Former head"RusHydro" Evgeniy Dod and head of the corporate accounting and reporting department of the same company Dmitry Finkel were arrested at the end of June. They were charged with large-scale fraud (73.2 million rubles), organized by a group of people. Although at first glance this event is not directly related to Bashkiria, in fact, before coming to the post of head of the republic, Rustem Khamitov was Dod’s deputy at RusHydro. And judging by the details leaking from the investigative authorities, Dod began to testify against his former ally.

Thus, high-ranking law enforcement officials passed on some interesting information to the editors of the Federal Press publication. It says that the wife of the head of Bashkiria found a company whose name, location of its head office and scope of activity raise very big questions. The full namesake of Khamitov’s wife owned a blocking stake in the Ayvest company (25%).

The main owner of the company, the stake of which belongs to Khamitova, is the Italian "European Energetics", registered in the Italian city of Sacile at the address Marco Meneghini, 3. According to statutory documents, it supplies equipment for the energy, mechanical engineering and railway transport industries.

But Federal Press journalists found out that the address where the company is located is not at all similar to the address of the plant. On the other hand, a much more reputable company is registered in the same city. Europe Energy Gas & Power is the largest manufacturer of gas equipment, including for small-scale power generation.

“By coincidence, during the period when Gulshat Khamitova was setting up her foreign business, RusHydro was actively engaged in the construction of mini-hydroelectric power stations together with “Italian” colleagues. Mini-hydroelectric power stations were ideal sphere non-transparent work - equipment was imported from abroad; the program, according to experts, could be co-financed using the most non-transparent schemes, and most importantly, from regional or even municipal budgets,” concludes Federal Press

And indeed, such a project was implemented in Bashkiria. On October 1, 2010, in Ufa, Dod and Khamitov signed a cooperation agreement between Bashkortostan and RusHydro. In accordance with the document, the government of Bashkiria pledged to adopt a program for the development of small hydropower and other renewable energy sources in the republic, previously developed jointly with JSC RusHydro. The agreement also provided for the “assistance of the parties” in attracting industrial orders to Bashkortostan on a market basis with the aim of developing the production and, as a consequence, energy potential of the republic and “creating new jobs in the region.” Together with the French company Alstom (which produces energy equipment and railway rolling stock), Khamitov was going to build a plant for the production of equipment for mini-hydroelectric power plants.

“Thus, a company, 25% of which could belong to the wife of the head of the republic and which was supposed to export energy equipment and equipment for railways, may have been a pad for the export of equipment in a scheme that included the largest international engineering company, Russian hydropower and Dod’s gray schemes. Whether Khamitov’s wife actually had such a company will be shown by the investigation, but it is obvious that Dod’s arrest will not work without a trace for the head of Bashkiria, and we will still learn new interesting details,” the federal publication concludes.

Pravda PFO is monitoring the development of the situation in Bashkortostan.

Mainly Russian high-ranking officials, governors and mayors of wives' cities mandatory They turn out to be super-successful businessmen, talented entrepreneurs who make money literally out of thin air. But in Lately new officials have appeared whose spouses, following the Western model, do not go into business, but are engaged in great charity. Is this good? It's true? But the only problem is that here, for some reason, the result is again the same as with bureaucratic business women - a lot of money appears out of thin air.

So, meet the head of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Rustem Khamitov. Former high-ranking top manager of RUSHYDRO, the same office where, during his work, he was practically the second person after the head of the state company Evgenia Doda, mysteriously so a billion rubles disappeared that even President V. Putin could not find him. True, citizen Khamitov escaped with a slight fright and soon became the head of Bashkortostan, and now his son Kamil is happily working in the management of RUSHYDRO.

That is, Promtransbank, which was the sponsor of the fund of the wife of the head of the region, suddenly, in violation of everyone regulatory documents receives management of government accounts in an amount exceeding half a billion rubles. Moreover, by this very transfer of accounts the state loses almost 10 million rubles on interest alone. However, it turned out to be very profitable to invest millions in charity if it is commanded by the wife of the head of the Republic.

