black_libertine: was he a professor at the small Pogib? He's probably a little crest. Just like Yanukovych. Also a professor...
And I’m asking about the ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR. Goridze had an assistant professor
PETYAEV Nikolai Stepanovich. So he was an assistant professor at YOU. Together with the Georgian Goridze Avas who. Even.

black_libertine November 02, 2017 | 16:01

ostapbey: Professor Pogiba is a woman. It's been over 10 years, so I might be confused. I think her name was Svetlana Petrovna, and then she was the head of the department of Dendrology and Selection. I didn’t know the Georgian teachers, I only knew the Tajik assistant professor, whom I helped with the computer. But the Tajik was from a different department, it seems from the ground (the emphasis is on the last syllable, the local slang of that time)... There was also Glazunov, a meteorologist, and I remember a woman who taught physical education in Special B (I’m asthmatic) ...

this woman was named Burko or Burko. She was going to specialize in beet growing. But I found a place for the family in sheep farming..
Now she is a writer. Has a number of awards. Even a laureate.

black_libertine November 02, 2017 | 19:28

ostapbey: Sorry, I thought you were trolling me. I remembered Avas. I'm sorry, this was over 10 years ago. I graduated from the institute when Putin had just begun to be president... So, I remembered the schedule at Derevyashchka, Avas was definitely there, but he was not with us, but with a parallel group. And he seemed to be a graduate student then, if I’m not confusing anything (or a senior lecturer). We had women teaching dendrology and genetics... Dendrology was taught by a grandmother who naturally smoked a pipe... But genetics, genetics was taught by the head of the department, who was a woman at that time. She said that she stood at the origins of the department, that she became a geneticist by accident, when she was preparing for exams, she fell out of the world around her a little and missed the moment when genetics ceased to be a pseudoscience. And she blurted this out during the exam, but they told her that no, now it’s part of Soviet science...
Burko, I also remember such a surname there... But I don’t remember it. I can name the names of those I remember. Physical education was taught by Lyubov Petrovna Kryzhanovskaya, she is a sports medicine doctor, the hall for special groups was in a high-rise dorm on the first floor, in the same place as the Lestekhovskaya clinic, and in another dorm there was a hall for general physical training. There was also Brusovanovkin in physics, but he was responsible for the economics departments, so I saw him only once, when he passed the second higher education, passing physics at the first, saying I already had it...
Further, Obydennikov read Forestry, Nikitin conducted the practice - he was a huge forester from the Sergiev Posad forestry enterprise, he said that he worked there in parallel, the Department of Ecology was headed by Mazolevskaya, there was also a Department of Geodesy nearby, there was a teacher Boris Viktorovich Stepanov, he drove a red old Passat. He died. Matusevich was still there at the taxation department. Everyone knows him. But we had Zavarzin, and the guy gave lectures, I don’t remember his name, but his fingers were cut off with a chainsaw... He also died...

black_libertine November 02, 2017 | 19:39

ostapbey: And Vyacheslav Gavrilovich Glazunov was generally a great guy. A better atheist than Nevzorov. There is an article of his on the Internet about believing scientists, where he naturally writes that there are no believing scientists... He conducted weather forecasts on the zombie box when the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company had just been created, and participated in the investigation of plane crashes as a meteorologist. And he gave a course of optional lectures on panspermia... He is an ardent supporter of panspermia...
In addition, I remembered the philosopher. Professor Rumyantsev. He told me during the exam that I was an anarchist. Ten years passed after the exam, and I naturally became a market anarchist (libertarian), so thank you for setting me on the right path. But he also died, this Rumyantsev. The historian was Sergei Ivanovich Krasikov. Former military pilot, supporter of conscription (conscription), etc. and for women too... I discussed the article of the Constitution at a lecture, and said that the enemies of the liberals removed one thing from the article important word, which was in the Soviet Constitution. Military service is honorable duty EVERY citizen... He said that they had removed the word “everyone” and looked at the girls meaningfully... I remembered this moment for the rest of my life...
Something like this? I hope some names are familiar to you...

