icon of the Virgin Mary"Znamenie" NOVGORODSKAYA


Description of the NOVGOROD Icon of the Mother of God “The SIGN”:

Icon Mother of God“Znamenie” became famous in the 12th century, at a time when the Russian land was groaning from civil strife. The Vladimir-Suzdal prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, in alliance with the princes of Smolensk, Polotsk, Ryazan, Murom and others (72 princes in total), sent his son Mstislav to conquer Veliky Novgorod. In the winter of 1170, a huge militia laid siege to Novgorod, demanding its surrender. After fruitless negotiations, the Novgorodians refused to surrender, and the battle began. The defenders of Novgorod, seeing the terrible strength of the enemy and exhausted in the unequal struggle, placed all their hope in the Lord and the Most Holy Theotokos, since they felt the truth was on their side.

People prayed in churches around the clock, church singing merged with the crying of those praying. Archbishop Tikhon of Novgorod prayed for three days and three nights before the altar of the cathedral church. On the third day, the archbishop heard a voice commanding him to take an icon from the Spassky Church on Ilyinskaya Street to save the city. Holy Mother of God and raise it to the city walls. The icon of the Mother of God, after tearful prayers in front of it, was taken to the wall and placed near the place where the fierce battle was raging.

The sight of the icon of the Mother of God did not soften the attackers, and the siege continued. And then one of the arrows fired by the Suzdal residents hit the holy image. At the same time, the face of the Most Holy Theotokos turned to the city and watered the archbishop’s phelonion with her tears. The besieged took what happened as a sign that the Queen of Heaven was praying before Her Son to deliver the city from the enemy. At the same time, the attackers were seized with inexplicable horror, many of them lost their vision, and they began to strike each other. The inspired defenders of Novgorod opened the gates, rushed towards the enemy and completely defeated him.

After this event, the miraculous icon of the Mother of God “The Sign” was in the Transfiguration Church on Ilyinskaya Street for another 186 years. In 1356, the Novgorodians built a special temple for the miraculous icon, which is still called the Cathedral of the Mother of God of the Sign. More than once the Most Holy Theotokos saved the people of Novgorod from troubles through their prayers in front of Her icon “The Sign” and demonstrated miracles through this icon.

The Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “The Sign” is reverently revered throughout Russia. Many of her copies, such as the KURSK-ROOT Icon of the Mother of God of the Sign, the ABALATSKAYA icon of the Mother of God of the Sign and others, also became famous for their miracles.

Before the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “The Sign” of Novgorod they pray for an end to disasters, for protection from enemy attacks, from fires, for protection from thieves and criminals and for the return of what was lost, for deliverance from the plague, for the pacification of warring parties and deliverance from internecine warfare..


Oh, Most Holy and Most Blessed Mother of our Sweetest Lord Jesus Christ!

We fall down and bow to You before the holy miraculous icon Yours, remembering the wondrous sign of Your intercession, revealed to the Great Novugrad from her during the days of the military invasion of this city.

We humbly pray to Thee, O All-Powerful Intercessor of our race: just as in ancient times Thou hast hastened the help of our fathers, so now we, weak and sinners, have been vouchsafed Your Motherly intercession and care. Establish your holy church, your city and our entire Orthodox country, and all of us who fall to you with faith and love and tenderly ask with tears for your intercession, have mercy and save.

Hey, Lady All-Merciful! Have mercy on us, overwhelmed by many sins, stretch out Thy God-receiving hand to Christ God and intercede for us before His goodness, asking us forgiveness of our sins, a pious, peaceful life, a good Christian death and a good answer at His terrible judgment, that we may be saved by Thy omnipotent Through our prayers we will inherit the bliss of paradise, and with all the saints we will sing the Most Honorable and Magnificent Name of the Most Worshipful Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and Your great mercy to us forever and ever. Amen.

Like an insurmountable wall and a source of miracles, which Your servants, Most Pure Mother of God, have acquired for You, we overthrow the resistant militia. We also pray to You, grant peace to Your city and great mercy to our souls.

Thy people celebrate the honorable image of Thy sign, O Mother of God, to whom Thou hast bestowed a wondrous victory against Thy city, in the same way we cry to Thee by faith: Rejoice, O Virgin, praise to Christians.

We magnify You, Most Holy Virgin, God-chosen Youth, and honor Your holy image, through which you bring healing to all who come with faith.


Akathist to the Holy Mother of God in front of her icon, called

Kontakion 1
To the chosen Voivode, our Lady Theotokos, who granted a wondrous victory to the people of Novagrad with the sign of Her holy icon, we sing a song of thanksgiving. But You, our All-merciful Intercessor, who has an invincible power, free us from all troubles and protect us from visible and invisible enemies, so we call to You: Rejoice, Lady, showing us a sign of Your mercy.

Ikos 1
Angels to the Queen and all creation, Lady, Most Pure Virgin Theotokos, with the glorious sign of Your holy icon, You graciously illuminated the entire Russian country and streams of miracles flowed from it to the faithful. In the same way, with zeal and love, falling before Your most honorable image, with tenderness we bring You the blessings of the Sisitsa: Rejoice, consecrated village of God the Word; Rejoice, you who sanctify us by the grace of God. Rejoice, you who served immaculately for the salvation of the fallen human race; Rejoice, O Pure One of all the Creator and Lord, conceived in wombs by the Divine Spirit, who gave birth without corruption. Rejoice, O thou who embracest us all with Thy maternal care; Rejoice, quick Helper to us in troubles and misfortunes. Rejoice, thou who invisibly tames our evil passions; Rejoice, you who help us to succeed in Christian virtues. Rejoice, free healer of our ailments; Rejoice, you who wisely guide us on the path of repentance. Rejoice, Virgin, praise to Christians; Rejoice, for you are blessed by everyone. Rejoice, Lady, showing us a sign of Your mercy.

