No truly fun and lively party is complete without competitions. They help create a relaxed atmosphere and prevent boredom. We offer you scenarios of the most interesting games and fun competitions suitable for the most various situations. There is entertainment competitions For large quantity few people who know each other, competitions for non big company close friends, competitions for children. Make the evening memorable - choose holiday competitions in this catalog, prepare everything necessary to conduct them and involve as many participants as possible in them.

Before the game, blanks are made (clippings of newspaper headlines, and the topics of the headlines can be very diverse, for example: “Down and Feather”, “Winner of the Competition”, etc.) The clippings are placed in an envelope and...

To play you will need a large box or bag (opaque) in which to put various items clothes: size 56 panties, caps, size 10 bras, glasses with nose, etc. funny things. The presenter suggests...

The victim of the prank is told that now everyone in the company will wish for one famous fairy tale. He will have to guess it by asking the company questions about the plot of the fairy tale. The whole company answers in unison (and not individually)....

Props: not needed Everyone sits in a circle and someone speaks any word into the ear of his neighbor, he must as quickly as possible say into the ear of the next one his first association with this word, the second - to the third, and so on. Bye...

The game is a modification of "New Year's Tree" and is offered in a company where there are boys and girls (uncles and aunties). It all starts out banal. Each boy and girl, who are blindfolded, have 5 clothespins attached. Couple...

Guests run around the festive table at speed, holding the glass by the stem with their teeth. The longer the stem of the glass, the better. Whoever ran the fastest and didn't spill the contents is the winner. With flour on their face, two guys sit down at the table opposite each other. Before...

Reminiscent of the game With clothespins, but a little more frank... (for 4-8 people). Pins are taken (the number is arbitrary, usually approximately equal to the number of players), everyone except the leader is tied...

Two (or more) pairs are called. After an introductory conversation about fashion and fashion designers, each "tailor" is given... a roll of toilet paper, from which he needs to make a dress for his "model"....

You will need: empty Glass bottle, notes. Write tasks in advance on small pieces of paper, for example: “Kiss three times”, “Make a compliment”, “Wish you health”, “Dance a dance together”, etc...

This game is good if you are relaxing with several families or companies for more than one day. All vacationers are participants. All names of participants are written on separate notes, which are folded with the inscription...

You are planning a noisy party with many guests or someone will come to your place best friends, godmothers, young relatives, and you don’t know what to do with them after a feast or tea party? Then read this article! Here you will find ideas for a great time, funny games, ideas for entertainment and competitions.

The main thing in the article

TOP games for everyone: fun games for any company

Games for an adult group: what should they be?

Find games for children's party very easy, but what to do with adult party? Eating and drinking is good, but having fun? After all, at heart we, adults, are still the same children, we just laugh at other “jokes.”

What the game should be like depends directly on the company gathered. So, at a corporate party with colleagues, moderately immodest but funny games will be enough. A group of well-known friends can play more explicit games. An excellent solution would be intellectual entertainment for an older group. And the male team will be entertained by a board card game.

Cool table competitions

When all the guests have already eaten, but still don’t want to leave, and there is no room for dancing and outdoor games, you can offer the guests interesting table competitions.

  • Create a story. A letter of the alphabet is chosen and everyone sitting in a circle must come up with a story in which all the words begin with the chosen letter. For example, if the selected letter is “D”, then you can make up a story like this: “Denis (says the first participant) thought for a long time (the second) during the day...”, etc. If the circle is over and the story has not come to an end, start circle again.
  • "In my pants..." They prepare for this competition in advance and make text clippings from newspapers. They can be of different meanings and lengths. These clippings are placed in a box or bag. The host approaches each guest with this package and offers to pull out a piece of paper. The guest must say: “In my pants…”, and then read the text from the piece of paper.” It will turn out funny and fun.
  • What's on your plate? The competition should be held during the feast, when the plates are full. The host asks everyone to fill their plates and begins the competition. He names a letter, and guests must pick up food starting with that letter on a fork and take turns saying its name. Those who do not have such food are eliminated from the game. Next, another letter is called, and so on, until there is a person left who has “the entire alphabet” on his plate.
  • Surprise. The host hosting his friends must prepare for this competition in advance. You will need a large box, you need to put funny things in it. For example: a children's cap, a headband with ears, a bra, family panties and whatever else your imagination can work on. During the competition (it can be held both at the table and during dancing), this surprise box is passed from hand to hand by the participants. When the presenter says “stop” or the music stops, the one who has it in his hands takes out any item from it and puts it on himself. The box goes on from hand to hand.

