir and Bogolyubskaya, and again be cherished and strengthened glory to Orthodox Rus', and shines with the Immaterial and Life-Giving Light of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

The name comes from the Greek word "andros", meaning "courageous" or "courageous". Sometimes the name Andrey is translated as “man” or person, which is similar to the word man in English language. The name has enjoyed exceptional honor since the times of Hellas. Andrei corresponded to sublime standards of morality. They affectionate sons, faithful friends, ardent lovers, excellent students or workers, the most responsible head of the family. Andrei creates an image of courage, bravery, activity, loudness, joy, brightness and kindness.

The meaning of the name Andrey for a child

As a child, a boy looks like his mother, although this similarity is more external. Little Andrey's character is lively and restless. Loves active games, which does not at all exclude perseverance with sufficient interest. If Andrey’s interest in something has awakened, then his perseverance can be envied. Study well, but demands constant attention and control. Plays well with animals and becomes a true friend to pets. If there is no pet in the house, get ready. He'll bring it himself. Like any other child, it requires a lot of attention and consistency in upbringing.

Short name Andrey

Andryukha, Dron, Andre.

Diminutive names Andrey

Andryusha, Andryushka, Andryunya, Andreika, Dronchik.

Patronymic name of Andrey's children

Andreevich and Andreevna. In popular form it is sometimes pronounced as Andreich and Andrevna.

Name Andrey in English

The name Andrey in English has the following spelling - Andrew. Sometimes in the English tradition to use the abbreviation Andrew to Drew.

Name Andrey for international passport according to the rules of machine transliteration adopted in 2006 for Russian government agencies - ANDREI.

Translation of the name Andrey into other languages

in Armenian - Անդրեաս
in Belarusian - Andrey
in Bulgarian - Andrey, Andro and Andreshko in Hungarian - András
in Greek - Ανδρέας
in Georgian - ანდრო
in Spanish - Andrés
in Italian - Andrea
in Chinese - 安德烈
in German - Andreas or Andie
in Polish - Andrzej
in Ukrainian - Andriy
in French - André
in Czech - Ondřej
in Japanese - アンドレイ

Church name Andrey(V Orthodox faith) may not change. Of course Andrey can choose something else church name, but can also be baptized under a worldly name.

Characteristics of the name Andrey

Andrey's character is impulsive and unpredictable. It's difficult to predict what he will do next minute. This may interfere with his life, but for the most part Andrei does not regret what he did. Inconsistency also manifests itself in personal life. A declaration of love to one girl or woman will not prevent him from showing his ardent sympathy to another the next day, for which the female sex is often offended by him. In his relationship with a woman he can be affectionate and courteous, but this is more about the desire to please and look good than about a true relationship. All this before marriage. In marriage, Andrei is truly a knight and his woman will be under reliable protection. Andrei adores his wife and shows his feelings for her in every possible way.

The secret of the name Andrey

Andrey can be influenced by flattering treatment, which is his weakness. Those who know this secret of Andrei periodically take advantage of this. The main danger is the combination of flattery and the impulsiveness of his character. This could lead Andrey to undesirable consequences. Andrei needs to avoid flatterers so as not to get hooked on them.

Planet influencing Andrey- Uranus.

Zodiac sign- Cancer.

Andrew's totem animal- Jungle cat.

Name color- Lilac.

Tree named Andrey- Fir.

Andrew's plant- Anemone.

Stone named after Andrey- Amethyst.

Guardian angel named Andrey and his patron, depends on Andrey’s date of birth. Read about the patrons of the name Andrey in a special article.

Andrey's birthday church calendar are celebrated in almost every month of the year.

Translated from Greek, this name means “courageous.” If we talk about Andrei’s name day, we must first note that every day of the calendar in Orthodoxy is dedicated to the memory of a saint, and sometimes several. At baptism a person is given his name heavenly patron. Name day is also called the day of the angel. However, one should not confuse the guardian angel, which is given at baptism, with the patron saint, after whom the baptized person is named.

