Live in a golden cage, wear beautiful outfits, not to think about the hardships of the external world, not to work all day long at work, without days off or holidays, to be well-groomed and loved. Not life, but a fairy tale. Everything will come true if the Prince of the East makes you his wife. Let's learn about the privileges and nightmares of an eastern wife.

Marry a Prince

Fly rashly to United Arab Emirates, to the beautiful city of Abu Dhabi, and knocking on the thresholds of palaces like an unbridled fan is a bad idea. We prepare for the attack in advance, like an intelligent, discreet woman. We learn the Arabic language, the peculiarities of the country, and then we go on vacation to the Emirates. Better yet, purchase a work visa and find a suitable job there.

Who are the sheikhs

The word "sheikh" means "elder", "head of the family" or "servant of the highest Muslim clergy." Arab sheikh is the title of the ruler of the emirate and his family members. In Arab countries, it is inherited or assigned to especially worthy Muslims.

Arab sheikhs are richest people with a remarkable mind and gigantic ability to work; wise rulers of states who improve the standard of living of their people, but at the same time do not forget to increase their own wealth.

The UAE President forgave some of his citizens' loan debts by simply paying them off himself. This is caring for the population of your country.

How and where to meet a real sheikh

You should not look for a wealthy husband on free dating sites. With a high degree of probability, it can be argued that the “prince” you will find on the pages of such a resource will turn out to be a rogue.

Sheikhs and big businessmen concentrate in the UAE and Sadov Arabia. You can meet them at various VIP events. For example, at the Big Boys Toys technology exhibition.

You can also search in Europe. Young Arab princes choose European universities for study. In addition, there they communicate, taking into account European values, becoming more open and democratic. They easily enter into communication and are ready to meet nice girls. Remember: it is not a fact that they are looking for life partners.

He looked at me! How to behave with a sheikh

Don't forget, this is a Muslim. You should not behave vulgarly, aggressively, or put pressure on a man. Be modest in your emotions. No groans, sighs or other demonstrations of your passionate nature. Don't drink or smoke in front of him. Be calm and polite. Like a real oriental princess.

It is unlikely that a sheikh will properly appreciate a mini skirt, bare legs and a deep neckline. IN Arab world The girl shows all of herself only to her husband.

The prince will pay attention to you if:

– You are a modest girl. You know how to smile meekly and conduct small talk. You need to talk quietly, insinuatingly. Oriental beauties in public they hold back all their feelings.

- Dressed soberly.

– Don’t flirt with everyone. Eastern men are quite talkative and will definitely share comments about the girl’s free spirit with their friends.

Dress code

While you are not officially married, the rules of behavior are simpler. Like a simple tourist. However, we remember that it is better not to wear provocative clothes or revealing swimsuits. You can walk around the hotel in whatever you want.

Family life

According to Sharia law, a sheikh can have a harem, that is, several wives. The husband gifts his wives from head to toe. Each one has a palace and full provision for the rest of her life. To live in the palace and not leave its boundaries or to become a socialite depends on the husband’s decision. As he says, so it will be. Without question.

Everyday life of a sheikh's wife

Women in Arab countries are usually completely supported by their husbands and usually do not work. You will always be provided with everything you need: from a personal car to a servant and a bodyguard.


You don't have to give up your faith. However, this point should be discussed with the groom in advance.

Communication with the groom's family

Recommendations for behavior are the same as when meeting: modesty, politeness, self-confidence. It’s worth trying and pleasing your mother-in-law. She will be the one who will take charge of you after the wedding. After the wedding, you will most likely have to wear a hijab in your husband’s homeland and in public.


A scarf covering the hair, ears and chin. Opening other parts of the body will also need to be done very carefully. IN Muslim countries it is implied that only one’s husband can demonstrate oneself.

Marriage contract

An important point regarding the conditions of divorce. In fact, it is almost impossible, and yet the division of property and the fate of children in the event of separation of parents must be spelled out there. A child born in the Emirates automatically becomes their citizen, and the conditions for his removal must be agreed upon in advance.


For sheikhs, they are traditionally chic and rich. They are always attended by an incredible number of guests - up to several thousand. The bride is required to provide a carpet woven with her own hands for the ceremony. He will be your dowry. Weave the carpets in advance, needlewomen.

Taking care of children

The Arab sheikh pays great attention to the education of his sons, because the title and position are inherited by seniority, and the next generation will have to rule the state. It is on this principle that the famous Sheikh Zayed left the title of Emir of Abu Dhabi and fortune to the current President of the United Arab Emirates.

