Target:development of skills of effective interaction, mutual understanding, verbalization of one’s feelings and emotions.


· increased self-esteem;

· development of empathy, group cohesion;

· development of creative thinking;

Materials:signs with the names of the islands: “Siamese Twins”, “Enchanted Island”, “Island of Giants”, “Island of the Evil Wizard”, helium balloon, letter, audio recording “wind noise”, “cheerful melody”, pictures depicting evil fairy tale characters, colored markers, poster carpet - airplane, magnetic board, hoop, bench, chairs.

Progress of the lesson

(Children enter the hall and stand with the teacher-psychologist in a circle)

Organizational moment.

Teacher-psychologist: Guys, hello. Let's first greet each other. I will say the words: " Good morning…” and I’ll name someone from your group. Those whom I name will wave at me, which means you have heard and are returning the greeting.

Good morning, girls!

Good morning boys!

Good morning, all the guys!

Good morning, teachers!

The main content of the lesson.

Teacher - psychologist: Guys, do you like to travel? (children's answers)

I suggest you go to magical journey. But getting there is not so easy. We need to tune in and we will do this with the helpYogic breathing. D Yogi breathing will help us calm down and concentrate.Take a deep breath through your nose, slowly rise on your toes - arms out to your sides, clasp your palms in front of your chest - exhale. Well done!

Look guys, is there something unusual here? (a helium-filled balloon flies out with a letter attached to it on a string).

Oh guys, what is this? Look, there is something attached to the balloon. Look - the message. It is addressed to friendly and kind guys.

It says: “Hello guys! Buratino writes to you. I turn to friendly and kind children for help. I was bewitched by an evil wizard. He took me far, far away, to an unfamiliar island, in order to make me as evil as himself. Help! Save me!

Guys, can we help Pinocchio?(children's answers) Then we go in search of Pinocchio. To get to the Island of the Evil Wizard, we need to go long way. Let's fly in a hot air balloon, hold on to its long rope. Are you ready guys? Well, then let's go.

An audio recording of “wind noise” is played.

Children “fly” in a hot air balloon - they walk around the hall, approach the sign

"Siamese twins".

So we ended up on the first island. It's called Siamese Twins. Guys, look, there is a message for us (a message is attached to the picture). It says here that before we go further, we need to complete a task.

Game "Siamese Twins"

Target:teach children to cooperate and work in pairs.

Children are divided into pairs. Further, the teacher-psychologist says: “Imagine that you and your friend are one whole, you are like Siamese twins, rooted side to side. Hold your friend tightly around the waist with one hand and in this state we need to go through all the obstacles. Remember to be attentive to each other’s actions!”

The obstacles are a bench (you have to walk over it) and a hoop (you have to jump over it).

Look how narrow the bridge is (there is a bench in the shape of a bridge on the floor). Imagine that water is flowing under this bridge. Let's grab each other tightly by the belt and cross the water (musical accompaniment).

Now in front of us are hummocks (hoop). We need to jump over them.

In front of us is an enchanted path that must be walked with eyes closed. Only the first participant is allowed to pass with with open eyes, he will be our driver. The rest of the children should take their shoulders and simply trust the driver, who will lead the children through the obstacle. Choose who will be your driver.

So you and I have left the island of the “Siamese Twins”, you can all open your eyes. But our journey is not over yet.

(audio recording of “wind noise” sounds).

Children "fly up" to the Enchanted Island

"Enchanted Island"

Target:develop children's ability to expressively depict individual emotional states.

NotesThere are balloons attached to plastic cups on the table. In addition, there are colored markers on the tables.

Guys, we are on the Enchanted Island. Negative fairy-tale characters live here (showing illustrations depicting negative fairy-tale characters). They do not like to be disturbed or walked on their territory. To dispel anger, we need to draw kind faces on balloons (children draw kind faces).

The teacher-psychologist helps with leading questions: what kind of eyebrows do you have? kind person? Etc. (musical accompaniment).

Look, guys, did we manage to make the heroes kind? (Children show each other and the guests the painted faces on the balloons.) Well done, you completed this task!

Children "fly" to the Island of Giants.

"Island of Giants"

Target:correction of impulsivity, development of concentration;

Guys, we found ourselves on the Island of Giants. Already from the name of the island it is clear who its inhabitants are. Who are you guys? You can't talk loudly here, only whisper. Look, here is a card with a task - riddles.

InstructionsChildren are given riddles. Everyone who knows the answer should raise their hand. When all the children raise their hands, the teacher-psychologist counts to three, and on the count of “three” the children will all have to whisper the answer to the riddle together (children guess riddles about the heroes of fairy tales).

Treats small children

Heals birds and animals

He looks through his glasses

Good doctor...


It was baked from flour,

It was mixed with sour cream

He was chilling at the window,

He rolled along the path.

He was cheerful, he was brave

And on the way he sang a song.

The bunny wanted to eat him,

Gray wolf and brown bear.

And when the baby is in the forest,

I couldn't leave her.

What kind of fairy tale?


Well done, you completed this task easily. In search of Pinocchio, we need to fly to another island. But first, let's take a little break.

Relaxation exercise “Waterfall”

Target:Relieving tension, developing imagination.

The teacher-psychologist says: “Close your eyes and imagine that you are under a small waterfall. The sky is clear and light blue. The air is fresh. The water is clean and cool. It easily flows down your back, flows down your legs and continues on its way. Stand for a while under the waterfall, allowing the water to wash over you (the exercise is performed while standing, accompanied by music - the sounds of the waterfall). We open our eyes.

