For each month we select our own list of holiday destinations abroad. We have compiled a special set of countries where you can fly on vacation for April. These are regions where it is warm, the sun is shining, you can sunbathe and swim in the hot sea. It is worth noting that the list of foreign places is also suitable for April: in most countries the climate in these two months is approximately the same. This applies to India (Goa), Cuba, Vietnam, and Bali.

Seven warm countries where you can have an inexpensive holiday in April

Whether you are traveling with children or alone, or looking for a family or youth resort, this material can inspire you to choose something unusual and suitable for you. Most destinations, especially Egypt or Cyprus, are really inexpensive and even cheap due to their popularity.

Cheap Egypt with children

Pyramids and Sphinx in Egypt accessible all year round. Photo by PercyGermany™ via Flickr

Egypt is known as a country with a developed tourism infrastructure. It is also suitable for family vacation, and for relaxing with friends. The price of decent last-minute tours drops to two hundred or three hundred dollars. In April, the windy season ends in Egypt and comfortable weather sets in, when it is not yet quite hot, but the water is already warm and suitable for swimming. average temperature the air in Hurghada at this time is 27 Celsius, the water is 23.

Thailand, where it's always hot

In April, Thailand is also an attractive travel destination. Photo by Philip Dehm from Flickr.

Thailand was also noted among the places. April every year becomes a tasty month for tourists: the season ends and prices go down sharply. We are talking not only about hotels, but also about air travel and even moped rentals. Our tips will help you save even more on your flight. In April in Thailand, the warmth is replaced by real heat - up to 35-36 degrees Celsius. If you can easily tolerate high humidity and temperature, a holiday on Samui, Koh Chang or Pattaya will be comfortable for you.

Warm sea in Tunisia

In April there are cloudy evenings in Sousse. Photo by johnmuk from Flickr

Tunisian coast Mediterranean Sea in April, perhaps, it has not yet warmed up enough to swim: the water temperature here usually does not rise above 16-17 degrees. However, the air warms up to 23-24 degrees, so an April holiday in Tunisia can be ideal for those who cannot stand the heat or just want to see the sights and look at the sea. At the same time, in mid-spring in Sousse, Monastir, Djerba and other Tunisian resorts it is quite possible to sunbathe, and hotel and bar staff have not yet gotten tired of the influx of tourists - helpfulness and attention are guaranteed.

Canary Islands in

Teresitas beach in Tenerife during sunset. Photo by maduroman from Flickr

The Canaries can be called islands of eternal spring: in spring, summer, and autumn, due to the peculiarities of ocean currents, it can be cooler here than in the same latitudes in other regions. However, in April, Gran Canaria, Tenerife and other islands are already warmer than in winter, and some tourists dare to swim in the ocean. In general, a spring trip to the Canary Islands, as in the case of Tunisia, is best used to explore numerous local attractions. The average air temperature here in April is about nineteen degrees Celsius.

Tan in the Emirates

April in Dubai is ideal for swimming. Photo by Teseum from Flickr

First of all, we are talking about Dubai - the main resort and their largest economic center. April is one of the months when the season is still in full swing, and the temperature is acceptable for swimming and excursions. On average, the air warms up here to 26-30 degrees, and the sun shines almost all day. Try a desert safari in jeeps, climb to the highest high building in the world, the Burj Khalifa tower, as well as local water parks, are a real haven for children. If you like shopping, duty-free Dubai will be at your service here too. With our help you can even.

Beach holidays in Morocco

Essaouira beach at sunset. Photo by Rol1000 from Flickr

The African state of Morocco is located opposite the Spanish Canary Islands, so the weather here is quite Canarian: the sea is for those who like to harden up (18-20 degrees Celsius), and the air and sun are for those who come to sunbathe. At the end of April, oranges and other flowers begin to bloom in Morocco. fruit trees, it's worth a look. Agadir, the main Moroccan resort, has the longest beach in the country, so there will be plenty of places to sunbathe under the West African sun.

Cheap holidays in Cyprus

Sunset on the coast of Cyprus. Photo by rigtor from Flickr

It is better to go to Cyprus in the second half of April, when the temperature rises and the sun has not yet scorched the spring greenery. This is the time when you will be able to appreciate the nature of the island along with the sights. The sea water here in April can hardly be called warm, but due to the low season, hotel prices will be lower, and rare tourists will get more attention. The air temperature reaches 25 degrees Celsius - an excellent opportunity to breathe sea air.