Kontakion 2
Seeing the embitterment of Novagrad, strongly at war from the Suzhdal wars, Saint John of Christ tearfully prayed for the deliverance and salvation of the city and heard a Voice from above, let him go to the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord and take there the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, and carry it to the visor of the city against the hordes fighting against it . Hearing this command of God, the saint cried out in gratitude to the Savior Christ: Alleluia.

Ikos 2
Having understood the will of God in the voice of Heaven, Saint John of Christ came to the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord to take the icon of the Mother of God, and while praying before her, the icon moved from its place on his honest hand, and with the singing of prayer he carried it to the visor of the city, saying to the people: be of good cheer. , Mother of our God is with us. For this reason, having seen yours goodwill towards them, revealed in the miraculous coming of Your icon, in songs we proclaim the blessings of the sips: Rejoice, Hope of unreliable Christians; Rejoice, Joy and Intercession of those who mourn. Rejoice, helpless ones ambulance Revealing yours; Rejoice, you who are weak and give freedom to those who are oppressed. Rejoice, Leader of Orthodox warriors to victories; Rejoice, all-powerful overthrow of the enemy armies. Rejoice, great Novgrad, blessed
overshadowed by Your will; Rejoice, you did not take him away, for Chosen Voivode, who came in Your icon. Rejoice, unpunished, merciful Punisher; Rejoice, wise Instructor of the foolish. Rejoice, O all-terrible Terrorist who offends; Rejoice, O all-merciful Intercessor of the offended. Rejoice, Lady, showing us a sign of Your mercy.

Kontakion 3
Strengthened by the power of God, St. John of Christ lifted up Thy holy icon, O Lady Theotokos, in the midst of the battle, where arrows from the opposing forces fell like rain, and only one of them shot down Thy honest face on the icon; Abi Your icon, turn away your face from the hostile regiments and tears from your eyes, collecting them in your phelonion, St. John of Christ commanded the people to be bold, and they, like the strong guardian of a certain property, rushed against the resistance and defeated those to the end, calling to the Lord Seal: Alleluia.

Ikos 3
Having You, the truly great Novgrad, the Sovereign Warrior, the All-Blessed Mother of God, when, more than in hope, with the sign of Your holy icon, You helped to defeat the strong regiments of the resistant people of Novagrad. In the same way, as we bring you the singing of victory, we cry out to you: Rejoice, you who brought peace to the world through your Holy Nativity; Rejoice, thou who destroyed the mediastinum of ancient enmity. Rejoice, you who punish those who are unjustly at war; Rejoice, consoling Christ-loving people with your signs and miracles. Rejoice, you who received the plague on the faces of your icon from the arrow of the enemy; Rejoice, you who wonderfully shed tears of grace from her. Rejoice, having struck down the howl of the opposition with blindness and flight; Rejoice, you who made strong shelves powerless. Rejoice, strong Helper in battles; Rejoice, disgrace of enemies. Rejoice, You who crowned Your people with wondrous victory; Rejoice, Invincible Commander of the leaders and armies of the Christians. Rejoice, Lady, showing us a sign of Your mercy.

Kontakion 4
A storm of bewilderment confuses my mind: how can I be able to sing with unworthy lips Thy miracles, O Lady of God, even with the holy icon of Thy sign Thou didst show in Novegrad, granting help and intercession to all Orthodox people from enemies visible and invisible? Moreover, Your majestic innumerable mercies towards us humbly sing to Your Son and God who glorified You: Alleluia.

Ikos 4
Having heard about the wondrous miracle of the holy icon of Thy sign in Novegrad, Most Pure Virgin, how the people of Novograd, who have this, by Thy power and the help of Thy Divine image, have gloriously overcome resistance to resistance, with reverence and joy we worship this wonderful image of Thy and in praise we call Thee: , Bride of the Father Without Beginning; Rejoice, unfathomable Mother of the Eternal Word. Rejoice, beautiful village of the Holy Spirit; Rejoice, overshadowed by grace of the Life-Giving and Consubstantial Trinity. Rejoice, multiplicity foretold by the prophets of old; Rejoice, having surpassed the angelic councils with Your purity. Rejoice, exaltation of the human race; Rejoice, grace-filled uprising of the fallen sons of Adamli. Rejoice, for You have clothed yourself with flesh, Clothing the sky with clouds; Rejoice, for with Your milk You nourished the Nourisher of the universe. Rejoice, All-Blessed Mother of God, Pure Ever-Virgin; Rejoice, our Joy and the salvation of our souls. Rejoice, our Intercessor, given to us by God; Rejoice, guardianship and sacred refuge for all the faithful. Rejoice, Lady, showing us a sign of Your mercy.

Kontakion 5
God-bright star - the icon of Your sign, the Virgin Mary, spiritually enlighten the great Novgrad with the radiance of many miracles, endlessly exuding grace-filled healings to all the faithful who flow to her with zeal. Do not deprive us of Your gracious illumination and Your merciful bounties, who honor Your miraculous icon with godly worship, so that we sing gratefully to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 5
Having seen the glorious miracles that came from the icon of Your sign, the Most Blessed Lady, the people of Novagrad flocked to her with zeal and in their ills received grace-filled healings from her. Now we come to her, we worship, and we honor, and from the desire of our hearts we kiss, we draw grace for healing, and we free ourselves from the ailments of the body and spiritual passions, calling to Thee and saying: Rejoice, O joyful ones who mourn and those who are offended by the Intercessor; Rejoice, consolation to the sad and help to the distressed. Rejoice, O unbearable Healer of the sick; Rejoice, unstolen wealth for the poor and wretched. Rejoice, thou who hast provided the patient sufferers with gifts of grace; Rejoice, thou who deliverest the desperate and hopeless from the pit of destruction. Rejoice, merciful Trustee of widows and orphans; Rejoice, Teacher of chastity and abstinence of young people. Rejoice, sweet tranquility of reverent elders; Rejoice, quiet refuge of God-loving elders. Rejoice, faithful Helper of repentant sinners; Rejoice, generous Giver of spiritual gifts. Rejoice, Lady, showing us a sign of Your mercy.