The children “fly” to the island of the Evil Wizard.

Island of the "Evil Wizard"

The teacher-psychologist takes the children to the island of the Evil Wizard.

And here we are on the last island - this is the island of the Evil Wizard. On it he is holding Pinocchio. We need to save him. First you need to answer some questions.

Instructions.Conversation with children on:

Who can we call a good person?

What actions do good people do?

How can we determine that a person is kind?

At the end of the conversation, the children are invited to look at each other in an angry way; kindly.

Guys, Pinocchio can’t get out of here because the Evil Wizard enchanted the flying carpet and now he can’t fly. We will break the evil spell if we return bright colors to the magic flying carpet.

There is a carpet attached to the board - an airplane. A preliminary conversation is held with the children: what colors should we use to decorate the flying carpet, so that when everyone looks at it, it will be bright and joyful and so that it can fly again?

Children perform applique to the music, chaotically gluing bright pieces of colored cardboard.

Reflection “Airplane Carpet”

Guys, look how bright our airplane carpet turned out. We managed to defeat and break the spell of the evil wizard (Pinocchio's song sounds) Guys, can you guess whose voice this is? Pinocchio is very happy that we saved him.

We have reached the end of the test. Let's clap for ourselves and say together: “Well done!” Despite the fact that the tasks were not easy, you successfully overcame all difficulties. In gratitude, Pinocchio gave you a magical “Bottle of Joy” so that all your anger would burst and disappear like magical soap bubbles in a bottle. Let's fly in a hot air balloon back to our group and blow bubbles together.

Our adventure has come to an end.

It's time for us to return

All that's left is to say goodbye!

Let's say goodbye!

Let's go!

(the sound of the wind sounds. Children say goodbye to the guests and “fly” in a balloon to the exit).

List of used literature

1. Kruglova N. F. We develop the child’s intelligence, emotions, and personality in the game. - M.: Eksmo, 2010.

2. Hadewson H., Schaeffer Ch.Workshop on play psychotherapy. - St. Petersburg, 2000

3. Chernetskaya L.V. Psychological games and trainings in kindergarten. - Rostov n/a: Phoenix, 2006.


- consolidate knowledge about distinctive features cities as settlements, urban transport;

- develop the ability to imagine an image, convey it expressive means pantomimes, movements, speech;

- develop imagination, spatial orientation, motor skills;

— to develop the ability to interact with peers and adults in play, to express oneself in familiar games, poems, and logorhythmic exercises, to show creative individuality when depicting objects and situations related to the concept of “city.”

The teacher invites the children to go on an unusual, imaginary journey around the city.

First they go to an amusement park. The teacher suggests going by city land transport. Makes a riddle about a tram.

With horns, but not a snail.

Rides on the rails

But not the train.

The teacher takes on the role of a carriage driver. Children move in a sliding step (on rails), holding their hands above their heads, depicting a triangle. The teacher reads a poem.

Happy tram, run along the rails.

And take us to the amusement park.

There are a lot of swings and the magician is waiting.

There are carousels there, cheerful people.

"Ting-ding" -

A cheerful tram sings a song.

Girls and boys ride around the city in it.

Stop "Amusement Park". The teacher offers to ride on the carousel (the outdoor game “Carousel”). Children move in a circle with changes in tempo, pronouncing words.

Sat down, sat down, sat down, sat down

We're on the miracle carousel

And we went in a circle,

We are catching up with each other.

Barely carousel

We were first taken

And then they're faster

They carried it straight to the sky.

Everything flashes and spins,

And my heart is shaking so much.

They're spinning slower

And they want to hug the ground.

The teacher invites the children to sit on the swing. Children read the logorhythmic poem “On the Swing”, using their movements to depict skating.

Kach-kach-kach - the swing is flying.

(Children rhythmically swing their lowered arms from side to side.)

So breathtaking!

(They raise their hands sharply.)

My heart beats faster and faster:

(Rhythmically tap fist on fist.)

Knock-knock-knock-knock, knock-knock-knock.

Up and down. And again to the sun

(They rhythmically raise their hands up, lower them down and raise them up again.)

You fly like a bird.

(Waving their arms or hands rhythmically.)

- Higher, higher, higher, higher! —

(They squat and rise rhythmically.)

You shout to your comrades again.

The teacher offers to swing on a swing boat. Sit in pairs, hold hands, rest your feet on your friend’s legs and pull each other.

Makes a riddle.

There's a house going down the street

Everyone is lucky to get to work.

Not on chicken thin legs,

And in rubber boots.

Children choose a driver, simulate seating, buying tickets, and driving along a certain route. The teacher creates the mood with poetic lines.

We transferred to the bus.

We barely made it in time.

Paid for the ticket

The elders were given their place.

They didn't push and didn't fight,

We tried to speak quietly.

They entered the front door

And they came out from the back.

Boys help me get off

The girls were not forgotten.

The ride can be accompanied by the singing of familiar, cheerful songs by V. Shainsky.

The teacher says that the bus is a tour bus and takes on the role of a tour guide. He asks descriptive riddles about landmarks hometown, to which older children respond.

Next stop - Zoo. The teacher suggests remembering what animals are kept in the zoo and telling about them. Then one of the children shows the animals only with the help of facial expressions and movements, and the rest guess who he is showing. You can use the poem with the movements “Naughty Monkeys”.

From the zoo, the teacher and the children go for a walk along the street. Children line up in pairs, with a guide with an imaginary flag in front. The teacher asks to remind her of the rules of behavior on the street. Children walk to the rhyme, observing the rhythm of their movements.