Exciting board games for a group of friends

Board games are popular not only among children. Adults also enjoy playing with them. There are companies that get together once a week to play a board game. The most popular board games today are:

Playing cards is fun, but sometimes the “overused” fool gets boring. We offer interesting card games, which will diversify the gatherings of card game lovers.

Scottish whist.

Joker. Play up to 500 or 1000 points.




Funny games for friends

When friends gather, it is always fun and pleasant. You can spend an interesting evening not only watching TV with pizza. Invite your friends to play.

  • Twister. Excellent and very popular game among young people. According to the rules, each player steps or places his hand on a circle of a certain color, which was drawn on a special clock. The poses are funny, and at the same time there is physical contact between the young people.
  • Sculptor. A separate room is required for the game. The owner, who knows the meaning of the game, and three guests remain in it. The two must be of different genders (male and female). The third is asked to create an erotic figure out of the two. After the figure is completed, the host announces that the sculptor must take place in the erotic figure instead of a man or a woman (depending on the gender of the sculptor). The liberated person sits down, and the host-host goes after the next guest and invites him to improve his erotic figure. After the guest finishes, the sculptor again replaces part of the figure. This continues until all the guests are sculptors.
  • Nonsense. To do this, you need to prepare cards with questions and answers and arrange them in different piles. One participant must take a card with a question and choose who should answer. The one who answers takes the answer from another pile. The question and answer are read out. The results are very funny. We provide sample questions below.

  • Guess who am I? Each guest is given a sticker with the inscription on their forehead. Usually the inscriptions are living creatures, animals or well-known personalities, movie and cartoon characters. In turn, each player asks leading questions that can only be answered “yes” or “no.” Whoever guesses who he is first wins.

Fun games for company in nature

Games and entertainment for drunken company

When the company is already tipsy, it's time for fun games and competitions. People are becoming more liberated and are not trying to get into their pockets. For a drunk company, you can offer the following games.

  • Associations. This game is for warming up. It is played by all men or women present. Participants stand in a row, and the leader asks to make an association with the named word. For example: “a woman is...” Participants say very interesting things “under the hood.” Those who think for more than 5 seconds or do not know what to answer are eliminated.
  • Doll. The players stand in a circle. They are given a doll, which, passing around in a circle, they kiss in some place and comment on where exactly. When the doll makes a circle, the presenter announces that now the players take turns kissing their neighbor in the place where they kissed the doll.
  • Stickers. To do this, you need to prepare stickers - letters in advance. Women and men are invited for the competition in equal numbers. All men are given sticker letters. Now men must stick these letters on those parts of the women's body that are called by this letter. If everything is clear with “n” (nose) or “r” (hand), then with the letters “zh” and “x” you will need to come up with something.
  • Do not offer sex. Prepare papers in advance with the names of body parts. They can be repeated. Each participant draws out two pieces of paper. When the pieces of paper have been distributed to everyone, the presenter suggests making a chain of people, and they will be connected to each other by the parts indicated on the pieces of paper.

What games are suitable for a large company?

In a big company you can play football and Board games, and in cards. We also suggest you try the following games.

