In Russia, Christmastide is traditionally celebrated from January 7 to January 19. Twelve holidays include carols, folk festivals, performances and fortune telling. Initially, Christmastide was celebrated by peasants. In honor of the transition to the new year, they tried to beg the gods for a generous harvest with rituals and chants. Gradually the holidays began to fill up Christian meaning and is celebrated during the period between sacred dates for believers - from Christmas to Epiphany. The most favorite New Year's pastime for young people was street fortune-telling. Fortune telling by felt boots is the most popular Christmas ritual that helped unmarried girls Find out where your betrothed lives.

Fortune telling "throwing felt boots"

A simple and truthful ritual with which you can find out where the betrothed-mummer will come from.


Fortune telling with felt boots

Prepare a felt boot, an onion, scraps of fabric of the same size, a glass, salt, sugar, a ring, a crust of black bread, grain, and a piece of gold. Wrap the items in shreds, mix them in a saucepan, and pour them into felt boots. Pull out any object wrapped in fabric and find out your future. If several girls are telling fortunes, after each one all the objects are removed from the felt boots and mixed again.


Funny street fortune telling for Christmas time:

  • fortune telling for the groom. Approach the first man you meet and ask his name. It was believed that this name would belong to the future spouse;
  • fortune telling by dog ​​barking. Tells about the character of the betrothed. Go out of the gate with a knife, start cutting the snow, listening to the barking of the dogs. A shimmering, ringing bark predicts a kind and flexible husband, a jerky bark predicts an evil one, and a drawn-out howl predicts quick widowhood. If barking is not heard at all, the wedding celebration will not take place in the coming year;
  • fortune telling by window. On Christmas night, go to the window of a neighboring house and look into it. If the neighbors are sitting at festive table, no health problems are expected in the coming year; if you leave the table, worries and problems await you;
  • fortune telling by felt boots on the name. Throw your felt boots on the road and wait patiently. Whoever picks it up first, ask his name.

Divination solitaire in the House of the Sun - collection of free solitaire card games fortune telling. Divination using solitaire is quite common divination performed using cards. There are several options fortune telling solitaire with a different set of pictures. Rules fortune telling are basically similar - the dropped pictures are combined and the resulting symbols are interpreted.

Let the Path-seeker know through which Gates he must pass to reach new level development. Tarot is a very ancient and absolutely complete fortune-telling system. Centuries-old traditions and wide popularity, based on ancient secret knowledge and understanding of ongoing processes, have provided Tarot cards with their own unique information bank, with which the Tarot card reader interacts. Here is the “Gateway” Tarot Layout to determine the further Path of Development.


Has the groom prepared a ransom? Try this fun one divination on a joyful wedding day. According to tradition, the groom is obliged to pay a ransom for the bride, and the bridesmaids who receive it can tell fortunes for their future husband. Tell your fortune at the groom's ransom - and...


Remember that during human life, actions performed by a person and his activities affect his future fate and this is also reflected in the hands of a person. That's why divination by hand, really only for the present moment in a person’s life.


Fortune telling for the day

This section contains methods fortune telling, telling about possible events of today or tomorrow. Fortune telling They give a one-day forecast for the day, which will allow you to best plan your day taking into account the received predictions. As a rule fortune telling for a day these are quite simple and comfortable fortune telling that can be done online without spending a lot of time on the ritual.

The main goal of almost every Christmas fortune-telling is to find out the name of the betrothed and the wedding date. These questions have worried unmarried women for many centuries. This is where the tradition of fortune telling arose. These rituals can be simple and often more humorous than serious. But some of them are complex, mystical and even dangerous. Fortune telling by felt boots for the betrothed belongs to the category of easy ones.

Fortune telling by felt boots at Christmas: Features and history

At first glance, trying to find out your destiny using felt boots is a simple and simple ritual. However, it only seems so. In fact, this is a very ancient fortune telling, the roots of which go back to pre-Christian pagan times. In this way communication took place with otherworldly forces, who were able to predict the future of the girl performing the ritual.
With the formation Christian faith fortune-telling became an objectionable and incorrect action condemned by the church. But the desire of young girls to find out something about their future betrothed remained just as strong. Therefore, like most other fortune telling, the ritual with felt boots is still practiced. It is held on Christmas and Epiphany holidays, because it is during this period that the greatest magical power is manifested.