Kontakion 6
Novgrad preaches Your glorious intercession, O Most Pure Lady, how in the days of the invasion of enemies strong and armed from the holy icon of Your sign, You bestowed Your gracious help on Your people, You turned back the hostile regiments with the cold, Your city was safe and unharmed from them, and all sing to God the Savior: Alleluia.

Ikos 6
You shone with the rays of great miracles in Novegrad, the Virgin Mary, and you wonderfully glorified the icon of Your sign with the grace-filled flow of tears, generously giving countless mercies from her to all the mourning and burdened. Visit our souls, sick with sinful passions. O All-Blessed Lady, be our Helper for salvation, and let us cry to You in gratitude: Rejoice, O kindly Prayer Book for us to God; Rejoice, O omnipotent Representative, turning the wrath of God into mercy. Rejoice, stretching out Your God-bearing hands to supplicate the Creator; Rejoice, as the Mother of the Son, the Judge of the Righteous, pleading for all peace. Rejoice, covering us all with the cover of Your Motherly intercession. Rejoice, you who provide the grace of humility and patience to those who are in troubles and sorrows. Rejoice, invisibly strengthening the suffering and helpless; Rejoice, you who raise up those who are sick and hopeless from the bed of illness. Rejoice, you who show great mercy to those who pray to You by faith; Rejoice, you who wonderfully fulfill our good requests. Rejoice, streams of grace-filled healings abundantly flowing to us; Rejoice, thou who bestowest all things useful to all. Rejoice, Lady, showing us a sign of Your mercy.

Kontakion 7
Wanting to show, O Lady, not only to the great Novugrad, but also to the entire Orthodox Russian population, Thy glorious miracles from the icon of Thy sign, this in many cities, abodes and villages from ancient years to our days, Thou hast glorified with wondrous miracles the sight of the blind, strengthening of the weakened and many who are sick. Healing is mercifully given by her and people thus encourage us to magnify You, who magnified our race, and sing to Christ our God: Alleluia.

Ikos 7
Novgrad and the entire Russian land, a wondrous icon of Your sign, O Virgin Mary, blessed miracles of Hosea, showing Your rich mercy to the faithful. Therefore, in honor of this divine worship, we cry out in praise to You, the Lady: Rejoice, quickly presenting Helper to those who diligently flow to You; Rejoice, merciful Hearer of our prayers. Rejoice, thou who hast overshadowed the great Novgrad with Thy blessing; Rejoice, within its borders the icon of Your Sign glorified miracles. Rejoice, thou who hast spiritually rejoiced the virgins of the face by the glorification of Thy icon; Rejoice, raising us to heavenly bliss with your omnipotent prayers to God. Rejoice, thou who art merciful to Thy Son and God Hoda-Taitsa for all of us; Rejoice, good Helper who leads the war against the world, the flesh and the devil. Rejoice, covering all the Orthodox countries with the cover of Thy mercy; Rejoice, abundant treasure of healings in many places and abodes. Rejoice, monks and nuns who are favored by the omnipotent Patroness; Rejoice, zealous Intercessor in the world of those who live piously. Rejoice, Lady, showing us a sign of Your mercy.

Kontakion 8
Wandering in this earthly vale, much sorrowful and much rebellious, the mountainous city - Heavenly Jerusalem, we seek and pray to You, Lady: guide us along the path of the commandments of Christ and save us from the falls of sins, surprise us with Your mercy and overshadow us with Your intercession, yes By Your help we are saved, let us be worthy to sing together with all the saints: Alleluia.

Ikos 8
To all the sorrowing Comforter and the needy Helper, All-merciful Mother of God, despise us, who fall before You before Your most pure image, but mercifully visit us with Your bounty: and, just as You showed Your sovereign help to our fathers of old, so do not deprive us, the humble, of Your intercession at the right time, let us not be ashamed of our hope, which according to God we place firmly in Thee, and call Thee: Rejoice, God-bright light, illuminating faithful souls with the light of Christ; Rejoice, valuable alabaster, anointing God-loving hearts with the world of God's grace. Rejoice, faithful Mother of the Sun, who enlightens the faithful and darkens the unfaithful; Rejoice, glory of heaven and hope of earth. Rejoice, our Hope and Intercessor of all those who flow to You with faith; Rejoice, you who love and honor Thee, delivering You from all troubles. Rejoice, thou who graciously gladdens the souls of the faithful with good promises; Rejoice, glory and praise to the virgin faces. Rejoice, you who guide the ascetics of piety to the mountainous Zion; Rejoice, you who lead the faithful to Heavenly Jerusalem. Rejoice, you who enlighten darkened hearts with the light of true knowledge of God; Rejoice, covering us all with the blessed rays of Your great mercy. Rejoice, Lady, showing us a sign of Your mercy.

Kontakion 9
All the angelic hosts reverently serve You, the Queen of Heaven and earth, while the human race brings silent praise to You, the Lady above and below, and venerates Your holy icon with venerable worship. You have given us this joy and consolation, O All-Good One, and You have always shown us the signs of the Mother of Your love, so that we may sing to the God who benefits us through You: Alleluia.