We're walking down the street

Let's sing a song together.

We want to see everyone

We want to know about everything.

To give space to passers-by,

We walk on the right side.

Red flag ahead

Visible to us like a beacon.

We need to cross the road -

The traffic light is here to help.

Everyone is standing and we are standing

And we look carefully.

We talk, not shout,

We don't push, we don't rush,

We don't hurt anyone.

We all walk together together.

The teacher notes that it has become hot outside. Just on the way - “Ice House”. The teacher takes on the role of the ice cream seller in the Ice House. Invites children to stand in line and buy ice cream. At the same time, they must describe it. Children eat imaginary ice cream and show with their facial expressions how tasty and sweet it is, how it melts. The teacher asks what to do with the wrappers, why they cannot be thrown on the sidewalk.

Children go further past imaginary shops (they can be indicated by tablets). The teacher asks what stores they are passing by and which one they would like to go to. He suggests going to a candy store. He “buys” candy for the children, distributes one at a time, asks them to show with their facial expressions how sweet it is, what pleasure they feel, to describe the wrapper, the filling, and to perform the imaginary actions of unwrapping, smoothing, and folding the candy wrapper.

The teacher asks about the differences between buildings in the city and the village. Offers to play the game “Giants and Dwarfs”, depicting one-story houses and high-rise skyscrapers.

Children with a teacher passing by "Children's World". The teacher asks how this store differs from others, what kind of toy they would like to buy. Takes on the role of a seller, offering to describe or show the purchased toy with movements. In the form of a toy, children take part in the game “Whose toy will run the fastest.”

Raises his horns up

He puts it on the wires.

Rubber galoshes on feet

Puts it on.

Where to take passengers

He knows for sure.

Children stand one after another, raise their hands up, clenching their fists. Depicts riding a trolleybus. Rhythmic movements can be accompanied by singing a verse of a funny song.

The teacher reminds that in the city there are plants and factories where citizens work. It says that there is a weaving factory in the area of ​​the nearest stop. He asks what they do at the weaving factories. Offers to show the loom. Children stand in a line, hold hands, put them forward and all together, at the command “On!” begin to make rotational movements with their arms or extend them and press them to their chest.

Children transfer to a minibus (they stop two or three). They drive further and get off at the Puppet Theater stop. They perform the parsley dance or pretend to be marionette toys to the song from the movie “Pinocchio.”

I am at any time of the year

And in any bad weather

Very fast at any hour

I'll take you underground.

Children hook up like trailers and “drive” in a circle to the lyrics:

The train is rushing fast,

No congestion, no traffic jams.

Underground, through tunnels

We'll get out into the light.

Driver on speakerphone

Stops are announced.

All stations along the route

The driver knows very well.

Children get off at the Circus stop. They turn into artists and portray clowns, jugglers, tightrope walkers, strongmen, etc.

The teacher conducts a finger game “Where were we?”

In conclusion, the teacher and children remember where they were, what they saw, exchange impressions, and plan further travel in the city.

Development and education like a game

In order for a child to grow up inquisitive, smart and quick-witted, you need to work with him. But simple boring exercises are not enough - exercises must be interesting, exciting, and memorable. For this, teachers recommend using games as the basis of classes. Such lessons do not burden children, but on the contrary, they attract them and make them want to do more and more.

Before moving on to games (at the end of the article), we will consider the role of interesting educational games in a child’s life.

The role of games in the development of a preschooler child

Children preschool age characterized by inattention, restlessness, and often a lack of necessary discipline. They quickly get distracted, get tired psychologically, take a long time to tune in to the desired “wave”, they want to jump, run, and play around. In such a state, there can be no talk of any classes.

Now imagine that a preschooler is seated at a desk, given a task in a boring tone, and is trying to get a positive result. It is unlikely that such exercises will be effective. Indeed, due to the characteristics psychological development the child will not be able to perceive the incoming information, much less remember it or use it in practice. What to do then? How to help your child gain the necessary knowledge?

There is a way, and it is quite effective, reliable, proven over the years. Games – favorite activity for preschool children. After all, even if you ask a child what he likes to do most, he will answer that he likes to play. Therefore, the main task of adults is to make these games as productive as possible, but without compromising the interests of the child.

The main principles of educational games for preschool children are two types of learning - from simple to complex and self-study according to ability. They help solve several problems through the game that are associated with the development of creative abilities:

  1. Educational games are food for the minds of preschool children.
  2. Games are a prerequisite for the development of abilities, first creating certain conditions for this.
  3. Each time, completing tasks to the maximum, development occurs most successfully.
  4. Educational games allow you to perceive new material without coercion, in a free form and in a calm, interesting environment.
  5. In the process of educational games, children gain more independence, learn to make decisions, think, and complete tasks without the help of adults. At the same time, parents learn restraint and patience.

Educational games are characterized by:

  • performing practical tasks aimed at developing sensory skills, mental abilities, and physical capabilities;
  • using didactic material of various formats;
  • application in practice not only in the classroom, but also in everyday life;
  • completing tasks to consolidate the ability to navigate in space and on a plane.

However, educational games will be effective if the following conditions are met:

  1. Gradually offer children games with successive complication tasks.
  2. You must be able to systematize and classify games according to selected tasks. At the same time, children should not just repeat learned actions, but do it meaningfully.
  3. Games must contain problem-solving tasks.

There are many educational games, and they are all divided into types that are aimed at developing specific skills, abilities, and abilities.

