Program content:

  • strengthening the ability to draw straight vertical lines with gouache using “finger painting”, a brush or a foam pad of your choice;
  • continued learning to observe rhythm in the arrangement of drawing elements; encouraging children to describe their actions in words;
  • exercise in running, climbing;
  • learning to perform drawings together, fostering a sense of joy;
  • supporting each child's success.

Methods and techniques: musical accompaniment, artistic expression, game situations, surprise moment, plot-motor game.

Material: black gouache, brushes, foam swabs, a sheet of wallpaper measuring 50 x 120 cm with a painted steam locomotive and two horizontal lines (rails), two hoops, a toy bear, coasters.

Form of organization: by subgroups.

Preliminary work:

1) looking at illustrations depicting railway, trains; outdoor game "Train";

2) designing “Railway”;

3) carrying out fun games and entertainment (“Miracle fingers”, “That’s what our fingers are!”, “Fingers are playing and having fun”);

4) free drawing exercise (line drawing technique of your choice).

Progress of the lesson

Teacher. Guys, we were invited to visit by the inhabitants of the tower: a bear and his friends. Do you remember who lives in the tower? (Children name.) The road to them is long, we will go by train.

Outdoor game« Train».

Children line up like a train and set off on the road accompanied by a poem read by the teacher:

The train is bringing us children

Into the forest and clearing,

There will be children walking there,

They will meet a bunny.

“Well, well, well, well, well, well” -

All the wheels are knocking!

“Chu-ch-uchu” - we will meet a wolf and a fox.

Let's go, we'll go faster

We are not afraid of animals!

The locomotive is moving more quietly -

So the stop is closer -

"Dududu", stop!

Teacher. So we arrived, we are greeted by Teddy Bear. Mishka is bored and wants to play with us.

"Game with Mishka"

The bear is sitting on the carpet.

The bear was walking through the forest,

He was looking for our children

For a long, long time he searched,

He sat down on the grass and dozed off.

Children begin to run, climb through hoops, and stomp their feet.

The children began to dance,

They began to knock their feet,

Bear, Mishenka, get up,

Catch up with our kids.

A. Anufrieva

The bear wakes up, growls, and catches up with the children. Children are hiding in a hoop house.

bear. Guys, are you tired?

Teacher. Yes, Mishka, we rode the train for a long time.

Bear. What kind of railway is it?

Teacher. And now we will draw it.

The teacher takes the children to a sheet of wallpaper paper measuring 50 x 120 cm with a drawn steam locomotive and two horizontal lines and says:

Children, I dip my finger (brush, tampon) into black paint and draw a “stick” from top to bottom, dip my finger again and draw a second “stick” next to it. (The teacher draws a few more sleepers - “sticks”.) And now, guys, help me draw, I won’t be able to draw such a long railway alone.

The kids sit on the floor and choose a visual material: brushes, tampons, or their own fingers.

Calm music sounds. Children draw on their own. The teacher is surprised and rejoices together with Mishka at the children’s successes:

Who's good?

Who is skillful among us?

Vanya is good!

Vanechka is drawing!

Teacher. That's how long the road turned out, look, Mishka.

Bear. Children, you have been drawing for a long time, your fingers are tired. Let's rest, and then you will return to kindergarten.

Finger game.

The teacher reads a poem, and the children do the exercise:

Bunnies came to the meadow,

Bear cubs, badgers,

Frogs and raccoon.

Alternately bending your fingers into a fist in the rhythm of the song. The game is played first with the left and then with the right hand.

To the green meadow.

Come too, my friend!

Children say goodbye to the bear and travel by train to kindergarten.


- consolidate knowledge about distinctive features cities as settlements, urban transport;

- develop the ability to imagine an image, convey it expressive means pantomimes, movements, speech;

- develop imagination, spatial orientation, motor skills;

— to develop the ability to interact with peers and adults in play, to express oneself in familiar games, poems, and logorhythmic exercises, to show creative individuality when depicting objects and situations related to the concept of “city.”