Ikos 9
The wisdom of humanity cannot comprehend the Divine mystery of Your ever-virginity, Mary Theotokos, how at the Nativity and after the Nativity you kept the keys of Your virginity intact, surprising angels and men. In the same way, we piously confess Thee, Mother and Virgin, we always please Thee and sing praises to Thee: Rejoice, thou who has magnified the human race with Thy immaculate purity; Rejoice, having sanctified the earth with Your all-holy Nativity. Rejoice, you who wonderfully combined virginity and Christmas in Yourself; Rejoice, having preserved both Yourself immaculately. Rejoice, great miracle of the universe; Rejoice, secretly incomprehensible to human minds. Rejoice, astonishment of angelic faces; Rejoice, everlasting joy of God's saints. Rejoice, first adornment of the heavenly world; Rejoice, reliable intercession of the world. Rejoice, overthrow of demons; Rejoice, hell has been trampled underfoot. Rejoice, Lady, showing us a sign of Your mercy.

Kontakion 10
You gave birth to the Savior to fallen humanity, O Most Pure Virgin, and You bore Him like a Child in Your arms, His Divine image and on the icon of Your sign You showed us and You bestowed upon us many of Your mercy and bounty. For this reason, with reverence and faith, we honor Your miraculous image, Lady, and we pray to You diligently: grant us protection and protection on the Day of Judgment, so that through Your Mother’s intercession the Righteous Judge, Your Son and God, may have mercy on us, and make us worthy to stand on the right hand and sing to Him with favorites: Alleluia.

Ikos 10
An insurmountable wall and a source of miracles, Your holy icon appeared, O Virgin Mary, not only to the great Novugrad, but to the entire Russian country. This, like a sign of victory, is possessed by the armies of the Orthodox enemies, and the saints are adorned with it, and every age of the faithful receives grace-filled consolation from it. Comfort us also with Thy, All-Merciful Lady, favor and mercy, and let us cry out to Thee in praise: Rejoice, our strong Hope; Rejoice, our undoubted Hope. Rejoice, great glory of Novagrad; Rejoice, our country is a blessed protection. Rejoice, victorious Helper against enemies in the days of battle; Rejoice, good Teacher of piety in the days of peace. Rejoice, protection and supply of monastic monasteries; Rejoice, blessing on pious homes and marriages. Rejoice, Champion of virginity and purity; Rejoice, O offended and persecuted Representative. Rejoice, robe of the naked; Rejoice, healing of the sick. Rejoice, Lady, showing us a sign of Your mercy.

Kontakion 11
Do not despise our humble singing, O all-merciful Queen, and do not close the womb of Thy bounty to us, O all-generous Lady: behold, having become poor in good deeds, to the treasury of Thy mercy, Thy miraculous icon, we flow with zeal, O All-Blessed One, and, falling down, we pray: illuminate us with the light of Thy Divine grace and teach us to faithfully fulfill the commandments of Thy Son and God, so that we may worthily sing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 11
Light of the unevening friend, with the bright rays of Your miracles you enlighten us, darkened by the darkness of sin, the Most Pure Mother of God, and lead us to silent praise of Your Most Holy Name. By the sign of Thy holy icon Thou hast truly revealed Thy sovereignty, O All-Blessed Lady, whom we joyfully and joyfully call Thee: Rejoice, exalted by God above those on earth and in heaven; Rejoice, one Pure and Blessed One among women. Rejoice, Queen and Lady of heaven and earth; Rejoice, porphyro of the King of kings. Rejoice, devil of seedless disgrace; Rejoice, the main thing is human salvation. Rejoice, you who trust in You without shame; Rejoice, thou who deliverest those who ask Thy holy help from troubles. Rejoice, pillar and affirmation of virginity; Rejoice, shield and defense of the Orthodox faith. Rejoice, magnificent adornment of the Holy Church of Christ; Rejoice, covering us all with Your Mother's cover. Rejoice, Lady, showing us a sign of Your mercy.

Kontakion 12
Grant us grace and mercy from Above. Lady, from Thy holy icon, as a sign of Thy intercession, Thou hast given us miracles that happen from it, Orthodox faith affirming in us, but disgracing unbelief. In the same way, we worship You and pray: keep us in Orthodoxy, O All-Good One, and grant us worthy to sing faithfully to God until our last breath: Alleluia.

Ikos 12
Singing Your miracles from the icon of Your sign revealed, the Virgin Mary, we praise, glorify and magnify You, the Most Honest Cherub, truly, and the Most Glorious without comparison, the Seraphim. You, our All-merciful Intercessor, cover us with Your sovereign protection and deliver us from all troubles and temptations of the enemy, so that we sing to You unceasingly with a voice of praise: Rejoice, God-delighted and immaculate Ever-Virgin; Rejoice, imperishable and incorruptible Lamb and Shepherd Mother. Rejoice, crowned with a royal diadem from the Triune God; Rejoice, holy and luminous chamber of saints of the Most Holy Word. Rejoice, standing at the right hand of Your Son and Lord; Rejoice, you who always pray to Him for the Christian race. Rejoice, Cause of the grace-filled renewal of mankind; Rejoice, reconciliation of repentant sinners to God. Rejoice, Deliverance to those suffering from troubles; Rejoice, Seeker of the lost. Rejoice, healing of our bodies; Rejoice, salvation of our souls. Rejoice, Lady, showing us a sign of Your mercy.

Kontakion 13
O All-Sung Mother of our Sweetest Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ! Having accepted our present offering, deliver us from all misfortune and sorrow, and remove the eternal torment of all before Thy holy icon of those who worship with faith and love and who gratefully call upon God for You: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)

The Icon of the Mother of God “The Sign” is considered an extremely revered shrine in Orthodox world. The canvas shows the Most Pure Mother of God with her right hands raised and the Baby Jesus located on the chest of the Mother of God (sometimes in an oval halo). There are a sufficient number of miracles performed by this shrine in history, so believers have sincere hope by praying in front of it.