  • Who is more accurate? Place banknotes of different denominations in a liter or three-liter jar and close it. Each guest takes a jar and tries to guess how much money is in it. All answers are written down, and at the end the money is counted. Whoever named the amount closest to the real one won.
  • Pulse. A host is selected, and the guests are divided into two teams of the same number of people. Teams stand in lines facing each other. The distance between teams is 1–1.5 m. A stool is placed at one end, and an object is placed on it (money, an apple, a pen). The leader stands on the other side and takes the extreme people from the two teams by the hands. Next, he simultaneously squeezes the hands of the two outer players, they pass the squeeze on to the next one, and the next one even further. So, the impulse is transmitted to the end. The last one, having received an impulse, must take the object from the stool faster than the opponent.
  • Dramatizations. On pieces of paper we write pairs of interesting, well-known characters. For example: Winnie the Pooh and Piglet, Othello and Desdemona, Father Frost and Snow Maiden, etc. In the middle of the evening, distribute papers to married couples or single people divided into pairs. They prepare for a while and then perform in front of those present, who must guess who the speakers represent.

Team games for a group of guests

Everyone wants to take part in competitions, but usually a few people are chosen from the crowd. We offer you team competitions so that no one gets bored while visiting.

  • Build a castle. All guests should be divided into teams and each should be given a “bag” of candy. Next, the team, with their joint efforts, builds a castle from these candies in a certain amount of time. The team with the highest castle wins.
  • Flotilla. Guests are divided into two teams. Each person is given a pack of tissues. Participants try to make as many boats as possible in 5 minutes. Whichever team has more of them wins.
  • Made up story. The guests are divided into a women's team and a men's team. Everyone is given pieces of paper and pens. Women write briefly what they think about men, and men write about women. The leaves are placed in separate boxes. Each team must now write a story. The first participant takes out a piece of paper and uses the words written on it to make a sentence. The next participant takes the next piece of paper and continues the first person's thought using the words on the piece of paper. This makes for an interesting, funny story.

Would you like me to tell you the story of one party?

The hostess occupies the kitchen from early morning and begins to actively prepare food for the guests. Instead of the required breakfast, household members are given a vacuum cleaner, mop, and rags for cleaning the premises. Poor household members, having finished the morning general cleaning, with an empty stomach and hungry eyes, they try to get into the kitchen in the hope of at least something to eat. In response, they hear a menacing (or irritated - depending on the Mistress’s temperament): “Can’t we wait?! If only you could eat!” Having quickly grabbed a piece of food, the household members with a guilty look scatter around the apartment, waiting for the blissful moment to come and they will be invited to the table.

The time for the guests to arrive is inexorably approaching, and the Hostess understands that she needs to “give up” cooking and get herself in order. The Hostess, hastily made up and dressed, greets the first guests. While the rest of the guests are sluggishly catching up, the first guests are divided into two groups: some, more conscientious, help the Hostess; others take seats at the table and, under the guise of small talk, look at the food with greedy interest, periodically grabbing a piece of sausage from the table.

Finally everyone is assembled, and the Hostess graciously allows the banquet to begin. Hooray! Guests enthusiastically empty salad bowls, plates of appetizers and bottles of liquor. The hostess periodically pesters the guests, offering to try “this salad.” Guests intelligently pretend that this is the first time they have seen and eaten such delicious salads, ask for recipes and promise to cook the same ones. The hostess proudly gives her cooking tips, and the guests are delighted. Then, after intensively eating cold dishes, the guests calm down and begin to talk about life. The restless Mistress brings hot food. Guests bravely withstand the next gastronomic attack, continuing the “original” small talk and waiting for dessert. In general, everything is decorous and noble...

And finally, the guests, who have eaten too much, are quite tired of each other and have lost their original ceremonial splendor, “crawl” home. The tired Hostess sees off the last guests with a sigh of relief from the completed mission. But that's not all - an uncleaned table and a mountain of unwashed dishes await her. Plus a feeling of bewilderment: “So much trouble for this?.. And this is called a holiday?”