IN lately there is more and more talk about biomaterial and what the US is collecting biological material citizens of Russia. In this article we will understand what biomaterial is and why it is collected.

A public outcry arose due to the fact that Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that the United States was collecting biomaterial from Russians.

What is biomaterial?

Biomaterials– these are materials for biomedical purposes, natural or artificially created materials that are necessary for the production of various products, devices, preparations for further use in medicine, cosmetology, agriculture, etc. to ensure or improve the life of humans, animals, plants, etc.

The largest areas of application of such materials are: the production of implants, medical products, polymer systems for agriculture etc.

If we talk in simple words, That human biomaterial– this is material that contains genetic information about the carrier, for example, skin, saliva, nails, blood, hair, etc.

Who collects biomaterial from Russians?

Biomaterial can be collected by any centers associated with research. If we are talking about the sensational collection of biomaterial from Russians in October-November 2017, then this is the USA.

Why is the US collecting biomaterial from Russians?

Here opinions are divided. Some people believe that this could be research to create a biological weapon that will destroy all Russians in all regions of the country. This theory can be used well in politics, for example, before elections. Uniting all citizens against a common enemy, etc.

According to official data, biomaterial is collected for basic research– studying the musculoskeletal system and identifying biomarkers associated with human injuries. For this, the United States is ready to buy samples of synovial membrane and RNA, and the contract itself was published on July 19, 2017.

Why exactly Russian biomaterial? Everything is simple here. This is not a new study, but a continuation of an old one. Initially, there were no requirements for nationality and citizenship, the United States simply bought Russian biomaterial for the first study, and then, for the continuation and purity of the study, the same biomaterial was needed.

It is worth noting that there is no mass collection “all over Russia”. In total, the Americans requested 12 RNA samples and 27 synovial samples.

Should we panic? If desired, the biomaterial could be collected “quietly,” especially in such quantities.

Expert answer

Monday, October 30 Russian President Vladimir Putin At a meeting of the Human Rights Council (HRC), the president said that these activities were being carried out “purposefully and professionally.” The statement by the head of state was made in response to the statement Director of the Russian Public Institute of Electoral Law Igor Borisov that with the help of a video surveillance system, images of Russian citizens are being collected from foreign IT addresses in the Russian Federation for unknown purposes.

Last summer, the media reported that a contract allegedly from the US Air Force was posted on the US government tenders portal for the purchase of samples of RNA (ribonucleic acids) - living tissues of the Caucasian race. It was planned to purchase, media reported, 12 samples of RNA molecules and 27 samples of synovial fluid, which ensures joint mobility, from donors from Russia. found out from experts what kind of “biological material” we are talking about collecting and for what purpose the US military intends to make such purchases.

“In fact, we are not talking about any targeted collection of biological material. If such a collection were carried out, then there would be no terrible meaning in it. Because there are no genetic weapons or other horror stories. The collection of Russian living tissue is not an Air Force contract, but a contract for one particular hospital that appears to be conducting research into joint diseases. In such studies, it is reasonable to collect materials from different ethnic groups for the purity of the study. There are a lot of people of Russian nationality in America; there is no need to travel to Russia for this purpose. And this contract does not mention any trips to Russia. RNA samples for this type of research help to establish genetic predisposition and find some signs that predispose to various kinds of diseases. To distinguish genetic predisposition from some history of migration of peoples, different ethnic groups are included in the study,” Doctor of Biological Sciences, bioinformatician at the Higher School of Economics, professor of the Department of Modeling Technologies, told complex systems Skoltech, head of the master's program "Biotechnology" Mikhail Gelfand.

The fact that the links provided in the media to the US government procurement website regarding the tender for the purchase of RNA samples does not indicate the development of biological weapons, but the conduct of medical research, suggests the head of the laboratory of genomic geography of the Institute of General Genetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Biological Sciences Oleg Balanovsky.