Name day

Saint Theodore of Edessa writes that the Lord gives each person two guardians, the first is a guardian angel who protects him from all misfortunes and evil and helps him do good deeds. And the second one is a saint. He intercedes with God with prayers for his ward. They constantly strive to fill their souls with love for their Creator and their neighbors.

Ambrose of Optina said that according to your name let life be. A person named after a saint must understand that this is not only his patron, but also a worthy role model. And for this you need to know his life well. Is it possible to imitate Christ for the sake of the holy fool? Of course not, but we must learn to cultivate the will, humility and patience in ourselves in order to persevere through all life’s difficulties. One must be able to fight self-love and pride, as all the saints did.

Andrew the First-Called. Name day

Jesus Christ called the brothers Simon (Peter) and Andrew with him. They were born in Bethsaida. Andrew was a disciple of John the Baptist, and from him he learned about the lamb of God - the Savior Jesus Christ, who did not come to show miracles, but to save all humanity. Little is written in Scripture about the Apostle Andrew, but some details of his deeds can be learned from the life of the saint, who was martyred in the year 60.

If we talk about Andrei’s name day, then first of all we need to remember from the Gospel how the apostles went by lot to different countries to glorify the Lord and bring his word to the world.

Andrei's path lay to the coast of Pontus Euxine (to the Black Sea and to the Crimean southern coast). At that time, this entire territory was under the rule of the Roman Empire. Andrei visited the northern Black Sea region, where the barbarians, or Scythians, as they are also called, lived. Nobody knows how far he went in this direction.


In a later legend one can read that Saint Andrew climbed up the Dnieper and consecrated the place where the city of Kyiv was later built. Later, he allegedly reached the Novgorod land, where he was surprised by the Russian baths, but in earlier sources there is no information about these wanderings of the holy apostle. It is believed that it was Apostle Andrew who first began to spread Christianity in Rus' and, most likely, visited Chersonese, the future Sevastopol.

He preached a lot, healed and resurrected, and prayed to his Teacher. Saint Andrew defended with all his might the Christians who were thrown into prison, tortured, and then brutally killed. The same fate awaited the apostle: he was crucified on an oblique cross in the shape of the letter “X”, hence the name “St. Andrew’s Cross”. He hung on it for two days and then died.

Orthodox name days named after Andrei are celebrated on December 13 (June 30).

Andrey Bogolyubsky

The great ruler of Rus' and saint is called the passion-bearer. His date of birth is between 1111 and 1125. His memory is honored on July 4 (July 17). We must admit the fact that Saint Prince Andrew managed to distinguish himself in many areas: science, culture, religion, art, politics and, of course, military affairs. His father is Yuri Dolgoruky, who trained real warriors from his sons. Andrei's mother was the daughter of the Polovtsian Khan Aepa (Osenevich).

Andrey was a very religious person. One night he had a vision: a revived icon told him to go to Vladimir, although his father sent him to rule in Vyshgorod.

During his life, Andrei Bogolyubsky rebuilt, decorated and furnished more than thirty white stone churches. I didn’t spare any money for this. He was a great intellectual, knew 6 languages. Under him, the Vladimir-Suzdal state became very powerful.

Bogolyubsky wanted to unite the fragmented Rus', but the princes did not want to lose their independence. The Grand Duke had many like-minded people, but he also had plenty of enemies. The conspirators treacherously killed the prince on July 12, 1174. First, his weapon was stolen, and then a group of armed people broke into his chambers and brutally killed him. According to modern examinations, he received 45 stabbing wounds from swords, spears, daggers and sabers.

If the prince had not been killed, and if he had managed to unite the princes even then, then half a century later the Russian people would not have had to suffer from the Mongols. And maybe history future Russia It would have turned out completely differently.