UAE Golden Youth

A prominent representative is Sheikh Hamdan, son of Sheikh Mohamed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE.

A fortune of more than $18 billion, bachelor status and a charming smile make him one of the most eligible bachelors in the whole world.

His hobbies include falconry, Formula 1 motorcycle racing, diving, mountaineering, and parachute jumping.

What can cause divorce in Arabic?

- Inhabitant Saudi Arabia divorced his wife because she was alone watching a television program hosted by a man. Jealous spouse regarded this as treason, because Sharia law prohibits women from being alone with unknown men.

– Women in Saudi Arabia are prohibited from driving. One lady, ignoring the law, sent her husband a video of her driving their car. The law-abiding husband was shocked. It turns out that he is married to a criminal! Immediate divorce!


In order to divorce his wife, the husband only needs to pronounce the word “Talaq” (divorce) three times, and the woman must immediately leave the house. True, at the same time she gets monetary compensation, which was stipulated in the marriage contract.

On a note. Rights of a modern woman in Saudi Arabia

It is forbidden to communicate with other men. In 2009, the brothers publicly shot two of their sisters for communicating with other men, and in 2007, the father personally executed his daughter because she communicated on Facebook with an unfamiliar man.

Women do not have the right to use public transport, elevators, or restaurants shared with men. The exception is public places, where separate entrances and exits are specially equipped, as well as separate rooms for couples and men.

As usual, the houses are divided into two halves. Male and female.

Women in Saudi Arabia make up only 17% of the workforce. For comparison: in the UAE their share is more than 40%. Every second working Saudi woman has higher education.

Since 2011, Saudi women have been granted the right to vote.

Young ladies who dream of an eastern prince need to be prepared for the constant presence of rivals.


Today's harems are not powerless women living under one roof.

Important feature. A husband will not take a second wife without the consent of the first. This is somewhat peculiar, but still a family decision.

Money is wonderful, but not a single treasure in the world will fill the spiritual emptiness. Love to all and happy marriage.

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Oriental beauties of the 21st century no longer appear only in burqas. They surprise with their style, incredible appearance and active lifestyle.

website invites you to enjoy the charm of these stunning women.

Rania al-Abdullah

Queen of Jordan, wife of King Abdullah II and mother of the heir to the throne, Prince Hussein. Rania actively leads instagram , fights for women's rights in the Middle East and advocates a change in traditional clothing style. The queen herself loves clothes from Giorgio Armani and even appears in photo shoots for fashion magazines.

Amira at-Tawil

Princess of Saudi Arabia openly advocates reforms in his country and by his example he proves that you can live as your heart dictates, and not according to laws and stereotypes. Amira received a higher education in the USA, drives a car and even divorced her husband. Now the princess is in charge charitable foundation Alwaleed Philanthropies.

Dina Abdulaziz al-Saud

The most stylish princess of the Muslim world, who owns fashion boutiques in the capitals of Saudi Arabia and Qatar. In 2016, Dina became editor-in-chief of Vogue Arabia magazine. Despite her love for the fashion industry, the princess loves spending time with her family and has three children.

Moza bint Nasser al-Misned

The second wife of the former emir of Qatar and the mother of the country's new ruler. Moza is the head of the Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development and UNESCO Ambassador. She advocates the development of free media and also dreams of turning Qatar into a competitor to Silicon Valley.

Moza is a mother of seven children who surprises not only with her style, but also with her ideal figure.

Haya bint al-Hussein

Sister of the current King of Jordan and wife of the Ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum. The princess received her education at Oxford. Haya is involved in charity work and is a UN Messenger of Peace. He is interested in horse riding.

