Headache is quite common, especially considering the modern rhythm of life and the amount of physical and mental stress. But in case of attacks, it would be nice to know the cause and methods of pain relief. Especially if your head hurts, but the cause cannot be determined, or if the sensations have acquired a different character than before.

Let's figure out together what the reasons may be and what needs to be done to get rid of the pain.

Pain by location

If your head hurts in a certain place, this may indicate a specific disease in a particular part of the head. Or be a signal of disruption in the functioning of other body systems. Based on the location of the headache, several possible areas of pain can be identified:

  • Whiskey;
  • Back of the head;
  • Frontal region;
  • Surrounding tension;
  • Inside the head;
  • In the neck area.

Situational reasons

Judging by the circumstances of the occurrence of pain, then experts distinguish two types: primary and symptomatic. Both categories depend on different phenomena to which the organism has been exposed. Primary manifestations include:

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Irina Martynova. Graduated from Voronezh State University medical University them. N.N. Burdenko. Clinical resident and neurologist of the BUZ VO \"Moscow Polyclinic\".

  • Migraine;
  • Voltage;
  • Cluster headache;
  • Phenomena not associated with structural lesions.

Symptomatic pain may be associated with:

  • Head injury;
  • Vascular disorders;
  • Non-vascular cranial disorders;
  • Use or complete abstinence from certain nutrients;
  • Infection;
  • Metabolic disorders;
  • Pathology of the skull and other head regions.

High or low blood pressure

With low blood pressure, the nature of the pain may vary. It can be a dull pain, pressing, paroxysmal or throbbing. The peculiarity of this phenomenon is that pain during arterial hypotension is not pronounced. May appear after overexertion or daytime sleep. Such sensations can cover the entire head or individual areas (frontal, occipital, parietal).

Sometimes nausea and vomiting may appear as accompanying symptoms that are not localized in the head area.

At high blood pressure The pain is characterized by continuity and a sensation of pulsation. Most often, unpleasant sensations are localized in the back of the head. Severe pain can appear only in two cases: there is a sharp jump in pressure or the diastolic pressure is at 120 or more.

Neck and back of the head

The neck or back of the head may hurt for the following reasons:

  • Neuralgia of the occipital nerve;
  • Vertebral artery syndrome;
  • Spinal nerve syndrome;
  • Posterior cervical sympathetic syndrome;
  • Cervical migraine.

Pain in such diseases is displayed on the side, starting from the cervical-occipital region, and moving to the forehead and temporal regions.

The main symptom may be accompanied by other phenomena: dizziness, autonomic disorders.


Pain in the temporal region mainly manifests itself in pulsating sharp shocks. This is due to the fact that the temporal artery is located in this part. Painful sensations may bother you for several minutes, and sometimes even hours. The intensity of pain depends on the characteristics of the body. The causes may be infectious diseases or migraines, or horse racing blood pressure.

Back of the head

Causes of pain in the back of the head directly related to the frantic pace of life and the modern way of life of the population. Everything related to sensitivity, stress, psychology manifests itself directly in the back of the head or cervical spine. The pain is mild and short-lived.

Sometimes unpleasant sensations can be caused by traumatic brain injuries, hematomas and disruption of the integrity of the vertebrae.

As a result, pinching of nerves, blood vessels, and accumulation of levcor fluid can occur, which causes pain in the back of the head.


Pain at the crown is usually distributed over the entire surface of the head and goes down in waves (from the crown to the forehead, etc.). Thus, a “helmet sensation” may be experienced. In addition to pain, the patient may feel tinnitus and pulsation in the temples. And the reasons could be:

  • Voltage;
  • Fatigue;
  • Cluster pain;
  • Injuries;
  • Migraine.

Tension headache

The so-called episodic stress manifests itself in attacks (from half an hour to several days). The frequency of attacks depends on the characteristics of the body and the cause of the pain. Sometimes this phenomenon takes on a chronic form.

The nature of the pain is mild or moderate. It is rare that the pain becomes unbearable, but even in this case, it can be relieved with analgesics.


  • Emotional stress;
  • Physical tension of the head and neck.

Headache from different sides

The left half of the head may suffer due to osteochondrosis.

In this case, the pain becomes aching and pulling. If it is caused by metasensitivity, then sharp spasms and shooting pains are possible on the left side. You may feel heaviness in your head and body. Also, the left side of the head may hurt due to infection or curvature of the spine. In any case, an appointment with a neurologist will not be superfluous. It might even save your life.

Forehead pain

The causes of pain in the forehead area may be the following:

  • Mental fatigue (pain moves from the neck to the back of the head, temples and affects one or two eyes);
  • Sinusitis (tension in the sinuses, worsening breathing);
  • Increased intracranial pressure (covers the forehead, temples, back of the head or the entire head);
  • Frontitis (in the morning);
  • Inflammation of the membranes of the frontal and ethmoid sinuses (attacks);
  • Infection (severe dull headache, fever).

Head and back pain

Neuralgia is the most common disease that causes headaches. Also, ENT diseases can cause, such as:

  • Sinusitis;
  • Pharyngitis;
  • Sinusitis;
  • Adenoids, etc.

Neuralgia can be caused by viruses and, through the development of infection, causes an acute headache.

Also, the cause of pain can be (long-term work at the computer, with small print, with papers).

Pain after sleep

Often, people who suffer from sleep disorders experience unpleasant sensations in the morning. After all, it’s true that it’s difficult to get enough sleep and be alert in the morning when you haven’t slept almost all night. But besides sleep disturbance, there are other causes of such situational pain:

  • Low level of natural analgesics in the blood (their recovery occurs between 4 and 8 am);
  • The presence of various products on the hair during sleep;
  • Drinking caffeine before bed;
  • Abrupt withdrawal from caffeine;
  • Excess sleep;
  • Lack of sleep.

Change of weather

How often do we hear that headaches are caused by the weather or rain and the like. But this has been officially confirmed by researchers: fluctuations in atmospheric pressure negatively affect the level of oxygen in the blood. Thus, the blood vessels narrow or dilate, which causes headaches.

Especially in the period before rain, when atmospheric pressure is at low levels, pain in the head begins to progress.

Head tilts

The pain when bending over is individual and cannot be confused with anything else. This manifestation in most cases indicates sinusitis (sinusitis). In addition to pain in the head, there may be pain in the cheeks, cheekbones, teeth, eyes, and sinuses. When tilted, the pressure increases noticeably and this does not go unnoticed. In addition to classic sinusitis, other similar diseases can cause a similar phenomenon:

  • Frontitis (frontal sinus);
  • Sphenoiditis (sphenoid sinus).