The teacher invites the children to go on an unusual, imaginary journey around the city.

First they go to an amusement park. The teacher suggests going by city land transport. Makes a riddle about a tram.

With horns, but not a snail.

Rides on rails

But not the train.

The teacher takes on the role of a carriage driver. Children move in a sliding step (on rails), holding their hands above their heads, depicting a triangle. The teacher reads a poem.

Happy tram, run along the rails.

And take us to the amusement park.

There are a lot of swings and the magician is waiting.

There are carousels there, cheerful people.

"Ting-ding" -

A cheerful tram sings a song.

Girls and boys ride around the city in it.

Stop "Amusement Park". The teacher offers to ride on the carousel (the outdoor game “Carousel”). Children move in a circle with changes in tempo, pronouncing words.

Sat down, sat down, sat down, sat down

We're on the miracle carousel

And we went in a circle,

We are catching up with each other.

Barely carousel

We were first taken

And then they're faster

They carried it straight to the sky.

Everything flashes and spins,

And my heart is shaking so much.

They're spinning slower

And they want to hug the ground.

The teacher invites the children to sit on the swing. Children read the logorhythmic poem “On the Swing”, using their movements to depict skating.

Kach-kach-kach - the swing is flying.

(Children rhythmically swing their lowered arms from side to side.)

So breathtaking!

(They raise their hands sharply.)

My heart beats faster and faster:

(Rhythmically tap fist on fist.)

Knock-knock-knock-knock, knock-knock-knock.

Up and down. And again to the sun

(They rhythmically raise their hands up, lower them down and raise them up again.)

You fly like a bird.

(Waving their arms or hands rhythmically.)

- Higher, higher, higher, higher! —

(They squat and rise rhythmically.)

You shout to your comrades again.

The teacher offers to swing on a swing boat. Sit in pairs, hold hands, rest your feet on your friend’s legs and pull each other.

Makes a riddle.

There's a house going down the street

Everyone is lucky to get to work.

Not on chicken thin legs,

And in rubber boots.

Children choose a driver, simulate seating, buying tickets, and driving along a certain route. The teacher creates the mood with poetic lines.

We transferred to the bus.

We barely made it in time.

Paid for the ticket

The elders were given a place.

They didn't push and didn't fight,

We tried to speak quietly.

They entered the front door

And they came out from the back.

Boys help me get off

The girls were not forgotten.

The ride can be accompanied by the singing of familiar, cheerful songs by V. Shainsky.

The teacher says that the bus is a tour bus and takes on the role of a tour guide. He asks descriptive riddles about landmarks hometown, to which older children respond.

Next stop: Zoo. The teacher suggests remembering what animals are kept in the zoo and telling about them. Then one of the children shows the animals only with the help of facial expressions and movements, and the rest guess who he is showing. You can use the poem with the movements “Naughty Monkeys”.

From the zoo, the teacher and the children go for a walk along the street. Children line up in pairs, with a guide with an imaginary flag in front. The teacher asks to remind her of the rules of behavior on the street. Children walk to the rhyme, observing the rhythm of their movements.

We're walking down the street

Let's sing a song together.

We want to see everyone

We want to know about everything.

To give space to passers-by,

WITH right side we walk.

Red flag ahead

Visible to us like a beacon.

We need to cross the road -

The traffic light is here to help.

Everyone is standing and we are standing

And we look carefully.

We talk, not shout,

We don't push, we don't rush,

We don't hurt anyone.

We all walk together together.

The teacher notes that it has become hot outside. Just on the way - “Ice House”. The teacher takes on the role of the ice cream seller in the Ice House. Invites children to stand in line and buy ice cream. At the same time, they must describe it. Children eat imaginary ice cream, show with facial expressions how tasty, sweet it is, how it melts. The teacher asks what to do with the wrappers, why they cannot be thrown on the sidewalk.