Yes, and more. As far as it became known, Ms. Khamitova was even supposed to be interrogated in the Promtransbank case and asked how the transfer of government accounts was connected with the sponsorship of her charitable foundation. But, alas, the investigators somehow didn’t work out with the interrogation. It seems that the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which opened the case in 2014, was located in the Republic of Bashkortostan, and Khamitova’s husband is the head of this same Republic of Bashkortostan. Probably a coincidence.

Head of Bashkiria Rustem Khamitov gathers a faction of “their own” in the Kurultai - the State Assembly of the Republic of Belarus. The next protege of the head of Bashkiria may become Aigul Gareeva, who heads the Markhamat charitable foundation and is Khamitov’s niece. The day before, Aigul Gareeva was registered as a participant in the United Russia primaries in Belsky electoral district No. 45, located in the Karmaskalinsky and Davlekanovsky districts of Bashkiria - these are industrial and agricultural territories 50 km from Ufa. Apparently, the competition in the regional center embarrassed the former housewife - Gareeva had previously applied for Belorechensky district No. 5 in Ufa, but withdrew her candidacy without explaining the reasons. Khamitov himself took her place on the list. Today, political scientists say that the main republican official “has begun to strengthen the family contract,” and after the housewife, they expect new attempts by representatives of the Khamitov family clan to get “a worthy seat for them” in the republican state authorities.

The clan of Rustem Khamitov revealed its plans the day before - the niece of the head of the republic first reported and then registered for the primaries of the party in power. Let us recall that the leader of Bashkortostan himself once came to power as an antipode to his predecessor Murtaza Rakhimov. But over time, according to political scientists, “he began to more and more resemble the first president of the Republic of Belarus: Khamitov flirts with nationalists, under him budget money can disappear, nepotism and cronyism can flourish.”

"Murtaza Gubaidulovich has a son Ural Rakhimov, against whom a criminal case has been opened in Russia. And Rustem Zakievich’s wife “manages” many issues, and now a new protégé has appeared - a niece,” an interlocutor in the Ufa political beau monde comments on the situation.

The Khamitov couple

Regional political scientists are confident that Gareeva will not be able to win without administrative resources: voters don’t know her, social work She took up the job quite recently - she headed the very Markhamat Charitable Foundation, the founder of which is the wife of the head of Bashkortostan Gulshat Gafurovna Khamitova. In the republic, Khamitova is called nothing more than “the mistress of Bashkiria” and they say that she de facto rules the region.

The Markhamat Charitable Foundation at the regional government level is positioned as “main” and “recommended” for any social and charitable projects in the Republic of Belarus. The prosecutor's office and the FSB may have quite a lot of questions about the fund, whose name goes back to the Arabic word for “mercy.”

“There may be interest in possible money laundering: for example, he did not reflect on his accounts a profit of about 3 million rubles from the organization (but state employees could be forced to buy tickets costing from 2 to 8 thousand rubles). Finishing with connections with the distributor lotteries Ural Lotto LLC, money from the activities of which was allegedly transferred as charitable contributions to Markhamat, and Promtransbank, from which more than half a billion rubles of the regional Fund for the Development and Support of Small Businesses disappeared,” shares a personal impression of the scandal from Edra’s representative in the regional parliament.

Ms. Khamitova is also suspected of having common business interests with the fugitive ex-head of RusHydro. Evgeniy Dod, accused of stealing 73 million rubles. Rustem Khamitov also comes from RusHydro, so the suspicions may not be unfounded.

Let us remind you that charity, unlike lotteries, is exempt from taxes. In addition, thanks to the family connections of the fund’s managers and the head of the Republic of Belarus, project sponsors of the Markhamat Charitable Foundation actually have access to state resources, may well “resolve issues” directly. “It is clearly known in the region that most personnel decisions, especially in the field of social policy and healthcare, are made in tandem mode with the participation of Gulshat Khamitova,” says a source close to the government of the Republic of Belarus.

And now it turns out that another representative “ family contract", former housewife Aigul Gareeva suddenly became so ambitious that she decided to go into regional politics. She appears with the wife of the head of Bashkortostan, comments on the cultural events of the regional capital, and maintains an impeccable Instagram account from the point of view of political strategists - no yachts or diamonds.