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  • Air temperature: 28–30 °C.
  • Water temperature: 23°C.
  • Visa: issued at the airport upon arrival.
  • Cost of living: from 369 rubles per night in a hostel.
  • from 29,785 rubles.

You can fly to Egypt, beloved by Russians, as early as April: the temperature this month will be quite high, and no precipitation is expected, as well as intense heat. So great beach holiday, for example, in Hurghada is definitely provided. From there you can traditionally go to Cairo to the pyramids and to Luxor to the ancient tombs.

  • Air temperature: 29–35 °C.
  • Water temperature: 30°C.
  • Visa: obtained upon arrival.
  • Cost of living: from 160 rubles per night in a hostel.
  • Cost of flights from Moscow and back: from 24,027 rubles.

Photo: sasint/Pixabay

  • Air temperature: 20–22 °C.
  • Water temperature: 18–19 °C.
  • Visa: pro-visa (electronic entry permit, which is issued one day before).
  • Cost of living: from 886 rubles per night in a hostel.
  • Cost of flights from Moscow and back: from 7,350 rubles.

Photo: dimitrisvetsikas1969 / Pixabay

Cyprus - a good option to get a spring dose of warmth. You can already swim in the sea, although in general it is not too hot yet. At the same time, all nature flourishes - the best time to explore the numerous local walking and cycling routes, as well as ancient sights: Greek temples, Roman theaters, monasteries, cathedrals and fortresses.

  • Air temperature: 20–22 °C.
  • Water temperature: 15°C.
  • Visa: .
  • Cost of living: from 608 rubles per night in a hostel.
  • Cost of flights from Moscow and back: from 14,714 rubles.

Photo: z0man/Pixabay

Another warm European destination is Lisbon. The city is famous for its restaurants and bars, wines, architecture - and (as a bonus) it's all by the ocean. April is a good time to stroll along Lisbon's cobbled streets and check out the atmospheric local establishments.

  • Air temperature: 25–28 °C.
  • Visa: not required.
  • Cost of living: from 154 rubles per night in a hostel.
  • Cost of flights from Moscow and back: from 18,035 rubles.

Photo: Jonny_Joka / Pixabay

Mid spring - best time for visiting ancient city, which was once the capital of Morocco: the weather is warm, without the sweltering African heat (a little more, and the situation will change radically). Take a walk through the medina (old city), look at the main square of Jemaa el-Fna, ancient palaces and, of course, the largest mosque, Koutoubia.

You definitely shouldn’t limit yourself to Marrakesh: you can go to the port city of Essaouira, Fez, which is considered the cultural capital of the country, or spend the night in the Sahara Desert.

  • Air temperature: 18–24 °C.
  • Visa: Japanese
  • Cost of living: from 848 rubles per night in a hostel.
  • Cost of flights from Moscow and back: from 36,769 rubles.

Photo: PublicDomainPictures/Pixabay

  • Air temperature: 22–25 °C.
  • Visa: need not.
  • Cost of living (festival ticket): about 4,300 rubles.
  • Cost of flights from Moscow and back: from 50,263 rubles.

Photo: Retinafunk/Flickr

From April 27 to May 3, South Africa will host the African version of the famous Burning Man festival - Afrikaburn. People from different parts of the planet will gather in one place to build a temporary “city of freedom,” create works of art (some of which will definitely be burned in the end) and indulge in various activities.

Of course, Africaburn does not reach the scale of its American counterpart, but in an atmosphere of unreality and complete freedom of expression, they are quite the same. So, if you have long dreamed of going to Burning Man, but still couldn’t, the African version will be a worthy alternative.

You can get to the place from Cape Town. Before visiting, be sure to study the event website: everything is collected there helpful information both about accommodation and the philosophy of the festival.

Note! All prices are valid at the time of publication of the article.

A selection of six countries where you can relax in April by the sea in 2020. brief information about the weather in these countries and ideas on what to do on vacation.

In Russia, April is the middle of spring: the time of melting snow and the appearance of the first greenery. Nature is slowly waking up from its winter sleep, and you already want real warmth and soft sea hugs. Where can you relax at sea abroad in April 2020?