Logic games

Development logical thinking teaches children to analyze actions and situations, find the right decision problems. The development of logical thinking does not happen by itself - only the joint work of parents and the teaching staff produces positive results. To develop logic, it is more effective to use interesting games with subject-manipulation and intellectual characteristics. It is also recommended to constantly change tasks so that the child learns to think and look for other ways to solve them.

Games to develop logical thinking include:

  1. Riddles. For younger preschoolers, you can use riddles in poetic form. For older children, these could be riddles in prose. For hints, you can use visual material - pictures, toys. It is important that the riddles are interesting, understandable, easy to understand, without complex words.
  2. Pyramids are more suitable for children of primary preschool age. It is important here that the child assembles the pyramid correctly, in the correct order (for example, by color or size of the rings).
  3. Game "Who eats what." For this lesson you will need cards with pictures of animals and food. The child’s task is to “feed” the animals by arranging the food correctly. Using the same type of task, you can play games such as “Who Says What,” “Where is Whose Mom,” “Who Works for Whom,” etc.
  4. Game “What item is missing?” To play you will need 5 different toys or images. Ask your child to remember what objects are in front of him. Then ask your baby to turn away and close his eyes. At this moment, remove one toy (then you can remove 2 or even 3 objects), and ask the baby to name the missing object.
  5. "Guess by the description." An adult describes an object, a toy. And the child must guess from the clues what it’s about we're talking about. For example, it is round, can fly, and is held by a string (balloon).
  6. Puzzles, rebuses, adventure games with tasks, etc.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with logic games - add new tasks to the plot, complicate them, make them more diverse, brighter, more interesting. Create situations where the child must find the correct solution to a problem (for example, a bunny needs to cross a river, but he has several options - jump over stones, cross a board or walk across a bridge: the child must explain which option is better and why it is so counts). If the answer is difficult for your child to find, give hints and look for a solution together.

Games for intelligence and ingenuity

Games of ingenuity help children show the speed of their own thinking and logic. They allow you to quickly and easily switch to another activity. Such games are interesting not only for active children, but also for sluggish children who are happy to express themselves in such activities.

  1. “Guess who came up!” The game is designed for preschoolers; it teaches children to guess, think, and perceive by ear. The task is as follows: children stand in a circle, in the middle of which a child chosen by an adult is sent. He is blindfolded. Next, one of the children comes up to the leader and touches his shoulder, uttering the sound of some animal, and returns to his place. All the children say: “Guess who came up!” The presenter, opening his eyes, must name the child who was nearby. If he doesn’t guess, he continues to drive; if he guesses right, the children change places.
  2. Game "unravel the threads". Take a picture of three multi-colored balls of thread, the ends of which are randomly tangled. The task is to find a thread for each ball.
  3. “Find the object in the picture.” Give your child a picture with many objects. Separately, you can provide a list of items that need to be found in this picture.
  4. “Find identical objects” - among the many objects shown in the picture, you need to find a pair of identical ones.
  5. “What mistakes did the artist make?” For the game, you will need images in which the artist made mistakes, for example, where a shepherd rides a horse and a rider herds a pig, or where a cook sews a shirt, and a seamstress makes soup, a cat eats hay, and a cow eats sausage, etc. The child must say what mistake the artist made, and how it should really be, why.
  6. “Make a figure.” Problem - from the set geometric shapes Fold a square, circle, triangle, etc. on the table.

Memory games

It is better to develop children's memory through games. At the same time, they should be interesting and entertaining - so the child will study with great pleasure. You need to develop both visual and auditory memory. The methodology of such games is slightly different, but the frequency of their implementation remains the same - daily exercises will give the desired effect.

Developing visual memory

  1. "Funny pictures." The child is asked to look at a picture for 1 minute that shows different objects. Then the picture is covered, and the child must tell which objects from the picture he remembers.
  2. "Fun Zoo" For the game you will need two illustrations - one depicts 5 animals, the second - 4 silhouettes of animals from the first picture and 1 silhouette of an animal that is not there. The task is as follows: the child looks at the first illustration for a minute, then it is removed, and the preschooler is offered the second picture - with silhouettes. The kid must say which animal silhouettes are shown in the second picture, which animal is not here, and which silhouette is extra.
  3. "Collecting beads." The child is asked to look at a picture of beads made from geometric shapes and remember the order in which the “beads” are arranged. The task is to draw or lay out the same beads from geometric shapes on a sheet of paper as in the picture, from memory.
  4. "Buttons." For this game you will need 2 identical sets of buttons, but there should not be identical buttons in each set. Each player has a card with a field of 6-8 items. The task is as follows: the first player places buttons on his field in any order. The second player must remember their location within 30 seconds and recreate the same picture on his field.
  5. “Find the same picture.” You will need 2 cards - the first one shows an object to remember, and the second one shows a group of objects, including the sample from the first picture. The task is to remember the object from the first picture within 30 seconds, then it is removed and the child is offered a picture with a group of objects, in which the child must find the desired sample.
  6. Game " Magic words" As visual material - cards with a series of words, and on each card the chain of words increases by one link. For example, if the first card had 4 words, then the next one will have 5, 6, 7, etc. The task is as follows: the adult expressively reads the words that are written (depicted) on the card, and then asks the child to repeat the words he said.
  7. "Couples." To play the game you will need cards with pairs of words, and they can be either related in meaning (vegetable garden - cucumber, comb - hair) or completely different (elephant - tulip, bread - asphalt). Task: the child must remember these pairs of words, and then use the first word to remember the second. It is recommended to start with 3-4 pairs, increasing their number in the future.
  8. "Funny Poems." For the game you will need short poems about vegetables. It is important that in one work several names of vegetables are remembered at once. The adult reads the poem with expression, after which the child must tell which vegetables were mentioned in the story.
  9. Game “Grandma Asya puts in a basket...”. It is better to play with a small group of children of 3-5 people. The adult says: “Grandma Asya puts... a pie in the basket,” the next player repeats what the adult said and adds a new item: “Grandma Asya puts... a pie and a sock in the basket,” etc. The game can be continued until the chain of words is so long that it will be difficult to remember all the words.
  10. "Shop". To play you will need various items and pictures. The point is this: an adult sends a child to the store to buy several (three will be enough to start with) items. The child must remember them and bring them to the adult. Roles can be changed - here the seller can be either a daughter (son) or a parent. The same applies to the role of the buyer.