Rules for fortune telling with felt boots on the betrothed

There are not so many fortune telling with felt boots. The most common goal is to find out where the betrothed-mummer will come from to the girl. Unlike other more complex and creepy fortune-telling with candles or mirrors, the version with felt boots is quite simple. In order to find out where your sweetheart will come from to woo you, you need to perform several sequential steps.

  1. The very first thing is to choose felt boots. The shoes should be the girl’s own, and not borrowed from a friend, parents or younger brother. Today, not every home has such a piece of footwear, so felt boots are replaced with a slipper or boot.
  2. To begin the ritual, you need to go out into the courtyard of the house on the evening of Christmas, Old New Year or Epiphany and stand with your back to the fence that borders the road. The presence of a road here is mandatory, because it is along it that the sweetheart will then come to the girl’s house.
  3. With your back to the fence, you need to throw one felt boot over your shoulder so that it flies over the fence and falls on the road. You can simply walk out onto the road and throw your shoes back over your shoulder.
  4. Then all that remains is to go outside the fence and find out which way the toe of the fallen shoe will point. It is from that side that the betrothed will come. If the sock is turned towards the girl’s fence, then no wedding should be expected within the next year. If the front of the shoe is buried in the snow, the girl will have a relationship with her beloved, but only a friendly one, without the prospect of uniting their destinies in marriage.

In past centuries, it was believed that if there is a city in the direction the felt boot is facing, then the groom will be rich. If the toe is turned towards the forest or field, then there will be no good betrothed, and evil spirits may even come.

Curiosities of fortune telling on felt boots at Christmas

There are many funny cases associated with fortune telling using felt boots. Most of them occur due to the fact that when the girls gathered together to perform the ceremony, their suitors tried in every possible way to spy and eavesdrop on the results. Therefore, young people often kept watch under the fence. So, a felt boot flying over him often fell not on the road, but on one of the guys. Sometimes such funny situations were truly fateful. The guy who was hit by the shoe soon became the groom of the girl performing the ceremony.
Another version of fortune telling using felt boots is associated with a man. The girl needs to throw it on the road and wait. Whoever picks it up first needs to ask his name. This is what the betrothed will be called.

Online fortune-telling using felt boots for your betrothed

Modern technologies make it possible to perform rituals without leaving the comfort of your home. warm apartment. You no longer need to look for a road or a fence, or even the felt boots themselves. At the same time, online fortune telling is more perfect than regular fortune telling. The thing is that with the traditional ceremony you can only find out the direction from which the young man will come to get married, but in the online version his name is called.
The principle of conducting such a ceremony in real time is quite simple. You need to find the appropriate site and the fortune telling itself. The animation picture will depict a girl holding a boot in her hand. Just pull it back with your mouse and it will fly over the fence on its own. All you have to do is wait a few seconds, and on the cloud that floats out from behind the fence you can see the name of your chosen one.

It is difficult to talk about the truthfulness and accuracy of such fortune-telling. However, for it to be truly objective, there is no need to abuse it and tempt fate several times in a row. Only performed once, the ritual will be accurate.
Fortune telling by felt boots for the betrothed is a very common ritual and is even described in Zhukovsky’s ballad. Therefore, like many centuries ago, girls still try to find out more about their betrothed in this way.

Yuletide fortune telling traditionally held on Christmastide, which lasts from January 6 to January 19 (Christmas is the period from Christmas to Epiphany). You can start guessing from January 7th. There is a belief that Christmas fortune-telling is the most frank and really helps a girl look into the future. There are about 350 known Christmas fortune tellings, but I will publish only those that really answer the questions posed and that worked for me. Let me move on to a description of the best Christmas fortune telling.