Standing up suddenly

Pain when standing up is a situational pain. And the reason could be:

  • Lumbar puncture;
  • Head injury;
  • Orthostatic hypotension;
  • Neurosurgical interventions;
  • Anatomical features;
  • Genetic features.

Pain when moving

Pain when turning speaks of spasm of the anterior portion of the trapezius muscle, levator scapula and other muscles. Pain when bending to the side may indicate spasm of the platysma and deep muscles of the neck. And other similar symptoms are signs of muscle diseases of the cervical or clavicular regions.

Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis.

After drinking

When alcohol enters the body, it begins to dehydrate the body, causing a person to urinate more frequently. The body also begins to reduce the amount of glucose it produces, causing the body to want more. more water and causing headaches. Alcohol also tends to dilate blood vessels, which can again cause headaches.

After smoking

Smoking disrupts oxygen metabolism in the body, thereby reducing its level in the blood.

In addition, nicotine constricts blood vessels, which leads to a severe headache.

After the hookah

A headache after smoking a hookah may occur under the following circumstances:

  • Smoking on an empty stomach;
  • Dehydration;
  • The steam is too strong;
  • Smoking out of habit;
  • Big breath of smoke.

The pain feels sharp and mainly in the back of the head.

Sometimes it can be pulsating.

After meal

This phenomenon happens very rarely, but if it happens, you need to figure out what caused it:

  • Hypoglycemia (low blood glucose levels);
  • Intoxication;
  • Dietary disorder;
  • Poisoning.

After caffeine

Caffeine itself is quite a strong substance, and if it is combined with other symptoms or problems in the body, then not very happy consequences are possible. The reason may be:

  • High blood pressure;
  • Overwork;
  • Increased sugar levels (sweet coffee);
  • Caffeine overdose;
  • Coffee beans (strong)

After training

It would seem that sport should heal the body, but sometimes everything happens quite the opposite. The most common reasons:

  • Increased intracranial pressure (pain is felt throughout the head);
  • Physical tension (belt around the head);
  • Increased blood pressure (pulsation);
  • Depressive state;
  • Withdrawal syndrome after taking analgesics;
  • Neuralgia of the nerves;
  • Sprained muscles and ligaments;
  • Barotrauma.

Hunger Pain

Hungry fainting, “sucking in the pit of the stomach,” and an exhausted appearance are sure signs that you urgently need to be fed. But seriously, the pain in the forehead area, uniform and aching, indicates fasting for 16 hours. One reason Similar phenomena have not yet been established, but you should not overeat suddenly in order to moderate the symptoms.

It is better to eat a small apple or banana and wait at least an hour for the food to be absorbed.

After a long sleep

Let's figure it out and find out the real reason similar phenomenon:

  • Disruption of life rhythm and daily routine;
  • Caffeine abuse;
  • Sleeping in an uncomfortable place or position;
  • Drop in glucose levels;
  • Heavy smoking before bedtime;
  • Overeating at night;
  • Stress.

Pain and tinnitus

If, in addition to a headache, you are tormented by tinnitus, most likely not everything is as good with your body as it seemed. There are several reasons for this phenomenon:

  • Fatigue;
  • Age;
  • Aneurysm;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Disorders in the cervical spine;
  • Depression and weakness;
  • Increased blood pressure;
  • Concussion;
  • Anemia;
  • Heart failure;
  • Tumor in the brain;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • Long-term use of medications.

In addition to tinnitus, there may also be ringing or dull noise in the head.

In this case, you need to rest and relax. And if it doesn’t go away, then the reason is much more serious than stress or fatigue. Therefore, you need to see a doctor.

Nausea, vomiting and dizziness

If you have a headache and nausea, but no other signs of food poisoning appear, then we can say that nausea is a side symptom. Most often, such phenomena are caused by malfunctions nervous system. And only a neurologist can find out what exactly led to this result. In addition to neuralgia, there may be other reasons:

  • Migraine;
  • Brain tumor;
  • Meningitis;
  • Borreliosis;
  • Arterial hypertension.

If, in addition to the above symptoms, dizziness is observed, then it is worth considering another list possible reasons:

  • Rotavirus;
  • Intestinal fungus;
  • Foodborne toxic infections.

Abdominal pain

Headaches along with abdominal pain can be caused by the following:

  • Stomach flu;
  • Encephalitis;
  • Hangover;
  • Food poisoning;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Thermoneurosis.

Numbness of the head

Numbness is a temporary circulatory disorder that causes tingling in the muscles and skin. But the plus is that when you change your body position, the syndrome goes away.

A light massage will help restore normal condition.

Acupressure head massage

Acupressure head massage is one of the methods that can be used at home. You can also make an appointment with a professional massage therapist for more serious treatment. The bottom line is that there are points throughout the body that affect different organs of our body. And by stroking and pressing on undefined points, you can get rid of unpleasant sensations. The impact should take place within 3-5 minutes. To relieve a migraine, for example, you need to influence points on the arms, legs, stomach and head.


Headaches can be caused not only by physical disorders in the body. Psychological phenomena may also be the cause. This phenomenon is called psychosomatics and is associated with personal problems. There is a list of experiences and reasons that can lead to similar symptoms and diseases:

  • Dependence on other people's opinions;
  • The pursuit of excellence;
  • Suppression of emotions;
  • Negative thinking.

Pain with VSD

With VSD, it is difficult to determine the area and nature of pain, since it manifests itself differently in all patients. Some complain of a burning sensation in the head, while others complain of numbness or emptiness.

Most often, the cause is pressure surges, which is typical for VSD.

Brain tumor pain

With a brain tumor, discomfort first appears in several parts of the head. A clear symptom is exceptional pain on one side of the head. Moreover, the disease reacts sharply to analgesics and antispasmodics. There may also be memory impairment, loss of concentration and focus.

Features in men and women

Women are more likely to experience migraines and tension headaches. While men are more likely to experience cluster pain, or during sexual arousal.

In both sexes, pain can also occur due to hormonal imbalances.

Features in children

In children, pain in the head area mainly indicates the presence of a viral infection. The doctor will be able to confirm such a diagnosis after examining the child and studying the medical history. But if serious illnesses not detected, then we can assume that the child simply wants to eat or is digesting food.


Treatment for headaches, like any other, begins with a diagnosis (usually using an MRI for headaches or tomography) and determining the cause.

To achieve quick positive results, the doctor may prescribe medications or other methods, such as acupuncture, magnetic or laser therapy, and others.

What to do at home?

Before consulting a doctor, you can use several methods that will help with the question of how to get rid of a headache:

  • Take an analgesic (small dose);
  • Essential oil in tincture or aromatherapy;
  • Strong tea;
  • Ventilation of the room.