Children go further past imaginary shops (they can be indicated by tablets). The teacher asks what stores they pass by and which one they would like to go to. He suggests going to a candy store. He “buys” candy for the children, distributes one at a time, asks them to show with their facial expressions how sweet it is, what pleasure they feel, to describe the wrapper, the filling, and to perform the imaginary actions of unwrapping, smoothing, and folding the candy wrapper.

The teacher asks about the differences between buildings in the city and the village. Offers to play the game “Giants and Dwarfs”, depicting one-story houses and high-rise skyscrapers.

Children with a teacher passing by "Children's World". The teacher asks how this store differs from others, what kind of toy they would like to buy. Takes on the role of a seller, offering to describe or show the purchased toy with movements. In the form of a toy, children take part in the game “Whose toy will run the fastest.”

Raises his horns up

He puts it on the wires.

Rubber galoshes on feet

Puts it on.

Where to take passengers

He knows for sure.

Children stand one after another, raise their hands up, clenching their fists. Depicts riding a trolleybus. Rhythmic movements can be accompanied by singing a verse of a funny song.

The teacher reminds that in the city there are plants and factories where citizens work. It says that there is a weaving factory in the area of ​​the nearest stop. He asks what they do at the weaving factories. Offers to show the loom. Children stand in a line, hold hands, put them forward and all together, at the command “On!” begin to make rotational movements with their arms or extend them and press them to their chest.

Children transfer to a minibus (they stop two or three). They drive further and get off at the Puppet Theater stop. They perform the parsley dance or pretend to be marionette toys to the song from the movie “Pinocchio.”

I am at any time of the year

And in any bad weather

Very fast at any hour

I'll take you underground.

Children hook up like trailers and “drive” in a circle to the lyrics:

The train is rushing fast,

No congestion, no traffic jams.

Underground, through tunnels

We'll get out into the light.

Driver on speakerphone

Stops are announced.

All stations along the route

The driver knows very well.

Children get off at the Circus stop. They turn into artists and portray clowns, jugglers, tightrope walkers, strongmen, etc.

The teacher conducts a finger game “Where were we?”

In conclusion, the teacher and children remember where they were, what they saw, exchange impressions, and plan further travel in the city.

Target:development of skills of effective interaction, mutual understanding, verbalization of one’s feelings and emotions.


· increased self-esteem;

· development of empathy, group cohesion;

· development of creative thinking;

Materials:signs with the names of the islands: “Siamese Twins”, “Enchanted Island”, “Island of Giants”, “Island of the Evil Wizard”, helium balloon, letter, audio recording “wind noise”, “cheerful melody”, pictures depicting evil fairy tale characters, colored markers, poster carpet - airplane, magnetic board, hoop, bench, chairs.

Progress of the lesson

(Children enter the hall and stand with the teacher-psychologist in a circle)

Organizing time.

Teacher-psychologist: Guys, hello. Let's first greet each other. I will say the words: " Good morning…” and I’ll name someone from your group. Those whom I name will wave at me, which means you have heard and are returning the greeting.

Good morning, girls!

Good morning boys!

Good morning, all the guys!

Good morning, teachers!

The main content of the lesson.

Teacher - psychologist: Guys, do you like to travel? (children's answers)

I invite you to go on a magical journey. But getting there is not so easy. We need to tune in and we will do this with the helpYogic breathing. D Yogi breathing will help us calm down and concentrate.Take a deep breath through your nose, slowly rise on your toes - arms out to your sides, clasp your palms in front of your chest - exhale. Well done!

Look guys, is there something unusual here? (a helium-filled balloon flies out with a letter attached to it on a string).

Oh guys, what is this? Look, there is something attached to the balloon. Look - the message. It is addressed to friendly and kind guys.

It says: “Hello guys! Buratino writes to you. I turn to friendly and kind children for help. I was bewitched by an evil wizard. He took me far, far away, to an unfamiliar island, in order to make me as evil as himself. Help! Help me!"