January 2, 2011, 20:20

I became interested in this princess thanks to BusbyBabes' post about the Crown Prince of Dubai. We wondered who this attractive woman in the photo was, presented as the second wife of the ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed.
It turned out that she is actually an extremely contradictory, but very extraordinary person. Princess Haya bint Al Hussein was born on May 3, 1974, to King Hussein I of Jordan. Her mother, Queen Alia, tragically died in a helicopter crash in February 1977, leaving three young children orphaned. Haya received an excellent European education: she studied in England, where she attended Badminton School for Girls in Bristol, Bryanston School in Dorset, and then St Hilda's College at the University of Oxford, from which she graduated with an honors degree in philosophy, politics and economics. Perhaps she would have remained one of the daughters of the now deceased King of Jordan, if not for happy marriage: On April 10, 2004, Princess Haya married Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum, prime minister UAE, ruler of Dubai, whose fortune is estimated at $20 billion.
Haya becomes his younger wife, because the older wife was and remains Sheikha Hind bint Maktoum bin Juma Al Maktoum (the marriage with this wife has lasted since 1979). At the time of his marriage, Sheikh Mohammed also had four wives, whose descendants are recognized, but who do not have official titles. And his total his wives are not published anywhere, but, as is known, he also has childless wives. On December 2, 2007, Princess Haya gave birth to her first child, Sheikha Al Jalila bint Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum. The birth of her daughter coincided with the thirty-sixth anniversary of the unification of the UAE. If the first wife of the Sheikh of Dubai is not a public person at all, then Princess Haya is her complete opposite. We can say that she is the “face” of Dubai.
The princess is involved in humanitarian work: she founded Tikyet Um Ali, the first Arab organization fighting to overcome hunger in her native Jordan. She also heads Dubai's International Humanitarian City (as I understand, this is a foundation that helps overcome humanitarian problems in the Arab world). She was an Ambassador for the World Food Program in 2005-2007, and then, in July 2007, she was appointed Envoy She is one of the founders of the Global Humanitarian Forum based in Geneva and is a board member of many other non-profit public organizations.
However, her image is not so sinless. There are many scandals associated with Princess Haya. So, the Princess took part in the summer Olympic Games 2000 in Sydney, Australia, and represented Jordan in show jumping (one of the equestrian sports). (At the same games, by the way, she carried the flag of her country). And everything would be fine, but her appointment to the Olympic team was very controversial, since another athlete qualified and earned Jordan the right to participate in the Olympics in this sport, but was deprived of a place in favor of Haya. Which, by the way, took 70th place. Also, Princess Haya was elected president of the International Equestrian Federation. But even here it is publicly and harshly criticized: members of this organization claim that it behaves dictatorially and violates the democratic principles of the organization and procedures in order to pursue its own interests. ("as a member of the ruling royal family, she was accustomed to unquestioning obedience, but here she president-elect democratic institution"). Well, it should also be mentioned that in Jordan she is the president of the anti-smoking society, but during her stay in Europe, the princess was photographed smoking. Which, of course, allowed us to say that she was behaving inappropriately for a sheikha Muslim country. But the most common accusations are related to her marriage: on the one hand, Haya is a member of organizations that fight for the equality of women and against their humiliation. On the other hand, she is “participating” in a polygamous marriage in a country where women are in no way equal to men. And, as it turned out, few people believe that the princess married for love; she is even called “Gold Digger”. (conspiratorially: they even say that before the marriage, the princess very favorably accepted the advances of European admirers, which is something else for an Arab princess). But I, first and foremost last time in the post, let me express my personal opinion: I don’t know how the princess is, but the formidable Sheikh of Dubai next to her looks happy and even, dare I say it, soft. P.S. since you can’t copy a single letter from the princess’s official website, let alone a photo, I’m giving a link to a photo from her wedding with the sheikh - everything, it turns out, took place quietly and with a small crowd. Photo

Typically a "sheikh" is a man over 40 years of age, and the wives and daughters of sheikhs may also be referred to by this title. Muslims who earn the title of Sheikh are required to be well versed in the teachings of the Koran, diligently study Islam and live according to the canons outlined for them by the Prophet Muhammad himself.

A person can be a sheikh if ​​he has completed his studies at a university of Islamic studies. This also includes lecturing to students. Since Islam is the second largest religion in the world, second only to Christianity, the title of Sheikh is respected and popular among the population of countries where more than 1 billion people practice this religion.

Oil reserves determine the number of wealthy families in the Middle East. Some sheikhs in this region are extremely wealthy and billionaires. In most Arab countries, the term "sheikh" is used by royal houses to designate wealthy members of the royal family.

Traditionally in the Arab world it is customary to hide the size of the sheikhs’ fortunes, but based on public information, it is possible to compile a list of the richest...

The richest sheikhs in the world

Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani - net worth: $2 billion

The sheikh is the current ruler of Qatar, he became emir after his father, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, who abdicated the throne in 2013. Thus, Tamim bin Hamad became the youngest reigning monarch in the world.

Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani

Sheikh Faisal bin Qasim al-Thani - net worth: $2.2 billion

This sheikh achieved success in spite of his family name, not because of it. His title has nothing to do with his political position, he is a distant relative ruling family Al Thani in Qatar.