Traditional methods of treatment

The most popular folk treatment method is tincture. It may contain various herbs and extracts, but the most common ingredients are:

  • Mint;
  • Lemon;
  • Propolis;
  • Copper coin.

What pills help?

Doctors may prescribe you medication. These could be pills, injections or other methods of therapy. The lightest and most popular are tablets, namely the active substances:

  • Analgin – enhances heat transfer;
  • Aspirin – antipyretic, pain reliever;
  • Paracetamol is the safest;
  • Ibuprofen is the most effective and is suitable even for infants.

Ointments and gels

When relieving symptoms, ointments and gels are not used so often, but some still turn to the Soviet ointment “Zvezdochka”.

Rubbing specific areas will help relieve pain in some cases. If it doesn't save you, it will make it easier.


Injections work much faster and more effectively than tablets. Consequently, groups such as NSAIDs are used, which are part of diclofenac, drotaverine and other drugs. But it is better, in case of terrible pain that is not relieved by pills, to consult a doctor.

In what case should you see a doctor immediately?

You should immediately consult a doctor if you notice these symptoms:

  • Severe chest pain;
  • Shortness of breath;
  • Stroke symptoms;
  • Numbness and weakness;
  • Loss of vision;
  • Misunderstanding of speech;
  • Nausea, vomiting (sudden);
  • Severe headache;
  • Sudden attack of dizziness, loss of consciousness.


  1. Causes of pain: migraine, tension, trauma, vascular disorders, lack of nutrients, infection, metabolic disorders, cranial disorders, pathologies of the head.
  2. Diagnosis consists of: medical history, MRI or tomography.
  3. At home, you can help yourself: by taking analgesics (analgin, aspirin, paracetamol, ibuprofen), aromatherapy, strong tea, and ventilating the room.
  4. Traditional therapy - taking tinctures based on mint, lemon, propolis.
  5. Physiotherapy includes: acupressure, acupuncture, magnet or laser.
  6. Seek immediate medical attention if these symptoms occur: chest pain, shortness of breath, loss of vision, nausea and vomiting, dizziness, loss of consciousness.

Meanwhile, headaches can become chronic and significantly ruin your life. Which headache indicates a serious illness? Which one itself is a disease? Let's try to figure out how to distinguish between headaches and how to treat them.

Tension pain

This is the most common type of headache in the world - each of us has experienced it at least once in our lives. They do not recur often; they become chronic in 3% of cases.

Signs. Feels like pressure or tightness around the circumference of the top of the head. The muscles in your forehead and eye sockets may feel too tense, but you cannot relax them. The duration of such pain varies from half an hour to a week, the intensity usually increases in the evening.

Possible reasons. Tension pain can be associated with excessive stress or injury to the muscles of the head and neck. However, during diagnosis, the source of pain usually remains “uncertain.”

How to treat. Since the pain rarely becomes regular, the best treatment for it is simple painkillers such as ibuprofen or paracetamol. If the pain does not go away for more than a week, you can try doing light physical exercise, regularly stretching your shoulders and neck, and spending more time in the air to reduce stress. Chronic tension pain is treated with medication as prescribed by a doctor.


Signs. Migraine refers to recurring pain on one side of the head that lasts about 4 hours or longer. Migraine episodes tend to be recurring and can lead to dizziness, nausea, and photophobia (photophobia). Sometimes, before the onset of an attack, patients experience visual abnormalities - they see bright colored rings and stripes - or feel a slight tingling sensation throughout the body.

Possible reasons. The mechanism by which migraines occur has long been the subject of debate in scientific circles. Now doctors are sure that this is definitely not a mental illness. It is associated with a dysfunction of the brain, but what kind is not known for certain. It has been noted that during the process of pain, the blood vessels of the head greatly expand, and abnormal electrical activity occurs in the cerebral cortex.

How to treat. In approximately 20% of people suffering from migraines, pain occurs after a certain external influence - a strong smell, a loud monotonous sound, cigarette smoke, etc. Doctors simply advise such patients to avoid “risk factors”, while the rest can only take medications as prescribed (the most effective ones are triptans, but they act almost like a drug - the more you drink, the worse the treatment). Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely cure migraines, and simple painkillers will hardly help the case.

Cluster pain

These pains affect approximately 1% of the total population of the planet, and in 80% of cases these are men.

Signs. This is an intense throbbing pain on one side of the head, usually in the front, near the eye. Lasts from 15 minutes to an hour and is accompanied by redness of the eyes, tearing, runny nose, and a rush of blood to the head. It usually occurs at the same time of day with regular intervals - once a week, a month, two months, and so on. Sometimes it reaches such severity that a person cannot, let alone function normally, even move and talk.

Possible reasons. Unknown.

How to treat. This type of pain is difficult to treat because it occurs sporadically and can disappear as unpredictably as it appeared. For prolonged attacks, oxygen therapy is used (the patient breathes through a mask) and drug injections as prescribed by the doctor.


Signs. Obvious.

Possible reasons. There are a lot of guesses about exactly how alcohol contributes to headaches. One of them says that alcohol dilates blood vessels in the brain and disrupts the functioning of the neurotransmitter serotonin, a substance through which electrical signals are transmitted from one nerve cell to another. Both of these symptoms are also observed with migraine pain. Additionally, alcohol dries out the body, and dehydration is also known to trigger migraine attacks.

How to treat. The best remedy- paracetamol tablet and good dream. But you shouldn’t joke about a hangover. If your head hurts even after a small dose of alcohol, you may be suffering from migraines, and alcohol is simply pushing attacks on.

Brain tumor

Hypochondriacs and simply worried patients often link headaches to brain cancer. We hasten to reassure you: in fact, only 4% of tumor formations manifest themselves in this way.

Signs. If the pain is still associated with a tumor, it usually appears in the morning and is accompanied by vomiting. The episodes are repeated periodically and become worse and worse over time. If this background is accompanied by sudden weight loss, personality changes and seizures, this is a reason to undergo a brain examination.

Possible reasons. When the tumor grows to a certain size, the increase in brain volume leads to increased intracranial pressure. Hence the initial symptoms.

How to treat. Depends on the location, size and type of formation.

Intracranial bleeding

Having received an injury to the head vessels, a person may not understand this immediately. Sometimes hemorrhage appears several hours after the vessel ruptures, but is potentially very dangerous.

Signs. Sudden, increasing pain in any part of the head. Accompanied by disturbances in vision, speech skills, coordination, personality disorders, and nausea. Symptoms appear in sequence and get worse over time. Eventually the person may lose consciousness.

Possible reasons. Vessel rupture can occur as a result of trauma ( strong blow) or due to excessive thinning of its walls.