So, what do you think of my story? Didn't it seem painfully familiar? Of course, this is an exaggerated story, and it is not for those people who celebrate holidays outside the home, but, as they say, “there is a grain of humor in every joke.” Personally, after such parties, lines from A.S. Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin” come to mind: “It’s unbearable to see a long row of dinners in front of you...”

Maybe you shouldn’t devote the entire party to gastronomic delights? Of course, treats should be present, but you shouldn’t focus only on them. After all, both you and your guests probably want to show themselves and look at others, have fun, communicate, show off your extraordinary abilities, make an impression, get to know someone better, learn something new - in a word, take part in a holiday, which we will talk about later It will be nice to tell, remember, gossip. And therefore, what is required from the hostess is not the ability to feed (believe me, in a couple of weeks the guests will only have vague memories of your culinary abilities), but the ability to unite the company, to occupy the guests with something that is not boring, not banal and not monotonous.

  • Are you tired of festive table engage exclusively in eating salads and talking about life and you want to have a lot of fun?
  • Do you want to invite guests and throw them a great, unforgettable party, but don’t know how to entertain your guests?
  • Don't have time to prepare a good entertainment program?
  • Do you have to spend too much time to find something really interesting?
  • Are you tired of boring and monotonous games and competitions, and want to surprise your guests with entertainment?
  • Do you want it to be simple and interesting, without having to spend a lot of time preparing?
  • Do you want to have good and positive memories of your party?
  • Do you want to try yourself as a mass entertainer, but you don’t have ready-made interesting entertainment?

On our website you will find many wonderful games, competitions, skits and others. interesting ideas for various holidays!

A competition for any party. Simple, fun, lively.
To conduct this competition, you must:
- from 10 to 15 participants;
- one orange.
The participants of the competition stand in a circle, one of the participants takes an orange and squeezes it between his chin and neck, then they turn on cheerful music, and the participant, without using his hands, tries to pass the orange to the participant standing next to him, and so on in a circle. The one who drops the orange is eliminated, and this continues until there is only one participant left. The winner receives a prize - an orange. You can also use an apple or a pear, the fun will not decrease.


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New outfit.

For any party, this competition is long-awaited, as it simply causes wild laughter.
For the competition you will need a large box or bag (opaque) in which various items of clothing are placed: size 56 panties, caps, size 10 bras, glasses with a nose, etc. funny things. The presenter invites those present to update their wardrobe by taking something out of the box, with the condition not to take it off for the next half hour. At the host’s signal, the guests pass the box to the music. As soon as the music stops, the player holding the box opens it and, without looking, takes out the first thing he comes across and puts it on himself. The view is amazing! The presenter gives the opportunity to demonstrate each outfit.


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I like it or not.

Competition for boys and girls at an adult party.
The host asks all guests sitting at the table to name two parts of the body: what they like and what they don’t like about the neighbor on the right. For example: “I like my neighbor’s ear on the right and don’t like his shoulder.” After everyone calls it, the host asks everyone to kiss what they like and bite what they don't like. A minute of wild laughter is guaranteed for you.
You can also determine the winner. The winner will be the one who most successfully and originally fulfills the conditions of the competition.

Party Contests

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I propose the most favorite competition of our cheerful and friendly company:
Divide the players into two groups, according to the principle I like vodka, I like wine. Pour into small bottles (100 ml) wine in one, vodka in the other. Place on two different chairs opposite the teams at a distance of 3 meters or more. Place a plate there with a finely chopped appetizer. Let's start playing:
1st participant: pours a drink into a bottle cap;
Participant 2: drinks from the cap;
3rd participant: having a snack;
And so on in a circle until the drink runs out. Whoever runs out of drinks first wins. You can't spill it!!!
THE COMPETITION IS AWESOME, ALREADY CHECKED!!! It is advisable for someone to record you on camera, it will also be fun to look at yourself from the outside!!!


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What changed?