It is assumed that the image was painted by an unknown author in the 12th century. The chronicles mention that the Novgorodians defeated their opponents, the Suzdalians, with the help of the power of the Mother of God of the Cross.

Four centuries after its creation, the “Sign” icon of the Sorrowful Mother of God was restored. Restoration was necessary because only elements of the upper cover of the Virgin Mary were preserved on the canvas. Archbishop Macarius, who soon became Metropolitan of Moscow, is considered the master who undertook this work.

Note! When created, the image received a simple name: “Holy Mother of God” without additional epithets. The term “Sign” was added in the 15th century, but it only became established in the 17th century. This word denoted a miraculous natural phenomenon, proof and foreshadowing of great events. The meaning of the term “Sign” is made up of the verbs “to be born” and “to know.”

Prayers and miracles

In 1356, a special temple was built in honor of the holy face. Over the following centuries, the icon repeatedly saved the Novgorod land, its homeland, from misfortunes and troubles. For a long time now, Orthodox believers have been striving for the location of the shrine and humbly asking for help.

  • “The Sign” allows the prayer to find peace in the soul and peace in the environment.
  • A person who reads a petition in front of the image of the Mother of God gets rid of various diseases.
  • The shrine has the power to resolve internecine conflict.
  • It helps with restoration work after fires and other natural disasters.
  • An Orthodox Christian who sincerely turns to the Most Pure Virgin is protected from criminals and thieves' attention.
  • The holy image delivers from enemies and envious people.
  • By sincerely praying to the face, a person has the right to hope for well-being.

History of the achievements of “Signs”

Chronicles speak of many miracles performed by this powerful shrine.

In the 20th century, the icon was transported to a museum, evacuated due to military operations and returned to its native place. Only in 1991 it was transported to the St. Sophia Cathedral. The procession was accompanied by the amazing phenomenon of a rainbow encircling the domes.

Interesting! Through religious communication with the icon, the believer discovers in himself a hitherto unprecedented state of divine energy. The term ένθεος (Entheogen) most accurately defines this emotional mood. Its meaning is that Heavenly Kingdom is inside everyone.

Lists of shrines

Copies are also extremely revered by Orthodox believers. They got their name from the place where miracles occurred.

  • Alabatsk list - immediately after writing, a novice named Ephraim was healed, and after some time a huge number of parishioners were cured of terrible ailments.
  • Kurskaya-Korennaya - a copy is associated in history with the name of Seraphim of Sarofsky. This image has become widely known in America and the European continent.
  • Tsarskoye Selo - on the instructions of Elizabeth, the list was placed in a gold ornament and decorated with jewelry. Prayers in front of this icon helped heal many from plague and cholera.
  • Albazinskaya - a copy named after the fortress on the Amur. The holy image helped in the fight against the fortification invaders. For 19 whole days he did not give the enemy a chance when he was transferred to Blagoveshchensk.

The Almighty Father sent to earth great icon Mother of God “Sign” for the healing of the majority of the unfortunate and the salvation of their souls from unprecedented sinfulness. The chronicles know enough cases of the miraculous power of this shrine.

Advice! The icon is perfect example canonized face, which every Orthodox person must venerate.

Events from the history of the icon of the Mother of God “The Sign”

The Icon of the Mother of God “The Sign” is one of the most revered icons by the Russian people. The icon received its name in honor of the sign of the Most Holy Theotokos, which occurred in 1170 in Veliky Novgorod. The miracle is inextricably linked with this icon, especially for Novgorodians. Miraculously, they received help from her during the siege of the city by the Suzdalians. History testifies to the innumerable mercies of the Most Holy Theotokos towards the Russian Orthodox people, revealed through Her holy icons. It is curious that the icon is called “The Sign” only in Rus' and nowhere else. In other countries it is known under other names, mainly taken from akathists.

The icon of the “Sign of the Most Holy Theotokos,” or Our Lady of the Sign, is an icon with an image belonging to the Oranta iconographic type, representing Her with her arms raised and outstretched to the sides, palms open, that is, in the traditional and ancient gesture of intercessory prayer. The image of Oranta in Rus' was also called the “Unbreakable Wall”, because they considered Her to be the intercessor of “all cities, suburbs and villages” in the fight against eternal enemies - the steppe nomads. Our Lady of Oranta seems to open up to meet Christ, Who descends through Her to earth and is embodied in human form and sanctifies all humanity with His Divine presence.

Images of the Mother of God, similar to the icon of the Sign, are found already at the dawn of the Christian era. The earliest is the image of the Virgin Mary with the Divine Child on her knees from the catacombs of St. Agnes in Rome. Judging by the absence of a halo on the Infant God, this image of the Mother of God was created before 325, that is, before I Ecumenical Council, at which the basic tenets of Christianity were defined and established, including the divinity of Jesus Christ.

Icons of the Mother of God, known under the name “The Sign,” appeared in Rus' in the 12th century, after the miraculous events of the deliverance of Veliky Novgorod from invaders.

Novgorod land was one of the centers of formation of the Russian state. It was here that the Rurik dynasty began to reign and the so-called Novgorod Rus' arose, from which it is customary to begin the history of Russian statehood. Novgorod Rus' continued to exist as part of Kievan Rus as the Novgorod land, maintaining some independence until 1136. It was in this year, after the expulsion of the Novgorod prince Vsevolod Mstislavich, that the republican government, and Novgorod Rus' became, in fact, a separate state.