How to treat. First of all, the doctor will need to remove the accumulated blood from the skull, since the hematoma will put pressure on the brain, damaging it. Then it is extremely important to find out the cause of the hemorrhage: if it was not preceded by obvious trauma, ruptures may recur. Such patients require examination of cerebral vessels.

Temporal arteritis

The disease typically occurs in people 50 and older and can lead to complete blindness without treatment.

Signs. Severe headaches occur due to weight loss, insomnia, depression, sometimes elevated temperature and redness of the scalp. The shoulder and neck may also hurt.

Possible reasons. Many different factors can trigger the disease, including viral infections. A strong attack on the immune system causes it to malfunction and causes the immune system to attack the walls of blood vessels. Other “provocateurs” of arteritis include uncontrolled use of medications, intense exposure to sunlight, alcoholism, hypothermia and various injuries.

How to treat. The most commonly used drugs are steroids that stop inflammation of the blood vessels. If concomitant vision problems occur (for example, lens clouding), treatment should be carried out by an ophthalmologist.

Headaches can occur due to pathology of the spine, diseases of the nervous system, heart and blood vessels, when taking certain medications, viral infections, as a complication during pregnancy. Headache is characteristic of brain tumors. To distinguish its signs, X-ray examination, magnetic resonance imaging and analysis of cerebrospinal fluid are performed. The symptoms and treatment of cephalalgia are closely related. Treatment of headaches includes stopping the attack and eliminating their cause.


Headache is the most common symptom of various diseases. The frequency of its occurrence is influenced by gender, age and previous illnesses. Headaches are diagnosed from infants in the first days of life to the elderly. They have a number of mechanisms of occurrence, so effective treatment of headaches is difficult in some cases.


The classification of headaches divides them depending on the mechanism of occurrence and the underlying disease. In this regard, the classification distinguishes between primary (occurs when the nervous system is damaged) and secondary (a symptom of other pathological conditions) cephalgia.

Headache and its classification helps to separate the types of headaches according to their causes.

The mechanism of occurrence of cephalalgia

The nature of the headache depends on the mechanism of its development. Distinguish the following types headache depending on the cause:

  • vascular;
  • muscle tension;
  • liquorodynamic;
  • neuralgic;
  • infectious.

One disease in different people may have several mechanisms for the occurrence of an attack and a different nature of headaches.

Type of headache

Development mechanism

Description of headache

Vascular (has 3 subtypes)

Overflow of blood vessels at the moment of heart contraction. Characteristic for hypertensive patients

Pulsating. It may hurt half your head or in a small area, but over time it can spread throughout your entire head. The patient clearly indicates the location of the discomfort

A spasm of the vessel is characteristic, its wall swells, the lumen narrows. The tissue in this place does not receive enough nutrients and oxygen and feels their lack

There is a feeling of squeezing. There may be nausea, flashing black spots before the eyes, tinnitus, a feeling of “the earth falling out from under your feet”

Due to obstruction of outflow through the veins, they become overfilled with blood

An attack occurs after the neck remains in one position for a long time. Expanding, dull. My whole head hurts. Often occurs in the morning, gradually disappears when staying in an upright position. The face becomes pasty, the eyelids swell


Spasm of the muscles of the neck and upper back, deterioration of blood supply to brain tissue

Bilateral, obsessive, monotonous, squeezing. Wearing tight hats and pulling hair into a bun provokes an attack. The muscles of the shoulder girdle are tense


Occurs when intracranial pressure increases as a result of obstruction of the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid

Expanding, worsens with tension and coughing


Appears with pathology of the nervous system

Sharp, burning, cutting. The attacks are short in duration and can follow one after another. The patient tries not to make unnecessary movements and freezes in place in one position. It always occurs after a certain situation - touching any part of the skin, chewing food, brushing teeth. Sends to other parts of the body


In the presence of a pathological infectious process in the body. There is a toxic effect of waste products of microbes and their destroyed cells on the human body

Occurs against the background of fever, accompanied by general weakness and drowsiness. Lasts for a long time

The effectiveness of its treatment depends on the correct determination of the mechanism of occurrence of the symptom in question.

What diseases does it occur with?

Headache occurs as a symptom of a number of diseases.

Nervous system diseases:

  • migraine (often affects half the head);
  • tumors of the nervous system;
  • inflammatory diseases of the meninges and brain.

Pathology of the musculoskeletal system:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • injuries;
  • poor posture.

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels:

  • hypertonic disease;
  • hypotension;
  • heart defects;
  • pathology of vascular development.

Infectious diseases:

  • acute viral infections;
  • purulent inflammatory processes of the ears, nose, sinuses, tonsils.

Hormonal disorders:

  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • menopause

Acute poisoning:

  • medicines;
  • poisons that affect the nervous system.

Blood diseases:

  • anemia;
  • polycythemia.
  • skull tumors;
  • metastases to the brain from tumors of other organs.

A number of medications (for example, nitroglycerin) have side effects that cause a headache (covering half the head or the entire head).

Why do men and women get headaches? In middle-aged people, the cause of headaches may lie in disruption of sleep and rest patterns, frequent nervous stress, abuse of alcohol, strong coffee and smoking. In older people, the causes lie in various diseases.

The characteristics of headaches in spinal pathology depend on the presence of dysfunction spinal cord. What headaches occur with cervical osteochondrosis and vertebral injuries?

In the initial stage of osteochondrosis due to irritation nerve plexuses, there is a change in the lumen of the vessels through which blood flows to the brain. The vessels narrow or, on the contrary, expand too much. As a result, the blood supply to the brain deteriorates. As osteochondrosis progresses, the vertebrae begin to shift and the condition worsens.

Headache syndrome includes:

  • pain in the head is localized mainly in the occipital region;
  • may begin after an awkward movement of the neck;
  • has a sharp, burning, shooting character;
  • accompanied by tinnitus;
  • may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting;
  • V severe cases Vision may deteriorate and black spots may appear before the eyes.

Headaches often occur when working with the neck held high.

Migraine is a disease in which headache occurs as a result of dysfunction of the autonomic part of the nervous system. In this case, there is an increased excitability of the autonomic centers to any stimuli. Pain in the head most often covers half of the head.

Can you get a headache during pregnancy? The cause of headaches during pregnancy may lie in preeclampsia. This is a serious complication of pregnancy, in which blood pressure rises and swelling of the body appears (starts in the legs and arms and spreads throughout the body). If you do not seek help in time, a pregnant woman may experience seizures.

In this case, headaches are localized in the back of the head and have an intense, relieving or bursting character. A woman may complain of blurred vision.