Guys, can we help Pinocchio?(children's answers) Then we go in search of Pinocchio. To get to the Island of the Evil Wizard, we need to go a long way. Let's fly to hot-air balloon, hold on to his long rope. Are you ready guys? Well, then let's go.

An audio recording of “wind noise” is played.

Children “fly” in a hot air balloon - they walk around the hall, approach the sign

"Siamese twins".

So we ended up on the first island. It's called Siamese Twins. Guys, look, there is a message for us (a message is attached to the picture). It says here that before we go further, we need to complete a task.

Game "Siamese Twins"

Target:teach children to cooperate and work in pairs.

Children are divided into pairs. Further, the teacher-psychologist says: “Imagine that you and your friend are one whole, you are like Siamese twins, rooted side to side. Hold your friend tightly around the waist with one hand and in this state we need to go through all the obstacles. Remember to be attentive to each other’s actions!”

The obstacles are a bench (you have to walk over it) and a hoop (you have to jump over it).

Look how narrow the bridge is (there is a bench in the shape of a bridge on the floor). Imagine that water is flowing under this bridge. Let's grab each other tightly by the belt and cross the water (musical accompaniment).

Now in front of us are hummocks (hoop). We need to jump over them.

In front of us is an enchanted path that must be walked with eyes closed. Only the first participant is allowed to pass with with open eyes, he will be our driver. The rest of the children should grab their shoulders and simply trust the driver, who will lead the children through the obstacle. Choose who will be your driver.

So you and I have left the island of the “Siamese Twins”, you can all open your eyes. But our journey is not over yet.

(audio recording of “wind noise” sounds).

Children "fly up" to the Enchanted Island

"Enchanted Island"

Target:develop children’s ability to expressively depict individual emotional states.

NotesThere are balloons attached to plastic cups on the table. In addition, there are colored markers on the tables.

Guys, we are on the Enchanted Island. Negative fairy-tale characters live here (showing illustrations depicting negative fairy-tale characters). They do not like to be disturbed or walked on their territory. To dispel anger, we need to draw kind faces on balloons (children draw kind faces).

The teacher-psychologist helps with leading questions: what kind of eyebrows does a kind person have? And so on. (musical accompaniment).

Look, guys, did we manage to make the heroes kind? (Children show each other and the guests the painted faces on the balloons.) Well done, you completed this task!

Children "fly" to the Island of Giants.

"Island of Giants"

Target:correction of impulsivity, development of concentration;

Guys, we found ourselves on the Island of Giants. Already from the name of the island it is clear who its inhabitants are. Who are you guys? You can't talk loudly here, only whisper. Look, here is a card with a task - riddles.

InstructionsChildren are given riddles. Everyone who knows the answer should raise their hand. When all the children raise their hands, the teacher-psychologist counts to three, and on the count of “three” the children will all have to whisper the answer to the riddle together (children guess riddles about the heroes of fairy tales).

Treats small children

Heals birds and animals

He looks through his glasses

Good doctor...


It was baked from flour,

It was mixed with sour cream

He was chilling at the window,

He rolled along the path.

He was cheerful, he was brave

And on the way he sang a song.

The bunny wanted to eat him,

Gray wolf and brown bear.

And when the baby is in the forest,

I couldn't leave her.

What kind of fairy tale?


Well done, you completed this task easily. In search of Pinocchio, we need to fly to another island. But first, let's take a little break.

Relaxation exercise “Waterfall”

Target:Relieving tension, developing imagination.

The teacher-psychologist says: “Close your eyes and imagine that you are under a small waterfall. The sky is clear and light blue. The air is fresh. The water is clean and cool. It easily flows down your back, flows down your legs and continues on its way. Stand for a while under the waterfall, allowing the water to wash over you (the exercise is performed while standing, accompanied by music - the sounds of the waterfall). We open our eyes.

The children “fly” to the island of the Evil Wizard.