Developing auditory memory

For games, use bright visual material. But it will be more fun to play if there is a children’s company of at least 3-5 people.

Games to develop mindfulness

If you notice that your child is inattentive, it is difficult for him to concentrate, remember a simple quatrain or song, he needs help to overcome this problem. And since in early age It’s easier to teach a child something through play, use this technique - teach while playing.

  1. "What's the noise?" Place several items in front of your child. Ask him to turn away and make noise with one of the objects so that the baby can guess what you made the sound with. This could be the rustling of paper or machine wheels, playing a pipe or drum, the knocking of sticks, the ringing of a bell, the knocking of spoons, etc.
  2. "Confusion". You will need a picture depicting several objects superimposed on each other. The child must find and name confused objects.
  3. "Catch the word." Initially, agree with your child which word he will catch (clap his hands as soon as he hears it). Then pronounce a series of random words, among which periodically insert the one you agreed on.
  4. "Circles" The child’s task is to draw 5-10 circles (focus on the age of a preschooler). Then ask him to color, for example, the third circle from the end with a red pencil, and the second one from the beginning with a blue pencil. I enclosed the last circle in a square, and in the 5th I drew a triangle.
  5. “We draw by ear from the cells.” Prepare your child blank slate paper in a cage, and for yourself a sample of a schematic drawing, according to which you will dictate the direction of drawing. Then start dictating: “Draw a line one cell to the right, two cells down, 5 to the right...”, etc. Make sure your child draws correctly and does not rush.

Let's diversify leisure time

Everything is clear with educational games. But what to do with a child, for example, on a trip, on a walk, or in a long line to the doctor? Let's consider several interesting options.

Games with children on the train

  1. "Puppet theater" Tired of books? Feel free to buy a finger theater (or make one yourself) and put on a whole performance right on the train. Young viewers will enjoy such stories. Moreover, you can also include children in the theater - let them feel like adults and show you the theater on their own.
  2. "Funny faces." Balloons all children love. Why not buy markers, blow up balloons and draw cute faces on them? It's interesting, exciting and safe.
  3. “What does it look like?” This game develops imagination, observation, and fantasy well. Invite your child to play with associations, for example, what the cloud, bush or tree you pass looks like.
  4. “Went big turtle..." Kids really like these types of games. They help develop the child’s fine motor skills, memory, and give positive emotions. They play like this: sit the baby on your lap, take his hands in yours, and perform certain movements for each line:

A large turtle was walking (they throw their arms forward alternately, imitating how an animal crawls)

And she was shaking all over with fear! (shaking hands)

She told everyone “bite-bite!” (show how she bit, touching her thumb to the rest)

I'm not afraid of anyone! (they shake their index finger in different directions)

You can repeat several times.

  1. “What will fit in a box (basket, jar, casket, etc.).” Thanks to this game, children learn to think outside the box and broadly. The goal of the game is to name objects that can fit into the container you choose. To complicate the task, choose items with a specific letter.
  2. “What can be done with this item?” Any items you have on hand during your trip are suitable for this game. Select one of the objects and invite the child to come up with what can be done with it (for example, a notebook: you can draw in it, use it as a fan when it’s hot, tear out a piece of paper and make an airplane from it, etc.). WITH similar games child develops creativity, imagination, memory, thought processes, attentiveness, learns to solve tasks and problems independently. And it's also fun.
  3. “Well, guess!” Describe an object that is very familiar to the child. Let him guess what you are talking about minimum quantity hints.
  4. "An extra word." The adult pronounces a chain of words, and the child must understand which word is the odd one out in this chain. For example, milk-cheese-locomotive-butter-kefir.
  5. "Edible-inedible." A game familiar from childhood: usually a ball is used for it, but since this is not very convenient on the road, invite your child to say “Oh, delicious!” in response to an edible word. and stroke yourself on the tummy, and when something is inedible, grimace and make a movement with your hands, as if a baby is pushing a plate away. This version of the game is also very interesting - children love to imagine.
  6. "Counting book." This is a kind of competition game: who can see more red cars, trees or bushes, dogs or cats, grandmothers or children. Whoever saw the agreed upon object first must say “Mine!” To avoid getting bored with the game, set a maximum you need to reach or play for a certain time.

Games with children while traveling

Games used while traveling perfectly train memory, imagination, ingenuity, intelligence, attention and other mental abilities.

DIY games

Store-bought games are not always affordable for parents. But there is an alternative, and this option is even better - make a board game with your child yourself. Such a game is more interesting to play, and you can make it exactly the way you want.