Andrey Rublev

Reverend Andrei Rublev is one of the most famous ancient icon painters of the 15th century. There is very little biographical information about Rublev. He was born around the 1360s in the Principality of Moscow. Previously, nicknames were given because of the craft that a person was engaged in, and a “rubel” was a tool for rolling leather. The icon preserved from that time has the signature “Andrei Ivanov son of Rublev.” Perhaps his father's name was Ivan.

Chronicles indicate that Rublev, together with Daniil Cherny and other assistants, painted the cathedral in the Trinity Sergius Monastery and made an iconostasis, which included the today famous “Holy Trinity” icon. In it he uses a biblical story: the moment when Abraham was visited by the Holy Trinity. Today the painting is in Tretyakov Gallery and is one of the greatest monuments ancient Russian art.

Name day named after Andrey. Conclusion

In addition to the saints who were given above, there are names of people who were also glorified as saints. Andrew's name day is also celebrated on July 17 (4) in honor of St. Andrew, Archbishop of Crete (712-726); October 15 (2) - Christ for the sake of the holy fool, Slav from Novgorod, Constantinople (10th century) Blessed Andrew; June 25 (12) - St. Andrew of Egypt and many other righteous people who dedicated their lives to serving the Lord. Some did not spare their lives and preached the Gospel, for which they were severely punished by the almighty godless rulers.

Andrey - popular male name throughout the world, one of the saints revered Orthodox Church, is the apostle and disciple of Christ Andrew the First-Called. Name Day or Angel Andrew's Day according to the church calendar is a spiritual holiday, celebrating which, first of all, one should praise the saint in prayer and light a candle in the church in gratitude for help on the path of life.

For friends and family, name days are a wonderful occasion to show their love and attention to the birthday boy, wishing him many years under the protection of the Heavenly Patron.

Origin of the name

This name was brought to Rus' by the Apostle Andrew from Greece. The Greeks gave each name great importance, seeing in it a prophecy for a person’s entire life.

Interesting! Andrew in Greek means strong, courageous, decisive.

In the 11th century in Rus', this name was used mainly to call noble people.

Patron Saint

At birth, by the great grace of God, a guardian angel appears near each person, and after baptism, a patron saint. Churched parents responsibly choose the name of the child, studying the life of the saint who will become a Heavenly mentor and patron.

During the year there may be several saints with the same name; the patron will be the one whose date of veneration is closer to the person’s birthday.

According to Ambrose of Optina, a name determines life, the patron saint is a role model, from the apostles we learn the power of faith, and from holy fools - humility and patience, getting rid of pride and pride.

The disciple of John the Baptist was the first disciple of Jesus, he walked with the Savior for more than 3 years and after His Ascension he became a missionary and apostle.

Apostle Andrew the First-Called

According to the lot cast among the 12 apostles, the Black Sea region and the Balkans fell to him. Tradition says that the apostle walked along the Dnieper, erecting a cross at the site of the founding of the city of Kyiv, and then allegedly his path lay in the Novgorod lands, but historians do not confirm this fact.

The bearer of the faith of Christ sowed the seeds of Christianity in Chersonesos, preaching, praying and healing people. The holy messenger often came to the defense of imprisoned Christians in 60 AD and was himself crucified on an X-shaped cross, which became known as St. Andrew's Cross.

July 17 is Angel Day according to the church calendar in honor of the icon painter and artist Rublev. Writing icons by Orthodox canons- a holy feat, the icon painter Rublev canonized. The artist, who lived in the 14th century, was educated in Byzantium, studied with Bulgarian artists, and took monastic vows as a resident of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra in Moscow.

The saint left to his descendants magnificent paintings in the Moscow Annunciation Cathedral, the Vladimir Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, he painted the icon of the Holy Trinity, and the holy face Mother of God“Vladimirskaya” and other works. He rested in the Moscow monastery.

The saint lived in the 12th century and showed an amazing love for writing and spreading the word of God through the construction of churches in Rus'. With his blessing, more than 30 Orthodox shrines, among them is the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Moscow.