Airfare, tour and accommodation prices shown for each destination are accurate at the time of publication and are subject to change. As an example, we consider flights from Moscow.

Canary Islands

There is never winter here in the usual sense of the word. The most popular place among our compatriots is the island of Tenerife: sandy beaches of volcanic origin, magnificent natural parks with exotic plants and animals, the Teide volcano and fantastic lunar landscapes.

In April, those who cannot stand the tiresome heat of the tropics relax here: all the gusty winds remain in March, the temperature during the day is +22...+24°C, in the evenings it is fresh +16...+18°C, and you will probably need some kind of cape or windbreaker. Sea water is still too invigorating for active swimming (+18...+19°C), and only our daredevils from northern latitudes dare to take long swims. Precipitation is not so frequent, up to 5-7 days per month, in southern regions warmer and drier. It is colder in the mountains and in the north, so outer clothing should be provided for traveling around the island.

In April, you can enjoy a beach holiday on the island and a rich excursion program; usually tourists visit the village of Masca with a gorge, the dragon tree in Icod de los Vinos, wild beaches, the Teide volcano and national park. For romantics, special knightly shows are organized at the Castle of San Miguel.

For diving enthusiasts good places dive sites are located near Las Galletas. It is best for windsurfers to choose the resorts of El Medano and El Cabezo, where there is good waves all year round. In addition, Tenerife has a duty-free shopping area, which attracts shoppers of all ages.

(Photo © Peter Nijenhuis / / License CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)


The Holy Land is the land of the sun, warm sea And Have a good mood. In Israel, summer begins already in April, and you can have an excellent rest here: the air temperature during the day is +24°C, there is practically no precipitation or there is little to no precipitation. minimal amount(1-2 days for the whole month). The Mediterranean Sea is still cool for swimming, the water temperature is no more than +18°C, the Red Sea is warmer - about +20°C, but the Dead Sea has already warmed up thoroughly (up to +24...+26°C) and is ready to receive vacationers.

In Eilat during the day +28°C, in addition to swimming and other beach activities, it is good to take a course of rejuvenating SPA treatments, enjoying the properties of the healing mud of the Dead Sea.

Excursions to holy places are extremely popular among tourists: Jerusalem and the Western Wall, the Citadel of David, temples and synagogues. In April, all Christians in the world celebrate Easter, so during this period in Jerusalem a large number of pilgrims eager to see the great sacrament - the descent of the Holy Fire.

The oldest port in the world, Jaffa, which is located in the Old City of Tel Aviv, is very popular among tourists: tourists will long remember the unusual monuments, street graffiti, cozy cafes on the embankments and walks through the city at night.

(Photo © tsaiproject / / License CC BY 2.0)


In April 2020 in the UAE you can have a good rest at sea: during the day +30...+33°С, at night +20°С, in Persian Gulf the water warms up to +25…+27°С. This is one of the most best months for a beach holiday in the Emirates, when you can enjoy the warmth and not languish from the heat and stuffiness. There is little rain, and they are all short-lived, but there may be dense fogs due to the rapid warming of the air and the active evaporation of water.

The once deserted country has been noticeably transformed by the efforts of people: excellent places for recreation have been created here, and green parks and small nature reserves bring noticeable revitalization to the overall landscape. In addition to beach holidays and shopping in numerous shopping malls, it is good to go on excursions here. Tourists usually go to Dubai and Abu Dhabi: the colorful and musical fountains, luxurious skyscrapers and mosques amaze the imagination. Luxury lovers will be able to admire luxury cars at Ferrari World or take part in numerous attractions. There is only one significant drawback - trips this month cannot be called cheap.

(Photo © Defense Images / / Licensed CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)


A good option for vacationing abroad in April 2020 is to go to China. He takes large territory, quite extended in different climatic zones, so the difference in temperatures in the north and south is large. If on the southern island of Hainan in April it is already real summer and the temperature reaches +25...+28°C, then in the north of the country it is only +15°C. There may be short-term rains, so the humidity is high, but the water in the South China Sea is pleasantly warm +26...+28°C.

In Hainan, in addition to swimming and the usual beach activities, you can go fishing, diving and rafting, swim in thermal springs or take a walk in natural parks. In numerous medical centers you can take a course of health treatments, and lovers of walks can climb the Ma An volcano.