However, the question still remains relevant: will the ex-housewife have enough experience to work as a deputy of the Kurultai. “Of course, charitable projects, meetings for women’s rights and other public events are work worthy of respect and recognition. Is it worth giving up this work for the sake of a deputy seat?” they ask in the parliament itself. – But if Rustem Khamitov has planned something – and he obviously planned to have his own people in the Kurultai – then he will definitely do it. He has family connections, budgets, and administrative resources at his disposal."

Aigul Gareeva


So, probably, Khamitov’s position in Bashkortostan and in the State Assembly of the Republic of Belarus in particular will be strengthened by another relative.

“Remember the sensational scandal with the director of the Bahetle grocery chain from Kazan? She said that homemade cakes were interfering with her business and called on the head of Tatarstan to fight craftswomen who bake desserts for friends for a small fee. This was such an administrative resource, which had no precedents in the past There was no Russia - following the complaint, bailiffs began to come to housewives and demand income declarations from them. But what about Tatarstan, in Bashkiria, for example, the saying about the cook running the state is about to become a reality. Not without that same administrative resource , of course,” one of the regional political scientists comments on the scandalous situation.

Monitors developments in conflicts of interest

The wife of the head of Bashkortostan took up arms against local media and public activists. Will this open Pandora's box?

The scandal with Bashkortostan risks flaring up with renewed vigor charitable foundation « Markhamat « , whose leader is Gulshat Khamitova, the wife of the head of the republic Rustem Khamitov. A Kompromat.TOP correspondent reports this with reference to informed sources. The foundation's management filed a lawsuit to protect honor and dignity. The defendant in the lawsuit is the Internet portal « Proof «.

Gulshat Khamitova demands that the publication provide a refutation regarding its April publication. The portal wrote that two Ufa public activists Almira Zhukova and Ramilya Saitova submitted a statement to the FSB, asking the security officers to thoroughly check their financial activities « Marhamata «.

In particular, the foundation is accused of hiding money collected from charity concerts it organized.

Gulshat Khamitova

Moreover, as activists argued, the fund for a long time generally hid his financial activities from the public. The FSB promised to look into the situation, but the police department suddenly intervened in the situation.

One of the activists was urgently asked to appear at the police station to explain her complaints. And she is seriously afraid that a criminal case will be opened against her for allegedly spreading slander.

"At this stage from law enforcement We are no longer waiting for anything. In April, we asked for a prompt response to our statement, to come to a concert organized by the foundation, to count the number of spectators, and then to compare the number of tickets sold with the foundation’s reporting. This was not done,” said Ramilya Saitova.

What is "Markhamat"

Rustem Khamitov's wife is the sole founder of the fund. It was originally created to help sick children. No one really knows how many children were cured thanks to the foundation. But suddenly the fund began to be called educational.

Slanders claim that by conducting education and training, it is easier to “steal away” money; in medicine this is much more difficult to do. And the fund has no shortage of money. Moreover, they say that in the republic Khamitov is not so much respected as his wife is afraid of him. Moreover, personnel issues, according to rumors,

As an example, activists cite an organized concert in Ufa. Social activists did not find out how much money was collected from him and where they settled. « The Great Hall has 716 seats. With an average price of 5,000 rubles, revenue amounted to about 3 million rubles. The proceeds from the concert are not reflected in the Fund’s receipts, which indicates fraud and theft of funds. In violation of the law, the report for 2013 was not published on the Foundation’s website « , - the Profu portal quotes a statement from social activists.

Gulshat Khamitova’s organization had two main sponsors who poured in multimillion-dollar sums: Ural Lotto LLC and Promtransbank. According to available documents, millions of so-called “play money” received from the then most popular lottery in Bashkiria, “Loto 6 out of 40 and Joker,” passed through the fund every year.

In the fund itself, according to reports, considerable funds were spent on “maintenance of the apparatus” and “other expenses.” The lottery organizers were also not at a loss. For their “charity” they received preferential taxation and, presumably, the friendly disposition of the head of the republic, Rustem Khamitov. The Moscow Post portal wrote about this.

The first lady is the first lady

An amazing trend has developed in Russia (and has been for a long time). As soon as someone occupies high government positions (minister, governor, mayor), the affairs of their wives are in financially creeping up sharply.