Yuletide fortune telling using felt boots

This is one of the most common fortune telling during Christmas time, which helps you find out which side your future groom is in. On the street, girls throw a felt boot (instead of a felt boot, you can use a boot, shoe, shoe, etc.) in front of their house. You need to pay attention to which direction the toe of the fallen felt boot will point. It is from this side that her future groom will come to the girl. If the felt boot has fallen so that the toe points to the sky, then no groom is expected in the coming year. If the felt boot has fallen so that the toe is pointing down into the snow, then the girl will only have friendly relations with a young man that does not involve marriage.

Christmastide fortune telling for the groom

A very old fortune-telling, it is done not only during Christmastide, but it is on Christmastide that fortune-telling is most truthful. Two mirrors are placed in the dark, you need to sit between them, light a candle (the largest church candle) and look into the mirror (the picture will be from an infinite number of mirrors). After a few minutes of contemplation, you will clearly see the face of your groom. The best time to tell fortunes is at night.

Yuletide fortune telling about the gender of the unborn child

Thanks to this fortune telling, you can absolutely find out who will be born to you, a boy or a girl. You can only guess if you are already pregnant, otherwise there is no point in guessing, you still won’t know the truth.

You need to take yours wedding ring, tie a thread to it (40-45 cm long), lie on your back, lift right hand and there is a ring in it on a thread above your stomach. If the ring circles (moves in a circle), then you will have a girl. If the ring moves back and forth like a pendulum, then you will have a boy. I want to say that this fortune telling is very accurate and it determines the gender of the unborn child better than an ultrasound!

Christmastide fortune telling by shadow

A very common fortune telling, in my opinion - very accurate. Thanks to this fortune telling, you can find out about yourself important event, which awaits you in the new year. It's extremely easy to guess. To do this, you need to crumple a sheet of newspaper, place it on a metal baking sheet from the oven and set it on fire. After the paper burns, you need to study what shadows the burnt paper casts. Look carefully and the deepest secrets of your future will be revealed to you.

Yuletide fortune telling on strings

This is a group fortune telling. You need to cut several pieces of thread (one thread for each fortuneteller) 50 cm long. Then you need to light a candle (necessarily a church one) for all the girls. those participating in fortune telling must simultaneously set fire to the threads from this candle. The one whose thread burns ahead of the others will get married first. If the thread goes out without burning to the end, then this girl will not get married this year. Fortune telling is very fun and can be done in big company girlfriends

Christmas fortune telling for the future groom

Simple and accurate fortune telling, it is best to do it on January 13-14. To find out the name of your fiance, on the street you need to ask the first man you meet what his name is. Whatever he calls himself, that’s what your groom will be called. In this way, it is better to guess together with your friends in order to eliminate various unpleasant and ambiguous situations.

Christmastide fortune telling with an egg

Boil water and carefully break an egg into it. Then, when the water has cooled, remove the curdled protein. Its shape can tell about an important event that will happen to you in the coming year.

And the main advice - guess only while you are in good mood. Remember, fortune telling is not a reason for sadness. And no matter what happens to you, this is your life and you can change everything the way you need it. Good luck to you in the New Year!

A few days ago I took part in a felt boot throwing competition. The competition took place within the organization where I work. To be honest, I’ve never done this before and didn’t even realize that there could be such a competition. When I was offered to take part, I doubted whether it was worth it, since I was not confident in my abilities (and I did the right thing - last place confirmation of this), but curiosity took over.

Where did the Russian tradition of throwing felt boots come from?
IN ancient Rus'(before baptism) on Maslenitsa, during the festive festivities, young boys and girls looked closely at each other. Those who did not find a betrothed on this day did all sorts of fortune-telling (most often on the night of Ivan Kupala). One of the types of fortune telling was the tradition of throwing felt boots, boots or mittens. At the edge of the village they threw a felt boot and where he pointed his nose, the narrowed one would come from there.
Those who had felt boots were considered wealthy. A young girl, in order to attract attention, threw a felt boot at the guy. And if she threw her felt boots into his yard, then matchmakers could be sent. Throwing felt boots and felt boots was done not only at Maslenitsa, but also at Christmas, New Year.
The Church condemns all kinds of fortune telling, so few people have heard of such a tradition. Nowadays, they throw felt boots at a distance for fun. There is also a new type of competition for throwing felt boots for accuracy.