Tourists can also visit local museums, the historical and ethnographic center of Nanshan, and take exciting excursions around the islands. In addition, in April there is a tea festival, where you can take part in a tea ceremony or simply taste elite varieties of Chinese tea.

(Photo © shenxy / / License CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)


Despite the characteristic length of the country from north to south, in April you can have a good rest on the beach at almost all seaside resorts. At that time beach season at it's peak. During the day in Nha Trang and Phan Thiet +31…+35°С, at +33°С, even in the mysterious Halong Bay +27…+28°С. The sea water temperature in the southern resorts is +26…+28°С, rains are rare and short-lived.

The big advantage of a holiday in Vietnam is its: here you can relax wonderfully on sandy beaches, swim in thermal springs, take a course of healing massage and others medical procedures, and all this at affordable prices.

Diving enthusiasts enjoy exploring undersea world South China Sea, naturalists go to Monkey Island or on a cruise along Ha Long Bay; excursions to Ho Chi Minh City, Hoi An, Hue and Hanoi - to ancient temples, royal palaces and other architectural structures - are very popular among tourists. Shopping in Vietnam brings a lot of pleasure to tourists - here you can buy quality natural fabrics, pearl and silver products at an affordable price.

(Photo © Malingering / / Licensed CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)


In April it gets too hot for comfortable rest, and lovers of true tropical heat go there. In the northern regions it is hot: +36°C during the day, and in the south there are increasingly heavy rains, which causes the humidity to rise sharply, and such weather not suitable for everyone. But a slight reduction in prices for trips (15-35%) compared to the popular winter months makes this destination still attractive in the eyes of our compatriots.

In terms of weather, during this period it is best to relax on the eastern coast of the Gulf of Thailand. In Phuket, Samui, Phangan, Koh Chang and Koh Tao, the air during the day is +32...+33°C, the water temperature is +29...+30°C, vacationers are refreshed by a light breeze from the sea. Pattaya is even hotter and drier, +35°C during the day. The situation is worst in the southwest of the country, where it is often stormy and the waves are too high, which is good for windsurfers, but swimming there becomes impossible.

Excursions in such heat are not easy to endure, although tourists willingly visit local museums, temple complexes, waterfalls, plantations and farms, shopping centers. But they are more popular in April sea ​​cruises to the islands, fishing, diving and others water activities. In mid-April, Thailand celebrates the Songkran (Thai New Year) holiday, during which time usually quiet Thais throw water on each other and play innocent pranks.

(Photo © AlphaTangoBravo / Adam Baker / / License CC BY 2.0)

Travel insurance

Do not neglect to take out an insurance policy for the duration of your trip - this is a small price to pay for safety and peace of mind. There is a wonderful service that compares the cost of policies among major insurance companies. Just ask necessary conditions insurance and choose the most suitable option. Very comfortably!

Of course, these are not all the destinations where you can relax abroad in April 2020 and soak up the warm sea ​​water: The Maldives, Seychelles, Cuba and the Dominican Republic welcome tourists almost all year round. It all depends on the desires and capabilities of the travelers themselves.

Listed below 10 best places for holidays with children in April.

If you want to not only wander along the seashore, but also swim with your children in warm water, then you need to prepare for long flights.

In April, the water in the nearest seas - the Mediterranean and the Black Sea - is not suitable for swimming. If you and your children are seasoned, then look in the article beach holidays in April for the water temperature in the Mediterranean and Black Sea. Perhaps water of 18 degrees will not seem too cold to you after our winter.

For less seasoned people in April good opportunities relax at sea, but only if the flight is at least 4-5 hours.

The nearest destinations will be the UAE, Israel, Egypt, and the Canary Islands.

More distant Thailand, Vietnam, China

Well, the most distant Dominican Republic, Cuba, Mauritius

In Vietnam, you can choose any resort - but in the April selection we recommend Phan Thiet - Mui Ne, as it is calmer than Nha Trang, more similar to beach resort

April has great weather in Thailand. It was Phuket that took first place in our April top. Although it’s a long flight, Thailand has been so developed by Russians that there are practically no difficulties when traveling with children.