Holy Blessed Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky

A courageous warrior, peacemaker and humble Christian, Prince Bogolyubov died at the hands of traitors in his castle, leaving his descendants miraculous image Our Lady of Vladimir.

On May 31, the holy martyr of Lampsacus, a Mesopotamian warrior, is venerated, who suffered in the 3rd century for his faith in Christ. Residents of the city of Lampsak preserve the memory of the holy servants of God, Andrew, Paul, Dionysius and Christina, who refused to bring gifts to pagan idols, for which the brutal crowd threw stones at the men and hacked the girl with swords.

More than 40 saints can become Andrei’s patrons throughout the year; these are name days in honor of the saints:

  • September 23rd Prince of Vologda;
  • October 3 of the Great Martyr of Ephesus;
  • October 15 of the Holy Fool of Constantinople;
  • July 17, Archbishop of Crete;
  • April 28, Georgian martyr of Mesukevo;
  • December 15 of St. Egyptian;
  • October 6 Martyr of Syracuse;
  • September 1 of the martyr Stratelates;
  • October 23 of the Holy Fool of Totemsky and others.

Saint Andrew of Crete, Archbishop

Hieromartyr Dobrynin is numbered among the new martyrs, whose memorial day is celebrated on February 21, as the day of his execution by Stalin’s soldiers. A faithful servant of God devoted his life to strengthening Christian faith, after his arrest, he forgave everyone who slandered him, but did not accept the accusation brought against him of organizing a conspiracy against the Soviet regime.

Uniqueness of character

From birth, Andryushas have a calm character, their optimism and fun charge everything around with positivity, but you should not intrigue them, these men will not forget this and are unlikely to forgive you throughout your life.

If in childhood Andryusha was a dreamer and romantic, inventing all kinds of active entertainment, then in adulthood he becomes a realist who knows how to achieve what he wants. Due to his youth, he primarily values ​​beauty in women; his girlfriends are constantly changing, so it is difficult to call this man constant, although he is a good family man and a father who adores his children.

Important! Having strong personalities as their patrons, men named Andrey have good energy and determination. They are accompanied by good luck and luck.

Born in winter time Andreys have proven themselves well in the field of art, but the autumn owners of this name are distinguished by their love of exact sciences and excel in business. Spring and summer boys can be lawyers and wonderful speakers.

Angel Andrew Day

Calendar, when according to the church calendar is Andrei's name day

Saints named Andrew are venerated 37 times.

  • January 27 - Andrey;
  • February 17 - Andrei Bednov, priest, martyr;
  • February 21 - Andrei Dobrynin, archpriest, martyr;
  • March 7 - Andrei Gnevyshev, martyr;
  • April 28 - Andrei Mesukeviysky, Georgian, martyr;
  • May 31 - Andrew of Lampsak, martyr;
  • June 3 - Andrei Simbirsky (Ogorodnikov), Fool for Christ's sake (discovery of relics);
  • June 11 - Andrei Trofimov, martyr;
  • June 25 - Andrew of Thebaid, reverend;
  • June 26 - Andrew of Moscow, reverend;
  • July 3 - Andrew the First-Called, holy martyr;
  • July 13 - Andrew the First-Called, holy martyr;
  • July 17 - Andrew of Crete, archbishop;
  • July 22 - Andrew, martyr;
  • August 5 - Andrei Argunov, martyr;
  • August 17 - Andrey;
  • September 1 - Andrei Stratelates, Taurian, martyr;
  • September 16 - Andrey Dalnikov, priest, martyr;
  • September 19 - Andrew of Alexandria, martyr, warrior;
  • September 20 - Andrey Oslyabya;
  • September 23 - Andrei Spasokubensky, Kamensky, Prince Joasaph;
  • September 28 - Andrei Kovalev, priest, martyr;
  • October 4 - Andrew of Ephesus, martyr, presbyter;
  • October 6 - Andrew of Syracuse, martyr;
  • October 7 - Andrei Bystrov, priest, martyr;
  • October 15 - Andrew of Constantinople, Fool for Christ's sake;
  • October 23 - Andrei Totemsky, Fool for Christ's sake;
  • October 30 - Andrew of Crete, martyr;
  • October 31 - Andrei Voskresensky, priest, martyr;
  • November 9 - Andrei Smolensky, Pereyaslavsky, prince (Finding of relics);
  • November 11 - Andrew, martyr;
  • December 8 - Andrei Shershnev, priest, martyr;
  • December 10 - Andrei Simbirsky (Ogorodnikov), Fool for Christ's sake;
  • December 11 - Andrew, martyr;
  • December 13 - Andrew the First-Called, holy martyr;
  • December 15 - Andrew of Oxyrynthus (Egyptian), venerable;
  • December 16 - Andrei Kosovsky, archpriest, martyr.