Of course, one can assume (although I absolutely don’t want to believe it!) that upon becoming officials, these same ministers simply transfer their assets to their closest relatives. He himself ends up with nothing, but he becomes related to everything at once.

But wives also often turn out to be no slouch. Apparently, Gulshat Khamitova turned out to be one of those cunning and sneaky ones. I took it and started doing charity work. Only now, the participants in the political process in Bashkortostan had doubts that this could not have happened without the active participation of the husband, the head of the republic.

These thoughts are suggested by at least Khamitov’s first steps to the position of regional chief. So, the first thing he did was push through a law on guarantees for himself and his relatives in the kurultai (local parliament).

Local parliamentarians, in particular, secured the right to free security of property and housing, but also to medical and transport services, Spa treatment and provision of communications.

Mr. Khamitov’s wife also received the opportunity, at government expense, to accompany her husband to official ceremonies and receptions.

Foreign partners?

As you know, Gultan Khamitova’s husband worked for the RusHydro company before joining the high echelons of power. Two years ago, this company got into an extremely unpleasant situation. She was arrested CEO Evgeny Dod. His security forces suspected him of stealing no less than 70 million rubles.

The security forces were greatly excited by the cooperation agreement between RusHydro and Bashkortostan on the development of small-scale power generation in the republic. The cooperation involved involving in the project Italian company called "Ivest".

And some weasels suddenly found out that the owner of a controlling share in the Italian company is a certain Gulshat Khamitova. Maybe the full namesake of the leader of Bashkortostan? In life, as they say, there are many coincidences, but it’s hard to believe.

Didn't those same tens of millions of rubles flow through the Italian office in an unknown direction, because of which Dod thundered into his bunk? So far in this story, Mrs. Khamitova is out of business.

Moreover, she herself went on the attack against her opponents regarding her charitable foundation. Wouldn’t it be too much if the security forces really took a close look at his activities and the information that, thanks to activists, has already become public? Then the almighty husband will not help. As they say, under the sword of Domocles...

It is difficult to overestimate the role of a woman in a man's life. Especially if this man is vested with authority and is in plain sight all the time. Minister, for example. Or even the governor. Or even the president of an entire republic.

The always curious public needs to know: what does the wife of the first person do, is she pretty, how does she dress, and how well are they living? And if in Soviet times the wives of high-ranking officials did not appear much in the media, then the current halves modern politicians actively participate in public life, engage in charity work, establish more or less useful foundations, and accompany their official husbands everywhere. And those who are especially ambitious take the reins of power into their own hands, pushing their husbands into the background, as it seems to have happened in the Republic of Bashkortostan.

Modesty does not suit wives

Today it is difficult to trace exactly when the media suddenly discovered that more and more often at official and social events, President Rustem Khamitov himself turns out to be something of a wedding general, while all the attention of journalists turns to his wife. In the photo, Gulshat Gafurovna is always in the center. It’s funny, but true: even at the ballot box during the election of the head of state, the wife of the Bashkir president poses for a photographer with a wide smile, and somewhere behind her in the distance Rustem Zakievich looms.

However, why lie? Modesty and tact, apparently, are no longer considered the main adornment of a woman. Gulshat Khamitova least of all resembles an eastern khanum, the most important task which is to provide her husband with a strong rear and good name, without sticking out from behind his shoulder. This is exactly what her predecessor Luiza Rakhimov was like: one could only guess about her role in the politics pursued by Murtaza Rakhimov, the first president of Bashkortostan, although there was a lot of gossip in her time. Louise kept in the shadow of her official husband, however, according to rumors, she provided her husband with great support in governing the republic. Like Gulshat, she influenced the appointment and dismissal of mayors, and took part in organizing major transactions in the economic sphere. However, neither then nor today can one blame her for putting her husband in an awkward position in front of the public with her actions. This is what is called a sense of tact. Which, apparently, the current first lady of Bashkiria is sorely lacking.

However, values ​​tend to change over time. Among women's virtues, assertiveness, pragmatism and enterprise have long been listed as opposed to modesty, prudence and tact.

Rustem Khamitov with his wife /

Who arranges the shots in Bashkiria

Gulshat Gafurovna, who, according to journalists, is distinguished by her intelligence and intelligence, saw through this extremely quickly. The wife of the President of Bashkortostan, they say knowledgeable people, V short time managed to completely take control of personnel issues in the republic.