In India good weather in April, but India was not included in our top, since this country is for brave parents. Stray animals and a general low level of sanitation will create tension when vacationing with children, so it’s better to choose something else. And he will go to India with company or with a loved one

When compiling the top, we took into account the weather, the availability of child-friendly beaches, the availability of children's entertainment, interesting excursions, the availability of recreation, and the duration of the flight.

3) Dubai (UAE)

  • air temperature in April -32C (peak up to 38C)
  • water temperature in April - 23-29C average 26.5C
  • flight hours from Moscow - 5.30 hour
  • beaches - sandy
  • children's entertainment - entertainment centers, aquarium, Kidzania, water park, zoo, Dubailand
  • interesting excursions - a bit
  • accommodation - hotels, villas, apartments
  • animation in hotels - yes
  • no visa needed

Comments for 2020 -

Pros - no visa since 2017, warm water and air, a lot of children's entertainment, shopping for adults, comfortable flights on Emirates planes, excellent service

Disadvantages - it can be very hot during the day, a disadvantage for adults is prohibition, the holiday is quite expensive.

  • air temperature in April - 30C
  • water temperature in April - 23C-27C average 25C
  • flight hours from Moscow - 10 hours
  • beaches - sandy, wide, gently sloping entrance

  • children's entertainment - mainly in hotels
  • animation in hotels - many hotels have children's animation
  • Availability interesting places for excursions - a little
  • accommodation - hotels, club hotels, apartments
  • a visa is not required only when entering Hainan with a tourist group (the group list is issued by a travel agency), when entering individually, a visa can be issued upon arrival (documents and payment are required)

Comments for 2020 -

Pros - no visa (conditional), warm water, good beaches, beautiful nature

Cons - long flight, time difference, few children's entertainment outside hotels

6) Playa de las Americas(Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain)

  • air temperature in April 23C
  • water temperature in April 18-20C average 19.5C
  • flight hours from Moscow - 7 hours
  • beaches - sandy

  • children's entertainment - water park, bird park
  • accommodation - hotels, apartments
  • Availability of animation in hotels - not everywhere
  • a visa is required - yes, Schengen
  • processing time - usually 4-6 working days

Comments for 2020 -

Pros - European service, beautiful nature, interesting excursions, lots of entertainment for both children and adults.

Disadvantages - you need a visa, you will most likely have to fly with transfers, the flight is long. There are strong low tides on the ocean. The sun is very active, constant monitoring of children's exposure to the sun is required, otherwise severe burns are possible. The water in April is relatively cool.

  • air temperature in April 29C
  • water temperature in April 25C-29C average 26.5C
  • flight hours from Moscow - 12 -13
  • beaches - sandy, wide

  • children's entertainment - dolphinarium, parks
  • accommodation - hotels
  • Availability of interesting places for excursions - yes
  • no visa needed

Comments for 2020-

Pros - no visa, the beaches are very beautiful, gentle entrance, warm sea, many interesting places for children and adults.

Disadvantages - long, and therefore painful for many adults, not to mention children, flight; serious time difference, presence of mosquitoes carrying Zika fever. There are no water parks.

  • air temperature in April 28.5C
  • water temperature in April 26-27C
  • flight hours from Moscow - 12
  • beaches - sandy, wide

  • children's entertainment - zoos, theme parks, swimming with dolphins
  • accommodation - hotels, many all-inclusive hotels
  • Availability of animation in hotels - yes
  • Availability of interesting places for excursions - yes
  • no visa needed

Even if in your area April looks like a continuation of winter, the calendar will not allow you to make a mistake - there are only a few days left until warm days, which means it’s time to think about a family vacation program. Meanwhile, there are plenty of places on Earth where the winter cold has long passed, where tulips are already blooming and juicy fruits are ripe, where cities washed by spring rain coquettishly look out from under a veil of fresh foliage. So there is no need to wait for summer to come - you can go on vacation right now. You will find countries where you can relax in April with children in our review.

Many people believe that mid-spring is only suitable for sightseeing trips. However, the list of options for where to go in April is somewhat wider: from the sea coast warmed by the hot sun to high-mountain glaciers, where in warm time year you can ski.