The Grand Duke of Vladimir Andrei Bogolyubsky stubbornly fought for the subjugation of Novgorod to his power, for this purpose he entered into an alliance with the princes of Smolensk, Polotsk, Ryazan, Murom, putting his son Mstislav at the head of the troops. A huge army moved towards Novgorod, leaving behind devastated villages and ashes. In the winter of 1170, the army besieged Novgorod, demanding the surrender of the city. More than once, both sides began negotiations, but never reached an agreement.

All residents of Novgorod constantly prayed for salvation. The prayers of the Archbishop of Novgorod were especially fervent; on the third day of prayer he felt a sacred trembling and heard a voice: “Go to the Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ, which is on Ilyinskaya Street, take the image of the Most Holy Theotokos there, lift it up to the city walls, and then you will see the salvation of the city "

The townspeople gained hope; the icon of the Mother of God was solemnly taken out of the church and raised to the city wall, turning its face to the attackers. But Mstislav’s warriors did not soften; many arrows were fired towards the city, one of them hit the icon and wounded the face of the Mother of God. At this moment, another miracle happened - the icon of the Mother of God turned away from the attackers and turned its face to Novgorod. The troops that besieged the city thereby lost light and grace, and the Novgorodians, on the contrary, received this grace for decisive action and victory over the enemy. This miraculously the besieged were given a sign (sign) that the Queen of Heaven was praying before Her Son for the deliverance of the city from enemies.

At that same moment, confusion began in Mstislav’s army, the soldiers were seized by an incomprehensible fear, and they fled in all directions, the Novgorodians pursued the enemy who had fled, and took many prisoners. From that time on, the name “Sign” was assigned to this icon of the Mother of God, and subsequently the celebration of the miraculous icon was established on November 27 according to the old style.

The miraculous icon was in the same Church of the Transfiguration on Ilyinskaya Street for 186 years after the appearance of the sign. In gratitude for the numerous good deeds performed by the Mother of God, the Novgorodians built a special temple, and in 1356 the icon from the Church of the Transfiguration was solemnly transferred to the new Church of the Sign of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which later became the cathedral of the Znamensky Monastery.

What a miracle happened

Miracles from the Novgorod Icon of the Mother of God “The Sign” occurred constantly. The largest documented ones were assistance during the siege of Novgorod by the Suzdalians: after performing a prayer service in front of the “Sign” icon, the attackers suddenly fled.

In 1356, a fire broke out in the church where the icon was located, but they immediately began to serve a prayer service in front of it, and after it ended, the fire subsided.

In 1611, the Mother of God protected the temple where Her icon “The Sign” stood from looting. According to legend, during the capture of Novgorod by the Swedes, many of the city’s churches were destroyed. The Church of Our Lady of the Sign also attracted their attention, but an invisible force pushed the Swedes back. They rushed to the doors again and were again driven back. This became known to all the invaders, and none of them subsequently tried to enter the Church of the Sign.

After October Revolution In 1917, the icon of the Mother of God “The Sign” entered the museum collection. During the Great Patriotic War the icon was evacuated and returned to the museum at the end of the war. On August 15, 1991, when the icon of the Mother of God “The Sign” was transferred from the museum to the Novgorod diocese, the dome of the St. Sophia Cathedral was surrounded by a bright rainbow. Then the miraculous sign began to rise into the clear cloudless sky, where it gradually dissolved into the heights.

Currently, the miraculous icon of the Mother of God “The Sign” of Novgorod is located in the St. Sophia Cathedral in the city of Novgorod.

The glory of the holy icon of the Mother of God “The Sign” is great. Some copies from it, which were named after the place where the miracle took place, were also glorified by miracles. These are the icons of the Mother of God “The Sign” Mirozhskaya, Abalatskaya, Tsarskoselskaya, Kursk-Korennaya, Seraphim-Ponetaevskaya, Dionysievo-Glushitskaya and many others.

Bowing before the holy icons of the Mother of God, believers ascend in spirit in prayer, asking for mercy and bounty, intercession for salvation and the sending of peace to our country and the whole world. It is impossible to list all the cases of the Mother of God’s miraculous help to believers.

What is a miracle? The word itself comes from the word “smell”, which in ancient times was synonymous with the verb “hear”; it is often found in the old Russian “I smell”, or “CHU!” We hear the voice of God, but with a different inner hearing, extraphysical, we feel, and “he who has ears” will hear the voice of God through the signs that he sends to us. The image of Our Lady of the Sign is a symbol of eternal love and blessings that come to us from Her endless love...

Meaning of the icon

In terms of iconographic type, the icon of the Mother of God “The Sign” goes back to the Orant type. Oranta has always symbolically personified the Heavenly Church. Since ancient times, when Christians prayed in the catacombs, the Church has been identified with the Mother of God Herself.

But what is the “Sign”? The Indo-European word “jnani” goes back to the verb “to know,” which is identical to the word “to give birth, to be born, to be born.” So subtly in their original semantics the meanings of words that have already diverged extremely widely today are intertwined: what is born appears, comes to light, becomes recognizable and cognizable, marked. The fusion of both meanings - “to know” and “to be born” is contained in the word “Sign”.

The Infant of God on the icon of the Mother of God “The Sign” is depicted in a circle, as if revealing itself to us in the womb of the Mother of God. Here again we see a symbolic reading of the concepts of “knowledge” and “birth”. It is in the Sign, which comes to us as a sign of the future Revelation: the Mother of God knows through the Annunciation what awaits Her. She gives birth to the Son on the icon symbolically, Her arms are outstretched, and this gesture blesses, releases, gives into the world the One Whom She loves most of all as a Mother who loves her Son, once again emphasizes the Divinity of the phenomenon and human motherhood, its high purpose: mother gives birth to a man so that on his land he will make the earthly world part of the entire Kingdom of Heaven.

icon painter Yuri Kuznetsov

The loving sacrifice of the Mother of God has the highest meaning - She gives her Son for our Salvation, since she took the entire human race into adoption. Later, in “O Mother of God, Virgin, Rejoice...” we will sing the jubilant “... gracious Mary, the Lord is with Thee...”, and then, when She carried Him in her womb, it was only a sign, an omen of the future Revelation - the appearance of God in the flesh ...