For example, vice-mayor Alexander Filippov, at the suggestion of Khamitov’s wife, was appointed to manage the property of Ufa. They say that Gulshat pushed him into this place in order to shorten the agility of the ambitious Irek Yalalov, head of the administration of the Ufa urban district.

There are plenty of other examples. Thus, the president’s wife does not ignore the healthcare sector. And this is generally understandable: Mrs. Khamitova is a functional diagnostics doctor by profession. And now, as chairman of the board of trustees of the Markhamat charity foundation (translated from Bashkir as “mercy”), Khamitova is completely interested in having people loyal to her in the right positions in medicine.

That is why, according to rumors, the chief doctors of City Clinical Hospital No. 21 and City Clinical Hospital No. 22, Nazir Khafizov and Gafur Ishmukhametov, lost their positions. Because they collaborated not with the structure controlled by Gulshat Khamitova, but with another – with the Ural charitable foundation.

Well, the chairs of the hospital directors, before they had time to cool down, were immediately occupied by appointees of the president’s wife – Gulnara Mustafina and Irina Karamova. The first worked as deputy head of the republican perinatal center and - wow, what a coincidence! – is a close friend and trusted doctor of Gulshat Khamitova. The second headed the Republican Cardiac Center, and after she was transferred to work at Hospital No. 22, the position of the center’s head physician became vacant - oops, another coincidence! - for another friend of the president’s wife, Irina Nikolaeva. Need I say that both city clinical hospitals immediately interrupted cooperation with the Ural charitable foundation and focused on Markhamat?

Do they fear, does it mean they respect?

General Director of OJSC Regional Fund, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Ufa City District Council on Legal Issues, Protection of the Rights and Freedoms of Citizens, Yuri Smirnov, also owes his career advancement to the wife of Rustem Khamitov, who is interested in promoting people devoted to the president’s family to key positions.

Rumor has it that officials do not respect President Khamitov as much as they fear his powerful khanum, who skillfully guides her husband in the direction she needs and shuffles personnel with his hands.

However, personnel policy in Bashkiria is not the only area where Rustem Khamitov’s wife feels like a sovereign mistress. Recently, more and more often, its activity is manifested in the economy. Which, by the way, did not fail to affect the filling of the republican budget. Thus, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Bashkiria is investigating a criminal case on the fact of causing damage to the state in the amount of about 10 million rubles. The treasury of Bashkortostan received so much less as a result of a cleverly organized operation to transfer funds from the Republican Fund for the Development and Support of Small Business from two commercial banks to Promtransbank, indirectly affiliated with the president’s family through its owner Ildar Mukhametdinov, a close friend and sponsor of the Markhamat Foundation headed by Gulshat Khamitova.

In addition, to the same bank in last years According to unofficial recommendations of certain persons close to Rustem Khamitov, large regional state-owned enterprises were transferred to services. From the investigation materials it is clear that the money of the Fund for the Development and Support of Small Businesses was kept on deposits of Akibank and Bashkomsnabbank at 8–8.26% per annum. Both banks received the right to place funds from the guarantee fund on a competitive basis in 2011. And the government contract with them was supposed to end in November 2014.

However, in August 2013, the ministry economic development Bashkortostan ordered the withdrawal of the fund’s money from deposits and transfer it to Promtransbank LLC. This is where investigators believe the state lost money on interest payments. At the end of December last year, PTB accrued interest to the fund in the amount of 6.1 million rubles. And under the previous contracts, the fund could have received all 16 million if it had not occurred to someone to transfer deposits to Ildar Mukhametdinov’s bank. According to preliminary estimates by investigators, damage to the state was caused in the amount of no less than 9.8 million rubles.

If Gulshat has something in mind, then one way or another, either herself or through her husband-president, she will definitely push through the “idea,” knowledgeable people in Bashkiria assure.

And what about the bureaucratic husband of the first lady, Rustem Khamitov? How does he react to the vigorous activity of his wife and the numerous unsightly rumors associated with her name? Judging by the fact that Gulshat Khamitova still appears on the front pages of Bashkir newspapers almost more often than he, the head of the republic, does not.

Surovkin Vasily