Characteristics of the birthday boy Andrey:

From the ancient Greek language - “entering into battle, opposing”, another version - “courageous, brave”.

For the first time, a similar word (similar in sound) - Anjeti - was mentioned in Egyptian mythology, where he was the god of the city of Busiris. Anjeti was depicted as a man with two feathers on his head, with a staff and a whip (or firecracker) in his hands. Later in Egypt he was revered as the supreme god Osiris.

In Christian mythology, Andrew is one of the twelve apostles. Brother of Peter, a Galilean, fished on Lake Tiberias (“Sea of ​​Galilee”) and was part of the community of disciples of John the Baptist. Andrew was the first to be called by Jesus Christ to be one of the apostles (Andrew the First-Called).

According to Tradition, he preached Christianity to the Balkan and Black Sea peoples, in particular the Scythians, and was crucified in the Greek city of Patras on a cross shaped like the letter “X” (the so-called St. Andrew’s Cross). The Tale of Bygone Years tells that Andrew the First-Called (one of the apostles) from Chersonesus (Korsun) reached the places where the cities of Kyiv and Novgorod were to arise in the future, and blessed these places. In Tsarist Russia, Andrew the First-Called was the patron of the Russian navy. In his honor, the St. Andrew's flag and order were established - the oldest of the Russian orders.

Modern Andrey– a calm, balanced person. He never wastes words: what he said, he did, what he promised, he fulfilled. Loves an established life, strictly observes family rituals - name days, christenings, religious, as well as public holidays. The strictest ritual is breakfast, lunch, dinner. Andrey likes that all family members get to the table on time.

Loves children very much. If they do something wrong - they get into trouble, do not follow all the instructions of their mother or grandmother, then Andrei always takes them under his protection. He is respected at work. Just like at home (in the family), he never raises his voice to his subordinates. Unfortunately, many Andreys, just like Vasily and Stepans, suffer from serious diseases of the kidneys, prostate gland, and bladder.

Congratulations on Andrey's name day:

Don't forget to celebrate Andrey's name day and congratulate Andrey on Angel's Day.

Angel Andrew's Day -

There is a reason for everyone to remember

What angels can do

Keep from sinful deeds.

To serve us, sinful people,

The Lord Himself sent them.

Let's not forget about this

May your angel live.

Listen carefully

You to thoughts and words.

After all, an angel needs it so much,

So that you listen to him.

He will certainly be

To keep you all my life.

But the Lord is for this

Come give thanks.

Dear Andrey!

On this joyful bright day

Accept congratulations quickly,

From relatives, acquaintances, friends.

We wish you on this day,

Bright adventures and passions,

Sincere emotions, congratulations,

New plans and great achievements.

Andrey is great,

Just a hero in life!

You have time everywhere -

Good luck with you!

Today is your day -

We came to congratulate

And they brought good luck into your hands!

Victory and Glory -

The motto is not easy?!

Let the name be preserved