  1. "Adventurers". Drawing this board game is simple: take a large sheet of cardboard and draw circles of the same size, making a path out of them. Number the circles in order. Sign some circles with phrases such as: “go back 3 steps” or “go 5 circles forward”, “you miss 2 moves”, etc. For counters, choose small toys or pen caps. Prepare a couple of dice that are used in backgammon. Take turns throwing the dice and go through as many circles as the dice show. The first one to reach the finish line wins.
  2. "Tic-tac-toe." Absolutely everyone knows how to play this game. But simply drawing crosses and toes is boring for children. Show your imagination: stick a background for the game onto a square piece of plywood with colored electrical tape. Take 10 pebbles - pebbles work best. Color 5 pieces in pink with white dots, and the remaining five - green with white stripes (change the background and print at your discretion). Let them dry. These will be your X's and O's.
  3. The game “Find a Pair” is great for developing memory. For it you will need a pair of pictures, where there are 2 of each image. The meaning of the game is as follows: all the pictures are mixed and turned face down. The child must open 1 picture, remember the image, and turn it over again, then open the next one, remember it, and if it is not the same as the previous one, turn it over. You need to turn over the chips until you find two identical ones. You can make the chips yourself: to do this, prepare 10 different pairs of identical pictures (they can be drawn, printed from the Internet, cut out from children's magazines or books). Give them a round or square shape, glue them onto prepared cardboards of the same shape, and let them dry. Next, open the front side with varnish or stick with tape so that the design does not deteriorate.
  4. A game for the little ones to develop intelligence, thinking, and fine motor skills. To create it you will need plywood measuring 1x1 meter, various locks, latches, handles, buttons, switches, hooks, snakes, buttons on a piece of fabric and everything that a child can open/close, unfasten/fasten, tie/untie. All this is neatly but securely attached to the plywood. Under the locks you can hide doors behind which there will be a photo of your parents or an interesting toy/picture, you can attach a small phone that makes sounds, mini-doors that open if you remove the hook correctly, turn the bolt, etc. The child will be interested in this game for a long time. The main thing is to securely attach all the parts, and install the board itself so that it does not inadvertently crush the baby.
  5. "Fleas." To create board game you will need beans of two colors, a candy box, two circles of felt (or other soft fabric) with a diameter of 5 cm, felt-tip pens, colored paper, glue, two coins of 5 or 50 kopecks. We glue colored paper to the inside bottom of the box and make markings with felt-tip pens, similar to a football field. The game is played like this: a bean is placed on felt and a coin is pressed on its edge so that it bounces onto the opponent’s field and hits his goal (it is worth noting that for each player you need to make a field different colors). In general, the rules of the game are similar to football, but instead of a ball, bean “fleas” are used.

Games are a great opportunity to develop the most in a child. best qualities and abilities, and not only mental ones. With a little imagination, any parent is able to provide their child with decent and interesting leisure time. And for this you don’t have to have a lot of money - make the game yourself with your child: this way you will spend time together and make an interesting game. Believe me, your child will have more emotions and impressions than if you presented him with a factory game.

Tatyana Inderova
Plot- role play"Journey" for preschool children


1. Create conditions for enrichment children's impressions, which can be used in the game. Develop skill children independently prepare the environment for games: select items, attributes, choose a convenient place, use building material to build a ship Expand and deepen knowledge children about the life of animals in Africa; introduce children with difficulty captain, sailor, ship's doctor.

2. Teach how to establish and regulate contacts in a joint game: negotiate, put up, convince, act, follow the rules of the game; teach to perform game actions in accordance with the general concept of the game; develop emotions that arise during role-playing and plot actions;

Progress of the game.

Educator: Guys, do you love travel?

Children: Yes!

Educator: What would you like to travel to? journey?

Children: By car! On a plane! By train!

Educator: Of course you can travel by plane, by car, by train, or on foot. The main thing is to see interesting people, beautiful nature, rest. Right?

Children: Yes!

Educator: What are we going to today? journey, you will find out by guessing riddle:

The palace floats on the waves,

He carries people.

Children: Ship!

Educator: Right! This is a ship! We'll go to journey on a passenger ship. What can we build our ship from?

Children: From soft modules. (Children with a teacher build a ship from soft modules, install a gangway, anchor, and steering wheel)

Educator: Our ship needs to be given a name. For example, "Brave", "Peaceful", "Rainbow"

Children: "Brave"!

Educator: Fine! The sea teaches courage, and you and I will become even more friendly and courageous!

What professions are there on the ship and who needs what?

Children: For the captain - a captain's cap and binoculars. The assistant captain - the helm, the navigator - a map and compass, the sailors - caps, the doctor and nurse - a suitcase with medicines, white coats and caps.

Educator: Now we will distribute the roles and go to journey! (distribute roles)

There's a knock on the door. Postman Pechkin came with a letter

Pechkin: You have a letter! Take it!

Educator: Thank you for your letter! (Pechkin leaves)

Guys, this is a letter from Dr. Aibolit. He asks us to help the animals of Africa. They got bored and sick! Aibolit himself cannot go with us - he has a lot to do! But he is confident that we can handle it! Let's do it, guys!

Children: Yes!

Educator: We have everything ready for trips. You can go to the ship. (Music plays, children settle down on the ship)

Captain: Raise anchor! Give up the mooring lines!

(Sailors follow the command)

Educator: Guys, we're going to journey to help sick animals in Africa!

(Audio recording "The Sound of the Sea")

Educator: Look at the sea, admire its beauty and enjoy its sounds.

(Audio recording "The Sound of the Sea".)

What sea?

Is the sea always the same?

Can the sea change your mood?

When is the sea sleeping and calm?

When can it be scared, excited?

And when is the sea scary?