Why do school-aged children get headaches? Most often, the causes of headaches lie in incorrect posture, visual impairment, neck muscle tension, stress associated with the educational process. If a schoolchild has a headache after school, the reason may lie in a violation of the diet, staying for a long time in a stuffy, poorly ventilated room. The possibility of developing anemia cannot be ruled out.

Which doctors should I contact?

Identifying the cause and treating headache problems is the responsibility of a number of specialists in different fields. When the first symptoms appear, you should consult a physician. He will prescribe a series of examinations to identify the cause of the headache, make a preliminary diagnosis, and indicate how to treat the headache. If necessary, he will refer you for consultation to other specialists - a neurologist, hematologist, neurosurgeon, oncologist and hematologist.


Laboratory and instrumental methods will help to identify everything about the cause of the headache.

X-ray, computed tomography allows you to see the following signs:

  • violation of the integrity of the bones of the skull and spine;
  • size of the skull, its shape;
  • condition of the sutures of the skull;
  • the condition of the vascular grooves on the inner surface of the bones;
  • presence of bone tumors;
  • condition of intervertebral discs;
  • growth of bones in place of cartilage;
  • displacement of the vertebrae one in relation to another.

Contrast radiography is performed using air or a special contrast agent. This method allows you to diagnose the movement of cerebrospinal fluid and the presence of tumors of brain tissue.

A contrast agent injected into the vessels makes it possible to determine the state of the blood supply to the brain, the pathology of vascular development, and the presence of tumors.

Electroencephalography allows you to determine the activity of brain cells to determine why headaches occur with epilepsy, tumors, and infectious processes of the brain.

Rheoencephalography - determines the state of blood supply to brain tissue, the degree of vascular damage by atherosclerosis, hypertension.

Echoencephalography - examination of the brain using ultrasound helps to see tumors, abscesses, brain cysts, blood clots formed as a result of hemorrhage or head injury.

A general blood test will reveal a decrease in the level of hemoglobin and red blood cells, and the presence of an inflammatory process in the body.

Cerebrospinal fluid examination is carried out to diagnose increased intracranial pressure, the presence of pus, blood, and pathogens of infectious diseases.

If headache attacks occur or become more frequent, you should immediately consult a specialist. Early diagnosis will allow you to timely identify the type and begin to treat headaches.

You need to change your lifestyle. To do this, you need to balance your work and rest schedule. The day should be devoted to work, and the night to rest. If possible, it is better to go to bed no later than 22 hours, because human body programmed by nature in such a way that this time is the most comfortable for falling asleep. If possible, it is better to work only day shifts.

The bed should not be too soft and the pillow should not be too high. You can use a small cushion under your neck.

Exercise is very important, especially if a person spends most of his time in sitting position. To do this, at certain intervals you need to get up and spend a few minutes doing gymnastics.

To relieve muscle spasms, perform several exercises:

  1. In a sitting position, slowly turn your neck to the sides and down. At the same time, they find the position in which the discomfort in the neck is felt most strongly, and hold the neck for 30 seconds to a minute. After this, they change position and do it all over again.
  2. Hands are crossed with fingers and placed behind the neck. The bases of the palms actively compress the neck on both sides, without unclenching the fingers.
  3. From a standing position, straighten your back, raise your arms up. After this, without lifting your feet from the floor, stretch your entire body up behind your hands. The exercise is performed 10-15 times.

When performing these exercises, the spine is aligned and the muscles of the upper back are relaxed.


Effective treatment of headaches is possible after a complete examination of the patient. The treatment regimen includes:

  • help with headaches in the acute period;
  • eliminating the cause of the pathology.

It is much easier to eliminate an attack when the headache just begins to hurt. To this end, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • take off your hat, let your hair down;
  • take a comfortable position;
  • turn off loud music;
  • dim the lights;
  • try to relax and calm down.

Headaches and what to do when they occur? To relieve suffering you can use:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • medicinal plants;
  • massage.

The types of headaches influence the choice of medications. Half of the episodes of pain will disappear when using non-traditional techniques. Traditional medicine recommends the use of cabbage among medicinal plants. A cabbage leaf should be applied to the sore spot and wrapped with a scarf. Willow bark is rich in a natural analogue of aspirin. It is recommended to chew it if you no longer have the strength to endure the pain.

Traditional massage is combined with acupressure and su-jok therapy methods. Traditional massage is performed in a sitting position. The neck muscles are massaged intensively until pain appears in them. Points (their locations are indicated below) - use rotational movements or press on them, gradually increasing the pressure force. Then they pass along the scalp from the back of the head to the forehead and back in front and back.

Hand massage can be done using special rings. They are put on each finger in turn and extend from the nail to the base of the finger. The feet are rubbed with hands or using roller devices.

Among acupuncture points, the most commonly used points are on the back of the head, temples, and forehead. Types of headaches and their selection are closely interrelated.

Localization of pain

Point location

1-1.5 cm from the corner of the forehead towards the temporal cavity along the edge of the hair

Above the center of the eyebrow in the hollow of the frontal bone

Above the bridge of the nose between the eyebrows

At the inner edge of the eyebrows on both sides

At the outer edge of the eyebrow

1 cm above the outer edge of the eyebrow

On the hand between the thumb and index finger, at the top of the corner with the fingers apart

Under the occipital bone, 1 cm above the hairline in a depression at the edge of the muscle. It is easy to find if you feel the muscle in the neck, located along the spine

The point on the hand between the thumb and index finger, at the apex of the angle with the fingers apart

Eliminating the cause of headaches will cure the patient. Distinguishing headaches is important for choosing a treatment method. It can be carried out conservatively or surgically.

Most patients do not think about why they have headaches, trying to eliminate the unpleasant discomfort with the help of pills. Severe migraine attacks are most often a symptom of a disease, the cause of which must be established before treatment begins. Pain syndrome may be the only sign that allows timely diagnosis of a number of serious illnesses.

There are different types of headaches. Depending on the type of cephalgia, specific diagnostic methods are used and treatment is prescribed.

  1. Primary is a pathology in itself. This could be: cluster syndrome, migraines, tension headaches.
  2. Secondary pain is a sign of some disease. What factors can provoke an attack: neck and head injuries, infections and medications, drugs and “entertainment” cocktails, neoplasms of the “gray matter”.

Headaches are very common due to neuralgia, which affects representatives of both sexes. Crises can last from 2-3 seconds to 5-6 minutes, repeat and are characterized by varying degrees of intensity. The syndrome is caused by pinching of one of the nerve endings.

In practice, doctors most often use a pathogenetic classification of cephalalgia, linking the types of headaches with pathophysiological development. According to this technique, the following types of syndrome are distinguished:

  • vascular spasms;
  • HDN and liquorodynamic crises;
  • mixed and neuralgic attacks;
  • psychological pain.