Faisal bin Qasim al-Thani

Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum - net worth $4.5 billion

This sheikh is the Vice President of the UAE and is also the constitutional monarch of Dubai. Crown Prince Dubai has the world's third largest yacht, enjoys horse racing and is considered a major betting spender.

Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani - net worth: $2.4 billion

The Sheikh was the Emir of Qatar from 1995 to 2013. During his reign the spoils natural gas amounted to about 85 million tons. And this made Qatar the richest country in the world by per capita income. He later abdicated the throne to allow his son to succeed the throne. Sheikh Hamad himself took the throne of his father, coming to power after a bloodless coup.

Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani

Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan - net worth $4.9 billion

Deputy Prime Minister of the UAE and half-brother of the country's president. The sheikh is chairman of Al Jazeera Sports Company, which owns handball, football, basketball and volleyball teams in Abu Dhabi.

Sheikh Mansour also speaks English football club Manchester City and is Chairman of the Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Investment Company.

Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan

Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan - worth $18 billion

The Al Nahyan family has a total capital estimated at about $150 billion. Sheikh Khalifa is the current Emir of Abu Dhabi and President of the UAE. He officially became president in 2004, but has effectively served as president since 1990 due to his father's ill health. Burj Khalifa is the most high building in the world - named after him.

Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan

Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Ali Al Amoudi - net worth $14.3 billion

He is ranked 63rd on the list of the richest people in the world and lives in two countries: Saudi Arabia and Ethiopia. The sheikh is the second richest Saudi citizen and the richest black person.

He was awarded the title for his wealth and achievements and is not a member of any royal families. He is the largest foreign investor in Ethiopia and also in Sweden. Mohammed earned his wealth through oil, agricultural and mining assets.

Mohammed Hussein Ali Al Amoudi

In the Muslim world, a sheikh is a spiritual guide or leader, the leader of an Islamic organization, or the leader of a religious group. Also, if a person is an emir, that is, he has the title of ruler, leader, then he is necessarily called a sheikh. Only the sons of Arab monarchs can be emirs by birthright. Emirs and Emirates are words of the same root, with the only difference being that Emirates are the possessions of emirs, that is, states headed by emirs.

I must say, the United Arab Emirates is different high level life and large oil reserves. For example, every UAE citizen receives his share of the profits from the sale of oil by the state. A child receives citizenship at birth by right of blood if his father is a citizen. Native residents of the UAE are in most cases millionaires, and migrants come to work in these countries. Caring for citizens is the main task of sheikhs. The priority for each emirate will always be the well-being of its citizens: quality medical services and the best education in the world, subsidies for the youth and care for the elderly. One of the main tasks of the OJSC is to provide free housing.

The mission of the sheikhs can best be understood through the example of one of the most respected. Sheikh Nazim is the fortieth sheikh from the time of the Prophet Muhammad, born in 1922 in Cyprus. He saw his main task in promoting Islam among Western people. To reach the hearts of Europeans was his sincere dream, which was nurtured in him by his teacher, Sheikh Abdullah Dagestani in Damascus. It was the teacher who sent Nazem to the people of London and Turkey. He called for prayer, risking freedom, because in those days any religion was prohibited in Turkey. By violating the ban, Sheikh Nazim deserved one hundred years in prison for one hundred and twelve court cases, but by the time the verdict was pronounced, the government in Turkey had changed, and all mosques were open for prayer, including Arabic. Sheikh Nazim later called it a miracle. He spends his entire life in prayer, preaching, solitude and family concerns. A large family - a wife and four children - support the sheikh in everything. Quite often, the sheikh goes into seclusion for earnest prayer and also often visits Europe, Australia, Northern and South Africa, America. He made many predictions about the future for humanity. Many followers glorify his name.

Thus, sheikhs are called upon to glorify and preach the Muslim religion to the broad masses of the people. The idea of ​​sheikhs as exclusively the richest and most influential people on the planet is fundamentally wrong, since the true meaning of missionary work is spiritual. However, in modern world, royal sheikhs do not refuse to participate in business. For example, Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum is the chairman of the largest airline. The question: how to combine the spiritual and material principles certainly has its answer, perhaps it lies in charity. They understand perfectly well that everything in this world is interconnected, that when you give good, you receive in full. Fighting hunger in Africa, helping seriously ill children, caring for the elderly - this is far from full list good deeds of the sheikhs.