Competition for attention. The presenter takes one person out of the room, having previously shown him to everyone present. Having taken him out of the room, the presenter changes some detail on him: unbuttons a button, rolls up his socks, unbuttons his sleeve!
When the player and the host return to the room, the participants in the game must guess what has changed. The winner receives a gift, a glass of champagne.


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A competition for a company that loves to sing.
We are all used to singing our favorite songs together and out loud. And if we are asked to sing a song to ourselves, it will seem strange to us. But it is in this competition that all the oddities easily dissipate.

To participate in this competition, the presenter needs to invite everyone and line them up. If there are many people willing, then several rows can be created, as if it were a real choir.

Next, the choir is asked to sing a song that everyone should know, for example, “There Was a Grasshopper Sitting in the Grass.” (you can print out the words for everyone). Only the presenter must warn everyone that at his command “Quiet” the song will need to continue to be sung to oneself. And you can turn your voice back on only with the “Loud” command.

So, for example, everyone starts singing a song:
In the grass Grasshopper sat,
In the grass Grasshopper sat,
Just like a cucumber
He was green.
Just like a cucumber.
Imagine, imagine
He was green.

At this moment the leader says “Quiet” and everyone continues to sing to themselves.

He only ate grass

He only ate grass

Didn't touch the booger either

And he was friends with flies.

Then the presenter says, “Loud,” and everyone continues to sing.
Usually someone goes ahead in the text, and someone lags behind. This moment is sure to make everyone laugh.
It becomes especially interesting when the competition is held after moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages.


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Hug your wife.

Competition for young married couples.
The host invites three married couples. Men stand 3-4 meters from their wives. The host opens 3 bottles of beer and places them in the path of each man. After this, each man is blindfolded, turned around several times, placed facing his wife and asked to walk to her and hug her. When the men are already blindfolded, the presenter quickly removes the bottles and swaps their wives. Spectators are asked to remain silent. Men even hug other people's wives with great pleasure. The winner is the one who hugs his wife.

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The competition can be held at any party. The drunker the participants, the funnier it is.
A competition to determine the most accurate man in the dig. Suitable for gentlemen of any age. The task is to get into a small hole with a pencil. It turns out that this is not easy to do. For those who want to compete, pencils are hung from the waistband (belt) of their trousers from behind on a strong thread so that they hang approximately at knee level. They put it on the floor empty bottles, the contestants are brought back to them. At the presenter’s signal, the competitors must, without helping themselves with their hands, hit a bottle on the floor with a pencil. The audience actively suggests how best to complete the task, encourages the participants in every possible way, and the fans morally support their gentlemen. This makes men try even harder, but not everyone turns out to be accurate enough. The one who gets the pencil into the bottle first is awarded the title “Most Accurate” and a comic prize.
This competition can be held for a long time, as long as there are people willing to participate. The fun at the party will be off the charts.


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Don't step on it!

One of the popular and fun competitions at our parties. The player is a person who takes part in this competition for the first time and does not know all its secrets.
At the beginning of the competition, the presenter goes around everyone present, persuading them to put one valuable thing in his hat. These could be earrings, rings, watches, glasses, car keychain.
For a drawing competition you will need a nice, responsible, neat person. With its help, all collected things are laid out on the floor, at some distance from each other. The presenter tells the rules of the competition: the chosen player, blindfolded, must walk between the objects without damaging them. The driver is given the opportunity to arrange things as he sees fit and remember what is where. Finally, the preparation is completed, the player is blindfolded, everyone present unanimously counts to three, the presenter wraps him around the axis and directs him to where the things are laid out. While everyone is making noise and circling the player, the presenter or another person quietly removes all things from the floor. When a person begins to take his first steps, those present begin to take an active part in the game with their remarks: “Oh-oh-oh, you’ll step on my family diamonds,” “My favorite watch is in danger, you’re about to hook it,” “That’s my keychain.” from the car, the alarm will go off” and the like. The poor player no longer knows where to put his foot. All excited and sweaty, he gets to the end of the path, where the leader is waiting for him. The player's blindfold is removed and he is turned to face an imaginary trail of valuables. Everyone has fun! (don't forget to give the player a fresh towel at the end of the competition).