Frequent severe headaches, the cause of which cannot be determined, requires urgent intervention if it does not go away within 24 hours, worsens with coughing, sneezing, and is accompanied by fever, vomiting and weakness.

Correct classification of cephalalgia is the key to successful therapy. The method of therapy depends on the type of headache throbbing pain. Seizures in children require urgent consultation with a doctor.

Origin of primary headache

Migraine is the most common cause of cephalalgia. Migraine syndrome has characteristics, one description of the crisis is sometimes enough to diagnose the disease. But during the examination, it is necessary to exclude the presence of “gray matter” tumors, which can lead to irreversible consequences.

Migraine headaches can be triggered by:

  1. Stress, emotional overstrain.
  2. Some products: nuts, chocolate, hard cheeses, spicy and smoked products.
  3. "Entertainment" cocktails.
  4. Mental and physical stress.
  5. Lack of rest or, conversely, prolonged sleep.
  6. Tobacco smoke.
  7. A sharp change in climate conditions.

A doctor can determine why a headache hurts only after a comprehensive diagnosis, based on the results of which an appropriate course of therapy will be prescribed. If there are no organic changes, the patient is advised to take medications to get rid of the symptoms of cephalgia.

Mental stress can trigger migraines

Migraine headache, depending on the type, which depends on the exact diagnosis, is recognized by the following signs:

  • unilateral pulsating spasms;
  • intense pain accompanied by vomiting and dizziness;
  • increased sensitivity to sharp sounds and light;
  • a crisis without therapy lasts from 4 hours to several days.

Sometimes a simple attack can acquire a protracted head start and transform into a status that is a dangerous condition and requires emergency proper treatment. In the absence of adequate therapy, there is an increased risk of cerebral stroke.

Cluster acute headache - histamine or cluster. This is a very intense one-sided syndrome. Localized in the temporal region, lasting 2-3 seconds or several minutes, but in successive attacks.

Characteristic signs of severe headache are redness of the eyes, increased tearing, rhinorrhea, nasal congestion, excessive sweating on the face, constriction of the pupil. Cluster syndrome is sometimes so severe that some patients have attempted suicide as a result.

Another characteristic symptom is that only Indomethacin helps get rid of headaches, and the spasms are exclusively one-sided.

Etiology of the secondary syndrome

Headache is a consequence of a pathology, which most often the patient already knows about. Secondary attacks of cephalalgia can be presented:

  1. Post-traumatic crises due to TBI or neck injury.
  2. Bursting, intense headaches caused by vascular diseases.
  3. Spasms due to intracranial disease of a non-vascular nature.
  4. A syndrome that develops as a result of the use of certain drugs or their withdrawal.
  5. Infection crisis.
  6. Spasms developing as a result of diseases of the internal organs.

Symptoms of headaches can occur due to structural disorders of the brain, cervical region, organs of hearing and vision, diseases of the nasopharynx, neoplasms of the “gray matter,” and dental ailments.

Neck injuries can trigger secondary attacks of cephalgia

Overvoltage syndrome: causes

HDN is the most common. A similar headache can occur in any person; attacks occur with a certain frequency or become chronic. To prevent further development of the pathology, it is necessary to begin treatment as soon as possible.

Causes of tension headaches:

  • increased fatigue, as evidenced by a “shaky” emotional state;
  • mental, psychological disorders: depression, anxiety;
  • predisposition to constant headaches;
  • excessive intellectual and physical activity;
  • lack of rest, insomnia.

Overexertion headache and its symptoms consist of compressive spasms, usually this syndrome is aching, pulling, and constant. HDN does not intensify during movement, being evenly distributed over the entire surface.

If the syndrome makes itself felt once, the patient needs to lie down to regain strength or take analgesics. But if pain in the head occurs constantly, this indicates that you need to reconsider your habits and consult a doctor.

TTH is observed during low carbohydrate diets. Constant pain may be a sign of insufficient brain nutrition. If the syndrome worsens, you should immediately visit a therapist

Cluster crises in men

Women suffer from CG very rarely and only after gynecological operations. Cluster headaches have causes and symptoms that are similar to migraines and have some differences - a series of attacks haunts the patient throughout the day or week only at night.

The crisis lasts from 30 seconds to 2-3 minutes, then the spasms subside for 5 minutes or an hour before returning again. And so on up to 6 times a night for 3-4 days.

The causes of headaches in such cases are not fully established, as is the pattern of development of the syndrome. But doctors suggest that the sources of cluster spasms are:

  1. Dilation of the artery (carotid).
  2. Irritation of the nerve endings located behind the eye sockets.
  3. Hormonal disorders: structural destruction of testosterone.

Headaches in men are accompanied by severe spasms that reach the very “gray matter”. The signs of GKB are quite eloquent:

  • the ears are blocked, accompanied by a sharp bursting pain behind the pupils;
  • the eyes become red and there is tearing;
  • stuffy nose;
  • the person begins to sweat heavily.

In the first crisis, the spasms are one-sided; in the second crisis, the discomfort spreads over the entire surface of the head. Cluster headaches do not require treatment at home; traditional methods will not give the desired therapeutic effect. To eliminate pathological symptoms, the help of a qualified doctor is required.

Eye redness and watery eyes are signs of tension-type headache

Attacks of cephalalgia during pregnancy

While waiting for the baby, the pathological symptoms observed before may worsen. But frequent headaches in pregnant women occur for the following reasons:

  1. Hormonal imbalance: cephalgia constantly occurs, mood changes, you want to sleep.
  2. Low pressure: intense headaches, causes and treatment, which are closely interrelated, most often occur in the back of the head, accompanied by dizziness and increased fatigue.
  3. Problems with sleep, disruption of wakefulness and rest.
  4. Irritants: with a headache while expecting a baby, the woman becomes very emotional, external factors lead to spasms.
  5. Changes in the menu: when replacing foods familiar to the body, migraine attacks occur.
  6. Overstrain, emotions.

Your doctor will be able to tell you how to get rid of a headache after a full examination. But the first thing you need to do is to maintain the correct daily routine and protect yourself from unnecessary worries.

Drug treatment of headaches involves taking antispasmodics: “No-shpy”, “Drotaverine”. Paracetamol will also help relieve cramps, but it can only be used from the 2nd trimester. It is forbidden to take potent drugs that can quickly relieve pain; they are contraindicated during pregnancy.

Headaches may worsen during pregnancy

Diagnostic technique for cephalgia

When visiting a doctor with complaints about how to relieve a headache, a person goes through several stages of examination. During the interview, the doctor clarifies the duration and nature of the discomfort, its location, and identifies provoking and accompanying irritants.