Island of the "Evil Wizard"

The teacher-psychologist takes the children to the island of the Evil Wizard.

And here we are on the last island - this is the island of the Evil Wizard. On it he is holding Pinocchio. We need to save him. First you need to answer some questions.

Instructions.Conversation with children on:

Who can we call a good person?

What actions do good people do?

How can we determine that a person is kind?

At the end of the conversation, the children are invited to look at each other in an angry way; kindly.

Guys, Pinocchio can’t get out of here because the Evil Wizard enchanted the flying carpet and now he can’t fly. We will break the evil spell if we return bright colors to the magic flying carpet.

There is a carpet attached to the board - an airplane. A preliminary conversation is held with the children: what colors should be used to decorate the flying carpet, so that when everyone looks at it, it will be bright and joyful and so that it can fly again?

Children perform applique to the music, chaotically gluing bright pieces of colored cardboard.

Reflection “Airplane Carpet”

Guys, look how bright our airplane carpet turned out. We managed to defeat and break the spell of the evil wizard (Pinocchio's song sounds) Guys, can you guess whose voice this is? Pinocchio is very happy that we saved him.

We have reached the end of the test. Let's clap for ourselves and say together: “Well done!” Despite the fact that the tasks were not easy, you successfully overcame all difficulties. In gratitude, Pinocchio gave you a magical “Bottle of Joy” so that all your anger would burst and disappear like magical soap bubbles in a bottle. Let's fly in a hot air balloon back to our group and blow bubbles together.

Our adventure has come to an end.

It's time for us to return

All that's left is to say goodbye!

Let's say goodbye!

Let's hit the road!

(the sound of the wind sounds. Children say goodbye to the guests and “fly” in a balloon to the exit).

List of used literature

1. Kruglova N. F. We develop the child’s intelligence, emotions, and personality in the game. - M.: Eksmo, 2010.

2. Hadewson H., Schaeffer C.Workshop on play psychotherapy. - St. Petersburg, 2000

3. Chernetskaya L.V. Psychological games and trainings in kindergarten. - Rostov n/a: Phoenix, 2006.

Municipal educational institution

"Average comprehensive school No. 36"

Open extracurricular lesson in mathematics for preschoolers:

“Travel game “On the road with numbers.”

Teacher primary classes,

Topic: “Travel game “On the road with numbers.”


1.Form educational interest in academic subject"Mathematics".

2. Build computing skills.

3. Develop creative imagination, thinking.

4. Foster a culture of communication and behavior.


Number fans,

Cut cards with numbers,

Travel plan with indicated stops (on the board),

Car (layout),

Tokens, cups different color,

Audio recording, tape recorder,

Worksheets for preschoolers.

Progress of the lesson:

Organizing time:

a) Greeting.

b) First-graders sit in carriages, we put preschoolers next to them - we get prefabricated groups.

c) Introducing guests to the class (Presentation of first-graders):

The title is "Fidgets".

The motto is “Even if mountains and steep slopes get in our way, the “Fidget” class is always ahead!”

1. You know, children,

How many in the world

Secrets and riddles, themes and theorems.

Everything is interesting

Knowledge is useful

Knowledge is useful to everyone!

Even if you are restless,

Not homebodies

We love to study.

The school is calling us.

We are curious people

We are the answerers

We are a groovy people.

Chorus: We are restless, yes, yes, well,

You won't understand us right away.

Take a closer look at us - once,

And love us.

2. If a problem arises with someone -

Together we will solve this problem.

Let's become smarter

Let's become kinder

We will overcome weaknesses.

Even if you are restless,

Not homebodies

We love to study.

The school is calling us.

We are curious people

We are the answerers

We are a groovy people.

Chorus: **********

d) Poems about mathematics (told by first-graders):

Remember everything without an exact count

Any work will not budge!

Without counting there will be no light on the street,

Without counting, a rocket cannot rise,

Without an invoice, the letter will not find its addressee,

And the boys won’t be able to play hide and seek!