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Accurate injection

An entertaining, exciting game for any company. The most agile one wins.
Props: balloons (1 for each), regular thread, adhesive plaster, pushpin (1 for each)
Number of people - the more, the better. The game can be either a team game or every man for himself. For the game you will need: balloons (1 for each), regular thread, adhesive plaster, pushpin (1 for each).
The balloon is inflated and tied with a thread around the waist (the balloon should be at the level and area of ​​the buttocks). The button is used to pierce a piece of adhesive tape and stick it on the player’s forehead. This procedure is done with each participant. Then each player must fold his hands on his chest or behind his back (he cannot use them during the game), or he can tie them.
After all these preparations, the start is given (a certain amount of time is set - for a team game, after the time has elapsed, whoever survived is counted; and for the game, every man for himself - the game is played to the last), after which the player’s task is to pierce the enemy’s ball with a button on the forehead (not using your hands). It all looks simply amazing, the main thing is that there are more people. Well, the winner gets an incentive prize, a bottle of alcohol, etc., etc.


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Congratulations: 25 in verse (2 short)

If the holiday was a success, you lit up the whole evening, but the guests don’t want to leave, you can entertain the guests with serious or fun games for adult company over a cup of tea.

You need to prepare pictures with images of different animals (you can cut them out from somewhere). The host takes turns taking out pictures, and the guests’ task is to quickly say how the hero of the occasion resembles this animal.
Let’s say a squirrel is economical, thrifty, etc.
The main thing is that the pictures are chosen without offensive hints (for example, so that you don’t have to compare them with a monkey, a crocodile, etc.). The one who gives the most and most original answers is given a small prize.

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Required: Animal cards

Call better than men.
Each of them unwraps the candy, puts it in his mouth and says to the enemy: THICK LIP SLAP, and then without spitting out the previous candy, without swallowing it, and without chewing, they again put the candy in their mouth and again say the same sacramental phrase, respectively, the one who wins fit more candy in your mouth
and the prize for such a victory could be a pencil to roll your lips up))

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Required: 200 grams of caramel.

Plastic cups or small buckets of water filled to the brim are placed on children's trucks. Ropes of the same length are tied to the cars (according to the height of the players). On command, you must quickly “carry the load” from start to finish, trying not to splash the water. The winner is the one who reaches the finish line the fastest and does not spill the water. You can make two prizes - for speed and for accuracy.

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Required: toy cars, plastic or plastic glasses.

For this game, two teams of five people are organized and props are prepared: a plate with sandwiches, a glass, a bottle of gas. water - for each team. All this is placed on chairs, the teams line up from the chairs 3-5 meters away. Roles in the team are distributed:
the first (“open up”) - on command, runs to a chair, to a chair and returns to the team, passes the baton to the next;
the second (“pour it”) - you must pour gas water into the glass and return to the team;
the third participant (aka “have a drink”) must drink what is poured into the glass and pass the baton to the next one;
the fourth participant (he “snack”) runs to the chair and eats the sandwiches;
the last, fifth player runs to the chair and closes the bottle (he says “close it”),
and so on according to the same pattern until everything is drunk and eaten.
The team that completes the task faster and more accurately wins.

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Required: plate with sandwiches, glass, bottle of sparkling water

A couple is invited. The girl is seated on a chair. A bottle with a narrow neck is inserted between her legs. A man is placed a few steps away from her, blindfolded and with a straw in his mouth. He needs to insert a straw into the bottle with the help of the girl's prompts. All this is recorded on tape. Then they say: let's listen to what this couple did last night. It turns out great. The girl on the tape says: lower, yes, yes! Like this! No, just a little lower, that's right! Paste it there. Very fun to listen to xDDD