Where to go to the sea in April

By April, even in moderate latitudes, the sky becomes so blue and the sun so bright that people begin to rush into summer, and with it, a vacation at sea. Meanwhile, it is very easy to organize a beach holiday in April, fortunately, in warmer climes the holiday season is in full swing. We have selected best countries for a holiday with children in mid-spring.

March-April is the peak season in the UAE. The air and water at this time have the same temperature, about +28-32°C, and the luxurious beaches are pleasant to relax with children of any age. But as soon as the heat seems tiring, you can move your vacation to a park (the country in the desert amazes with the abundance of greenery) or to air-conditioned entertainment centers. in April it is also an opportunity to see the camel festival and camel racing.

April in Thailand is the end of the high season: in May it will rain and there will be a storm at sea. But mid-spring promises hot weather, calm sea and empty beaches. in April is suitable for families with older children, since it will be more difficult for children to acclimatize during humid climate at air temperature +30°C. Whichever you choose, there will be traditional Thai entertainment, such as elephant and crocodile shows, everywhere. However, the country has many other very interesting places for family excursions. By the way, on April 13, Thais celebrate Songkran - their own New Year. Which child would refuse to receive New Year's gifts again?

It makes sense to consider beach tours in April. While the mainland countries are just getting rid of warm clothes, the Canary Islands are already basking in the summer warmth. The weather in Tenerife in April pleases tourists yearning for the sun, but the water in the ocean, warmed up to only +20°C, is suitable only for seasoned swimmers. But in April it will appeal to those who like to travel actively. The island has many family-friendly attractions, from to.

If you are looking for not just a beach holiday abroad in April, but an exotic holiday, why not among African countries not choose Tunisia? The weather in Tunisia in April does not promise heat, the air temperature is only about +22°C, the water temperature is about +18°C. But in swimming pools and water parks the water is heated, and children's play pools are admired even by adults. Holidays in Tunisia in April are also good because the high season has not yet begun at this time, so the holiday budget will be pleasantly reduced.

It is not easy to list all the countries where it is warm in April. You may want to discover the beaches of Vietnam, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, the Dominican Republic, and the Maldives. Or maybe your travel map is missing Goa or the island of Mauritius?

Excursion holidays in April

rest in warm countries doesn't have to turn into lying on the beach. The cool days of April are a great time for excursions with children. Where to go on vacation in the spring so that the trip brings maximum joy to the whole family? Here are just a few travel ideas.

And other European countries are great for spending a holiday there in April with children. In the first half of the month, the fun takes over - the spring festival is celebrated here, which means that children can expect rides, fireworks and sweets. April 21 marks the founding day of Rome, and in addition to the immovable landmarks of the ancient city, you can see hundreds of gladiators parading through its streets. At the end of April, it is worth traveling to the Netherlands to see with your own eyes the endless fields of blooming tulips. And, of course, Catholic Europe noisily celebrates Easter, which often falls in the second month of spring. The celebrations associated with this holiday are not as large-scale as during the Christmas period, but there is always a lot of fun and pleasant surprises.

Ski resorts in April

Not everyone is in a hurry to say goodbye to winter - for example, lovers alpine skiing We are only glad for the cold weather and good snow. If you are one of them, excellent trails and...

By mid-spring, many ski areas are empty - but not the high-mountain resorts. On the Zugspitze plateau, the most high mountain Germany, skiing lasts until the end of April. The ski area on this plateau is part of a large one. The slopes can be recommended for experienced skiers, but the après-ski program will delight the whole family. The resort is a major transport hub, so it is easy to get to Innsbruck from there.

Skiers ski on the Stubai and Kitzsteinhorn glaciers in the Austrian Alps even in summer. There is an excellent ski school for young skiers. , on whose territory the Kitzsteinhorn glacier is located, will appeal to families looking to combine skiing and excursions.

The coldest resort in Austria is Schladming. Skiing on the slopes of the Dachstein glacier does not stop all year round, and if you want to put the children on skis and at the same time see how beautiful Austria is in the spring, it makes sense to choose Schladming for your holiday. The resort has excellent children's schools and entertainment centers for children. Once you take the train, you will soon find yourself in Salzburg, where everything is wonderful - from the ancient fortress to the Mozartkugel sweets.

We hope our article helped you decide where to go on vacation in April. And in Kidpassage you will find descriptions of the best children's excursions in different countries.