“It is unlikely that those who informed the president are so ignorant as to confuse this tiny tender (a dozen samples) with a mass survey of all the peoples of Russia. The President said that biological material is being collected (a) different ethnic groups, (b) in different geographical locations (c) en masse. But in American government procurement it’s the other way around: representatives of any Russian ethnic group of the “white race” (that is, it can be Udmurts or Kabardians), any place of residence (that’s why it’s easiest for them to collect from Russian emigrants living in the USA) and not tens of thousands, and only twelve samples. The terms of the American purchase sound like a medical study (you need to indicate age, weight-height index, absence of musculoskeletal diseases, etc.), thousands of such studies are published around the world every year, including by Russian scientists,” says Balanovsky .

“Our scientists carry out a lot of work on collecting and analyzing biological material - this is also a State task, which the Federal Agency scientific organizations gives to subordinate institutions, and the program Union State“DNA identification”, and projects of the Russian Science Foundation, and many others. There are three types of such studies: some study the history of the peoples of our country using DNA, others increase the accuracy of forensic DNA examinations, others search for disease genes and develop methods of personalized medicine. We, Russian scientists, are conducting these studies ourselves, so it remains unclear why the president’s speech sounded as if this work was being carried out en masse by foreign specialists. Let’s approach this, as the president advised, “without any fear,” the expert added.

October 31 press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov stated that Putin received information about the collection of biomaterial from the special services. The press secretary added that such cases have indeed been recorded, and “the president has this information.”

On Monday, October 30, at a meeting of the Human Rights Council, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that biological material from Russians, including foreigners, is being collected throughout the country. “Moreover, for different ethnic groups and people living in different geographical locations Russian Federation. The question is: why is this being done?” - Putin emphasized. The President also noted that such activities are being carried out “purposefully and professionally,” but we must approach this without fear. “Let them do what they want, and we must do what we must,” Putin concluded. Apparently we're talking about about a tender from one of the US Air Force units, which refers to the need to supply biological materials obtained from residents of Russia. However, if this is him, then the president, as scientists have already explained, is interpreting him incorrectly.

Nevertheless, Putin’s statement is widely discussed on the Internet. The Mediazona publication reminds us that fear of biological research is an old pastime. Russian authorities. Novaya turned to Mikhail Gelfand, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor at the Higher School of Economics, Moscow State University and Skoltech, for comment.

— Putin spoke about biomaterial collected by foreigners in Russia. But biomaterials are collected constantly. Why do scientists need this?

— If we are talking about DNA samples being collected from representatives of different ethnic groups, then most likely we are talking about some kind of population research - this is work to study our history. Genomes of different ethnic groups are collected, archaeological material is collected - after which an attempt is made to reconstruct the history of mankind and its settlement on the planet. There are several international projects in this direction, Russia also participates in them - and this is very good. This allows us to maintain a certain scientific level in the country.

The other side of the issue: we remembered the American tender for collecting samples - no longer DNA, but RNA. Most likely, in this case we are talking about some kind of medical genetics, about the study of predispositions to joint diseases. There, however, we are not talking about any ethnic groups, we are talking only about Russian samples. There was also no talk of collecting these samples specifically on Russian territory - there are plenty of Russians in the States.

What these studies seem to be saying is that different ethnic groups may have different frequencies of [genome] variants. There is no variant that only Russians have, but the frequencies of specific variants may differ, and the predisposition to certain diseases may differ statistically. Based on the tender, it is difficult to reconstruct the entire task, but apparently this is a medical genetic study, since for it it is also essential to collect biological samples from representatives of different ethnic groups in order to exclude the historical component: so that the correlations that we observe are associated specifically with medicine , and not with a general history.

— Why is this tender being held by the Ministry of Defense, and not the Ministry of Health, for example?

“Everything goes through the Ministry of Defense, because this is the departmental affiliation of the hospital where the research is taking place. The tender is announced by a specific institution, and since we are talking about an Air Force hospital, an announcement about it is also posted on the website of the Ministry of Defense. And, if we are to engage in conspiracy theories, this is precisely a sign of the openness of the whole situation. If the Americans needed to quietly collect samples of genetic material from representatives of the Russian ethnic group or any other, then it would not be very difficult to do [without any tender].