Count, guys, count boldly!

Quickly read out the bad things,

Good job, add it quickly!

The lesson will teach you accurate counting!

Get to work quickly! Get to work quickly!

Setting a goal.

Do you want to be a participant in a math lesson, not just a guest?

To do this, you need to be friendly, attentive, not afraid of difficulties, and first-graders will help you.

So, let's go! And we will go to:

Wears rubber shoes

And it runs on gasoline! (Answers from preschoolers)

That's right, it's a car, a car! (A car model appears)

This is our route. (On the desk)

Where will our first stop be?

Stop "Chislograd".

(The team solves problems, shows the answer with a fan, and one representative attaches a number to the board):

1. Seryozhka fell into the snow,

And behind him Alyosha,

And behind him Marinka,

And behind her is Irinka,

And then Ignat fell.

How many guys were there?

2. Come on, how many guys are there?

Does he ride on the mountain?

Three people are sitting in a sleigh,

One is waiting.

3. Gives from grandma - fox

Mittens for three grandchildren:

“This is for you for the winter, grandchildren,

Two mittens each.

Take care, don’t lose.”

Count them all!

4. The children were skating

There were ten of them all together.

Seven boys among them,

What about the girls? How many are there?

5. There are three titmice on a birch tree

They were selling mittens.

Five more arrived.

How much will they sell?

Arrange the numbers in descending order.

Stop "Plus and Minus":

(They work with tokens and cups. The presenter calls the action, the players put or remove a certain number of tokens). It is held in the form of a relay race.

 +2+5-4+8-3-5+7-3-2-4

If done correctly, then one token remains.

Stop "Veselinka". (Physical education minute):

They guess riddles, show the answer with gestures and movements.

A) This is who is running like this -

Ears on the top of the head

All white like snow in winter,

Along the forest edge? (Hare)

B) I’m not an alarm clock, but I wake you up

I have a beard and spurs,

I walk with great importance

And hot-tempered like gunpowder! (Rooster)

C) Who deftly jumps through the trees,

And flies up into the oak trees?

Who hides nuts in a hollow,

Drying mushrooms for the winter? (Squirrel)

D) Born in water,

And he lives on earth,

He sits with his eyes bulging,

He doesn't speak Russian. (Frog)

D) stands on one leg,

He looks intently into the water.

Pokes his beak at random -

Looking for frogs in the river. (Heron)

They perform the dance of little ducklings.

Stop "Guess"

The team receives cut-up images of the numbers and assembles them. With the help of arms and legs, he shows it. First graders recite poems about numbers:

Stop "Surprise".

We reached the final stop. A surprise awaits us here - interesting tasks for ingenuity. (First graders distribute worksheets to preschoolers.)

Each participant in the trip receives a medal “Expert in Mathematical Roads.”

Travel game “Journey to the Island of Fantasy”. Scenario

Description of material: I offer a summary of the travel game “Journey to Fantasy Island” for preschool and younger children school age. This material will be useful to teachers of kindergartens, specialized children's institutions, and primary school teachers. This is a summary of an event aimed at developing children's skills in effective communication, logical thinking, speech, and politeness.

Frequent changes in activities and fairy-tale characters in the event help keep children’s attention for a long time, the children are as active as possible throughout the entire event.

Summary of the travel game “Journey to the Island of Fantasy”

Integration of educational areas“Cognition”, “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Reading fiction”.

Target: Development of effective communication skills, logical thinking, speech


Educational: teach the rules of cultural behavior.

Educational: develop attention, memory, logical thinking, cognitive activity, communication skills, teamwork skills.

Speech: develop coherent speech (develop in children the ability to answer questions with complete answers, give reasons for their answers); expand your speech range.

Educational: cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other, curiosity.

Demo material: visual material (images of a palm tree with bananas, a sailboat, a Christmas tree with cones, a letter from Moidodyr)

Handout: images of steering wheels.