Let's show that the sea can be different.

Dynamic pause "Different sea".

The sea is calm

– light wind

-strong wind

(Children perform hand movements in accordance with the text.)

Educator: Guys, look, it looks like someone is on the high seas!

Yes, it's a bottle! What if there is some very important message there! Because you know that people conveyed messages in bottles thrown into the sea, and they were very important. Now let's read what we have!

1. You don’t know me

I live at the bottom of the sea,

Head and eight legs -

That's all I am (octopus.)

2. Across the sea-ocean

A miracle giant is swimming.


3. Cleverly collects garbage

The bottom of the sea is cleaned. (Crab)

Educator: These are riddles about sea creatures. The Sea wished them for us. Notice how calm the sea is. The sun shimmers in light waves. Underwater inhabitants rose higher from depths of the sea and bask in the sun. (watching marine life on the screen)

But we need to hurry to Africa!

Passengers: Is Africa coming soon?

Captain: Navigator, are we on the right course?

Navigator: Africa is on the horizon!

Captain: Moor to the shore, drop anchor!

Passengers and crew members disembark. Sad music is playing.

Educator: Look, guys, here they are - sick animals who are waiting for our help!

(Large soft toys (lions, monkeys, crocodiles, elephants, boa constrictors, etc.) lie on the Island.

Doctor: It is necessary to examine all the animals. (Together with the nurse, the doctor conducts an examination).Everything is fine! We'll give them healthy vitamins, from which they will quickly recover (Nurse distributes vitamins)

Educator: And so that they recover even faster, we will dance with them "Chunga - Changa"! (The guys sort out the animals, stand in a circle and dance).

Educator: Guys, look, the animals want to treat us with bananas. (A basket of bananas stands, covered with a cloth, near the animals).

Thank you very much for the treat! But the time has come to say goodbye. It's time for us to go to kindergarten. (The guys say goodbye to new friends)

Captain: Take everyone's seats! The ship is sailing! Heading back!

Mate: Give up the mooring lines! Raise anchor!

Educator: We didn’t have time to stock up on water, but sea ​​water You can't drink.

Who knows why? (answers children)

That's right, it's salty. The sea washes salt from the bottom and from the stones along the shores.

Captain: Don't worry, we have fresh water supplies!

Educator: And so that we can get to kindergarten more fun and faster, I suggest we sing a song!

(Children sing a song on a marine theme)

Captain: Stop the car! Drop the anchor! Lower the ladder!

Passengers and crew go ashore. The captain is the last to leave.

5. Educator: How quickly time flies. Our captain coped with his role very well. The sailors, mate and navigator deserve praise. The doctor and nurse fearlessly treated sick animals. All the guys felt sorry for the sick animals and I really liked how you danced with them so that they would recover quickly!

6. Educator: Guys, did you like our journey? Who did you see in the sea? What new have you learned? After sleep, we will write a letter to Aibolit, where we will tell how we completed his assignment and draw pictures depicting animals in Africa.

Publications on the topic:

"Sea Voyage". Role-playing game for children of senior preschool age Joint activity of children and the teacher during routine moments on the topic “Sea voyage”; role-playing game (for older children.

Role-playing game as a means of forming coherent speech in preschool children“Without play, there is not and cannot be a complete mental development. The game is a huge bright window through which a child enters the spiritual world.

Role-playing game on life safety “Journey” Municipal preschool educational organization Story-role-playing game “Journey” Educator: Agapova N. Yu.

Experience in “Role-playing games as a means of developing communication skills in preschool children” Communication is the main condition for the development of a child, the most important factor in the formation of personality, one of the main types of human activity, striving.

Job description: This material will be useful to kindergarten teachers when conducting classes on road safety. The material is intended for children of middle and senior preschool age.

General pedagogical goal : developing skills for safe behavior on the roads.

Program content:

Strengthen children's knowledge about traffic lights;

Continue to reinforce the rules of behavior on the roadway;

To develop in children a sense of responsibility in observing traffic rules;

Reinforce the idea that signs are divided into several groups (warning, informing, prohibiting);

Practice orientation in the environment. Activating the dictionary:

Fix the words in children's speech: pedestrian, passenger, sidewalk;

Fix the names of road signs in speech.

Integrative tasks:


Expand and consolidate children's knowledge about traffic signals and traffic rules;

Continue to introduce children to road signs;

Encourage children to take initiative to gain new knowledge.


Enrich children's vocabulary with the names of road signs and transport.


Develop play activity children;

Introduce basic generally accepted norms and rules in relationships with peers.

"Reading fiction»:

Expand vocabulary children with poems, riddles;

Improve performance skills when reading poems.

« Artistic creativity»:

Improve the skill of using scissors when cutting out circles;

Foster independence, develop the ability to actively and creatively apply previously learned application methods.

Forms of implementation: integrated lesson.

Techniques : surprise moment - Traffic light, Navigator.

Methods : verbal, visual, practical.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment

Educator: Guys, look how many guests came to us today, let's say hello to them.

What's your mood?

Children: - Good!

Educator: Let's do this good mood We will give it to the guests. Children blow on their palms.

Warm-up is carried out (poems by S. Mikhalkov).

I roll on two wheels, (They go in a circle, one after another.)

I turn two pedals, (They walk, raising their knees high.)

I hold on to the steering wheel, look forward, (Hold an imaginary steering wheel with their hands.)

I know: the turn is coming soon. (They turn and go the other way.)

When finished, sit on chairs.

2. Main part

Educator: Guys, today we will go on a trip to the City of Road Signs.