For an initial diagnosis, it is enough to consult an ophthalmologist, dentist, otolaryngologist, or neurologist. But a number of techniques will help you determine how to cope with headaches:

  • EEG – allows you to study the performance of the “gray matter” in general, detect deviations from the norm, establish vascular disorders, hematomas, neoplasms;
  • radiography - makes it possible to determine the presence of sinusitis, trauma, hydrocephalus;
  • MRI is used to detect blood flow disorders in the “gray matter”, neoplasms, consequences of a stroke, and other pathologies. Based on the results obtained, the doctor will be able to determine how to relieve the headache;
  • CT scan – detects hemorrhages, disorders of the structure of brain tissue and arteries. Computed tomography allows you to determine the presence of neoplasms, aneurysms, cysts, atherosclerosis, thrombosis;
  • electromyography – used to diagnose pathologies of the neuromuscular structure, damage to nerve fibers, and also helps determine how to deal with headaches;
  • Ultrasound – diagnoses atherosclerosis, various vascular pathologies, blood flow disorders, aneurysm.

Laboratory research techniques are used to detect inflammation, autoimmune pathologies and infectious diseases. Also, based on the results obtained, the doctor will be able to determine how to treat the headache.

EEG will help diagnose cephalalgia

Therapy for cephalalgia at home

Various types of headaches and the causes of the pathological condition can be eliminated with the help of medications prescribed by a doctor after examination. Independent ways to combat the syndrome and prevent it include:

  1. Light exercises for the muscles of the neck and back that soothe tense tissues.
  2. Breaks during work.
  3. Reducing the amount of caffeine consumed.
  4. Correct daily routine with walks in the fresh air and relaxation.
  5. Sleep for 8 hours in a ventilated room.
  6. A balanced diet that will cleanse the body of toxins.
  7. Warm baths with the addition of a decoction of medicinal herbs will help quickly relieve headaches.
  8. Physical activity: swimming, roller skating.
  9. Refusal from “recreational” cocktails and tobacco products.
  10. A doctor can tell you how to quickly relieve pain caused by osteochondrosis, but a special orthopedic mattress and pillow will help reduce tension in the muscles of the neck and back.

Preventive measures have a beneficial effect on the blood vessels of the brain and the functioning of internal organs in general. But before you start doing them, you need to find out why your head hurts.

Non-drug therapy for spasms involves silence, complete rest in a dark, ventilated room. The use of tinctures and herbal decoctions is permissible only after consultation with a doctor.

If the syndrome does not go away and becomes more intense, you should not decide on your own how to quickly get rid of a headache, but consult a therapist. The pathological condition can be a symptom of a dangerous disease - a malignant brain tumor, stroke.

Sleeping for 8 hours in a ventilated room will help eliminate headaches

Drug treatment of cephalgia

Severe spasms, regardless of their cause and etiology, cannot be endured without taking any measures; in case of intolerable syndrome, painkillers should be used. Depending on the type of cephalgia and its etiology, the following drugs are indicated:

  1. "Paracetamol". A gentle antipyretic, pain-relieving medication, approved for use by children and women in an “interesting” position. It removes moderate spasms caused by infectious or cold pathologies, inflammation.
  2. "Migrenol." Combination drug, in which the active ingredient, paracetamol, is supplemented with caffeine. The medicine is allowed to be used by hypotensive patients to eliminate the pathological syndrome caused by changing weather conditions, migraines, VSD, and low blood pressure.
  3. "Solpadeine." Anti-spasm product with caffeine and codeine. How to get rid of pain with their help is described in detail in the instructions. But the doctor can prescribe his own regimen of the drug depending on the course of the syndrome and the presence of chronic pathologies. The medicine is indicated for use for severe spasms.
  4. "Analgin." An effective painkiller will quickly relieve painful discomfort, but with prolonged use it has a negative effect on the blood, inhibiting the reproduction of white blood cells.
  5. "Sedalgin Plus". An analgesic containing the beneficial substance B1, caffeine. The medicine quickly relieves attacks caused by low blood pressure, migraines, emotional stress, chronic fatigue and colds.
  6. "Ibuprofen." The product can do severe pain less pronounced. It is used to treat cephalalgia of various origins.
  7. "Spazmalgon." Analgesic with spastic action. The drug is recommended for syndrome developing against the background of vascular spasms.
  8. "Brustan". A combination medication that combines two components - ibuprofen and paracetamol. Used to eliminate severe discomfort when other medications are not effective.

How to calm a headache, because constantly using medications and combining them with alcoholic drinks is not recommended. The doctor must prescribe a specific medicine and its dosage, depending on the severity of the syndrome and the individual reaction of the patient.

For severe headaches, you should take painkillers

Essential oils for cephalalgia

The aroma of the essential oil should be pleasant to the patient, then the aromatic remedy can not only reduce the intensity of spasms, but also quickly eliminate them.

How to cure headaches with essential oils:

  • Mix geranium and ylang-ylang, 2 drops each, rub into the temple area;
  • pine oil – 3 drops, geranium – 2 drops, lemon juice – 2 drops. Mix everything well, rub into whiskey;
  • rosemary and mint oil - a few drops each, eucalyptus - 3 drops. Apply to the temple area;
  • add lemon, mint, pine oil 2 drops each to the aroma lamp. Lie down and enjoy the pleasant aroma;
  • if the crisis occurred as a result of overwork, you should relax in the bathroom: add geranium and heel oils - 4 drops each, orange 2 drops each. You can drop 4 parts of lavender oil and 2 parts of ylang-ylang.

Aromatic oils will help with mild migraine attacks. To prevent unpleasant discomfort from returning, you should consult a therapist about what to do if you have a headache. Based on the examination results, the doctor will be able to prescribe appropriate therapy.

There are many reasons for simple pain. All pathological conditions require different treatment tactics and diagnostic techniques, some do not pose a serious threat, others are dangerous to human life and health.

If painful symptoms constantly return and become pronounced, immediate action must be taken. Self-medication in this situation is not recommended; it can only worsen the course of the pathology and complicate further therapy. To combat the syndrome, it is necessary to determine its root causes and eliminate irritating factors.

A headache, be it spontaneous, growing, sharp, aching, throbbing or pressing, occurs in the life of any person, but it happens quite rarely without a reason. Almost always it warns about a malfunction in the body or its exposure to harmful factors. It is quite difficult to identify the true cause of headaches, given the large list of diseases and disorders that provoke it, but this is quite possible if you take into account your own sensations and accompanying symptoms when making a diagnosis.

Causes of headaches

In most cases, a headache is a symptom that signals the influence of unfavorable factors on the body or the development of a hidden pathology that requires immediate treatment.