Also, hands raised to heaven have always been for us a symbol of turning to Him, the Lord. In the hands of the Mother of God lies the invisible Veil, which She holds over us as a sign of protection and intercession.

On the other hand, Revelation through a Sign is our learning about the future coming of Christ the Savior, we know Him and testify about Him. Icon of the Mother of God "The Sign" in once again shows the connection between the Old and New Testaments, their close continuity, which is embedded in the words of the prophecy of Isaiah, which is also called the “proto-gospel”: “Behold, the Virgin will be with child and give birth to a Son, and they will call His name Emmanuel, which means: God is with us "(Isa. 7:14).

There is a special rite in honor of the Mother of God, which is called the “Rite of the Ascension of Panagia.” Panagia - Pantocrator. During the meal, the prosphora is placed on a dish - panagiar. On panagiars of the 12th–14th centuries from Byzantium the inscription “Christ is Bread” was made. The Virgin gives her body to God the Word,” thereby confirming the gospel, and now also the liturgical, pronounced before the sacrament of communion: “Take, eat; This is My Body” Matt. 26). This rite again closes the circle of symbolism, leading us to the phenomenon of the Incarnation.

The appearance in Rus' of the icon of the Mother of God, called “The Sign,” dates back to the 11th-12th centuries, and it received its name in honor of the miracle that occurred during the defense of Veliky Novgorod from the united troops of appanage princes led by the Suzdal prince Andrei Bogolyubsky in 1170.

History of the icon

This is the history of the “Sign” icon of the Most Holy Theotokos. When superior enemy forces besieged the city, the Novgorodians, trusting only in the mercy of God, prayed day and night for salvation. On the third night, the archbishop was ordered from heaven to bring to the fortress wall the image of the Mother of God, which was located in the Church of the Transfiguration. The icon was carried in a religious procession, and at this time the enemy fired a cloud of arrows, one of which pierced the face of the Mother of God. Tears streamed from Her eyes, and such horror and confusion fell upon Her enemies that they began to fight each other. The Novgorodians, inspired by the sign shown by the Most Holy Theotokos, rushed to the attack and won.

In honor of this miraculous deliverance, the Archbishop of Novgorod immediately established a celebration in honor of the Sign of the Queen of Heaven, and the icon itself received the name “Icon of the Sign” of the Most Holy Theotokos. In 1356, the icon was transferred to the Church of the Sign of the Most Holy Theotokos, specially built for it in Novgorod.

To this day, Orthodox Christians celebrate church holiday icon of the Mother of God, called “The Sign”.

The story of a miraculous sign also became a popular subject in icon painting.

Another miracle was revealed by the “Sign” icon in Veliky Novgorod in 1611, when Swedish troops entering the city tried to capture the Cathedral of the Sign, where worship was taking place: over and over again they were repulsed by an invisible force, and in the end they left the city.

The meaning of the icon of the Mother of God “The Sign”

Before talking about the meaning of the icon of the Mother of God “The Sign,” we should understand what this word itself means. The word “sign” in origin is closely related to the banner, that is, a sign of something. Sign of the Cross, which we create in front of icons, serves as a visible sign (banner) of the believer.

The icon of the Mother of God showed such a sign, which means a sign of mercy and intercession on Her part. Thus, a sign can be understood as a kind of prophetic sign, as well as a miracle revealed, as happened in Novgorod when tears flowed from the icon.

Speaking about the icon “The Sign”, it is necessary to take into account that the miracle it revealed occurred during the time of bloody and, in fact, fratricidal internecine strife between the fragmented Russian principalities, which weakened Rus' and made it easy prey for Mongol conquest, and all the princes were Orthodox and prayed to the same God.

Therefore, the Znamenskaya Icon of the Mother of God cried not only about the sad fate that awaited Novgorod, but also mourned the fate of Rus', which had fallen into the sin of fratricidal war.

Description of the icon

Considering what the “Sign” icon looks like, one cannot help but recall the most ancient iconographic images of the Mother of God, called Oranta, that is, the Praying One. On the Znamenskaya Icon, the Mother of God is depicted waist-deep or in full height. Her hands are raised in a gesture of prayer; on Her chest there is a circle in the form of a shield or sphere, which contains the image of the Savior-Emmanuel (that is, here Jesus is represented not as a Child, but as a Youth). In His left hand He holds a scroll with Holy Scripture, and the fingers of the right are folded in blessing.

How does the “Sign” icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary help?

Since the time of the miracle revealed by the icon of Our Lady of the Sign in Novgorod, she began to be considered an intercessor against enemy invasions. But besides that, she became famous for many miracles in the temples where her copies were kept.

Prayer before her helps in getting rid of internecine strife, natural disasters, epidemics, fires, as well as in reconciling warring parties. Through prayer, illnesses are healed, especially those associated with eye damage and blindness.

It also helps in protecting against theft, the intrigues of attackers and envious people. They also pray to her to maintain peace in the family.