— Why did Putin construct the phrase this way? Was he told that, or does he really think so? Where did the communication failure occur?

- Is there a difference? Something tells me that Vladimir Vladimirovich is not a specialist in the field of biology. Of course, I would like more competence from the leader of the country, especially in biology, which is now the number one science, but on the other hand, it is impossible to be a specialist in all fields.

In this situation, what he thinks is what he was told. These are synonyms. Putin has no other source to analyze what was said.

I don’t think the president reads Alexander Markov’s books about evolution in his spare time. They told him complete nonsense - and not harmless. The Russian participants in the international scientific consortia that we were talking about probably shuddered greatly after this phrase.

We love that scientists come to us, that Russian scientists return and do research. But who will decide to do this if suddenly something like this can suddenly jump out at you? And the worst thing is that this is not an isolated “communication failure”, but a completely systemic line. In Sochi two weeks ago it was also announced that with the help genetic engineering You can create super soldiers who will not be afraid of pain. This is also in the spirit of this “genetic line”. And if you again engage in conspiracy theories, you can remember the law banning genetically modified organisms, which someone also lobbied for. All this is biological obscurantism.

Why might Russian biomaterials be collected and should we be wary of genetic weapons? Life journalist Mikhail Kotov looked into the issue.

It's like on the eve of Halloween, when you're waiting for it scary stories, Russian President Vladimir Putin said yesterday at a meeting with members of the Human Rights Council that our country is purposefully collecting biomaterial from its inhabitants for unknown purposes.

“Certain organizations are collecting biological material from our citizens throughout the country. Moreover, from different ethnic groups and people living in different geographical locations of the Russian Federation. The only question is why they are doing this, they are doing it purposefully and professionally. We are definitely the object of close interest. Of course, we must approach this without any fear: let them do what they want, but we must do what we must."

Today, Dmitry Peskov, commenting on the president’s words yesterday, noted that Russian intelligence services have information that a number of emissaries and non-governmental organizations are collecting biological material from Russians.

Wonders of biology

The majority reacted to what was said with irony, the rest went to read about biomaterials and genetic weapons. Franz Klintsevich, deputy chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Security and Defense, also added heat. He immediately assumed that this was preparation for war with the help of biological weapons.

Here it is worth clarifying that, most likely, Klintsevich’s words are still talking about genetic or ethnic weapons, even though it is part of big family biological weapons. To make things easier, you should immediately define the terms. Biological weapons are viruses, toxins or pathogenic microorganisms that infect the enemy. From time to time, stories pop up about the development of weapons based on anthrax spores or their sending in envelopes - these are precisely examples of the work of biological weapons.

Its main problem is that it affects all people. It is not yet possible to create a virus that infects only the Chinese or Aleuts with colds. In addition, viruses mutate very quickly, and therefore it is impossible to use biological weapons without the risk of infecting your own people. In the history of mankind, biological weapons were used only a few times: in 1763, white colonialists spread smallpox among Indian tribes using contaminated blankets, and in 1942, the British prepared the “Vegetarian Operation” against the Germans, intending to use flaxseed cakes to infect livestock and the Germans themselves. anthrax. The cakes were already ready, testing was carried out on Gruinard Island, which then could not be used until 1990. However, the Germans did not have time to land in Great Britain, so the “Vegetarian Operation” plan was not carried out.

Then there were attempts to use biological weapons in Cuba. Information appeared about the possible use of such weapons in the Korean War. Japan also made its contribution to the tests: the notorious “Unit 731” conducted research on human infection with bubonic plague. Fortunately, the result of using such weapons was more than modest: only about 700 people out of 3,000 fell ill.

Despite the fact that biological weapons were prohibited under the Geneva Protocol back in 1925, work has been and is still being carried out by the military of many countries. And the ideal result would be the creation of a biological weapon that would only affect the enemy and avoid its own. And here we enter the territory of science fiction - it is on these principles that genetic weapons that have not yet been invented are built.