Unfavorable factors that can cause headaches include:

  • sudden change in climate or weather conditions;
  • pollution environment harmful fumes, toxins, carbon monoxide;
  • low-quality food products that contain high concentrations of monosodium glutamate and nitrites;
  • emotional fatigue due to frequent stressful situations;
  • alcohol abuse and hangover syndrome as a consequence;
  • long exposure to the sun.

Frequent pathological causes of headaches are:

  • vascular diseases circulatory system and the development of arterial hypertension, hypotension, as a consequence;
  • liquorodynamic disorders and those that arise during the development and other diseases of the membranes of the brain structures;
  • neurological diseases, including neuralgia of the trigeminal nerve, vertebrogenic apparatus, infringement of the nerve processes of the cervical spine;
  • injuries of the brain and skull bones, as well as chronic post-traumatic conditions;
  • poisoning with drugs, food, toxic substances;
  • inflammatory processes occurring in the visual and ENT organs;
  • viral or cold diseases accompanied by high temperature and a headache as a result.

Any headache that appears regularly, becomes protracted and is not relieved by painkillers should be alarming.

In this case, it is better to play it safe and see a specialist so as not to waste time and prevent the development of complications if painful sensations caused by a pathological process.

Types of headaches

To identify the cause of cephalalgia, you need to determine its type based on the corresponding signs. Most often in medical practice, headaches are classified into the following areas:

Headaches caused by vascular diseases

Due to narrowing, dilatation, inflammation or rupture of blood vessels, pressure occurs, which is often accompanied by nausea, dizziness and a decrease in the main reflex functions. This type of pain is typical for:

  • migraine attacks;
  • blood pressure disorders (hypertension or hypotension);
  • temporal arteritis;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • atherosclerosis of spinal vessels;
  • strokes.

Psychogenic headaches (tension pain, tension pain)

A squeezing and spreading headache of a constant nature causes the feeling of a hoop squeezing the head, and occurs against the background of prolonged physical and psychological stress in people who are not resistant to stress. IN calm state the pain is mild or moderate; with bending, physical exertion and nervous shock, its intensity will increase.

Headaches associated with liquorodynamic and intracranial pathologies

Painful sensations of a local or spreading nature are disturbing due to impaired circulation of cerebral fluid through the cerebrospinal fluid system, its excessive accumulation in the meninges and its occurrence as a consequence. The intensity of headaches increases at night and in the morning, painful sensations are often complemented by nausea, vomiting, decreased vision and hearing. This type of headache is typical for:

  • post-traumatic conditions;
  • congenital or acquired brain pathologies;
  • severe infections of brain structures (encephalitis,).

Cluster headaches

Intense pain of unknown etiology, most often found in men. They arise suddenly and are unilateral. Attacks of varying duration occur at equal time intervals (days, weeks, months). The condition is aggravated by accompanying symptoms - swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa and lacrimation. .

Head pain not associated with disorders of brain structures

  • viral or infectious diseases in which aching headache occurs due to general intoxication of the body;
  • inflammatory processes occurring in the organs of hearing, smell, vision, oral cavity or facial nerves (in this case, the patient feels a shooting or aching headache, radiating to a painful place);
  • excess dosage of medications, alcohol abuse;
  • caused by traumatic processes, low physical activity and limited movement.

If headaches bother you regularly, and the condition is aggravated by symptoms of a pathological nature, then you should consult a doctor.

Regardless of the cause and nature of the origin, doctors do not recommend enduring headaches and, in case of intense pain, prescribe painkillers in tablet form.

Depending on the type of headache and the cause of its origin, you can take one of the following medications:

  1. Paracetamol. The safest painkiller and antipyretic drug approved for pregnant women and children. It relieves moderate headaches caused by colds or infectious diseases, inflammatory processes.
  2. Migrenol. A combination drug in which the action of the main substance paracetamol is complemented by caffeine. The drug is prescribed to hypotensive patients to relieve pain attacks caused by decreased blood pressure, weather dependence, VSD, and migraine.
  3. Solpadeine. Painkiller containing codeine and caffeine. These substances enhance the effect of the main component of paracetamol, so the drug effectively relieves intense attacks of headaches.
  4. Analgin. The analgesic effect of the drug is very pronounced, but its long-term use negatively affects the structure of the blood, reducing the production of leukocytes.
  5. Ibuprofen. Pain reliever with minimal symptoms side effects treats cephalalgia of various etiologies.
  6. Sedalgin Plus. An analgesic whose complementary substances are caffeine and vitamin B1. The drug effectively relieves attacks of pain caused by psycho-emotional fatigue, hypotension, migraines, colds or chronic fatigue.
  7. Spazmalgon (Spazgan). An analgesic drug with a pronounced spastic effect. Prescribed for headaches caused by vascular spasms.
  8. Brustan. A tablet combination product that combines two painkillers that complement each other - paracetamol and ibuprofen. Prescribed to relieve severe headaches when other drugs do not help.

Painkillers should not be taken continuously, combined with each other or mixed with alcohol. The choice of a specific drug and dosage, depending on the degree of pain intensity and individual tolerance, should be made only by a doctor.

Folk remedies

If headache attacks are mild and short-term in nature, and there are no accompanying pathological symptoms, then simple but effective folk remedies can be used to relieve discomfort.

  • Melissa tea with the addition of chamomile or valerian flowers. The drink dilates blood vessels and relieves spasmodic headaches.
  • Soothing tea with rosemary and mint. Taken to relieve headaches caused by nervous fatigue.
  • Inhalation or rubbing with essential oils of grapefruit, lavender, mint, rosemary or lemon balm. One of the oils or a mixture of them is applied in a small amount to the temples and gently rubbed. You can also light an aroma lamp, and essential oil To reduce the concentration, first dilute with water.
  • A compress of saline solution on the area of ​​the frontal lobes and temples. For this purpose in warm water(1 l) need to dissolve tbsp. spoon sea ​​salt, moisten a cloth in the solution and apply it to the sore area of ​​the head.
  • An express method for relieving headaches in summer time are fresh leaves of mint, lemon balm or knotweed, which should be applied to the back of the head or temples. In winter, you can use cabbage leaves for these purposes, which must first be mashed until the juice appears.
  • Inhalation with apple cider vinegar solution for migraine attacks. To do this, add apple cider vinegar to water in equal proportions, bring the resulting mixture to a boil, after which, slightly tilting your head over the container, gently inhale its fumes.

Is something bothering you? Illness or life situation?

You should stop using folk remedies if the cause of the headaches is unclear and the patient exhibits clearly expressed pathological signs. In this case, you should immediately see a doctor and only after making an accurate diagnosis agree with him on the advisability of using folk remedies.