Prayer to the icon

Oh, Most Holy and Most Blessed Mother of our Sweetest Lord Jesus Christ! We fall down and worship You before Your holy, miraculous icon, remembering the wondrous sign of Your intercession, which was revealed to the great Novograd during the days of the invasion of this city. We humbly pray to You, the All-Powerful Intercessor of our family: just as You hastened our fathers to help, so now we, weak and sinners, grant Your Motherly intercession knowledge and care. Save and preserve, O Lady, under the shelter of Your mercy, the Holy Church, Your city, our entire Orthodox country and all of us who fall to You with faith and love, tenderly asking with tears for Your intercession ́nia. Hey, All-Merciful Lady! Have mercy on us, overwhelmed by many sins, extend your God-receiving hand to Christ the Lord and intercede for us before His goodness, asking us for forgiveness of our sins, O pious world good life, good Christian death and good answer at His Last Judgment, yes, we are saved by your omnipotent Through our prayers we will inherit the bliss of paradise and with all the saints we will sing the Most Honorable and Magnificent Name of the Venerable Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and Your greatness to us forever and ever. Amen.

History remembers many cases when the images and relics of saints worked miracles and helped to overcome serious illnesses and other difficulties in life. That's why Orthodox people pay considerable attention to religious attributes. One of these is considered to be the icon “The Sign of the Blessed Virgin Mary”. How does it help and how to properly approach the image?


This icon dates back to the 12th century. The author is not exactly known. The Mother of God is depicted in a traditional maforia with her hands raised in prayer (Oranta iconographic type). On her chest is a baby - Jesus Christ. Our Lady is standing. Original image is two-sided. The reverse contains images of the righteous Anna and Joachim, who are in prayer before Jesus Christ. Initially it was decorated with a golden chasuble with precious stones.

Four centuries after its creation, the “Sign” icon was restored. The master was supposedly Archbishop Macarius (future Metropolitan of Moscow). Then from ancient painting Only fragments of the Virgin's clothing have survived. The reverse side remains unchanged. Currently, the image is in the St. Sophia Cathedral (Novgorod).


According to sources, in 1170, Suzdal troops led by Andrei Bogolyubsky besieged Veliky Novgorod. The forces turned out to be unequal. And the townspeople turned to the Lord in prayer for salvation. On the third night of the siege, a voice from heaven commanded Archbishop John to take the image of the Virgin Mary from the church on Ilyinskaya Street and take it to the city walls. During the religious procession, opponents began to fire at the fortress. One of the arrows hit the icon. Tears flowed from the Mother of God's eyes. After this, the enemies were suddenly seized by inexplicable horror. Quarreling among themselves, they rushed away from the city walls. Taking advantage of this confusion, the Novgorodians began to pursue the Suzdalians and won.

This historical incident is described in detail in the famous iconographic story. And the Novgorodians themselves remember and honor the icon, which depicts the savior Mother of God (“The Sign”). The meaning is reinforced by other miracles that were performed in different times holy image


In the 12th century, after military events, a celebration was established in honor of the icon (December 10, new style), which is still celebrated in the Russian Church today. A service is held on this day. The clergy read prayers, appeals and canons, asking the Mother of God for intercession and confirmation in the faith.


For two centuries the image was in its “native” wooden church on Ilyinskaya Street. However, in the middle of the 14th century there was a fire. And the icon showed another miracle. The fire died down just near the prayer service where the holy face hung. After this, a new stone temple was built next to the ashes, which received the status of the Icon finding a new home.

In the 16th century, after the restoration of the image, another, larger fire occurred in Novgorod. The fire spread to several streets. No efforts of the townspeople could pacify the formidable elements. Then Metropolitan Macarius turned with prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos and, with her well-known image in his hands, performed religious procession along the banks of the Volkhov. Suddenly it blew strong wind towards the river - the fire stopped.

In 1611, Novgorod was attacked by the Swedes. They brutally killed townspeople and plundered houses and churches, taking away sacred utensils and desecrating icons. There is a known case when several strangers approached that very temple on Ilyinskaya Street. At this time there was a service going on there. As soon as they stepped on the threshold, the Swedes were thrown back by an invisible force. Their further attempts to penetrate the temple were unsuccessful. Having learned about this, the enemies no longer approached the temple, and the Novgorodians, on the contrary, could save themselves in it.

During the October Revolution (1917), the icon was moved to the Novgorod Museum, during the Great Patriotic War it was evacuated, and then returned to the museum-reserve. And finally, in 1991, the Novgorod diocese defended the saving image. Accompanied by an amazing celestial phenomenon - a rainbow around the dome of the temple - the icon “The Sign of the Most Holy Theotokos” was transferred. How does the holy face help individuals and what requests can they make to it?

Meaning and Prayers

It is known that in 1352, hundreds of people were miraculously healed during a plague epidemic. And later cases of recovery from severe mental illnesses and blindness were recorded. This, according to the confessors, was favored by the icon “The Sign of the Most Holy Theotokos,” in which it still helps today.

Also, people who wish for peace in their family or country, or want to find missing relatives, come to the image. However, the clergy are convinced that no matter what a believer asks for, with sincerity and purity of thoughts, the Most Holy Theotokos will definitely help. Its significance since the birth of Christianity on earth has been enormous. The Gospel describes many cases when she helped needy and sick people, converting them to faith.

Also significant is the question of how to pray to the Blessed Virgin Mary. There are many lines written specifically to address her. So, there is also a petition to the “Sign” icon. However, according to the same confessors, no matter what text a person turns to the image, his inner faith will always come first.

Miracle Lists

The history of icon painting knows several lists or copies made based on the icon of the Mother of God “The Sign”. They are located in Russia and abroad. Their names correspond to the location of the images: Abalakskaya, Kurskaya, Vologdaskaya, Pavlovskaya, Solovetskaya, Tsarskoye Selo, etc. All of them have holy power and demonstrate miracles, like the original icon “The Sign of the Blessed Virgin Mary”. How does the image help Christians? First of all, gain faith.

For this purpose, in the fall of 2009, an “Orthodox expedition” took place - a flyby of the icon to spaceship around the Earth. During the project, 176 orbits were completed. Permission and blessing for such a religious procession was received from the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Kirill himself.