Methodical techniques: game situation, conversation-dialogue, looking at illustrations, productive activity children, summing up, physical education session “Hamka, hamster, hamster.”

Musical accompaniment: phonogram of the sound of the sea.


1. Organizational moment

2. Main part

Barbicus appears.

Hello guys! This is a school? Where did I end up? Well, of course kindergarten. Oh, I got it all mixed up again. I'm so absent-minded. I was tired on the road, so I decided to come see you. I heard that in your group there are the smartest guys, the most attentive, brave, and cheerful. Oh, you don't know who I am. My name is Barbicus, I am a famous traveler. My friend, Kuzka, told me in confidence that somewhere in the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bHobbies there is a wonderful island of Fantasy. And I decided to visit this island and study it. I invite you to take a trip across the sea of ​​​​Hobbies to Fantasy Island. Do you agree? Guys, judging by the title, what could be happening on this island? (children's answers). So here we go. We will sail on the sailboat “Samodelkin” (an illustration of a sailboat is attached to the wall). We picked up the steering wheels (each child is given cardboard steering wheels). A phonogram of the sound of the sea sounds. Close your eyes and imagine that the waves are roaring overboard and a warm breeze is blowing.

Well, here we are.

An image of a palm tree appears on the wall. And who is this under the palm tree?

Teacher in a monkey costume: Guys, I really wanted bananas, but I can’t get them. Help me.

Barbicus: Bananas are not simple, there are some tasks written on them. Let's solve them.

Solving entertaining puzzles.

5 little bears

Mom put me to bed.

One can't sleep alone

How many people have dreams?

The heron walked on the water,

I was looking for frogs,

Two hid in the grass

Six - under the hummock.

How many frogs were saved?

Just for sure!

Group of baby ducklings

They want to swim and dive

6 sailed far away,

2 - dived deep.

3 yellow-eyed daisies,

2 cheerful cornflowers

Children gave to mother

How many flowers are in the bouquet?

The hedgehog went mushroom picking

I found 10 saffron milk caps

8 added to cart,

The rest are on the back.

How many saffron milk caps are you bringing?

A hedgehog on its needles?*

The wind blew, the leaf tore off

And 1 more fell,

Barbicus: We helped the monkey, now we're on our way again! What kind of city is this? (reads the city of Purity and Order). I wonder who rules this city? (there is a knock on the door). We received a letter.

My dear children,

I am writing you a letter

And please wash more often

Your hands and face.

It doesn't matter what kind of water

Boiled, key,

From a river, or from a well,

Or just rain.

You definitely need to wash

Morning, evening and afternoon -

Before every meal

After sleep and before bed!

Rub with a sponge and washcloth,

Be patient - no problem

And ink and jam

Wash off with soap and water:

My dear children!

I really, really ask you:

Wash more often, wash more cleanly,

I can't stand dirty people

I won’t give my hand to dirty people,

I won't let them into the city

I wash myself very often

Goodbye, Moidodyr.

Barbicus: Guys, what is Moidodyr asking you?

How do you keep things clean?

In order to be allowed into this city, we will do a fun physical exercise.

Hamster, hamster, hamster,

Striped flank (children stroke themselves on both sides).

Khomka gets up early (children stretch),

He washes his cheeks, rubs his neck (imitate movements),

The hamster sweeps the hut,

And goes out to charge.

One, two, three, four, five (simulate charging movements),

Khomka wants to become strong.

Barbicus: - Now, we can enter the city.

Proverbs are posted:

To live cleanly is to be healthy;

He who is neat is liked by people.

How do you understand these words? (children's answers).

Game: "Catch the ball."

Barbicus:- I will ask you riddles and the one to whom I throw the ball must catch it and tell the answer.


And it shines and shines,

It doesn't flatter anyone

And he will tell anyone the truth -

Everything will be shown to him as it is (the mirror).