Look carefully at the picture. What do you see on it? (Children's answers.)

Educator: Yes, there are a lot of cars on the streets: they take adults to work, children to kindergarten, and deliver groceries to stores. In this picture you see the safe movement of cars and pedestrians.

Do you think it’s possible to walk everywhere? (Children's answers)

Educator: “Around the city, along the street,

They don't just walk around like that.

When you don't know the rules

It's easy to get into trouble.

Be careful all the time

And remember in advance:

They have their own rules

Driver and pedestrian!!!"

Navigashka appears.

Navigation: For the safety of vehicles and pedestrians, special rules have been created that must be known and followed.

Navigator: Guys, in order not to get confused on the street and not get into trouble, road signs will come to our aid.

There are many different signs -

You need to know these signs

To rule on the road

Never violate.

The red circle indicates

Mandatory ban.

It reads: “You can’t drive like that.”

Or “There is no road here.”

And there are also signs -

Taken in a blue square.

How and where you can get there

These signs speak.

Remember, adult and child,

This sign will always warn.

If you see a red triangle,

This means that something awaits us ahead.

Blue rectangle

It will help you where to find

Stopping and refueling –

Everything you need on your way.

Didactic game“Assemble a road sign.”

(Children tell what sign they collected)

There are many different road signs on the street. They talk about what the road is like, how to drive, what is allowed and what is not allowed. Each sign has its own name and is installed in the place where it is needed. Let's get to know them:

1. Here is a normal transition

According to him people are coming

Here's the special markup

“Zebra” is aptly called!

White stripes here

They lead across the street.

Educator: Why do you think the stripes on a zebra are white?

Children: White stripes so that they are clearly visible even at night.

2. Do you see the sign hanging over there?

This sign tells us

So as not to get into trouble!

Need to move here

There's an underground passage here

Here is the overpass -

He will transfer you

Under the ground, above the ground - it's clear

It's safe for people to go.

3. The younger brother looks straight at him:

“Pedestrian, look, wait!”

Only the green man

Allows the way home

Pedestrian traffic light.

4. Rain or shine

There are no pedestrians here.

The sign tells them one thing:

"You are not allowed to go!"

5. There are children in the middle of the road,

We are always responsible for them.

So that their parent does not cry,

Be careful, driver!

6. There is a pedestrian in this place

The transport is waiting patiently.

He's tired of walking

Wants to become a passenger.

Physical education minute:

The road is not a path, the road is not a ditch,

First look left, then look right.

Turn to the left and smile at the friend next to you.

Stomp your right foot: 1, 2.3,

Shake your head: 1, 2.3,

Raise your hands up

And clap: 1, 2, 3.

Educator: Pedestrians and drivers have one more assistant. Guess which one.

Three eyes blink

Three eyes blink

They help us cross the street.

(Traffic light.) (Traffic light comes out)

Traffic light: That's right, guys, this is a traffic light. Guys, why do you think we need a traffic light? What eyes are they talking about in the riddle? (children's answers)

Children: A traffic light regulates traffic on the city streets so that there is order on the streets.

What do traffic lights mean? (children's answers)


What about yellow? (children's answers)

What about green? (children's answers)

Well done guys, you know about traffic lights.

Now we are going to play a game.

The outdoor game “Traffic Signals” is played.

3. Practical part (making a traffic light)

Explanation of techniques and sequence of work.

The teacher distributes blank traffic lights.

Educator: Guys, look, what’s missing here?

Children: Ogonkov.

Educator: And they will light up when you cut out beautiful circles from these squares and paste them in a certain sequence. Which circle will you stick on top?

Children: Red.

Educator: In the middle?

Children: Yellow.

Educator: And below, there will be...

Children: Green.

Educator: In order for your fingers to work better, you need to stretch them.

Finger gymnastics:

One, two, three, four, five.

(Unclench your fingers from your fist one at a time, starting with the thumb.)

The fingers went out for a walk.

(Rhythmically we open and close all our fingers together.)

One, two, three, four, five.

(Clench one by one, widely spaced fingers into a fist, starting with the little finger.)

They hid in the house again.

(Rhythmically squeeze all fingers together.)

Educator: I remind you, friends, that you cannot play around with scissors.

Traffic light: Well done! Everyone completed the task. Thank you guys for making the traffic lights, thanks to you I now have more helpers on the roads. Well, I have to go, goodbye.

4. Summary

Educator: Today we took a trip around the city of Road Signs. Did you enjoy our trip? (Children's answers)

"Road Game" is being held

· Going outside

Prepare in advance

Politeness and restraint

And most importantly -……Attention.

· Stood on patrol on the road

Bug-eyed...? Traffic light

· Green light opened the way:

Cross over guys...They can!

· The red light tells us:

Stop! Dangerous! The path...Closed!

· Everyone be true to the rule:

Hold on... Right side!

· And the animals even know:

On the road they don't... They play!

· The reckless driver will order “Stop!”

On the road... Guard.

· He will tell the driver everything,

It will indicate the correct speed.

By the road, like a beacon,

Good friend - ... Road sign.

· Where the steps lead down,

Come down, don't be lazy.

Pedestrians must know:

Here …? Underpass

· If a pedestrian needs

Cross the pavement?

A pedestrian is immediately looking for

Road sign...? Transition.

· When I approach the road,

Then I hold my mother………….. by the hand.

· Guess who's coming?

Well, of course,…………… pedestrian!

Well done guys!

Educator: Our journey through the City of Road Signs has ended.

Always follow traffic rules

So that no trouble happens on the street!