It differs from existing biological weapons solely in its selectivity based on genetic principles. That is, these are still the same viruses or bacteria, but they infect selectively: according to race, gender and ethnicity. That is, artificially bred pathogenic organisms attack only carriers of certain alleles on chromosomes. Influence similar weapons in people without this sign is weakened or absent.

In addition to the fact that such a weapon does not yet exist and is unlikely to appear in the coming years, it is worth noting that finding the necessary DNA fragment so that the majority of those attacked and not present in those who will use this weapon is very difficult and unlikely. This can only be used against a tribe living in isolation on one island, and is very unrealistic for any big country- too much different people. In addition, when using genetic weapons, there is a very high risk of mutation of the pathogenic organism and the beginning of uncontrolled infection of all other inhabitants of the planet. Is it likely that such weapons will be invented in the future? Most likely yes. Should we be afraid of him now? Definitely not.

Was there a boy?

http://%D1%80%D0%BD%D1%84.%D1%80%D1%84/ru/node/2562" target="_blank">a large project "Noah's Ark" has started under the leadership of Moscow State University .V. Lomonosov. Within the framework of this project, a depository of biological materials will be created, the study of which will help find the keys to rare diseases, reveal the secrets of evolution and bring humans closer to long life and immortality. A billion rubles will be allocated for the project, and it is expected that funds will be collected for the depository. samples of biological materials from all living organisms on Earth.

There are more interesting facts: in July 2017, one of the scientific units of the US Air Force deployed public procurement samples of synovial tissue and RNA from Russian donors. At the same time, it is clearly stated that Ukrainians will not approach.

The solution is quite simple. Synovial fluid is the fluid that fills the cavities in the joints and helps them move. Studying such a liquid is required when trying to create a drug against arthritis. But why Russians? Such selection is done when scientists want to isolate mutations that cause a predisposition to a disease and work with such materials. Unfortunately, arthritis is one of the most painful problems in Air Force troops around the world. Sitting in one position for many hours during flights leads to an increased risk of arthritis. And in the United States this problem is much more serious than in Russia. In America, more than 42 million people suffer from arthritis, and one in six is ​​disabled as a result of this disease.

Naturally, we cannot rule out a secret collection actually taking place on the territory of our country. But, as a rule, it is much easier to disguise such things as open taking of biomaterials for some other purpose. To imagine agents who secretly, under the cover of darkness, force Russians to spit into a test tube - this already leads to paranoia.

There is another version why such a collection could be carried out. It is no secret that among American intelligence agencies - and indeed in society in general - there is a fear of sleeper agents, that is, those who do not give themselves away for a long time and live like ordinary people, is much more widespread than in Russia. It’s already difficult to even just imagine that the neighbor on the site, physical education teacher Uncle Tolik, actually writes detailed reports to the CIA at night. In the USA, such a possibility is not excluded. In order to check the identity of the suspect’s genotype, you can try to compare it with the collected database of genotypes of Russian people, which will serve as additional evidence.

However, this version can also pass as unrealistic. It is too difficult to find out which nation a particular genotype belongs to. The fact is that over the course of many centuries, people have mixed their DNA so much, entering into interethnic and interethnic marriages, that now the chance to distinguish and seriously state something based on DNA is very small. Especially considering the history of the United States itself, where, like in a melting pot, people from different countries and from different continents.

Smell of sulfur

There is no need to worry: genetic weapons are not on our doorstep, and if collections are carried out, they are for scientific, not military purposes. However, one should not be surprised at the reaction of those responsible for security and defense. A quote from the Strugatsky brothers would be more appropriate here than ever.

“A scientist’s mistake is ultimately his personal matter. But we must not make mistakes. We are allowed to be branded as ignoramuses, mystics, superstitious fools. We will not be forgiven for one thing: if we underestimated the danger. And if our house suddenly stinks of sulfur, we simply We have no right to indulge in speculation about molecular fluctuations - we are obliged to assume that a devil with horns has appeared somewhere nearby, and take appropriate measures, including organizing the production of holy water on an industrial scale. And thank God if it turns out that it was just that. fluctuation and the entire world council and all the schoolchildren will laugh at us..."