Lay down in my pocket and guard

Roaring, crying and dirty,

They will have streams of tears in the morning,

I won’t forget about the nose (handkerchief).

toothy saw

I went into the thick forest,

I went around the whole forest,

Didn't cut anything down (comb).

Look, look

Drowning in the river and trough,

Why is it always

Only where there is water? (soap)

Hanging on the wall, dangling,

Everyone grabs it (the towel).

Elastic band Akulinka

I went for a walk along the back,

And while she was walking,

The back turned pink (washcloth).

Barbicus: Well done boys! Let's move on. Oh, who is this? (Muddy runs out).

Dirty: If only the soap came

In the mornings to my bed,

And it would wash me itself -

That would be nice!

If only books and notebooks

Learned to be okay

They knew all their places -

That would be beauty!

If only life would come then!

Go for a walk and relax!

Mom would stop here too

Saying that I'm lazy!

Barbicus: And I realized that we ended up in the “Lazy and Dirty” square. Here live kids who get bored in class and study poorly; they don’t like to wash or do exercises. If you don't wash your hands, it accumulates under your nails. a large number of microbes There is a disease called "disease dirty hands", and in scientific dysentery.

Guys, do you like this area? What are we going to do with Gryaznulka? (we'll send you to wash).

Let's get out of this square quickly, guys!

So, guys, we have one more street left that we haven’t been to. This is Skazochnaya Street.

Look, the spruce is standing

And under the spruce there is a squirrel.

It's amazing, it's really not a trinket.

The squirrel sings songs

Yes, he gnaws all the nuts.

And nuts to crack,

We need to help her answer fairytale questions (On the visual aid, nuts made of cardboard, consisting of two parts, are attached to the tree. The nuts open and there are tasks inside each):

1. And the road is long,

And the basket is not light.

I would like to sit on a tree stump,

I would like to eat a pie. (Masha and the Bear)

2. Oh, you, Petya simplicity,

I messed up a little

I didn't listen to the cat

Looked out the window. (Golden comb cockerel)

3. The maiden is beautiful, sad,

She doesn't like spring

It's hard for her in the sun,

The poor thing is shedding tears. (Snow Maiden)

4. There is neither a river nor a pond, -

Where can I get some water?

Very tasty water

In the hole from the hoof. (Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka)

5. Walks to school with an ABC book

Wooden boy

Gets to school instead

In a wooden booth

What is the name of this book?

What is the boy's name? (Pinocchio)

6. He is kinder than everyone else in the world,

He heals sick animals,

And one day a hippopotamus

He pulled me out of the swamp

He's famous, famous

This is the doctor..... (Aibolit)

7. Grandmother loved the girl very much

Gave her a red cap

The girl forgot her name

Well, guess what her name was? (Little Red Riding Hood)

8. Calm down, calm down, evil witch,

Don't get your hopes up

I met 7 gnomes in the forest

Ours will be saved….. (Snow White)

9. He got leeches

I sold Karabasu,

The whole smell of swamp mud

His name was….. (Duremar)

10. He walked through the forest boldly,

But the fox ate the hero.

The poor thing sang goodbye

His name was….. (Kolobok)

11. Poor dolls are beaten and tortured,

He is looking for a magic key.

He looks terrible

This is..... (Karabas-Barabas)

12. He was on the road for many days

To find your wife,

And the ball helped him,

His name was... (Ivan Tsarevich)

13. Both beautiful and sweet,

It's just too small!

Slender figure

And the name is..... (Thumbelina)

6. Lived in a bottle for hundreds of years,

Finally saw the light

He has grown a beard,

This is kind….. (Old Man Hottabych)

14. With blue hair

And huge eyes

This is an actress doll

And her name is... (Malvina)

15. He somehow lost his tail,

But the guests returned him.

He's grumpy like an old man

This is sad….. (Donkey)

16. He is a big naughty man and a comedian,

He has a house on the roof.

Braggart and arrogant,